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How To Use Commonwealth In A Sentence

  • He used a specially-arranged series of interviews during the Commonwealth summit yesterday to mount a stout defence of his position.
  • Well, it would be in a whole new jurisprudence so far as the prosecution of Commonwealth offences were concerned in this country.
  • Can the Commonwealth detain bankrupts for the purpose of examining them, on the basis that some bankrupts are likely to flee before examination?
  • There were also a huge range of aspects of Her Majesty's life - from images of her relaxing with her family and corgis, entertaining, on her royal duties, and as Head of the Commonwealth.
  • Jamaica, a member of the British Commonwealth, has a bicameral parliamentary legislative system.
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  • The blood tests which snared three drugs cheats at last month's Winter Olympics could be missing from the anti-doping programme throughout Britain this year, including the Commonwealth Games.
  • Otherwise, the Commonwealth could always legislate to say certain categories of State legislation are prohibited.
  • Yet those who might write off the Commonwealth and European medallist have short memories.
  • This gap is important in even-numbered years in order to accommodate the spectacle of the World Cup or the Summer Olympics, perhaps even the Commonwealth Games or the European Football championships.
  • But that would be no different from somebody disinterring a 20-year-old volume of the Commonwealth Law Reports and recounting what happened in some case.
  • Because the states directly provide the greatest share of schools funding, the percentage increases for the commonwealth are higher.
  • From 1953 he was assistant to the managing editor, serving as media organiser for the Perth Commonwealth Games and for early tours to the promising mineral regions of the north-west.
  • Only thus can Europe have any ideological and cultural glue; without it we are just a commonwealth of states in a customs union’.
  • Theatres were closed during the Commonwealth.
  • Sir Bobby Charlton and George Best were among VIPs holding the hi-tech baton, flanked by flag bearers carrying the flags of the Commonwealth nations.
  • Yours is that you happen to be the chief law enforcement officer of this Commonwealth.
  • Bangladesh was part of India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was controlled by India which was a part of the British Commonwealth with a British Minister (called a protectorate). Think Progress » Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaeda”
  • That, we respectfully submit, relates directly to a depredation upon the exchequer of the Commonwealth.
  • As a member of the Commonwealth Minerals Committee during World War II, he identified the potential of King Island scheelite.
  • The fact that egalitarian economic policies have no obvious correlation with per capita GDP within Europe or the Commonwealth makes a strong impression on egalitarians in those countries.
  • He buried the bodies in one grave with a single wooden cross as a marker; then notified the Commonwealth.
  • The most consistent feature of the Commonwealth idea, at all stages of its development, was the principle of consent.
  • None of Bacon's writings gives in short apace so vivid a picture of his tastes and aspirations as this fragment of the plan of an ideal commonwealth. New Atlantis
  • For the latter part of the power of the prerogative, or that whereby they are the supreme judicatory of this nation, and of the provinces of the same, the cognizances of crimes against the majesty of the people, such as high treason, as also of peculation, that is, robbery of the treasury, or defraudation of the commonwealth, appertains to this tribe. The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor v2. 500 to v2. 501 English Patch Fixes - Fixed an issue where a glider shot down in mid-air would prevent the commonwealth faction from being 'annihilated' - Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player was alt-tabbed during ... 2404 - PC Gaming
  • A supporter of the Long Parliament during the English Civil War and the Commonwealth; a Roundhead.
  • Manchester said goodbye to the Commonwealth Games the way it knows best - with the biggest knees-up this fun-loving city has ever seen.
  • He outlined a number of allegations involving unnamed judges, with claims of the soliciting of young male prostitutes, and misuse of Commonwealth cars.
  • This has been reflected in the attitude of the National Front towards new commonwealth citizens in the United Kingdom in recent times.
  • As to rifles in Va, I heard some years back that the commonwealth was considering banning them as there were concerns about slobs road hunting and sniping turkeys out of open fields beside the road. Rifle hunting turkeys
  • As part of the application, the family submitted a number of documents to the Department, which were forwarded to a medical officer of the Commonwealth.
