How To Use Come out In A Sentence
And if you can develop a machine to look for the needle in the haystack and what you come out with from having the machine sift through the haystack is a box of straw, where maybe the needle's in there and maybe a few bonus needles, then that's a whole lot better than having humans try to sift through a haystack.
Wired Top Stories
Julian ought to have resigned, then he'd have come out of it with some credit.
Either way, the full story of this apparent scandal must come out.
Times, Sunday Times
`Me and Jude we figure you could come out even didn't know you'd decontrol like that "Iz said.
In August it'll come out in paperback, so it'll be repriced as much cheaper e-book.

come out of the closet!
More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54.
Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
They're shy animals and don't often come out in daylight.
As I come out with a stack of napkins and some plates, their conversation quiets and dies down, and we all eat.
Watching Nixon's henchmen come out of the woodwork to declare their moral indignation at the ethical lapses of Mark Felt was tantamount to watching Liza Minelli criticize someone else for being an an unstable boozehound.
Naw, just Big Bird come out, we gotta act strack for a day or two.
If cicadas come out when few predators are around, they flourish.
Come out for a walk instead of moping around in the house.
I closed my eyes, push-up bras today have just become outrageous on how much they push.
The sides played each other four times last season but only once did Leicester come out on top.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought there were three kinds of people you Aiel let come out here in the Waste; peddlers, gleemen, and the Traveling People.
The Shadow Rising
He has come out of his own story; and this is perhaps the best definition that can be offered of a great literary character: that he becomes a separable being.
Bush the gambler is betting that he will come out looking like President Reagan, whose deficits bought economic reforms and a stronger national defense.
The Budget Debate, IX, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It's kind of hard to tell though, and the funny thing about exams is, the moment you come out of the room you just don't care about them any more.
This is a book you can trust, although it is always worth double checking the advice about chemicals, which can become outdated very quickly.
If you don't have chest problems when you go in, you certainly will when you come out.
Marriage as a legal bond may become outdated, but I doubt it.
The Rara bands come out of Voodoo societies that have gay congregations where gay men are permitted to cross-dress with impunity.
Irene Monroe: The Roots Of Voodoo's Acceptance Of Gays
The cake should be a deep golden brown when cooked and a skewer inserted should come out clean.
Times, Sunday Times
All the anger and profane, obscene raileries come out in a torrent in one of Brando's most magnificent performances.
I've come out of a rifted society, and I'm very, very interested in that idea, that you can take a physical and geological divide, and conceptually close it, and heal, heal people, heal yourself.
CNN Transcript May 30, 2009
Set up in the summer of 1998 in Paris, Active Suspension has become one of the most forward thinking record labels to come out of France.
“My codename is Orb. You know, because orbs come out of my hands.”
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Shard Reaper’s Review Forum
I've had one waterproofer come out for an estimate, which I don't have yet but expect to be substantial (he wants to dig down to the foundation, apply a rubber/polymer layer to the wall, then recover the wall, regrade, and put in a drain).
Michael shouted with some enthusiastic joy that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Each character is finely defined and the secrets that they keep from each other come out as slowly as the molasses comes from the jar in the winter.
Advance reader reviews of Sweeping Up Glass by Carolyn D. Wall.
Even when her mother had come out and ranted about his rudeness and audacity, she stood stock-still.
I can't believe you forewent the opportunity to use the subject line: "Warriors Come Out And Play".
On Sale Today
He was one of the first CEOs to come out for expensing stock options.
Missouri fortunately escaped. opened my trunks and boxes and exposed the articles to dry. found my papers damp and several articles damp. the stoper had come out of a phial of laudinum and the contents had run into the drawer and distroyed a gret part of my medicine in such manner that it was past recovery. waited very impatiently for the return of
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
The journal must come out four times a year with the requisite number of articles in it, on occasion forcing hasty and sometimes ill-considered decisions.
Your uniqueness is what makes you special, so let it come out.
"dude, I'm almost crying."
You must deregister after you finish working so that you come out of the system.
Times, Sunday Times
Even today, more than 40 years since it was first cut, it's still one of the most iconic tracks to come out of jazz's cool school.
The amount of people that have come out of the woodwork selling stories.
The Sun
‘When you eat them when they're soft and mushy, when they come out of their skin, they taste like cold, canned asparagus,’ he said.
In September of 1943 my marriage was solemnised with V.S., who had come out of jail just then.
The pallial eye is easy to notice when the snail lifts its operculum up and starts to come out of its shell with the aperture facing up.
