How To Use Comforter In A Sentence
`Kate, dear Kate, it's sweet of you to want to be my comforter.
She couldn't help but snuggle against the warm comforter, taking in its scent and texture.
Three winners will receive a set of 180-thread-count cotton-polyester-blend sheets, a comforter, two shams and a bed skirt; queen size only.
This looks like a blanket or comforter - fuzzy and warm.
Aimee mumbled to herself about getting a lock for her door and pulled the comforter to her bed, cuddling up under it so that she could get back to sleep.

She had hot pink sheets, with matching pillowcases, as well as a dark purple comforter, and lavender throw pillow.
I felt a kind of qualm of faintness and downsinking about my heart and stomach, to the dispelling of which I took a thimbleful of spirits, and, tying my red comforter about my neck, I marched briskly to the session-house.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
The feather comforter was neatly smoothed out on the bed and the pillow was precisely in its center.
St. Gildas, in the twelfth century, had Abelard for superior, who, on his appointment, made over to Eloise the celebrated abbey he had founded at Nogent, near Troyes, which he called the Paraclete or Comforter, because he there found comfort and refreshment after his troubles, but his peace soon ended on his arrival in Brittany.
Brittany & Its Byways
Ms. Rothenburgh did not want a hospital bed, so Mr. Lewis found her a twin bed, with a comforter in a pattern that matched the dress Ms. Rothenburgh wore at her son's wedding.
Many other servants came in to strip the bed and put new sheets and comforter on her monstrous bed.
In The Comforter, a hirsute woman (an actual genetic condition that led to the bearded lady once popular in freak-shows and French courts), cradles an eyeless creature conceived of as an udder with a large mouth.
Spread ArtCulture: Patricia Piccinini's World of Creatures Great & Small
He accepted the offer and became his muse, his comforter, and his constant companion for the next twenty-three years.
That means placing baby on his back on a firm, flat mattress and not adding extra mattresses or any soft bedding, such as pillows, quilts or comforters.
The wind was blowing through her fancy curtained window and a light breeze hit her long brown hair as it dangled off the bed hitting the pale purple and mauve comforter.
She pulled the comforter off of her head, frizzing her mousy brown hair.
Detailed and tailored to perfect, you can use this as the base to build upon from the multitude of bed dressing such as duvet covers, comforters, pillow shams and so much more.
I had a jagged edge on the toenail on my big toe and it got caught in the heavy comforter on the bed while I was asleep and pulled half of my toenail off.
Hang your coat in the handcrafted armoire before stretching out on the four-poster with feather bed and comforter.
My own will find him to be comforter, equal and friend.
Mostly, I cling to blankets in the summertime because the comforter is hot, heavy, and a bear to wash if anything spills on it.
The Linen Closet
Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips.
On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
Lynn turned off the light before snuggling comfortably under the warm comforter.
He is a great discomforter of young students, by telling them what travel it has cost him, and how often his brain turned at philosophy, and makes others fear studying as a cause of duncery.
Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
Sinking into her comforter, I stared at the ceiling; pictured her in Italy, traipsing along the same ancient streets her great grandmother Nana had walked before she immigrated to America.
As far as I know, ‘Auntie ‘did nothing all day but sit in a rocker and crochet multi-colored shawls and comforters and stuff like that.’
Many people, it is true, are morbidly fascinated by deadlocks and stand-offs and cling to them as old friends and comforters.
The crib should be empty, with no blankets, pillows, soft materials, stuffed toys, sheepskin, or comforters.
‘Faith, Broadbrim, I believe thou art right, and the old gentleman in the flaxen jazy shall have no more of the comforter.
They had eaten in silence, then Francine, unconcerned, quickly stripped naked and crawled under the down comforter, asleep within seconds.
Faith is a great comforter in a time of despair, such as when worrying about one's own death or that of friends or relatives.
She dreams she leans over the brown dust and lifts a brown leaf that is a moth, holds it inside her mouth to revive the flutter from a frost now covering the still-live glass, the fallen pears half eaten by deer, and her shoulders exposed from the comforter her lover always drags to his side of the mattress.
Wednesday Shout Out : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
I sighed deeply, letting my body sink down into the comforter, too fatigued to try and appear in control in all the ways I clearly wasn't.