  • In reality the only political grouping which could have any effective and meaningful voice against a European superstate is the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • With gusts of up to 180 miles per hour, Commonwealth Bay is often the windiest place on earth.
  • He provided the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory with snake venom, including that of the taipan, for antivenom production.
  • This is Beacon Hill, the state house for the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • So what section of the Commonwealth Electoral Act do you say wrongly and beyond power displaces this State position as to times and places?
  • Agesilaus resolutely answered, on the behalf of Phoebidas, that the profitableness of the act was chiefly to be considered; if it were for the advantage of the commonwealth, it was no matter whether it were done with or without authority. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • This text was assembled by two botanists at the Morris Arboretum, the official arboretum of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • I don't want to affect our "commonalty" if I may venture to call it, but I venture to say that is another reason why India should take its place in the Commonwealth. The India of Tomorrow
  • The proposal to scrap the testing program known as CATS - or the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System - passed the House and Senate with no opposition Friday. WKYT - Home - Headlines
  • He received a $30,000 grant from the commonwealth to expand one of the bunk houses.
  • Thirteen years ago I spent three weeks in Auckland as a gymnast competing for Wales in the Commonwealth Games.
  • At any rate, chances are we would remain a member of the commonwealth if we became a republic, so we would be recognising this ‘living heritage’ regardless of whether we were a monarchy or republic.
  • We had the telly on in the corner of the studio watching the mens diving at the Commonwealth Games.
  • I matriculated from the school in 1954, gaining a Commonwealth scholarship. J. Robin Warren - Autobiography
  • It is a bitter opposition to that class of doctrinaires who are inimical to the welfare of the commonwealth; who sneer at it holiest memories, defy its laws, and assault its courts; who wave the red flag of destruction at the whole social, industrial and political organism; and who see naught that is good, save in such policies and measures as may be of disintegrative and revolutionary aspect . The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • No matter how much you love the stone and broom game, when it takes priority in the biggest country in the Commonwealth, you can see why critics feel able to snipe.
  • According to Stephen Hart, the coach of the men's national team, the dealbreaker was the artificial turf at BC Place and in Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta. NYT > Home Page
  • After the war he became physician to the Commonwealth embassies in Moscow and turned many a stone in search of mayfly larvae, to the bafflement of his footsore minders.
  • When state employees and teachers are added to the mix, the commonwealth has 516,000 government workers - more than the combined populations of Pittsburgh, Reading and Allentown.
  • Large events such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games are often plagued by budget overruns, slack ticket sales and venue fiascos but bad publicity about Manchester has been notably absent.
  • Commonwealth would "disintegrate" if it attempts to sanction ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Another aspect of the cosmology working toward the creation and maintenance of the Yoruba commonwealth is the power of the Orisa to mediate during times of conflict and warfare.
  • After the war, Australian ships and sailors served in Japanese waters as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces.
  • The next long course championships for most of our swimmers will be the Commonwealth Games next year.
  • The Chairman of the Commonwealth Games, Ron Walker, is among those upset by the decision.
  • ‘The horse industry is a vital source of tourism and recreation in the commonwealth of Kentucky,’ Lewis said.
  • Commonwealth, the Protector conceived the idea of parcelling the kingdom into military districts, of which there were _eleven_, -- being precisely the number which it is now proposed, under the favor of success, to establish among us. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • Indranil Mukherjee/AFP/Getty Images India ' s ace shuttler clinched a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, October 2010. Saina in Pictures
  • He was in Europe preparing for the Commonwealth Games and I was at home sifting and sorting through his personal belongings and boxing them up.
  • He resigned his royal power and organized a commonwealth, building a council hall where the citizens should gather and vote.
  • They're at home with what I call a commonwealth of being. Fully Human, Fully Divine: James Fowler and Evelyn Underhill
  • It is therefore a matter of everlasting gratitude and thanksgiving that all the men most concerned in the founding of our commonwealth were so clear and well-balanced on the subject of religious liberty, and so thoroughly inwove the same into its organic constitution. Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
  • He was invested with the award in a ceremony on June 12 at Government House by the Administrator of the Commonwealth, Sir Guy Green.
