How To Use Commons In A Sentence

  • Meg looked worn and nervous, the babies absorbed every minute of her time, the house was neglected, and Kitty, the cook, who took life 'aisy', kept him on short commons. Little Women
  • It is politically safer – yes, even pragmatic – to describe one’s values as "commonsensical" or "middle of the road. Archive 2009-05-01
  • From Australia and New Zealand to Malaysia and India — in text and film and music and image — this booklet is a snapshot of the Asian commons. ACIA: Furthering the Commons in Asia
  • When the phrase was first coined, the three estates of the body politic were the lords, the clergy and the commons.
  • With its two commons, Steeple Fritton was shaped much like a penny-farthing bicycle, Posy had decided in childhood. TICKLED PINK
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  • A ha'porth of commonsense's sometimes worth volumes of statutes. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • Many small farms were indeed still let to some cottagers at rack-rent, which cottages had the right of commonage, guaranteed to them in their leases; but afterwards the commons were enclosed, and no recompense was made to the tenants by the landlords. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • If works are not published under Creative Commons, their dissemination is severely limited. Creative Commons for Catholics
  • The alternative of the commons is too horrifying to contemplate.
  • The Higher Education Bill scraped through the Commons at second reading by just five votes in January.
  • As you may be aware I am the Speaker of the House of Commons and it is incumbent upon me to honour and uphold the noble traditions of the House.
  • Therefore, George advocated allowing landowners to keep a small percentage of the land rent, mainly to avoid the prospect of having all unimproved land revert to the commons.
  • I know that one of the philosophical underpinnings of Creative Commons and other Open Content Licensing models is to not discriminate, which is why they are available to anyone. Lessig's use of Flickr photos: is Creative Commons really a community?
  • Unlike elected presidents, British prime ministers get where they are by being leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.
  • The political row over the deal deepened yesterday with angry exchanges in the Commons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The MP, who has previously obtained a super-injunction preventing the publication of private emails which had been leaked to the press, told a session of the joint Commons and Lords Committee on privacy and injunctions that such newspapers should be allowed to go to the wall. Zac Goldsmith criticised over concentration camp comparison
  • The Tories could back a motion proposed by the Commons standards committee to delay all reforms until an independent review is published. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a sense, the prime minister's Monday statement in the Commons on the IGC was a "closure", allowing a natural pause in media coverage on the EU treaty, until the Parliamentary battle starts for real in the New Year. Archive 2007-10-01
  • It is about allocating space on the commons or in public areas.
  • Pro-hunters fear that if peers refuse to back the Commons this time the Government will use the Parliament Acts to steamroller a ban into law.
  • In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
  • While this may sound self - evident or commonsensical to readers of this journal, it is the case that the idea of human beings as a positive influence on the world has increasingly been displaced in modern times.
  • The pope and the king of France taught Edward II to dissolve the preceptories, to the number of twenty-three, belonging to the Templars; in 1410 the Commons petitioned for the confiscation of all church property; in 1414 the alien priories in England fell under the animadversion of the government; their property was handed over to the crown and they escaped only by the payment of heavy fines, by incorporation into English orders, and by partial confiscation of their land. The Age of the Reformation
  • That's them defending the commons of the beauty of the neighbourhood, combined with the commons of the airspace we share through which dandelion seeds fly.
  • If you are aiming almost for pure comedy, then your detective will need only the smallest core of toughness or commonsense.
  • The government now seems confident that it will get the Communications Bill - which is expected to feature in the Queen's Speech in November - through the Commons unamended.
  • The idea of the commons is not scientific, it is a human construct. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Climate and Religious Fundamentalism
  • After notice and a period for comments, Creative Commons has versioned the attribution clause in our licenses.
  • Vast estates that had been managed by monasteries as endowments for religion and charity were impropriated to swell the wealth of courtiers and favorites; and the commons, where the poor man once had his right of pasture, were taken away, and, under forms of law, enclosed distributively within the domains of the adjacent landholders. Our American Holidays: Lincoln's Birthday A Comprehensive View of Lincoln as Given in the Most Noteworthy Essays, Orations and Poems, in Fiction and in Lincoln's Own Writings
  • A government that began with a Commons majority of 179 behaved in a lickspittle fashion towards its natural enemies.
  • Debate recommenced in the Commons, with tempers starting to fray, and fewer and fewer MPs following the detailed arguments.
