How To Use Companionship In A Sentence

  • She provides love, companionship and entertainment, and brings so much happiness to my life.
  • Could it be -- and the sudden thought stung him to the quick -- that she was deliberately and consciously degrading herself to what she knew was a lower plane of thought and life, that the bond of their older companionship might still remain unsevered? Phantom Wires A Novel
  • The pulse of war that beat from the West suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was naught but silence, and himself, and possible death-dealing bullets from a myriad ambushes. War
  • Her plea for companionship appeared in the Manchester Weekly Journal in 1727.
  • The most important part of a relationship is companionship. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Companionship of the same kind was therefore required for him, for he was not intended to be an isolated being.
  • John's "cousinship" afforded an excellent basis for informal companionship, and Clementine gave it full prominence. Winter Evening Tales
  • Really, I think I should have strangled the man if forced to endure his companionship aboard a small vessel!
  • Because of their affectionate and sensitive nature they are used for riding and companionship programmes.
  • Suffering and death and all ugliness were forgotten in congenial and healthful companionship. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • No one had discharged the duties of companionship or fulfilled the obligations of succession as they did.
  • Nevertheless, she seemed to find all the companionship she needed in her relationship with her live-in boyfriend.
  • Friends usually do have something to gain from each other, be it companionship or affirmation of existence.
  • She had been even prettier than he had thought her yesterday, on her silver-roan, long-tailed 'palfrey'; and it seemed to him, self-critical in the brumous October gloaming and the outskirts of London, that only his boots had shone throughout their two-hour companionship. The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • But she was one of those satisfactory creatures whose intercourse has the charm of discovery; whose integrity of faculty and expression begets a wish to know what they will say on all subjects or how they will perform whatever they undertake; so that they end by raising not only a continual expectation but a continual sense of fulfillment -- the systole and diastole of blissful companionship. Daniel Deronda
  • Perhaps my current love of books and their acquisition can be traced back to the far too many hours I spent in childhood alone except for their pulpy companionship.
  • Experts also agree that rabbits need companionship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being bred for companionship they need it as well.
  • Her plea for companionship appeared in the Manchester Weekly Journal in 1727.
  • You may well ask how a self-descried conservative, Italian Catholic, traditional-family-values, anti-pornography candidate can come out in support of interspecies companionship. Robert Brenner: Carl Paladino: Straight From the Horse's Mouth
  • I depended on his companionship and on his judgment.
  • Oh, Fernand; this may not be; and thou canst purchase the power to bestow unperishing youth, unchanging beauty upon me; the power, moreover, to transport us hence, and render us happy in inseparable companionship for long, long years to come. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • Can you put an age limit on finding love and companionship? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing seems to contradict the longing for warmth and companionship more than a multiplex.
  • If any character ever needed canine companionship, it was the old duffer in that play.
  • Mr. Hunsden gave him a mastiff cub, which he called Yorke, after the donor; it grew to a superb dog, whose fierceness, however, was much modified by the companionship and caresses of its young master. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The three primary ones were: eros (passion and desire), ludus (flirtatious or playful love) and storge (familial love or companionship). Times, Sunday Times
  • Age UK also run a befriending service, providing companionship and conversation for the lonely elderly. The Sun
  • Officers promoted from the ranks say they miss the easy friendliness and companionship of the mess deck but it is hard to see how.
  • We were glad to offer companionship, comfort and a safe place but we did not know how best to support them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The happiness and companionship he had craved for so long was his. The Sun
  • Maybe this is the only way we can convince those baying hordes of people demanding that we partake in society's social whirl, that all we really want is our own companionship for a while.
  • Suddenly Guinevere was overtaken by an intense longing for companionship.
  • Loving descriptions of the British countryside share space with a prolonged celebration of masculine companionship. Times, Sunday Times
  • In most of the islands, music is made to keep people together and enhance their companionship.
  • Rent a friend is an attempt to transform the barter economy of companionship into the kind of hard financial assessments that influence our romantic choices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers promoted from the ranks say they miss the easy friendliness and companionship of the mess deck but it is hard to see how.
  • Here, too, lie the cemeteries: the Jewish, fronting the main road, with a decent enclosure; that of the Christians, framed in a wire fence and containing a few wooden crosses, imitation broken columns and tinsel wreaths; Arab tombs, scattered over a large undefined tract of brown earth, and clustering thickly about some white-domed maraboutic monument, whose saintly relics are desirable companionship for the humbler dead. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • The dance revolves around the idea that children from poor backgrounds need companionship and love.