The crib should be empty, with no blankets, pillows, soft materials, stuffed toys, sheepskin, or comforters.
The Hebrew name, probably in the intensive form, Nahhum, signifies primarily "full of consolation or comfort", hence "consoler" (St. Jerome, consolator), or "comforter".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
I bought a down comforter to put inside the duvet.
The Spirit, as a comforter, is the earnest of our inheritance.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
A little straw makes a great reek," said Bruce, laughing, "and when a mon gives out before his pipe, he is like to be burnet," and he pointed to a long black and brown singe on the worsted comforter of the traveller, by which we understood that Picton had fallen asleep, pipe in mouth, and then dropped his lighted _dudeen_ just on the safest part of his neck.
Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
He turns back to look at his brother lying peacefully under the comforter and blankets of his daybed.
Ann came to see me when I was in hospital. She was a real Job's comforter! She told me about somebody who had the same operation as me, and then died a month later.
She hugged her pillow and snuggled under the warm comforter, but the sound of running water pried her eyes open again.
It is the American dream, but also the socialist Utopia, the glimmer of hope for the poor, the comforter of the oppressed who yearn for salvation.
Then she brought a comforter -- she called it a "futon" -- from the cupboard.
The Japanese Twins
She couldn't help but snuggle against the warm comforter, taking in its scent and texture.
Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re - arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation.
The Caxtons — Volume 09
Don't use pillows, comforters, quilts, and other soft or plush items on the bed.
And some farmers do cultivate milkweed for its soft, silky floss, which is used commercially as a hypoallergenic filler in pillows, comforters and jacket linings.
The comforter will ask why the other girl is crying.
These reviews aren't interesting, they're not poking at anything much, they're comforters for the regular readers.
She walked over to the queen-size bed, did a little shimmy dance as she took off her full-coverage bra, rubbed her breasts, her pudgy belly, stepped out of her panties, pulled back the down comforter, removed the scrunchy from her hair, ran her fingers through her thinning curls, sat on the edge of the bed, and watched her man sleep.
Exquisite Torture
If you want to try it, & the comforter will easily fit in your washer, you could experiment with redyeing or overdyeing these items.
She opened her eyes again and found herself on a comfortable bed, covered with a blue quilt and a white comforter.
The drop section of the comforter is olive green and the color scheme is perfect for blending into a room featuring natural, earth colors.
I use a down comforter during the winter.
I could be wrong about this, but I always thought the duvet was meant to slip inside of a cover, while the comforter is already decorative and is meant to be used as is.
The Linen Closet
It was good weather to stay wrapped in a down comforter on a feather bed and watch first light seep over the hills and through the surrounding woods to filter around the curtains.
And this makes sense, you have to admit, in a moment of grief since Newt is so smooth-tongued and sort of a comforter.
Claire stammered, trying to modify her rôle as comforter.
She sat the baby on the soft comforter that covered her legs and adjusted herself.
The comforter is bound on three side and reverses to a gingham check for a change when you want something different.
These comforters are considered to be three-season weight and the filling is held in place with the use of sewn in baffles which prevents the silk from moving and bunching.
Violet noticed a tendril of black hair peeking out of the comforter, and one white hand.
Etched in Bone
Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re-arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation.
The Caxtons — Complete
The air was crisp and chill from last night's thunder storm, so I burrowed underneath the heavy comforter.
The cautiousness is a change from Sago, but in some ways Manchin is playing the same role: comforter-in-chief to a state whose identity is so linked with coal that a statue of a miner graces the grounds of the Capitol.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Rolling over in her bed, Kirby turned off her alarm clock and stretched lazily under her soft, thick, and warm comforter.
I stretched out, deliciously warm beneath a down comforter and flannel sheets, with my head propped on his chest.
A thick, fraying comforter was folded up on one side of the futon.
Velvet, faux fur and velour are rich, soft to the touch fabrics that can be used for comforters, blankets and throw pillows.
The comforter was a dark blue, with silver moons and lavender stars on it.
Why don't they put tabs on top of comforters so you can button them into the closure of your duvet cover so the comforter stays in place inside the cover?
