How To Use Colleague In A Sentence
Some of my remarks here are directed toward conventional scientists, who generally refrain from commenting critically on the wild ideas of a few of their colleagues because it is bad manners.
McCarthy remains dismissive of the allegations and defensive of the former sergeant, saying he was "brutalized" by his colleagues, in particular, by a few senior officers "exerting locker room peer pressure" in the department ranks.
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A man of good humour and a great sense of fun, he enjoyed popularity among his teaching colleagues and pupils, many of whom were present at the removal of remains and burial.
Mulvey also has an insatiable appetite for collaboration, appearing on colleagues' recordings, or just stepping on stage with other artists to try something spontaneous, something unrehearsed.
Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.

His colleagues listened politely to his harangue but ignored him.
He is an honourable person respected and held in esteem by his colleagues.
The reception clerk consulted a colleague.
A colleague's dyslexic son particularly loved it.
Times, Sunday Times
The Waterford publicans, who have signified their intention to defy the ban, are following in the footsteps of their colleagues in Kerry, Cork, Donegal and Wexford.
They don't really need the conversational crutch of football, but they engage to connect with their colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Kristina Durante of The University of Texas at Austin and colleagues found that young women felt more attractive when they had high levels of an estrogen known as estradiol, and they acted on those feelings.
Advertising was forbidden, and the idea that one master guildsman might produce a better product than his colleagues was regarded as treasonable.
The Worldly Philosophers
Windsor and colleagues have referred to these as service demands or wants or as perceived or felt needs.
An Introduction to Community Health
Urban Dictionary definition of "frigging" happened to me today, except it was a work colleague and not Mum.
Despite disagreeing with his colleagues, he has defended their right to speak out.
His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.
Just for the record I would like to clarify something my colleague said earlier.
It was to our disbenefit in a sense," he told his colleagues.
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Friends and colleagues expressed astonishment last night as the news broke.
One State Representative said it was the largest rally he'd ever seen there and made quite an impact among his colleagues.
Is parents' rally in Boston a harbinger of wider protests?
However, his brave deed and the actions of his colleagues is now likely to be recognised both by the Garda authorities and the Irish Safety Council.
The vim seemed to seep out of Dundee at that point, and although they brought on Fabian Caballero with 15 minutes to go, to popular local acclaim, he was no more able to effect the result than his colleagues.
My colleague saw it and cut it out for me.
For a variety of reasons it has become my custom to mention my former colleague in the acknowledgements for my books.
But I suspect Ferguson doesn't care a jot about the opinion of his colleagues.
In the fall of 2003, the authors and several of their colleagues conducted a telephone survey of representatives from a range of institutions offering a major in agronomy or crop science.
Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues.
Friends and work colleagues in the close-knit community of Wentworth have already been a huge comfort, he said.
Despite being shot in the leg, she drove though a hail of bullets before a colleague took her to hospital where doctors are battling to save her limb.
Many respectable scholars flirt with this stage, and some seem to delight in flaunting their embrace of it; their more staid colleagues are usually indulgent.
Did you know that Jews control the Washington Post? [Bumped.] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Three Swindon police officers are preparing to get footsore in memory of a larger than life colleague.
My 31-year-old colleague was sitting just the other side of a partition wall.
The Sun
She first encountered the phenomenon when one of her colleagues from the Top End related the story of a man who was evacuated from an outstation with a deteriorating medical condition.
McNamara was one of several who proved a more than able deputy for an injured colleague.
* occasionally, on colleagues 'computers running Mac OS X; nowadays, touch wood, we see this rarely but past reports include: boots up and the desktop appears but it will not open anything - all i get is the' beachball 'rotating continually.
Discussions: Message List - root
But just think of your colleagues who will have to take the strain.
Times, Sunday Times
Merkel went on television last night to try and limit the political fallout from her colleague's remarks, but she has encountered a barrage of criticism.
But none have needed this much attention, never leaving his side even at work, much to the delight of colleagues.
I remember talking to a former playing colleague of yours at Preston, right-winger Les Campbell.
He is certainly an effective lawyer but colleagues say that he lacks the human touch.