  • It's a mechanism by which the Commons can express its extreme displeasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • But knighthood is an honour, not a peerage; he remained a member of the House of Commons until his retirement in 2001.
  • In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
  • He is undoubtedly a ** sonorous dactylist'* — and to him I add Mr. Jenner, Proctor of the Commons, and Commissary of St. PauVs, who is a gentleman of indefatigable politeness in opening the Archives of a The Rolliad, in Two Parts: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Eclogues and ...
  • Lady Boothroyd stood by her refusal to grant the privileges when she was Speaker, saying she had been determined to ‘protect the rules of the House of Commons’.
  • That the prison was built for him also, which he used to call the domicile of the Roman commons. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • And what does the chairman of the august Commons select committee on public administration do about all this? Times, Sunday Times
  • The commons authorities reported a rise in employees seeking permission to instal electric kettles and toasters in their offices to save money. MPs push to turn House of Commons into tourist attraction
  • One policeman armed with persuasive reasoning and commonsense is worth six others with truncheons drawn and shouting abuse to make their points. Find Shannon « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • If you open up the commons for everyone to graze their sheep, one person is going to go get their whole flock.
  • Most importantly, this kind of feudalism coupled with monopolism destroys the open commons nature of the internet. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Telcos Lobbying For 2 Tier System
  • Every public opinion survey always shows a large majority of the population adhere to supposedly "leftish" or commonsensical views: investments far preferred to tax cuts, public services (eg. health care), multilateralism, an end to foreign military adventures, civil liberties protected but balanced with collective identity & self-protection (anti-hatemongering laws, Canadian nationhood). latest blog entries
  • We apologize for the misidentification. all illustrations: lantern slides from the New York Public Library's digital collection via flickr's the Commons A Different Stripe:
  • But Lord Hoyle - who for many years represented Nelson and Colne and whose son Lindsay sits for Chorley in the Commons - said it was essential to get rid of the last vestiges of hereditary patronage.
  • Becoming Speaker of the House of Commons is happily no longer so precarious, but it certainly has its difficulties.
  • It leaves a lame duck with the responsibility of pushing the Maastricht Bill through the Commons.
  • Yet the disgraced former chairman of the Commons home affairs committee is back again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Word is now that Stephen Harper is going to try to progue Parliament again until after the Olympics rather than submit to an order by the House of Commons to turn over uncensored documents in the Afghan prisoner investigation. Rumors of a coup
  • There was something really weird about the flames, aside from the fact that they were inside the dining commons and couldn't be seen from outside.
  • Environment Minister Elliot Morley told the Commons the public should be given the option of backing moves to have their tap water fluoridated.
  • But that did not happen, and the House of Lords survived in a triumvirate with the king and Commons.
  • The aldermen and the commons were to meet together at least once a quarter, (598) and no member of the common council was to serve on inquests, nor be appointed collector or assessor of a talliage. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • Major's reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.
  • First, none of these critics of a commonsense doctrine of agency deny that the subject or representations of the subject exert significant effects, nor do they deny the subject a kind of social effectivity or agency.
  • Jacob asked as soon as they were outside the dining commons.
  • On the political side of gay issues, a motion passed last week in the House of Commons to extend the parliamentary session for a few more days to pass additional legislation.
  • Therefore the Commons did well and wisely, when they sent us here, not to attack this or that servant who may have peculated, but to punish the man who was sent to reform abuses, and to make Bengal furnish to the world a brilliant example of British justice. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • Hoyle's rebellions were revolts of the commons, taken over and defused by the gentry and nobility.
  • Venous thromboembolisms kill more than 25,000 people in the UK every year according to a report released by the Commons Health Committee earlier this month.
  • This year, MPs were given copies of their files, already marked with the Commons authorities changes, to suggest their own redactions.
  • The Opposition had sent the Bill back to the Commons four times in an unprecedentedly bitter conflict.
  • But the property rights system described here is not, strictly speaking, a commons.
  • Communities dependent upon the commons do not have social regulations and that group ownership is an inferior solution.
  • Commonsense told them that anyone could eat dozens of apples a day without suffering any permanent ill effect.
  • The Levellers, the strongest of the radical groups, demanded an end to King, Lords and Commons, and rule by Parliament.
  • The best strategic course for the U.S. is to initiate a process that would affirm the use of space as a global commons where all guns are checked at the border of the mesosphere, 50 miles up.