  • For, it was not the monotonous days unchequered by variety and uncheered by pleasant companionship, it was not the dark dreary evenings or the long solitary nights, it was not the absence of every slight and easy pleasure for which young hearts beat high, or the knowing nothing of childhood but its weakness and its easily wounded spirit, that had wrung such tears from Nell. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • He loved both the outdoor life and the companionship of genial and talented colleagues.
  • Older people often benefit from having a pet for companionship.
  • I sought the companionship of several low-browed, ill-favored fellows whom I believed suited to my purposes, but almost immediately I wearied of them, for they had never looked into a book and were so profoundly ignorant as to be unable to distinguish between a folio and a thirty-twomo. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Grand amours and boon companionship are conspicuously absent from his narrative.
  • The television is a poor substitute for human companionship.
  • Will two unsuccessful, undateable losers in love find companionship together?
  • The moonlight caught her eyes; eyes that were trying, like the lips, to smile, but that were really looking away into the future, which she saw stripped of companionship and love, and gray with the ashiness of wretched desolation. The Call of the Cumberlands
  • Themes such as shelter and companionship reoccur.
  • The value for any parent is the companionship you can have with your youngsters as you play. The Sun
  • There is a lifetime of joy and companionship to be had from owning a dog but he needs to learn right from wrong at an early stage.
  • A surge of participation in evening classes and sports is as much about a search for companionship as mental and physical fitness.
  • Their tranquil oasis of female companionship was no more. COURTESANS
  • The years of loyal companionship and unconditional love have left me with many happy memories.
  • Friends provide companionship and support when things go wrong, and are a social group with whom we share values and beliefs.
  • The point is that in all these activities, we are seeking companionship in our usual, habitual way, using our same old repetitive ways of distancing ourselves from the demon loneliness.
  • None was like him, and so none could provide fellowship or companionship for him.
  • Just beneath his gruff exterior lies a gentle soul seeking to fill a spiritual void with companionship.
  • It wasn't so much the comfort as the companionship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's a blogging award-winner, suggesting "a few minutes of combustive companionship in a two-seater" for another blogger who dared call for a "rational and measured" response to the botched bombing. Muslims
  • But it is holding well enough, a deepening companionship rather than a passing infatuation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their stories of disproportionate, unmerited suffering demand that when sufferers cannot feel the companionship of God, we try to assure them of it.
  • Their awkwardness, overextended maturity, mercurial temperaments, and easy companionship were all spot on.
  • As well as keeping down rats and mice, they provided welcome companionship for lonely sailors fighting faraway wars. The Sun
  • As a young child he had shared a bed with his sister, and there is a certain companionship one has with a bedmate that he had forgotten about.
  • Ida found her companionship pleasant, and Mr. Woodstock con gratulated himself on having taken the right step. The Unclassed
  • The woman being to – day the captain of the marriage bark, either steers into the vast Pacific waters of lord – and – masterdom, though never, of course, hauling down the flag of perfect love; or else, much more frequently these latter days, she steers into the rather grey Atlantic of true friendship and companionship, still keeping the flag of perfect love bravely afloat. Kangaroo
  • Handiscope Centres once a week offer facilities for craftwork, recreation and companionship for people.
  • I am no longer a roadmender; the stretch of white highway which leads to the end of the world will know me no more; the fields and hedgerows, grass and leaf stiff with the crisp rime of winter's breath, lie beyond my horizon; the ewes in the folding, their mysterious eyes quick with the consciousness of coming motherhood, answer another's voice and hand; while I lie here, not in the lonely companionship of my expectations, but where the shadow is bright with kindly faces and gentle hands, until one kinder and gentler still carries me down the stairway into the larger room. The Roadmender
  • Age UK also run a befriending service, providing companionship and conversation for the lonely elderly. The Sun
  • There would be about one more of one's self, others of the same size and age, in restful, helpful companionship. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • Closer to home, livestock are important economically but animals are also a source of companionship.
  • He could not tolerate waste and never craved human companionship.
  • They should find sweet companionship there and reminisce upon the hazards of trespassing upon my property. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. Kahlil Gibran 
  • It's amazing how many people seem to think I'm just starved for companionship and have oodles of free time to kill.