Nor did she realise that a male colleague had given up his leave so she could have hers.
He also expressed his disappointment at the lack of support from his colleagues in academic circles.
Neither time nor space assist the head in reaching colleagues easily or regularly.
Many of my colleagues, truly brilliant accompanists, have a great sense for the singer and I have no idea whether any of them took formal singing lessons.
Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.
The kindness you show to a colleague surprises some people but has a lucky outcome for you.
The Sun
He was bedridden for a week, cutting himself off from friends and colleagues.
The Sun
Sarah Pickin, 23, spotted the ancient piece of "confectionery" during a dig in north-west Finland, but had to check with colleagues whether her hunch was correct or if it was in fact a fossilised piece of animal dung.
Student Finds Neolithic Chewing Gum | Impact Lab
Scores of terror-stricken farmers had abandoned their properties following attacks on several of their colleagues and the death of two.
I took a straw poll among my colleagues to find out how many can use chopsticks.
One of our colleagues has reverted to Islam.
Worried that his ex-colleagues would resent his work with Roman coins, he was fond of stressing that he was not a numismatist.
The New Yorker Stories
The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
Our hard work and patience finally paid off and I would like to thank my colleagues, and the many officers from other constabularies who assisted us.
The succession of blows—the Agency’s decision not to provide us with any security, followed by the horrifying SSCI report and its Additional Views section, then my colleague’s inability or unwillingness to retestify before the SSCI, and the continuing media onslaught—were overwhelming.
Fair Game
Therefore, they resisted what they perceived as American extremes of rationalism and indifferentism, precisely as did their Protestant and Catholic colleagues.
Hasinger and his colleagues have combined XMM and Infrared Space Observatory measurements of the Lockman Hole, putting a lower limit— 15percent—on the AGN contribution to the infrared background.
This is especially true when you need to discuss a conflict involving a colleague or family member.
The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
Peeling and colleagues [80] showed a significant reduction of the perihematomal neutrophil infiltration 48 hours after ictus using the free-radical - trapping agent NXY-059 in a rat ICH model, suggesting that ROS have an important role in the physiopathology of the inflammatory response.
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After going over your resume with a fine-tooth comb, solicit proofreading assistance from trusted friends and colleagues.
Brooks and colleagues also found variability in the number of latent infections among contacts of 21 patients with TB.
Crick, and his colleague Leslie Orgel, who originally suggested the idea with him, supposed that the bacteria had originally evolved by natural processes on the home planet, but they could equally, while in the mood for science fiction, have added a touch of nanotechnological artifice to the mix, something like the molecular gearwheel illustrated opposite.
Scientists' Responses Solicited
“The censorship we now confront is vast in its reach,” Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his majority opinion, joined by his four more conservative colleagues. or
Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 21, 2010
This effort complements that of Keller's Oklahoma Geological Survey colleagues, whose work focuses on the intraplate region around Oklahoma.
This led some colleagues to keep score, wagering whether, or by how much, the future would outscore the past.
Times, Sunday Times
Harkin, antifilibuster quotes from Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the enthusiasm of his colleagues in the classes of 2006 and 2008 in the Democratic caucus.
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Some are happy to go round alone while others use golf to settle grudges with colleagues.
The Sun
The only fun she had that day was running through the newsroom, startling my colleagues with her sudden appearance at their desks.
Passi was on a three-day official visit to Denmark at the invitation of his colleague Moeller.
When the news was wafted to his father's factory, all his colleagues dodged him as if they were avoiding a deadly plague.
This salesman outsells his colleagues
As his Congressional colleagues worked tirelessly in Washington, he malingered in New York.
Deanie Mills: The Difference Between A Functional Leader And A Fictional One
The effect on his colleagues would have been only mildly eased by the fact that Laplace was right!
Colleague: He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy.
Colleagues praise her qualities of enthusiasm, energy and inspiration.
I've been inspired by a colleague who has a house full of lovely paintings and sculptures.
The initial proposal outlined a simple system of using networked hypertext to quickly disseminate documents among colleagues.
He has told me about the new colleague.
The good news, based on research that we and our colleagues at McKinsey & Company recently completed, is that the United States could dramatically increase the number of top students who choose teaching by adopting some of these countries 'practices.
Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
My friends and colleagues could not understand how I could be such a stoic in the face of losing out on a four-figure sum.
I avoid standing too close to colleagues in case they catch a whiff.
The Sun
On this Tuesday, she manages to nod to her colleagues, scoop a slice of pizza onto a paper plate, grab a diet soda, and take a seat just as Mary, the CIO, stands up and hits "Enter" on her ThinkPad.
Celebrating his 75th birthday, bandoneonist Dino Saluzzi faithfully follows in the steps of his mentor and former colleague Astor Piazzolla.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
He approached a friend and colleague, John Braham, a former cantor, who had been baptized and had become the leading tenor in London.
Ray "was ready to 'pull the trigger' if the conditions he imposed were not satisfied," Gormley writes, and had to be "cajoled" by a colleague into signing off on the final deal.
It's also new territory for me to call up my former colleagues/friends as a reporter to interview them as sources with information about the lay-offs.
Since they discovered the truth about his background, his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.
As a senator, Dole has worried more about budget deficits and debt than most of his Republican colleagues.
Dr. James Ogwang, a biocontrol entomologist with the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization, and his colleagues, implemented a successful program that rid Lake Victoria of the weed.
Biocontrol of Invasive Water Hyacinth Contributes to Socioeconomic Improvement | Impact Lab
My colleague and I looked at each other and then dissolved into helpless laughter.
If you're willing to be prime minister without getting the public to vote for you, it's just lily-livered sissiness to let the fact your colleagues won't vote for you either stand in your way. - Comments
The authors also thank their colleague for sending them the coordinates of mercuric ion reductase.
He was a clothworker by birth and his colleagues used to ask why dealing in canvas, or ``floorcloth'', as it was known, gave him a right to talk about art as well as counting the cash
Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG
Gascoigne and his colleagues would have faced a fierce backlash had Lazio lost to bitter local rivals Roma in the Olympic Stadium.
Instead we proceed through further memories as Perowne starts to get his day in gear, driving his Merc across London to meet his colleague for squash.
She and her colleagues stood and watched as many of our futures were frittered away.
The Sun
He laid himself down to his work and won the respect of his colleagues.
Colleagues call the former Democratic deputy whip gregarious and determined; he is a leading figure in the Latino world.
I like to participate in company activities outside working hours, as it is a good way to get to know your colleagues better.
But I’ve never been one for the male bimbo look, especially when (as the folks at Defamer reported) said male bimbo bares his, ahem, "peen" (to quote my esteemed colleague Michael Slezak), while playing the didgeridoo.
The real reason Matthew McConaughey's 'Surfer, Dude' went under |
Some of my most esteemed journalistic colleagues have gone into battle - against each other.
Times, Sunday Times
Raxworthy and colleagues developed a computer model to study chameleons, lizards known for their ability to change color depending on their mood or surroundings, in Madagascar.
It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
But a tribute to this remarkable woman is long overdue, from me as a colleague and friend and as a spokesperson for the journal.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.
A wise and witty piece by my colleague Barney Ronay in this slot on Saturday suggested that the key role of the modern Premier League manager is to rage impotently in his technical area, funnelling the frustrations and discontent of the supporters away from the owners.
Alex McLeish's funnel vision is painful to watch | Martin Kelner
During the debate on the Patriot Act, I rose on the House floor to remind my colleagues that secret courts, no-knock searches, and nationwide warrants were all things our founding fathers had fought to gain their freedom from.
He also makes astute observations about his colleagues at the department of trade.
Times, Sunday Times
A professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia, and two colleagues from Milan offered thixotropy as an explanation.
A male colleague got 585 for toppling backwards on a faulty chair while another was handed 14,000 after hurting his back lifting boxes.
The Sun
Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month.
So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to.
US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
His personal life is a mystery to his colleagues.
To the protestations of my colleagues in the Labour Party, I say that I have been harping on about this issue for so long, and it has taken as long as this to get it to the House.
The school had tried and failed to find a supply teacher but by the afternoon a colleague from another school had agreed to take the class.
Colleagues chased each other and the loser was then sponsored to complete a forfeit.
