How To Use Combined In A Sentence
The first, built by Solomon (1012 B.C.) appears from the Biblical description [6] to have combined Egyptian conceptions (successive courts, lofty entrance-pylons, the Sanctuary and the sekos or “Holy of Holies”) with
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
From the combined results Thomas's group estimated an average particle size of 100 for the copper metal aggregates.
When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit.
The Scientist
C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
The black and gold range has an electric oven combined with a gas fired hob.

Combined with the snowily austere imagery of the scene, the effect is chilling.
Brown bags of pasta stand ready to be combined with cans of Italian tuna, homemade pickled vegetables, home-canned tomato sauce, and jars of his favorite imported red peppers.
A treatise that combined "Plinian lore with the recipes of Martino, cook to Cardinal Trevisan, who kept the best table in Rome.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
So numerous and various were the influences, formative and impellent, which combined to bring the colonies up to the precise ripening-point of their independence, as to make it difficult to assign each its proper force.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
First, the oxidation state of any atom in an uncombined element is equal to zero.
Beat well until completely combined and cover with a tea towel or cling film.
The Sun
Yet a combined diploma and degree system leaves room to move up the hierarchy and enjoy career progress.
Times, Sunday Times
The combined entity was meant to unveil its first results last month.
Times, Sunday Times
Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound.
He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
Other reporting from the field indicates the use of a combined-arms offensive - employing ground maneuver forces, artillery and aircraft - to effectuate the assault on Samarra.
Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
They've all combined to form a huge black cloud that is going to taunt me all day.
Kelvin surmounted this problem by running a single wire along his machine that went around each wheel, so that the combined effects of all wheels would be represented by the motion at the end of the wire.
Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses.
Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA.
NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
In the past, the Democrats combined their anti-communism with liberal reformist policies.
In 1991 the new Länder accounted for 20 per cent of reunified Germany's combined labour force but less than 7 per cent of its combined GNP.
Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.
Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
The 320 million of annual cost savings pencilled for the combined entity would represent a decent chunk of added value.
Times, Sunday Times
As demonstrated in the literature, lymphangiography combined with CT is the standard procedure for detecting the obstruction site of the thoracic duct or a tumor mass in the mediastinal area.
I’ve also read mesopotamian myths that have survived including the Avesta from the Zoroastrians which serves as a foundation of Judaism combined of course with the cult of Amun (the egyptian cult of the one god).
Think Progress » As New Orleans Drowned, Chertoff Was Focused On Avian Flu and Immigration
Her insight into clinical situations was combined with an unusual capacity for personal support.
Times, Sunday Times
Longer working hours have combined with security fears which have made many parents reluctant to let children play unsupervised in the garden or visit public places without a harness.
Preliminary analysis: death from overdose of coldsleep drugs, combined with oxygen starvation and dehydration when cocoon failed to properly deploy.
The City Who Fought
While the introduction of EU compensatory payments will offset the price drop, a decline in calf prices combined with cost increases will result in continuing pressure on margins in dairy farming.
All combined to create a feast of entertainment for the packed audiences who attended over both nights.
The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency.
The Vitamine Manual
Domestic shipbuilders along with cold-rolled steel companies last week asked Posco to produce a combined 600,000 metric tons steel products for "possible emergency needs" in the coming months, a Posco spokesman said.
South Korean Shipbuilders Ask Posco to Raise Output
The winner of both combined events last year — in Chamonix, France, and Kitzbuehel — Miller has had less success this time. - Miller's chance for sweep ends with Kitzbuehel event scrapped
But the type of deafness I have inherited is associated at first with excessive along with diminished hearing, hypo - and hyperacusis combined.
Dr. Leo Rangell: Music in the Head: Living at the Brain-Mind Border; Part 3
However, in response to the combined cues from both predators, mussels expressed neither inducible defense and had significantly reduced tissue growth.
Objective To investigate the advantage of combined general anesthesia with sacral block in infant laparoscopic surgery.
The result of the combined exertions of Messrs. Savage and Wilson was not only the obtaining of a very full account of the habits of this new creature, but a still more important service to science, the enabling the excellent American anatomist already mentioned, Professor Wyman, to describe, from ample materials, the distinctive osteological characters of the new form.
Cycling is an ideal way to experience the region and can be combined with boat hire.
Result: Uncertainty in each ponderance were analyzed and put forward combined standard uncertainty resides of the method.
Stir with a large metal spoon until combined.
Times, Sunday Times
The analysis of the collective psychological errancy of that time combined with the footage was a dynamite commentary on what went wrong.
