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How To Use Collateral In A Sentence

  • It is an Extended Family Tree - showing all the collateral branches of a family, i.e. all the descendants.
  • One should not marry bilateral kin up to the second degree of collaterality; spouses beyond the fourth degree of collaterality are preferred.
  • `You both signed personal guarantees when you took out this loan originally, putting up your houses as collateral. BETTER THAN THIS
  • Despite all the talk of precision bombing and surgical strikes, ‘collateral damage’ is reaching an embarrassing level.
  • After the village gained experience with the grant-making process, community trust funds were established to provide credit to people who had no collateral to get bank loans.
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  • When you sell the property, be sure to have the buyer pledge the property as collateral by signing a Deed of Trust.
  • People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • Trials often descend into desperate searches for collateral information, such as the colour of paint, whether a bicycle was in a yard or whether a school was open that year.
  • Most books are dopier than television or movies or even advertising (many books tend to be just collateral promotions or the lesser offspring of dopey television, movies, and advertising). Boycott Books!
  • Jean-Claude Trichet hard line that the ECB collateral rules are graved in stone, therefore beware of downgrades in Greece, Spain, and Latvia. Lawrence G. McDonald: Weekly Market Wrap From Inside Wall Street
  • Skyrocketing oil prices made Mexican reserves vastly more valuable than before and provided collateral for international loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • However, if such are killed in crossfire or if used as human shields, they become collateral damage.
  • These criteria include generation, sex, affinity, collaterality, bifurcation, relative age, and sex of linking relative.
  • When such techniques are adhered to, the risk of trauma to the radial artery and subsequent thrombosis is reduced even when collateral circulation in the hand is reduced.
  • In English, only cousin ignores the distinction of collaterality.
  • If the claimant is entitled to an award, that compensation is reduced by any collateral source compensation the claimant may have received (this includes life insurance, pension funds, death benefit programs, and payments made by federal, state or local governments). Think Progress » Rumsfeld Exploits 9/11 To Defend Failed Iraq Policy
  • It has been sought to obtain badges or other distinctions for baronets and also to purge the order of wrongful assumptions, an evil to which the baronetage of Nova Scotia is peculiarly exposed, owing to the dignity being descendible to collateral heirs male of the grantee as well as to those of his body. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • She was also a moneylender who collected sizeable interest with little or no collateral.
  • Bonds that pledge no collateral are called debentures.
  • Commonly called "smart" bombs, these weapons have the ability to strike surgically and thus reduce the risk of collateral damage.
  • Finally in front on the basis of the analysis of the real estate securitization is the definition of that real estate collateral value of the realization of the right portfolio.
  • You'll not only be strengthening the CPA profession, you'll reap the following collateral gains as well.
  • Schmidt, on the other hand, never used the term collateral damage -- or any similar term, because that would have completely undermined her fairy tale of righteous indignation. Gary S. Chafetz: Review of Casino Jack and the United States of Money by Alex Gibney
  • To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.
  • That section states that the collateral benefits must not be taken into account in assessing the award of damages in court and as a result, victims of personal injuries may receive compensation from two sources for the same loss.
  • The quick responsive action of MSgt Henley prevented what could have easily been a major fire with possible significant collateral damage.
  • A repo is a repurchase agreement which allows an investor to buy and sell the bonds back at convenience while a pledge is the use of government bonds as collateral to borrow money.
  • Now, uncle, don't mistify the subject, don't run off from it after shadows, trying to convince us that they are collateral points of the great issue, as I heard a young lawyer once say. Nellie Norton: Or, Southern Slavery and the Bible. A Scriptural Refutation of the Principal Arguments upon which the Abolitionists Rely. A Vindication of Southern Slavery from the Old and New Testaments.
  • Finally, munitions must be able to destroy the target without causing undue collateral damage.