History of Science Department Chair Anne Harrington, a member of the social sciences working group, said yesterday that she expects Smith will "report a kind of synthesized procedure that has come out of the various working groups.
The Harvard Crimson | All Articles
The cake should be a deep golden brown when cooked and a skewer inserted should come out clean.
Times, Sunday Times
There were children who were amazed to learn that peas come from pods and sweetcorn doesn't come out of cans.
We provide help for young people who are in the closet and are too scared to come out.
Evil come out in your chirren if you don’t pay fo’ what you done.
A Red Death
Everyone is, in fact, liberal, but the annoying people who want to shove their PETA garbage down your throat only come out once every few weeks and are easy to avoid.
Showing their support - or love of a good lig - a full complement of Cook's posse had come out to Brazil.
The shakeup could be the big push that conservative candidate Doug Hoffman needs to come out on top.
CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2009
I'll wait for the movie to come out on cable.
These photographs have come out fuzzy.
This was a zinger of an interview also, and Terry actually didn't come out all that good, nor did Bill, although I had really low expectations for him, and he exceeded those until the end.
Financial organization should have done the each preparation work that receives euro to come out actively.
Or I'll come up with some incredible insight about the person that hadn't come out in your previous line of questioning.
Come out and get some fresh air.
Will you help me with this sum? It won't come out.
Elsewhere, again, might be seen the first awakening of this Maytime of the leaves, and those of an ampelopsis, a smiling miracle, like a red hawthorn flowering in winter, had that very morning all ‘come out,’ so to speak, in blossom.
Swann's Way
An inserted skewer should come out clean.
Times, Sunday Times
The decision to come out fighting to restore standards in higher education was principled and courageous.
Nor is there any effort from the so-called distinguished agricultural scientists, economists, and social scientists to come out with proposals to put an end to this shameful blot on the country's image.
You find a space and trip along to the ticket machine, only to discover that you have come out with only a ten pound note and 26p in coppers.
I had never heard the remark made by any one in my life, except by one; and who that was will probably come out in this chapter; so that being pretty much unprepossessed, there must have been grounds for what struck me the moment I cast my eyes over the parterre, — and that was, the unaccountable sport of Nature in forming such numbers of dwarfs. —
A sentimental journey through France and Italy
Speaking to a faceless audience who they believed was listening to them somewhere, made them come out with their innermost feelings and fears.
With vehement signs and maffling cries he showed us he was come out from Hayil to seek me.
I had never heard the remark made by any one in my life, except by one; and who that was will probably come out in this chapter; so that being pretty much unprepossessed, there must have been grounds for what struck me the moment I cast my eyes over the parterre, - and that was, the unaccountable sport of Nature in forming such numbers of dwarfs.
A Sentimental Journey
Do they come out here at night to knock off wallabies or anything?
It's impossible to believe how much has come out of the house, especially when rubbish removal is undeservedly expensive.
Times, Sunday Times
It's all a crapshoot, and no matter what, predictions come out looking forced.
In the multipolar world that has ensued from the end of the Cold War, submerged tensions between the US and Europe have come out into the open.
As a leader of non-profit I have learned that Starbucks’ sphincter is so tight if they squeezed out a free coffee bean it would come out looking like a diamond.
Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
[profane] lebron in a dunk contest with kryptonate and superman, and tha king is here to show who ye rule this land. but nooooooooooooooooooooo, he dropps out lame, all those damn fans are dissapointed. hey lamebron do it for the fans come out as silver surfer, spiderman, jay-z i dont care just do it!
Yahoo! Sports - Top News
An out of the blue rumor has come out; apparently Tom Cruise has been offered to reprise is role as Maverick in a sequel.
Top Gun 2?
Throughout our conversation, as one veteran good-naturedly needles the other, all the teen-angst details come out.
Buck's never actually come out with it, but sometimes I think he wants to know why Simmi and I are so unalike.
Jelly Doughnuts
When a standpat Republican politician abandons a lifetime of party regularity at 70 to come out in hearty praise of a Democratic President," the paper noted, "it is time for connoisseurs of the unusual to stand by and take notes.
Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Upton Sinclair Fights Back Against Hollywood Scare Tactics
It's funny, because so many spawning stripers come out of the Hudson River and migrate north and south, there is a good chance the striper you caught in scenic Montauk or South Jersey spent some serious time in the Big Apple.
Big City Hooking and Cooking
They also say the likelihood of casualties increases when guns come out—especially when the pirates arrive armed with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and ships carry explosive chemicals.