  • The tree pollen will soon disappear and, in the meantime, I have friendship and companionship to help me along.
  • No one had discharged the duties of companionship or fulfilled the obligations of succession as they did.
  • A surge of participation in evening classes and sports is as much about a search for companionship as mental and physical fitness.
  • Elizabeth enjoys the social interaction, the companionship and the activities.
  • A tender fortyish div or wid for companionship stroke marriage?
  • The eternally young, fertile bride; the ancient, barren spinster; the siren; the sibyl—she was all these things, all at once, his beloved, the one for whom he denied himself the companionship of mere mortal company, against whom even the breathtaking Muriel Chanler paled. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • 'Tis a brother and sisterhood sort of comradeship they 'ave, which is well for 'em, since none o' the common folk care for their companionship. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • They have less opportunity to make new friendships and tend to depend for companionship on the continuity of longstanding relationships.
  • You can also use it to shop and look for romantic companionship.
  • The happiness and companionship he had craved for so long was his. The Sun
  • And there were other things in our companionship that took strong hold of my mind: to discourse and jest with him; to indulge in courteous exchanges; to read pleasant books together; to trifle together; to be earnest together; to differ at times without ill-humor, as a man might do with himself, and even through these infrequent dissensions to find zest in our more frequent agreements; sometimes teaching, sometimes being taught; longing for someone absent with impatience and welcoming the homecomer with joy. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • The family also teaches that kin are the appropriate source of friendly companionship.
  • The television is a poor substitute for human companionship.
  • She was perturbed by my independent streak, my take it or leave it attitude and my utter inability to find suitable companionship.
  • On the other hand, the married woman, having once yielded all, tends to remain passively in the man's companionship. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • It was just the kind of undemanding companionship he needed. Date With Death
  • She's lonely, and starving for companionship.
  • The amusement, however, could not prevent his thoughts from returning to the positive facts that he was imprisoned; that in place of passing the day in cooking and eating _duyker_, he had been fasting and fretting in a dark, dirty pit, in the companionship of loathsome reptiles. The Giraffe Hunters
  • To combat this, the charity runs a buddy scheme, whereby volunteers befriend patients, offering support and companionship.
  • At different times poets and writers, good people of distinction and philanthropy, weary of the "storm and stress" of life and of invasions and intolerable "bumptiousness" of the vulgar and indiscriminating, have tried to secure a place and surroundings where high thinking and simple living might order their days and secure to them companionship fit for the gods; but the noblest and best of humanity are not permitted to go off by themselves in such ways and have a little heaven on earth all to themselves. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • They should find sweet companionship there and reminisce upon the hazards of trespassing upon my property. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • But in a while, espying the woman coming thitherwards, I rose and tramped on again with no thought but to save myself from her companionship. Martin Conisby's Vengeance
  • Despite his blow-up with Sally, Holden's still in search of some human companionship.
  • She holds a part-time job, and I'm assuming she would continue working, visit my home a few evenings a week to cook dinner or dine out, with companionship at bed time.
  • Genesis 2 implies that God made humanity male and female to satisfy the human longing for companionship.
  • This companionship extended into early summer when the stonechat family was fed both in and out of the nest by the lonely Dartford.
  • They should find sweet companionship there and reminisce upon the hazards of trespassing upon my property. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • After descending from Almora the road winds its way mostly along the valley and we had the constant companionship of lush green paddy fields, luxuriant vegetation all around and an occasional rivulet.
  • During my wife's absence I am overcome by the physical need for female companionship and seek it elsewhere. The Sun
  • And, oh yeah, a sense of "connectedness" - cyber companionship - which makes this particular era of VC-wealth distribution all the more … touching. P2pnet news
  • We lost a great deal of companionship when the late public-houses turned their lamps out, and when the potmen thrust the last brawling drunkards into the street; but stray vehicles and stray people were left us, after that. The Uncommercial Traveller
  • The perfect marriage is about companionship and friendship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The happiness and companionship he had craved for so long was his. The Sun
  • Bread is a symbol of life, and the sharing and breaking of bread, a basic act of fellowship and companionship.
