How To Use Comforting In A Sentence

  • There are even a couple of creamy comforting Iberian desserts for afters.
  • Think about it that way and the end of the world is quite a comforting idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • She rubbed my arm comfortingly with a small twinkle of mischief that I had seen somewhere else.
  • Even if you do baulk at some of the more outlandish examples of soporifics cited or quibble with a theory or two, Martin's message is strangely comforting.
  • A bowl accompanied by a plate of three perogies, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a gob of the ubiquitous sour cream makes a filling, comforting and extremely thrifty supper.
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  • Huts, fences and palisades are often fashioned from saplings and shoots, and basketry is thus commingled with comforting notions of home, security and comfort.
  • The warmth beside him was comforting; after all, to his left was his future wife.
  • You will also be able to manage discomforting pain as labor advances.
  • We'd rather believe that health care is all about healing the sick, helping the infirm and comforting the afflicted.
  • I feel that musically, melancholy tones are the most comforting.
  • I'm suddenly overcome by a surge of unhappiness and slump down on the desk, resting on my bloated belly, burying my face in the comforting but annoyingly podgy darkness of my arms.
  • There is something deeply luxurious and comforting about them, and it's a very specific kind of luxury. Times, Sunday Times
  • By then we had evolved beyond the comforting comedy of repeated formulas, where familiarity bred content.
  • It can be comforting to encounter the familiar faces of cats and dogs and farm animals in foreign lands.
  • In attempting to place in perspective the scale of the disaster that had befallen it when South Korea sent its team of inflated egos homewards to mamma and a comforting bowl of minestrone, it turned to history.
  • Completed, the bandage looked not too unworkmanlike, and was cool and comforting to the hot throb of the wound. Success A Novel
  • In the dark days of winter it is comforting to feel the warmth of crackling logs in an open fireplace or a wood burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dregs of last night's bottle of red wine prompted this comforting meal in a bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • How can nature be comforting and at the same time red in tooth and claw? Times, Sunday Times
  • You take solace in your daily routines and find them comforting. The Sun
  • Manasi from A Cook At Heart sprinkles spices and flour on to perfect eggplant rounds and fries them to a savory finish, then serves them with plain toor dal (varan) to make a double V comforting meal of Vangi Kaap and Varan Bhaat. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Even for those who did not grow up with it, there is something therapeutic about the activity involved - the alluring aromas wafting from the oven, and the comforting taste of freshly baked cakes or buns.
  • Jasper is considered to be a very supportive stone: it has a consoling and comforting presence.
  • The soft noises of slumber coming from the kitchen were quite comforting until a very alarming, roaring noise boomed down from the hills behind the post. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Usually the noise of my best friend's family is comforting, but today it was overwhelming.
  • All these controls can be turned off, but they do form a comforting security blanket.
  • Police, medical staff, relatives and friends were today comforting the family.
  • He always looked forward to coming home to the house in Randwick; he valued home, like a comforting mental condition. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Here he heard the comforting news that the Swiss and Frenchmen were so certain of robbing him that they had already 'lotted every of the captains his portion of the said money.' Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • There's also a welcome return to the comforting phenomenon of eating things on toast. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to me the most frightening aspect of the whole disaster was that the clamorous Tasman Sea went suddenly quiet - eerily so - and though I waited for its comforting roar to resume, I can't remember ever hearing it so noisy again.
  • But the performance is as safe and comforting as a patchwork quilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't smell saffron in Evening Edged in Gold, but I do get a lot of cinnamon, which I think goes wonderfully well with the nectarous, ripe quality of the flowers and which enhances the balmy, comforting feel of the woody base. Perfume Review: Ineke Evening Edged in Gold
  • The versatility of an electro-acoustic with the comforting, homely feel of an electric.
  • There truly aren't many better, more comforting smells in the world than baking bread.
  • His self-deprecating, nice-guy demeanour is comforting, but he's rarely funnier than your funniest friend on an off night.
  • Hot soup is very comforting on a cold winter's day.