  • He went on to say he would be "darned" if US Bancorp were to become part of of the "collateral damage" from the government's "sloppy attempt at nationalizing the [banking] industry. US Bancorp Blasts TARP As Giant Bait And Switch On America - The Consumerist
  • Injury to the medial collateral ligament is fairly common and is usually the result of acute trauma.
  • If the radial artery is to be used, the collaterality of blood flow to the hand must be checked by the Allen's test.
  • If you want to start a restaurant or a small manufacturing company, you go to the bank and get a loan collateralized by very real assets belonging to you or somebody willing to take the risk for you (like, say, your friendly Godfather).
  • The fibers of the lateral lemniscus end by terminals or collaterals in the inferior colliculus and the medial geniculate body. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • Those are assets that can only be used as a shelter or as business tools, but not as a means to obtain collateral for a loan, to generate investment or to create additional functions to obtain surplus value.
  • The term collateral or collateral-level is used to describe material that is classified, but not under a compartmented control system. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Will the excision of “Harlequin” from the name (and the Horizons collateral will all have to change as a result) result in some back-pedalling from the RWA? More thoughts on RWA and Harlequin Horizons — Fusion Despatches
  • Lateral collateral ligament injuries result from a medial-to-lateral force on the knee, while medial collateral ligament injuries result from a force in the opposite direction.
  • Such dummy assets were in a $1.6 billion collateralized debt obligation, or CDO, that is the focus of an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rating Firms' Asset Game
  • To regulate intra - abdominal viscera and channels and collaterals of lower extremities upon personal situations.
  • Not everyone has a static IP or comes from a range that is easily blockable without collateral damage. Comments on Comments - The Panda's Thumb
  • It's a tough job that will involve collateral damage, but rhubarb is a survivor. In the garden this week: Rhubarb and some winter cheer
  • Underperforming hedge funds are looking to load up on credit risk via collateralized debt obligations or the fast maturing high yield debt market, say credit derivative traders.
  • Irma's response to Pedro's movies is often thoughtful: "'You can learn so much about Mejicano culture, class structure, the relationships between men and women, women and women, men and men, as well as intergenerational patterns of collaterality in Pedro's movies.' Loving Pedro Infante by Denise Chavez
  • Even then, while Hezbollah and Hamas launched their rockets from nurseries and infirmaries, Israel behaved with unparalleled restraint, doing everything in its power to forewarn civilians of coming offensives and then using state-of-the-art munitions with laser-like precision to reduce, as much as humanly possibly, collateral civilian casualties. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Tom Friedman Slanders Israel
  • Subordination prelatical, which is of one or more parishes to the prelate and his cathedral, is denied; all particular churches being collateral, and of the same authority. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
  • These liquid assets are sometimes referred to as ‘general collateral’.
  • Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring collateral or restrictive covenants.
  • The song ends almost before you've noticed, and without pause the warm organ/acoustic guitar strum of ‘Soul Collateral’ rushes in.
  • Adding spironoloactone to fur - vasoconstrictor can cause necrosis because of the osemide (frusemide) provides no extra diuresis, but absence of collateral circulation. does antagonize the potassium loss that occurs when the latter drug is used alone. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • When the value of the CDOs tanked and AIG's credit rating was cut, the insurance company was forced to pay billions of dollars in collateral to companies known as "counterparties" - money it didn't have. --
  • Everything checks out and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan.
  • The other creditors who hold no collateral would get the proceed from the sale of the remaining unpledged assets.
  • I think a drone strike might be allowable if we were taking out a nuke that al-Qaeda might transport, w/collateral damage to (say) a U.S. citizen in league with them; but really, one nuke is not an existential threat. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Harold Koh’s Defense of Drones Also the Defense of Targeting a US Citizen?
  • Looked at through other lenses, however, the victory was pyrrhic, meaning that the legitimacy losses, collateral and direct, were substantial enough to lead one to wonder whether the victory was cost effective. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • In addition atomic power plants can collaterally produce excess electricity at night to desalinize sea water to meet fresh water shortages in many parts of the country, which are growing rapidly. Frank A. Weil: Can We Obtain Energy Independence, Address Global Warming, and Help the Economy All at the Same Time? Yes! How? Here's How...
