How To Use Community college In A Sentence
Last year, Patricia McMahon, who attended St Patrick s Community College, was awarded the bursary.
community colleges are typically nonresidential
Many students who begin their journey toward the baccalaureate at a community college must weave their way through a tangled web to make the transition to a four-year institution.
Go to seminars at local universities, community colleges, museums, planetaria, town meetings.
Blathering Lockdown: Day One « Whatever
These programs are shared by public schools and community colleges and provide assistance through raceand gender-specific programs.

The community college was giving an evening course in lepidopterology, and Phoebe could hardly paint fast enough to meet the demand.
The Cat Who Sang For The Birds
After spending what he described as a stressful weekend with his sick 3-year-old daughter, Santorum resumed his campaign at a suburban St. Louis community college -- assuring people that his daughter was improving and forecasting a political revival in swing states such as Missouri.
The Full Feed from
Dean Sennett s first thought upon learning there was a flu shot clinic at Cape Cod Community College:
Swine Flu Hits Cape Cod Community College
Finally, research needs to be conducted that includes part-time students and students who have previous matriculation histories at the community college being studied.
The contributors present engaging interpretations that explicate the life experiences of the people studying and working at community colleges.
TALLAHASSEE -- The State Board of Education will hear from superintendents, community college representatives and nationally recognized education policy experts on Monday as part of an in-depth budget workshop being held in Tallahassee.
Central Florida News 13 - Latest Headlines
People can be kind of snooty about community colleges, [but] they are flexible and ready to go," says Judy Goggin, a vice president of Civic Ventures, a San Francisco nonprofit that works to redirect individuals age 50-plus into service-oriented careers.
Savvy Schools
There's even talk of instituting entrance exams to decrease the number of students entering community colleges.
Many of the students who attend community colleges are first-generation who often have different life experiences, skills, and expectations than traditional students.
The college has reached out to area high schools in other ways. Community college faculty teach courses at the high schools.
So all the oldest teachers were fired and replaced by green ones, right out of the community college.
Levy, who assumed the top job late this summer, has held a variety of mid- and high-level administrative jobs at community colleges since 1989.
More research is urged to explore the possibility of future collaboration between proprietary schools and community colleges.
White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
She became a manicurist to help pay for college, earning a two-year degree from Prince George Community College.
Can there even be a Conservative with a heart so black and flinty that he or she would oppose a program to improve the quality and accessiblity of American community colleges?
Obama: Community colleges can help boost ailing economy
Meanwhile, in Youngstown, a student with an identical high-school record might enter the local community college and face no such requirement.
Yeah. I teach at the community college in town.
KSDS is a 24-hour mainstream jazz radio station, licensed to the San Diego Community College District.
The new vocationalism made up but one-half of the community college mission.
Montgomery College is a public, multicampus community college in Montgomery County, Maryland. - Articles related to Not all children covered by Right to Education Act
NEXT CAME AN adjunct instructor at Genesee County Community College whose specialty was computer technology.
In Cain's view, there are three separate and distinct faculties at community colleges: academic, vocational, and adjunct.
Not only is completing one of these programs a good way to get a job - soon it may be the only way to find a position in the upper echelons of community college management.
Although this pilot program is currently available only to teachers in the United States and Canada, precollege and community college educators in other countries can still purchase Mathematica for the Classroom at a huge discount off the academic list price.
Wolfram Blog : Is Mathematica for K–12 Education? You Bet!
Biology teacher Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania, uses the iconic sketch as a "multi-conceptual image" in her introductory anatomy class to illustrate three crucial anatomical concepts: rotation, transparency, and transverse section.
Boing Boing: September 24, 2006 - September 30, 2006 Archives
Del Mar and other community colleges have been told to submit plans identifying as expendable up to 5 percent of their state funding.
Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
I went to a very posh graduate school, affectionately known in some circles as Cambridge Community College.
It is also important to realize that enrollments in community colleges are generally higher than in the past and enrollment numbers may reflect new demographics as much as anything else.
Though many community college students say their coursework is challenging, there is "ample evidence" colleges can do more to help more students do their best work, a report says.
Report: Community colleges must expect more
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Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
The visit was a campaign season twofer, a fund-raising luncheon, followed by a tightly organized community college forum.
