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How To Use Come off In A Sentence

  • The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
  • So return to him, O thou monk, and say that the single combat shall take place to morrow, for this day we have come off our journey and are aweary; but after rest neither reproach nor blame fear ye. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • With words like "nite" and "lite" having achieved semi-acceptable status as at least "alternate spellings," I suppose it's only a matter of time before "u" become official. Archive 2007-03-01
  • There was an element of ill luck, but every so often, as gamblers would tell us, long odds do come off.
  • The tail is fixed on the model plane with nails; it cannot come off.
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Master English with Ease
  • Was that because the dirt from the right sneaker had come off all over the floor? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • One of the pedals has come off my bicycle.
  • Younger sons of noble families proverbially come off second best in this country, but if one of them found his only 'appanage' was a mine, he would surely with some justice make a remonstrance. Some Private Views
  • He has been at hard-heads with the rogues and come off with advantage; in short, practised with success the art of drawing two souls out of one weaver. [ The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • They can easily come off the slippery surface, get traction on a dry piece of road, and just fire off into the crowd, or a lamp post, or anything else, at the drop of a hat.
  • Accused – while I agree with the death penalty in extreme circumstances, how many people have we seen not only come off of death row, but leave prison, exonerated from a conviction. Another superdelegate for Obama
  • Come off it, Rosie, spill the beans.
  • When the two concerts come off there are no high fives or group hugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lesser actors would have come off as comically ineffectual or abrasive and unlikable, but Howard nails the performance.
  • Pronunciations that violate English phonotactics come off as even more pretentious. Olivia O’Leary | Linguism | Language Blog
  • The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk.
  • He does not get injured that often but he asked to come off because of his left hamstring. The Sun
  • If a marriage is to come off, the bride's lace on her nightcap is a subject of criticism. Pictures of Slavery in Church and State; Including Personal Reminiscences, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. etc. with an Appendix, Containing the Views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on Slavery
  • Give it another screw to make sure the lid doesn't come off while we're travelling.
  • If you want to get really fancy, sprinkle them with sugar and lime zest or slivered mint or basil when they come off the grill. The Big Grill
  • So his dogged belief in his ability as a salesman doesn't come off as gumption and moxie, instead he comes off as delusional.
  • We all hastily clicked on the teaser shot featuring the car's taillamp and badging, and we'll take in the entirety of the CT 200h when the wraps come off at the dwilsonflyer 9: 16PM (2/25/2010) Autoblog Green
  • It was hard to tell which regiment would come off the victor in this wordy battle.
  • The night shift has / have just come off duty.
  • Of course, if you do say you have X skills which your other candidates don't have, there's the possibility you come off as either arrogant or over-qualified, unless you can justify the skill for the job and it really is a rare skill..or they may turn out to have other candidates with the skill that you think no-one else at that interview has. Negotiate Your Salary More Effectively | Lifehacker Australia
  • I scored a good goal, set up another and had a shot come off the bar.
  • And no, it does not come off easily or completely, even if you received the little microfiber cloth.
  • Mineral deposits or scorched material on the soleplate will come off on whatever you are ironing. HOME COMFORTS
  • I decided to come off the bench in the second half but left it so late because I couldn't single out one player who deserved to be substituted.
  • They all come off as well-meaning but ultimately unlikable guys.
  • You come off set and there will be hundreds of people hoping to catch a glimpse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half of the restaurant's patrons are also hotel guests, while the remainder come off the street.
  • His hair began to come off.
  • Prior to that Meath had come off best when they accounted for Down in the 1990 league decider.
  • Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off?
  • This would be all well and good if they did not come off as rather generic and indistinctive.
  • I tried to scrub it off in the bathroom, but it wouldn't come off.
  • Come off it, tell the truth!
