compact disk

  1. a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser
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How To Use compact disk In A Sentence

  • In preparing the shows he draws on his own record and compact disk collection numbering in excess of 2,000.
  • The use of a compact disk (CD) pickup head as a displacement measurement system is described.
  • A compact disk player, rare for its day, fed Chopin and the Rolling Stones into fierce-looking, six-foot MartinLogan speakers.
  • It uses a Wavelet algorithm for video compression and provides compact disk quality audio and broadcast quality video.
  • Some predict that eventually everyone will carry all the sequences of his genes on a compact disk.
  • Some predict that eventually everyone will carry all the sequences of his genes on a compact disk.
  • The screen tilts down at a touch of a button to reveal slots for playing compact disks and cassettes.
  • Head for Orchard Road where you will find a large selection of malls and stores selling everything from clothes and jewellery to compact disks and cameras.
  • It uses a Wavelet algorithm for video compression and provides compact disk quality audio and broadcast quality video.
  • Just below the personal television unit was equipment for compact disk and audio tape use.
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