
How To Use Cold In A Sentence

  • She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.
  • He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
  • A few minutes with the heron book cleared up the mystery; they were tricolored herons, the first I had ever seen.10 By the end of the month American goldfinches were shooting around like tossed gold pieces despite another cold spell. Bird Cloud
  • It was still cold and a little gloomy but there was a dour magnificence to it.
  • I always take a couple of aspirins when I feel a cold starting.
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  • The plateau is 1300 meters above sea level and attracts people for its natural beauties, clean weather, and cold spring water. Archive 2009-05-01
  • With cold type, the galley proof is the first proof, usually a photocopy.
  • Dr. Orkborne, much incommoded by this second interruption, coldly begged to know his pleasure. Camilla
  • Take the white of one egg, and measure just as much cold water; mix the two well, and stir stiff with confectioners 'sugar; add a little flavoring, vanilla, or almond, or pistache, and, for some candies, color with a tiny speck of fruit paste. A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl
  • Seizures are most likely to occur early in an illness (such as roseola, colds, gastrointestinal infection) when the fever is rising quickly.
  • While the alpine end of the sport needs only cold weather to produce skiable terrain, cross-country must have snow.
  • We're looking at some idea that it might be a colder than normal winter in the Northeast and Midwest.
  • However, I took the risk of putting a hand close to a yowling muzzle and was greeted with a cold nose and a non-committal snuffle before the full-on baying started again.
  • There wasn't a puff of wind for most of an unseasonally cold day and the heavy overnight rain had softened both the fairways and greens to make them more receptive.
  • Place under cold running water for 20 minutes.
  • The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • Adele brushes her perfectly manicured fingertips atop the cold, smooth metal of the letter opener.
  • The capon burns, and the pig falls from the spit, and the meal will BE all cold if you do not come home.
  • To the cold syrup add the extracted juice and mix by stirring.
  • I open my eyes and there are her deep, cold, violet, malicious eyes, staring at me.
  • The temperature was -25, but much colder with the wind-chill.
  • It was really cold, with a sneaky, penetrating breeze to provide an extra wind-chill.
  • It was so cold that nobody can make his hands naked.
  • At the end of the day, you can come back here for cleanup, or there's cold cream in your trailer. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • Because I had never had a cold sore before, the virus clobbered me with a very high fever.
  • I could feel the cold upon my skin; I breathed it into my lungs along with the heavy smell of formalin. NIGHT SISTERS
  • We decided to only soften the water that would be heated, since there were no other quality issues with hardness in the cold tap water.
  • Wear warm gloves, socks and shoes in the cold. The Sun
  • The kimchee is killer and the spicy fish soup is perfect for when you have a cold. PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er (& Esca Chef) “David Pasternack”… PLUS another book giveaway! | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Her entire body was stiff and sore, and she was cold to the bone.
  • However, the duck confit was cut up in cold bits and enmeshed in a strange, oily construction of mushrooms and haricots verts.
  • He has become gruff and cold, a far cry from the playful, expansive carouser and rabble-rouser of the film's opening scenes. Come and Get It
  • He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.
  • This woman, dressed in a headscarf, long peasant dress and sweater, stands with her arms folded in front of her as if she is slightly cold or perhaps waiting for a tardy child.
  • Buying in a smaller city or coastal town gives them a more balanced lifestyle without the cold turkey of going without any urban facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Normally, even in icy winter, the furnace in constant use gave warmth enough, supplemented by an electric convector heater in the gallery, but by the time help arrived for Baxter I had wrapped him in my jacket and everything else handy, and he was still growing cold to the touch. Shattered
  • Stopped at the Waikino Tavern and had a coldie - as always when I'm passing.
  • One's feet were cold and the uncertainty of everything made one yawny but not sleepy.
  • Susceptibility to cold is determined by cultivar and cultural practices, especially fertilization.
  • Experts suggested that the particularly long and cold winter may also have contributed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mercury is thermally desorbed from solid samples, trapped on an in-line gold trap, and subsequently determined by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry.
  • Since our previous work, we have achieved a significant decrease of applied pressure needed to form a cold-welded bond between the metal layer on the stamp and the substrate using a soft, compliant stamp.
  • Surely, no flame of piety, idealism, or self-sacrifice could burn in the cold hearts of its citizens.
  • - A small backpacker stove, fuel and cookpot (and spoon!) - Clothing suitable for wet, windy or cold weather Parry thrust parry
  • We opted to share a portion of raspberry crème brûlée with cream which tasted absolutely fabulous, full of raspberries with crisp caramelised sugar and rich cold cream.