  • The most consistent feature of the Commonwealth idea, at all stages of its development, was the principle of consent.
  • He has claimed two European golds, Olympic silver plus bronze medals at last year's world championships in Paris and the 2002 Commonwealth Games in his home city of Manchester.
  • The Commonwealth, in the Judiciary Act provisions, has also legislated in relation to legal practitioners in federal jurisdiction.
  • The Commonwealth has no military force, or coercive power apart from suspension and expulsion.
  • It was Edna ‘hellcat’ Broom, aka, the bitch who pushed in front of me in the line at the Commonwealth Bank, and refused to move.
  • His task was to be to assess whether the Commonwealth could assist with constitutional negotiations.
  • Resolved, That the efforts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in endeavoring to exterminate the imported pest known as the gy]) sy moth meet with our hearty ap - proval, and we, members of the farmers 'national congress, assembled at St. Paul, earnestly appeal to the congress of the United St.tes to aid our sister state in extermi - nating what is liable to be a national pest if neglected. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Let us not be too hasty in pressing any opinion arising and divulged with odious consequences of sedition, turbulency, and the like, because tumults and troubles happen in the commonwealth where it is asserted. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Something I shall add of my own present judgment in this matter; but with willing, express submission unto those whom the use and experience of things, with knowledge of foreign parts, skill in the rules of commonwealths, acquaintedness with the affections and spirits of men, have enabled to look punctually into the issues and tendencies of such a toleration. The Sermons of John Owen
  • However, he is governor and I will do my damndest to serve honorably the citizens of the Commonwealth. Your thesis and you « Dating Jesus
  • Well, the State is part of the Commonwealth judicature and we are the top of the national judicature.
  • The figures deduced play a key role in determining the number of seats in the House of Representatives and in the allocation of government grants from the commonwealth to the states and territories.
  • She was a great sprinter in her time winning silver and bronze medals at the 1960 Olympics and multiple golds at the 1963 Commonwealth and European Games in 1963, the year she won the award.
  • They were " an intolerable liberty in a Christian commonwealth ", almanac readers were told.
  • A Right Royal Jubilee Recipe Book includes menu ideas for a fork lunch, dozens of dishes and is rounded off with a recipe for Commonwealth cake.
  • The Territories are not disjoined; they are not satellites of the Commonwealth.
  • The non-residential workshop, expected to be officially opened on Saturday morning by Sports minister, Gladys Nyirongo, has been sponsored by IOC in partnership with UNICEF and Commonwealth Games Canada.
  • I want to defend my gold in the 2010 Commonwealth Games and stand on the victory podium before my home crowd.
  • The co-operative commonwealth itself is, they insist, for the distant future.
  • In 1986, when the Commonwealth Games were last hosted in Britain, Edinburgh endured a fortnight of stormy skies and an even bleaker financial legacy.
  • What needs to be understood in the debate about public liability insurance - now destined for Canberra and a talkfest between the Commonwealth and the States next month - is that nobody ever wants to get injured.
  • It was contemplated from the very beginning that all the countries in the area, whether members of the Commonwealth or not, would eventually be invited to participate on equal terms in whatever plan could be devised. Canada and the Colombo Plan
  • With the outbreak of war the new Commonwealth of Australia found itself willingly at war for the empire.
  • The commonwealth is now the fifth largest wine-producing state in the country and the seventh-largest commercial grape producer. McDonnell talks about the South's future
  • It goes back more than 200 years and forms an enormous resource for those studying the history of the Commonwealth.
  • It is hoped that the visitor centre will be opened by the Queen before the Commonwealth Games.
  • After the fall of Tobruk in June 1942 the British and Commonwealth forces, which had been formed into the Eighth Army the previous autumn, were re-equipped with American tanks.
  • The site has story ideas, regional links and everything you ever wanted to know about the commonwealth.
