How To Use Collected In A Sentence

  • The situation reminds of other art items like netsuke or tsuba in the 50s when these items where collected only by a small minority.
  • Rain flowing from the roof is collected in an underground cistern and reused.
  • Information is relayed, where available, on where and how the objects were collected.
  • To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.
  • At a recent function in the village's memorial hall, the residents presented her with a bouquet of flowers and £910 that had been collected in the community.
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  • Pollen is dust gathered by bees from stamens and collected from the hives as tiny pellets.
  • The pictures were collected after the staff wrote to a number of celebrities asking for donations.
  • All recycling will be collected from the kerbside, so there will be no excuse whatsoever for people who claim that recycling is too much effort.
  • To date, more than 20 specimens of D. australis have been collected at this locality, all within galleries and with dislocated plastrons.
  • The numismatics gallery has coins collected from as many as 60 countries.
  • To have shown it to her husband would have been her first impulse; but, besides that he was absent from home, and the matter too delicate to be the subject of correspondence by an indifferent penwoman, Mrs. Butler recollected that he was not possessed of the information necessary to form a judgment upon the occasion; and that, adhering to the rule which she had considered as most advisable, she had best transmit the information immediately to her sister, and leave her to adjust with her husband the mode in which they should avail themselves of it. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Once you've collected a hundred or so caddises then you've got enough to go fishing with - and you can often get ten caddis grubs off a single stone.
  • All stray sheep were collected in the pinfold until the owners came to collect them.
  • We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
  • Periodically, bark and litter samples from each site were collected, moist chambered in the manner described by Gilbert and Martin, and examined closely for plasmodia and fruiting bodies for a three week period.
  • Data was collected prenatally and at the first four birthdays until the children were 6 and 7 years old, when they underwent a clinical evaluation by a board-certified allergist.
  • One night, after sampling a strange concoction made from the rose petals collected from Croxleys Wood, Geoff encounters the beautiful Rosemary.
  • Dressed in a leopard print hijab she collected belongings and her cat. The Sun
  • It's not my or any working man's fault that the tax collected has been frittered away on other things. The Sun
  • Where the horizontal elements of the paneling collected the most smalt, there is an almost neon glow to the blue.
  • The rich Hettangian ammonite fauna first collected and recognized by Muller has been monographed by Guex.
  • Had A.C. M. recollected that tobacco (_Nicotiana_) is an American plant, he would hardly have asked whether "_tobacco_ is the word in the original" of the tradition mentioned by Sale in his _Preliminary Discourse_, § 5.p. 123. (4to. ed. Notes and Queries, Number 77, April 19, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • This does not reflect well on the sedate, calm and collected gentleman that I hallucinated myself to be.
  • On the outside of the diestock the ultimately leaving liquid can be collected by suitable means, not shown.
  • All that is left is a grim arena where matter is collected by scavengers and transformed into useful merchandise.
  • The foundation will use the collected money to pay salaries, social contributions and compensations to employees upon the sale.
  • This has some important potential benefit, but the ways in which data is collected and used are evolving rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He told it, stringing it out while the three spread their blankets and collected a pile of firewood for the night. A Plague of Angels
  • He found the blood vessels in her arm had hemorrhaged, and blood had collected around her median nerve, causing severe and permanent injury to her arm.
  • He also collected a silver medal in the 50m freestyle in which he was pipped at the post for the gold by a very slim 0.04 of a second margin in another PB swim.
  • There were ten functional stamens in each flower collected.
  • he collected the rent
  • It soon emerged that neither the July nor August mortgage repayment had been collected.
  • -- "By the way, I received from Dr. Torrey a curious mixture of petrosilex and prehnite in radiating crystals, which was sent him by you, and collected at the West. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • Mature fruits were collected manually from the ground and the fibrous pericarps were removed using a mechanical dehusker immediately following harvest.
  • Fortunately we have completed all of the suit study trials, have collected a bunch of rock samples for the microfossil and extremophile studies, and have finished work on the telescope, so we are in good shape, but there's still plenty of data analysis to do on those projects and lots of GPS tracking and geotagging yet to do. Reminder: Paul's and Laksen's blogs
  • The Curé would follow the Queen as she collected this small tax for her poor people, a levy which often totaled as much as much as one hundred 'louis' and never less than fifty. Almsgiving of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette
  • His efforts, the Duke recollected many years later,(Sentence dictionary) were distinctly half-hearted.
  • recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has raised a number of questions about the long term patency of endoscopically harvested saphenous veins that are collected and used for coronary artery bypass grafts. Medgadget
  • Look at the collected works of Sandra Bullock for your proof.