By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color.
Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions.
Pink Collars For Anglicans
Combined, they have about one-third the population of the United States on about two-fifths the land area.
Eight biathlon events, 12 cross country ski races and three Nordic combined events were held on the 31 kilometer course.
Add the icing sugar and pulse a few times until combined.
The Sun
What is certainly true is that he combined the finest intellect with a great humility.
Times, Sunday Times
She herself meant eventually to marry, because one couldn't forever hang on to rich people; but she was going to wait till she found some one who combined the maximum of wealth with at least a minimum of companionableness.
The Glimpses of the Moon
Onions coincidentally contain a lot of potassium metaphosphate (KPO3), which, when combined with all the water soaked up from the Gatorade, is used to produce even more KH2PO4!
The three Skylab crews spent a combined time of over 3000 hours conducting scientific experiments in Earth orbit.
Draperies combined with window shades, valances and ornamentation such as trims can produce an exceptionally well-dressed window.
Europe, you can see how easily legumes and gramineous plants are combined.
Fidel Castro Addresses ICA on Livestock
Our colors are the same, although they are differently combined on our flags.
It proposes a new search algorithm namely "reusable component search algorithm with information of UML design model". Combined with facet search algorithm, it is used in a practical system.
When combined in the ancestral background, the two mutations had an additive effect, leading to a net increase of 17% relative to the ancestor.
History teaches us that unity is strength, and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity...
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Referendum for Sudan, Requiem for Africa
The researchers combined the copper patterns with millimetre-sized round holes in the surface, which leads to additional resonances as in so called photonic crystals and further improves the absorption. - latest science and technology news stories
In the 20 largest deals since 1995, the average combined company underperformed the market by nearly 13%.
That's more than the Colorado taxman makes from alcohol and tobacco combined.
Times, Sunday Times
Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in 1976, seven states have executed a combined twenty-two juvenile offenders nationwide.
Tookey preferred to focus on performance on what he calls a "combined business basis" which he said showed the bank made a £1.7bn profit.
The Guardian World News
Hasinger and his colleagues have combined XMM and Infrared Space Observatory measurements of the Lockman Hole, putting a lower limit— 15percent—on the AGN contribution to the infrared background.
Here, sweet red peppers are diced and sautéed with onions and garlic, combined with tomatoes and served as a soup with a raft of golden, fried feta cheese.
Administration of an intrathecal opioid injection before continuous epidural infusion is known as combined spinal epidural analgesia, or the walking epidural.
The combined company would employ 25, 000 workers in 50 countries.
His approach involves massive research combined with a matter-of-fact storytelling style.
Times, Sunday Times
Stir with a large metal spoon until combined.
Times, Sunday Times
Combined with fervid Methodism, you've got ruthless certainty.
Dynegy will sell to LS Power five so-called peaking plants in Kentucky, Illinois and Michigan and three combined-cycle plants in Arizona and Connecticut.
Dynegy to Unwind Power Plant Venture
The steeplechase races will proceed four flat stakes with combined purses of $700,000.
It's great combined with bay, garlic, onion, thyme and basil.
Off a combined handicap of 5 they returned a gross score of 68 to produce net a 63.
The surname could also have changed form when migration is combined with illiteracy.
Dr.B. is of the opinion that it owes its value to three qualities combined: an acrid, an emetic, and a deobstruent property -- the latter acting on the glandular system.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
Friedman combined these by twisting wire to form the simplest knot there is - an overhand knot mathematicians call a trefoil - and then dipping it into soapy water.
Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
We have a combined cadet force corps.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective To report the clinical features of myasthenia gravis ( MG ) combined with Lambert - Eaton myasthenic syndrome ( LEMS ).
Sift the cornflour and cocoa powder together, then gently fold into the egg whites with the vinegar until combined.
Times, Sunday Times
Medieval Britain inherited around 10,000 miles of Roman road, combined with an extensive network of trackways following less clearly defined routes.
Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.
The rapid expansion in 90-92, combined with the recession, did a lot of harm financially, and the company finally went bankrupt.
Seawater got inside the dome and combined with leaking natural gas to form ice-like crystals called hydrates that clogged up the device.
BP Set to Try Risky Move to Contain Flow
That's them defending the commons of the beauty of the neighbourhood, combined with the commons of the airspace we share through which dandelion seeds fly.
The placement of the tongue, combined with the extra resonance, should make a good start to "faking" a British accent.
Melamine, also known as cyanuramide, is a synthetic chemical product that forms hard resins when combined with formaldehyde.