  • Many things of this nature had been done by the new commonwealth; but, alas! she did not drape herself melodramatically, nor stalk about with heroic wreath and cothurn. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • The earthly commonwealth being a reflection of the divine, secular power was therefore subordinate to spiritual.
  • The Solicitor-General for the Commonwealth says that the question of ordinary annual services is not justiciable in the courts of this country.
  • The military reverberations of the word "vulnerable"-unguarded, unfortified, defenseless-as well as its more visceral associations-exposed, naked-I felt intensely as I thought about the hard attitude rampant today that everyone is on his or her own, not only poor families struggling to survive (cuts to welfare), but also children (cuts to education) and the elderly (cuts to Medicare and Social Security); and the ruthless attitude equally rampant today that no one owes anybody anything, that any "sacrifice" in the name of the public good, of the world we share together, our commonwealth, is too much to ask of anyone. NPR Topics: News
  • Found in the Mariana archipelago of the western Pacific, the Rota bridled white-eye exists only on the island of Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
  • The Commonwealth, admittedly, passed laws to repeal it, so that was the end of that.
  • After a short spell in what is now the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, he joined the BBC in 1941, staying till he retired in 1975.
  • In front of tense townspeople she blurted out words that a Bible commonwealth had to condemn.
  • Concerning the first of these three titles, it is handled before in the two last chapters; for from thence cometh the right of sovereigns over their subjects in a commonwealth institutive. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • The women's four held off Germany to improve on the silver medal each oarswoman won at the Commonwealth Championships last week, and the women's double also impressed.
  • Not until World War II sent mothers back into the workforce did the Commonwealth government subsidise crèches and kindergartens.
  • The Commonwealth Youth Program has agreed to make available a sum of £20,000 to launch a Youth Enterprise Development Fund.
  • Although the Vice President for the Commonwealth is the Principal Vice President, the Vice President for Education, Intelligence, and Research is arguably the most important Vice President, the key figure in rethinking and reinventing and reinvigorating the American body politic. Robert David Steele: Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research -- Creating a Smart Nation
  • The Tomahawk was also enjoying success in aerial combat and several British and Commonwealth pilots became aces while flying the aircraft.
  • But if the proposition is that State amendment rules can displace and effectively set at nought the Commonwealth limitation, then we obviously would have difficulty and reject that proposition.
  • Essentially the Commonwealth must be looked upon now in the 1960's as an informal and largely deinstitutionalized association among countries of various races and continents. The Commonwealth: White Man's Burden or Blind Man's Bluff?
  • Australia remains the only Commonwealth country not to have a treaty with its original owners, and although a treaty may have made little difference to the lives of aboriginal Australians, the celebration of Australia Day on unceded land makes many non-aboriginal Australians, myself included, feel highly uncomfortable. Aboriginal Australians are part of the country's present – not just its past | Sarah Keenan
  • Nigeria was temporarily expelled from the Commonwealth of Nations after executing activist Ken Saro-Wiwa on what many believe to be politically motivated charges. The End of Oil Art Exhibit: Ed Kashi in the Niger Delta | Inhabitat
  • MUMBAI - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. said Monday it has scrapped a proposed deal to buy local rival J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd.'s prescription products business in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Dr Reddy's, JB Chemicals Scrap Proposed Russian Deal
  • But after I told Neil I had been a volunteer at the Commonwealth Games and done boxing reporting he immediately commandeered me to do more work.
  • Qualification for the Commonwealth Games requires birth in Scotland, or a Scottish parent if born elsewhere in the United Kingdom, or residency for three of the previous five years.
  • Some 2,500 athletes from 72 Commonwealth countries will compete for medals in 17 different sports.
  • This is the eighth and final volume of camera-ready documents edited by the distinguished but long-retired former Reader in Commonwealth Government, A. F. Madden.
  • South Africa returned to the Commonwealth in 1994 after the policy of apartheid had been abandoned.
