How To Use Compensate In A Sentence
So they set up this fund to compensate victims in serious cases of abuse.
Derek constantly overcompensates for his lack of intelligence by proclaiming himself the smartest man alive.
‘I only wish farmers could be fully compensated for the incompetence, inefficiency and neglect of the Department over which Mrs Beckett presides,’ he said.
As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them.

Were the families of those who did not survive captivity fairly compensated?
Prisons overbook for the same reason holiday camps do: to compensate for the inevitable number of detainees who fail to show up for confirmed reservations for one reason or another, or those who escape.
Welsh prisons overbooked
Economic theory shows that * everybody* could be better off if the losers are compensated from the country's gains.
Trade Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
If I am injured in body or pocket I expect the person causing that injury to compensate me for any losses that I incur unless it has been a genuine accident.
And the externality of being coerced is a major uncompensated one.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Hayek Belong in High School Economics Classes?
Patients may feel palpitations or a thump in the chest when a beat compensates for a prior missed beat.
135 There is a grey area between ornament and decoration where one or other strives to compensate for poverty of form.
I won't be surprised if the striking ‘colonels’ have been generously compensated for their brazen defiance of military norms.
Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
Even the enthusiastic and gleeful performances can't compensate for the utter lameness of it all.
These gave smokers the false impression that a lower tar choice is somehow less harmful, whereas in reality smokers simply compensate in the way they smoke.
Some birds compensate for a lack of structural modification to the intestinal tract by consuming large quantities of grass e.g., ducks, geese and the takahe.
If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate, they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.
Only well educated, well compensated, and well respected teachers can possibly do it.
Whatever Lewis lacked in intellect, he compensated with hard work, observation, patience, perfectionism, rote learning, and attention to detail.
Fortunately their heady, heavenly aroma more than compensates for their physical unattractiveness.
Times, Sunday Times
The volunteers were uncompensated and subject to immediate dismissal for any reason whatsoever.
For narrow spectral bandwidth gratings, dimensional variations must be minimized or compensated, and the grating is apodized by both a.c. and d.c. variations in writing beams at a net constant power.
Her motherlessness plays no small role in this; her obstinate self-sufficiency evidently compensates for her father's meekness and her mother's absence.
Almond calms the reader, suggesting that we can only do our best and trust that our ambivalence is more than compensated for by our devotion and love.
"The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood," by Barbara Almond
In a wild population, this theory implies that the remaining animals after a harvest will increase their reproductive rate to compensate.
In a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator, a thermistor generates a correction voltage to keep the oscillator's frequency more constant.
Don't try to compensate for a gaping shoe by tying the laces too tightly.
A network of subsidized cargo barges and water taxis would be introduced on the city's canals to compensate.
First, individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis absorb more iron than the amount necessary to compensate for iron loss.
In addition all the electric motors are of low magnetic material content and have compensated stray fields.
We try to compensate for our natural sinfulness by performing good works of various kinds.
When the rate was halved and the whining only increased I wondered if anything other than free - with artists uncompensated - could possibly satisfy those who seek to build businesses with other people's art.
Regarding the Regina Louise story, I am still not convinced that receiving some sort of inheiritance from her bioparent would have compensated for growing up without a family.
Ten Reasons Same-Sex Marriage Is Wrong
Due to this a small adjustment, downwards, in the price occurs, to compensate for the dealer being short of funds.
It is certainly ‘less unjust’ for a physician to bear this than someone less well compensated.
Edward I took his lions with him - during his progress through his Gascon domains in 1289 one of his lions killed a horse belonging to one Ernaud Purpoynter of Oloron-Ste-Marie in the Pyrenees, who was also duly compensated.
The basis of our experiments was that growth habit of defoliated plants would affect how they compensated for lost leaf area.
Local Board Members are uncompensated volunteers who play an important community role closely connected with our Nation's defense.
The rural poor were not compensated by lower prices or by the greater availability of jobs for wives and children.
Even the possibilities of a rich trover would not compensate for having rats running about one's bed at night.
The Book-Hunter at Home
The government now owns a lot of our land — one possibility would be to compensate us with other property.
To ease financial difficulties, farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies.
Nothing can compensate for losing my husband.
In many cases, relinquishing coheirs (usually siblings who move away) must be compensated for their shares in a farm by the remaining heir.