  • Even before a single missile has been launched there has been significant collateral damage, all of it on our own side.
  • Where recurrent disease is responsible for blockage of lymphatic collaterals, chemotherapy may be tried to palliate the symptomatology.
  • The Ulnar Collateral Ligament (ligamentum collaterale ulnare; internal lateral ligament) (Fig. 329). III. Syndesmology. 6d. Elbow-joint
  • Cross-sections of the asparagus stem revealed a primary rind and the stele, the vascular tissue had a scattered bundle system, with closed collateral bundles.
  • There are, however, limits on such incidental or collateral damage.
  • It is therefore easier to accept a certain amount of ‘collateral damage’ if we are emotionally detached from the lives of those involved.
  • A repo is short for a repurchase agreement where collateral is exchanged for cash. Sox First
  • The use of contrast enhanced CT is much more specific and can demonstrate collateral veins.
  • Ivor New, chairman of GroupCytek, a maker of measuring instruments in Farnham, Surrey, said the banks were falling over themselves to lend, but only if the company was prepared to offer up the entire value of the business as collateral. CBI delegates ask Bob Diamond why banks won't lend to them
  • And faced with a shortage of human collateral what method of recruitment would you expect a major IT company to employ?
  • The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size.
  • If stock is held as collateral se - curity, the list shall state the name and residence of the pledgor and of the pledgee. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Kinship terms can also be broken into components, such as the term ‘father’, and this could be associated with various ‘connotations - positive or negative… [for] each of the following relationships: generation, collaterality, sex, relative age, affinity etc’.
  • Thus far, Gould has provided a restatement of the collateral or preliminary fact doctrine.
  • The reduction in collateral damage (indirect costs) may have the same effect.
  • The liquidation also would have a negative impact on lines of credit, for example, liquidating assets at values that are less than their collateral value at the time of borrowing.
  • The notes are not backed by any collateral; rather, they rely on the high credit rating of the issuing corporation.
  • President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: I am sick of the term collateral damage when it comes to their lives being taken and when it pertains to Americans who are killed through acts of terror and hate, we label them victims. President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims
  • Distally the metatarsals expand to a form a mediolaterally broad distal ginglymus with deep collateral pits on both medial and lateral surfaces. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The three C's that credit creditors look at when determining their qualification are capacity, character, and collateral.
  • In the 1980s risk management instruments were created and included interest rate and currency swaps, collateralized mortgage obligations, caps, collars, and ten-year equivalents.
  • It has been sought to obtain badges or other distinctions for baronets and also to purge the order of wrongful assumptions, an evil to which the baronetage of Nova Scotia is peculiarly exposed, owing to the dignity being descendible to collateral heirs male of the grantee as well as to those of his body. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • It happened that the financing of public works through external capital secured or collateralized by the national government, such as eventually occurred in other countries of Latin America, was hindered in Colombia.
  • The bonds are collateralised with receivables under lease and loan agreements of BM Leasing as well as with the leased property under these agreements.
  • Technology has legitimized precision warfare and criminalized collateral death and destruction resulting from the use of lethal force.
  • But, by asserting the Scripture to be the canon of oar faith, I have unavoidably created to myself two sorts of enemies: the Papists indeed, more directly, because they have kept the Scriptures from us what they could; and have reserved to themselves a right of interpreting what they have delivered under the pretence of infallibility: and the Fanatics more collaterally, because they have assumed what amounts to an infallibility, in the private spirit; and have detorted those texts of The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1 With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes
  • Most of the properties to which fines are attached already are adjudicated, meaning the city has seized them as collateral on their owners 'debt. Undefined
  • He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
  • Certain of the fissures and sulci are utilized for the purpose of dividing the hemisphere into lobes, and are therefore termed interlobular; included under this category are the lateral cerebral, parietoöccipital, calcarine, and collateral fissures, the central and cingulate sulci, and the sulcus circularis. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Also, your argument that the language indicating the availability of mandamus should not be a redundancy is highly unpersuasive, maybe the purpose was to make sure that a direct interlocutory appeal would not be available under the collateral order doctrine, and alternatively, if the collateral order doctrine did not apply, to ensure that mandamus would be available despite the lack of an independent source of jurisdiction. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Crime Victim’s Right to Appellate Review?