  • It is also because of his father that he has a strong attachment to the Commonwealth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank expects high commodity prices to prove more beneficial to economies in the Commonwealth of Independent States than previously and also because growth in Germany and France during the first half of this year should boost demand for Eastern European exports. Eastern Europe Eyes Euro-Zone Troubles
  • F.R.S., late President of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ” Webster argued that the time for regarding English usage and submitting to English authority had already passed, and that “a future separation of the American tongue from the English” was “necessary and unavoidable. Chapter 1. Introductory. 1. The Diverging Streams of English
  • If I remember Obama was the one that said back then that the votes in Fl and Mi were meaningless, I hope she cleans the floor with him after she gets all her delegates from these states and Puerto Rico the commonwealth of the United States, unless they steal the nominee from her. Clinton has double-digit lead in Puerto Rico
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the direct contrary course. Paras. 300-324
  • The 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act changed this, and only those born in Britain were henceforth automatically given the right of abode.
  • National holiday: Commonwealth Day, 8 January (1978) Northern Mariana Islands
  • Seeing therefore the introduction of propriety is an effect of Commonwealth, which can do nothing but by the person that represents it, it is the act only of the sovereign; and consisteth in the laws, which none can make that have not the sovereign power. Leviathan
  • This was perfectly acceptable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; it was not at all acceptable to the court.
  • He is the chairman of the commonwealth of artists.
  • In a letter to the mark Commonwealth Day, which celebrated annually on 13 March 2000, Mbeki reminded his colleagues in CHOGM that, during a retreat at Fancourt last November, they had committed themselves to ending the structural inequalities in the global economy, ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the directly contrary course. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • But under section 78A of the Judiciary Act the Attorney-General intervenes upon behalf of the Commonwealth.
  • Scotland is the centre of international attention more than at any time since it hosted the Commonwealth Games 20 years ago.
  • We celebrated diversity by colouring in Union Jacks on Commonwealth Day.
  • The Prime Minister has implored the state and territory leaders to take up the Commonwealth's plan for the Murray-Darling Basin for the good of the nation.
  • Cycling is a sport obsessed with numbers and as the countdown to next year's Commonwealth Games gathers momentum, such figures come into sharper focus.
  • One of the rights we intend to preserve is to keep Ontario a strong and vigorous factor in the building of an ever stronger British Commonwealth and Empire. Ontario's Course Is Clear
  • He had been reading the Report of the Agricultural Survey of the Commonwealth, and had found good things in it; but it was easy to see that he felt towards the author much as soldiers do towards the historiographer who follows the camp, more good nature than reverence for the gownsman. Uncollected Prose
  • Cate Canevari, Head of Education Services for the Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University has given me permission to post this exciting information to the blog website. PDA version of PubMed and NLM pages available
  • Dating from the post Commonwealth period, circa 1660, the Trefid spoon appears in many different forms, but always has a flat stem and the diagnostic terminal where the stem is divided into three sections.
  • The were looking to push and test states who refused to comply with the recent Supreme Court decision, Irene Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia (1946), which said racial discrimination could no longer happen in interstate travel. Taj James: Movement Building and Deep Change: A Call to Mobilize Strong and Weak Ties
  • A constituent assembly would be called to decide whether she would remain within or outside the Commonwealth. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • But in the arcane world of Commonwealth Games eligibility, nothing is simple.
  • There has also been live entertainment in every city square to accommodate all tastes, from music of the Commonwealth in Barbirolli Square to samba and jazz in Great Northern Square.
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia in June issued bonds denominated in Thai baht, a first for an Australian bank. Japanese yields
  • In front of tense townspeople she blurted out words that a Bible commonwealth had to condemn.
  • The Scottish team will also feature a clutch of graduates from the Commonwealth Youth Games, which were hosted in Edinburgh two years ago.
  • The Commonwealth is in a position where it is saying that section 44 does not confer jurisdiction on the County Court untrammelled by the vexatious litigant order made by the Supreme Court.
  • Two of the reports arose from investigations conducted by the Commonwealth ombudsman.
