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How To Use Comfortable In A Sentence

  • The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
  • The human species has not evolved such that it can tolerate sitting in that southwesterly location, behind uninsulated glass, leaning on a heat absorbing table of dark steel and not be grossly uncomfortable.
  • an uncomfortable day in the hot sun
  • Marriage followed alongside a comfortable life on the cosy road to middle-class success.
  • He has made derogative remarks, made players uncomfortable playing for him, and is not leading the team in the right direction.
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  • That extra tail-weight partly explains why the Octavia feels eager to point into a corner despite its soft and very comfortable springing, making it a surprisingly enjoyable car for a keen driver, apart from the overly snatchy brakes.
  • The "clack" of the Nikon has created so many uncomfortable moments distracting the talent and most recently Kid Rock asked me to use a different camera. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • I don't have time to absorb much, though: some white-coated women and Dr Stone chivvy me towards an uncomfortable-looking chair.
  • And Johnson has some advice for people aspiring to a comfortable living playing music: ‘I've set it in my mind that I will not jive anybody, and not be jived by anybody.’
  • These same people also routinely said they felt comfortable with Bush as a leader with values and dignity.
  • But I am uncomfortable with the way he talks me into buying and wearing the costumes. The Sun
  • He always talks about her to me, and I feel so uncomfortable and miserable.
  • Finally, for those comfortable with investing in stocks there are a wealth of options to choose from.
  • Most of us tend to entertain our friends in the family room; a formal dining room becomes a mail sorting place, and a formal living room is a museum for curios and uncomfortable furniture.
  • Winning the Varsity matches, and in reasonably comfortable fashion, is cause for celebration.
  • I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
  • Despite being very comfortable by Zambian standards, he is a man who does not spend his money carelessly and he is on a salary just like his wife and his workers.
  • You don't want to lose that excited edge, but you should also be getting progressively more comfortable as dates go by.
  • It is an uncomfortable feeling to find in her sickness the conventions of beauty - boniness and pallor.
  • The soft cushions were so much more comfortable than the hard bench of the wagon.
  • He's comfortable like this, lying against an array of chenille pillows while the woman in his arms nestles against him.
  • The government may finally find itself forced to address a subject that it has previously found uncomfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's also more back seat leg and headroom and more comfortable rear seats, an area criticised in the current model. The Sun
  • They got comfortable on the rocks, with the waves roaring in, lapping at their feet, they stroked their bellies and chattered on about the sea, about stealing a small fishing boat when they should have been in school. September 17 , 2004
  • He set the computer aside and put his hands behind his back, sinking into the comfortable support of the cushions and allowing the memories to take him back.
  • In these environmentally conscious times, this is an uncomfortable growth industry.
  • You stay in simple but comfortable thatched wooden houses, built on stilts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our attic suite was half the size of our Dublin terrace house, with a huge main bedroom and a comfortable twin room for the boys.
  • How the books (not having been chosen with reference to this great event) were of awkward sizes, and did not make comfortable paving for the bottom of the trunk; whilst folded stockings may be called the packer's delight, from their usefulness to fill up corners. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • The last girl who ranted was yabbering on about being a comfortable C and someone else told her to get implants - what is all of this competition about breast size?
  • I don't feel comfortable with him.
  • Your best bet is investing in a comfortable pillow which properly supports your head and neck. The Sun
  • I have found criticism to be a deeply enriching, but not always comfortable exploration of the text of Scripture.
  • We chose to sit on a comfortable settee rather than on hard chairs or impractical looking stools.
  • His relationship with his patroness was a comfortable and easy one, and he did not hesitate to ask directly, "Will he indeed find the gentlewoman he's seeking at Elford? The Confession of Brother Haluin
  • If you feel uncomfortable about it, though, you can opt out by contacting your bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The botel offers an accommodation in comfortable single and double bedded cabins and apartments.
  • There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli 
  • If we feel uncomfortable, achy, or even delirious during the course of a fever, these sensations are due to the toxicity that the fever is working to rid us of.
  • And I think this is one of the major things that makes people ill at ease and uncomfortable'. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I don't feel very comfortable with conventional people,’ Lennox later admits.
  • It had to handle well and be comfortable, able to swallow the miles with a decent tank capacity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember to use all necessary safety precautions - and common sense - when working on a roof, and call on a professional roofer for any repairs you're not fully comfortable undertaking on your own.
