
How To Use Collision In A Sentence

  • We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
  • A well-known waterman at Selby said that the river was in a fearful condition, and this had a good deal to do with the reported collisions taking place and damage done to boats on their voyages to and from the town.
  • Chain car collisions on the Interstate, hysteria-tinged second by second updates from the weatherman on the local TV stations, a stunned, awestricken look from the locals that almost made one think that this was surely the first time they had ever seen this precipitation thing occurring. Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • The first followed a head on collision with a bus, where she had to be cut out of the car and fortunately her only injury was severe whiplash.
  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
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  • Quarterback Brady Anderson was injured in an unfortunate collision with one of his team-mates.
  • Toyota Motor Corp. spokesman Bill Kwong says in an email that Toyota is also designing vehicles with 'front crush boxes, ' which are designed so they can be unbolted after a collision and replaced.
  • Apart from the two fatalities, there have been two serious injury accidents and four minor collisions.
  • There had even been, the nurses told Anastasia's mother, a terrible collision involving a bedpan. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • I hung a sharp left, sharp right, sharp left -- that car birddogged collision close. Hollywood Nocturne
  • The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
  • The children don't know anything about metal fatigue, turbulence, and mid-air collisions.
  • Jabbing with the point he kept off Alexei's attack until the reaction of their mid-air collision made them drift apart again.
  • But if you truly fear death by animal, pitch the car keys: Deer kill about 14 Americans per month, mostly through collisions with front bumpers.
  • The collision allowed tons of water to flood several compartments in the forward section of the ship, including missile and gun magazines and a junior rates' mess.
  • Given such quality and differences in approach, exquisite point-by-point collisions were inevitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does not therefore describe the collision of genuinely non-aligned gravitational waves.
  • In puzzle mode that initially just means activating them slowly enough not to cause collisions, but later levels demand deeper experimentation with order and timing before you wheedle out a viable solution. This week's new games
  • In this sense, can we say that the dismissal of Schoenberg et al had its roots in a sort of century-long "me, me, me, emotive"/composer-becoming-the-subject of historical inquiry -- where the "forward looking" or the "next new thing" was the prescient objective -- came to a violent collision with the unfamiliar, one which is unreconcilable with nostalgia? Every night, they say, he sings the herd to sleep
  • The hit from Boughner was just one of many collisions hockey players face every game.
  • So to neglect the problem means that we are vulnerable to asteroid collisions.
  • These collision zones are known as orogenic belts, and the mountains are referred to as orogens.
  • The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft.
  • One intact wreck is of a Firefly aircraft lost in 1956 after a mid-air collision and found recently in silty water.
  • It was responsible for the mid-air collision last month between a cargo plane and a Russian airliner.
  • The ship was only slightly damaged in the collision and was able to sail into port under its own power.
  • There had been a seven-car collision the previous week on the Boulevard Périphérique, near the Porte de Bercy. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • Another victim of the changing fortunes of war was Nedeltcho Bontchev, best remembered as the flier who miraculously survived a collision between his aircraft and an Allied bomber.
  • A head-on collision with a pair of black salt-stained leather boots.
  • Hydrogen gas is so light that uncombined hydrogen will gain enough velocity from collisions with other gases that they will quickly be ejected from the atmosphere. Hydrogen
  • Schumacher managed to keep the engine running after the collision.
  • A giant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.
  • He added that it had not broken down, but had been involved in the recovery of another military vehicle prior to the collision.
  • In another moment it forged slowly past me, tolling as it were a death knell from the engine-bell and associating in my mind spectral tableaux of horrible collisions and mangled dead. A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis
  • The magnitude of the observed anisotropic flow effect is sensitive to the degree of thermalization at the collision's earliest moments.
  • Dropping the rag over the side of the bedpost, she turned and let the scabrous shard fall into a small bowl on the dresser; it greeted a similarly discordant family with a slight tink of angular metallic collision.
  • TDMA - based MAC protocol is inherently collision free but it has poor scalability.
  • Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636. Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
  • An automobile collision happens in seconds, but if there is an injury, the litigation can drag on for years.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • With two conflicting styles of dancing taking place simultaneously on sometimes crowded dance floors, collisions are bound to happen.
  • It is due to the collisions between liquid particles and the grains.
  • Provided this problem could be solved, W and Z could be created in frontal collisions between antiprotons and protons in the new superaccelerator, SPS, at CERN. Press Release: The 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • It is virtually impossible to have a head-on collision on a motorway where all the traffic is going in the same direction.
  • Consequently, America's collision course with Islam may be irreversible.