  • [W] here there is no coercive Power erected, that is, where there is no Commonwealth, there is no Propriety; all men having Right to all things: Therefore where there is no Commonwealth, there nothing is Unjust. Coercion
  • He returned briefly to the Commonwealth's service, but retired when the Restoration became inevitable and procured a royal pardon.
  • No matter how much you love the stone and broom game, when it takes priority in the biggest country in the Commonwealth, you can see why critics feel able to snipe.
  • But if all hosstilitiess remain local, then Commonwealth government reaction sshould alsso sstay confined to local action, at leasst long enough for you to accomplissh our joint intended aimss. Drowning World
  • Red faced Commonwealth Games bosses have had to scrap a batch of badges celebrating Welsh participation in the event - because of a spelling mistake.
  • They favor continuation of Puerto Rico's status as a U.S. commonwealth.
  • Jonah was part of the New Zealand rugby sevens team which struck gold at the last Commonwealth Games.
  • PUERTO RICO is a Commonwealth, and they govern their own internal affairs with an elected Governor. Obama about to clinch victory, aide says
  • And it's an historic day because finally all families in the commonwealth of Massachusetts will have the opportunity to be equal families under the law.
  • And they offer an interesting case-history in paradoxy: utopian commonwealths often proved so persuasive that their paradoxical character gave way before their didactic function. LITERARY PARADOX
  • The welfare of the commonwealth was always upon the conscience of Ezekiel Cheever," said Judge Sewall, "and he abominated periwigs. 'Cheever: A Life'
  • (Hesiod, “Works and Days,” 40 and 266.) are of near kin to what we find in the determination of Plato, in his books entitled Gorgias and Concerning the Commonwealth, to wit, that it is worse to do than to suffer injury, and that a man more endamageth himself when he hurts another, than he would be damnified if he were the sufferer. Essays and Miscellanies
  • According to Davies, Medieval Ireland was less a unitary commonwealth after the pattern of England than a clustered multitude of sovereignties.
  • A loose federation, known as the Commonwealth of Independent States and made up of some former Soviet republics, succeeded it, but the Commonwealth is not recognized as a nation. Soviet Union
  • In exclusively entrusting to the courts designated the function of the adjudgment and punishment of criminal guilt under a law of the Commonwealth, the Constitution's concern is with substance and not mere form.
  • Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States, meaning that it is subject to most federal regulations and subsidies.
  • The issue of climate change is going to dominate the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) at Port of Spain, which is being attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Undefined
  • Helping the Commonwealth's smaller states develop their judiciaries might be his day job now, but his share of life-changing moments occurred during two years spent "surrounded by bombs" in Gaza, he says. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • Its embroidery featured a wealth of detail, including floral emblems of the Commonwealth countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flat caps, by public demand, have been added to the list of official merchandise at the Commonwealth Games.
  • The sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Commonwealth extend to all places within the boundaries thereof, subject only to such rights of _concurrent jurisdiction_ as have been or may be granted over any places ceded by the Commonwealth to the United The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • ‘She has helped us feel that being a citizen of this country and the wider commonwealth is like being a member of a family whose common interest and memories endure beneath and beyond all debates and conflicts,’ he said.
  • As the Courant noted, with the polluted water, ‘the public health is endangered… and the interest of the commonwealth demands a correction of the evil.’
  • I will tell him that this is a blow at the heart of democracy which the Commonwealth will not stand for, and apprise him of the numerous mechanisms through which it will make its displeasure felt.
  • Walking back across the road I spat a mouthful of water onto the windscreen of Howard's commonwealth car.
  • There be also books which are partly useful and excellent, partly culpable and pernicious; this work will ask as many more officials, to make expurgations and expunctions, that the commonwealth of learning be not damnified. Areopagitica
  • His task was to be to assess whether the Commonwealth could assist with constitutional negotiations.