  • What happens on Commons committees? Times, Sunday Times
  • He praised students for boycotting the venue in the Commons yesterday and slammed the promotion as "demoralising". Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • The two-year inquiry by the Commons trade and industry select committee found civil servants kept vital information from ministers.
  • The project combines the traditional features of residential colleges-each has a dedicated dining commons, a master's residence, and civic and green space-with new technologies such as prefabricated bathroom pods. Wired Campus
  • ‘I must go to Doctors’ Commons and read up wills of the parents of any likely gudgeons I may know. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • One is through international environmental agreements; the other is unilateral sanctions imposed by responsible commons users upon abusers.
  • How many animals can one area, the ‘commons,’ support before it is overgrazed and production declines?
  • I could wear Armani suits and make flippant remarks in the House of Commons.
  • The fact that the Party is not abstentionist, and can make its voice heard on the floor of House of Commons and on Parliamentary Committees should also be seen as an advantage. "THE SDLP’S CHALLENGE"
  • And insofar as left or centrist governments do not debate the limits and / or confines of multiculturalism, or take measures to fully integrate non-Western cultures into the 'European identity' to become fully at home in their host countries, we can expect individuals of all persuasions to flock to the far-right (whom they perceive as having "commonsensical" approaches to these issues.) Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
  • The new transport bill will get its first reading in the House of Commons tomorrow.
  • My visit was to see The House of Commons and have a girly gossip with Melissa which I enjoyed immensely.
  • Scaring the people to death works, but it also corrodes the public commons.
  • Commons, for the third time, played what Burke called the tragi-comedy of declaring the election void. A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume III (of 4)
  • unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated
  • The PM is refusing to appear before a key Commons committee before the referendum. The Sun
  • The seven voters of Old Sarum were allowed to return two members of Parliament, because this place, -- once a Roman fort, and afterwards a sheepwalk, -- many generations before, at the early casting of the House of Commons, had been entitled to this representation; but the argument for State Rights assumes that all these rights may be lodged in voters as few in number as ever controlled a rotten borough of The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • We were asked to consider whether the school library is a place, a concept, a function, or a learning commons; could we re-vision school as something happening within library? The Changing Landscape of School Libraries
  • Miller was tacitly in favour of the open landscape, if his vivid and often sentimental descriptions of the surrounding open fields, commons and wastes are anything to go by.
  • The necessity of limiting the influence of the crown and excluding 'placemen' from the House of Commons had been one of the traditional Whig commonplaces, and a little had been done by Burke's act of 1782 towards limiting pensions and abolishing obsolete offices. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • Had the word commonsense not become such a meaningless term I'd almost be tempted to use it. Workers of the world, divide!
  • What I like about Cambridge is that there's so much open space - there are parks and commons everywhere.
  • Image of a nicely gridded-up square foot garden courtesy shygantic, via a Creative Commons license. Boing Boing
  • Once they were gathered at a table in the dining commons, the debate continued.
  • The Tory Party called the bill "the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons".
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise / compose / constitute the British Parliament.
  • The point of talking about the commons is to reassert a basic truth: Power does not reside in government and markets alone.
  • It was David Cameron's toughest test to date, explaining to the Commons why he had gone far, far further than any previous prime minister in handbagging the European Union. The Eurosceptics have taken over the asylum | Simon Hoggart's sketch
  • Where the caravan guards had got to he did not know, but the men now riding into the commons from both north and south were no raggle-taggle bunch but two dozen men armed with bows, spears, and swords and dressed in good silk. Spirit Gate
  • The office of Commons clerk goes back to the 14th century. Times, Sunday Times
  • It hasn't worked for Haw so far, and I'm not sure it will, but I'm a bit worried that it might work for my pro-hunting Yorkshire friend next time she chains herself to the Commons railings.
  • Under Labour the first Muslims were elected to the House of Commons and appointed to the Lords.
  • The new Commons will be smaller than the old 659-seat House, which has been shorn of 13 Scottish constituencies because of devolution.
  • If ever there were a time to relearn commonsensical standards of behavior and weed out the Fabs before the government comes calling, this is it.
  • Commons, that "their remonstrance was more like a denunciation of war, than an address of dutiful subjects, and that their pretension to inquire into state affairs was a plenipotence to which none of their ancestors, even during the weakest reigns, had ever dared to aspire. A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
  • He sees Linux as the public OS platform and Wi-Fi as the public network commons.
