How To Use Collapse In A Sentence

  • He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
  • If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
  • In the course of what I have to say, the distinction between morality as convenience and morality as ideal will virtually collapse, along with a good deal else.
  • The effect would be a level of military involvement that would serve to collapse the distinction between inspection and invasion/occupation.
  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
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  • Indeed, so many of us now possess a handset that mobile phone sales have collapsed.
  • With the collapse of the Soviet economy, prisons could no longer function as an industrial monolith.
  • Troops found the church with large holes blasted out of its cement walls and its tin roof collapsed.
  • One of the chief reasons for removing old, oil and gas wells from south Louisiana's lakes and bayous is that those areas are vulnerable to storms and hurricanes, and any collapse in structures could threaten the public, Lopez said. Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
  • Enemies struck by gunfire don't just fall over backwards; they jet blood like the lawn sprinkler in Hell, then collapse into a heap.
  • there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933
  • The company collapsed last week, costing about 200 jobs and triggering a backlash from staff and suppliers. Times, Sunday Times
  • His critics say he should resign because he has lost the moral ascendancy to govern and to save the plummeting economy from collapse.
  • I used to read it aloud to my little brother, and we'd collapse into helpless laughter.
  • One section of the factory's main exterior wall had already collapsed, leaving a pile of smouldering rubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food shortages would probably galvanise public anger into action, as would a complete collapse of the economy.
  • a country in the throes of economic collapse
  • That unexpectedly collapses it into a black hole, a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.
  • Now it looks like some of these banks may have been technically insolvent for quite some time before they actually collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
  • And then, after all the bullshit, when he could prevaricate, elocute, circumlocute, and evade no more, he collapsed like a paper bag emptied of air. Stanton Peele: Public Figures Behaving Badly: Charlie Rangel, George Pataki, Sarah Palin
  • Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice. Flowers in the Attic
  • The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
  • In assessing chest pain we also consider lung problems, including collapsed lung, infections and pleurisy, which is an inflammation around the lung. -
  • An AIM-listed mobile phone software company reeling from an alleged financial scandal has collapsed into administration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its demise meant the collapse of the system for monitoring the two largest nuclear stockpiles in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man had collapsed in Victoria Place in the town and was unconscious.
  • They had brought a modest decline in the face of extreme boom conditions, but no collapse.
  • She will blame the couple's very different social backgrounds for the differences that eventually led to the collapse of their marriage.
  • We collapse in exhausted triumph with a glass of claret and a chunk of home-made cake. Times, Sunday Times
  • We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
  • The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
  • At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
  • But that will thankfully never happen, because without trees and animals, food chains collapse, the air is unbreathable, they die, we die - or maybe no one's thought of that.
  • The financial system collapsed under a cascade of bad debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • His sporting empire collapsed and Chesterfield were docked nine league points for financial irregularities.
  • Do you hit the town after dark, collapse quietly with a book or go celebrity-spotting?
  • But witnesses said a section of the theatre then collapsed, crashing on to people below. The Sun
  • Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.
  • Her family thought she had gone to college and died when the building collapsed in the quake. The Sun
  • Mr Morgan crumpled to the ground with a fractured rib, collapsed lung and bruising.
  • The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.
  • I collapsed in laughter and began tickling him in earnest.
  • Its victims turn out to be not its depositors but first-time homebuyers three years after the collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps some feline bureaucrat has concluded that the best answer is to let the proposal stagger on and collapse, hoping to kill it with kindness?
  • The capitalist economic system seemed to be on the verge of total collapse. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • Progressively, larger objects substantially increase the timescale for collapse over still longer wavelengths.
  • The cleavable complex is not thought to collapse spontaneously and is fully reversible.
  • He was taken to hospital after his collapse on the pitch.
  • The puffed rice said shy: An artillery collapsed start others, did not know others.