  • I keep my stance simple, standing on the line of the crease with my feet a comfortable width apart.
  • They really feel comfortable talking about it afterwards with friends or teachers or even councilors, which is really rewarding. WHSV - HomePage - Headlines
  • Kelly is portrayed as a slow witted young man, with a strong sense of injustice, who feels uncomfortable in the role of gunslinger.
  • Not only will you have a curvy figure, you will always find a comfortable seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The look that dominated the '70s has women trading in their high heels for wedges that are casual and often more comfortable.
  • In addition the hall has been soundproofed and reinforced and new comfortable seating replaces the old-style red velvet covered models of yesteryear.
  • We are very comfortable at home and we feel good and have huge confidence. The Sun
  • These uncomfortable lumps are caused by too much pressure on the blood vessels around your bottom. The Sun
  • The swivel armchair is douBly comfortaBle to sit in.
  • Then he noticed that sitting next to her was a man who seemed very uncomfortable, touching her arm trying to coax her down. Christianity Today
  • It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours.
  • He is also able to bring the ball back off the seam into right-handers, a quality that makes two of India's top batsmen, Virender Sehwag and VVS Laxman, look distinctly uncomfortable.
  • Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.
  • He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters.
  • Gentle breeze is not strong, but very comfortable, I think.
  • Plus there's a colossal boot, loads of space inside, extremely comfortable seats and a genuine sense of quality.
  • As we tried to make ourselves comfortable on the uneven rock floor, a hard-faced young man in his early twenties wandered over.
  • He was a mediocre speaker, uncomfortable in circumstances of political manoeuvre, often either too hesitant or too precipitate in action, and wedded to a proud independence that interfered with the building of successful alliances.
  • They had the same mixture of comfortable sofas and chairs and slightly more serious upright chairs and tables.
  • In addition, she changed the exercise equipment in the club bringing in treadmills, recumbent bikes and ellipticals that were more comfortable for the women, most of whom were new to exercising.
  • It is, to say the least, uncomfortable seeing such pain inflicted on an innocent man.
  • Then I opened up my bipods, stuck the barrel through, and got comfortable.
  • No one will kotow to you, or serenade you on a koto; rather, you'll be threatened with celotomy or colotomy, equally uncomfortable, or with banishment to Cotonou or Cotopani. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
  • The weight of the overcoat made it uncomfortable to wear.
  • You feel warm and comfortable and drowsy. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • Think deeply before you give up your comfortable life for the uncertainty of youthful life and love. The Sun
  • Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.
  • Skarsgard has previously talked about how he is so comfortable being nude that he goes sockless in nude scenes on the 'True Blood' set even though Moyer wears a sock. Alexander Skarsgard: How We Shot The Nude, Bloody 'Rolling Stone' Cover
  • They're equally comfortable with energetic rock as they are with slow, moody and melancholy tunes.
  • I hear dark rumors that she has her enemies duct taped to comfortable recliners and forced to watch Beachcombers episodes until they eat their own weight in bran loaf! Archive 2007-09-01
  • In addition, a cloth upholstered seat is often more comfortable for the baby.
  • Despite its diminutive size, the car is quite comfortable.
  • In the 1890s, women some women found they could cast off their impractical and uncomfortable clothing in favour of pantaloons.
  • At evening viewings, comfortable cushions and blankets are placed on the lounge chairs.
  • The Sergeant gave her a pentagonal shaped cabin slightly larger, slightly more comfortable than the one she had had downstairs, sporting retractable shelves which sprung out here and there to alter the shape of the room.
  • Attic vents can be installed along the entire ceiling cavity to help ensure proper airflow from the soffit to the attic, helping to make a home more comfortable and energy efficient.
  • It's not that it's been hot so much as the very high humidity that's made me feel darned uncomfortable.
  • When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist.
  • He is finding the plaster uncomfortable because the skin underneath feels itchy. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
  • By this point, I'm pretty much immune to any potential sexual peer pressure, and won't easily give into doing anything I'm uncomfortable with.
  • A heat rash, for example, is one of the problems that can make you feel really uncomfortable.
  • My hotel room was small, airless and uncomfortable.