  • But NAF self-consciously did use the word "commons", indeed so extravagantly that it was repeated more than 200 times in this brief 21 page document, twice as many times, interestingly, as they used the word "military". The Full Feed from
  • This is a victory for commonsense and we want to applaud the Minister for standing with the people on this issue.
  • In Great Britain an ocean-going vessel, the Savoy Theatre, and the House of Commons were all lit by electric lamps in 1881.
  • Regan said: ‘Men are often robbed and attacked while using London's parks and commons.’
  • Last night his gamble backfired as he was effectively left without a party in the Commons to lead. The Sun
  • The visitor's gallery in the House of Commons was full.
  • A commons in medieval Britain consisted of pastureland that was shared in common by a number of the herdsmen of a village.
  • The British Women's Movement, such as it is these days, came up with a programme of speeches at the House of Commons.
  • The couple then moved to the romantic setting of the Commons terrace, before George showered Caroline with gifts: a box of parliamentary mints, a House of Commons teddy bear and a copy of his book.
  • The technology needed to put fully autonomous cars on the roads is closer to becoming a reality than most people think, the Commons transport committee heard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly the innocent fall prey to it, and commonsense is out the window. on March 22, 2008 at 11: 15 pm | Reply XTP An Ex Traffic Biker Writes: « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A short while later, the two of them sat at a table in the dining commons with their trays.
  • ` ` Commons! '' retorted Hobbie, ` ` nae siccan commons neither; the Elliots hae been lang kend a gentle race. '' The Black Dwarf
  • These were hurled at Michael Foot, the then Leader of the House, in the House of Commons, on July 6, 1978.
  • I was a feckless young man, without direction, commonsense, or gumption.
  • I am here using the word preposterous in its dictionary sense of "contrary to nature, reason or commonsense," for in the light of modern scientific knowledge, human behavior is, demonstrably, characterized by the interaction of cultural and biological variables, and, as Melvin Konner has recently put it "an analysis of the causes of human nature that tends to ignore either the genes or the environmental factors may be safely discarded. Evolving Margaret Mead
  • The guide contains commonsense recommendations covering situations such as meetings in strangers' offices and homes, walking home alone and car breakdowns.
  • Following round-table meetings with supportive MPs and local authorities, it is working to put forward a bill in the Commons.
  • The Lords' veto on the budget was overturned, and Asquith fought an election on this very issue, establishing the primacy of the elected Commons over the unelected Lords.
  • The BSkyB takeover has been killed, a direct consequence of Labour's decision to put the issue before the Commons and careful collaboration with the Lib Dems who are also feeling a bit perkier. Ten days in which we saw Ed Miliband throw off his L-plates | Andrew Rawnsley
  • But no one will be laughing if they end up sitting in the House of Commons spouting their nonsense. The Sun
  • Mr Meacher has signed a Commons motion which says MPs should have the opportunity to consider the issue before ministers give the go-ahead to license GM crops.
  • As you might know mininova starts filtering copyrighted material, i dont upload protected content But i fear that such filters may also delete files wich are not violating copyrights as example Creative Commons music wich has a 4 second part wich is similar to an protected title. MiniNova introduces ‘filter’ system
  • That meant that he was always hugely popular both in the House of Lords and the House of Commons, because his criticisms, although trenchant, were never malicious.
  • It is plain as a pikestaff that if exposed to the incredulous view of the Taxpayer, who, by now, has a pretty clear view of some of the potential abuses, the floor of the House of Commons cellars would soon be awash with the blood of MPs caught with their grubby hands in the till. 'Shred & Bury': The New Westminster Watchword
  • There was a supercharged atmosphere during the debate in the House of Commons last night.
  • In doing so he drew on what in retrospect seem "commonsensical" positions and "middle of the road" values. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Omnium nobilium sufficientia in eo probatur si venatica noverint, si aleam, si corporis vires ingentibus poculis commonstrent, si naturae robur numerosa venere probent, &c. 3644. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • As we digest the probability that the House of Commons will vote to ratify the EU Constitution without a single shred of democratic legitimacy, even the Guardian, which can normally be relied upon to peddle the Party Line in as psittacine a manner as it can manage, has felt moved to object to the present undemocratic outrage being perpetrated by Labour. Archive 2008-01-20
  • At last, he has been allowed to take up his office in the House of Commons, where he has raised the Irish flag.