  • Many sick people find this sacramental gesture comforting, but I had my doubts about whether I should attempt it in this case. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • It is comforting to know that while Hamlet, Rosalind, Portia and other sublime intellects do not exist in Othello, they do exist in life, and they will always outthink the Iagos of the world. Robert David Jaffee: Will Fort Hood's Iago Speak?
  • gentled" and soothed the troubled spirit more and more tenderly, till Firefly could think of nothing like it but the father and daughter comforting each other on the Downs, that terrible day of his guilt. Parables From Nature
  • It's as if moviegoers have been coddled by the comforting filters and film stock of major motion pictures over the years.
  • The outdoor area is far more appealing than the inside area, though it is comforting and cozy down the stairs and inside the cellar.
  • From fiery jerk dishes to sublimely sweet mangoes, the foods of Jamaica are exciting and comforting.
  • Winnie took her shoes off, placing her feet in the comforting warm water from the heated pool.
  • Jenny could smell the lemon detergent and fabric softener, along with that warm and comforting smell of freshly ironed clothes. AFTERMATH
  • In the sweaty grip of deadlines, when careful thought is impossible, it is comforting to be able to take a word, slap a suffix on it and make something that looks even a little original.
  • Iott's past involvement in Nazi re-enactments, first reported by The Atlantic, may well constitute the largest discomfiture for the Republican Party in a cycle in which a number of candidates have done or said discomforting things. Eric Cantor Seeks Distance From Rich Iott, GOP Candidate Who Dressed In Nazi Garb
  • And once it was plain that the name-calling and the whispers were not discomforting him, he was left alone. SACRAMENT
  • Distractions such as rattles, music, or even running a vacuum, washing machine, or blow-dryer may be amusing or comforting to your baby.
  • In the 1970s we could name six universities, the bottom few as comforting insurance in case you got lower grades than you hoped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surety that life would end was comforting, the certainty that every minute I was deciding to live, a relief. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • But another less comforting thought forms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sand, as Sam had said, was indeed, soft as powder and oozed cool and comfortingly through his bare toes.
  • Furious with herself, she cut into the fruit cake, watching steam rise from its centre, and placed a comfortingly large slice on his plate.
  • From the beginning the Press has conspired in perpetuating what the sadly departed and sorely missed George Carlin called the American Okee-doke, the pretty lies and comforting half-truths that our corporate overseers use to keep us in line by getting us to accept the illusion that all is well in this great Republic of ours, feeding us, as Carlin says in his last concert for HBO, "just enough bullshit to hold things together. Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama, and the American Okee-doke
  • Located in the heart of San Juan Capistrano is agorgeouslycomforting nook known as 'The Ramos House Cafe'. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Dominic's hand slid over, covering hers, and gave her hand a little comforting squeeze.
  • There was a reassuring air about him, a comforting quality that he seemed to radiate from within.
  • Not only do you get a free slice of pizza with your first booze of the evening, but – if you're up for it – a table football competition will be running as DJs spin a laidback, non-threatening selection of sounds, with comforting chillwave, soothing soul and non-scary contemporary folk, the idea being to lull you into a womb-like state of squidgy comfort. Clubs picks of the week
  • Long ago masters of ships found it comforting to find such beacons of light in the darkness.
  • They paid their poignant tributes as two teenage brothers were comforting each other after being orphaned in the tragedy.
  • A comforting thought as you tuck into the pan-fried foie gras. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something paradoxically comforting to liberals about such an explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • My mother had just died and I found the book very comforting.
  • The family in question is really quite ordinary, nothing special, but it's exactly that ordinariness that makes the film warm and comforting.
  • But what's a little more surprising, if not a little discomforting, is that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told NPR's Michele Martin that she deserves to be confirmed. Uh, Thanks...
  • She finds hospital comforting as she knows her pain can be controlled. The Sun
  • It's comforting, I suppose, to think that the Government cares so much about our safety to the point of mollycoddling.
  • It wasn't so painful but "discomforting", is that a good word? Nisayon Diary Entry
  • The city is small and comforting, and its people live in genteel pockets of suburbia and have 1950s good manners.
