
How To Use Collide In A Sentence

  • When an antineutron collides with a beryllium nucleus, it annihilates one neutron, and the mutual annihilation releases around nine times the energy of a fissioning uranium atom. Mother Of Storms
  • It freewheeled down the hill and collided with the car in which Mrs Reilly and her daughter were travelling.
  • That car collided with the vehicle in which Waltrick was riding.
  • This summer, the two worlds collided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning.
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  • Like amoebas, the hotel chains expand until they collide and fight with neighboring rivals.
  • On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.
  • The car collided with a stationary vehicle.
  • So rarely do our financial worlds collide that this week's benefit cuts made for some bruising encounters online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Collider called the reshoots "extensive," while FOX downplayed them, saying that the reshoots were always planned and telling Today on ReelzChannel - Videos
  • At this point in the play, folk culture of Lenten abnegation and christening joy collides with mannered personal interaction and judgmental asperity.
  • Police said the car jumped a red light and collided with a white van before crashing into the bridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly the coach crossed the central reservation and collided with a public light bus travelling in the inner lane of the eastbound carriageway.
  • Large Hadron collider is 27 Km in circumference and will accelerates protons to 99. 99999% the speed of light (I might not have gotten the right number of 9s, sorry if this spoils your calculations if you are trying this at home). Boing Boing
  • These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide.
  • They could see Bowles and they waited, bracing themselves against the yard should the two ships collide.
  • His fingertips brushed my chin as out our mouths collided, and passionately we kissed under the stars.
  • State-of-the-art production and Gilmour's note-perfect playing collided with bassist Roger Waters's grim lyrical vision, which fretted about materialism and age creeping up on you.
  • It slows as it begins to collide with the interstellar medium, and the point where the solar wind slows down is the termination shock; the point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the heliopause; the point where the interstellar medium, traveling in the opposite direction, slows down as it collides with the heliosphere is the bow shock. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • Such a thing can cause huge mischief, when these contradictory streams collide.
  • A lorry driver had a lucky escape after his vehicle and a tractor apparently collided and the lorry ploughed into a hedge.
  • This perverted abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to be modern is to set women free.
  • Chinese police pursued the car, and in the ensuing chase the suspects' automobile collided with a traffic island, killing one occupant and seriously injuring the other.
  • Traffic came to a standstill for around 22 minutes near Ulsoor Lake after a truck skidded and collided with a tourist bus on the slippery stretch.
  • Fredrik Modin collided with Senators defenseman Chris Phillips at the blue line and Martin St. Louis collected the puck off the hit. National Hockey League - Lightning vs. Senators
  • Our heads almost collided: he was going to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • These worlds collide with a beauty pageant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be prepared to adapt and change as you collide with life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The north-flowing Gulf Stream collides with a tendril of the southbound Labrador Current there, creating knots and plumes of flow that change daily, even hourly.
  • The allochthonous units that overlie the eastern part of this terrane were probably emplaced when the Magnitogorsk volcanic arc collided with this margin in late Devonian times.
  • The backdrop to this story of three 15-year-olds whose lives and desires collide is the world of synchronised swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he topped the rise, he swerved to avoid the tree and collided with the stone wall behind.
  • Three people died and six others were injured when a bakkie and a truck collided outside Stutterheim yesterday afternoon.
  • A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
  • The students and lecturers all have different motives for being there and these collide with painful consequences.
  • A husband and wife attacked a man whose car collided head-on with a vehicle carrying their relatives.
  • A lorry driver had a lucky escape after his vehicle and a tractor apparently collided and the lorry ploughed into a hedge.
  • Get it right, and you might just hit that magic moment of alchemy where attitude, outfit and body collide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Male celebrities all over the globe began to collide in a frankly undignified heap as they tried to attract her attention.
  • A family in a dinghy or a beginner oarsman could be prosecuted if they collided with a swimmer. Times, Sunday Times
  • On August 5 a boat collided with the oil tanker causing more than 85 tons of oil to spill into the river and coastal wetlands.
  • It is a place where history and people and power and politics collide in ways that touch the lives of every American.
  • Dulongjiang area is the north part of Burma-Malaya Geoblock of Gondwanaland. During th Mesozoic Era it collided with the Eurasian Plate, and became the southwestern borderland of East Asia Continent.
  • Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
  • Downstairs the tiny dancefloor reverberated to a kind of deejayed free-for-all in which punk, ska, new romantic, soul, country, reggae, disco and hip-hop collided, no one seeming to bother if you could dance to it or not. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The collider is the world's largest particle accelerator. The Lantern RSS
  • This makes it larger than the asteroid that collided with the Earth 66 million years ago and is widely blamed for the demise of the dinosaurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • When players collided, they simply separated and moved on, folding back into the turbulent maelstrom of sweat and speed.
  • We have different styles, different topics spark our interest and while our views do collide, we rarely arrive at them from the same direction.
  • A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
  • If you brake too soon, with the tip held too high, the forward-moving line will collide either with the rod or with itself, creating what's called a tailing loop. Add Twenty Feet to Your Cast (Spin, Fly, and Bait)
  • But with the visitors frustrating their illustrious opponents and Milan's nerves jangling, the league leaders were awarded a dubious spot-kick four minutes from the end when Empoli goalkeeper Daniele Balli collided with Jon Dahl Tomasson.
  • This type of magnetoresistance is called ballistic because the electrons' paths are so short that the particles don't collide with atoms as they zip through the nanocontact.
  • Evolving from his conceptual art background, his remix of tropes from Rosenquist, Picabia and Polke created canvases where high art references and pop trash collided. This week's new exhibitions
  • In her best novels, psychopaths collide with normal folk and as they rub along together, a murder here, a suicide there, the normal folk are soon revealed as certifiable.
  • In our own solar system, asteroids have collided with Earth, the moon and other planets.
  • Lifting his hand, Shanza barely had time to wrap his blood-smeared fingers around the smooth shaft and yank before his knee collided with the ground and he sank into oblivion.
  • In May two trains collided and derailed near the station during the morning rush-hour.
  • And if the current resurgence of religion on college campuses collides with persistently antireligious models of university life, might a collision or an explosion of some sort be inevitable? Elaine Howard Ecklund, Ph.D.: Why University Scientists Do Not Discuss Religion
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Edwina, who lives with her husband and kids in Toronto, says there are always fireworks when show business and family life collide.
  • A car, which was trying to overtake another vehicle, allegedly collided with their bicycles.
  • Politicians, pollsters and the public have begun to see the issues of morality and leadership collide rather than converge, leading to contradictory and sometimes preternatural election results.
  • Instead, modern-day social scientists could simply watch the intense psychological discomfort of conservatives when one of their basic tenets (the New York Times is a bit to the left of Kim Il Jung) collides with an inconvertible fact (Times reporter Judy Miller is now completing her second week in the slammer for refusing to rat out her Bush administration sources in the Valerie Plame case). Walter Shapiro: Flying Saucers and Valerie Plame
  • Worlds collide and find themselves already interwoven ... there's more going on than interfamilial melodrama, and Shafak's ambitions do not stop with an airing of Turkey's century-old dirty laundry ... The Bastard of Istanbul: Summary and book reviews of The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak.
  • Here was the situation, as I recounted it to myself: somehow, I was trapped in some unearthly dimension where Baltimore, actor Emilio Estevez, and myself had somehow collided in a big cartoon scrum complete with onomatopoeias and clouds of dust. I'm Not Emilio Estevez
  • In the ensuing sea chase, the trawler collided with another French fishing boat, tried to ram HMS Alderney, and eventually hit the warship while cutting across her bows.
  • The cyclist collided with the car and needed hospital treatment for fractured ribs and cuts and grazes before being allowed home.
  • Science poses the question, "What are you going to believe: the dreams and fantasies of ancient mystics or your eyes, ears, telescopes, magnetic resonance imaging, hadron colliders, and above all, reason and rigorous questioning of all extraordinary claims? Victor Stenger: The Folly of Faith
  • Only now are we entering a new stage, ‘trans-gravity’, when the complex systems developed by earthbound architects and the ambitions of government agencies and scientists will all collide in a cloud of dazzling futurism.
  • Your dream may have collided head-on with a roadblock. Christianity Today
  • The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
  • Hardee's men collided with Federal skirmishers before daylight, and the Confederates soon struck three Union divisions without fieldworks under Brig.