He is said by colleagues to be a hard taskmaster who does not tolerate failure.
He surrendered his own life to save colleagues.
The Sun
I'm pretty sure our esteemed colleague from the NPCA would have been instantly transformed into a mumbling idiot.
Judge Blocks Guns-In-Parks Rule
These humble people are frequently exploited by their selfish colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
Crabtree and his colleagues show why this issue is important in their discussion of ethnography and ethnomethodology.
My colleagues were my best friends, family, peers, confidantes and mentors.
He and his colleague Anthony Ladd a chemical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville lay out their new equations in a paper to appear in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Try to get letters of recommendation from bosses and colleagues.
That said, I would like to extend invitations to any of my colleagues in climatology or meteorology to join this discussion by posting a blog on this site or even coming on The Climate Code.
Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
Colleagues were called after the pair were accused of shoplifting bottles of plonk.
The Sun
In a provincial war office, a young woman, Eve, placidly attacks her work (she is a coder), her days enlivened by the gossip of her female colleagues and the joshing of the Big Bad Wolves, a couple of lippy sergeants.
So I was distinctly underwhelmed when a colleague smugly confided that he was a dream date ‘because he cook’.
Word about the game spread virally as people recommended it to friends and colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
A colleague at one of the service providers that we cover told me a few months ago that I was perspicacious.
It is not essential that you exactly match your colleague's tone and speed, especially if your colleague is shouting rapidly in a high pitched tone!
Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
(For help with the Russian, I am indebted to the kind - ness of my colleague Nora Montesinos and a number of correspon - dents.) * appy polly loggy - apology choodesny - wonderful baboochka - old woman * chumble - to mumble
Where's the show?
A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her.
He cuddled up to his colleagues, begging for approval - he was obsequious, smart, slippery.
Two of his colleagues had died and a second, unexploded bomb had been spotted.
Times, Sunday Times
Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession.
some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines
Excise officers in the Republic are co-operating with their colleagues in Northern Ireland to halt the trade.
My colleague selected honey-glazed pork in garlic, together with roast potatoes, sprouts and diced swede, advertised at £3.65.
When he presented his research again but referred to curcumin as the "new pharmaceutical" agent, his colleagues took notice.
Carolyn Anderson: East Indian Cuisine Could Save Your Life
Voice over Colleagues from Tetbury Rugby were equally determined to win, despite Garry's absence.
The other player could not be dismissed; he demanded to be attended to, either as obligate enemy or obligate colleague.
Many young soldiers desert or go Awol after mistreatment and bullying by their superiors or colleagues.
His stockbroking colleagues were a bit suspicious of him at first, but his hard work and the business he brought in changed their minds, and when the book came out and they realised exactly what his background was and how great a journey he'd made, they became both supportive and proud of him.
In London for the publication of his autobiography, Li Cunxin talks to about the book and about his life as a dancer.
The pair formed a close connection and rumours began swirling round in Tinseltown that they were far more than just colleagues.
The Sun
Windsor and colleagues have referred to these as service demands or wants or as perceived or felt needs.
An Introduction to Community Health
In this heartfelt tribute, friends and colleagues fondly remember an outsize personality.
Times, Sunday Times
He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.
Though he allows leeway for entertaining stories about colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
Their colleagues alive now want to declare the new epoch to raise awareness.
The Sun
She had been trying to use incapacitant spray to help a male colleague.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be grossly unfair of me to suggest it, but when one of their number is singled out, even the most charitable colleagues will be on the look-out for the slightest signs of uppishness.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.
The number-one rule for being a good colleague is to disengage your emotions from the working relationship.
Like my colleagues, I don't speak in jargoned riddles -- or, as he parodied in his "Restoring History" episode, arrogantly pontificate through pipe-smoke, an authoritative blue blazer unsuccessfully concealing my fey pink shirt.
Megan Doherty: My Walk With Glenn Beck, 21st Century Con Man
June 3, 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee, the father of my deceased colleague, assumed the command of the Army of Northern Virginia three days after the retiracy of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, caused by a wound received in the battle of Seven Pines.