  • Then with a simple office slide projector and my laptop, I used a pre-edit I have a tape with that kind of images collected over the years to lighten the sculpture. No Fat Clips!!! :
  • Banks, thrifts, and credit unions collected a record $37.8 billion in service charges last year.
  • Among these herbaceous plants we find at intervals the Avicennia tomentosa, the Scoparia dulcis, a frutescent mimosa with very irritable leaves, * and particularly cassias, the number of which is so great in South America, that we collected, in our travels, more than thirty new species. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • With Miami ahead by four and less than two minutes remaining in overtime, Evans knocked the ball loose from one Miami ball-handler, went and stole the ball from the Miami player who collected the loose ball and then jetted downcourt for a transition lay-up. Miami 70, Virginia 68: Three up, three down
  • There were lambs to stroke and eggs to be collected from the chicken coop. The Sun
  • This enables the gas to be released and collected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Editions of his collected works were published in 1889 and 1915; an edition of his letters followed in 1933.
  • I have every kind of backpacking, and car camping stove available, as well as car camp tents, backpacking tents - just imagine that I've collected an incredible amount of gear for both over the years. Silly newbie w/passport & transport needs camping companion
  • A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.
  • We collected excellent crystals of tetrahedrite to 5 mm scattered on drusy quartz from a zone in the siliceous envelope of the orebody.
  • In a precious reliquary is preserved a lacrimatory in which, according to a pious legend, Nicodemus collected some drops of the Blood of Christ. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Pupils who collected the most garbage bags were due to get prizes like beach balls, crayons and colouring books.
  • Two kernels per spike were collected for determination of dry weight and moisture content.
  • These were used for storing shellfish after they had been collected from nearby saltmarsh creeks and before they were taken to markets.
  • That's just one apocryphal Bergman factoid (Webster's dates "dramaturg" back to 1870) that theater producer Andrew Higgie has collected over the half dozen years it has taken him to get the filmmaker's "Through a Glass Darkly" screenplay up and running as a stage play at London's
  • Amalia was normally a very collected individual.
  • We also simulated seed passage through the avian gut by soaking freshly collected 1997-98 unhandled seeds in concentrated hydrochloric acid for 40 minutes and rubbing the aril off with cloth.
  • They also collected thousands of skulls and bones, attempting to address basic questions about race. Smithsonian Mag
  • A number of the specimens collected were attacked by a parasitic mucor of the genus _Spinellus_. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Mehmet II, who collected Christian relics and occasionally watched a Christian service, even revived the Oecumenical patriarchate, the senior see of Orthodox Christianity.
  • The multitude of wounds he'd collected on his way up were nothing beside his newest. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • It will see standard grey household waste bins being emptied fortnightly instead of weekly, while new green wheeled bins for garden waste are collected on alternate weeks from 60,000 homes in the city.
  • The money collected fell short of the amount required.
  • In this manner the shrimp are easily collected and can be shaken into the aquarium and water obtained for the next hatching.
  • Librettos were also, however, published as part of a poet's collected works, in well-printed and handsomely bound editions.
  • However her supporters had some anxious moments before they collected their winnings.
  • It was yellowish-brown, and it collected in the flutes of the column.
  • The paper is mainly about digital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms .
  • Moments later, after he collected himself, he added: ‘I wasn't aware I was causing that much trouble.
  • These are the most exciting data I've ever collected, " Carnegie Mellon psychologist Jennifer Lerner told a gathering of science writers here last month.
  • The sculpture was created from technology waste collected from Chinese scrapyards.
  • He has collected, used and written about wooden planes and their makers for more than twenty years.
  • Standing before those who had come to read out their poems, she recollected images about poetry reading sessions.
  • Another option for 'take along' tinder is the lint collected from the dryer after a load of towels BUT it should be kept bone dry in a 35mm film cannister. Build A Survival Fire With Condoms and Underwear
  • The rents that are collected are presently insufficient to cover these costs as well as other overheads.
  • In this way an amount of roughly two thousand five hundred rupees every month can be easily collected with little effort.
  • Cardboard collected from local companies is shredded and used for animal bedding on the farm and turned into compost.
  • The angels said, "Who does not know that the delights of conjugial love exceed those of all other loves? and who cannot see, that into some love are collected all the blessednesses, satisfactions, and delights, which can possibly be conferred by the Lord, and that the receptacle thereof is love truly conjugial, which is capable of receiving and perceiving them fully and sensibly? The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • That first instalment sealed the deal for me, but in reading the collected editions, I realise just how quickly Hewlett and Martin grew as creators.