People were encouraged to come out to the airport for tandem and ultralight flights.
The Blanchards used a barrel washer to remove most of the soil from their carrots, followed by a power washer spray as a final rinse when carrots come out of the barrel and onto the screen.
Dad would come out with a word like that sometimes, as though he were still a teenager in some earlier era.
They used to make holes in the skirting boards and come out and look at you.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
Cured meat and fish stew son meal stew now a bit now , in addition, cured meat and fish cooperate with the meal , meal that pot come out entry very much fragrant.
The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.
So you lose your temper, and come out in an article which you think is going to finish "Ananias," proving him a booby who doesn't know enough to understand even a lyceum-lecture, or else a person that tells lies.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
Consider the most famous image to come out of the Vietnam War: a child doused in napalm, naked, arms upraised, shrieking with pain, running down the road toward us.
I mean look at how they feigned ignorance about Obama's use of the word refine to somehow come out with the meaning that he was switching his position, when even the most cursory understanding of the word means to be more precise.
Hillary Explains Vote Against FISA Cave
Scientists have observed a dolphin trying to get a reluctant moray eel to come out of its crevice by poking it with the spiny body of a dead scorpionfish.
They could come out and put mines in the water, meaning the clearance effort would be for nothing.
They used to make holes in the skirting boards and come out and look at you.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
At least he's got the courage to come out and say what he thinks.
As the allegations have come out over the past six months, neither party seems immune.
This scandal did not come out of a clear blue sky.
The Sun
These guys don't brag and boast about who they are, they go in quiet and come out with the last laugh.
Times, Sunday Times
The unemployed dad says the letter's author should come out of their "foxhole" and face him.
I never used to feel fabulous or truly at peace with myself… but you are one of the people who've helped me find that inner fabulosity within myself and let it come out.
But it's also been emphasized that no major policy changes can be expected to come out of the meeting.
Also pot on some punnets of other summer annuals such as Petunias ready to plant out when the spring annuals come out.
However, in all this fine weather, something else has come out - insects.
Ring rust is just something people come out with when they've boxed badly.
Times, Sunday Times
Now a third spurned woman has come out to say he strung her along before going off and getting married in secret.
The Sun
You never know when some nut is going to come out of the woodwork and claim you stole her idea, you're stalking George Clooney and you are drunk and disorderly on the balcony late at night...oh wait...those last two things..never mind.
If I hold you harmless, will you hold it against me?
Can you get this cork to come out of the bottle?
It had come out sounding like all the demons from hell, screaming in pain at the same time because someone had stoked the coals burning beneath their squirming pustular bodies.
Zombies vs. Unicorns
All three are responsible for one of the most talked-up documentaries to come out of Sundance this year, a film that is being billed as a "reality thriller" and has been heralded by critics as "riveting" and "unforgettable.
Ariel and Nev Schulman and Henry Joost cast the Net in ominous 'Catfish' role
They seen him with that truck and thought he come out there to steal their furniture.
The recent Women's Issue has to be one of the most unprogressive pieces of literature to have ever come out of Briarpatch's offices.
There are three points which distinctly come out in various places in the Gospels as His motives for such unresting sedulousness and continuance of toil.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
One should be Summer and the othe rone around X-Mas to avoid over saturation b/c I am sure A LOT more superhero movies will come out around then.
Marvel Announces Next Four Films - Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Avengers! «
Health chiefs are hopeful that a ban could come out of talks at a high level conference on improving public health to be held in March.
It hasn't escaped our notice that the hospital has come out of all the proposed changes really quite nicely.
This freak snowstorm literally did not come out of a clear blue sky.
The Sun
About thirty state legislatures and governors had come out in favor of the League.
You may well ask how a self-descried conservative, Italian Catholic, traditional-family-values, anti-pornography candidate can come out in support of interspecies companionship.
Robert Brenner: Carl Paladino: Straight From the Horse's Mouth
As the numbers come out, the word famine really starts to move people and it starts to peak the interest of the international community and the average citizen in a way that a humanitarian crisis unfortunately does not always get people active and engaged," she said.
Aid Groups Criticize US Response to East Africa Drought
Often people begin to see what they want to preserve at the moment that their affair is about to come out of hiding.
Esther Perel: An Affair To Remember: What Happens In Couples After Someone Cheats? Part Two
The fact that they could come out knowing that they were going to be faced with very brutal reprisals makes you feel tall about being human.
Times, Sunday Times
It appears that his brand of logicality assumes that if creme eggs come out of vending machines, then vending machines come out of creme eggs.
Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right.
Everything starts to come out as an eyes-to-the-desk mumble.
We thought it was ridiculous that someone so young who had just come out of basic training was sent there.
The skewer should come out clean if it is cooked.
The Sun
I'm not really sure myself because I guess in a perfect world people would go to prison and come out a new, reformed person who would never commit a crime again.
He appealed to the young voters to come out to vote and to make sure their names are on the register of electors.
In their report, the prime minister's advisers did not come out against optical fibres altogether.
He's in the picture, but his face hasn't come out very clearly.
Bad: Governor Palin alienates or worse excites the Liberal base to come out and vote against Brown as a Palin stand in for her brand of conservatism.
Ah, former Governor Palin? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Well, they saw Stan go in the icehouse door, but they never saw him come out.
I'm tired of chasing technology, literally killing myself every two years to come out with a new product.
Canon’s 5D Mark II hasn’t even come out yet, but its ability to shoot high definition video on a digital SLR is turning heads.
Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
Nobody knows what will come out then, but press reporters are polishing their biros and TV cameramen are sharpening their lenses.
May 30th, 2008 1: 03 pm ET maybe scott should have said something sooner but he also knows what happens to the peope who speakout againest this president. what does dole know that no one else does? he should just shut his trap and stay out of politics. he wasn't much of one to start with. the truth won't really come out until this tribe of misfits is out of the whitehouse. will make some interesting reading if someone really digs in to what really went on behind the doors of secertcy.
Dole to McClellan: You're a 'miserable creature'
He may as well come out and call some of the dresses "deathy".
The Celebrity Blog , Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog
By day leopards, lions and cheetahs come out to play.
Times, Sunday Times
Joe Stirt says: "Swiss luxury penmaker Montblanc has just come out with a $23,000 pen to commemorate the austere, asceticleader of Indian independence's birth on this date (October 2) in 1869.
Boing Boing
You run through a tunnel, and come out in another, much smaller arena, with three massive tanks that spawn killer robots/aliens.
In a world where so few bisexual celebrities are willing to come out, her willingness to embrace bisexuality has made her the poster girl for bisexual women.
He would fain have carried us first to bathe in the bagnios of the cardin-hawks, which are goodly delicious places, and have us licked over with precious ointments by the alyptes, alias rubbers, as soon as we should come out of the bath.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
I am confident that everything will come out right in time.
He didn't hurt the-" the word changeling was in her mind but would not come out of her mouth, and Elizabeth finished "'the little boy.
Ill Met By Moonlight
He denied claims his injury was a story concocted to cover up for him being dropped and said: 'The bruise has come out right up my leg.
The Sun
Resultantly, the CBI has come out as merely a toothless, diseased paper tiger whose roar is more effective than its maul.
The board of directors has come out strongly in favour of a merger.
How did they know to come out at that manhole cover?
Times, Sunday Times
Well, they finally admitted they agree on everything, you know, after months of trying to paint one another as wackos, they come out and tell us the awful truth.
In the case of P. elegans, the foot has to come out first to move the operculum, which is attached to the foot, out of the way.
Sleeping Haplotrema concavum
September 17th, 2009 7: 06 pm ET sure carter is wrong. he is rich he does not have to worry about paying for health care like all us working stiffs do. see he does not worry who is going to pay for all this. he is sure it wont come out his pocket.
Commentary: Carter is wrong on Obama’s opposition
When we come out, our families have a rainbow of reactions.
nucleation," in which the particular chemistry of the Mentos candy interacts with the chemistry of the carbonated Diet Coke, causing the carbon dioxide gas, or CO2, to suddenly come out of suspension in the liquid and make a break for freedom.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
As the lakes warm up, the mossies come out to play.
It is always special to come out on top at a classic race like this.
Times, Sunday Times
On Sunday afternoons, on Jingu Bridge, at the end of Omotesando, "cosplay" (a mix of "costume" and "play") girls from the suburbs come out in their wild outfits, dressed as nurses or goths or dominatrices or Alice in Wonderland.
Big in Japan: why Tokyo is top
The unburned gasoline or carbon monoxide come out the tail pipe.
Somehow, he managed to come out of the spin and slow his speed to from hypersonic to subsonic.
She sent in a message that she would burst in on the cabinet if a minister did not come out.
DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
Not like back in the old days when just a few eccentrics and a handful of true believers would come out.
`All right," the sheriff said, `come out with your hands up.
My nan used to have to come out and tell them to go easy on me.
The Sun
As soon as I come out of the show ring I have to immediately cinch up the saddle.