Food Safety Regulations: Intended quicksand for sustainable agriculture
One favorite treatment for sciatica used by Cherokee herbalist David Winston is a combined extract of sweet melilot (Melilotus alba), dodder (Cuscuta americana), and sweet or black birth (Betula lenta).
The combined weight of the women was just too much and they grounded.
The Sun
Combined together, the inner layer appears diffused and gauzy, successfully creating the illusion of depth and reflection.
The main ingredients are cane and Beet sugars combined with other carbohydrate foods such as corn syrup , cornstarch, honey, molasses, and maple sugar.
Ancient and primitive tribes used these plants, often combined with different earths, to colour and decorate their faces and bodies.
In the opening days, a combined arms brigade task force was the first to deploy.
Hanratty said the hotel was in turnkey condition which, combined with the profit-earnings ratio, made it a good investment.
On another day, light and variable winds, combined with strong tides, affected competition.
Antituberculous treatment combined with surgical debridement is mandatory to obtain satisfactory results with therapy.
Lush, ambient soundscapes were one of several elements that combined to make this a captivating film.
Final diagnoses included one bronchogenic cyst and one combined bronchogenic cyst and thymic hyperplasia.
The fibers were combined with stretch yams, microfibers and cotton, as well as contrasting fibers, such as paper and silk.
And if you never thought that rustic, preppy and retro chic couldn't be combined, then you may not be ready for what the season has to offer.
The combined total of the sales should be 42m.
Times, Sunday Times
It was that addictive "one more level" Diablo game play and technology tree combined with the dialogue options in Baldur's Gate II.
The Horror... The Horror....
Omar Khayyam, known chiefly in Europe as a poet, combined trigonometry and approximation theory to solve algebraic equations using geometry.
His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 billion.
Add vanilla, ground almonds, flour and salt, stirring until mixture is evenly combined.
It will be observed that this hymn provided syllables only for the six tones of the _hexachord_ then recognized; when the octave scale was adopted (early in the sixteenth century) the initial letters of the last line (s and i) were combined into a syllable for the seventh tone.
Music Notation and Terminology
On another day, light and variable winds, combined with strong tides, affected competition.
Intoxication with atropine or hyoscyamine is characterized by psychic excitation often combined with panic and hallucination.
Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
WASA has begun a $2.6 billion project, the largest the authority has built, to reduce nitrogen and trash flowing to the rive r from its combined sewer overflow system, said George S. Hawkins, WASA general manager.
Trash-free Anacostia?
In addition to carbonates of sodium, especially the hydrocarbonate known as glycolate, the bile apparently contains ammonium sulphate combined with hydrocarbon (taurin); but this results from the transposition of sodium sulphate and gelatine.
Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
# -- Until within a comparatively recent time black was dyed on wool solely by the use of logwood, combined with a few other natural dye-stuffs, such as fustic, indigo, etc., but of late the researches of colour chemists have resulted in the production of a large number of black dyes obtained from various coal-tar products.
The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
The combined product portfolio will result in a robust converged solution delivering TDM and packet services over a single packet network that can operate over both microwave and fiber backhaul.
As colors get closer to each other on the wheel, the more soothing their effect when combined.
Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.
Hence, we may reasonably expect a resultative flavour when an adverbal adjective is combined with a change-of-state verb.
The analysis showed Celebrex was associated with an increased risk for a combined study endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, heart failure or thromboembolic event, or events related to blood clots, compared to patients not taking the drug.
Higher Doses of Pfizer's Celebrex
However, as these QTL appear to be tightly linked in coupling phase, the combined intercrosses do not provide sufficient resolution to separate the effects.
Then combined pipe-line theory, the accumulator's integrated mathematical model with incurvate and strange diameter series connection pipeline is built.
This programme's success will require a truly national effort," the EU and IMF said in a joint statement, saying it combined the need to stimulate long-term growth, reduce the deficit and restabilise Portugal's banking and finance sector.
Reuters: Top News
He believes it to consist in a pachymeningitis combined with a certain degree of sclero-gliosis of the periphery of the cord.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies.
The German team scored a combined total of 652 points.
Sahara desert sand and pollution blown in from the continent combined to cause people to cover up in masks.
The Sun
The colour of edition of set limit to makeup combined smooth shadow and idolum creation to give infinite daydream, let any the people long to be shined by her glamour place.
Pulmonary arteriole muscularization in lambs with diaphragmatic hernia after combined tracheal occlusion/glucocorticoid therapy.
CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
Shorthand may serve useful purposes, but when combined with short attention spans, it's foolishness bordering on fraud.
Hydrogen gas is so light that uncombined hydrogen will gain enough velocity from collisions with other gases that they will quickly be ejected from the atmosphere.
Born in London, taught by governesses, she combined her early love of drawing with a keen interest in natural history, copying flowers and drawing small animals kept as pets or found on summer holidays in Scotland and the Lakes.
A geranium oil containing 26.9 per cent. of ester, calculated as geranyl tiglate, was acetylated, after saponification, to liberate the combined geraniol, and 2.3825 grammes of the acetylated oil required 9.1 c.c. of
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
[11] But in this instance, perhaps, distance of space, combined with the unrivalled grandeur of the war, was felt to equiponderate the distance of time, Susa, the Persian capital, being fourteen hundred miles from Athens.
Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
Whatever we accomplish belongs to our entire group, a tribute to our combined effort. Walt Disney
Industry research firm Watson Wyatt estimates Australian companies face a combined shortfall of as much as A$25 billion in these defined-benefit pension plans, known as superannuation in Australia.
Australian Firms to Pay Scarce Cash for Pensions
Combined with the lobster-red sunburn of my torso and the lily-white band about my middle created by my downturned long-john, I resembled a cylindrical French flag.
Levels and characters are combined into lengthy cutscenes that play out well and help to maintain the overall humorous feel of the game.
Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy resulted in complete resolution of the lesion and a long-term remission of more than 5 years.
The university has falsely combined these patently contradictory goals, making opaque the real differences between them.
To avoid false negatives, in each FISH experiment the same hybridization mixture, with combined probes, was used in slides made from different species.
Organza makes a great splash along with tulle, lace, elegant luxury fabrics combined with glittering Chantilly, crushed velvet, jersey with lurex and iridescent cady.
Combined with a shortage of food and medicine these conditions create the potential for epidemics of cholera, malaria, dengue fever and diarrhoea.
The inflow to pension funds is combined with the inflow of funds to life assurance companies and is shown in cell 6/3.
Also, faxes can be sent to multiple fax machines-a fax mail-out-or faxes and traditional e-mail can be combined.
High temperatures combined with lots of rainfall result in luxuriant vegetation and boundless wildlife.
Did you know? An enchanted lake in Veracruz rises every dry season, but falls again during the wet season
Honey is not as big as Essence, Heart & Soul is not as big as Essence, but a combined circulation of 500,000 is big enough where it has to be looked at, and it's also niched enough where advertisers can make more efficient buys for their targets.
This healing method can also be successfully combined with other therapies such as hands on healing, massage, shiatsu and can even work alongside allopathic medicine.
To create rotating images in the full 360-degree range, two sets of coelostats can be combined, each compensating for the dead zone of the other.
The pastiness combined with all of her wrinkles, and it made her look absolutely dreadful, as though she was an anemic dragged from the grave.
In the following example, CL produces a combined source and machine - code listing called HELLO. COD.
Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
Product: All Kinds Of Push button Switch, Indicator, Emergency Switch, Insturction Switch, Foot Step Switch, Combined Acoustic And Light Screen, Warning Light Etc.
Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
This defense of war crimes is combined with denunciations of those who expose or criticize them and attempts to further cow an already pliant media.
Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of combined treatment of and western medicine on acute leukemia.
The rice is combined with vegetables or meat to make the popular pilaus or pilafs, birianis or kedgerees, which the British imported from India and these days are seen on menus in many restaurants in Britain.
All kitchens are fitted with an oven, gas hob, cooker hood, fridge-freezer and combined washing machine and tumble drier.
The custom of human sacrifice combined with the burial of the victims in bogs is connected to the Celtic culture of the time,
This Is Not a Spade: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney
His relationship with Angie was the first which combined lust with friendship.
But before that, fighting was essentially a matter of tribal feuding, combined perhaps with cattle or sheep rustling.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation.
The film of steam combined with the patina of dirt on the glass made them almost opaque.
Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
It's funny how all the sci-fi and fantasy posts combined could not equal the geekiness on display in this one post.
Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest mass of water ever detected in the universe - a gigantic, 12-billion-year-old cloud harboring 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined. supermassive black hole called a quasar located 12 billion light-years from Earth.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Some while later he contemptuously clomb the knoll anew and preached in a voice filled with fulmination: "God consists of three potatoes and seven turnips which have been combined in an ingenious manner.
Archive 2009-08-01
High-pitched laughter and low chuckles combined with the rise and fall of conversations caught in snatches.
