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How To Use Committed In A Sentence

  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
  • According to police and prosecutors, the two got into a fight after she told him he should be committed to a mental hospital.
  • A business tycoon, arts patron and committed left-winger, Berge opted to sell the collection amassed over a lifetime after Saint Laurent's death last June aged 71.
  • Committed by parents, teachers, priests or minders it undermines trust and dependency, disrupts relations with authority figures and can interfere with loving and learning.
  • The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.
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  • A terrible outrage was committed here last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the late 1980s Craxi indignantly told Frei that he had never committed a single illegal act. Italy's Dirty Linen
  • We are pleased to offer our clients access to CBX ASIA through our trading platform as we remain fully committed to providing the broadest selection of liquidity in Asia and globally, ensuring that our clients have a unique and dynamic edge when accessing trading venues". Bobsguide Financial Industry News
  • All three impulsively committed a felonious act that lead to their incarceration, i.e., attempted murder and kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder.
  • And it was Charlie’s indirect responsibility that he committed suicide, thus ending that marriage in acrimony and despair. Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
  • There is a moral crime of the highest order being committed, and somebody is morally responsible.
  • By backing the policy, he committed the party to supporting a 'no-platform' policy.
  • Vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment.
  • Over the next nine months, we are committed to delivering on a billion dollar assets sale.
  • They require committed resourceful parents who will be able to rise to the challenges they will face over the years.
  • He's a committed vegetarian who occasionally gives in to cravings for lamb.
  • He has already committed to shooting one third of the portmanteau film Eros, with directors he was worked with before.
  • I can see taha many of the comments try to justify what happening in Gaza by other crimes committed in the human history. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
  • Created for all kinds of cycling lifestyler, they offer technical and off-the-bike gear for everyone from committed roadies to dirt junkies.
  • ‘I have committed no violations,’ he said in the lobby of Parliament last Friday.
  • By this standard, serious and committed people of faith will be less likely to be approved for judgeships.
  • Through oversubtle and even fraudulent construction of law, he said, much wrong was committed (De officiis I. EQUITY IN LAW AND ETHICS
  • The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
  • Our family of hospitals is wholeheartedly committed to equity and equality.
  • Where ownership is not committed to long-term success, the prognosis for ongoing performance improvement is poor.
  • Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
  • This criminalises people who have committed no crime.
  • Mike Schneider: I avoid the term committed when working on mass collaborative projects because realistically only a small percent of people follow through on their commitments. Fatally Yours
  • The teen was committed to DYRS last year, the source said, after being "adjudicated," or found guilty, in Family Court of an armed robbery. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • The federal government could be committed to a tax expenditure quickly without prior consultation.
  • The scrutinizing artist and his exposed sitters are all committed to the inert artifact that will outlive them: a photograph.
  • Our anger should not be directed at the police or all suspects but at those men who committed the atrocities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critical criminology was, of course, morally committed to social justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • For Evan Snyderman of R 20th Century, a leading New York gallery, Design Miami/Basel is one of the few fairs in the world committed to the level of presentation and connoisseurship our gallery strives to achieve. Maturing Gracefully
  • As Britain's largest country sports organisation, BASC is committed to providing training in the safe use of guns to young people interested in taking up the sport of shooting.
  • The killer committed monstrous acts.
  • They will always be fiercely competitive up front and totally committed in defence. The Sun
  • Whether Terence O'Neill was committed to promoting the sorts of reforms which might have satisfied the Catholic minority is unknown.
  • He further asked: “‘Clear me of unperceived guilt’ [ibid.; i.e., of the sins I committed secretly, unperceived by others].” Bathsheba: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • Lovers quarrel when one party in the relationship has committed an act of betrayal. Christianity Today
  • Committed campaigning on progressive policies is a vehicle to unite people in opposition and for change.
  • It mattered not that a corporate contemnor could not be committed to prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should they too be cross-questioned by new EU thought police about their fitness to work in companies committed under countless EU directives to celebrating diversity and promoting equality?
  • Because a special preemie is in my heart, I was instantly committed to helping promote the event. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » November
  • The city is committed to the advancement of modern management systems and performance measurement.
  • Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
  • But they said the area continued to receive a smaller share of the cake than was warranted by the amount of crime committed in it.
