How To Use Commend In A Sentence

  • Yorkshire abused by such a pitiful prater; and when wrought up to a certain pitch, she would turn and say something of which neither the matter nor the manner recommended her to Mr. Donne's good - will. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • A couple of commendable but slight folk covers albums in the early Nineties lead to assertions of writer's block. The Sun
  • For a great deal on cladded cookware, I'd recommend this Cuisinart set. "All of us are routing 'American Idol.' It’s so great. The No. 1 show in television and it's getting ruined."
  • She recommends that retailers merchandise the fixture in four vertical segments according to absorbency and stack the brands horizontally.
  • I can't commend the players highly enough. The Sun
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  • Thanks to her doctor’s recommendations she finds herself feeling decafargic by noon. cardiacpopups – the messages that popup on your computer when you are in the middle of an important project and warn you that your computer is about to conk out. on 07 Sep 2007 at 5: 52 pm Kimberly defurrify – to remove pet hair/dander from a person or thing on 07 Sep 2007 at 6: 12 pm Heather Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Writer Unboxed’s CONTEST, CONTEST!
  • This cooperative family decision-making has much to recommend it.
  • In fact, it should not recommend either, since the spicy salami, bocconcini and tomato panino is too stingy on fillings.
  • The P. 's have now got the book, and like it very much; their niece Eleanor has recommended it most warmly to them -- _She_ looks like a rejected addresser. Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters A Family Record
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Hence my recommendation that you have half a pint of skimmed milk daily. Times, Sunday Times
  • I strongly recommend you pick up the book next time you spy a copy on someone's bookshelf.
  • It will analyze and graph your daily intake and compare it with the recommended dietary allowances set by the government.
  • Let us not lose track of the fact that she is a fringe extremist with as much chance of winning state-wide election as Mel Gibson has of winning a commendation from the National Organization of Women. Dylan Brody: Christine O'Donnell Is Just a Stalking Horse in Cute Pumps
  • Was a five-set slogging match in oppressive heat what the heart specialists would have recommended? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, I will often look at an article that my lovely wife recommends.
  • Mr Dunn said motorists choose a garage on personal recommendation.
  • Perhaps you can recommend something for getting a blot off an escutcheon. MR STARLIGHT
  • I commend it also for nearly making it work. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is the recommended action if these instruments are not considered sterile?
  • The investigators have recommended the removal of dual control joysticks for all non-training flights.
  • Early appendicectomy was first recommended and performed for non-perforated acute appendicitis in the 1880s.
  • His ponderous declaration: "I write by the light of two eternal truths, religion and the monarchy," was a sort of cheap-jack recommendation of the so-called philosophy in his _Comedie Humaine_. Balzac
  • Ask a friend to recommend a doctor or, failing that, ask for a list in your local library.
  • This is a highly recommended collection from a highly regarded intellect and one that will not disappoint.
  • He recommends using paintable, siliconized acrylic caulk inside to seal areas where window trim meets the wall and frame. Saving Energy on the Cheap
  • Can teachers sue administrators for defamatory statements made in letters of recommendation or on evaluation forms?
  • It recommended that the agency be subject to an independent review.
  • WEIL: I would recommend -- you know, one thing you might experiment with is glucosamine, which is a supplement widely available that may help rebuild cartilage in your knee. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2004
  • This concluded with a recommendation that both proposals be rejected.
  • I'm concerned for his mental health and would recommend counselling or possibly medication. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't remember seeing del's recommendation of Alioto's but the wharf is big and we mostly stuck to pier 39. I'm going to be in Oregon mid September doing a little sightseeing along the coast on Highway 101 with my wife.
  • I can't commend the players highly enough. The Sun
  • We strongly recommend insuring against sickness or injury.
  • Anyone climbing the ladder to the loft is suspended above the vertical spiral stairwell - not recommended for those nervous of heights.
  • She was found guilty of gross misconduct but an independent panel recommended she get a final written warning. The Sun
  • It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.
  • In response to a recommendation of the Calcutt Committee made in 1990, the press set up in 1991 the Commission and it was charged with upholding and enforcing the code, which was framed by the newspaper and the periodical industry.
  • The recommended steroid drugs are called dexamethasone and betamethasone.
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • For a genuine old-fashioned family carriage commend us to the araba. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • The government gave assurances that it would implement the recommendations in full.
  • The cinematic look of the film deserves commendation alone and the director is a talent to look out for.
  • Further recommendations included what to do if an employee was suffering from latex allergies.