  • They were the least comfortable of our selection but still provide much of the performance of pricier designs for less money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It therefore came to light that Mr. Jobbles had found that his clerical position was hardly compatible with a seat at a lay board, and he retired to the more congenial duties of a comfortable prebendal stall at Westminster. The Three Clerks
  • Stockings can be uncomfortable, especially in hot weather.
  • Cars are comfortable, avoid dangerous road crossings, avoid the danger of strangers and - not insignificantly in Scotland - they avoid the rain.
  • Tea was steeped, cakes and cookies presented, comfortable seats procured for the triplet to lounge in.
  • Please sit down and make yourself comfortable, we don't stand on ceremony here.
  • Adam sat down on the one comfortable chair he possessed and pulled his father's envelope out of his inside pocket.
  • And when Chippy Hackee got home, he found he had caught a cold in his head; and he was more uncomfortable still.
  • On the first floor in the rear is the main screening room, not large yet not small, and certainly comfortable. Stewart Nusbaumer: One Weekend, Four Film Fests: Harlem
  • The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease.
  • Rob shivered a little, cold and uncomfortable lying on the firm, hard ground.
  • He was very refined in his conversation -- at least, what I call refined -- for he was one of those persons in whose society one is comfortable from the certainty that they will never say anything which can shock other people, or hurt their feelings, be they ever so fastidious or sensitive. Life of Charles Dickens
  • For that reason, I felt uncomfortable in our negotiations and decided not to conclude any agreements with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dressed in a suit with a warm overcoat, he obviously had money and a comfortable life.
  • Mr. Astor had held the wheel for five hours and, at my suggestion, he retired to the comfortable little cabin and lay down for fifteen minutes, leaving the aeroboat to soar in great slow circles under its admirable automatic controls over the main battle area. The Conquest of America A Romance of Disaster and Victory
  • Still, for all his apparently gentle appeal on and off the course, Donald is a determined and gutsy competitor, one who appears to be more and more comfortable in the harshest of spotlights.
  • Their doctrine is one we find uncomfortable to work with. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was an uncomfortable situation for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • DYSPEPSIA–Also called indigestion, this is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness and bloating after eating. The Most Complete Food Counter, 2nd Edition
  • He is uncomfortable with crowds and prefers his home surroundings. Times, Sunday Times
  • His body is an angular, jutting emblem of a body uncomfortable everywhere.
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • To the long-running, uncomfortable faux lovers 'quarrels with Simon Cowell and his equally embarrassing interviews with the singers, he has now added an arsenal of odd behaviors, ranging from petulant snits to flighty overexuberance. It's time for producers to fix 'American Idol,' and here's how
  • Legendary cosmologist and author Professor Stephen Hawking is reported to be 'comfortable' after being rushed to hospital from his home in Cambridge. Archive 2009-04-01
  • If this bald truth makes any one of us feel uncomfortable, we can take some solace in knowing we are not the only species to exploit the lie.
  • The garnet and blue clad hoopsters competed in four exhibition contests that season, winning each by a comfortable margin.
  • But you could hear all the corks popping as guests felt slightly more comfortable about imbibing a tipple or two.
  • After much yardage of "feel-good" waffle, EurActive gets down to brass tacks on regulatory issues, telling us that Witney, "…does not believe a change of the overall situation for European defence procurement can be achieved with 'dirigiste' measures from Brussels that members states are not comfortable with. White man speak with forked tongue
  • The most disadvantaged families did not feel comfortable coming in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddly, it's insanely comfortable, and this kind of peripatetic lifestyle (while anathema to my wife) totally fits my A.D.D. quest for constant adventure. Lucy van pelt holds the football
  • However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
  • It is in a comfortable key with limited chromaticism, employs only basic syncopation and has frequent rests.
  • The ward was clearly badly managed anyway - the idea of mixing genders in the alcoves made a lot of people very uncomfortable.
  • You don't know how uncomfortable it is to be a shut-in unless you have been one before.
  • It’s in a nice, warm spot, and the duvet is soft and comfortable. Cat Naps « Barefoot in the Kitchen
  • He went to his room-to his oak desk, comfortable chair, and his high-intensity study lamp.