  • It's not my or any working man's fault that the tax collected has been frittered away on other things. The Sun
  • A crowd had already collected outside the embassy gates.
  • So far she has collected bin bags full of rubbish, including engine oil and rat poison containers, bags of used disposable nappies and dog mess.
  • Why, the old Peer, pox of his tough constitution, (for that malady would have helped him on,) has made shift by fire and brimstone, and the devil knows what, to force the gout to quit the counterscarp of his stomach, just as it had collected all its strength, in order to storm the citadel of his heart. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The steam then extracts the aromatic oils (volatile oils) and the distillate is collected.
  • The work room collected a troop to have on one's person the excellent craftsmanship warm - hearted volunteer.
  • Prentiss, in Science, October 3, 1890, has collected numerous instances of sudden canities, several of which will be given: -- Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In particular, the way tourism data is collected almost certainly underestimates two important elements of sports tourism, as follows.
  • The prize should be collected by the person who most exemplifies the ideals of European co-operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assumptions that our estimates of the proportion of eyries associated with geese and the proportion of geese that nested with falcons are unbiased can be confirmed only by data collected from other areas.
  • The Frue vanner is an endless indiarubber band drawn over an inclined table, to which a revolving and side motion is given by ingenious automatic mechanism, the pulp being automatically fed from the upper end, and the concentrates collected in a trough containing water in which the band is immersed in its passage under the table; the lighter particles wash over the lower end. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • When they considered we had collected enough we would swap our woollies for the potatoes.
  • Many media articles that I collected during my fieldwork used the same enticement of spectacle.
  • Fredrik Modin collided with Senators defenseman Chris Phillips at the blue line and Martin St. Louis collected the puck off the hit. National Hockey League - Lightning vs. Senators
  • The group said it had collected 3,000 signatures on a petition calling for the hunter's licence to be revoked. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was also a moneylender who collected sizeable interest with little or no collateral.
  • He exploited the economic benefits of guano, a bird dung collected from islands off the coast of Peru and sold to Europe for fertilizer, as well as desert deposits of sodium nitrate, which was used to make munitions and fertilizer.
  • Vidal and Hedges collected and analyzed the largest genetic data set ever assembled for the scaly reptiles known as squamates.
  • The collected herbs were sent to drug companies, which made them into botanic drugs.
  • He collected on the damage to his house.
  • The spirit that was dissipated after a thousand vanities is now collected and made to centre in God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Specimens collected during invasive speculum examination have long been necessary for the conventional laboratory diagnosis of vaginal discharge diseases.
  • Just at that moment, Dixie came over and collected our empties.
  • One thing we can all be sure is being collected, part of the village or not, is our council tax each month.
  • Human cytotrophoblast cells were collected from the placentas and cultured. Signs of the Times
  • He wore hessian tunics and collected replica maces and battleaxes.
  • A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
  • Garden waste is rotting outside homes because it hasn't been collected for a month.
  • In the midst of crowded environment, his mind is collected and undistracted.
  • It contains a massive array of war relics, collected from all round the world down the years, including authentic uniforms modelled by specially-made dummies in authentic uniforms.
  • You must form all conclusions and all maxims for yourselves, from premises and data collected and considered by yourself.
  • Blood sample for HIV serology and two sputum specimens were collected from each patient.
  • This bonds to the CO2 to form droplets of sodium carbonate, which is collected at the bottom of the towers and passed onto subsequent stages that separate and collect the CO2. Could CO2 be the green fuel powering tomorrow's cars?
  • Martin recollected his blank-verse tragedy, and sent it instead. Chapter 43
  • The supernatant was collected and the sediment suspended in a double volume of water, acidified and centrifuged.
  • He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.
  • We collected dry twigs to start the fire.
  • With enough blood collected a young warrior caked the wound with fresh dung and the animal was released to totter away on unsteady legs but otherwise unharmed.
  • From the late 14th century until the early 16th century woolmen based in Northleach collected the wool from Turkdean for sale to London merchants and the agents of European wool buyers whose appreciation of the quality of Cotswold wool percolated into significantly increased prosperity for the Northleach merchants and the sheep-based farmers of the surrounding parishes.
  • We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes .
  • As the official photographer for Vanity Fair's Oscar shindig for roughly a decade, Fink has made Hollywood parties look as fatiguing as they are fabulous, and his aweless impressions are now collected in "The Vanities" Schirmer/Mosel, $68. NYT > Home Page
  • These are then fired in kilns and collected or posted out the following day.
  • The volume of gifts collected to date has far exceeded anyone's expectations.