  • The accuracy of the method of diagnostic imaging of the soft tissue structures around the elbow, particularly the ulnar collateral ligament, continues to raise considerable debate.
  • It pierces the medial intermuscular septum, and descends on the surface of the medial head of the Triceps brachii to the space between the medial epicondyle and olecranon, accompanied by the ulnar nerve, and ends under the Flexor carpi ulnaris by anastomosing with the posterior ulnar recurrent, and inferior ulnar collateral. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
  • It is possible to use unrealized gains in financial assets (including derivative contracts) as collateral for further purchases.
  • His hutch, and that of the warren-cats his collaterals, was a long, spick-and-span new rack, a-top of which (as the mumper told us) some large stately mangers were fixed in the reverse. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The patella and its supporting structures, bilateral joint lines and collateral ligaments are palpated for tenderness, crepitus and localized swelling.
  • The Radial Collateral Ligament (ligamentum collaterale carpi radiale; external lateral ligament) (Fig. 335). III. Syndesmology. 1F. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
  • By the stroke of a government pen and without having invested one single cent, the Larrakia now have a major asset to use as collateral for a bank loan.
  • collateral ridges of mountains
  • The circumstance of the Niger's flowing towards the east, and its collateral points, did not, however, excite my surprise; for although I had left Europe in great hesitation on this subject, and rather believed that it ran in the contrary direction, I had made such frequent inquiries during my progress concerning this river, and received from negroes of different nations such clear and decisive assurance that its general course was _towards the rising sun_, as scarce left any doubt on my mind; and more especially as I knew that Major Houghton had collected similar information in the same manner. MacMillan's Reading Books Book V
  • Renewed emphasis on the strict observance of ‘know your customer’ and collateral policies are needed to ensure that lending standards do not slip during boom periods.
  • Circumstances cause Vincent to hijack Max's taxicab, and Max becomes collateral - an expendable person in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
  • Some "creditworthy" firms with "strong" cash flows and a decline in collateral values are have trouble getting loans, Bernanke said today in opening comments in --
  • There were no pledge (the use of Government bonds as collateral to borrow money) and repo transactions in the week under review.
  • On dissection it is found, especially in hallux flexus, that the inferior portions of the collateral ligaments are contracted, and that the cartilage of that part of the head of the metatarsal which is exposed on the dorsum is converted into fibrous tissue; there may also be other changes characteristic of arthritis deformans. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • A thinking on the diagnosis and treatment of polymyositis (PM) was explored by the theory of eight extra meridians and collateral disease of TCM.
  • Employment discrimination is one of many collateral consequences that individuals with felony convictions face, including many people with non-violent drug offenses.
  • In some cases, the deltoid branch of the profunda brachii (16% of individuals) arises from the brachial or from the superior ulnar collateral.
  • In front, expansions from the Vasti and from the fascia lata and its iliotibial band fill in the intervals between the anterior and collateral ligaments, constituting the medial and lateral patellar retinacula. III. Syndesmology. 7b. The Knee-joint
  • The second feature is that this collateral challenge was made in the course of a prosecution.
  • Peters 'theory is plausible that the screw-like joint between the tibia and the tibial tarsal (astragulus) bones causes these structures to functionate in a manner not in harmony with the provisions allowed by the collateral ligaments of the tarsus, permitting movement only in a direction parallel with the long axis of the body. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The owner of the shop used his house as a collateral for the loan.