This comforter is the Spirit of truth, whom you know, v. 16, 17.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
The feather comforter was neatly smoothed out on the bed and the pillow was precisely in its center.
how could i? they're slick, pewter-colored "sateen" sheets, 230 thread count, 100% cotton and they look positively LAVISH with our maroon velvet comforter. god, it's gorgeous. and i deserve these sheets, dammit i do. since moriarty6 and i have lived together, we've had nothing but cheap-assed Tar-JHAY sheets that annually fall apart at the seams--and once in awhile, a woman who has already telefiled her tax return deserves something nice. she deserves new bedding.
Saturday pointlessness
It is easy to see why people describe her as the country's comforter - in-chief.
It was covered with a green comforter and it was imprinted with daisies of a darker shade of green.
Find out everything you need to know about choosing the perfect blankets, pillows, bed linens, comforters, and other bedding here now.
Hang your coat in the handcrafted armoire before stretching out on the four-poster with feather bed and comforter.
Father was in his king-sized bed, propped up with feather pillows, half-buried under quilts and comforters.
The wonderful mauve comforter had been shredded.
I pull my cuddly soft quilted comforter from my shoulder over above my forehead.
A magnificent four-poster bed stood in a corner and a rich comforter was draped over the bed.
She rolled off, trying to disentangle herself from the comforter.
Though the presence of the Comforter yielded them real and effectual relief in straits and difficulties, yet it was not such a sensible satisfaction as his bodily presence would have been to those who had been used to it.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
She threw off her covers with much protest as the chilly California winter breeze nipped at her skin and tempted her to crawl back into her warm comforters and sleep the day away.
If a comforter is used, cover it with an allergen-proof cover to keep the mites out.
Environmental allergy control
And the socialised home of the future, living, provident, kindly; educator and comforter; is the true and worthy home of those human mates who wish to better the species, and to send the race forward triumphant into the eternity of life!
The Montessori Method
Returning to her bed, Annie slipped beneath the sheets and pulled the comforter up around her.
She returned a minute later with a comforter and a quilt.
She had insisted upon his learning his catechism, and attending church twice every Sunday, and she had knitted him a comforter, the material being that harsh and scrubby worsted which makes the word comforter a sound of derision.
The Golden Calf
I scooched into my bedroom and buried myself in my downy comforter.
Hang your coat in the handcrafted armoire before stretching out on the four-poster with feather bed and comforter.
She rolled off, trying to disentangle herself from the comforter.
The lady, like other comforters of the cabins of the poor, proceeded to rebuke the grumbling old woman for want of order and cleanliness — censured the food which was provided for the patient, and enquired particularly after the wine which she had left to make caudle with.
Saint Ronan's Well
Sara rolled her eyes and flumped back down on her pillows, pulling her comforter back over her head again.
The name Paraclete as applied to the Holy Ghost meant the Consoler, the Comforter, the Spirit of Love and Grace; as applied to the oratory by Abelard it meant a renewal of his challenge to theologists, a separation of the Persons in the Trinity, a vulgarization of the mystery; and, as his story frankly says, it was so received by many.
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
My comforters cannot bring me to repine much on this subject.
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
For the word rendered in our version 'reprove' is the same which our Lord employed when He spoke of the mission of the Comforter as being to
Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
Cara yawned luxuriously and hitched the comforter up around her neck.
For example, choose a comforter or duvet cover that's reversible so you can change the mood by flipping it over.
The first operation to be performed by the system is production of the quilt bag, which is the outer shell of fabric that eventually will be stuffed with filling and quilted to form the comforter or other quilted bedding.
And I turned over and pulled my warm comforter over my head.
For, one needs, in addition, the matching comforter, bedskirt, duvet, three types of pillows, shams, draperies, upholstered furniture, tablecloths, fabric lampshades, and rugs.
But then he ambles back to bed, snuggles in under the feather comforter and starts snoring again.
Waking Up in Stillwater « Biodork
Thanks! color comforter down set color comforter down solid two line cordless phone with answering machine animal print comforter sets animal print comforter sets computer desk with keyboard bracelet silver hammered heavy cuff greece damask vera bradley outlet tmomail furnisher this end up brillenglas width lined and loveseats boot
Contemporary observers ‘see’ angels regularly, whether as personal guardians, spiritual leaders, healers, or comforters.
The other four artifacts are technically comforters rather than true quilts because they are tied rather than quilted.