Meanwhile, blend the remaining ingredients in a food processor until combined, then season with salt to taste.
That combined with the Hillary & Bill Appalacian bus tour ... to udo the "kitchen sink strategy" ... would give Team Obama a landslide victory in November of 2008.
Carter: Obama-Clinton ticket unlikely
So the harvest hymn find, on a scrap of liturgical scroll, was a virtual mother lode. When combined with other scroll fragments and translated by professor George J.
Synavive is the Cambridge, Mass., company's most advanced drug, and combined an agent called dipyridamole with the steroid prednisolone. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the flour, graham cracker crumbs, and butter and mix until just combined, about two minutes.
Education must be combined with productive labour.
The optimizer considers using multi-column statistics to detect a statistical correlation and estimate more accurately the combined filtering effect of multiple predicates.
In this study, we developed a procedure for isolating the in vivo apical and basal cells of the two-celled proembryo from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and then performed a comparative transcriptome analysis of the two cells by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) combined with macroarray screening.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Labour combined an incomes policy with an austerity policy.
After Thatcher
This sublime sphere, set amid the ordered nature of a landscaped garden, combined the functions of memorial and planetarium, conjoining the transience of humanity with the eternal celestial realm.
Combining methods Penalties may be combined with rewards in order to modify children's behaviour.
The combined entity will be worth 2 billion.
Times, Sunday Times
Hence, we may reasonably expect a resultative flavour when an adverbal adjective is combined with a change-of-state verb.
The combined shape resembles a gigantic set square.
The Times Literary Supplement
These crystals, by careful analysis, were shown, first by Hilgenstock, to consist of a form of phosphate of lime hitherto unknown, in which four equivalents of lime were combined with one equivalent of phosphoric acid, and which was therefore called "tetrabasic phosphate.
Manures and the principles of manuring
Page 103 and a few other counties; in the latter one body of "white oak pocosin," of sixty thousand acres, extending into several adjacent counties, and other tracts nearly as large, requiring combined capital to drain.
The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States
That's a combined weight of 15.8 tonnes.
The Sun
An ominous portent or proof that combined entities can amount to more than the sum of their parts?
Times, Sunday Times
As the man assembles without distinction samples from different areas, each track feeds on combined atmospheres, creating intricate impressionist patchworks of intense beauty.
Final diagnoses included one bronchogenic cyst and one combined bronchogenic cyst and thymic hyperplasia.
It is one of the extraordinary anomalies of the system, that combined with these principles of self-reliance and perfectibility, Buddhism has incorporated to a certain extent the doctrine of fate or "necessity," under which it demonstrates that adverse events are the general results of _akusala_ or moral demerit in some previous stage of existence.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
(Combined pocket twoblade penknife with corkscrew, nailfile and pipecleaner).
Further changes in the proposed combined baryta-soda method for juice purification consist in using powdered soda carbonate 90-92°, upon beet cossettes as they leave the slicer, before entering the diffusor.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
Coming together to launch NAHM for fall 2011, they fused their combined international experiences into one city-savvy line: think a burnt orange shirtdress with asymmetrical hem or black maxi dress with a shorter underskirt and long, sheer overlay.
Meredith Barnett: Two's a Charm: Meet the Design Duo Behind NAHM
Decades of massive immigration had combined with corrupt government and the raw capitalism of the era to create horrific slums.
K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite
Word of the Day
To get an idea of the Dutch achievement in domesticity, I cite Rybczynski on the urban medieval home: "The typical bourgeois townhouse of the 14th century combined living and work.
Before the Dutch: The Medieval Home
Picasso's liberated shapes and excitingly applied and inventively combined colours
Frontal thrusts will be combined with an active front in the enemy rear created by landed groups.
The galleries have also joined forces to produce a mailer called the Seattle Gallery Exhibitions, which is mailed to their combined mailing lists.
He combined socialist ideals with a deep practical experience of how most people lived and thought.
Times, Sunday Times
The new associating hard sphere chain equation combined the hard sphere chain model (HSC) of self-diffusion coefficient with the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT).
Economic, racial, political, historic and cultural factors have combined to interweave the fabric of the world.
The one we get from outside are always a bit more "vinegary" for me, so I was really happy with my Homemade Bleu Cheese Dressing The bag of mixed spring greens was put to good use, combined with some dried cranberries and toasted pecans, mandarins, some baby tomatoes, a dash of olive oil and lime juice and some fresh black pepper.
Archive 2008-02-01
Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.