  • Especially when such a message would essentially be directed at Stoudemire and Marion, who come off as the flightiest guys on the team mood-wise. Matthew Yglesias » Hindsight
  • The brain of a fish is very small, compared with the spinal cord into which it is continued, and with the nerves which come off from it: of the segments of which it is composed — the olfactory lobes, the cerebral hemisphere, and the succeeding divisions — no one predominates so much over the rest as to obscure or cover them; and the so-called optic lobes are, frequently, the largest masses of all. Essays
  • A contrivance is some abstract contortion that is said to describe reality, except that the contrivance comes with a felt emotionality that may invite deeper revelation, or the emotionality may come off as deceptive. Ambiguity Tolerance
  • The charcoal smudges on my fingers never come off completely.
  • Langford's always come off like an ornery cuss, a guy who doesn't suffer fools gladly.
  • There is the danger that the hub nuts will come off and then the wheels drop off.
  • So how do you avoid that danger while still trying to come off as natural and conversational? Christianity Today
  • The current operational tempo will continue to attrit units as they come off of their mobilization, at increasingly high numbers.
  • But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception.
  • Kernan wrote in 1885 that in Dooley's Long-Room ‘there has come off more Irish jollifications, benefit balls, raffles for stoves, primary meetings, and political rows than in any other public place in the city.’
  • Will the gloves come off without the restraining influence of a coalition partner? Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, Leap had overestimated the amount of fresh food left in her larder and the chain on Archie's bicycle had come off as he set off for the grocer's.
  • The "gallant failure" had been the biggest botch since the Kabul Retreat, thanks to the idiot Maximilian, who was damned if he'd be rescued, so there, and I'd come off by the skin of my chattering teeth and the good offices of that gorgeous little fire-eater, Princess Aggie Salm-Salm, and Jesus Montero's gang of unwashed bandits who were on hand only because Jesus thought I knew where Montezuma's treasure was cached, more fool he. Watershed
  • He watched the object come off the lake and fly very low and circle around the house.
  • We are come off but scurvily from our second attempt upon St. Malo; it is our last for this season; and, in my mind, should be our last forever, unless we were to send so great a sea and land force as to give us a moral certainty of taking some place of great importance, such as Brest, Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Governmental cultural diplomacy can sometimes come off as forced or out-of-touch, but K-pop is an authentic reflection and spectacle of youth culture that is impressively close to the pulse of the "global cool. Linda Constant: K-pop: Soft Power for the Global Cool
  • Another man has to stop when one of his chappals come off.
  • With all of the starting spots filled, the Mariners may try to land a hitter who can share time in the outfield and come off the bench late in games.
  • Obviously, there's some damage to the exterior skin; a couple of panels that have come off.
  • He does not get injured that often but he asked to come off because of his left hamstring. The Sun
  • The wrapping had come off his eyes but he still had to wear dark glasses to shield them from bright lights.
  • You can come off as inappropriate or too intense when you try to psychoanalyze people, whether it be friends or strangers.
  • You come off set and there will be hundreds of people hoping to catch a glimpse. Times, Sunday Times
  • I try and rip the ever-tightening and heating collar from my neck, but it is enchanted and won't come off.
  • The two ladies who had come off in the gunboat were the lady who was said to have detained Mr. Frôler so long in Saigon, and her mother; and they were treated with the utmost consideration by all. Four Young Explorers or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics
  • He never wants to come off sounding bitter or resentful over opportunities lost.
  • It's on days like these - when the plaster cast has come off, that I need to paint my monkeys next to the strelitzia flower.
  • She noticed that the button had come off the waist of her skirt and saw it in the fold of the bedspread. IN REAL LIFE
  • I don't want to come off as one of those ancient troglodytes who harkens back to the good old days even as younger folks tell us that things have changed.
  • He was in a very good temper, however, for he had won what his companions called a hatful of money on the steeple-chase, and he stood to win on other races that were to come off that afternoon. Henry Dunbar A Novel
  • My first day of training I walked into the dojo and realized that the heavy door looked as if it had come off an industrial freezer for a reason: the dojo was an abandoned meat locker. King of the Cowboys
  • Brad Radke will not be ready to return to the mound when he's eligible to come off the DL Saturday, as his pulled groin muscle is worse than it was when he first injured it. - American League Central
  • So how do you avoid that danger while still trying to come off as natural and conversational? Christianity Today
  • You come off set and there will be hundreds of people hoping to catch a glimpse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fine hairs on this flower come off and float around in the tea.