Praxis - I heard they renamed that program "Pornocopia" report] @praxis you should see the voip stuff that's come out of same - too cool for school report] praxis: what do you mean "was"? report] The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
I can't come out tonight - my dad won't let me.
The monthly roses will come out soon.
Usually she was wasted, slurring her words, and my mother would come out and tell her she needed to leave.
There is nothing to rival the weird and wonderful things that come out on the streets at carnival time.
Everything small and breakable must come out, and big objects such as tables and sofas should be grouped together in the centre of the room and covered with dust sheets.
This nail won't come out.
When they come out they are sprayed with disinfectant and their suits burned.
Times, Sunday Times
If you put a coin in the slot of this machine, stamps come out of another slot.
One of our great strengths is our ability to take it on the chin and come out fighting.
To accept the reality and truth helps us to plan our strategy to come out of such predicaments.
But a lot o’ them officers now — they come out here wi’ biggety idears ’bout how t’ handle
Rebel Spurs
Hold position, then come out of twist smoothly; change foot and leg positions, and repeat twist to the other side.
If you come out because you are being hounded, that is very different than being arrested in a bathroom," Ms. Press said. - News
I feel certain, for instance, that he would not have come out with anything so beamish.
Her worshipped image had got a little rubbed and dimmish of late to be sure, but breathe on the colours, and you saw them come out clear, and oh! bewilderingly lovely.
The Dop Doctor
So, is selling shirts and pins that let atheists come out of the closet more publicly is a sign of being "closed-minded" or just a sign of "egomania"? Agnosticism / Atheism
It's been a year of predictable stoushes and controversies that seem to have come out of nowhere.
The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach.
Anyone who has ever cleaned a blender should understand that the base easily unscrews and the tines come out.
Come out back, and we'll see what we can fix you up with.
O'BRIEN: We're taking a look at Vatican City, which is now filling up with tourists, Monsignor, and pilgrims who have come out, obviously, to pay their last respects to Pope John Paul II, who is in dire, dire shape, as reports from the Vatican come to us.
CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
He had come out of his York race incredibly well, he hadn't lost any weight, he was very fresh.
Drivers can be assured that the build quality is going to be second to none and the badge is just as prestigious as anything to come out of Germany.
In fact trying to find a "mainstream Democrat" politician who will come out with a public statement regarding the fact that his champions are simply in denial is not that easy.
Sound Politics: State "Supervision" Fails Again - Another Dead Cop
When a song gets to the top, someone will come out of the woodwork and claim to have written it.
But we be knowing right enow that a man can go in a good few leagues and gather roots and berries and other fruit and come out safe.
New Zealand's humble hoki, which is hauled from our waters at the rate of 100,000 tonnes per year, has come out at number one in the New York Times 'list of most-read feature stories in 2009. - Stuff
Getting there meant driving along roads lined with green hedges full of bright pink campion and foxgloves just starting to come out, and bluebells almost over for another year except on some upland areas.
Underachievement often leads to unemployment and long-term disengagement, which is a vicious cycle and it is difficult to come out from such an entrapment.
Tower Hamlets: Labour produces its intriguing new mayoral shortlist
If we're really lucky, perhaps other closeted bisexual celebrities will follow her example and come out as well.
The rogues come out carrying motorcycle chains to beat up biggs, but biggs transforms into a pale, brawny, red-eyed, enraged and furry version of himself, kills the rogues with aggression and runs away. milo manages to escape from the scene but faints due to fatigue.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Avi’s Forum
Last week there were no signs of celebration, with the families refusing to come out of their houses.
The new magazine will come out with 50,000 copies together with the launch of the new instant messaging service.
But he too must perish, for life is a continuous process, and humanity an old man, refusing to be decompounded and rebuilt to the linear utopianism of the dreamer and theorist, come out of the silence with his ideal to be foisted on unregenerate society.
Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
Take an opportunity to lose some of that winter hibernation-induced pudge around your middle and come out to a series of nutritional seminars being held at the PAC this weekend.
Of course, the real problem is not the matts, which do, after all, come out with a few scissor snips.
Skin as white as a cuttlefish bone
There had been no formal rehearsals; the emotion had to come out raw and unfeigned; they owed this to the real people whose real stories they were reading.
As the pulse evolves the carrier wave can therefore become out of phase with the amplitude envelope, which can lead to a variety of different electric-field waveforms.
And even while they were at it, all the guests were waiting for the bridegroom to come out of hiding and put an end to his bachelorhood.