  • It had been put there by Roman collectors, to them already up to 600 years old, then re-collected by a rich Dane 2,000 years later.
  • Gases produced in the reaction pass through this tube and can then be collected.
  • Most of the money collected by customs comes from import duties on mineral fuels, petrol, gas, machinery, equipment and automobiles.
  • The dehydrogenation and selective hydrogenation reactors were run continuously and the product collected.
  • This product will allow consumer data to be collected in an environment people are comfortable in - their own homes.
  • Yet proverbs were objects of curiosity, collected on an encyclopedic scale by Italian virtuosi as well as other European scholars throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
  • I have collected them and will begin rigging a trap for Dr. Alfieri and his colleagues. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Rift | Station151
  • Demographic and health data were also collected on pretested study forms by trained female research staff.
  • The fund consists of annual member assessments, money collected by subrogation from the defalcating lawyers and interest on the invested monies.
  • In accordance with the testing items and technologic al data of conditioned weight of nylon 66 precusor, substantial raw data were collected and some concerning researches were made.
  • Seth's latest work is the in-progress series Clyde Fans, a collected volume of which has just been released by Drawn and Quarterly.
  • Ground stations can downlink or uplink information collected on the other side of the globe nearly instantaneously.
  • She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer.
  • Hounds were fed horseflesh and collected on hunt days with the sound of a horn in the street.
  • Patients were hemodynamically monitored with data collected at baseline and at 15-20 minute intervals during the plateau phase.
  • My palms started to feel clammy as beads of sweat collected on my forehead.
  • For the rest of his long, innovative and hugely prolific career, he drew inspiration from the comics, novelties, magazines, toys and cheap novelettes collected over the years with magpie insatiability.
  • Liquid and solid waste is collected in the tank.
  • In centuries past, graves would be exhumed, and any bones remaining would be collected and buried deeper down, thereby allowing fresh graves on top.
  • In the north region, inspectors rescued 2,456 animals and collected a further 35,001 that were unwanted or abandoned.
  • These taxes were collected in coin from the burghs and fresh coin was minted 3 times a year in 60 royal mints arranged throughout the country.
  • When some one died, the administrator collected all assets of the deceased and paid his outstanding debts.
  • The different juices - the auto-pressing, the cuvée and the taille - are then collected and poured into either oak or cement measuring vats called 'belons'.
  • Householders will have their waste glass, paper and cans collected fortnightly, alongside usual refuse collections.
  • The dustmen haven't collected the rubbish yet.
  • Tests on nine dead swans collected around the country at the weekend were negative. Times, Sunday Times
  • They gave wheat, barley and mustard at the time of the rabi and at the time of kharif, rice, pulses, beans, salt and chillies were collected.
  • Plant propagation material is collected from the wild in order to establish and maintain the botanic gardens (which seek to replicate the main habitats of the entire region - from sandhills to woodlands).
  • Canham looked at least a couple of yards offside as he collected the ball on the edge of the Morecambe penalty area.
  • As demand begins to exceed supply of waste collected through disposal systems, the price will rise, thereby making it worthwhile to provide incentives for the disposal of stored durables.
  • He said that recognising that this might be part of an ancient human, he had continued to dig at the site and collected more pieces of skull.
  • Other important data is collected, such as when the first eggs appear, date of the first hatch, and when the brood "fledges", or leaves the nest boxes as self-supporting individuals. Undefined
  • She was wonderful with animals and impossibly tenderhearted; every year she collected a menagerie of injured or abandoned creatures. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • For when the spirit, or moisture turned to spirit, has escaped from some porous body (as wood, bone, parchment, and the like), then the grosser parts are with stronger effort drawn and collected together; whence ensues induration or desiccation, which I take to be owing not so much to the motion of connection to prevent a vacuum as to this motion of friendship and union. The New Organon
  • We collected clutches, incubated the eggs, and took blood samples from hatching young.
  • Buy seed from reputable seed companies if particular varieties or species are required as aquilegia hybridise easily and may not grow true from seed collected in the garden.
  • In addition to the rockets, police collected more then 400 mortar rounds, more than 200 recoilless rifle rounds, 150 machine gun rounds, 75 rocket-propelled grenades and four anti-tank mines.
  • He had found several unbroken antique glass insulators which were hot items right now among the cityfolk who collected all sorts of strange things.
  • He has collected a wealth of happy memories since he joined the team at the tender age of 15.
  • Financial meltdown, with that most visible, third world symbol of a municipality in crisis: piles of uncollected rubbish.
  • Before his involvement in the Piltdown excavations, Teilhard was nothing more than a young priest with aspirations in science, who had collected fossils and pre-eminently fossil sea urchins, in Egypt.