  • A light damask curtain is found to have been saturated with port wine; a ditto chair-cushion has been doing duty as a dripping-pan to a cluster of wax-lights; a china shepherdess, having been brought into violent collision with the tail of a raging lion on the mantel-piece, has reduced the noble beast to the short-cut condition of a Scotch colley. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 6, 1841,
  • He saw no prospect of avoiding for long a head-on collision.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • Sixty-five million years ago, a collision with an asteroid is believed to have caused a global die-off that included all dinosaurs.
  • Mr Morse died at Long Marston airfield near Stratford upon Avon on Monday following a collision with a gyroplane. Man charged with murder by gyrocopter' in hunt case
  • Molecules are very hard spheres that bounce off each other without losing energy in encounters called elastic collisions.
  • Reported near collisions involving military and civilian aircraft have dropped dramatically in the 1990s.
  • Wind and ice were blamed for the collision involving up to 12 vehicles.
  • That being the situation, it was not, it is submitted, if you like, a head-on collision between witness and cross-examiner.
  • The sad thing about it is that small nongravitational forces and astrometric errors make an accurate collision prediction very hard to do more than a few years out. Asteroid Threat Conference Underway - NASA Watch
  • A local man had a narrow escape from serious injury when the tractor he was driving was in collision with a lorry at Boggan Hill on Tuesday March 26.
  • Residents mill around damaged train carriages after a collision in Jakarta, 30 June 2005.
  • It was the world's second worst air disaster, a horrific re-run of the runway collision in 1977.
  • This collision of values and abilities naturally results in depression.
  • A inform from a collision scene, in a meantime, can be see! Miley Cyrus Offers Heartfelt Support for Driver Killed in Tour Bus ...
  • Reported near collisions involving military and civilian aircraft have dropped dramatically in the 1990s.
  • A collision inevitably resulted, abruptly jolting both men back to reality.
  • Following the collision he became moody and headstrong, his speech delivery was very slow and he walked with a slow shuffling gait.
  • Within seconds both vehicles were in a head-on collision then a further two cars crashed into the first two.
  • Usually such damages will weaken the bumper's ability to absorb the shock of collision.
  • Some researchers have suggested that a collision with another star produced the fireworks, while others have argued that the star simply "burped" after swallowing some planet-sized objects. New Scientist - Space
  • This brought about a head-on collision between the crowd and the regular troops, who opened fire.
  • Jack Womersley, a former Bradford councillor, saw the motorbike overtake two cars and disappear over the brow of a hill moments before the collision.
  • While I don't want to stint on my daughter's safety - I have every intention of buying a car that can take a side-on collision from a Tomahawk missile - I am constantly amazed at the precautions we must take these days.
  • A collision with one of the Home Nations feels made for his tub-thumping aggression and inspiration. Chelsea fans salute the 'one England captain' but John Terry must wait | Dominic Fifield
  • One theory is that the moon was formed from debris left after a collision between the earth and another planet.
  • Our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy.
  • The collision occurred when the driver lost control of the vehicle at a curve in the road while attempting to avoid the Federal Border Guard.
  • The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft.
  • This shows that no O(1D) the first electronically excited state which will not collisionally or radiatively quench to the ground state by collision in almost all cases was produced by multiphoton processes 7. Any ground state O(3P) would have to be improbably hot translationally to react with water vapor producing OH 8. Higher lying quartet states of NO2 are unlikely to react. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It's usually assumed that beauty is, almost tautologically, an ‘aesthetic’ category, which puts it, according to many, on a collision course with the ethical.
  • He refers to them as ‘tall tippy monstrosities with mediocre brakes that block other driver's view of the road and inflict massive damage during collisions.’
  • Its advanced collision detection ensures that any bumps will probably not kill or severely cripple you.
  • If you were writing a pool game you could use a PickRaySegment to represent the pool cue and you could pick with BoundingSphere to detecting collisions between the balls.
  • The proto-Pangaean continents left a record of their existence in the mountain belts built by their collisions.
  • The interest in collisions of high-energy nuclei as a possible route to a new state of nuclear matter began with the emergence of QCD in the late 1970s.
  • Lately Metro has taken a lot of heat because of persistent subway system deficiencies: lack of air conditioning in rail cars; escalator and elevator outages; and operator or equipment failures resulting in derailments and collisions -- along with injuries and fatalities. Shaping the City: Let there be light (carefully) in Metro stations
  • The number of collisions and derailments has reduced steadily, with the lowest ever number being recorded last year.
  • The two nations are on a collision course that could lead to war.