  • It is politically safer - yes, even pragmatic - to describe one's values as "commonsensical" or "middle of the road. TPMCafe
  • I am not, but what the member's case does highlight is the danger of allowing more private ownership of the foreshore and seabed, as she is proposing, when her party started off proposing that it should be held in the commons.
  • We remember how she chose to address the Commons in a low-cut top. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some things would be free, such as fruit from trees planted on the commons.
  • The proposal will provoke an outcry in the Commons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • It could become a serious problem for a government already running into difficulty over its slender Commons majority. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I remember, quite commonsensical, businesslike, liked everything cut and dried and insisted on a price-tag on everything she did. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • I'm not a webhead, so, not sure what venue we'll be on, but as always it will be creative commons and shared. Goodbye Wow2, I love you!
  • LOTHIAN: So, in a little-noticed memo sent around last month, the Office of Management and Budget made what it calls commonsense changes to provide more accurate data. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2010
  • The Commons points to a Spectator article (registration required) on the ecological dangers of goa ... What, Me Rich?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The council is responsible for maintaining more than 100 parks, open spaces, commons and woodlands which attract around five million visitors a year.
  • We send one member for every 40,000 people in Ireland to the Imperial Parliament, while England, Scotland and Wales send only one for every 73,000; in other words, one Irishman is as good as two Scotchmen or two Englishmen in the British House of Commons, that is, if they like to go. The Irish Problem
  • The general parceling out led to the disappearance of the commons when the land not divided among landowners was given to the crown.
  • After successfully passing a second vote in the House of Commons at the end of June, the identity card bill will go for a final vote when Parliament reconvenes in October.
  • Try as she might, she could not persuade the knights and burgesses of the Commons to leave such royal matters to her.
  • The House of Commons, too, was horrified at the notion of a Scottish king styling himself ‘King of Great Britain’.
  • Government was in office, with Lord Randolph Churchill as its leader in the House of Commons; and one of the first acts of the new leader was to separate himself ostentatiously from the Irish policy of Lord Spencer and from the policy of coercion in general. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • The Lords amended it to death, and sent it back to the Commons -- the poor and pithless shadow of its former self. The New England Magazine, Volume 1, No. 2, February, 1886. The Bay State Monthly, Volume 4, No. 2, February, 1886.
  • In fact, it is a business that in our view involves people in businesses being able to make a private profit from an activity conducted on, and in, the public commons.
  • And so long they went forward till they came within a four mile of London, and there lodged on a hill called Blackheath; and as they went, they said ever they were the king’s men and the noble commons of England: 1 and when they of London knew that they were come so near to them, the mayor, as ye have heard before, closed the gates and kept straitly all the passages. Wat Tyler’s Rebellion. The Evil Deeds That These Commons of England Did to the King’s Officers, and How They Sent a Knight to Speak with the King
  • Thinks I to myself, this is what Mr. Hume would have, in the Commons House, called jobbery, and a poor kind of job it turned out; for, on inspecting the lime juice at Port Royal, some of it was condemned as unfit for use. A Sailor of King George
  • Lord Romilly's preliminary ruling sent a clear message to all landowners eyeing parcels of seemingly unowned land - commons, wastes, heaths and greens - with intent to develop, exploit or add them to their existing holdings.
  • Vietnam orders submarines and warplanes from Russia photo: Creative Commons/saturnism - Business News
  • The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
  • MPs want police chiefs hauled before the Commons. The Sun
  • In the commons, Pitt asserted that the rupture of the negociations was wholly due to the directory, who demanded, not as an ultimatum, but as a preliminary, to retain all territories of which the war had given them possession; and respecting which they had thought proper to pass a decree, annexing them unalienably to the republic. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • Here, a moment of a nonsticky tactile sensation – the conceptually implied object being signified by the conceptual cognition of feeling a commonsense orange held in our hand – is followed by a moment of a sticky tactile sensation. The Appearance and Cognition of Nonexistent Phenomena: Non-Gelug Presentation
  • Rosie Winterton accused the government of "discourtesy" to the Commons after Sir Epolitix News
  • Hundreds of futurists, supposedly right up there on the cutting edge of everything, laughed at a word that is so ancient it made its way to that hotbed of street slang, the House of Commons, three years ago.
