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How To Use Come In A Sentence

  • Once tawhid is accepted as the first axiom of thought, the goal of life becomes bridging the gap between the asserter and the asserted. William C. Chittick, Ph.D.: Islam and the Goal of Love
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • The battery-operated doll comes complete with walkie-talkie and a wardrobe choice of military fatigues or bolero jacket and gold trousers.
  • The only seriously bad bit is that you become less agile and less strong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
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Master English with Ease
  • A lot of the wrinklies, in fact, come along with holes in their shirts and jerseys.
  • When the moment finally comes, one look through his cataract lenses is all it takes. Christianity Today
  • To supplement his income, he taught private voice lessons in his home and sang in a church choir.
  • Come to think of it, it should read "sententia" but you managed to misspell in Latin the word you misspelled in English. When Latin Tattoos Go Wrong
  • Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the whole episode has been a huge embarrassment to English football.
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
  • I think it's certainly quite a lot of the comedy that I've been involved in is quite extreme, if you like, and the extremity is part of what's funny about it.
  • The conference has become a bit of a squeeze this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which drugs become blockbusters is in many respects a lottery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her desired outcome was a bit of money to help with major structural repairs.
  • Lastly, I am a bit of control freak with a blistering pace when it comes to work.
  • In each case the company's contributions are deductible for tax, and income on the investments is free of tax. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Julian ought to have resigned, then he'd have come out of it with some credit.
  • So many useful shops disappear, to be replaced by a retail outlet that is not welcomed by many of us.
  • Second, if a Palestinian state is recognized along the 1967 lines in point of fact, nothing more than the 1949 armistice lines, this undermines UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 338 and the Camp David Accords, which call for a negotiated outcome and do not predetermine final boundaries. David Harris: Support Peace: Oppose Palestinian UN Gambit
  • The opening Thursday of SugarHouse Casino, Pennsylvania's 10th casino, comes after years of community protests and delays.
  • Our students have to become multilingual with English as their second language.
  • Visitors are welcome to fuss and pet the animals. The Sun
  • I didn't know my success was going to be so big and that I would become 'the subtractor', always subtracting six years. Life and style |
  • The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories? CHAPTER I
  • These small exquisitely carved ivory figurines come in an almost limitless variety.
  • The comedian was very good indeed. He had the audience rolling in the aisles.
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • ‘I was worried about my car lasting to the end considering that all the motors come from the same place,’ he said.
  • There are some fantastic pubs and inns nearby but you should take advantage of the welcome pack you receive on arrival. The Sun
  • The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
  • The giant cross has become a familiar landmark to generations of San Franciscans.
  • When it comes to rock music, the line is thin dividing the sacred and the profane. Christianity Today
  • We welcome submissions through e-mail because that saves us the bother of retyping the selected manuscripts.
  • The King looked at him and seeing him to be yet comelier than his daughter and goodlier than she in stature and proportion and brightness and perfection, said to him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There will come a time when the crisis will occur.
  • And here the concept of the masque comes into play one final time.
  • New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. Kurt Vonnegut 
  • Net interest income dropped to $256.4 million, primarily due to the low market-interest rates that resulted in lower yields on mortgage-related interest-earning assets as customers refinanced to lower mortgage rates and new loans and asset purchases were at the current low market interest rates. Hudson City Bancorp Swings to Loss
  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
  • Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
  • New members are always welcome, irrespective of what stage of bereavement they are at.
  • But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™. Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
  • Locked into declining industries and a shrinking public sector, unions have become ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • These cases come first on the court's calendar.
  • Indeed, the punsters might come over and kick your wrasse. Making Light: Boomdeyada boomdeyada boomdeyada boomdeyada
  • “You come to make a sales pitch?” he asked grouchily. Fatal Circle
  • So the girl was out of bondage, but Cadwaladr, sick with humiliation and rage, must come under guard to be handed over for a price to the brother who discarded and misprized him. His Disposition
  • What makes all these people come to the club? In my view it's the herd instinct.
  • We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.
  • Tweed sports jackets are all the rage, and the best part is that you don't need to worry about matching patterns when it comes to blazers and button-down shirts.
  • The studio manager will cue you when it's your turn to come on.