  • I found a feeling of sincere companionship ... a companionship that without ostentation and as a matter of course, shared the last cent the last meal ... when every cent _was_ the last cent, every meal the _last_ meal ... the rest depending on luck and Tramping on Life An Autobiographical Narrative
  • Now she runs a portfolio business that stretches from companionship for an elderly client to business mentoring for local companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rent a friend is an attempt to transform the barter economy of companionship into the kind of hard financial assessments that influence our romantic choices. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. Kahlil Gibran 
  • He also told me that companionship can grow to friendship then to intimacy then finally to love.
  • She'd suffered the same longing for companionship.
  • A pensioner has struck on a novel way to find female companionship but his attempts to track down Miss Right keep being thwarted at every turn.
  • No one had discharged the duties of companionship or fulfilled the obligations of succession as they did.
  • You see we have no female companionship. Peter Pan
  • How terribly alone is he, who misses companionship in the midst of the multitudinousness of life. The Home and the World
  • I can personally testify to the importance of having role models and the companionship of other women colleagues.
  • It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. Kahlil Gibran 
  • Love can grow slowly out of warmth and companionship and none of us should be afraid to seek it.
  • It is built upon the foundation of friendship and companionship, and trust.
  • They can be valuable purely as a means of providing social companionship, activities of all descriptions, and intellectual stimulation.
  • When undertaking something like this, without the benefits of companionship and its appendant pleasures - bragging, ribbing and storytelling - it can be difficult to isolate individual holes, key moments, incredible shots.
  • The greatest benefit is the companionship you'll share when engaged in the process of knitting.
  • We went to the same schools, in more and more intimate companionship, from the time we were twelve until we were twenty years of age; and our lives and hearts were "grappled" to each other with "links of steel" ever after. The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air
  • I really did love the companionship. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • Really, I think I should have strangled the man if forced to endure his companionship aboard a small vessel!
  • Either dogs or humans can satisfy this need for companionship.
  • Hand in hand they strode back towards the faery castle and the life of everlasting joy and timeless companionship that awaited them.
  • Perhaps her demeanor was stiller, her laconism curter, her distaste to uninteresting companionship and current small-talk more profound, than usual; but no one seemed to see the deeper tinge of her ordinary color, and she passed muster, for her creditably. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 101, May, 1876
  • She lives a pathetically lonely life with no companionship except her cat.
  • Companionship can include a spouse, member, hired caregiver, hospice volunteer, Good Samaritan, or pet.
  • In their later years (he died in 1999), they talked regularly and at last settled into the kind of untroubled companionship that had eluded them during their marriage. NYT > Home Page
  • It's such a large house and the butlers are all cranky old men who are hardly the right kind of companionship for a young woman.
  • On the loneliest coast, in the dunnest night, a sense of companionship comes with the smell of seaweed. Aylwin
  • She had been even prettier than he had thought her yesterday, on her silver-roan, long-tailed 'palfrey'; and it seemed to him, self-critical in the brumous October gloaming and the outskirts of London, that only his boots had shone throughout their two-hour companionship. The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • Meanwhile, the young-person's AA meeting held on campus draws more than 200 people each Monday for companionship, confessions, and candlepin bowling. No Drinks for Them
  • And why not enjoy the unexpected gift of happiness that her companionship would surely bring?
  • The television is a poor substitute for human companionship.
  • Her plea for companionship appeared in the Manchester Weekly Journal in 1727.
  • It is a plaintive ode to the joys of platonic love and companionship.
  • His parents ' small circle of reliance on each other's companionship had been the substructure of his entire life. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • Religious belief gives you companionship in adversity, the security of fixed rules, and the tempting feeling of self-surrender and submission. Nomad
  • I love the companionship of gentlemen. The Sun
  • Maybe it was the drop in her history grade, or the lost companionship of her best friend.
  • No only must Brown suffer the protracted companionship of this foul-mouthed jogger, he must endure it knowing that each of their encounters, once committed to the diary, represents a contribution to the Campbell pension fund.
  • A tender fortyish div or wid for companionship stroke marriage?
  • What does unbroken companionship look like in your life? Christianity Today
  • And through it all he had the quick memory of his mother's companionship, he could recall her rueful looks whenever the eager inaccurate ways, in which he reflected certain ineradicable tendencies of her own, had lost him a school advantage; he could remember her exhortations, with the dash in them of humorous self-reproach which made them so stirring to the child's affection; and he could realise their old far-off life at Murewell, the joys and the worries of it, and see her now gossiping with the village folk, now wearing herself impetuously to death in their service, and now roaming with him over the Surrey heaths in search of all the dirty delectable things in which a boy-naturalist delights. Robert Elsmere
  • Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years.