  • That they could come off as the safe harbor from a out of control legislators who don't listen to their constituents. Carville: Dems should force GOP to filibuster health care reform
  • The lightning, it seemed to Lydia, had undoubtedly come off best in that encounter.
  • It did not make any mention of the fact that many of the people who have come off the unemployment benefit have casually moved over to the invalids benefit or the sickness benefit.
  • Ask Simon to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg!
  • A button has come off my coat.
  • Dud was talking to the jingler who had just come off duty. The Fighting Edge
  • Come off it! We don't have a chance.
  • If I was going to climb to altitude in a plane with a wing about to come off, I certainly wanted my parachute leg straps fastened!
  • The branches which come off from the axillary artery are very variable both as to number and place of origin, but in general will be found certain branches which answer to the names thoracic, subscapular, and circumflex. Surgical Anatomy
  • He's tried several times to come off cocaine.
  • She scrubbed the mark on the wall for ages, but it wouldn't come off.
  • It's a fetlock injury; a small flake has come off one of the sesamoid bones.
  • To come off again losing after being in that position, is something I need to get out of my head pretty quick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't put sauces on meat after it's come off the braai. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next logical step would be washbag sponsorship, which would see players come off the bus for away games clutching not the standard Louis Vuitton but a club-issue toiletries tote, perhaps bearing the logo of CK In2U, or one of the more misery-engendering online casinos. Manchester United cash in with sponsored kit and caboodle | Marina Hyde
  • My shoulders have been so wore with carrying burdens that the skin has come off them and grew full of boils.
  • On bears vs tigers ... in pitted fights of big cats vs bears, the bears always come off best, even so when the bear is one of the smaller species (e.g. Asiatic black bear). When eagles go bad, one more time... part II
  • By the time the security guys had got over the floor manager had been battered to the ground and was vomiting everywhere because Larry's jacket had come off and he could see the deformed arm which, to be fair, is absolutely minging to look at.
  • They all come off as well-meaning but ultimately unlikable guys.
  • The tail won't come off the toy plane; it is fixed on with nails.
  • This has enabled him to come off incapacity benefit and improve his chances of finding work. Times, Sunday Times
  • So how do you avoid that danger while still trying to come off as natural and conversational? Christianity Today
  • Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.
  • The top had come off the bottle and the wine is spilling out!
  • In a snafu worthy of WCW, the ring wasn't miked properly which made most of the moves and almost all pinfall attempts come off like watching a silent movie.
  • There were juice boxes in fabulously artificial flavors (with names like OrangeSplosion and FutureBerry), Kellogg’s chocolate-chip cereal snack bars, elaborate Fruit Roll-Ups (the type with tie-dye tattoos that come off on the tongue). On Being a Bad Mother
  • And he has warned they only have to look at the way the French imploded in 2010 to see how the wheels can come off. The Sun
  • However, if you are invited to Ed's late night party, the gloves come off and it is Ed - no holds barred.
  • Ironically, the Irish have also been annoyed by several incidents during an ill-tempered match especially the decision to come off for bad light on Friday evening when conditions seemed no worse than they had been all day.
  • Some pinesap, lots of hot water and soap, and it'll come off. Dragon's Fire
  • That didn't last for long though, because it looked too stupid and it would take days for the shoe polish to come off.
  • He spent much, and had much use of his Subjects purses, which bred some clashings with them in Parliament, yet would alwayes come off, and end with a sweet and plausible close; and truly his bounty was not discommendable, for his raising Favourites was the worst: Rewarding old servants, and releiving his Native Country-men, was infinitely more to be commended in him, then condemned. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • The milquetoast types of New Labour never come off well when they try to act like self-styled pugnacious political heavyweights.