  • We fully support residents action against the plans, which we understand are recommended for rejection by the CMBC Officers.
  • Based on several large studies that demonstrated CRT can save lives and prevent hospitalization among heart-failure patients, professional guidelines were developed that recommend its use based in part on a measurement recorded by an electrocardiogram called the QRS duration. Scrutiny for Heart Devices
  • I would strongly recommend readers not to take his words too seriously!
  • I would recommend doing between eight and 12 repetitions on a fairly stiff hill about 800 metres long.
  • This week's poem is from the book of shortlisted and highly commended poems. Times, Sunday Times
  • We recommend the fun horse and cart ride. Times, Sunday Times
  • I strongly recommend that you go there, either on foot or by car as the view from there gives a panorama of Canterbury mountains.
  • Waitrose, for example, has made a real and commendable effort to source sustainable fish and shellfish across the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're interested in anything deeper than cable gimcrackery, I recommend giving it a read. David Roberts: Cleaning Some of the Fox Off of Van Jones
  • The local planners considered the matter seriously, but in the end the officer's recommendation was rejected by the committee.
  • He knew perfectly that I recommended nothing of the sort, and he must have been very angry to indulge in this _boutade_. The Path Of Duty
  • Even when you're healthy again, Davies recommends continuing with your therapeutic regimen.
  • But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace.
  • She was the first sniffer dog to be killed in the conflict and was commended for bravery. The Sun
  • If you plant where savages are, do not only entertain them, with trifles and gingles, but use them justly and graciously, with sufficient guard nevertheless; and do not win their favor, by helping them to invade their enemies, but for their defence it is not amiss; and send oft of them, over to the country that plants, that they may see a better condition than their own, and commend it when they return. The Essays
  • The alligator garpike cannot really be recommended as an aquarium fish because of its size.
  • Subject to competitive conditions the actual price paid by consumers is in most cases much less than the recommended price. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Book “on the plan recommended by Mr. Locke,” was published in 1839, which had been already preceded by “a selection from the Metamorphoses of Ovid, adapted to the Hamiltonian system, by a literal and interlineal translation,” published by James Hamilton, the author of the Hamiltonian system. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • If the government doesn't accept the recommendation to build a new reactor, the other options to secure a long-term isotope supply will have to be revisited, the report said. Music briefs
  • Cyclohexanone monooxygenase 1 Nomenclature EC number Systematic name cyclohexanone: NADPH: oxygen oxidoreductase (6-hydroxylating, 1,2-lacto - nizing) Recommended name cyclohexanone monooxygenase Synonyms CHMO Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst. Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
  • Now a common-place person would have been satisfied with the recommendation of the medical man, who looks but to the one thing needful, which is a sufficient and wholesome supply of nourishment for the child; but Mr Easy was a philosopher, and had latterly taken to craniology, and he descanted very learnedly with the Doctor upon the effect of his only son obtaining his nutriment from an unknown source. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • Arabs, especially Hazramís193, who recommended him to the King; and this King (who was a Kafir) trusted him and advanced him to the captainship of his body guard. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • A total of 86 recommendations were made in this report relating to the provision of services, the prevention of suicide and parasuicide, intervention, aftercare, research and evaluation.
  • Innocent have-a-go hero in cells for ten hours - As a former traffic warden and store detective with two police commendations to her name, Wendy Challis-Jones is all too familiar with tackling lawbreakers. Waterloo Sunset « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Cinching : Practice of pulling the end of a roll to tighten it. It's not recommended.
  • Can you recommend a good-value bar with skyline views in Manhattan? Times, Sunday Times
  • Plus, we don't recommend people over 60yrs of age to fly at least 6-8 weeks post up due to lower vascular circulation and increase in pulmonary embolism. Hillary Clinton 'elbowed' aside?
  • For the health conscious, we recommend one of the baked Indian breads or steamed rice with a side dish of choice.
  • We simply cannot recommend it highly enough - not just for hurling aficionados but for sports fans everywhere.
  • The samples were subsequently desalted by exclusion chromatography over 5 mL Zebra Desalt spin columns, as recommended by the manufacturer (Pierce). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He also recommends buying a plot with an older house that isn't listed or in a conservation area for a less stressful experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • One recommended the usual synthetic hormones; another prescribed black cohosh and yam extract.
  • Though the borough claims such a service is uneconomical, a best value review recently completed by the county council recommends developing park and ride around Bedford.