  • All the floorboards, bannisters and doors were missing, the electricity, gas and water pipes were all gone, the ceilings had collapsed and there were two gaping holes in the roof. Life in a Victorian terrace
  • But Darwin, happily insomnious with his vision of South America rising on swelling magma, thought this notion of collapsed lakes small thinking. Wired Top Stories
  • The question is, who is liable for the cost of repairs if, for example, an undetected slow leak in a geyser causes a ceiling collapse and water damage to interior paint work, carpets and furniture?
  • Of course, once they tried to get things out, the roof had collapsed in, covering everything in sooty ashes.
  • I saw a report on CNN where a woman was rescued from being trapped in collapsed roof and wall debris for two days and what struck me was her odd calm as she was carried prone from a certain, crushing death — as well as her matter-of-fact confidence in a God that Robertson says her people forsook ... Archive 2010-02-01
  • Soon, we had a new wall made from wet sand, and as the waves washed higher on the beach parts of that would collapse too.
  • His playing career was curtailed after he injured his neck when a scrum collapsed in 1980 but that did not end his involvement with rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • He takes a step before his eyes suddenly roll back in his head and he collapses on the hard floor.
  • It was destined to collapse, but it went in such a glamorous way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alliance of South and West - Georgia planters and Illinois sodbusters - that had dominated American politics since Jefferson's day splintered, then collapsed.
  • When her remaining lung shrivels in its cage, and her guts collapse; when myoelectric demons flood her sinuses and middle ears with isotonic saline. Starfish
  • After all, every previous alliance, coalition, entente, empire, community, or monetary union of European states has collapsed sooner or later.
  • With more than 3,600 Filipinos riding out the typhoon in sturdy school buildings, town halls, churches and relatives 'homes, roads in and out of coastal Isabela province were deserted and blocked by collapsed trees and power lines. Super Typhoon Strikes The Philippines
  • It is now widely recognized that the events at the Permian-Triassic boundary gave rise to major terrestrial ecosystem collapse.
  • Caught under by the breeze, the awnings of the fore-deck bellied upwards and collapsed slowly, and above their heavy flapping the gray stuff of Captain Whalley's roomy coat fluttered incessantly around his arms and trunk.
  • Many buildings collapsed under the weight of rain-soaked ash and mud.
  • Then working outwards from the centre, the remaining collapse and infill material would be removed and all voids re-filled with properly compacted chalk.
  • Inside its marble staircase had completely collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.
  • Jake collapsed into a heap in the grass under the willow and started bawling, grabbing a few tufts of crinkly brown grass and tearing them out by the roots.
  • Time collapses, and she goes searching along the sand dunes at the wrong time of day. The Times Literary Supplement
  • With the death of the plants the terrestrial food chain would collapse, and complex life would be wiped from the land. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • The ability to collapse their lung air-sacs with increasing depth is probably the dolphin's major protection against the bends.
  • In early September, after a binge drinking session, he collapsed in the street and was rushed by ambulance to York Hospital where he was treated and discharged.
  • But then I needed their attentiveness, as I was collapsed and semi-conscious at the top of a frozen wasteland, the nearest settlement being miles down the mountain.
  • The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.
  • Yet there's something sad about the collapse of what inspired so many as an ideal: something melancholy in its decay. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the" squibs "conspiracy theorists claim to see in videos of the WTC collapse, these are plumes of smoke and debris ejected from the building due to the immense pressure associated with millions of tons of falling towers (see Figure 1). Debating "Skeptic Magazine" on September 11th Issues
  • These signs may precede circulatory collapse and death.
  • At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
  • Bill collapsed during filming in Yorkshire Television studios in June.
  • However, while there are differences in ogrish cultures, especially those before and after the collapse of the last ogre empire and the historical decline of their race, all ogres exhibit anger, vanity, avarice, lust, and gluttony. Dragons of a Vanished Moon
  • In addition, a thin layer of liquid lining the alveoli exerts surface tension, tending to collapse the lungs, although this surface tension is greatly decreased by the presence of surfactant.
  • It's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • When fighting out an epic duel with Courier in the Australian Open a few years ago Sampras appeared on the verge of collapse from cramp.
  • We are still a bit mystified by the speed of India's spectacular collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • We collapsed in fits, the tutor had overheard and was almost wetting herself, and the 5 others were demanding to know what we'd said.
  • Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday's collapse.
  • Statistics from the afternoon game are just a snapshot of the Mets' 1991 season, when both the left-handed hurler and his team, the one he had cheered for as a boy, collapsed. Clout for the Cyclones
  • An office boy larking around in an unlit storage room almost lost his life when ‘grossly overloaded’ shelving collapsed on him.
  • I was not prepared for the boarded up windows, the collapsed roofs, the empty sidewalks.
  • When you rip out an apex predator, the entire ecosystem can collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speed with which his confidence has collapsed betrays the pressure under which he puts himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand since the system of the patronage of the arts had collapsed and foreign rulers were not interested in taking over the responsibility, the role of the princely states became crucial.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • Mr Daniels says it is time for people to put pressure on Government and business if they want to avoid a collapse in society as we know it.
  • Four different ways have been suggested in which one might seek a resolution of the problem of the collapse of the wavepacket.
  • I gave the poles a slight wobble and whole tent collapsed.
  • The disaster was caused by the total collapse of his house in the Rue d' Anjou, undermined by the excavations carried out by the bank next door for its strong room.
  • The audience collapses in laughter, and the theater resounds with a barrage of applause.
  • In contrast to the naive and unquestioning faith of yesteryear, everyone now realizes at least the possibility of collapse of the FDIC.
  • Bush is apparently "well qualified" considering the state he left the US in after an unpaid for Iraq-war-4-oil and a collapsed economy!!!! kudos to GW Bush for ruining the USA!!! rumrunner Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
  • And although Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton yesterday blamed regulatory issues for the collapse of the deal, insiders have suggested that further improvements in the economic climate - and in Rio's financial position - since the scheme was proposed left Rio management feeling the terms unduly favoured BHP. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain and storms.
  • She wants to be in at the kill when his business finally collapses.
  • It also carries with it the slightly queasy feeling that one naturally feels when trying to save the economy from imminent collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The institution of positive-pressure ventilation in an already hyperinflated thorax can markedly worsen hemodynamics and cause abrupt falls in blood pressure including cardiac collapse.
  • Sadr's group 1800 bed Jenny Lind walnut wardrobe closet waterfall collapse bedroom decor bed art.
  • A neighboring church has also apparently collapsed, and repairable damage to surrounding buildings is extensive, including damage to One Liberty Plaza across Church Street to the east.
  • That year, copper slumped by more than 60% between July and December, as investors bet that the near-collapse of the financial system would unhinge world copper demand. Copper Falls to 2011 Lows
  • A house is close to collapse after a gas leak caused an explosion just after 8am this morning.
  • Dr Benbow said Mr Rigby was ‘close to death’ and may have suffered a terminal collapse and fallen after going on to the balcony for some fresh air.
  • After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.
  • The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.
  • If you really were persuaded of determinism, the hope would collapse.
  • One day the GMO, bending down, was going to collapse and die on top of one of the bodies. MURDER SONG
  • When the housing bubble collapsed, Americans suffered hugely from the devaluation of their main assets, their homes, while the bankers filled their pockets and passed on the mortgages in the form of national debts to foreign banks. Dr. Behzad Mohit: The U.S. Tea Party and General Strikes in Europe -- The Outrage of the Middle Class
  • Apparently, palaeontologists have wondered for years as to why the brachiosaurus didn't collapse under its own weight.
  • Wearing breathing apparatus they were a few feet into the building when overhead piping collapsed, trapping them.
  • The wait will not be very long, but your white-haired hair collapse hurt.
  • The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.
  • But as I was coming in to land, I went through some turbulence and, as I tried to brake, one side of the canopy collapsed and I went cartwheeling out of control.
  • He represented three different Dublin constituencies before losing his seat last June in the nationwide collapse of the Fine Gael vote.
  • Unfortunately, the headhunter forgot to inform the candidate, so the meeting between the candidate and the client collapsed in misunderstanding.
