How To Use Colleen In A Sentence
He told Dublin relief workers to round up 700 poor gossoons and colleens.
If I ever decide to sell this stuff, Colleen is going to be the spokesmodel!
Mark caught the ball and pocketed it, and then looked at Colleen.
A great shout went up from the crowd as they saw this, and both combatants ceased firing, and, after having given the soldiers a drink, they came back amidst the cheers of soldiers, crowd, and Sinn Feiners alike, and they are now known as the bravest colleens in Ireland -- God bless them!
Six days of the Irish Republic A Narrative and Critical Account of the Latest Phase of Irish Politics
Student Exchange Coordinator Colleen Virtue said the students are billeted locally and are all very keen to be introduced to Australian culture during their week long visit to the Northern Rivers.

The colleen is a high school junior picked for her scholastic and community activities. Featured Story
Alex was their older brother, who was in his junior year in College, a whole four years older than Colleen.
Sally McCullough and Marie Murphy nudged the Slaney in front, but two games later the Collins' colleens were back on level terms, Brenda Deegan and Jackie McMullan producing the winning arrows.
15: 12 @Colleen_Lindsay So my quintet of 600,000 word interlocked novels is right out, eh?
Tweets I have known
The photo is Colleen with an elk calf that they captured and "collared" as part of an ongoing survival study.
Q&A, Colleen Shannon, Pa Land Management Officer
Write to Colleen DeBaise at
Rising to the Occasion With a Bakery Chain
I had told her all about the horrid way he spoke to us innocent students, the way he punished Colleen with eight detentions, the way he hit people with the ruler when they gave the wrong answer.
CHARLESTON - Jimmy Peterlich is one of the most personable kids you could ever want to meet, said his parents, Brian and Colleen Peterlich of Charleston.
Colleen sees this process as having an affinity with the custom of using kokowai (a baked and ground red clay mixed with oil) in ancient rituals.
Presently, out of the crowd of frightened people sprang a "colleen" of about twelve years, as thinly and scantily clad as is consistent with that decency and modesty for which Irishwomen of the poorer classes are so justly celebrated.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
They can be reached at , and .
She got really offended by the suggestion, " Colleen said.
It's the day of the murder-mystery fundraising event and Colleen's all in a dither.
In fact, Colleen may say she wants to go back to school, but I say give the girl a sitcom or an MTV show to host, post haste!
Remix of the Addams Family Theme by Pitbull; score by Danny Elfman, costumes by Colleen Atwood, blerg-de-bler-de-bler.
Tim Burton To Bring Us New Addams Family Film in 3D Stop Motion Animation (UPDATED) | /Film
A.cording to police, 55-year-old Barbara A. Kraushaar drove through three downtown stoplights at high speed and crashed into another vehicle, killing its driver, Colleen Trousdale.
Toyota Woes Put Focus on Black Box
Colleen Abdoulah, a former cable executive running an "overbuilder," WideOpenWest, testified in the House that program - access complaints now can take years before they are acted on, amounting to "a right without a remedy.
BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news
I had to wake up another pcv, colleen, and get her into my email account to write my father an email explaining my dilemma.
Archive 2009-05-01
A tireless worker all her life, she is a brave colleen and she shows what a woman can do when she puts her mind to it.
Izzy was the product of a lesbian divorce," Colleen says of a white-faced capuchin monkey named Isadora.
Can a Howard woman keep a bunch of monkeys in her house?
Colleen, on the other hand, hunching like a sloth, wearily dragged herself up after them, continuing to bite her hangnails.
I was: from any doubts as to which I was speedily relieved by the entrance of the priest's bare-footed "colleen," to deposit on my table a bottle of soda water, and announce breakfast, with his reverence's compliments.
The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 1
Its most interesting aspect concerns the fate of the lovely colleen, called ‘Kitty.’
After Colleen claims that Joy tried to sabotage her chances of winning, the meeting turns into bedlam (much to everyone's amusement).
But the story is enlivened by photographs, Evon Zerbetz's striking linocut illustrations, and excerpts from the Marzluffs' journals, which add a certain immediacy to recollections now more two decades old: "We hear the deck and even the trees popping, like shots from a rifle, especially when the temperature drops below 0° F," Colleen writes.
Coming of Age as a Bird of Prey
He looks pretty good ... if totally zonked and both Colleen and I were incredibly happy to have this procedure over.
Graham James: Harry Eyeball
Colleen was standing near the door, smiling strangely, trying to pop the cork on a bottle of Merlot.
Google the International Reading Association. colleen k
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In another situation we encountered a young woman, Colleen, who was experiencing anxiety during her thirty-second week of pregnancy.
It is ironic that what O'Casey was satirising in some of his later plays, the dancing colleens at the crossroads blessed by big bellied bishops, is what, in effect, is celebrated in that father of all cash cows Riverdance.
My darling, light of my eyes, colleen asthore, acushla machree!" said the Squire.
Light O' the Morning
Love Bites features three vignettes per episode that follow tattoo artist Judd (Grunberg) and wife Colleen (Constance Zimmer), single New Yorker Annie (Becki Newton) and then a different guest-star each week.
VIDEO: Love Bites Star Greg Grunberg Explains What an "Eye-Gasm" Is
While Colleen was cooing over his attempts at flowery language, I saw Madison lean over to him.
A curse on it, acushla, an 'a promise av death that only two shtrong men can save you from -- an' McTee is shtrong -- so I've put away desire av killin 'him till we get you safe an' sound to the shore, colleen, acushla; but ye must trust in us, an 'follow us as ye love your life an' as I love ye!
I didn't answer her, just kept scrubbing the toilet clean while Colleen trickled Visine into her eyes.
Translated from French by Colleen Creegan, Kiva Volunteer jeune homme homme de 45 ans celibataire et pere de 3 enfants allant de 15 ans a 5 ans, a commence cette activite depuis 10 ans avec un seul carton de viande arriere; aujourd'hui il vend 12 a 13 cartons par semaines de differents produits de sa boucherie, il a recette journaliere de 50.000f a 70.000f par jour.
Kiva Loans
Just before the game a lovely colleen read the news headlines.
Tagged: art and design · charity · colleen doran · ebay
Colleen Doran, other celebrities contribute doodles for charity | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Makeup went to "The Wolfman, " and costume design went to Colleen Atwood for "Alice in Wonderland.
He also said, in connection with having a civilian heading up the Defense Ministry, that this is a step in what he called the demilitarization of society -- Colleen.
CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Putin Makes First Changes to Cabinet - March 28, 2001
Adding to the proceedings the tale of the antiseptic marriage of Peter (Jeff Allin) and Ann (Colleen Delany) does lay the groundwork for some intriguing parallels: Peter is a smugly self-sufficient target for both Ann and Jerry (James McMenamin), who share a restless disdain for the status quo - and a potential to explode.
'At Home at the Zoo' expands Albee's classic one-act play
We just don't have the answer to when is the right time to transfuse the patient or how low can you go with that hemoglobin," said Colleen Koch, cardiac surgery anesthesiologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
An Overused Step in Heart Surgery
One thing I did to try to better understand Colleen's back pain from bending is that one day I prepared food using the seat of a stool as my work surface.
Colleen-i-fication and progress on high design
I looked to Colleen then darted my eyes to her left, where Lori would have generally stood.
Renewed interest was kickstarted around 1994 with the introduction of new disease resistant Irish potatoes such as Colleen, a firm, floury potato.
Before Colleen shipped out, they had achieved a sense of balance, something to maintain the shape of their marriage, as unfulfilling as it often was.
Saks Senior Fashion Director Colleen Sherin said she was calling the sportswear trend "urban sport.
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