  • Yet she doesn't even come off as a femme fatale, but rather just a sweet young woman only moderately pretty.
  • LHP Andy Pettitte was retroactively placed on the 15-day DL. He is eligible to come off on Saturday.
  • We kept losing the gears - the stick would come off in your hand in 4th and you'd have to make it home like that.
  • Nightfall is a work of striking juxtapositions and tones that by picture end, come off like an unforgettably disarming person -- you're charmed, discombobulated, even slightly disturbed, and you're not sure what to make of it all. Kim Morgan: For the Love of (Film Noir): Nightfall
  • I always come off worse when we argue.
  • All of it produces a density of comedic effect that manages to come off as natural, unforced.
  • The main problem is that the camber of the corners is ideal for the racing line, but as soon as you come off that line to try and pass someone, you lose so much grip.
  • You can come off as inappropriate or too intense when you try to psychoanalyze people, whether it be friends or strangers.
  • I keep asking myself, what if it had come off? Times, Sunday Times
  • The glasses and the gawkiness told us that we, too, could have a go at what he was doing, if we were prepared to put away skiffle's tea-chest bass and washboard and invest in those solid-bodied electric guitars that appeared to have come off the same drawing board responsible for the era's befinned and chrome-laden Packard and De Soto automobiles and Wurlitzer and Rock-Ola jukeboxes. Expecting Rain
  • We will come off the power fifteen miles off her position, gun her in on a slow dogleg, a zigzag, if you like, and do one drift pass. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • But it is the minor characters who come off best: especially Paul Rider as the wild-eyed surgeon and John Guerrasio as the stage-struck cop.
  • To come off again losing after being in that position, is something I need to get out of my head pretty quick. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I hasten to add that he is rarely ‘in charge’ in a way that would make me come off as a simpering blonde Liberal Party wife wearing a pink twin set and pearls.
  • Retail sales volumes are also expected to have come off the boil last month after rising strongly over the past quarter.
  • They began calling the for-hire motorized passenger vehicles taxis once the national French Academy determined that taximètre would replace the German taxameter to become official French.xvi Rushed Parisians are, after all, fond of shortening multisyllabic words.xvii The English Is Coming!
  • As wonderful a tournament as the Masters is, Augusta can still come off as a blowy cathedral of self-worship — i.e. calling its spectators "patrons," a fancy word that is also used behind the counter at a food court. Phil Lifts Masters Out of the Woods
  • Modern emulsion paints come off brick very well using a hot air gun and a paint scraper.
  • Moments of panic followed later that night when it initially appeared the ink would not come off.
  • The dead had become offensive and the living were suffering fearful agonies.
  • The tail won't come off the toy plane; it is fixed on with nails.
  • In broad terms, what they attempted to do was to quarantine the deductions that were incurred in respect of matters where the incurrence was by reference to the production of income off-shore.
  • Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.
  • The 27 year old British oarswoman stepped ashore yesterday after rowing across the Atlantic to become officially the 10th woman to achieve the feat, and effectively the third to do it solo.
  • The lightning, it seemed to Lydia, had undoubtedly come off best in that encounter.
  • Getting hurt no longer seemed inevitable, and my emotional armor began to come off.
  • He affirmed that he had performed a magical ceremony, termed tine egan, by which he evoked a fiend, from whom he extorted a confession that Conachar, now called Eachin, or Hector, MacIan, was the only man in the approaching combat between the two hostile clans who should come off without blood or blemish. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Give them a good rinse and rub them dry and the waxy coating will come off. The Sun
  • When we reckoned on t'Saturday night (we allus reckoned on t'Saturday, you know), we had £50, and then there was the expenses to come off after that.