  • Now the servants and officers who had made a fire of coals stood there, for it was cold, and they warmed themselves.
  • It may have been the biting cold wind that concentrated minds on my questions, but contrary to what opinion surveys are finding, almost nobody owned up to being a don't know or no-show.
  • The only relief from this cold is that some of the trees in conifer forests seem to grow so close together that they encourage a microclimate, which usually has less extreme temperatures.
  • It can stir up strong emotions from the first notes heard, driving even the coldest of people to warm their hearts.
  • In cold winter, birds puff out their feathers to keep warm.
  • Cook the inaniwa pasta in plenty of boiling salted water until cooked, then refresh in cold water and drain.
  • I answered, clutching at the hem of my oversized jersey as a cold draft blew around my exposed legs.
  • They said he was a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him.
  • Had it not been cold and wet it would have been a kinda fun day, if your idea of fun is standing still by a roundabout for nine hours.
  • Garden walls and fences may offer protection from cold, but the wind can push forward any shrubs growing against them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never refrigerate tomatoes that are not fully ripe because cold temperatures stop the ripening process.
  • Field soldiers during the cold war, some hold dark secrets that could topple governments.
  • Nutritionally deprived children experience more health problems than food-secure children including anemia, weight loss, colds, and infections.
  • The year was ushered in by starlit skies, a bright silvery moon and biting cold.
  • We've got an awesome cold-brewed tea plus nine more recipes with flavorful additions like herbs, spices, and fruit.
  • For them there was no shelter from the cold, no shrewd crawling to leeward in snug nooks. THE SCORN OF WOMEN
  • Why does it surprise anyone that a company involved in a cruel business would act in a cruel, cold-hearted manner?
  • What comfort could cold water afford so repleted a stomach? Tropic Days
  • It could be cold and wet so pack some sensible clothes.
  • In recent years the Grahams have had to put up with freezing cold, mildew and woodworm.
  • After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind. American Notes for General Circulation
  • Serve with salad, gherkins and cold sliced cured meats and ham.
  • I will guess that the hypothesis is that the Earth enters a deglaciation period because of orbital parameters deglaciation occurs when the northern hemisphere winter is extra-cold and the northern hemisphere summer is extra-warm. "Crisis = opportunity + danger."
  • My scooter is still very much a material object: it eats petrol, needs its tires filled and refuses to start on cold mornings.
  • The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.
  • But this is cold comfort to those struggling to manage tight household budgets. The Sun
  • There is a display cabinet with wrapped sandwiches, salads (mackerel or ham) and cold puddings.
  • His only change was to capitalise cold and war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pain, cold, and exhaustion fuddled Sara's mind, but she managed to recall the last thing that had happened.
  • I had a cold and couldn't decide whether to go to work or not.
  • They drank strong coffee, brewed over Gareth's small climber's gas stove, and consumed cold iron and high-protein rations. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Shakily I splashed some cold water onto my stricken face, wishing the cold liquid to act as a reality check, maybe even wake me up from this painfully real nightmare.
  • It had been a cold wet summer; he was 'feart' the owners would think he might have taken more care of some of the animals, especially of the young horses, and he mentioned certain ailments springing from damp and exposure for which he might be held responsible. The History of David Grieve
  • Rub some of this cold-cream into your skin to protect it from the sun.
  • The probe will hit the coldest layer of the atmosphere, the tropopause, at about 28 miles, where expected temperatures hover around minus 390 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius).
  • The incentive for business to substitute work for capital has been working with particular force since the end of the cold war.
  • Admin coldblood told The Register, "This is very much like the Scientology thing started more than a year ago now. P2pnet news
  • he has a cold in the nose
  • He becomes cold, heartless and an egotistical exhibitionist; much like the man that left him for dead.
  • It has outlived the Cold War, Vietnam, 2 Iraq wars and seems to unresolvable. Matthew Yglesias » David Petraeus, Jew-Hater
  • Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch.
  • Because there was no cloud, he deduced that it was going to be a cold night.
  • It's a grey, cold day here in Amsterdam and I have to go and raid the fridge to find something for our belated Saturday brunch.
  • Wear a warm hat to guard against heat loss from your head and if your hands are susceptible to the cold then wear some thin gloves.