  • Catalogues, flyers and brochures can be collected in the service's blue bag, or taken to a recycling site.
  • Museum specimens of Kern River rainbow trout collected in 1893 and 1904 have the same meristic characteristics as specimens of Little Kern River golden trout collected at the same time. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • He said the amount of uncollected income tax in 1991/1992 was around Rp 5.08 trillion, increasing to Rp 31.08 trillion in 1999 / 2000.
  • The city aims to double the amount of rubbish people take to recycling bins and increase the amount collected from the kerbside by nearly 10 times.
  • While information about people's genetic predispositions is collected much less often than other medical information, its collection is on the rise.
  • I saw traces only of one living animal in abundance, namely, the shells of a Bulimus, which were collected together in extraordinary numbers on the driest spots. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Police are now on the trail of the elusive Mr X, who they believe has just collected a large consignment of the drug.
  • they collected blood scrapings for analysis
  • Sammy also collected a 50 freestyle bronze with 31.44-a personal best along with her 43.95 in the 50 breaststroke.
  • Like the chemical analysis, the urine must be collected by the midstream or clean catch technique.
  • The "Southern Republic," from her immense size and unusually handsome equipment, was a novelty even to the river people; and each afternoon of her starting, crowds came aboard to bid farewell to friends and roam over the vessel, or collected on the bluffs above to see her swing out to the shrill notes of her "calliope," the best and least discordant on the river. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • Laboratory protocol should include procedures that assure that the correct specimen is collected and that the specimen is correctly labeled.
  • Annual royalties for composers collected in Europe alone total about €600 million.
  • Einar having the control of both; and Thorfinn got his trithing, [6] managing it by his men, who collected his scatt and tolls under Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time or, The Jarls and The Freskyns
  • In my account of this species, I had stated that “its attempts at forming a nest are of the rudest kind, a few bents of grass or other dry materials loosely collected round the edges being deemed a sufficient preparation.”
  • The money collected under tariffs is called duty or customs duty.
  • Chamakh's goal arrived after the French striker collected a delightful Wilshere pass, profited from a lucky bounce, weaved around the Birmingham goalkeeper Ben Foster and finished. Arsène Wenger forced to defend 'dirty' Arsenal against Birmingham
  • The collected Manuscript Remains show Schopenhauer's greatest book in a process of composition over a period of almost ten years.
  • While on sabbatical in 1997, the scientist collected preserved leaves from university and museum collections in Europe and the Americas.
  • Let your imagination roam freely over the facts you have collected.
  • Brian Baer has pleaded guilty to a charge he improperly collected 21-thousand dollars in supplemental pay after telling his bosses in Hamilton County he'd been called to Army Reserve duty in February 2003. Phony Veterans and POW's - Article Index
  • By comparison, 142 native and 25 non-native species were collected by Ahles and not found during the course of this study.
  • The data collected will allow researchers to track the size and number of sandbars and related near-shore habitat.
  • Total recovery of the aqueous phase is difficult to achieve, since some interphase proteins may be collected with the upper layer.
  • Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.
  • The great flooring is made of driftwoods that are collected from the beaches of France. Rustic Design with Modern Lines Sofa
  • Equally, employees who may have underpaid their tax can arrange to have the back tax collected each month via their pay cheque, provided they let the Revenue know by the end of the month.
  • Power is collected through solar voltaic cells, stored on site, and converted for use in the house.
  • They have been grown from acorns collected from the Major Oak. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stopped my horse lately where a great number of people were collected at a vendue of merchant goods.
  • During the commune heydays of the early 1970s, the ranch collected a typically renegade group of cultural misfits.
  • While Woody Guthrie was a rambling, gambling, hard-travelling, hard-drinking guy who collected a handful of wives in his time and whose guitar "killed fascists", his travelling partner, Pete Seeger was a teetotalling Quaker Unitarian pacifist who married a Japanese girl during World War Two and did time briefly for refusing to name names to Joe McCarthy. "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It To Surrender"
  • Hounds were fed horseflesh and collected on hunt days with the sound of a horn in the street.
  • The compound flowers, are of a pale, greenish yellow, collected together in a small oblong head, upon a long slender peduncle, the legumes are large, lunated and slat, placed in a spiral or contorted manner, each containing several hard compressed seed, or little beans. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • When Iceland held the East-West cards they bid to five diamonds where declarer collected 11 tricks. Hope for the ordinary player
  • In England, William Morris translated the Icelandic sagas and Cecil Sharp collected village dances and songs.
  • We collected £700 and every penny went to charity.

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