  • The use of superphosphate in manure to prevent nitrogen losses by reducing pH is not usually recommended because the added phosphorus is not necessary or desirable when poultry manure is used as a fertilizer.
  • The recommendations include creation of an independent advisory board composed of international anticorruption experts to protect the independence and strengthen the accountability of INT.
  • I recommend hiring a professional designer.
  • Madison’s Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • Lest there be an accusation of harsh criticism, we should say their success in elucidating some aspects of Islamic economics deserves commendation.
  • There are some fine tapas dishes and a wide choice of tasty Cuban rums and we recommend you lie back on antique couches and chairs and sample the menu.
  • I have nothing to add as this stands on its own, but I just wanted to commend where commendation is due. The view from outside the narrative
  • Recommendations for early identification testing often include the use of commercially available, nationally normed measures of reading and phonological awareness.
  • I commend Zizek for being one of the great cinephiles among the upper echelon of today's intelligentsia.
  • It is however quite certain that Ferne was held, along with the Abbacy of Kelso _in commendam_, by Andrew Stewart, Bishop of Caithness, who died in 1517. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • If a game that stars a 6-foot-tall, fedora-wearing dog and a sarcastic "rabbity thing" sounds like an entertaining combination, then you'll ... gaming | Comment | Recommend Video Games: Product Reviews, News, & Online Arcade -
  • The recommended retail price is £9.99.
  • You'll lie here and rest until the young master recommends otherwise for you!
  • The project organisers also recommend kick-starting the venture by demise chartering six longline vessels under government's current fishing policy.
  • S. Paulus commendans ad H est ultima ilia capitis sui clausula) in qua (prae« faoi fans Auctori honorem dico) mirabilem ausum fidentissimis exponit ver - bis inquiens: Audeo dicere. Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
  • The distiller recommends only drinking the 180 proof poteen with mixers.
  • The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.
  • a tree highly recommended for its fruitage
  • I don't much care for the kind of extended foreplay that's typically recommended.
  • Scarborough councillors are being recommended to grant approval on Wednesday.
  • I wouldn't recommend you to go there alone.
  • The cultural practices and fertilization practices recommended for wheat are satisfactory for triticale.
  • Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism, both of which are commendable aims.
  • On doctors' recommendations, he uses marijuana to relieve symptoms of these illnesses.
  • Yet I would not have you to beleeve, tho I so much discommend it, that it is no waies usefully profitable. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • The foresters can also recommend suitable trees for windbreaks in your area.
  • If the product were in fact a cure, it would be widely reported in the media and your doctor would recommend it.
  • It's possible, of course, to jump ‘blind’ as long as your astrogation computer doesn't have the safety controls engaged, but the practice has little to recommend it.
  • Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox. Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
  • Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.
  • Meanwhile, the Legislature is considering the committee's recommendations.
  • Except for calcium and folacin intakes, mean nutrient intakes from food sources met or exceeded recommended levels.
  • Hi -- I would like to commend the courage and patriotism of several of your citizens, the three dozen employees of Americall who, when asked to telemarket and read a script of blatant and out-of-bounds lies to recipients, refused, and left their jobs, without pay, as a matter of principle. Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
  • We agree with the recommendation that blood samples should be taken one hour after an intravenous bolus dose.
  • Your email address will be hidden, but it is still recommended that you "obfuscate" your email address, or simply leave a homepage URL. How Now Brownpau
  • Officers have now recommended approval for the Bell Autoelectrics scheme after a number of minor design alterations were made to the proposed building.
  • These measures are also recommended in BT Yevamot 65b, where the rabbis point out that a precedent for the practice of divorcing an infertile wife after ten years may be drawn from Genesis 16: 3, since it was only after ten years of living in the land of Canaan that Sarai accepted her infertility and surrogated her servant to bear a child on her behalf. Infertile Wife in Rabbinic Judaism.
  • And let me the cannikin clink," and ending, "Why then let a soldier drink," Cassio commends the excellence of the ditty. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage with Other Essays
  • It is, however, hard to make a recommendation to read this fine offering by Boyd without issuing a warning.
  • The travel agent recommends strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day
  • I would recommend Vladimir Horowitz's recordings of the études and mazurkas, Artur Rubinstein's recordings of the polonaises and concertos, and Luiz de Moura-Castro's recordings of the ‘Ballade in G minor’ and the nocturnes.