  • The incident occurred when an articulated lorry collided with the back of a blue Volvo estate.
  • And tonight might be Planet Earth's last hurrah, that is if anything goes wrong with the launch of CERN's Large Hadron Collider. NewTeeVee
  • The driver of a 2009 T-Rex three wheeler superbike apparently lost control and collided with a 1991 Isuzu Rodeo in the fire lane of the bridge, police said. New York Area Crime Blotter
  • A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a one-two punch to the magnetic field.
  • Try saying stuff like "astaxanthin" or "Large Hadron Collider" in Chinese, it's just way above our heads. Antenna
  • When the personal collides with the political, someone is bound to get panned.
  • The car collided with the front offside of the lorry after crossing the centre of the road, possibly to overtake.
  • Ah... everyone would be forgotten, even Goethe, if the earth should chance to collide with a comet.
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four seismic forces will soon collide to test the president's true political acumen.
  • The vehicle skidded and collided with the interstate guard rail.
  • They were held after a police car collided with a stolen vehicle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two catwalk trends - ladylike and pastel - collide to provide the saccharine effect you see here. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Quiet American is a thoughtful film about what ensues when cynicism, both personal and political, collide with idealism.
  • The worlds of hip-hop and ambient overlap more often than they collide, which is why Subtle is so welcome. Disquiet » Two Latter Day Trip-Hop MP3s
  • Like amoebas, the hotel chains expand until they collide and fight with neighboring rivals.
  • Quietly, ever so quietly, I watched two worlds briefly collide before one exited into the sunlight and the other stayed behind in the dim twilight.
  • She collided with the corner of it, causing an almighty bang as it juddered across the lino, and probably scaring the life out of those in the other room.
  • The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
  • He was daydreaming about them combing the market for horses when he collided with someone.
  • Be thankful for all your airbags when you collide with one of these. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 11:16 AM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • These have led to some perilous moments, especially when the public's unmannerly curiosity about the nitty-gritty collides with radio phone-ins.
  • I had a glimpse of four or five cars collided into one another, and a gathering of forty or fifty people.
  • And what I found to be interesting and I forgot about this, because I hadn't really been following this the last six or 12 months, that Puerto Rican trench, which is pretty much where the ocean floor just drops off because these two plates collide and subduct goes down over 25,000 feet. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • I nearly winced as my fist collided with a heavy hand, blocking it from impacting his face.
  • The answer to your question is, thus, clearly yes: matter would be created when antimatter particles collide at high energy.
  • As Robinson went to kick the ball, he collided with King and the ball squirted free.
  • A little before midnight on 14 April the Titanic, which was considered unsinkable, collided with an iceberg about 650 km south of Newfoundland.
  • When particles of matter and particles of antimatter collide, large amounts of energy are produced as a by-product.
  • Where those two worlds collide will be magical. Times, Sunday Times
  • High-speed protons - the direction of the firing is here more important than the speed setting - are allowed to collide with a motionless target area of beryllium. Press Release: The 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Dr. Yusuf Makama said Friday that a truck collided with a 16-seat minibus Thursday evening along a highway in Jigawa state and injured four others. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • In multicomponent DM scenarios, a dark force would preclude large shifts in the rate for Higgs decay to two photons associated with DM-multiplet loops that might otherwise lead to measurable deviations at the LHC or a future linear collider. Dark Forces Revisited
  • The Lake Erie's radar system tracked the dummy warhead and guided the interceptor to collide with it more than 100 miles above the ocean.
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • This requires that the machine be placed on a surface such that the tray is not constantly collided with by passers by.
  • While the characters and other objects float and collide, our vantage point swoops around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • A car and a van collided on the motorway.
  • On any given afternoon, unstable breezes and moisture ratchet up cumulonimbus clouds in a whirlwind of updrafts and downdrafts that cause particles of rain, ice, and snow to collide.
  • The flanks of the two animals collided together and Adam heard leather ripping, just as a shaft of pain ran up his leg.
  • He braked but the vehicle would not stop and they collided with the wall.
  • Fourth, as the gas particles collide with each other or with the wall of a container, their collisions are perfectly elastic.
  • Investigations are continuing to discover how the two cars came to collide at the Great Stainton crossroads on the narrow road.