  • While you're in Miami, make sure you stay up to see the sun come up … and try a drink called Miami Vice, which is a mix of daiquiri and pina colada. Insider's guide to music pilgrimages: Hip-hop, dance, disco, electro
  • They drifted into the control room and floated above the sensor-generated hologram of the “herd. ” The “herd” consisted of approximately 3,000 mountain-sized blocks of ice that once were comet 2P/Encke. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA. Your Right Hand Thief
  • The president got a tremendous welcome at the airport.
  • With most of Bradford's other income coming from mortgage broking, estate agency and property surveying, the decent yield really is at the mercy of house prices.
  • Alimony (also called spousal support) is tax deductible to the payor and taxable income to the payee. How To Make Divorce Less Taxing
  • I knew what the lady had said was just a lie cooked up by my lazy, good-for-nothing parents to get me to come home.
  • It is important to recognize that all labor income, even the bonuses and stock options of CEOs, are included in the labor share.
  • Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom.
  • Either way, the full story of this apparent scandal must come out. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a case of simmering rage and resentment at the stick from outsiders, which will come nicely to the boil at 8pm tonight. The Sun
  • Welcome to Scotland, laddie,’ growls Getch in his best through-the-beard burr.
  • These envision a range of possible outcomes within which the actual future is delimited.
  • Figures for income, gross profit, salaries, motor expenses, drawings etc are fed into the Revenue computer system.
  • Ministers are attempting to come up with a compromise to avoid defeat on Wednesday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the World Cup is all encompassing at the moment, when it comes to sport there is no more spine-tingling moment than when 65,000 fans at Murrayfield sing ‘Flower of Scotland’.
  • He may also wish to think about income protection and critical illness insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • Chess takes the place of all the other passions, and the people in his life, including his parents, become shadowy, meaningless figures.
  • He comes to be disgusted by all abstractions and ideas.
  • Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
  • Your daughter may indeed welcome your new friend but tread carefully. The Sun
  • Becomes hit with critics and hipsters alike. The Sun
  • He always insisted that it was a girlfriend's idea: he had been planning to become a tiler.
  • In a healthy pregnancy, cells that come from the embryo's placenta-called trophoblast cells-move into the walls of the uterus and help to open up maternal arteries, thereby increasing the available blood and nutrient supply. Slate Articles
  • Then they become an anchor for your soul. Christianity Today
  • Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome
  • The tantalising smell of roast tomatoes and red peppers is a taste of delights to come. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's come back to scrounge a meal and a bed, and he'll be off with what he's managed to steal before daybreak. THE BLACK OPAL
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
  • Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
  • From the father comes honour; from the mother, comfort. 
  • 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
  • My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
  • The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
  • The face muscles set differently when we think we are observed; it becomes habitual. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are welcome to visit the school at any time; we have an open-door policy.
  • Like all the meals, the jerk comes with red peas (kidney beans) and rice, as well as plantains that are puffy, soft, and sweet like caramel.
  • He'd come up with some charming excuse: he'd left his long filbert brush, he couldn't go on without it.
  • Make a fortune and have fun Come to the pachinko parlor!
  • The students come to handicuffs over it; they spill the wine, and it turns into flame. The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
  • `All right, I'll tell you some of it, but first, let's get my things put away, before the high priestess comes looking for me. WEB OF DREAMS
  • What screwball idea would they come up with next?
  • What seemed an easy task becomes complicated by locals' objections and, ultimately, the landman's own crisis of conscience.
  • Historically, 95 percent of lieutenants become captains.
  • Don't be such a drip! Come and join in the fun.
  • With that comes a complete frame of concepts and ideas.
  • They are smaller molecules than proteins, so they have to become attached to a protein molecule before they are activated.
  • The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Heritage Foundation Papers
  • Stark gave Izzard the warmest of welcomes and seems to have put no obstacle in the way of a biography.
  • Other handy bits and pieces like plasters, handkerchief, aftersun and a needle and thread can also come in handy, and don't take up too much room.
  • Make sure you cut holes for your eyes to peer out of or a hole at the top for your your head, but for the sake of moveability, make sure the box only comes down to your knees or waist. Somewhat quick and cheap geek costumes for Halloween
  • Another type of light bulb you may come across is the tungsten halogen bulb.