  • Once dry, the beans are called caf é con camisa because they have a paper-thin outer layer, or T-shirt, that needs to come off the beans before they are finally roasted. A Coffee Break in Guatemala
  • It's lovely and soft, but angora fuzz does tend to come off on things. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • The handle of a small metal tray had come off, so they sallied into the metal-working quarter. COUP D'ETAT
  • He came into contact with the rear of the horsebox and that was sufficient to make Mr Neale come off his machine.
  • One is idle, because the terrain is so difficult that its looped tread has actually come off its wheels.
  • Overweight local opera would-be stars were splattered in mid-aria, and in wiping away the blue paint, it smeared and didn't come off.
  • Jack D: Meanwhile, the snitch Yelena Shagall has come off relatively unpublicized and unscathed. The Volokh Conspiracy » Be Careful. Trust No-One. Shut Up.
  • We had hoped to organize a trip to the theatre tonight, but it didn't come off.
  • I have just come off the phone following the most incredibly obstructive and unhelpful call in the history of mankind.
  • He then walked towards the pool and jumped in to get over the cold faster, he was a little bit worried his navy blue shorts would come off so he tightened the drawstring.
  • Oh come off it! You can't seriously be saying you knew nothing about any of this.
  • I was flustered - having just come off an airplane - and I went to the powder room.
  • The stories make it clear that the guns have been registered to the defendant, and the original picture we see of him is supposed to have come off his gun licence, but these things can be lied about or faked.
  • The off-white walls didn't come off as much to admire, but for some reason Josie adored them.
  • Another week passed, on the fifth day of which Meggot pronounced Yvaine's splint ready to come off. STARDUST
  • Vaudevillian attempts at wacky accents and screwball banter lack rhythm and come off as flat as week-old pop.
  • Steve Englehart is writing at this point, and having just come off a couple of mind-blowing stories one where Strange witnesses the beginning of the universe, and another where he recreates the Earth in exact detail after its total destruction, he decides to come up with another wowser. John Seavey’s Storytelling Engines: Doctor Strange | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Lynda has now come off the drugs and the drink - and she has turned her back on working the streets.
  • The last carriage of an eastbound train was believed to have come off the tracks between Hammersmith and Barons Court stations.
  • Come off the motorway at the Duxford exit.
  • Leaving the theater after seeing that movie is like leaving a venue after a great show, you have a big, goofy grin on your face that won't come off for hours.
  • Despite being impressed with City's performances this year - they beat Tottenham 5-1 at White Hart Lane in August - van der Vaart does think the wheels could come off their title assault due to the big egos in the City dressing room. Evening Standard - Home
  • The way that I read the article (and know from talking -- the developer is the dad of one of my kid's classmates at school), is that the rainwater reclaimation is only going to be used for landscape and exterior watering -- no toliet flushing, or anything internal, which will come off the mains. Ccfinlay: A few blocks away from where I work, a d
  • Sure, these guys are boneheads, but the script makes them come off as a bit more intelligent than one might suspect.
  • The brain of a fish is very small, compared with the spinal cord into which it is continued, and with the nerves which come off from it: of the segments of which it is composed -- the olfactory lobes, the cerebral hemisphere, and the succeeding divisions -- no one predominates so much over the rest as to obscure or cover them; and the so-called optic lobes are, frequently, the largest masses of all. On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
  • The vocals come off as a kind of constipated struggle to squeeze out some simulacrum of sincerity. My First Guilty Pleasure
  • What I liked about the character was that he didn't come off as a superhero.
  • That way you'll come off looking swish even if the sound doesn't.
  • You all come off like such a bunch of prudes and prigs, you make Abigail van Buren seem like Jenna Jameson. Matthew Yglesias » Jessica Valenti on Anti-Feminists and So-Called “Hook-up Culture”
  • Glee" worked in the cult classic "Rocky Horror" theme without having the tops of the Fox network decency police heads come off by having some of the naughtier bits played the show's adults -- teachers, dentists and the like. 'Glee's''Rocky Horror' week: We watch so you don't have to
  • The top had come off the bottle and the wine is spilling out!