  • In a separate accident two women were fighting for their lives in hospital after their car collided with another vehicle in a head-on smash in Rochdale.
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jets contain relativistic winds that interact and collide, creating shock waves and emitting high-energy X-rays and gamma rays.
  • Regrettably, the American superconducting supercollider project was cancelled, but a European accelerator called the large hadron collider will begin operating at a lab in Geneva, Switzerland (called CERN) around 2005.
  • Dragged backward by the buckle, Jimmy bleeds some air into his dry suit but then finds himself too buoyant so that he ascends and collides with the ice above.
  • All this time Id been anticipating Id die f! rom something interesting, similar to a black hole caused by a Hadron Collider, or a little waggish accident involving super-heated marshmallow goo as good as inter-dimensional gods. Archive 2009-12-01
  • LUSAKA: At least 31 people died and dozens were seriously injured when two passenger trains collided in the southern Zambian town of Kalomo, 400 kilometres (250 miles) from Lusaka, police said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These worlds collide with a beauty pageant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our heads almost collided: he was going to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flight from Joplin turns into a shouting match between Bonnie and Blanche, as moll and preacher's daughter collide.
  • A new method has been developed to directly and precisely measure a quantum property of individual atoms -- the phase shifts that result when they collide at ultracold temperatures -- in a way that is independent of the accuracy-limiting density of the atoms. The Game of Rat and Penguin
  • The Texan then entered a spin, descended rapidly and collided with the ground.
  • Bella was still smiling when another jogger collided into her with a force that definitely threw her to the side.
  • Particle physics might make it “easy” to do these tests, if you think waiting three decades to build a suitable collider is easy, but the principle holds for AGW theory as well. Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 5:04 PM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • As her daughter tripped on a mop and dropped a box of glass dishes, the burnt end of that fuse collided with the gunpowder.
  • A few of them, e. g., to collide and to feaze, were archaic English terms brought to new birth; a few others, e. g., to holler21 and to muss, were obviously mere corruptions. Chapter 3. The Period of Growth. 3. The Expanding Vocabulary
  • When scientific probabilities collide with the political need for certainties, the results are always clumsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The car veered onto the wrong side of the road and collided with an oncoming truck.
  • Here, the nostalgic and the brashly new constantly collide, yet there will always be plastic bowler hats and candyfloss on sale as well as somewhere to have your fortune told. Mass Photography: Blackpool Through the Camera – review
  • For no apparent reason he had collided with a car coming in the opposite direction, killing the other driver instantly.
  • The driver of the lorry that collided with their bus while on the wrong side of the road is still at large. Times, Sunday Times
  • Different dance worlds collide at Tangente's Majors series this weekend.
  • He collided with a pine tree near the North Gate.
  • The warm humid air collided with a rush of cold air causing the thunder to slither through.
  • At this point, her story collided with the vagaries of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the bus turned the corner, it collided with a van.
  • It has a longstanding rep as a place where countercultural creativity and characteristically Texan over-the-topness collide.
  • 80s movies aside, the truth is that when jocks and nerds collide the jocks pretty much almost always win.
  • She was filming promo links when she stood up and collided with the light. The Sun
  • The force-carrying particle then collides with another matter particle and is absorbed.
  • Birth and death, however, collide in a remarkable way in a number of tombs in the Greek world in which a woman is found inhumed or cremated together with a fetus or neonate.
  • Wallace collided with three other bikes at Wheeler's Corner at the Dundrod Circuit in Co Antrim.
  • His close control is marginally functional, unimpeachable, without being flashy and he has the ability to almost collide with an opponent before ghosting past him.
  • An electron would be ejected because one of these quanta had collided with it and given up all its energy.
  • The vehicle skidded and collided with the interstate guard rail.
  • When the highly energized particles collide with atmospheric gases.
  • The colliding Antenna Galaxies, a hyperkinetic smashup in space, may approximate what will happen when the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 2.5 billion years.
  • And those facts, combined with my own observations of the real world, always collided with my carefully constructed Marxist dreamworld.
  • This summer, the two worlds collided. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had tried to straighten up, but over-steered, which led him to lose control and collide with the tree on the other side of the road.
  • The cars collided with a loud smash.
  • During a routine docking maneuver to resupply, we collided with a cargo ship.