  • Basing V Corps in CONUS provides another heavy corps uncommitted to any theater, thus enhancing the ability to respond to two major theater wars (MTWs).
  • We in Jaffa used to hear news about Palestinian villages falling into Jewish hands as well as massacres committed by the Jews. Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
  • All persons so committed may be detained n. 'jt'feci'maTbe in said hospital two years; but when it shall appear to the detained two trustees that any person held in said hospital will not continue to be subject to dipsomania or inebriety, or will be sufficiently provided for by themselves or their guar - dians, relatives or friends, they may issue to them a permit to be at liberty, upon such conditions as they deem Permit to be at Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
  • What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • Among the suicide cases, 61 hanged themselves, 12 took insecticides, one slit the wrists, another one jumped to death, while one committed suicide by self-immolation.
  • Second, they are more likely to have members committed to cooperative organization than are coops founded when socialist ideology is weak.
  • They've committed one great folly in the mess-up with the dig tree.
  • In a well publicised case a patient recently committed suicide while under the care of a clinical ecologist.
  • extended sense", but they are incapable of satisfying (B2), precisely because their way of satisfying (B1) is committed to a non-concatenative realization of syntactic structures. The Language of Thought Hypothesis
  • This streaker has committed at least two arrestable offences by showing himself in public and running onto the pitch.
  • But when my poor mother heard that I was committed, by word of honour, to a wild-goose chase, among the rebels, after that runagate Tom Faggus, she simply stared, and would not believe it. Lorna Doone
  • The magistrates committed her to Preston Crown Court for sentence after ruling their powers of punishment were insufficient.
  • According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed.
  • The Sana news agency quoted an unnamed official as expressing "regret" that Arab states had "completely ignored facts on the killing and sabotage committed by armed terrorist groups".
  • Well, you know, I'm a little confused by your characterization of this as though because a person has served a jail sentence that that somehow erases the fact that they committed a crime.
  • I have recommitted myself to discovering a slower lifestyle -- I do, of course, fully believe in the power of poetry and play -- but the siren song of a highly productive life still calls compellingly to me. Christine Carter, PhD: Borrowing Time for Bliss
  • Character comedy at its most committed. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're poised for dynamic growth and we're committed to helping you succeed.
  • Negroponte's embassy also suppressed information about human rights abuses committed by the Honduran military.
  • Do not cracksmen, when assembled together, entertain themselves with stories of glorious old burglaries which they or bygone heroes have committed? Roundabout Papers
  • He committed a second clear foul and was sent off.
  • Besides, I'd like a committed relationship, not a cheap thrill (not that there's anything wrong with cheap thrills).
  • We do, after all, now have one party preaching fiscal discipline and another committed to unfunded tax cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he was on patrol around the perimeter of the resort when the murder was committed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They all committed seppuku in shame and we lost the account.
  • PeaceBang's much-beloved and trusted hairdressed decided to "try something new" the other day and committed upon PeaceBang's head what we used to refer to in the 6th grade as a "butch," as in, "You got totally butched. You Do What You Can
  • The best approach is to make use of a team of multidisciplinary professionals who are committed to limb salvage.
  • It requires holding your nerve, being totally committed and believing absolutely that's what you have got to do.
  • If one considers the last situation, the magistrates' court which committed a defendant will not have made any order as to costs.
  • It was possible that Riddle had committed suicide in such a way as to make it appear that he had been murdered.
  • To the same purport is that (v. 14), That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • KING: Senator Leahy, in the Boston Globe today, in an op-ed piece, you continue your effort to get what you call a commission of inquiry to look back into the practices, the detainee interrogation practices, what you call the torture committed during the Bush administration. CNN Transcript May 3, 2009
  • Both have committed themselves to developing education as an instrument of social change.
  • This discipline looks at the positives of marriage and committed cohabitation, at what binds people together. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said they considered racial abuse as a hate crime and were committed to combating all acts of racism.
  • The men maintained they were out of the country when the crime was committed.
  • The government is committed to balancing the books over a sensible period of time. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had been due to be sentenced for two drink-driving related offences committed while she was already banned for a third.
  • The fibre supply was now tightly committed to the operations of three large transnational pulp and paper corporations.
  • He committed his fair share of fouls in those three matches. The Sun
  • The recording is, indisputably, I believe, one of the greatest pieces of music-making ever committed to disc.