  • There had even been, the nurses told Anastasia's mother, a terrible collision involving a bedpan. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • How can employees and their managers collaborate to soften the inevitable collisions between work and those other roles?
  • The crazed driver tears through the intersection and barely avoids a brutal collision with an oncoming tractor trailer.
  • A collision at sea can ruin your entire day -- Thucydides.
  • The eastward or southeastward mantle flow resulting from the collision of IndiaEurasia probably pushed rollback of slabs east and southeast to East Asian continent, further causing back arc spreading.
  • Only by allowing the freedom of thought collisions, it can spark intelligence shines!
  • My view is that the cyclist was primarily responsible for this collision and I apportion his blame at 60%.
  • The crash is being investigated by an RCMP collision analyst.
  • But the collision of an uptown venue with a downtown theme only pokes fun at the fuzzy lines now dividing these camps.
  • The risk of a mid-air collision over central London has increased dramatically.
  • They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car.
  • In a car crash involving a modern vehicle, everything happens before the occupant is even aware of the collision. What the crash computer saw | clusterflock
  • Research on collision rate of finite inertial particle with preferential concentration is one of hotspots in gas-particle flow mechanism and aerosol dynamics.
  • This is because during the collision the meteor loses part of its kinetic energy as heat radiation.
  • If we discover the Higgs, that's a miraculous discovery," said Harris Kagan, a physics professor at OSU working on protonic collisions. The Lantern RSS
  • It is believed he died from multiple injuries caused by the impact of the collisions.
  • The Earth and Moon formed rather late in this process, from a collision between two large bodies - a mars-sized planetoid and a slightly larger body.
  • Meanwhile, Santa rounded third and headed for home, as the shortstop finally came to his senses and threw a perfect peg to catcher Yunir Garcia, who held the ball in a collision at the plate.
  • For the distribution of misconceptions, narrative misconceptions usually cluster on the Principle of Le Chatelier and Effective Collision.
  • three passengers were killed in the collision
  • The coach had left the castle at 4.20 pm on Saturday, and ten minutes later the accident happened when a Ford Transit van was in collision with the coach.
  • My research in nonlinear optics continued with special emphasis on interactions of picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses with condensed matter and of collision-induced optical coherences. Nicolaas Bloembergen - Autobiography
  • And if the current resurgence of religion on college campuses collides with persistently antireligious models of university life, might a collision or an explosion of some sort be inevitable? Elaine Howard Ecklund, Ph.D.: Why University Scientists Do Not Discuss Religion
  • SEOUL (AFP) – A South Korean patrol ship sank off the southern island of Jeju after a collision with a fishing boat, leaving one sailor dead and two others missing, navy officials said Thursday.
  • Only two of the main alarm physical collision, injury or so in 5000, exercise due care.
  • The freight driver realised his mistake and brought his train to a halt, said the report, which added that ‘a low speed, side-on collision could have resulted’.
  • A 55-year-old motorcyclist was involved in a collision with a lorry.
  • For solving the CTS collision problem, this paper proposes a new protocol which allows the sender to assign recently used forwarders as the preferred candidates in the RTS.
  • No one knows exactly how life on Earth will end, But scientists claim that a collision with Mercury or Mars could destroy our planate long before the Sun bakes it to a crisp in five billion years times. Mercury,Mars can destroy Earth
  • A rider must be visible at all times in order to preclude collisions from happening.
  • In 1994, they had to withdraw after Roca broke her wrist in a fluke warmup collision.
  • Strange meson production in heavy ion collisions has been studied.
  • Onboard technology will include Volvo's Collision Warning With Full Auto Brake.
  • Collision He's making me out to be some sort of thick, brainless loony on a self-destruct road to ruin.
  • The third law says that the motion of any moving body tends to be rectilinear, even if in fact it is circular or curved through collision.
  • A light green Nissan Almera and a red Ford Sierra, heading towards Topcliffe, were in collision with an HGV tipper truck, heading towards Northallerton.
  • No one has yet examined the question, What is the condition as regards average distribution of kinetic energy, which is ultimately fulfilled by two portions of gaseous matter, separated by a thin elastic septum which absolutely prevents interdiffusion of matter, while it allows interchange of kinetic energy by collisions against itself? Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • The concept of Newtonian elastic collisions among molecules of a gas suffices to bind together in one theory the empirical laws of Boyle, Charles, and Graham.
  • There is an asteroid on a collision course with the Earth.
  • In the aftermath of a collision cars with full fuel tanks tend to go up in flames killing the occupants who might have survived the collision.