  • Water particles move freely in the ocean, coming and going in all directions, bobbing up and down on the sea surface; some water particles collide with the sea surface and some blend in, just like the interflow of various opinions. More from Al Jazeera’s 2009/2010 Rebrand « Art & Business of Motion
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where those two worlds collide will be magical. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are now entering the third millennium and we are about to collide with a post-modern, post-Christian world.
  • GAME NOTES: Two team still very much in the hunt for the Big Ten title collide in East Lansing today, as the 11th-ranked Michigan State Spartans play host to the ninth-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. The News Tribune Blogs
  • The government collided with Parliament over its industrial plans.
  • Then France, driving an articulated lorry and trailer, ploughed into the rear of the van, then collided with the parked Range Rover.
  • Police said the car jumped a red light and collided with a white van before crashing into the bridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The co-driver of the train which collided with a derailed train said the sooner the inquest happened the better.
  • Usually, it's not humans who lose when watercraft and manatees collide.
  • Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.
  • Fierce narrative inventions combine and collide with stylistic panache.
  • The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other.
  • Evgeni Malkin collided with Kimmo Timonen while carrying the puck into the neutral zone and lost control, but Sidney Crosby scooped it up on the fly and found Malone open at the edge of the net. - Hockey - Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh
  • Events such as the Shrovetide football match in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, where both the upper and lower halves of the town collide en masse around a ball, or the ancient sport of dwile flonking from the Norfolk/Suffolk area, which is half-custom/half-drinking game and was recently banned under health and safety regulations. This week's new DVD & Blu-ray
  • The pair had decided to explore the north of Tenerife and were rounding a bend when they collided with the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember when I first arrived here, seeing two drivers - whose automobiles had just collided - bowing deeply to each other at the roadside over the unpardonable offence each had just committed against the other.
  • America's premier high-energy physics machine -- Fermilab's tevatron -- will shut down this year, abandoning the search for the Higgs boson to the European Large Hadron Collider. Seth Shostak: America's "Can't Do" Attitude
  • AT least 22 people were killed and dozens injured when two commuter trains collided head-on. The Sun
  • If you want the musical version of what the Large Hadron collider is doing check this YouTube video: Large Hadron rap. Web Teacher › The Most Interesting Science and Technology News of 2008
  • The Large Hadron Collider accelerates protons to an energy of 7000 GeV, which is pretty impressive. Is That a Particle Accelerator in Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
  • There was a faint twang, followed by a quiet whiz, as a crossbow bolt flew through the air and collided with a thump into the side of the vent.
  • Six months is too long for two massive egos like these not to collide. The Sun
  • As fashion designers grow ever more self-important and artists continue to desert clay and easel in favour of 'craftier' media, it was inevitable that the two worlds should collide. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Your dream may have collided head-on with a roadblock. Christianity Today
  • But the universities attracted the learned and the curious: dogma collided with curiosity.
  • It may also surprise you to learn that the closing speed at which aircraft collide is typically relatively slow.
  • At the edge where the 2 tumors collided, nests of invasive carcinoma were intermixed with sheets of lymphoma cells.
  • The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.
  • His motorbike is believed to have collided with the rear of two cars that had slowed so a third could turn into a farm.
  • He unwittingly collides with the toughest star player on the opposing team and is knocked unconscious, along with his gigantic opponent.
  • A youth was killed when a passenger train collided with his car on a level crossing in East Yorkshire last night.
  • This time it not only slid out into the room, but it also tilted sharply and bounced the officer off in such a way that he collided with the corner of Clifton's desk and gashed his head open.
  • In addition, most aerosols collide and combine with other particles long before reaching the size of a cloud condensation nucleus-a process called "coagulation. Ars Technica
  • The finesse of his shaping of its bittersweet nostalgia collided with constant extreme changes of tempo and direction, making its emotional fragility palpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bows of the longboat collided with the dock, causing the little boats to pitch and sway in a haphazard fashion.
  • It was when cheap sound cards and computers hit Australia, and collided smack bang with a dance music industry on the upswing, that the revolution really began.
  • A beam of light collided with the deck and exploded outward in a dome shape.
  • The 55-year-old suffered bleeding on the brain when he collided with a car last week. The Sun

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