  • It sounds unusual, but it tasted great; a meaty, comforting pasta dish given a twist by a substantial infusion of whisky.
  • In the dark days of winter it is comforting to feel the warmth of crackling logs in an open fireplace or a wood burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching the steam rise, she inhaled the comforting vapors and decided to take a bath.
  • Such sympathy was profoundly misdirected, comforting aggressors rather than victims.
  • In answering this question, Smyth seemed unable to go beyond a comforting but unchallenging look-how-far-we've-come-from-those-benighted-days attitude.
  • When I'd broken down, which hadn't happened often but when it did it hit with fierce intensity, she'd been there for me, comforting me in the dark.
  • Do you know, when I was a little tad and couldn't sleep at night with the pain, I used to make believe I was a 'truster' and say over to myself all the nice, comforting things I wished they would say. The Primrose Ring
  • This all seems so much more comforting on a grey monsoon day with the wind storming outside and the Mumbai streets in flood.
  • The Jed Foundation, a national suicide-awareness group, in 2008 launched a Facebook "mood ring" application that lets students broadcast their emotional state and send comforting "vibes" to troubled friends. Troubled Students
  • The need to go into space, an extension of the comforting vacuum.
  • Elizabeth sighed and pulled herself out of the comforting warmth of her bed.
  • So all of those things are very comforting and delightful and poetry is at the heart of them.
  • What wonderfully comforting people we medicos are.
  • At Goldman Sachs, Mr. Corzine was a risktaker, one whose coolness was not always comforting. Corzine and the Missing Money
  • It is very comforting to know that our service is so well thought of and that future generations are being spared the real problems our refuse would generate.
  • And George W. Bush's blatant diffidence is annoying, too -- not that he has even the tiniest shred of credibility left, but it would be nice if he sort of tried to say or do something comforting in these bleak days. For Whom The Bell Dingells - Swampland -
  • Diplomatically, Britain had been cornered and her splendid isolation was more discomforting than her solitary magnificence.
  • Although you're reputed to be a woman not easily daunted, it might still be comforting to know that you arenot alone. Elisabeth Rhyne: An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren
  • Seeing other people flourish brings genuine delight; a comforting spectator sport in an otherwise bleak landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find it kind of discomforting when people I tend to agree with on the issue say things like “I genuinely find nothing objectionable about Tiller’s practice.” Will Saletan’s Moderation
  • And I think it's also probably comforting to his many fans who've been ricked by the scandal, who really believe in his closeness to Elin, his wife, and his two young children. Tiger Woods Announces 'Indefinite Break' From Golf
  • The engine was idling, which made a comforting noise, and kept the blowers warm, which made her feel increasingly drowsy.
  • The usual supplications were offered, with more than the usual significancy in such a place, for the fatherless children and widows, for all sick persons and young children, for all that were desolate and oppressed, for the comforting and helping of the weak-hearted, for the raising-up of them that had fallen; for all that were in danger, necessity, and tribulation. Reprinted Pieces
  • Ashwell was comforting, her room was the "homiest" place Judith knew, so she tapped at the door of the pleasant little brown room at the end of the corridor. Judy of York Hill
  • So much broadcasting is about comforting and confirming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just knowing that I do not have to go through this alone is more than comforting.
  • Head lowered, she raised her arms, and the gloom descended to envelope us, as if she had pulled it down as a comforting blanket.
  • Proven January window catnip, Roberts offers a perfect storm of comforting physical heft and a range of inspirationally macho chest-bumping goal celebrations. Edin Dzeko's calendar month has finally arrived | Barney Ronay
  • For the old guard, defence of the Soviet Union may have represented comforting continuity - unbroken contact with the party's revolutionary roots.
  • When the weather is cold and stormy, we tend to eat more - not just for the cozy feeling of snacking, but because we crave the comforting heat of casseroles, stews and roasts warming us from the inside out.
  • I didn't believe in the Argyle Monster, but that was the opposite of comforting, because I believed even more in the scariness of the woods in general.