  • The "orlop" or eighth deck is devoted entirely to machinery with coal bunkers on each side of the boilers to provide against the effect of collisions. Marvels of Modern Science
  • Another victim of the changing fortunes of war was Nedeltcho Bontchev, best remembered as the flier who miraculously survived a collision between his aircraft and an Allied bomber.
  • Speed must have been a contributory factor in some or all the collisions on the stretch and at least 20 per cent of drivers on the road must exceed the speed limit.
  • Dan Rather, the Category 5 newsman, is on a collision course with Guantánamo Bay. Dan Rather Does Guantánamo
  • Police say they are stumped as to why a man decided to walk into the slow lane of a motorway - and was then knocked down and killed in a collision with a car.
  • On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.
  • In addition, ‘there was also a twofold increase in the number of [simulated] rear-end collisions when drivers were conversing on cell phones,’ the study says.
  • Atoms may acquire energy that excites electrons by random thermal collisions, collisions with subatomic particles, or by absorbing a photon.
  • the ship's rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision
  • The Chief Minister said he sees a collision course approaching but won't do anything to divert it.
  • There was a staggering number of helmet-to-helmet hits, particularly in the 1 p.m. games, and one of the scariest was the collision between DeSean Jackson of the Eagles and Dunta Robinson of the Falcons. NFL's former director of officiating calls for action after day of helmet-to-helmet hits
  • Pluto seems to have suffered a major collision that tipped it 122 degrees from the vertical.
  • In this case a motorcyclist was injured in a collision at a junction where visibility was restricted by a bank of earth on land owned by British Rail.
  • The North Korean side said the accident was between two train wagons that were being shunted on a siding, not a collision of two trains as had been previously believed.
  • The force of the collision sent the Norman tumbling backward, right over the cantle of his saddle.
  • The advancing supertanker was a huge bright-green blob on the screen, approaching them on what seemed like a collision course. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • I had a near collision with a lorry.
  • For many observers, this California collision is the de facto NBA Finals. - California dreamin' for Western final
  • The bus driver tooted his horn, but the van didn't get out of the way in time and in order to avoid a collision the bus driver had no real option but to brake and turn to the left.
  • The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
  • Because every time we did there was always the possibility of a major collision.
  • Although the three carriages that made up the local train was derailed in the collision, its 30 passengers were only slightly hurt.
  • The collision caused severe skin wounds of the eyebrows and profuse bleeding in both players.
  • The collision was on a town centre route that is fast becoming an accident blackspot.
  • Here is a pleasingly provocative collision of two aesthetics, both juxtaposed and, in four plainchant pieces, superimposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The collision easily knocked the breath out of him, so he just lied there, unmoving.
  • Don't worry though, this collision won't occur for another 3 billion years or so, by which time we'll all be long dead, having killed ourselves by much more mundane methods such as biological weapons or global thermonuclear war.
  • You have to direct them to a proper elevation and speed so as not to cause mid-air collisions.
  • If clouds break, Geminid meteors to light up sky space rocks called the Geminid meteors, a collision that is currently producing nightlong - Articles related to Obama Set to Launch Vision for NASA
  • Two of the victims were killed instantly when the force of the collision catapulted them through the rear window of the car.
  • It has been found that the fraction of crystalline forsterite converted into the amorphous form is a function of the energy deposited through elastic collisions by incoming ions.
  • The Hövding's puffy collar contains a nylon airbag with a gas inflator, which is triggered by sensors upon collision. Hövding: Invisible Bike Helmet Inflates On Impact (VIDEO)
  • This most basic of resources is facing a classic collision between supply and demand.
  • The wind, sea and swell were of no significance force in the context of the collision save perhaps that each vessel would yaw slightly.
  • There are about 2,000 animals in the population, but at least 200 die each year, mainly from collisions with speedboats.
  • Two cars were involved in the head-on collision near the Cayley Arms pub, blocking the Pickering to Scarborough road.
  • Both boaters and environmentalists agree that technology deserves a fair trial in the quest to reduce collisions between watercraft and manatees that last year resulted in the deaths of 95 animals.
  • On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.
  • Instead of two British ships for escorts - a destroyer and a corvette - only the corvette made it after the destroyer was damaged in a collision leaving port.
  • Rutgers 'Eric LeGrand, paralyzed from the neck down Saturday night in an on-field collision, is only the latest reminder of this simple, indisputable fact: the risk is all on the side of the players. Jonathan Weiler: In Coming NFL Labor War, Remember That Players Bear All the Risk
  • If the planetaries have been formed from novae, especially the novae which encountered the fiercest resistance, the high velocities are in a sense not surprising, for those stars which travel with abnormally high speeds are the ones whose chances for collisions with resisting media are best; and, further, the higher the speeds of collision the more violent the disturbance. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • Only a small fraction of the nuclear collisions in the Sun succeed in overcoming this repulsion and causing fusion; this fraction is very sensitive to the temperature. Solving the Mystery of the Missing Neutrinos
  • There was evidentially speaking a head-on collision between the appellant and the principal prosecution witness.