Some scholars are predicting that as many as 70% of all community college presidents will be retiring in the next 10 years.
Instead, students who arrive on campus with some community college credits under their belt can graduate early.
Understanding scholarship in this way disarms critics who are caught in the debate over whether community college faculty should engage in research.
These confusing feelings of being apart from the real world and close to it at the same time are part of what community college is about.
She studied math at New York Community College and earned enough money working part-time to begin private flying lessons.
With generally low tuition and unrestrictive admissions policies that emphasize open enrollment," the report said, community colleges "serve individuals ranging from those earning their first educational credential to midcareer professionals seeking to upgrade their skills or reenter the workforce.
Opportunity at a Bargain Price
By earning credits at a community college, they can attain the baccalaureate more quickly and less expensively than if they only studied at a four-year school.
Many (community colleges) have successfully won bond referenda and millage increases, even in tough economic times.
Will Tea Party groups threaten community college funding?
An important part of the mission for many community colleges is developmental education.
Community College, helps hand out free toys and school supplies in Iligan City.
For All-USA team, 'something magical' at community colleges
It is also important to realize that enrollments in community colleges are generally higher than in the past and enrollment numbers may reflect new demographics as much as anything else.
‘Some of our courses are taught by community college presidents and chancellors,’ McPhail notes.
A number of faculty felt orientation should be expanded to include practical classroom teaching advice specific to the community college and its student population.
The number of students with disabilities enrolled in higher education is growing rapidly, with the largest enrollments at community colleges.
A sharp rise in enrollments in community colleges followed.
They also take an electronics class either at their home high school or at the local community college.
We three on motorcycles riding through Outpost, beside houses with shrubs and pumpkins to the Junior Community College of brick buildings, through the piney campus, past the Geology building and Stable Isotope Lab, where there is a brontosaurus, metal, life-sized, out front.
Rodeo Days
When she was a junior in high school, she went to the local community college and took Italian and Russian for two years.
Average annual wages were higher in community colleges with higher enrollments.
He said Jared Loughner had not displayed in the neighborhood the kind of argumentative, nonsensical behavior that raised concerns about his mental health at Pima Community College, where he was suspended last fall and directed to get a mental evaluation before returning.
Investigators look over bag suspect may have carried
I can't think of many politicians in the past five years who have risked the hazards of a modern high school classroom or a teeming community college campus.
I just read last week a report that said that the demand for community college grads is going to outpace that of 4 yr grads by a LARGE amt.
Professor Florida's kids get *really* creative (Jack Bog's Blog)
Nursing - Physical Therapist Assistant - Radiologic Technology - Surgical Technology Formore information visit: www. Montgomery College is a public, multicampus community college in Montgomery County, Maryland. - Articles related to Not all children covered by Right to Education Act
She pointed out that the original stained glass windows from the convent chapel are beautifully incorporated into the Prayer Room in Abbey Community College.
The number of students with disabilities enrolled in higher education is growing rapidly, with the largest enrollments at community colleges.
Kentucky State University recently joined the pilot project, adding 10,000 fingerling, or finger-size trout, to the fish already at the community college.
In fact, fewer options automatically stratify such students further by funneling them into the Cal State University and California Community College systems.
José Luis Santos: A Watershed Moment for the UC System
He also noted the trend toward "gentrifying" community colleges through screening out immigrant students and tied in particular the changes in programs at Medgar Evers College where a special program for providing education to prisoners was cancelled by the new president of the college.
Joel Shatzky: Educating for Democracy: Who's Listening?
The absence of subcategories for different types of community colleges hinders historical and longitudinal research.
In a similar vein, Nora recommends that community colleges advance into the twenty-first century prepared for a diverse student body.
And again, the search for community college peer institution selection systems discovered methodologies consistent and coincident with the Brinkman and Teeter typology.
A sharp rise in enrollments in community colleges followed.
Ohio has restructured its community college system so that no resident lives more than twenty minutes away from a local institution.
One faculty member acknowledged that it was the source of her motivation for teaching at a community college.
Entrepreneurial classes are taking off nationwide in myriad versions, said Heather Van Sickle, the executive director of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship.
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian:
Great variation exists in the ways community colleges have responded to the rising immigrant student population on their campuses.
The conversion of the British polytechnics into universities is parallel to the move by some community colleges to offer a workforce bachelor's degree.