While copyright collectives claim that education institutions need licenses to compensate for faculty and student copying, many copying activities are permitted under Canadian copyright law without the need for payment.
A country that gives up its monetary sovereignty by dollarising or adopting the euro may gain greater credibility on inflation but may have to pay more to compensate investors for counterparty risk.
He introduced feeling, compassion and pity to compensate for the loss of the comic element.
Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.
Despite some improvements in narrowing the laser bandwidth, the lack of a glass material in addition to CaF 2 to compensate for chromatic aberrations makes a catadioptric design the only possible choice for the projection optics.
Dr. Griffin compensated by raping and pillaging other programs to get the money back for Ares
Augustine Committee Meets at MSFC Today - NASA Watch
In other words, Glen created Glenda in order to sublimate his repressed sexual/maternal desires, and compensate for a lack of female attention.
Considering we wrote all our own songs, we just weren't getting compensated enough for our efforts.
Drinking more water can compensate for you let me shed tears.
Usually the fixed capacitor and passive filter are applied to compensate reactive power and harmonic current.
This necessarily entails a continuous stream of new lies to compensate for the exposure of the old ones.
Mr. Browne said a third Bell 412 named "No. 23," after the 23 NYPD officers who died on 9/11, that had been bought in 2002, was reconfigured from a helicopter used primarily for counterterrorism operations to a sea-air rescue copter to compensate for the grounded Bell 412s that were both rescue copters The NYPD currently has five helicopters that are operational.
Inspection Leads to Grounding of NYPD Copter
Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.
For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
And so a pall of defeat, and a sense of wasted lives hangs over Christiane's story, for which her uneasy family reunion cannot quite compensate.
For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
Resist the temptation to overcompensate for the extremes of one parent.
Since when “compensated dating” has substituted “harlotry”?
Global Voices in English » Hong Kong: “Compensated Dating” and the use of Pejoratives
Manufacturers are trying to compensate for this with new and extended features for their PCI RAID cards.
On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
To compensate for a lifelong stutter, Walton also overpronounces words, which gives his speech an arrogant twist.
But the Wistow pitman says no amount of money can compensate for a crippling hand condition that could leave him on the unemployment scrap heap.
The company made a calculated business decision that the number of people it needed to compensate would be less than the profits.
The longer he considered them, the faster he was able to gather useful information: gaps in time, how missing components from his inbuilt equational field could be compensated for; he was, in other words, able to think abstractly.
Anders: A Brief History
Accordingly, adjustment via the exchange rate was not able to compensate adequately for long-term changes in competitive conditions.
In the next lane a huge cargo-hauler swerved to compensate, and as I pulled the control to slow I saw its operator, hands in the air, glaring at me through the perspex side-window.
365 tomorrows » 2010 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
Older women tend to over-compensate by putting on too much foundation, blusher and powder.
In his eyes, he did not fail; he was conspired against and was therefore entitled to compensate for his disadvantage by bending the rules.
Then when things change, the bad habits of the organization, which were compensated for with excess spending and often excess hiring, now surface unhidden, result in severe changes or layoffs, and are harder to fix because they're well, habits.
8 posts from July 2009
Ngema said he wanted the commission to take steps against the police officers who "blackmailed" him into leaving the country, and to compensate him for time lost and pain received while outside the country.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The tender moments could not compensate for the detachment and morose oversensitivity.
Times, Sunday Times
The privately owned company has been developing relaxin, which is currently in the third trial phase as a potential treatment for patients with acute decompensated heart failure,
The Seattle Times
The severe yaw into the dead engine will cause the pilot to hold a significant amount of opposite rudder to compensate.
In addition, recombination may lead to the acquisition of mutations that compensate for a loss in viral fitness or replicative capacity due to previous acquisition of resistance mutations.
Damage caused by measures taken in excess of the Convention must be compensated, and disputes are subject to compulsory conciliation and arbitration.
The second issue for further study entails exploring the options for development that overcome or compensate for locational disadvantages.
Awards of damages are primarily intended to compensate for loss, whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary.
This programme includes a flexible care pilot to incentivise providers to offer more flexible hours of care and to compensate providers for some of the additional costs involved in offering this type of care.
In addition the need to define which injuries qualified for compensation and the continuing need to prove causation would ensure that many accident victims remained uncompensated.
A MAN who pleaded to causing damage to a door and breaking two panes of glass at a house was ordered to compensate the owner, at the November 22 sitting of Carlow District Court.