  • Mutlu Kilim knows that the best kilim rugs are crafted in the weavers 'comforting home environment. Claudiopolis: Legendary History Weaved Into Nature of Mut
  • Whether eaten hot or cold, the combination of sweet spices and bitter-sweet onion is as comforting as can be. Yotam Ottolenghi's mejadra recipe
  • While some company policies will require the IT department to repartition a drive, it's comforting to realize that even non-technical users can repartition a drives should that become necessary.
  • I'd reached a woozy level of thinking 'fire' and 'dammit, we have fuel in both wing tanks this time', and various comforting little items along those lines, but the rescue mob outside jemmied the door open and scooped us carefully and quite fast out of our nose-down cabin and covered the fuel leaks around them and us with foam and expedition. Second Wind
  • Instead of soft clouds of sweetly sour fruit tucked beneath a comforting blanket of biscuity pastry, the tatin brazenly displays its wares, stickily caramelised and decadently buttery, on the outside – the humble base reduced to a mere vehicle for the apples in their sugary finery. How to cook perfect tarte tatin
  • The high-ceilinged dining room has seen better days, but the kitchen continues firing on all cylinders, turning out comforting classics like matzo ball soup, Roumanian pastrami, kasha varnishkes, unmissable steak fries and a triple-decker sandwich taller than it is wide. Lore of Old New York
  • How much more comforting it would be if the perpetrator were easily recognizable, obviously deviant or disturbed. Trauma and Recovery
  • She was grateful for his comforting words and reassuring gestures.
  • I remember speaking to a woman who was a prison officer "looking after" hindley. she told me about the "beautifull" gay marriage of 2 inmates where hindley was a bridegroom! what a picture of a woman who procured children for rape, torture and death now being a bridegroom at a gay wedding in a prison .... do gooders are ruining the society they live in by rewarding and comforting scum like hindley - and in this case fritzl who in life is a really nasty, weak, pathetic and pointless individual ... footnote: - Elisabeth is so traumatised by the torture she was subjected to by her pointless "father" that she cant yet be interviewed about her "life" in a cellar. New Statesman
  • Comforting thought to take into the new decade, eh? on January 1, 2010 at 12: 29 pm ex-ruction not so long back a guy (travelling with caravans type) had the all the custody cell keys placed in his vast special pocket with a bit of spare cash. What A Load Of Pants! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Every lesson ended with the same valediction: ‘I will pray for you!’, which I found oddly comforting.
  • Apart from the implications of this for prayers and strategy, it was a comforting thought - so long as one was winning.
  • In spite of all my cryptic musings and gross overgeneralizations, it is comforting to know that I am surrounded by great people who feel compelled to do something about what irks them.
  • In the dark days of winter it is comforting to feel the warmth of crackling logs in an open fireplace or a wood burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elian put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder to calm the short tempered swordsmen.
  • A new, comfortingly rich deal with EMI bucked them up no end, apparently.
  • At the same time, some readers may find both essays comforting; after all, both authors have elected to adopt new methods in their research programs.
  • But the performance is as safe and comforting as a patchwork quilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Riz au Lait is the epitome of the French grandmotherly dessert: simple, homely, comforting, sweet and creamy.
  • It's comforting to know the business is in good hands.
  • When the weather is cold and stormy, we tend to eat more - not just for the cozy feeling of snacking, but because we crave the comforting heat of casseroles, stews and roasts warming us from the inside out.
  • He might have writ himself _armigero_ in many a bill, or obligation, or quittance, or what not; he might have left something behind him save unpaid tavern bills; he might have heard cases, harried poachers, and quoted old saws; and slept in his own family chapel through sermons yet unwrit, beneath his presentment, done in stone, and a comforting bit of Latin: but he is dead long since. The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages
  • Spent all Friday night either puking, clearing up puke, or comforting hot, traumatised little ones, who are not so little anymore.
  • Thank you for comforting me when I'm sad.