  • If concomitant valgus extension overload with olecranon osteophytes is suspected, a vertical posterior capsulotomy is placed proximal to the fibers of the posterior band of the ulnar collateral ligament to expose the olecranon tip.
  • As in the AIG episode, the collateralization provisions of the standard derivatives contracts now constitute the largest area of risk exposure. David Paul: Occupy Wall Street Needs Voice From Main Street
  • These collateral consequences are also heavily race- and class-biased.
  • There are collateral risks, albeit of a different character, whether the Inquiry is held in Londonderry or on the mainland.
  • The cause of this delay is due to several factors such as implementation of a new enhanced protection system for the busbar and magnet splices, installation of new pressure relief valves to reduce the collateral damage in case of a repeat incident, application of more stringent safety constraints, and scheduling constraints associated with helium transfer and storage. LHC 2009 Restart
  • Misguided or unguided precision munitions can lead to significant collateral damage and fratricide.
  • DAVIS: Well, I think people understand what the term collateral damage means now. CNN Transcript Feb 6, 2002
  • The second issue that arises deals with the somewhat vexed problem of the collateral evidence rule.
  • Unlike middle-class homeowners, poor people usually don't have assets to put up as collateral for loans.
  • Dilfer will be lost for 4-8 weeks after tearing the medial collateral ligament in his right knee.
  • Lenders prefer to tie the lifetime of the collateral to the term of the loan.
  • Tri-party collateral management, whereby a third bank acts an intermediary between a buyer and seller, is another growth area for custodians.
  • Employed with collateral means calculated to shake the nerves and excite the imagination, mesmerism causes the same variety of convulsive and violent seizures which extremes of fanatical frenzy excite; when it is employed in a gentle form and manner, with accessaries that only soothe and tranquillise, the most plain and unpretending form of trance quietly steps upon the scene. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
  • The firm pledges its inventory as collateral for a short-term loan, but the lender has no physical control over the inventory.
  • Why, nothing capital of my master’s wardrobe has dropped lately; but I could give you a mortgage on some of his winter clothes, with equity of redemption before November—or you shall have the reversion of the French velvet, or a post-obit on the blue and silver; —these, I should think, Moses, with a few pair of point ruffles, as a collateral security—hey, my little fellow? Act Third. Scene II
  • Miss Anderson, who claimed a collateral Dutch ancestry by the Van Hook, tucked in between her non-committal family name and the Julia given her in christening, was of the ordinary slender make of American girlhood, with dull blond hair, and a dull blond complexion, which would have left her face uninteresting if it had not been for the caprice of her nose in suddenly changing from the ordinary American regularity, after getting over its bridge, and turning out distinctly 'retrousse'. April Hopes
  • We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan.
  • Our findings suggested that patient/informant agreement was not related to whether collateral information was permitted to be revealed to patients.
  • The fibular collateral ligament is a strong round cord, about 5 cm long, attached proximally to a tubercle on the lateral epicondyle of the femur, just proximal and posterior to a groove from which the popliteus muscle arises.
  • The Indian pizza at Zante's in San Francisco was nowhere near as good as the Indian Pizza I had in Vancouver, and I find the unsourced claims of origination dubious (just like the guy who phoned in a week ago claiming that he'd invented the term MILF and would put his landscaping business up as collateral to prove it). Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • The government could then instruct all banks not to push companies into default and not to dispose of any collateral.
  • The enemy threat was eliminated in a matter of minutes and there was no collateral damage.
  • The activity of the collateral is the speed at which it can be liquidated and converted into cash.
  • Demonstrating four innovated products of the Personal Financing Business of Commercial bank of China: Trust, Asset Securitization, China Depository Receipt, Collateralized Debt Obligation.
  • She used/put up her house as collateral for a loan.
  • Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the avoidance of collateral damage.
  • If the landlord made its decision for a collateral purpose, unrelated or extraneous to the lease, the refusal will be found to be unreasonable.
  • That way, they know the bank has avenues to collateralize your loan with some of your personal assets.