When share compensation is used, the company proper gives up nothing that it can't costlessly replace and the shareholders suffer a loss in the percentage ownership to the compensated employees.
Executive Compensation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
No amount of money will ever truly compensate me for the loss I've suffered, the stress and emotional affect this has had on me.
She's trying to keep those emotions in check, because, if she shows too much emotion, she will decompensate.
CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2007
Therefore, no amount of personality can compensate for mediocre chili. o Judging chili is very personal and subjective.
MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation.
Road tax will be abolished and the loss of revenue will be compensated for with an additional surcharge on fuel.
Inexact or unliquidated losses (although they are not presumed and therefore must be pleaded) are compensated by an award of general damages.
But his ministry says it does not have the funds to compensate poultry farmers whose birds are culled, or to perform the mass culls themselves.
If I may be quite frank, all the money in the world could not compensate me for the loss of my necklace.
The current levels of expenditure were not reduced, because farmers were compensated with income supports, including set-aside payments for leaving cultivated land to lie fallow.
Mr Murphy said that all widows and widowers who were overtaxed should be repaid this money with interest to compensate them for the loss of purchasing power.
Defenders of the selection of Mr. Feinberg point to his almost three years spent as a pro bono Special Master of the fund that compensated victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Trying to overcompensate and give her the things we never had.
A good UPS should also offer line conditioning, which means it should also be able to compensate for extended drops in voltage and filter spikes and surges.
Even opting out of the social chapter to undercut the core on labour costs will not ultimately compensate for complete isolation.
However, in recent years computerized altazimuth mounts have appeared which use motors to automatically compensate for the sky's motion, though these are generally a great deal more expensive.
She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
I think we designers are aware of this messiness, and overcompensate for it by attempting to obliterate every trace of it from our work.
The only part of the bill where unsecured creditors might be compensated is from a fund that is maintained by a fee imposed on the banks.
GOP Senators united in opposition to current financial reform bill
The team compensated by driving several hours north to Sheep Mountain, near Glenallen, on the weekends to train.
Electronics also compensate for changes in oil viscosity for consistent operation at all temperatures.
Delaney was not for trifling with and while others around him were off their game he compensated, and then some more!
A lower dividend yield can be compensated for with higher capital gains and viceversa.
Whether he was trying to compensate for his beloved father, who bought a draft substitute in the Civil War, or because, as he often wrote, he feared that the Anglo-Saxon "race" was becoming "overcivilized" and weak, Roosevelt wanted to test himself in the crucible of battle.
Why Men Love War
When he refuses to submit and instead responds vigorously, back off quickly and overcompensate for failure by switching into a placatory mode.
Dilip Hiro: Obama's Rudderless Foreign Policy Underscores America's Waning Power
By this I think he meant that the lo-fi sound (the recording venue is stated as being ‘in Jan and Ed's basement ’) is more than compensated for by the energy and enthusiasm that jumps out of every track.
In hypertonic syndromes the brain compensates by increasing osmoles in the brain cells.
Adams thinks people often work more efficiently for their own employer than for a contract job, and that having control over who he hires and how his staff is compensated makes a big difference in performance.
The slight tax reduction in the mid-level income bracket doesn't even compensate for the increase in the "eco-tax" (a surcharge levied mainly on gasoline).
The savings on cooling equipment more than compensates for the price premium we pay for high-efficiency lighting.
Maybe that was the idea - to compensate for a poor sculptor or unaesthetic subject.
And what's more most of them have gone uncompensated, which sadly, is even a greater tragedy.
The pH of the medium was not buffered and the volume in each container was maintained by regularly adding fresh nutrient solution to compensate for plant consumption and evaporation.
Livestock can be insured against leopard depredations, so losses can be compensated.
For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
She smoked as a diversionary tactic and cast about to compensate.
Malay, looks upon the Englishman as little removed from a "Kafir" -- an uncircumcised Philistine -- who through ignorance constantly offends in minor points of etiquette, who eats pig and drinks strong drink, is ignorant of the dignity of repose, and whose accidental physical and political superiority in the present world will be more than compensated for by the very inferior and uncomfortable position he will attain in the next.
British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
Apart from these changes effectively doing away with my livelihood (already reduced somewhat due to the Motor Accident changes) my fear is that workers genuinely injured are going to be uncompensated.