  • The excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regrettable.
  • In a committed relationship this isn't an issue. The Sun
  • Strikingly, Podhorzer said that his union's internal polls -- which push voters hard on the question of whether people are really firmly committed to their pick -- show that as many as "15 to 20 percent" of battleground state voters remain "persuadable," as he put it, despite what public polls say about the level of undecided voters. Top Obama Labor Supporter Warns Race Remains Volatile, Says Voters Lack Clear Sense Of Obama
  • Three years of hard work and dedication by a committed group of locals have gone into providing the area with a beautiful new facility.
  • He is too committed to his reform package to be able to make changes as flaws become apparent during implementation. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the parish level, the fear of schism ensured that the church remained a militant one, committed to the policies of Catholic reform first promulgated by the council of Trent.
  • Cells appear to be committed to an endocardial cell fate early in heart development.
  • There had to be a reason why he lost control and watched helplessly as his own body committed such an outrageous act.
  • The plot is that the parole officer witnesses a murder committed by a bent copper.
  • The crime was committed on American soil.
  • Trusting in her intercession with Christ, who whereas He is the "one mediator of God and men" (1 Timothy ii, 5), chose to make His Mother the advocate of sinners, and the minister and mediatress of grace, as an earnest of heavenly gifts and as a token of Our paternal affection we most lovingly impart the Apostolic Blessing to you, Venerable Brethren, and to all the flock committed to your care. Latest Articles
  • For those individuals committed to a daily roughage allotment, the Manchester cobb salad is a more-than-satisfactory dish.
  • Do we really look weak, uncommitted, value-free-tacking to the wind, whichever way it blows?
  • We are committed to an ongoing, amicable relationship of mutual care and support. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are committed to progressing this matter in a way that shows justice and delivers justice to our people.
  • Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
  • Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
  • The lowly cultivator is viewed as indifferent to economic incentives because it is presumed that he is strongly committed to his traditional ways of cultivation. Theodore W. Schultz - Prize Lecture
  • The non-intellectual wing of the Christian Right Community has committed a sacrilege and blasphemy, (to say nothing of the secular crime of high treason), because they have accepted the fiction of a cynical team of writers, who depict the god they describe as a homicidal, Demonic, maniac, and touted these despicable properties as "holiness," and used that as an excuse to support and urge the slaughter of their chosen Muslim fantasy enemies. THE SHAMELESS END-DAYS FICTIONAL REPLACEMENT FOR REVELATION.
  • After months of dedicated practice by a committed cast the end result was a superb performance by one and all.
  • Being cruel, guileful and unscrupulous, the terrorist committed all manners of crimes including murder and arson.
  • Besides all that we once committed ourselves by writing on the subject, we have done many other cruel things; such as dividing insects, (whether at the union of the head with corselet, or of the corselet with the abdomen,) and we have found that the segments to which the members were articulated carried on their functions _without the head_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • The reason I haven't been arrested is not because I'm white and haven't committed any of these crimes -- let's face it, I've jaywalked, littered, and loitered, which makes me a triple threat -- it's because I'm not poor. Jan Herman: Living in a Police State Is Okay
  • Without a good number of experienced, committed blockaders on the ground even a brief tactical victory would be impossible. The Brawl in St. Paul
  • Mother was so angry that her face was drained of blood when she knew his son had committed the crime.
  • If one manufactures, sells, or uses a patented invention without authorization of the patent owner, he has probably committed patent infringement.
  • A committed group of people turns out annually and hopefully if the weather is favourable on Sunday next we'll see a good number of walkers to keep up this long tradition.
  • I am a senior and when I try to tell the younger generation what really happened they smile and more or less give the idea that old people are senile and the good people of the US would never have committed such an unforgivable sin.
  • The ’80s-era heartthrob is “hopeful that he and Susie can work to resolve this quickly and amicably, and he is fully committed to doing what is best for the welfare of their son,” the rep’s statement adds. Corey Feldman Plastic Surgery: Corey Feldman Liposuction
  • He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab.
  • The crimes that the men committed are contemptible and grave, and the men deserve to lose their liberty for them.
  • But the voices continued to bedevil her, and later that year she was committed to Highland Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina.
  • There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.