  • Laterally, collaterally, meaning is leached from the phonemes that unleash it. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The loan was collateralized by government bonds
  • The notes are not backed by any collateral; rather, they rely on the high credit rating of the issuing corporation.
  • Depending on jurisdiction and on type of collateral, a perfection of security interest may expire after a certain period (limitation period effects).
  • Group/Parent Name: Timely Payment Main Collateral Type (50%): Residential Refinancing period for principal payments of 6 months or greater: Yes Liquidity reserve to support timely payments on all issuances: Yes Funded Timely Payment Indicator ( "TPI") (note 2): Probable Moody's Global Credit Research RSS Research Feed - Subscribe Today -
  • The Group's remaining consolidated public CDO CDO V continues to use cash generated by its collateral to service interest on senior and mezzanine notes with any excess cash being available solely for reinvestment or to buy back or amortise senior debt. Reuters: Press Release
  • Legally defensible property rights are essential to the process of capital creation, in that property can be used as collateral on loans to grow a small business.
  • Mrs Foden has opened a further line of collateral attack by bringing two sets of proceedings against the Lord Chancellor's Department.
  • Conclusion Soft acupoint and collateral channel massage can give positive stimulus to the premature and promote their early development.
  • In this sense modern warfare is indeed un-Islamic because it produces inevitably collateral damages including loss of innocent life and long-term degradation to the environment.
  • Any response must consider the possible collateral damage potentially caused by such retaliation.
  • The airline couldn't secure an outside lender because almost all its assets are being used as collateral for existing loans.
  • The Ulnar Collateral Ligament (ligamentum collaterale carpi ulnare; internal lateral ligament) (Fig. 334). III. Syndesmology. 1F. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
  • It meant fewer aircrews and aircraft lost, much less collateral damage and fewer ‘friendly fire’ incidents.
  • This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself.
  • Incidentally, one of the fascinating differences between O'Neal, who died on Sept. 11, and Scheuer, is that O'Neal was a "legalist" through and through, devoted to building criminal cases that would stand up in court, whereas Scheuer wanted to kill bin Laden regardless of the amount of "collateral damage" that might be generated in deaths of civilians or, in one instance, Arab princes gathered with bin Laden in Afghanistan. Balkinization
  • urban real estate collateral management practices "provisions of article 37, paragraph 2 :" The mortgagee consent, may transfer or rental of real estate collateral.
  • The owner of the shop used his house as a collateral for the loan.
  • You see, straightforwardness does bring people out of all difficulties at last, and when the main grievance is set right, all the collateral grievances which arose out of the supposed fact, fall to the ground. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Nitroglycerine and TNT could be thought of as good dissolvents, but those chemicals have some undesirable collateral properties.
  • Their products don't have "sizzle" -- unlike complex financial instruments like collateralized mortgage obligations, initially created for the defunct Freddie Mac. Dan Solin: A Bailout for Index Funds? Not Likely
  • Mistakes or excessive collateral damage can undermine its potential effectiveness.
  • He's not talking about the ‘collateral damage’ that did for these unfortunates.
  • But by now it's clear to everyone that there was no great PR strategy behind taking the artist / label contretemps public, and that the album's fortunes have been affected in the collateral damage. about what she calls the "supposed feud," insisting that she and her team remain a "tightly knit family" and saying, "A lot has been made in the press about my relationship with Clive. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The bodies are chambered to retain tonal characteristics provided by the select tonewood top without suffering as much collateral tonal loss from the svelteness of the body. Gearwire -
  • The ulnar collateral ligament connects the humerus and ulna - two of the bones that come together in the elbow.
  • Those who do not want to sell the land to the government are free to do what they want with it, such as using the land as collateral for bank loans.
  • Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb.
  • To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.