  • The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • They recommend eating more red meat and fish. The Sun
  • Though each had written to me commendatory letters and telegrams that were far more generous than I could possibly deserve, yet neither ever expressed to me, verbally, any compliment beyond, “Well, so far, you seem to be doing alright.” Going Home to Glory
  • The committee has recommended that the training program ( should ) be improved.
  • An influential government advisory panel yesterday recommended an end to long-standing opposition to manned space flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • They recommend that trial by jury should be the rare exception, and courts should manage cases at an early stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vinverse script is actually where vinverse was originally thought, but I recommend getting the actual plugin by tritical instead. Doom9's Forum
  • This plan has much to recommend it.
  • laudat ubi emeritum libera fama torum. nunc tibi commendo communia pignora natos: Cornelia's Plea
  • We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated.
  • The handbill with a simple McDonald's logo at the top recommended votes for Republicans John Kasich for governor, Rob Portman for U.S. Senate, and Jim Renacci for Ohio's 16th congressional district. Ohio McDonald's Employees Get A Message With Their Paychecks: Vote For GOP Candidates
  • Most importantly we'd recommend consulting a medical practitioner or dietitian before excluding any major food group like dairy from the diet.
  • She also recommends researching the publishers who would be suitable, since publishing houses run the whole gamut from highly specialized to general houses to the academic university presses.
  • Counseling patients at increased risk to avoid excess sun exposure is recommended.
  • But next day when the cobbler ventured to criticise the legs, the painter came forth from his hiding-place and recommended the cobbler to stick to the shoes -- advice which in the words of the Latin version of the story also has been adopted as a proverb, _Ne sutor ultra crepidam_ ( "Let not the shoemaker overstep his last"). Little Folks (November 1884) A Magazine for the Young
  • Whoever made the original choice of plants did a splendid job, leaving us a mix of marginals, surface-leaved and submerged oxygenating plants, all of which I would highly recommend to fellow novice pond keepers.
  • The NDP platform is full of recommendations on how a green economy is our country's salvation.
  • I shall tomorrow ship my great chests on board of a ship bound to Bourdeaux; they are directed, and recommended to the care of a merchant of that place, who will forward them by Thoulouse, and the canal of Languedoc, to his correspondent at Cette, which is the sea-port of Montpellier. Travels through France and Italy
  • One of the reasons I strongly recommend using antecedents is that if you say your story is like ROMANCING THE STONE and LARA CROFT: TOMB RAIDER, it tells me you have a woman hero in an inflated action story that’s going after adrenaline and excitement. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Michael Hauge, Part 1
  • Some books and magazine articles recommend a low carbohydrate diet while others stress the importance of a diet low in fat.
  • Also recommended, if you like a good chuckle is his Nobel-nominated novel “The Phases of Harry Moon,” which you can find if you look. Happy Birthday Stephen King and H. G. Wells...
  • The traffic light system refers to the urgency of any action required after recommendations from the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • A judicial committee rejected his allegations and recommended that criminal charges of libel should be brought against anyone repeating them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I learned how to swim by the unrecommended method of throwing a kid into a pool and seeing what happens. Archive 2007-05-01
  • I would have recommended this disc if the only thing on it was the Sibelius but you get two lagniappes.
  • I didn't recommend it because I had seen what it had done to sensitive artists like Scott Walker.
  • Thus, additional practice and greater skill mastery is recommended in preparation for night diving activities.
  • I recommend a light, acidic Beaujolais Villages as your wine partner to a lamb curry.
  • Kermode felt Limb would have to be greeted but recommended a low-key approach.
  • There is bound to be an ethical uproar when the advisory body reports its recommendations.
  • The guideline recommends that in women who are healthy and have an uncomplicated pregnancy, intermittent auscultation is a suitable method of monitoring during labour.
  • We recommend that beginners and all children 8 and under use short fins to perform this stroke.
  • Two of the Task Force's twenty recommendations were that government should not impose any extraordinary tax on non-resident landowners or limit the size of their holding.
  • Unity in the Scripture is so pressed, so commanded, and commended, that not to breathe after it argues a heart acted by another spirit than that which moved the holy penmen thereof. The Sermons of John Owen
  • If your poverty of expression compel you to make any distinction between the two, we would certainly recommend your bestowing more admiration on his garden than his wine. Sketches by Boz
  • I commend his appreciation of the need for a social dimension in any reforms that may take place.
  • the doctor recommended regular exercise
  • This was a richly deserved commendation and Helen can be proud of her performance.