  • one part of a strange world should be given a comfortingly familiar form
  • The nutty, vaguely familiar taste of mustard seed and the earthy smell of curry leaves waft from the fritter, but vada pav approaches perfection because it mingles potent flavors with so many comforting textures: squooshy bread, creamy and slightly lumpy mashed potato and a hint of crunch from the batter. Pow, Right in the Fritter
  • After a brief, and patriotic lecture on the history of the dish, Martha opines that, "making it more comforting, cheesier" is "a completely worthwhile way to spend your time. How to cook perfect macaroni cheese
  • Many people ignore this sign, comforting themselves that they probably brushed too hard.
  • Anna placed a comforting, motherly hand on her shoulder, making her look up.
  • So was Hochberg, with a manner parents describe as unobtrusive and comforting. -
  • Which is undoubtedly a comforting distinction if you’re the guy who had to pee in ajar. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • New Zealand's High Commissioner to India, Rupert Holborow, last night said extra resources would be used for threat assessment after another "discomforting" bombing. - Stuff
  • Think about it that way and the end of the world is quite a comforting idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also thicken braises, stews and soups and are warming and comforting. Persia's Private Cuisine Goes Public
  • It is hugely comforting to know that we have local geniuses able to deliver quality work at such modest cost.
  • When you coast by these places at night, you can observe under every table cloth a set of eight knobbly candle-white knees dangling from voluminous bags of shorts, above which ample stomachs are coddled by familiar, comforting tuck. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • In contrast to the comforting sound of its call, the cuckoo has a sinister lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to comforting yourself with a piece of chocolate.
  • She let out a sigh of relief as she felt the comforting throb of Sasaki's pulse in her fingers combined with her shallow breathing.
  • Likewise, the infant may introject an image of the mother’s smiling face that is associated with soothing and warmth and that exerts a comforting influence. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Behaviors and conversation were noted and were coded by using the theoretical framework of enduring and suffering and comforting.
  • But then the greatest novels, the finest dramas, that muddy, paradoxical, discomforting business of life is always conflictual, never safe. Times, Sunday Times
  • As usual, top drawer ingredients from this brand with the comforting scent of rose. Times, Sunday Times
  • She finds hospital comforting as she knows her pain can be controlled. The Sun
  • He just wants a comforting kiss and a cuddle and he'll be all right.
  • The calm atmosphere wraps around you like a comforting blanket as you find yourself reflecting upon the weekend.
  • The answer had become clear to Eaton last night, when he had chanced upon Clara comforting Will after Rebecca's accident.
  • He spent his last night in the Conciergerie before he was taken away to be guillotined comforting a beautiful, young aristocratic girl, which we'd all like to do on our last night alive…
  • The boy is sitting above him, the tip of his cigarette flickering amber in the half-light, exhaling softly in clouds of white smoke(sentence dictionary), a strangely comforting presence.
  • We can be sure there are those who like the comforting format of goals and the main slices of action in one easily digestible package. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, seeing the pictures that prove those dinky little slides really do deploy as rafts is comforting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because Watergate has become part of the received national lore—with heroes, villains, and the comforting moral that crime does not pay—we forget that its outcome was not foreordained and that those two years were very suspenseful. The Good Fight
  • There is something paradoxically comforting to liberals about such an explanation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is comforting to hear your team-mates shouting their encouragement during a contest. Sit with your back straight and head erect.
  • A child accustomed to playing with paper and crayons at home, for example, will find it comforting to discover the same crayons and paper in the preschool classroom.
  • I think the only comforting, predictable factor of this labor will be that if she happens to get stuck, someone can just reach up in there, grab hold of her fully grown unibrow and yank her into the light.
  • Jess walked over and let herself be folded into a comforting embrace, lifted up until she was seated securely on his lap.
  • The comforting words of his friends would mean quite as little as the discourtesies of Mr Ratler. Phineas Redux
  • Comfortingly, as I type this, I can feel the whump of a helicopter circling overhead.
  • Hearing all the familiar sounds around the house was strangely comforting.
  • Thank you for comforting me when I'm sad.
  • On the way back, the sword bobbing comfortingly along my leg, I met te Kiore, buckling the polished sword-club at his side. The Gates of Noon
  • And the catchpole, rather than risk his carcase, consented to discharge the debt, comforting himself with the hope of making me prisoner again. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • She awoke again, but this time to the comforting warmth of her couch pillows and crochet blanket.