  • On the outskirts, what we call the inland empire, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, out in the desert, where people had to move because those were the only homes that they could afford, there's been a huge drop, a huge collapse in housing there. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2009
  • I was feeling miserable and crotchety and on the point of collapse.
  • His fondness for chromaticism was such that Schoenberg suspected he would soon join the ranks of the atonalists, but for Reger chromaticism was a means of expanding the resources of tonality, not a harbinger of its imminent collapse.
  • It is long past time that we readjusted our defensive lines overseas to reflect the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • What percentage probability should it give to the chance that the currency might collapse altogether? Times, Sunday Times
  • That allowed him to live well as a young man even after the 1880s collapse of a cattle ranch in North Dakota cost him $1.5 million in today's dollars.
  • As part of the pacification of the Highlands after the collapse of the Jacobite rising of 1689-90 a royal order required all clan chieftains to take an oath of allegiance to William and Mary.
  • I asked her to imagine beginning with a bridge of solid steel, strong enough so that it wouldn't buckle and collapse as cars drove over it.
  • All chairs collapse for easy storage.
  • Life goes on, despite nuclear accidents and the collapse of the Soviet empire.
  • The walls of the Kingdom started to crumble and collapse, huge pieces falling down onto the helpless Elves.
  • You should have inserted a pause right there to give the audience time to collapse in hysterical laughter. Think Progress » Palin aide refuses to criticize Limbaugh by name when calling his ‘retard’ comments ‘crude and demeaning.’
  • So it is little surprise that teachers feel this collapse of their authority in their dealings with young people.
  • But the dad of three complained of feeling unwell soon afterwards and suddenly collapsed. The Sun
  • John collapsed and died of a brain haemorrhage in the kitchen of the house in Southampton after a night out with friends.
  • On Tuesday the senior trader who oversaw the operation to disentangle Kerviel's off-the - book trades, Maxime Kahn, 39, told the court the bank had faced collapse due to the "astronomic" bets Kerviel had taken. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Another neighbour said he had heard that the woman had collapsed and fallen down stairs.
  • Whole hillsides lay collapsed because plant machinery cannot get close. The Sun
  • Dissident theatre which relied solely on its political dissidence quickly became redundant, and many theatres collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The discovery confirms the accepted theory that type II supernovas are produced when elderly, bloated stars known as red supergiants run out of nuclear fuel and collapse.
  • That so many around the world are humoring his grandiosity is owing mainly to the country's impressive deposits of oil, which began to be developed intensively after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Sultan of the Steppes
  • But the quintessential gold bug is an investor who expects every form of paper wealth to collapse, along with civilisation itself.
  • I say that as a graduate of the University of Virginia who collapses in helpless laughter whenever I hear someone use the term “Virginia gentleman”. Matthew Yglesias » A New First
  • Birman, who died on April 6 at age 82, was a Russian economist who emigrated to the U.S. in 1974 and predicted the collapse of the Soviet economy. Right From the Start
  • The collapse occurred in the heavy downpours that marked the last two rainy seasons.
  • Maybe I busted my lip open last night when I collapsed on the floor.
  • She was on the verge of nervous collapse.
  • What we have witnessed more recently has been the collapse of some financial edifices which have shown the worst aspects of pure, undiluted greed.
  • She dragged herself into the lounge room and collapsed longways onto the sofa.
  • Ash could accumulate on rooftops, causing them to collapse on people seeking shelter in the vicinity of the volcano.
  • A few detail tidbits, including 4% GDP growth, we will hear ad infinitum about revealed legal documents regarding the financial collapse, all with currencies "moshing" around in the pit of chaos. - Business News
  • Six and a half years ago, my mother collapsed and was taken into hospital.
  • Output of manufacturing industry has collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.
  • The accident left him with limited movement on his right side and he suffered a broken rib cage and collarbone and collapsed lungs.
  • Individuals trying to protect their savings may be helping to nudge the country towards the very collapse they fear. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a scrappy start, both teams settled down with York producing a series of incisive moves, all of which collapsed either at the whistle of the referee or their own indiscretions.