  • Age UK also run a befriending service, providing companionship and conversation for the lonely elderly. The Sun
  • I had known about spiritual companionship for a long while but had felt that it was for those who were 'holier', not for me, an ordinary laywoman.
  • We willingly call a fantom our fellow, as knowing we shall soon be of their dark companionship. The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III
  • But that award deals only with compensation for loss of love and companionship.
  • It was probably a subtle subconscious realization of the unpleasantness, even the unendurableness, of perfection in the domestic companionship that caused the obvious misprint in the following extract from a Scotch editorial concerning the new divorce legislation: Jokes For All Occasions Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers
  • Fellow fans provide companionship and potentially lonely weekends are filled. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the preceding weeks she had shared the companionship of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
  • The work is hard, the going rough at times, but there's the companionship of robust Navy laughter, the devil-may-care philosophy of the sea.
  • In the west, birth control changed marriage from an institution for procreation to one that celebrated companionship.
  • It was picture perfect: the sunshine, the breeze, the companionship… and of course, the annoyingly obnoxious group behind us dogging our heels.
  • The modest companionship of working together was to become the substance of religious dialogue.
  • We lost a great deal of companionship when the late public-houses turned their lamps out, and when the potmen thrust the last brawling drunkards into the street; but stray vehicles and stray people were left us after that. The Uncommercial Traveller
  • The waking of the wood may mean that the slumbrous dream was not real anyway, that daytime reality has now supervened, replacing defiance with pleasant companionship.
  • The little forktail does not haunt the washerman's _ghat_ for the sake of human companionship, for it is a bird that usually avoids man. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • In varsity, a friend told me quite plainly and cynically that friends use each other to gain something, using to gain information, influence, solace and companionship.
  • Its beautiful surroundings in Central London and its quiet companionship suited him. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the outdoors is too dangerous, ailurophiles often forgo feline companionship rather than confine a cat indoors.
  • This wild liberty was a complete avengement for the monotony of my cribbed and cabined home life, ever the same all the year through; but I still lacked the companionship of little boys of my own age, I needed to clash with them, -- and, too, this freedom lasted only a couple of months. The Story of a Child
  • It is about a 15-year-old boy who leaves home for a hobo life, finds companionship, the consummation of first love and a home in a deserted train carriage.
  • When you feel lonely for companionship, invite a friend to dinner.
  • She was also neglected but the love and companionship she gives is unconditional. The Sun
  • Just beneath his gruff exterior lies a gentle soul seeking to fill a spiritual void with companionship.
  • The companionship of Dale's bright youth would keep her from getting old-womanish if anything could. The Bat
  • It's aim is to bring people together for companionship in the first instance, said Mrs Shepherd.
  • According to Maslow's hierarchical needs model companionship is only third on the list with self-esteem and self-actualisation above it.
  • ‘You poor – spirited girl,’ returned Miss Wade with infinite contempt; ‘does all our companionship, do all our conversations, do all your old complainings, tell for so little as that?’ Little Dorrit
  • The family also teaches that kin are the appropriate source of friendly companionship.
  • What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months' - or even a few years' - sensual companionship.
  • I want romance and companionship and TLC and hugs and cuddles and kisses and someone who thinks about me when they're not with me, and misses me when we're apart.
  • It appears then from what has been said that there are twenty-seven prerogative instances, namely, solitary instances; migratory instances; striking instances; clandestine instances; constitutive instances; conformable instances; singular instances; deviating instances; bordering instances; instances of power; instances of companionship and of enmity; subjunctive instances; instances of alliance; instances of the fingerpost; instances of divorce; instances of the door; summoning instances; instances of the road; instances supplementary; dissecting instances; instances of the rod; instances of the course; doses of nature; instances of strife; intimating instances; polychrest instances; magical instances. The New Organon
  • But alas, females enjoy friendly male companionship and figure the news can wait.
  • _El rafyk som el taryk_" (companionship makes secure roads) by saying, "_el taryk som el rafyk_" (good roads increase passenger traffic). Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.
  • They should find sweet companionship there and reminisce upon the hazards of trespassing upon my property. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Rent a friend is an attempt to transform the barter economy of companionship into the kind of hard financial assessments that influence our romantic choices. Times, Sunday Times

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