  • The floor is absolutely covered with all shapes and sizes of silken pillows embroidered with comforting symbols in gold thread.
  • I can smell the comforting aroma of butter and black-peppered fluffy baked potato.
  • The outdoor area is far more appealing than the inside area, though it is comforting and cozy down the stairs and inside the cellar.
  • It was comforting to know she was not afeared and trusted me to keep her safe. Secret of the Night Ponies
  • This line of argument is comforting and seductive, but not convincing.
  • In the dark days of winter it is comforting to feel the warmth of crackling logs in an open fireplace or a wood burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • No longer could he escape those hands curled up in anger, a loud voice thundering over comforting whispers - his own.
  • John placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.
  • All that guided her right now was Jeff's comforting voice, piercing through the blackness, drawing her to him.
  • It is comforting to know that while Hamlet, Rosalind, Portia and other sublime intellects do not exist in Othello, they do exist in life, and they will always outthink the Iagos of the world. Robert David Jaffee: Will Fort Hood's Iago Speak?
  • The surety that life would end was comforting, the certainty that every minute I was deciding to live, a relief. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • It is comforting and satisfying yet fresh and light too. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is comforting somehow; the phoney war is pretty much over and now the real fight begins.
  • No amount of break-room drip-coffee could quite approach the comforting domesticity of this roundly stout, spouted little object.
  • The other artists are those who tend to ignore what is comforting and instead champion life's difficulties, contradictions and inconveniences.
  • It can be comforting to the griever to know that you are not frightened away by his or her grief.
  • The most discomforting abdominal pains are the acute and gripping ones.
  • This display of paternalistic guilt should have been comforting, but Pascoe wasn't in the market. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Wilbur offers a comforting (for me) way to look at this ... through spiral dynamics ... which while moving on a sort of linear path, it doesn't assume hierarchy, but rather a holarchy. * pressing on in the dark *
  • We can be sure there are those who like the comforting format of goals and the main slices of action in one easily digestible package. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, it is less than comforting to know that you're asking strangers if we should aggress. Bernard Radfar: Surreal Republican Scam
  • I find it very comforting to know that the owners feed their children the same food that they serve me.
  • There's plenty of space for luggage under the beds and in the fitted wardrobe where, ominous but comforting, you'll also find two lifejackets.
  • It was a comforting though as she passed through the archway into the locker rooms, the screaming of the crowds not even registering in her mind.
  • The scent lingering in the hallway was less than comforting.
  • My mother has had to cancel seeing her bezzie tomorrow for what I think was gonna be drinks-related evening larks possibly, as said best friend is comforting a younger colleague.
  • They both share the same psychiatrist and are completely dependent upon him as a comforting father figure.
  • It was a chaste kiss ended in a comforting embrace.
  • I try his version with arborio, which, as he says, makes the broth "really creamy" – and it's wonderfully thick and comforting. How to cook perfect minestrone soup
  • It is delicate yet comforting, served with an aubergine crisp, mango chutney and a poppadom. Accommodation review | The Spread Eagle, Sawley, Lancashire
  • What we need is not comforting distance structured through familiarity, but rather the strength to look critically and consciously at that which most unnerves us.
  • Mobile spam very discomforting for three in five Japanese | 世論 What Japan Thinks Mobile spam very discomforting for three in five Japanese
  • But some spas feature treatments that are more than just indulgent; they also help relieve a host of common health problems, all in a setting that's calming and comforting.
  • Lovers of these stories — can we not call them addicts? — often note that part of their appeal lies in their comfortingly familiar atmospheres: Holmes and Watson's rooms on Baker Street, with the "gasogene" (whatever that is) and the Persian slipper filled with pipe tobacco, or Wolfe's townhouse on West 35th, with its kitchen on the first floor and its plant rooms on the roof. Now, Read it Again
  • The comforting confraternities added to such standard ceremonies a number of special procedures for the condemned.

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