  • Tibetans treat the blind as outcasts because they believe they are possessed by demons or have committed evil in a prior life.
  • He committed the crime under the influence of drugs.
  • Corporate crime?committed by businesses?should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.
  • We would wish to pursue further the criminal frauds committed by Robert Maxwell and others associated with the Daily Mirror.
  • Every sin, the oftener it is committed, the more it acquireth in the quality of evil; as it succeeds in time, so it proceeds in degrees of badness; for as they proceed they ever multiply, and, like figures in arithmetick, the last stands for more than all that went before it. Religio Medici
  • It was the custom then to hang a convicted man on the spot where he committed the crime, and then display the corpse on a gibbet beside the public highway.
  • She also arranged a private meeting later in the day with uncommitted superdelegates.
  • Probably they will be committed to the game for a longer period in the future as well.
  • Voters are reacting to hideous crimes committed by thugs who should be behind bars. The Sun
  • Over the course of the seven years that follow, Dana Scully risks her life investigating alien abduction cases, murders committed by genetic mutants – like a man who eats livers and can stretch his body in improbable ways or a boy who is able to summon lightning or a giant flukeworm which has evolved to have a humanoid appearance – and serial killers, some of whom may be incarnations of the devil. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The casual-sex havers were every bit as happy and healthy as the kids who were only doing it with a committed partner. Sex, science and statistics Boing Boing
  • Lord Hale has given us, in the iTeBi\Be De Portibus Marisj clearly prove, that where the kingdoms and proves a right to the soil, where a purpresture and nuisance have been committed, he may have a decree to abate it. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
  • Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, chief military adviser to Gorbachev, committed suicide on Aug. 24.
  • But by the following year it was fully committed to covert anti-communist operations under the Truman Doctrine.
  • Although having first coitus in a noncommitted relationship or at a young age had a negative effect on how both males and females were evaluated, the negative effect was greater for females.
  • In July 1993, Foster, then deputy White House counsel, committed suicide.
  • We thought we'd committed the maxidress to the fashion graveyard, but it's back. Times, Sunday Times
  • This results in both self-renewal of the stem cell and the production of a daughter cell, which will become committed to a pathway of differentiation.
  • Infants, because they lacked a will developed enough to choose evil, need not be baptized for the remission of sins they had never committed.
  • In case it should appear that any have committed the irremissible blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and the total apostasy from the illuminating convictive powers of the Christian religion, it should seem that they are not to be prayed for at all. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • None of the team's assets, including its Milton Keynes headquarters, is mortgaged to banks or creditors, and the 300 staff are skilled and committed.
  • To be attributed the concept arcane, on this view, it suffices that S uses the expression ˜arcane™ by and large correctly, ˜in keeping with its content™ “ if she is committed to her community practice of using the corresponding expression The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • In fact, Army forces have always relied on indirect or aerial firepower to pound enemy positions into submission before ground forces are committed.
  • We are committed to direct relationships, providing the best products and services based on standards-based technology, and outperforming the competition with value and a superior customer experience.
  • Hassett is now one the senior players on the Kerry side, but despite almost as many downs as ups with the team he remains as committed as ever.
  • Before the war they had been committed to seeking conventional worldly success. THE GUARDSMEN
  • An offender who takes part in a large-scale public disturbance cannot expect to be sentenced as if his actions had been committed in isolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, rather than easing off as he approaches official retirement age, the Scot remains as committed and feisty as ever, with thoughts of stepping down a long way off.
  • There have been cases in which men have been mysteriously excruciated with the thought of having committed the unpardonable sin. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • He committed both crimes to feed his addiction to heroin.
  • He recommitted an unforgivable error.
  • The Perth Saints seemed on their way to their first back-to-back victories of this league campaign when their defence committed an unpardonable error.
  • But a spokesman said: 'All reports are pure conjecture as the studio has not committed to a sequel as yet. The Sun
  • A terrible crime has been committed and the doers have to face the consequences of their actions.
  • We have a sad history of enforced treatment of people who've committed crimes but now treatments like electrotherapy, electric shock treatment, and psychosurgery are very strictly regulated.
  • Swindon magistrates remanded him in custody and committed the case to crown court.
  • On what basis would the uncommitted delegates from Michigan be "voided"? Hillary Up On The Air In June 3rd State
  • She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.