  • Towards the close of the disease, after desquamation has begun, the temperature of the room may be kept at 70°, as then the fever and heat have subsided and the delicate skin of the patient requires a comfortable temperature. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
  • There should be opportunity for a comfortable adjustment of the stethoscope and pneumograph, etc., and the clothing should be warm enough to enable the subject to remain comfortable and quiet during his sojourn inside the chamber. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
  • I found a very comfortable armchair in the lounge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guests went up to their room; Elena waited, sitting in a comfortable davenport. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • Those with a materialist mindset seem quite comfortable in loosening up their evidential thresholds whenever it suits them. Are Stereochemical Explanations Causally Sufficient?
  • BeachGoat: Cheney is "discomfortable" ghostrider: If you see my bot fly, say hello.
  • Duncan sighed; the buckboard was about as comfortable as a moving block of stone. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Even so, climbers should be schooled in basic rock climbing and comfortable with jumaring and rappelling.
  • An awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere pervades the tense setting.
  • Cheap foam mattresses are less comfortable than sprung ones and will wear less well. Times, Sunday Times
  • I envy guys who are comfortable in their own voices and who speak with deep resonance.
  • The bird, a lovely white-and-brown speckled ring-necked dove, dozed off from the comfortable heat of the room as she wrote her letter.
  • He had a thin body habitus and appeared comfortable at rest.
  • If you have an uncomfortable mattress make changing it a priority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoid this if you have a hiatus hernia as it may cause uncomfortable burning. Stay Well This Winter
  • I reminisce about the sight of a hawksbill turtle and the sound it made as it swept its fins over the sand for a comfortable spot to lay eggs.
  • The pair had been married for almost 20 years and lived in a seven-room apartment on Manhattan's comfortable, if not ritzy, West End Avenue.
  • This rectory is a delightful place to be in, in warm weather; but in winter, it must be the reverse of comfortable; all the room-windows opening as doors into the garden, vines hanging over them, &c., &c. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right.
  • In an industry that was comfortable with glutting the market with too many nameplates and too little innovation, Mr. Mulally is the maverick. We Need More Leaders Like Mulally
  • However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
  • Today, after a careful conversion, it is a very comfortable and elegant country home.
  • There, seated in splendid comfort, sat Father Morrison, hands clasped around his belly, feet stretched out, dozing, comfortable as a cat on a hearthside rug. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • There's a bit of nudging and jostling while they get comfortable on their roost, but then suddenly the twittering stops as though a conductor drops his baton after the final note, then silence.
  • Throw a drawstring waistband into the cargo mix and you're left with a pair of linen pants that'll probably be your most comfortable pair.
  • Participants are advised to wear warm comfortable rainproof clothing and suitable footwear.
  • You preach some messages that are pretty uncomfortable for people to hear-messages people have heard often, but not necessarily taken to heart.
  • Park's naturalistic depiction of brutal violence and sadistic torture often make for uncomfortable viewing.
  • She would read, she would write, and she would be free from 'unhealthful, uncomfortable ... inconvenient ... fettering, hampering, monstrous skirts'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They are said to have passed a very "comfortable winter," subsisting largely upon the abundant game found in the new country, the oxen being supplied with plenty of browse from the trees. Living in Dryden: Early settlement
  • I closed the sliding windows, with translucent paper for window panes, called shoji, and went to bed, but the lack of privacy was fearful, and I have not yet sufficient trust in my fellow-creatures to be comfortable without locks, walls, or doors! Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • I just feel more comfortable with being able to pigeon-hole a language's typology into one of these 4 four categories or at least somewhere in between like Modern English which is supposed to be fusional-isolating. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN CHINESE.
  • Equipped with new detail on the operations of each individual factory, the company boss might feel more comfortable yielding greater discretion to each factory manager; any drop in production - or mysterious disappearance of yarn from the supply room - would raise red flags at the head office. In defense of middle management
  • It can be more accurately described as an uncomfortable viewing experience - but that's because it tells a brutal and uncomfortable story.
  • The Oriental is a comfortable hotel, but rather inconveniently situated.
  • Insoles might also be worth checking - a second pair of boots I bought had uncomfortable insoles, so I replaced them with a set that is more comfy but also seems to make them squeak.
  • SCHENECTADY - On any given night, more than 500 men and women roam the streets of Schenectady looking for food and a comfortable place to sleep. - Capital Region News, Weather and Sports from NEWSCHANNEL 13
  • It is their pride and joy and to witness the detail around their house, it is easy to understand why they are so comfortable at this beautiful spot.