They were helping the teenage son get into a community college while they nursed his sister through a long surgical convalescence.
His work has been widely anthologized, and he has been Writer-in-Residence at North County Community College in Saranac Lake, New York.
Community college faculty teach courses at the high schools.
The state of Missouri will spend some $ 20 million upgrading worker skills for local companies at its community colleges.
They also assist the juvenile home and run a Community College for economically deprived girls.
Her part-time job as an English Composition instructor at a local community college was unrewarding and boring.
English language is also a major concern for many community college students, including some whose parents are highly educated.
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Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
In general, she argues that community college students are multidimensional, yet institutions frequently see them in more constricted terms, further marginalizing them.
Presently, Larry is working as a mild-mannered library clerk at a community college in Kingston, Ontario.
This digest reviews some of the recent literature about adult female students at community colleges.
Baker and Upshaw assert that understanding and supporting the college mission is a basic expectation for community college presidents and their leadership teams.
Oh to clarify, what the right wingers mean by "elitist" is possessing a level of continued education beyond high school or community college and the ability to use rational thought.
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There has been little systematic evaluation of either adult basic education or community college remedial programs.
Further, graduates from a significant community college understand and utilize technology as an integrated tool that assures their participation as tech-savvy citizens who play a significant role in our emerging technocracy.
She walked along Frederick Road and ended up at the community college, where she took home course information for the fall semester.
Ohio has restructured its community college system so that no resident lives more than twenty minutes away from a local institution.
Students turn to community colleges for basic skills brush-up or new skills acquisition.
The Magic were forced to move their morning shootaround from the Wachovia Center to the Community College of Philadelphia because of Wing Bowl, an annual chicken wing-eating contest, which drew more than 20,000 spectators. ...
Many people are unaware of the role our nation's more than 1,200 community colleges play in educating students today.
While this term connotes an image of a student that wavers from the norm, the research shows that most community college students are nontraditional in some sense, and, therefore, are the norm.
There's a community college in Long Beach that's well known for writing, so I enrolled and took solely writing and English classes.
When I taught at a community college, one of my students was a forty-five-year-old mom who juggled two jobs and a full academic load.
Many of the camporees were at Camp Wauwepex, but others were held at places such as Eisenhower Park in East Meadow or the abandoned Mitchell Field Air Force Base, now Nassau Community College.
She suggests that the focus of the community college be on educating students and encouraging students to become active and responsible citizens.
At some point, I felt I had reached a plateau as an amateur photographer and needed to know more, so I took a photography class at the local community college.
Residence halls have not usually been considered critical components in community colleges.
Women also have been well represented in adult basic education courses, many of which are provided at community colleges around the country.
Because continuing community college students are one of the most price-sensitive groups in higher education, they are more likely to stop out or drop out entirely when the cost of attending increases.
She moved back to her hometown and turned a butter brickle recipe she created while taking a community college pastry class into a gourmet-food business.
Banker Builds a Candy Business in Bits and Pieces
Overall, researchers and practitioners continue to find that community college student dropout rates are significantly higher than those of senior institutions.
Many of the sites offered community college credit for courses taken as part of a high school diploma.
The Abbey Community College Parents Association will hold a Golf Classic in Waterford Golf Club this Friday May 6th.
Jerry was going to a community college and mooching off of my mum while he did.
The responsibilities of technical and community college presidents have been vastly expanded in the last decade.
From Estelle Gordon, administrative secretary at the community college, Reggie heard that the Army was cleaning out Joe Hansen's lab.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Offer a work-study program through your local high school or community college.
Community college graduates had a stronger theoretical background but no hands-on skills.
Quality and accountability continue to be the focus of community college presidents.
I was teaching a basic college writing course one summer at the local community college and I wanted to explain irony as a literary device.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa AP -- A 22-year-old Cedar Rapids man has gotten three years in prison for recruiting fake students to sign up for classes at Kirkwood Community College in a student loan scheme.
Iowa Man Gets 3 Years In Student Loan Scheme
A significant community college is a college of choice for the underrepresented and underprepared as well as for a cross-section of talented, focused, prepared, and resourced people.
The community college's medical training programs would result in a lot of people who are now only marginally employed moving into paraprofessional positions that pay more.
Average annual wages were higher in community colleges with higher enrollments.