  • He stated a truth, and did it in such a pleasant way, and salved over my sore spot so gently and so healingly, that I was rather glad I had committed the crime, for the sake of the letter. Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
  • And since traditional Christianity so obviously renounces this false freedom and stands against it, the opportunity to blame Tiller's death on all Christians who oppose abortion is simply too good to pass up for those who are committed to not only holding tightly to that freedom, but to expanding it ad extremum. Pope John Paul II
  • After he had committed the crime, his conscience was troubled.
  • And in the world of imperial corporate media, there are no such things as the Iraqi resistance (to the U.S. occupation), resistance fighters, or even a U.S. occupation; even if there are, the labels aremade to appeartoo mild or otherwise inappropriateby a flurry of inflammatory quotes from “official sources,” orby immediatelyshifting the focusonto somenegative act committed last week or even decades ago by theanti-occupationactors. When Corporate Media Were Imperial Shills, or: Now and Always
  • He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
  • How did such a committed environmentalist as Helm become the greens' bogeyman? Times, Sunday Times
  • With our son's birth we have committed ourselves to another round here on earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a tenth floor window.
  • Blakeman's party has committed to injecting $8 million more into the arts, with incremental increases each year from here on in.
  • Such knowledge as management did possess was vague or unreliable and seldom committed to writing.
  • This isn't the first time you've overcommitted and it won't be the last. Times, Sunday Times
  • One learns of romantic attachments and failed marriages, of career successes and business failures, of committed lives and struggles with alcoholism.
  • She turned out to be warm and witty and committed to the cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • He committed his fair share of fouls in those three matches. The Sun
  • Most men involved in the search now believed that a foul crime had been committed.
  • The crime seemed to have been committed without motive.
  • They are a great group of skilled and committed people who have made a real difference in a lot of unacknowledged and uncredited ways.
  • The court was told that he was under the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence.
  • BresaGen, Ltd. is an Australian biotechnology company committed to the discovery and commercial development of innovative biotherapies.
  • That which intimately comprises the nature of repentance is, sorrow on account of sin committed, and of its demerit, which is so much the deeper, as the acknowledgment of sin is clearer, and more copious. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
  • The fatal bonnet lay on the table of the Court; Bargally swore that it was the identical article worn by the man who robbed him; and he and others likewise deponed that they had found the accused on the spot where the crime was committed, with the bonnet on his head. Additional Note
  • Eight anarchist trade unionists were arrested: four were hanged, one committed suicide in prison and the remaining three were eventually pardoned.
  • Last week, the judge at his trial committed him to the State mental hospital and said stringent criteria should be imposed on his release.
  • The problem certainly isn't with the committedness of the performances; Cath Whitefield is ferocious as Electra, her face like a knuckle-dustered fist from start almost to finish. Review | Theatre | Electra | Gate | Brian Logan
  • By the letter of the judges of the circuit court of the United States, held at Boston in June last, and the inclosed application of the underkeeper of the jail at that place, of which copies are herewith transmitted, Congress will perceive the necessity of making a suitable provision for the maintenance of prisoners committed to the jails of the several States under the authority of the United States. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 1, part 1: George Washington
  • He who valued life so much to enter it in the form of a human person must be committed to its survival.
  • The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.
  • But Rick realizes that the drug-addicted teenager who committed the ugly crimes has grown into a different person.
  • We are lucky to have some dedicated and committed personnel within our ranks and these are people who give of their time voluntarily and without the input of these people our club would be all the poorer.
  • There are already laws against the crimes that were committed by the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • Committed journalists teaming up with activists have exposed erring doctors, only to find that the police are not permitted to take action.
  • I stayed there for a few minutes and considered if I'd be able to plead temporary insanity when I committed matricide.
  • `Did you ever ask Highhawk what he meant by that reference to the uncommitted crime? TALKING GOD
  • He was battered to death in his Islington home by his friend and companion, who then committed suicide.
  • “Did you ever know a French novelist have a premeditated murder committed by a man who could not possibly have conceived the murder ten minutes before he committed it; with whom the cause of the murder anteceded the murder no more than ten minutes?” Phineas Redux
  • Few companies have committed to individualized employee assistance on eldercare issues.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, these crimes are not committed by opportunists who see an expensive car and take a chance.

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