  • The ancient and largely uncomfortable seating would be replaced and the giant 2,300-seater Oval Hall redecorated and a new carpet laid.
  • My favorite T-shirt, at the moment, is my worn Herbivore Cross T-shirt, which is so comfortable.
  • They argued that the individual friars might still remain absolutely possessionless, even if the order had beautiful churches and comfortable monasteries. An Introduction to the History of Western Europe
  • I'll tuck your sheets in for you. How's that? Comfortable?
  • These devices are substantially attracted to the static magnetic field of magnetic resonance systems and, therefore, may be uncomfortable or injurious to a patient undergoing an MRI procedure.
  • ‘We are already seeing overnighters who have digressed from the tourist drive after seeing our billboards, instantly becoming so comfortable that they stay on for another night or two,’ John said.
  • Patrick suddenly found himself standing in the hallway, his heart tripping frantically, his breathing too fast to be comfortable.
  • The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.
  • I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chicken wire just beneath the soil surface makes it uncomfortable and difficult to dig. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have ordered them not of chintz, but moreen, which is against your taste, and hardly according to my own; but the latter article proved on enquiry to be far the thriftier as well as the most comfortable; and therefore the best adapted for our purpose. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Our range of interlinings are not only super-soft, they're also packed with other properties to make the wearer feel more comfortable.
  • He was comfortable after his conversations with Gephardt, but even queasier about Edwards after they met. ABC: Edwards Admits Affair
  • People are out for their morning jog or walking by to pick up flowers and a few breakfast essentials, dressed in comfortable casual wear and often walking labradoodles or other small dog varieties.
  • My only niggle is that the seams on the top of the shoulder are quite prominent and uncomfortable.
  • Both have theologies radically immersed in the gospel and in life at its darkest points, and are orthodoxly Christian in ways which show Christian orthodoxy to be anything but comfortable.
  • That made her feel uncomfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • These things being premised, I shall now set down and make public that proposal which heretofore I have tendered, as a means to give some light into a way for the profitable and comfortable practice of church government; drawing out of general notions what is practically applicable, so circumstantiated as of necessity it must be. The Sermons of John Owen
  • But he insisted the knock does not make his position any more comfortable. The Sun
  • In ‘The Kid,’ the poet unveils the hidden core beneath a comfortable mask, telling about how the subject talks candidly about his father ‘sometimes when we ain't talking about baseball.’
  • Having said that, unless you are happy spending a day being bounced up and down in a pronouncedly uncomfortable ‘hard seat’, booking sleeper tickets in advance for about 100 yuan is a good idea.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • While someone who actually has a clue what a tachyon is will feel more comfortable with the terminology, Sawyer leaves enough elbow room for non-scifi fans. Rabid Reads: "Flash Forward" by Robert J. Sawyer
  • Noelle didn't squirm or fidget, but she appeared uncomfortable.
  • But do not forget that there might be a better job out there with an environment that you are more comfortable with, and yet still be able to sustain your lifestyle.
  • At the next level, the select wine offerings going for $4.95 per glass, Little Penguin has found a comfortable niche.
  • That casts a slight shadow over the group's defensive qualities, but the interest bill is covered a comfortable 8 times and the group is happily returning capital to shareholders through share buy-backs.
  • The nine other rooms above the restaurant are comfortable, bright and spacious, but only four have lake views.
  • All they had to do was make sure that the warrior classes were comfortable and they could forgo the business of spears and swords.
  • This vagary makes me uncomfortable, because politicians have a long history of making stupid decisions about gray areas.
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • The trip was expensive and uncomfortable.
  • He said timetabling extra services could help tackle uncomfortable overcrowding, especially during rush hours.
  • Did Hitler represent, as Emil Fackenheim has said, a unique "eruption of demonism into history" -- in which case he stands at a comfortable remove from the rest of us? Gabriel Rotello: Will Smith, Hitler and the Holocaust's Unanswerable Question
  • Starting out, I spent a lot of time on the trampoline getting comfortable landing on my back.
  • Rare is the folk album that is comfortable referencing the Neighbours theme tune alongside obscure Victorian parlour music.
  • This is a respectable middle-class family who always worked hard and enjoyed a comfortable life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the day, those comfortable with his modern classical accomplishments were baffled by his acetates of loopy leftfield disco.
  • The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease.

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