On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
The volunteers were uncompensated and subject to immediate dismissal for any reason whatsoever.
The problem is that this panel has apparently insisted that the guv should guarantee the safety of traditional and organic farming methods and compensate those farmers in the event of contamination.
I took her swimming to compensate for having missed out on the cinema.
It is sound simply because, by and large, it is the most convenient and efficient way of ensuring that persons injured in the course of business enterprises do not go uncompensated.
She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.
The size of the nestler is comic, and its tiny beseeching weakness is compensated perfectly by the happy patronizing look of the mother, who is a sort of high reposing Providence toward it.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
To that end, Mr. Silbert is lobbying Congress to change what he calls "outdated" rules that "have had a negative effect on private companies' ability to raise capital and compensate their employees.
So Who Needs Wall Street?
In 1457, after years of broken promises to return the cloth to the canons of Lirey and later to compensate them for its loss, Margaret was excommunicated.
There had been a surgeon to amputate, plasma to compensate blood loss, a bed to lie down in.
What is lost in the translation to the small screen is compensated for in the sharpness and clarity of the DVD images.
In reality, the prospect is implausible: reduce a man's propensity to lust and he will compensate with an increased aggression or cupidity.
She compensated for her fading beauty, I saw, with aggressive salesmanship.
The use of aspherical lens elements in both of the front and rear lens groups effectively compensates for distortion, spherical aberration and astigmatism.
As with fat-free products and artificial sweeteners, people will probably compensate for olestra by eating more calories elsewhere in their diets.
I can't give her the story she wants, he thought, but there must be some way I can compensate her.
The camera is smart enough to sense whether a picture is taken in a portrait or landscape orientation, and compensate with White Balance and other effects based on the orientation.
However, in properly run competitions, and after the first cut-off when more detailed plans and maquettes are requested, artists are usually compensated for their efforts.
I can't give her the story she wants, he thought, but there must be some way I can compensate her.
The attenuation coefficient is determined to at least partially compensate for the target angle heel effect.
The fact that the economy is stuck in neutral and that good jobs are hard to find makes the overcompensated especially tempting targets for TV voyeurs.
Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.
In order to compensate firms for the loss of their retention rights, the federal government set up a scheme of export subsidies.
The brain keeps trying to compensate, the teeth grind, and the whole jaw tenses up.
Narcissism, in psycho-therapeutic parlance, is a term used to indicate a superficial personality type with a hyper-inflated sense of self to compensate for a grievously wounded core.
Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Nice But Not Good: The Art of Spotting Narcissists
If that was not the case, the law would be seriously deficient in leaving uncompensated a person whose replacement job was of short, possibly very short duration.
Typically context is used only in the form of spelling correction information to compensate for errors in character recognition.
This triggers an automatic mechanism that pumps air into the ballonet compartment to compensate.
The drug rejoinder is foolish because it’s based on a time dimension that doesn’t come into play in the music discussion; the enemies of traditional copyright for music in the digital age don’t concede the substantive rights of producers to be compensated for their work even for five minutes.
Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
We believe that is because brant are reducing the levels of forage to such a low level in all treatments that the vegetation has no ability to compensate for increased grazing even when there is additional fertilization.
Conversely, great skiing can't compensate for stodgy service or uninspiring interiors.
‘What we've had to do up to now is overprice things at the beginning, to compensate for underpricing at the end of the season,’ he explains.
The insurers then claimed the sum from the bus company insurers together with money to compensate me for ‘loss of use’ of the car until I bought a new car in August.
They're lovely -- titanalloy struts as light and strong as bird bones, tension-compensated wrist-pinion and shoulder joints, natural action in the alula slots, and automatic flap action in stalling.
The Past Through Tomorrow
The vertical defocusing arising from the increase of the average magnetic field with radius is compensated by the vertical focusing due to the azimuthal variation of the field.
Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
I imagine that as he has apparently ended his profitable relationship with BNFL he will need to up the expenses claims to compensate.
Lord Foulkes revives expenses scandal
As we have seen, the Commission considered that the RPI index provided a suitable mechanism for adjusting awards to compensate for the fall in the value of money.
There are arguments for fractional reserve banking, but the notion that banks should be compensated by the public for lost interest on funds they do not lend is rather ridiculous.
Matthew Yglesias » Monetary Policy is Policy; The Fed is a Government Agency
I yanked the control back, slowing further, my heart beating as the hauler again compensated, the connected pods jerked against the median and flailed out into the lane.