  • A fresh girl on the stage, the abdah with bare feet again, dressed in filmy scarves that would come off, altered the light of the place, lifting its darkness somewhat as the spotlight played upon her. Varieties of Religious Experience
  • Sometimes dye will come off new blue jeans and dry on the inside of the dryer drum, and then transfer to the next batch of wet clothes put inside.
  • In trials, ambulances that had just come off duty were swabbed and results showed every vehicle was contaminated with a variety of pathogens, including bacteria and fungi.
  • The new name and logo will become official with new bylaws when they pass.
  • After recent ditherings in which it regarded services operating at speeds of 128 kbit/s as both broadband and narrowband, the telecoms regulator has come off the fence.
  • The week following a trucker gave his personal view regarding the need to come off the bypass to get a packet of cigarettes and a paper.
  • He's come off the tablets because they were making him dizzy.
  • A small rivulet of water had come off from the main stream, and had formed a clear puddle about two feet across.
  • Rather it was because he was forced to come off earlier in both these derbies after his problem diminished his ability to make an impression.
  • ‘If things ever got serious and the rose-coloured glasses had to come off, I wouldn't have the fondness about it that I do,’ Trish tells me.
  • I'd call her classless, but classless people throughout the world would become offended. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But ski jumping goes beyond them all, you come off that ramp and you really do fly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light grey chalk dust sticks on motor vehicle windscreens and other shiny objects and does not easily come off.
  • Came on for his customary pensioned half an hour and immediately tried a cute one-two with Scholes which didn't come off.
  • I've now come off the pill without telling my boyfriend.
  • Much of our emotional communication in the real world uses body language and other nonvocal cues – in the pure text world we are reduced to being terribly obvious, which will, yes, come off as affected. Exploding the Heads of Browncoats Everywhere « Whatever
  • Will the gloves come off without the restraining influence of a coalition partner? Times, Sunday Times
  • He could speak with the intent to offend and it could come off as a flattering compliment - or turn it the other way around and approve of you under the cover of an insult.
  • The tail won't come off the toy plane; it is fixed on with nails.
  • He will inevitably come off as a flip-flopping slickster who is trying to be too clever by half. MD-SEN: Experts Differ On Steele's "Mystery GOP Candidate" Ruse
  • The top had come off the bottle and the wine is spilling out!
  • If Hispanics challenge such a response, their Euro-American co-religionists often perceive them as being unappreciative of the welcome offered them.
  • Low-end players come off the bench as substitutes for starting or injured players.
  • The tail is fixed on the model plane with nails; it cannot come off.
  • Now, all these coincidences are of the class which come off in fiction and miss in the combinations of real life, but to insist on this point would not disillusionise the believers in Dr Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • In the past during global slowdowns, Britain has come off worst, he said.
  • The way he greets players as they come off the pitch. The Sun
  • Some folks work, you hear me, work at writing day and night, go to workshops, join crit groups, do everything they can to make the next word better, the next sentence better, and I'll be damned if I let you come off with this elitist no-clue attitude, you semi-pro wannabe!) to write or you don't. Poetus Interruptus
  • The way he greets players as they come off the pitch. The Sun
  • Early fishing in spring creeks and tailwaters can involve a lot of nymphing, but hatches sometimes come off ahead of schedule in the warmer water, especially those of small aquatic insects like midges and the miniature, drab mayflies that flyfishermen call bluewing olives. John Geirach's Tips for Catching Early-Spring Trout
  • I don't want to come off as a touf-eating pasifist, (my favorite veggie is chicken), but it is a very Zen/Taoist thing to clear your mind and just let the arrow hit the target. Shooting With an Empty Mind
  • Simply lift up and the bat will come off the wheel-head without any struggle.
  • But if you have the atropine injectors in the same hands of the people who have the nerve gas, they can become offensive, because then the soldiers use nerve gas with relative impunity.
  • Memorize ‘em and you’ll not only come off as a pro, but also have the added benefit of taking out all of those fakey dramatic pauses that actors do when trying remember their cues. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 588

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