  • Elizabeth the second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
  • And so also in Commonwealths private men may remit to one another their debts, but not robberies or other violences, whereby they are endamaged; because the detaining of debt is an injury to themselves, but robbery and violence are injuries to the person of the Commonwealth. Leviathan
  • So that of civil honour the fountain is in the person of the commonwealth, and dependeth on the will of the sovereign; and is therefore temporary, and called ‘civil honour, ’ such as magistracy, offices, titles, and, in some places, coats and scutcheons painted; and men honour such as have them, as having so many signs of favour in the commonwealth: which favour is power. Chapter X. Of Power, Worth, Dignity, Honour, and Worthiness
  • That is true, but the Supreme Court of Queensland is part of the judicature of the Commonwealth, and the days when the Supreme Courts and the other courts were held out of constitutional decision-making have gone.
  • Plato made it a great sign of an intemperate and corrupt commonwealth, where lawyers and physicians did abound; and the Romans distasted them so much that they were often banished out of their city, as Pliny and Celsus relate, for 600 years not admitted. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Later usage has restricted the term plenary to those councils which are presided over by a delegate of the Apostolic See, who has received special power for that purpose, and which are attended by all the metropolitans and bishops of some commonwealth, empire, or kingdom, or by their duly accredited representatives. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Armons-nous donc de courage pour faire face à nos devoirs, et comportons-nous de telle sorte que, si l'Empire britannique et le Commonwealth durent mille ans encore, les hommes puissent dire "C'était leur plus belle heure". 70th Anniversary of Churchill’s Famous Speeches
  • At Winslow, Arizona - I got instruction in a Commonwealth Skyranger and moved on to solo in a Champ.
  • One of the oldest colleges in the country, William & Mary is often called the alma mater of the nation, due to its ties to our founding fathers and Williamsburg's connections to the Commonwealth's history. WCAV - HomePage - Headlines
  • They presented the indictment and brought the charges on behalf of the Commonwealth.
  • It means he could even run up against his old partner Simon Archer, the Olympic bronze and Commonwealth gold medal winner at mixed doubles.
  • She will be a favourite for a Welsh gold at the Commonwealth Games.
  • Sovereignty, said Bodin, was that absolute and perpetual power vested in a commonwealth.
  • Unlike other members of the Commonwealth, Australia joined the US in refusing to recognise Communist China.
  • Regaining the Commonwealth 1500m crown in Manchester drained her physically and emotionally.
  • What do we mean when we talk about exempting employees of small businesses from the protection of Commonwealth unfair dismissal law?
  • After India became independent, she chose to be a member of the Commonwealth.
  • That independent team investigatory team is reporting to the Commonwealth ombudsman in relation to that to ensure that any corruption has not spread further.
  • He has won three golds, two silvers and three bronzes at world championships in the past five years, along with an Olympic silver and Commonwealth gold.
  • From the time of the first Crusade there has been a steady tendency to the unity of Christian countries; and notwithstanding all their conflicts with one another, and partly as one of the effects of those conflicts, they have "fraternized," until now there exists a mighty Christian Commonwealth, the members of which ought to be able to govern the world in accordance with the principles of a religion that is in itself peace. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 45, July, 1861
  • To the British, including the Empire and the Commonwealth, billion has long meant a million millions (1,000,000,000,000, or 10 to the twelfth), what Americans call a trillion.
  • Yet again, however, the case was amply made for British and Commonwealth title fights to be superintended by a panel of three judges rather than just the referee.
  • To add to the sanitary problems putting athletes off attending the Delhi Commonwealth Games, a series of DIY SOS bodged building jobs also put the willies up competitors. A history of the year in 100 objects – part one
  • The Committee authorized this transfer in June, and prior to the end of Fiscal Year 2007 a transfer of $2 million was executed from the House of Delegates to the General Fund of the Commonwealth. Waldo Jaquith - Connie Brennan backs family farms.
  • The Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.
  • A covenant to establish a commonwealth in political union with the US was approved in 1975.
  • The facilities don't have to be as large, although some countries have chosen to use the Commonwealth Games and staging the Commonwealth Games as an entrée to bigger events.

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