How To Use Commingle In A Sentence
Like the others, she had exchanged her ball gown for a suit of dun deerskin, with a tall forester's cap, in which was affixed a long purple feather, which commingled with her black hair and nearly disappeared in it.
Southwest Securities consented to charges that it commingled firm and customer funds.
The company faces charges that it commingled its own funds with customer funds.
The two parties were inevitably required to commingle.
Times, Sunday Times
Or a place in which the fanciful is allowed to commingle with reality.
Words, words | clusterflock

Generally, when you have a corporate entity, you are concerned about "piercing the corporate veil" when you "commingle" personal and corporate funds -- the result of which would be to render certain insiders personally liable for the corporation's debts.
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Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.
And it was one commingle of secrets, codes and intrigue that I came across, as I flipped pages upon pages of this wonderfully-written work.
His book commingles sarcasm and sadness
It's only a shame that the dark and light were not allowed to commingle more.
The Times Literary Supplement
This all changed irrevocably after the storm allowed those riders and their "steeds" to run from the grounds and off up into the high hills of Taconic where the Taconics in a dense tangle commingle with the mounts of Graylock and Bash Bish.
But this type of thing happens throughout the book, which is a mix of clever and wise insights commingled with historical and factual error and over-generalization.
If she claims, with what sounds like commingled wonder and rage, "I have never been anywhere but sick," quickly she modifies her statement by adding, aphoristically:
The Parables of Flannery O'Connor
Larry Mantello hopes that these new works ... create imaginary places where fantasies can commingle with feelings of loss and disappointment.
Bill Bush: Sadness Just Below the Surface: This Artweek.LA (February 21-27)
Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic.
Times, Sunday Times
Out the living room window and even sometimes in the home, chickens, landscape and the art commingle.
Gabrielle Selz: The Egg, Inside and Out
Her work reflects that background: her unfussy interiors—suffused with a serene, Far Eastern vibe—commingle antiques with bold contemporary art.
Terms of Adornment
But later than night, when she lay entwined with him on the lushly fabricked futon, as their sweat commingled, as she felt the double-beat pulse of his heart close to hers, as he gently entered her after the careful and delightful hours of sensuous preparations, Ikan knew what that feeling was.
The Miko
The report said the Chamber funds U.S. political activities out of the same account that collects foreign dues, and raised the possibility that the money could be unlawfully commingled.
Obama steps up attack on Chamber
It's only a shame that the dark and light were not allowed to commingle more.
The Times Literary Supplement
Cultures by necessity blend and commingle and enrich and flavor one another.
At a time when societies are becoming more multicultural, where traditions, histories, and texts commingle, and interlace, a quest for unalloyed pure native roots could prove to be not only elusive but also dangerous.
We have been involved in covering many criminal cases and under the criminal code, when this happens in CORPORATE AMERICA, it is known as commingled money, and that alone can give Counsel the right to "Pierce the Veil" of Corporate Protection, thus holding the above named gentlemen, in violation of the Federal RICO ACT and Absolute Personal Liability for these illegal maneuvers against the citizens of the State of Utah.
Election 2009-Lehi, Utah Where is My 4.25 Million Dollars? Robert Paisola Reports for NBC GR
Southwest Securities consented to charges that it commingled firm and customer funds.
Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.
That will allow it to commingle its aircraft and crews and follow a single regime for maintenance and operations.
United Continental Aligns Services
I think I'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones.
The report said the chamber funds U.S. political activities out of the same account that collects foreign dues, and raised the possibility that the money could be unlawfully commingled.
Obama continues attack on Chamber of Commerce
But plaintiffs 'attorney Molly Hamilton showed that wire transfers to Beckman did not come from Crown Forex, but from what she called commingled accounts at U.S. banks that got money from other investors, too. rss feed
Or a place in which the fanciful is allowed to commingle with reality.
Words, words | clusterflock
Huts, fences and palisades are often fashioned from saplings and shoots, and basketry is thus commingled with comforting notions of home, security and comfort.
If a processor or grinder has records demonstrating that products were produced using less than 100% of recalled Westland meat for the meat component, then there is no need ... to retrieve that 'commingled' product," the memo said.
Beef Industry Presses
Some use "commingled" recycling because it is cheaper. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
Here the initial reflex excitation is closely followed by an ensuing reflex inhibition commingled with and partially counter-acting the concurrent excitation.
Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
I never got into the new stuff, the GF was a Storyteller in the Cam, and had bought me a membership to try and get me to try the LARP of the new world. while the settings commingle better they feel stale to me, and I never could get into them
White Wolf – Dead Yet? « Geek Related
She longed to please, Davide noticed with sympathy commingled with impatience.
The two parties were inevitably required to commingle.
Times, Sunday Times
I think I'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones.
Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic.
Times, Sunday Times
The two parties were inevitably required to commingle.
Times, Sunday Times
He stretched his bow, loosed the arrow, and was rewarded by a gasp and a groan strangely commingled.
The words heard by the party upon the staircase were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror and affright, commingled with the fiendish jabberings of the brute.
Their typical call is a commingled bray and bleat, followed by a snorted inhale sounding like an oak dining table being dragged across a hardwood floor.
A theocratic future in which men and women never commingle is the basis of "Pervert.
Ccfinlay: New goal: Become frequently memorable
Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.
My bookseller has dwelt so long in his corner with folios and quartos and other antique tomes that he talks in black-letter and has the modest, engaging look of a brown old stout binding, and to the delectation of discriminating olfactories he exhaleth an odor of mildew and of tobacco commingled, which is more grateful to the true bibliophile than all the perfumes of Araby.
The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
It's only a shame that the dark and light were not allowed to commingle more.
The Times Literary Supplement
Abjection, evacuation and ecstasy all commingle in this terrified exaltation.
Fact is inextricably commingled with fiction.
Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.
Free of our genetic heritage and free of our biological roots, free to soar into a promisingly magnificent future, the future of commingled information, of interweaved sensation, of co-opted dreams.
Jason Silva: Why Science Needs To Bring Sexy Back
The basic hypothesis behind the Mob Project was as follows: seeing how all culture in New York was demonstrably commingled with scenesterism, the appeal of concerts and plays and readings and gallery shows deriving less from the work itself than from the social opportunities the work might engender, it should theoretically be possible to create an art project consisting of pure scene-meaning the scene would be the entire point of the work, and indeed would itself constitute the work.
Harper's Magazine
Most of the commingled corn is stored in grain elevators, said John Wichtrich, general manager for Aventis CropScience.
In the popular press, however, the two commingled and were accessible to all readers.