Meanwhile, in Youngstown, a student with an identical high-school record might enter the local community college and face no such requirement.
Goodwill is also working with the Aspen Institute and others on the Community College/Career Collaboration - also known as the C4 project.
Jim Gibbons: Goodwill Supports Investing In An Education
White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
Community colleges enroll almost one half of all undergraduates in the United States each fall.
At the community college, most full-time instructors already teach four or more classes each semester.
Dr. George Bilicic says it is because he backed a bill to create a new statewide community college system.
Ohio's 14 public universities and 23 community colleges could earn an additional $6.5 million in cash-back rewards from a new agreement with JPMorgan Chase to provide purchasing cards.
Ancillary Services
Students must contact the community college's financial aid office for an application.
It is not within our mission to provide the kind of therapy or long-term remediation for long-term issues," said Caroline Scott, dean of college life at the Community College of Baltimore County.
Colleges Re-Examine Safety After Rampage
Instead, students who arrive on campus with some community college credits under their belt can graduate early.
Instead, students who arrive on campus with some community college credits under their belt can graduate early.
One community college campus responds by providing adjunct services, such as tutorial programs for small groups of students of mixed language backgrounds.
Nationally, minority students make up 30% of community college enrollments and more than 50% in some urban communities.
For example, the community college baccalaureate is a result of practitioners' political agenda to aggrandize their institutions.
Nationally, minority students make up 30% of community college enrollments and more than 50% in some urban communities.
Travis Dove for The Wall Street Journal North Carolina Zoo Society staff are working with students and instructors at Randolph Community College to raise awareness about the snot otter, which is even under threat due to poaching.
Seeking Respect for the Snot Otter
He gained nine GCSEs before moving to Bolton Community College where he is studying for a sports diploma.
There are oodles of vocational and technological education providers, not to mention for-profit and online providers (think of University of Phoenix) and one of the vastly underrappreciated resources, your local community college, which often excels at providing courses in marketable skills.
John Edwards Promises a Universal Entitlement
The researchers found that a higher proportion of underrepresented minority matriculants used the community college pathways compared with white students or other racial and ethnic groups.
I was teaching a basic college writing course one summer at the local community college and I wanted to explain irony as a literary device.
All high school graduates can enter a community college, and if they make the grade.
Meanwhile, Daniel Larkin from Nagle Community College, Blackrock, Cork, has created a mathematical formula to do the perfect wheelie on a motorbike or bicycle.
Upwards of 500 people packed into the classrooms and halls of Killorglin Community College this week to celebrate the centenary of Technical Colleges in Kerry.
In my community college English classes, I sometimes rail against what I call the generic paper, the kind of response essay that could be written by just about anybody because it is void of even a modicum of individuality.
Joseph Smigelski: The Power of Memory: Use It in Your Writing
One in five of those engineers earned at least 10 credits at a community college before earning a degree at a four-year school, according to the report.
They rarely acknowledge that the option of attending a full-time residential college is not available to the vast majority of people matriculating in community colleges.
This term, and others variants on this theme, have become catchphrases in the business community and on college campuses, where courses and even majors with these names have sprouted from the Ivies to community colleges. in the past few years.
David D. Burstein: 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Bought, 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Given Away
There's a community college in Long Beach that's well known for writing, so I enrolled and took solely writing and English classes.
One, called the Accelerated Learning Program and piloted at the Community College of Baltimore County, "mainstreams" developmental students into college-level courses along with companion classes that provide extra help.
Eight ways to get higher education into shape
At community colleges across the nation, faculty members are still trying to determine the hows and whys of valuing scholarship at their institutions.
Martin Hobbs unwrapped his sandwiches in the empty cafeteria of Browne Community College.
All three graduated from the police academy at Yuba County Community College.
Many of the sites offered community college credit for courses taken as part of a high school diploma.
Equally, the community college students recalled more information when the relative importance of different ideas was made more explicit.
Craig Klein, an English instructor at Scott Community College, has joined our idling intrigue about disappearing phrases like "yippee" and "gosh" and "gee willikers.
Community colleges offering two-year programs in liberal education and occupational training meet both of these criteria.
The three professors whom I determined to have created the most spirit in their classes all taught at a community college.
Eleanor plans to go to Southwestern Community College this fall.