  • It exploited fears that the accord would collapse to extract concessions previously denied it.
  • Swansea were the better side for the first half-hour or so - but after that they collapsed. The Sun
  • The questioning of my wife was particularly cruel and inhuman, resulting in her collapse after leaving the stand. The Sun
  • She had had three experiences in which she had collapsed in a "drunken" stupor while driving her car. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • As time went on, these cartoons got even worse and eventually collapsed with the folding of the company.
  • Polyelectrolytes having complete charge neutralization, like uncharged polymers in poor solvents, can collapse to toroids, rods, or spherical globules.
  • Forced to witness the collapse of everything they had once dreamed of and worked to achieve, they have emerged unchastened and unchanged in their destructive illusions.
  • Last year, three years after Sarah died, the marriage finally collapsed.
  • In fact, they turned out to be even more right than they suspected; they were predicting upticks in illegitimacy that were much more modest than what actually occurred - they expected marriage rates to suffer, not collapse.
  • The effort collapsed both in constitutional theory and in practice.
  • The economy is in a state of collapse.
  • This construction of a new world order comes from a naïive and untraveled President, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.
  • He peeked in, saw her collapsed and ran nextdoor for a spare key. The Sun
  • But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
  • These dogs specialize in structural collapses and drowning victims.
  • What Jackson does so brilliantly is to capture the surrealism of family life with its impossible combination of adults forced to explain and impose standards of behaviour that collapse into ludicrousness under the stern eye and wild logic of your average four-year-old. Seeing The Funny Side « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In China, feudalism, as a social system, collapsed nearly a century ago when the country became a republic in 1911.
  • The effectiveness of this compactional pump diminished over time as void space in the peat gradually collapsed.
  • Inevitably, after a couple of pints my carefully planned schedule of return train connections had collapsed, leaving me stranded alone at Reading in a frozen waiting room at four in the morning.
  • Subsequent sleep is again followed by airway collapse, and the cycle repeats itself.
  • Olga Knipper-Chekhova reeled back in shock and collapsed behind the curtain in confusion and terror.
  • The economic collapse and financial bailout they have exploited (or more likely caused) have woken the American people from their slumbers and now they are "taking their country back," which apparently involves anesthetizing the government and buying gold (which Beck promotes on his program). Tea Party Jacobins: The State Of American Politics Today
  • The main (and best) criticism of sham-liberal politics is incoherence, which is what leads to it's collapse. That Broon meme
  • As Israel announced the building of 238 more housing units in annexed East Jerusalem, further complicating US efforts to revive stalled peace negotiations, it emerged that Ehud Barak, the Labour leader, is predicting that the government will collapse. Cracks widen in Netanyahu's coalition
  • If neutron degeneracy is not enough to resist the star's collapse it will continue to shrink until the matter is all compressed into an infinitely small, infinitely dense point called a singularity.
  • She collapsed to the ground and a lifeguard and other people rushed to help. The Sun
  • The deciding factor was whether a collapse of confidence would ricochet across the industry, triggering mass withdrawals of funds from life companies and widespread consumer panic.
  • Most globulars these evolutionary differences are fairly minor, and suggest that star formation was not all at once but over a short period – possibly with intermittent burst of star formation depending on the gas collapse of the nebulosity that forms the stars in the globular. Alien Star Clusters Are Invading the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • These factors predispose to collapse, enhanced by airflow venturi effect, hence resulting in OSA.
  • Continued growth increases the risk of partial dome collapse, which could trigger moderate explosions and possibly significant lahars (volcanic mudflows) from the crater.
  • Horse racing's decline was deepened by last year's collapse in bloodstock values.
  • The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule.
  • She suffered a collapse under anaesthetic.
  • A banking crisis in 2003 saw the collapse of one of the country's largest banks and 100 percent depreciation in the Dominican peso.
  • But Abason had dealt him a mortal blow, for he didn't stand on his feet long and instead collapsed over onto the floor once again.
  • Once the initial shock of the collapse wears off, this crisis presents a fresh opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government predicates that the market collapse was caused by Asian financial crisis.

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