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William H. F. Lee (A Representative from Virginia) Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Fifty-Second Congress, First Session
He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do likewise .
But this brittle is still a hit and the batch I shared with my colleagues was gone in five minutes.
Dr Pepper and peanuts | Homesick Texan
A science-guy, described by colleagues as ‘a silly boob,’ confused the tub containing the live rats with the one containing the dead rats.
And Cargill, now beardless, appeared to enjoy the event, regaling colleagues with a few anecdotes.
Mary Ann Aronsohn, a Los Angeles marriage and family therapist, says parents should think of co-parenting as a business venture and treat their ex-spouse as they would a colleague or a client.
We laughed and drank more wine and gossiped about old colleagues, including one women who fell in love with a Cuban while holidaying in Havana.
I have collected them and will begin rigging a trap for Dr. Alfieri and his colleagues.
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As I supervise new students, explain myself to colleagues, examine more degrees for outside institutions, defend our discipline and plan strategies to advance it, I can see one thing clearly.
He was an inspiration to his colleagues and radiated peace, calm and serenity.
We'd better not alienate ourselves from the colleagues.
Flash back colleagues carry Wayne Edwards' coffin at his funeral in January.
Gascoigne and his colleagues would have faced a fierce backlash had Lazio lost to bitter local rivals Roma in the Olympic Stadium.
By the standards of both Cook's crew and our modern-day colleagues, we were geriatrics.
To establish rapport you need to understand which of these groups your colleague belongs to.
Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
For example, it's a universally available process repository where one business user can create a draft process and a colleague in another location can modify that process.
Feeling peckish, we sauntered over to a colleague's desk.
The Sun
The rifts and disagreements were becoming public and the number of disaffected colleagues grew.
Times, Sunday Times
Brother-in-law Nero and ex-colleague Brig Gen (retd) Saber Ahmed identified the body of the BDR deputy director general, Brig Gen Bari.
Trial of killers will be fast-tracked
Colleagues say that he has been relying on snatches of food and drink from the hospitality rooms of television studios.
He was picked up along with a colleague two weeks after the religious school owned by his British registered charity was raided.
From the beginning of my promotion efforts it was evident that the consumer education model as applied to colleagues is inapplicable for our academic setting.
We then departed for a wooded spot a few miles away, where we bedded down in the brush for the night, hoping to regain contact with our colleagues in the morning.
Kandel and his colleagues began by asking what was the neural circuit which underlies the gill and siphon withdrawal response.
This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues
Sharing data requires clinicians to trust one another, and non-clinical colleagues, far more than is common at the moment.
Evidence suggests that he is less durable than his colleagues.
Would it be too much to ask for someone -- perhaps one of his New York Times colleagues -- to give famously airheaded columnist Thomas Friedman a bit ...
Thomas Friedman Needs Someone To Help Him Access Widely Available Facts About Politics
Leaders of the military establishment do not, any more than their civilian colleagues, define their economy by its defects.
The lack of definition to his roaming role meant that he was often overlapping with colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
She would elicit from her colleagues at the Versorelli Institute the exact itinerary Kingdom had followed there in November.
No-one has enjoyed such popularity over such a wide range of colleagues from the very junior to the very senior.
His colleagues farewelled him at a dinner and paid tribute.
Within seconds, rollerblading officer Stephane Ajuelos has handcuffed a colleague posing as a thief.
Latham had a reputation for erratic behaviour, not consulting his erstwhile colleagues and for some of the most unparliamentary language ever entered into Hansard.
Former colleagues of Usi describe him as intelligent, ambitious and volatile.
It's affecting all colleagues because it says something about how open we are as a country.
Times, Sunday Times
Law and his colleagues Steven Majewski (University of Virginia) and Kathryn Johnston (Columbia University) solved this problem by allowing models of the dark matter halo to be "triaxial" – in other words, have different lengths in all three dimensions.
Milky Way Has a "Squashed Beachball"-Shaped Dark Matter Halo | Universe Today
Many said they were reluctant to pass comment on colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
The cheques required two signatures but she often forged the names of colleagues.
The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research.
This site will make your boss squirm as it lets you compare your salary with others in similar jobs as well as your colleagues.
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