  • Since when did the US become an official plutocracy?
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The car comes as standard with a driver's and front passenger's airbag as well as side curtain airbags to prevent injury in side impacts.
  • This camp and sassy pop track comes complete with bitter and twisted lyrics and a hint of europop. The Sun
  • Mr. Peters," he said, to the tipple-boss, "I've come to act as check-weighman. King Coal : a Novel
  • Lia was looking around her shoulder, as if she was expecting a stampede of wild animals to come charging down the corner.
  • Making all pupils feel they are valued and have a contribution to make to the school community is vital in helping children become responsible adults.
  • He swung the door wide open in a parody of welcome.
  • Their clothes had become grey with washing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Organizing your finances and time helps you become more productive and responsive and ensures you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, such as incurring wasteful late fees. - Home Page RSS
  • The story of the guilt-ridden woman who knows she can never be a good enough mother is beautifully judged in its mixture of comedy and depression.
  • Murder, rape, road rage, dacoities and rampant acts of terrorism have become an everyday affair in all the provincial capitals including the federal capital. Whether A Dictator Or Democrat: Please Explain
  • Whether these positive initiatives will be enough to overcome disappointment on the limited over-all budget reduction will depend on the extent to which the investor is willing to look beyond near-term sluggishness in North American growth. Budget '85 Special Meeting of The Empire Club of Canada
  • The shelter was quite a long way away, and there wouldn't be time to come back to the steps.
  • They overcome fear and become strong and successful. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • Offensive junk mail, in particular that of an adult nature has become increasingly an issue to all of us onliners and site owners alike.
  • The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
  • Only later did it become apparent that the flight had also been on anti-piracy patrol.
  • The "freedom to learn" has become just another one of the government's empty slogans.
  • By the term contracted foot, otherwise known as hoof-bound, is indicated a condition in which the foot, more especially the posterior half of it, is, or becomes, narrower from side to side than is normal. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • You cannot tell people to shrink or become less fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opinion polls suggest the outcome is too close to call. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main thrust of my irritation comes from the fact that this was marketed in Previews as the issue that would tell us what Noh-Varr has been doing. Review: Dark Avengers Annual #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
  • You come over as a capable and amusing companion.
  • Authentic Chinese patterns come to life in silk jacquards, prints and exquisite beaded pieces.
  • Family dislocation has obvious social and emotional costs, especially for the children who lose a parent and often a source of income.
  • These works have subsequently become the most widely performed and appreciated in the Boyce repertoire.
  • They don't really have a choice Born helpless, nude and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjöberg eventually overcame these handicaps to become an alien, an aileron and an ailurophile. Lore Sj
  • The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home.
  • So return to him, O thou monk, and say that the single combat shall take place to morrow, for this day we have come off our journey and are aweary; but after rest neither reproach nor blame fear ye. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He had become attached to a student called Hilary.
  • I currently am in doubtful mode, but I am willing to see what comes of this mixture. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 Gets Ready To SAW Audiences In October –
  • April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
  • MY boyfriend won't come to bed until the house is spotless. The Sun
  • There may be a chill in the air this winter, but if you're in the vicinity of the Royal Theatre in Castlebar chances are it will come from the Ice Ballet.
  • The admission comes in the form of internal Bank documents prepared earlier in 1992 by its operations evaluation department.
  • Mr Smith hopes that his campaign will attract the support of all organisations for the elderly or those on low incomes.
  • Might there be more potty training to come? The Sun
  • Most of our sodium comes as salt added to our food in preparation, cooking, or at the table. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • DavidDP at 7.27: ever come across something called cytochrome C? John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • What we come twenty thousand miles to get is worth saving, sir. Moby Dick
  • Somebody comes forward, examines, and then draws from out the grave, where it has lain, directly under the body, a knife -- a knife of peculiar shape and workmanship -- a long, keen, _surgeon's knife_! The Diamond Coterie
  • Polonius insisted that Hamlet had become demented, and cautioned Ophelia to keep her distance.
  • A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.
  • You'd always ignore it or answer with a cool comeback.
  • Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
  • He lacks any backbone, as becomes apparent during the toe-curling dinner party that forms the play.