  • Our ambassador to Afghanistan, William Crosbie, may indeed go down in the annals of diplomatic dis-entante as collateral damage for his on-the-nose criticisms of Karzai - his fall-on-sword resignation offer should be declined by Ottawa - but otherwise Canada has been only peripherally impacted by the cable chatter, although there might be cause for self-preoccupied grumping even in that. - Home Page
  • He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
  • The eternal droughts and continental erosion and melting polar ice caps, that's what you call your collateral damage.
  • No collateral considerations arise which would limit the scope of its duty.
  • cousins are collateral relatives
  • Sophisticated counterparties were encouraged to provide short-term repo funding, collateralized by securities that turned out to be very illiquid, such as various asset-backed securities," he said. Charles Plosser, Philadelphia Fed Chief, Criticizes Financial Reform Bills, Says They Don't End 'Too Big To Fail'
  • Along with porcelain teapots and copper candle snuffers, the inventories locate Indian Ocean slaves in frontier households, while collateral sources indicate the presence of Khoisan inboekselinge. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • The usual finding is an area of obliteration in the portal vein surrounded by a large number of collateral vessels.
  • No other significant sex differences in intraarticular or collateral injuries were observed.
  • Most bundles probably were not assembled on the basis of the income producing level of the obligor as the primary security, but on the "hard" collateral. Mortgages, Securities, and Bailouts, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.
  • Her currency and collateral is all invested in that optimum opportunistic split-second of youth, and she has none of the sexpertise that sees many fascinators well into old age.
  • However, you won't get any money unless you can completely collateralize the loan through your own personal assets.
  • And, how does the concept of collateral damage apply to cyberattacks?
  • The banking regulator plans to ask nonfinancial contract underwriters to deposit with the buyer at least 50% of the notional amount of a contract as collateral if the credit protection is bought by a bank, according to the draft rules. China Considers Rules Allowing Risk Hedging
  • The disclosures will include collateral on loans, loan-to-value ratios, repayment histories and provisioning levels. Spain Moves to Clean Up Cajas
  • The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
  • Without title deeds farmers have had no collateral to secure bank loans, no capital to use to put crops in and cope with inflation at 505 per cent.
  • It ruled that the Taipei City Government has to pay back the money within a month, otherwise the department will collateralize its non-public property.
  • The dorsal artery of the index finger may similarly, though more rarely, supply one or both of the collateral arteries of the adjacent sides of the thumb and index finger.
  • Among molluscs, the Ammonites, related to the modern Pearly Nautilus, are an example of a race very numerous and varied during all the periods of the Reptilian Era, but disappearing at its close, leaving only a few collateral descendants in the squids, cuttlefish and nautili of the modern seas. Dinosaurs With Special Reference to the American Museum Collections
  • "We know lots of mortgage loans are underwater," he says, describing the situation where the value of collateral has fallen below the principal balance of a loan.
  • collateral target damage from a bombing run
  • Why do you distinguish between what I might call questions going to the primary purpose of the Commission and these ones that go to what you would regard as a sort of collateral or secondary purpose?
  • I don't even think we have fully assessed all of the collateral consequences that are going to have to be dealt with.
  • Here it pierces the medial intermuscular septum, runs obliquely across the medial head of the Triceps brachii, and descends to the groove between the medial epicondyle and the olecranon, accompanied by the superior ulnar collateral artery. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • Closer monitoring of patients with low collateralization is recommended. New Eye Treatment: Drops to Pre-empt Pinkeye Outbreak
  • Therefore, an attacker must not employ weapons that would cause excessive collateral damage.
  • There may have been some initial exculpatory talk about cobwebbed values – collateral damage from a career-long walling-up within the dungeon of football – but this evaporated with the first airing of the phrase "Would you smash it? Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • Together these results suggest that prolonged UCB exposure can induce a time - and concentration-dependent impairment of the inducibility for synaptic modification at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A major consequence of this was the drastic reduction of the casato's collateral lines (and, in the long run, the demographic decline of the aristocracy).
  • Old and past-due accounts are obviously less valuable as collateral than the account of a customer with a reputation for prompt payment.

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