  • It is to be also remembered that female attorneys-at-law were unknown in England, and a proposition that a woman should enter the courts of Westminster Hall in that capacity, or as a barrister, would have created hardly less astonishment than one that she should ascend the bench of Bishops, or be elected to a seat in the House of Commons. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Lawmakers are summoned from the Commons by an official known as Black Rod - but only after they slam the door in his face to symbolize their independence. The Shad Plank
  • If we did a head count in the Commons we would find the real dodgers. The Sun
  • We recommend that the Intelligence and Security Committee be reconstituted as a select committee of the House of Commons.
  • The 1910 autochrome of medieval cosplayers, cropped above, and the monkey-on-a-rhino gelatin print below are in a set of early 20th century photographs from The George Eastman House, which has joined the flickr commons. Boing Boing
  • I always get nervous when people talk about privatizing the commons.
  • Other Cestrian candidates are one Thomas Catlin, who was evidently disliked because he was mean (and wore what would today be called a sadistic smile), or Sir William Catesby, a Speaker of the House of Commons who was beheaded at Bosworth in 1485. The Cheshire cat
  • MPs want police chiefs hauled before the Commons. The Sun
  • When views to the west were lost in fog or hidden behind trees, I would often stand between the fields and wooded scarp slope looking south-east to the Clee Hills: a strangely self-contained land with its two mountains, wide open commons and isolated history. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • He was a classical example of a brilliant man, an academic, who lacked commonsense and elementary manners.
  • House of Commons and the Admiralty — Author attempting to cut out a Spanish zebec, is taken prisoner — His pleasant experiences while in captivity — At last released. A Sailor of King George
  • The mood was sombre as the Commons sat down on Wednesday to debate the crisis.
  • Tam arrived red cheeked and breathless at the village commons just in time to see Pel Baker pull his first batch of bubbling sugarberry pies out of a brick oven. Curse of the Shadowmage
  • Commons -- an 'he to be dead at last! the warld'll seem quite unco without his auld-farrant phizog on the streets. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • The whole of the inhabitants of the county may be regarded as possessing an interest in the Devonshire Commons, with the exception of the people of Barnstaple and Totnes, the reason being that those districts not having been afforested with the rest of the county, the residents acquired no new privileges when Devonshire was disafforested. The Customs of Old England
  • On other occasions, the Commons will be applauded for its occasional demonstration of unwhipped independence.
  • It is part of a series of measures to toughen the justice system in a major bill introduced to the Commons yesterday. The Sun
  • Because political and economic institutions can affect man's moral character, Commons reasoned that they should create conditions subserving all individuals' self-development.
  • Without the aid of a swingometer, and feeling a bit low on powers of anal retentiveness today, I would guess that those sorts of swings would wipe out most, if not all, of Labour's Commons majority. Won`t Get Fooled Again
  • Although these divisions are more complex than what we commonsensically mean by class, this system has a number of advantages.
  • If the House of Commons are absolutely determined to do this foolish thing, then what the Prime Minister says will not make a ha'p'orth of difference.
  • But instead, it is likely to provoke a backbench rebellion in the Commons. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to make this vision a reality, the devices need a slice of the spectrum that would form a virtual park or an airwaves commons where equipment makers and others could experiment.
  • Blair, content with a kennel full of poodles in the Commons, will never allow such a thing.
  • The office of Commons clerk goes back to the 14th century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creative Commons is the brainchild of cyberlaw and intellectual property experts in the United States.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • The indeterminacy of the relations between commonsense impartiality and other ethical considerations means that commonsense impartiality resists the kind of systematisation that moral theory demands. Bernard Williams
  • Dr Commons is a director of the free standing surgicenter operates with DRs Kaplan, Kim, and Laub. Blogpulse Top Links
  • Nor do I think that most Canadians understand or perhaps even care about the complexities of the constitutional imbroglio that has unfolded since the opposition began defeating the government in the Commons last Wednesday.
  • Can someone tell us what commonsense reasoning the highway officials are applying here?
  • If the House of Commons are absolutely determined to do this foolish thing, then what the Prime Minister says will not make a ha'p'orth of difference.
  • The merchandise pushers have invaded the commons of childhood, the free open spaces of imagination and play, and turned them into a free-fire zone of commercial importuning.
  • The bombshell came as the shadow Commons deputy leader defied his boss to speak out. The Sun
  • After eating at the dining commons, Jacob skated across campus to Tivrusky Hall, the main lecture room for chemistry classes.
  • Yesterday he made an unexpected appearance in the Commons chamber. Times, Sunday Times
  • So enclosing the commons is needed to avoid ruin, and to promote productive investments in the land.

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