365 tomorrows » 2010 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.
Approved were 15 changes to the Constitution, most notably a new clause that the nation would ‘respect and ensure human rights’ and lines that say the government must compensate people for property it confiscates in the public interest.
SL compensates the contracted operators within the terms of the gross - cost contract.
Nature has compensated, and the cord-placental blood has blood cells that are superefficient at utilising what oxygen is still around.
Times, Sunday Times
Adam starts to lose his mind, Michael is terrified and Edward consistently overcompensates by turning everything into a joke.
Only you, like I, have most likely developed some charming personality traits that soften our surliness, and compensate for our crabbiness, allowing us to better suffer those "fools" we do not suffer so gladly, and at the same time, rendering ourselves less obnoxious to others.
Dr. Judith Rich: How to Love A Curmudgeon
In the economy section of the A380 mock-up Airbus designers compensated for this dark truth with relentlessly cheerful carpet and upholstery in subtropical-fruit colors.
The Mother Load
Damages are awarded to compensate the plaintiff for the injury to his reputation and the hurt to his feelings.
The reactive power and current of three - phase unbalanced load are compensated.
He was a jumped-up Austrian, a loner, always excluded from picnics and parties, and to compensate he always felt he had to be on top of his game.
A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.
Consequently, all katharometer detectors must be carefully thermostatted and must be fitted with reference cells to help compensate for changes in pressure or flow rate.
Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience.
I understand that people need to be compensated to jury these competitions, which is why we have entry fees.
While the struts appear to partially compensate for the under sizing of the joists, the king-post trusses are more difficult to rationalize.
To solve this problem thoroughly, it is necessary to establish morals duty mechanism, compensate morals reproduction cost, creat social security system and reinforce feel grateful education.
And state governments are even less keen to settle with uncompensated victims of their discriminatory practices.
Currently, postmen and postwomen in inner London get £3,281, and in outer London £2,038, on top of the basic salary to compensate for the capital's high living costs.
It is a fundamental principle of recovery in tort that the injured party be compensated for the full amount of his or her loss, but no more.
In this situation the vertical axis of the body is rotated against the inclination of the substrate as if to compensate for the effect of substrate inclination.
These lucid scientific interjections compensate rewardingly for the book's relatively weak cultural sense.
However, with the time, the bladder may decompensate, and this state is characterized by increased voiding pressures and a huge increase in post void residual urine.
Urology Division Research
Inflation will rise if workers try to compensate for the reduction in purchasing power by bargaining for higher pay.
Here again a rational trader will want sufficiently advantageous terms in the forward market to compensate for the extra costs of transacting.
With the help of a punk sidekick scene stealer Ksenia Solo, Bo forges her own path, trying to keep her lethal desires under control, and the action and whimsy help compensate for an overall flatness in the rest of the ensemble casting and low-budget production.
Monday TV in Review: Alcatraz, Lost Girl, Being Human and More
Human resource management emerged in the 1980s to compensate for these shortcomings.
Good advocacy but unsound principle, for damages are to compensate the victim not to reflect what the wrongdoer ought to pay.
If he had unusual size for his position, he could possibly compensate, but at 6-8, Deng is not big by NBA standards and it forces him to the wing.
Rather than have otherwise qualified aspirants tilt at windmills or be shammed with cosmetic social changes, it's seems fair and reasonable to implement mechanisms to compensate for intractable bias.
You Only Need One
The arable sector is more difficult to predict but the appalling weather, combined with increased demand from the animal feed sector, could lift prices to compensate at least in part.
But initially the shock of defeat was at least partly compensated by the newly awakened great expectations for the future.
Compensation. Making sure people are compensated in a way that drives accountability. Internal reporting, so that everybody can see what's going on in the business.
Mr MacDuff agreed that the jury should award fair damages to compensate her for what she had gone through.
He had over-compensated for the effect of the wind, and taken the aircraft off course.
Another consequence is that the parties will feel driven to compensate by buying up more television advertising time.
Then the court must decide whether the unjust enrichment should be compensated through a monetary award or through the granting of a proprietary interest.
Roughly half of it is handed over to the Motor Insurers' Bureau which compensates victims of uninsured and untraced drivers - the rest comes from the lost premiums that the uninsured drivers should have paid in the first place.