  • Thesaurus concept hierarchy collaborative filtering algorithm improves search efficiency and quality of recommendatory results significantly which is proved by elementary test and analysis.
  • So we figured out he had a wheat allergy, not enough to be called a celiac, but enough so that the irresponsible doctor and/or his sanctimonious nurse who recommended wheat fiber pills ought to be taken out and whipped! Fisking Repovich and Peterson | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The jury added a rider to their verdict recommending mercy.
  • Ravages of age: Glacier National Park turns 100, but melting glaciers portend big changes resources | Recommend Latest World & National News & Headlines
  • In-furrow inoculants were developed in part to keep inoculants away from chemically treated seed and are recommended when seed treatments are used.
  • Initiation of therapy at higher doses is not recommended. Succimer
  • I recommend contacting a professional hardwood floor specialist to try refinishing it by screening the floor with a machine sander, then applying a finish.
  • Doctors recommend eating less salt.
  • It also commended Numsa members for continuing with the strike despite what it called the intransigence and arrogance of employers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We were in San Massimo, above Rapallo (Liguria), at an amusing (the walls are lined with originals of comic strip panels, in several languages) and rather excellent restaurant called U Giancu (thanks to Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery for the recommendation), where we ate: What Fred Ate Last Night - Bitten Blog -
  • It's not recommended to store Champagne in the refrigerator for more than a few months.
  • The committee made recommendations to the board on teachers' pay and conditions.
  • I highly recommend trying it if you can find a practitioner in your area.
  • GALLERY: Montreal hockey landmarks allstar | Comment | Recommend Hockey News: NHL & Fantasy Stories, Players, Stats, Scores & Schedules
  • It's not recommended to roll paint on an acoustic ceiling, as it is very porous.
  • After-care sessions initially on a weekly basis but later less frequently, are recommended for up to two years.
  • It turned out that many of the letters of recommendation were from nonexistent companies.
  • While it took a certain amount of courage to not wear eyeliner and mascara, I cannot recommend going barefaced highly enough
  • We have made practical recommendations to local practitioner for testing allergy related dermatological problems.
  • the dentist recommended two brushes a day
  • Geology students recommend you check out the nautilus shells in limestone mounted on the bar.
  • Still, the result is an entertaining overview that can be recommended both to surfers and to landlubbers who appreciate the spectacle and have a fondness for the associated strand of American youth culture.
  • Theoretical propositions and recommendations were used in various conditions.
  • I'd like to recommend The Word Spy, a fascinating website that collects recently coined words and phrases from the media.
  • He said: 'We would recommend that charity boards and trustees are transparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which restaurant do you recommend?
  • When we began to talk of the Lords, the King sent for us alone, and recommended a rasure of all proceedings. Andrew Marvell
  • To go out of my dialect, which you discommend so much. King Lear
  • Calling the SEC "nonfunctional" and harmful to the reputation of the U.S. as a global financial leader, Markopolos recommended ways to revamp the agency, including replacing its senior staff and establishing a central office to receive complaints from whistleblowers. - Home
  • I must commend the RTA for a prompt reply to my letter, and their immediate attention to this dangerous situation.
  • At the same time, a consensus appears to be growing among House Republicans to look for short-term cuts in the same general areas that Senate Democrats are targeting for debate this coming week, these officials added, referring to earmarked projects and presidential recommendations for 2012. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • Therefore, the report of the technical committee and the comments of some of the members on the report were referred to a high-level panel of experts who have since submitted their final recommendations" he said. India Examining Report on Telecom Monitoring
  • No action has been taken on 26 of the recommendations, in spite of the evidence of the benefits of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • The control column gathers the quality procedures and the quality records recommended for management review.
  • The recommended prefrontal placement is 3 to 4 cm off the middle line, just anterior to the coronal suture.
  • Because of this fact alone I should not commend the diversion of moving save to people of very ample means as well as perfect leisure; there are more reasons than the misery of flitting why the dweller in the kilderkin should not covet the hogshead reeking of claret. Suburban Sketches
  • To surgically alter the navel, Dr. Nadler recommends opening the stalk which forms the "outie" to remove the hard tissue inside.
  • Can you recommend a good lip salve to soothe my dry, chapped lips? Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, the report recommends extending the covered terraced stand opposite the main stand with new seating installed and a new cantilevered roof.
  • They also recommend fluet fluid replacement solutions , made from what are called low-osmolarity oral rehydration salts.
  • The article recommends writing about your sex life, getting fired for writing a weblog and peddling extreme opinions.

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