The pajamaed Japanese, flute in hand, is wrapped in a comforter and placed in a chair atop one of the tables, where he makes a ludicrous and grotesque spectacle.
The Beautiful and Damned
The idea of the land as comforter is also expressed in his work.
The comforter was bunched up at the bottom of the bed, so Anna could see the sheets.
I will bookmark! comforter croscill down down comforter
Horses Mouth February 14, 2007 1:30 PM
Ten minutes later, I was dead to the world yet again, buried deep beneath my warm comforter and cotton sheets.
As long as women are willing to play the comforter role, why should our somnolent male character bother to deal with a relationship with a woman who wants to be treated as an equal?
It had dark blue sheets with a bright tie-dye comforter.
The women are both tempters and comforters.
I smiled and picked at a loose thread on the comforter.
The warm comforter wrapped itself around his body.
9 Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end; therefore she came down wonderfully: she had no comforter.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Slipcovers, comforters, sheets, and shams are white as well.
Each room is richly appointed with goose down comforters, plush terry robes, oversized bathtubs, high-speed Internet access lines, a safe and mini bar.
Credit the heroic firemen, police and rescue workers; praise hospitable friends and comforters.
She must stretch her aching limbs and come out from underneath her warm comforter.
Egyptian cottons are used to create bedding of all types from sheets to pillowcases to comforters.
After I hung up with Dan, I changed into sleep clothes as I called them, brushed my teeth, put my retainer on, and snuggled under the three down comforters.
Eczema is sometimes improved by avoiding contact with certain materials, such as dust, down comforters, feathers, wool, and perfumed lotions.
It was so hard to comfort the comforter; she already knew all the rules.
Besides, I've obviously become the designated comforter in this friendship.
The feather comforter was neatly smoothed out on the bed and the pillow was precisely in its center.
'Faith, Broadbrim, I believe thou art right, and the old gentleman in the flaxen jazy shall have no more of the comforter.
He slumped heavily into the bed next to me, and I pulled the comforter over him and inched closer.
She was hugging a pillow as a comforter.
The famous label can now be found on bedding - including a reversible comforter set that comes with matching bed skirt and shams.
She rolled off, trying to disentangle herself from the comforter.
And then I find myself burrowing under what the English would call a duvet and the Americans would call a comforter.
The English American
When afflicted, he scandalizes his comforters by damning the day that he was born.
He caught sight of the end of little Jim Coggin's comforter flaunting out through the "chinking," -- as the mountaineers call the series of short slats which are set diagonally in the spaces between the logs of the walls, and on which the clay is thickly daubed.
The Young Mountaineers Short Stories
Paul smooth the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father's neck.
I have new sheets and new pillows (my new comforter is back-ordered, but enroute) and I begin to understand Brian Wilson's point.
Just listening and re-listening to smily smile
In my exhaustion, naivete, or hopefulness (or all three), I imagined the man in the comforter was a mentally ill relative who the man in jeans was trying to stop and help.
Farai Chideya: Obama Year One: Good for the Journalists? A Story of Fear and Hope.
Yesterday, his role was that of a prayer of the faithful reader and a comforter to his distraught mum.
A bed in a bag set includes sheet, pillow cases, a comforter, shams, and skirts for adult beds.
She threw off her covers with much protest as the chilly California winter breeze nipped at her skin and tempted her to crawl back into her warm comforters and sleep the day away.
Egyptian cottons are used to create bedding of all types from sheets to pillowcases to comforters.
She was sprawled, hugging a sausage-shaped pillow like Linus' comforter.
Then, in the manner described below, put on the bottom sheet, the top sheet, a blanket or comforter or other warm cover, and finally the bedspread also called a counterpane, quilt, or other day cover.
Whenever she is upset about something, she uses death as a comforter.
Turning off my phone, I dive once more beneath warm comforters and pull them over my head.
She closed her heavy eyes as she whimpered under the warm comforter.
Still, I've never seen a comforter itself called a duvet or down in English in Russian there is a word пуховик, meaning just that GDT.
With that, she took Brady to her bedroom and settled him on top of her comforter.
On each mattress were soft-blue sheets, but no blankets or comforters.
But detractors say comforters are the gateway to overheating and unseemly bulkiness.
Down With Comforters!