  • Little analysis was apparent in many of the early Programmes - a defect that was never entirely overcome.
  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • This helps the less well-off who spend a greater share of their income on products such as clothes; it hits the better-off, who spend more on services.
  • Monasteries, breaking the Lawes of obedience, and being addicted to pleasures of the flesh, are become lascivious and dissolute, making the world beleeve, that whatsoever is convenient for other women, is no way unbeseeming them, as thinking in that manner to escape. The Decameron
  • I believe that in a free market without a competition law your worst nightmares would come true, that everything would be monopolised or cartelised.
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • Holders of income shares got all the income earned from the trust, while holders of capital shares got all the capital gain.
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • Unless you live in the tropics, even the most toned among us is apt to uncover lackluster skin when summer comes.
  • They may refuse their feeds and become fretful with a shrill cry when handled.
  • The movie is a potent brew of adventure, sex and comedy.
  • Beyond the point of Fetal viability it becomes illegal except in extreme circumstances.
  • If I had not come your Lordship would have said: this is a very important matter, I need an amicus.
  • There's no wit here, just slapstick comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The urn as unravished bride proleptically contains its ravishment as a natural outcome in the ritual of weddings that parallels the consummation of questions asked. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • To offset the perception that dairy foods are high in calories, low-fat cheeses have become state-of-the-art.
  • No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
  • It was this conviction that made the intrigues at OKH, the disregard and "mislaying" of unwelcome instructions, such a personal affair in the first summer's campaign. Barbarossa
  • It is also exciting that it's come to the east coast for the first time, following the Mod.
  • Mom also feels spurred on by the thought that someday Charlie will become aware of her career.
  • However high you choose this super resolution, the day will come when it's not enough.
  • These jewelry settings are common when it comes to diamonds or other gemstones.
  • Mrs White can't come to the telephone - she's serving a customer.
  • That this dog and White Fang should come together was inevitable, and for a week the anticipated fight was the mainspring of conversation in certain quarters of the town. Reign of Hate
  • Most of us tend to entertain our friends in the family room; a formal dining room becomes a mail sorting place, and a formal living room is a museum for curios and uncomfortable furniture.
  • As it becomes more expensive to dump dangerous waste, so the economic advantages of shredding deteriorate.
  • `Me and Jude we figure you could come out even didn't know you'd decontrol like that "Iz said. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • Reg apparently came most Sunday afternoons to help welcome the anxious new arrivals.
  • Most comedy relies on distorting reality.
  • At the end of the day, you can come back here for cleanup, or there's cold cream in your trailer. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or you could specialise in orthodontics, oral pathology, child dental health or even train to become a maxillofacial surgeon someone who specialises in facial surgery. Dentistry
  • Typically directors will request indemnities from the company when they become involved in a claim or if they are successful in defending a claim made against them.
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
  • However, the trustees do have a responsibility to ensure that the centre's income is deployed in the most effective manner.
  • We had emails from all over the UK to come and interview crews and artists.
  • Most appliances come with a free oneyear warranty. The Sun
  • BALTIMORE - Michael Phelps was formally welcomed home Saturday with a two-pronged celebration that began with a parade and ended with a fireworks show at historic Fort McHenry.
  • Under the current health care system, when children with type 1 diabetes become young adults, and go off their parents health insurance, they become "uninsurable". GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
  • The jury, which began deliberations last Friday after a six-week trial, had to decide whether Castroneves, his sister-manager Katiucia "Kati" Castroneves, 35, and Michigan sports attorney Alan R. Miller, 71, evaded U.S. taxes on more than $5.5 million income that the race driver earned between 1999-2004 from his arrangement with Penske Racing. Undefined
  • _El dios lalahon_ El dios lalahon diçen qe Reside en vn Volcan qe esta en la ysla De negros qe heçha fuego y qe esta El Volcan frontero de la uilla de areualo, como ginco leguas a este lalahon ynuocan para sus sementeras y quando no quieren darselas buenas he-ghales la langosta qe se las hegha a perder y se las come esta lahon es muger The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • The laundry has become a large commercial laundry. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • The second is to realise when the goal is unattainable and turn the envy towards an achievable outcome. Times, Sunday Times

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