  • Extension associated with lengthening of the Himalayan collision orogen is accommodated by small graben and rifts almost at right angles to the strike of the collision zone.
  • This model may be powerful for the calculation of some polyatomic molecule collision.
  • The rocks have a MORB-type geochemistry, and have been attributed to shallow melting of asthenospheric mantle, following removal and thinning of lithospheric mantle beneath the collisional orogen in late Oligocene time.
  • As we see here, the ramification of the collisions of two cultures is often witnessed in the conflicts between immigrant parents and their more acculturated children.
  • The ion velocity distribution of Maxwell molecule collision model can be obtained using the 16-moment approximation.
  • Life is a series of collisions with the future. It is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.
  • The paper builds the related non-linear simulation model to analyze the laws of the wire rope load's change and collision between tramcar and flexible bumper.
  • But the Government says talk of collisions and delays is simply scaremongering.
  • In layout, the coding for vertical setover , placement angle and layout mode of blanking part are made, and the layout step corresponding every unit is gotten through collision theory.
  • A Piaggio caravanette was involved in the collision with a lorry near the Boreham turn-off on the A12 at about 12.15 pm yesterday.
  • Sooner or later students will need to swing, or stop a swing, to avoid a collision on the ground.
  • In collisions at high energies, charmonium particles come from the decay of b-flavoured hadrons and prompt production.
  • More than 400,000 gallons of thick industrial fuel oil spilled just upriver from the Crescent City Connection in the collision early Wednesday morning between a tanker and a barge being pulled by a tugboat. Oil Spill on the Mississippi « Skid Roche
  • We believe that there might have been a collision but we don't know how that was caused.
  • Unfortunately, the ideological collision of the two masterminds is something I wish Ritchie would have applied more heat to early on, as it simmers on low for too long, and is left undercooked by the time the figurative chess match they've engaged in for two films is literalized in a pay-off that should be familiar to anyone who's read Doyle's "The Final Solution," the only story where the two actually meet. Zaki Hasan: Zaki's Review: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  • Fourth, as the gas particles collide with each other or with the wall of a container, their collisions are perfectly elastic.
  • Others die from collisions with vessels travelling up and down the river, and from explosions carried out during river bank construction.
  • We believe that there might have been a collision but we don't know how that was caused.
  • The pilot avoided a collision by changing course.
  • The most frequent, and startling encounter is when the shadowy form of a deer flits across the trail, on the very edge of headlamp range, resulting in a heart stopping snowplow, but never a collision.
  • The car overtook as it approached a blind bend and the oncoming car on the other side of the road had to swerve on to the verge to avoid a collision.
  • For 2011, Charger struts with a variety of standard and optional technologies, such as keyless entry and push-button start, Garmin navigation system, rainy-day safety mode, adaptive cruise control, forward collision warning, blind-spot monitoring, cross-path detection, and rearview camera. Sneak Peek: 2011 Dodge Charger--New styling, equipment, power
  • Gardaí and fire service personnel at the scene said the Opel appeared to have veered accidentally to its incorrect side of the road at a blind bend where the collision occurred.
  • The Florence team showed that the non-interacting fermions cannot support a DC current, which is what is expected given their special collisional properties and leads to a pinning of the atoms to their local displaced position.
  • The geosphere or rocky Earth formed from collisions of planetoids.
  • Roboticists constantly argue about how to create the best guidance and collision-avoidance artificial intelligence.
  • Authorities say a hazardous spill has been contained following a train collision just south of Chicago.
  • Comets are continually being lost through decay, collisions with planets, and ejections from the solar system.
  • If the program begins using a new part of the library, previously undetected collisions may arise.
  • Wait, we're talking about 35% more bikes, 75% drop in speeding, neighborhood traffic was reduced, 33% fewer injury-causing collisions, and 80% fewer car-pedestrian collisions. Study Shows Stone Way “Road Diet” Improved Traffic, Safety « PubliCola
  • Collisions and environmental catastrophes can be more easily avoided with improved coordination and guidance of ship traffic.
  • A collision of worlds when two African-American families from divergent socioeconomic backgrounds get together one weekend in Martha's Vineyard for a wedding.
  • The Sixth Street crossing has seen 13 collisions since 1972, and Prince has seen 10.

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