  • Why not leave churches open at night so homeless people have somewhere to shelter from the cold and rain? The Sun
  • Expect the cold war between the two coalition partners, then, to enter one of its icier periods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cold air would become extremely painful on his amputation stumps.
  • Its average elevation is 13,000 feet, making the air rather thin and cold, and ten peaks top 20,000 feet.
  • A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold.
  • He used radar detectors and a switch to dim rear lights to dodge the police and lots of cold coffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Preliminary analysis: death from overdose of coldsleep drugs, combined with oxygen starvation and dehydration when cocoon failed to properly deploy. The City Who Fought
  • It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
  • The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.
  • Sold in garden centers as bulbs, or potted in the grocery store, Narcissus tazetta papyraceous may survive the winter when planted in D. C.-area gardens but not the colder parts of the region. Use these fragrant plants to freshen the indoors
  • The sun shone high in the December sky and a cold north-east wind dried the countryside after weeks of rain.
  • Cold extremities with hot head and back; face purple during congestion, high fever.
  • We are all sick with mucky colds again and Amelia is in the middle of the worst of it.
  • The musical direction she was going in and the mime and dance, it left me pretty cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their attempt to soften the electorate's impression of her as a scientific cold fish is one of the few amusing spectacles in a grim political landscape.
  • Although they were high in the mountains, and the wind was from the east, and cold with a foretaste of winter, still, it felt warmer than the gelid air radiating from the White River.
  • It, too, was cold; it had the lived-in look of a House & Garden feature. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Steam condenses / is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.
  • According to the company, the name comes from "The English word" gelid "[which] is derived from the Latin word" gelidus "(extremely cold, icy). Overclockers Club news Feed
  • Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.
  • His monologue casts light on the common experience of the stereotypical man who is unemotional, uncaring, and cold.
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • Seasoned with French sea salt, cold-pressed Swedish rapeseed oil and ground macadamia nuts, the cheese had a creaminess that seemed to sweeten its otherwise savory quality. Young Stars of Swedish Cuisine
  • Kate closed her eyes in ecstasy at the thought of a cold drink.
  • Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates round the problem, it doesn't solve it.
  • Sunday morning was sunless and nearly cold, so we didn't even try to look for any more herbs.
  • They whiche unto the warre have given rule, will that the menne be chosen out of temperate countries, to the intente they may have hardines, and prudence, for as muche as the hote countrey, bredes prudente men and not hardy, the colde, hardy, and not prudente. Machiavelli, Volume I
  • The Russian studies use sites that are perhaps the best temp proxies dendrology can offer — cold not moisture-limited sites, and whadayaknow, the correlation w/temps are much better than average. Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
  • She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.
  • This is a complex wine that will sparkle as an accompaniment to a tall glass of bone chillingly cold lemon sorbet with sprigs of mint.
  • Instead, I found myself lusting after bananas, marmalade, muesli, and the simple pleasure of a glass of cold milk.
  • I told him the unvarnished truth except for the part about you quivering stark naked with cold in the shower compartment. CORMORANT
  • I hurried through the cold dark streets, guided more by my sense of direction than my eyes. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Make sure you have your trial in the winter when it's rainy and cold. The Sun
  • And was there frostwork about and thick weather and hice, soon calid, soon frozen, cold on warm but moistly dry, and a boatshaped blanket of bruma air-sighs and hellstohns and flammballs and vodashouts and every — thing to please everybody? — Finnegans Wake
  • On Tuesday the frontal rain in the north is likely to slide southwards, drawing down colder air for a time over northern and eastern parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The army's Quartermaster Corps, unaccustomed to providing for the needs of a wartime force, had disbursed flimsy, floorless tents; as a result, Grant and the rest of the four - thousand - man force slept in the cold mud, protected from the elements by thin woolen blankets. 'The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848'
  • Domestic shipbuilders along with cold-rolled steel companies last week asked Posco to produce a combined 600,000 metric tons steel products for "possible emergency needs" in the coming months, a Posco spokesman said. South Korean Shipbuilders Ask Posco to Raise Output
  • Cold-calling, at one licensed dealer, when the salesmen got desperate, was just not tolerated, it was actively encouraged.
  • Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself.
  • The word `hot' tends to cooccur with `cold'
  • The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions. Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As it gets colder, rearrange your furniture away from the radiators so that the heating can come on in full effect. The Sun
  • And put his clothes on in the blueback cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. Lance Mannion:
  • In warm light colours also warm body colours make themselves felt in a pleasant way, whereas the low proportion of short-wave radiation of these light sources more or less “kills” cold colours such as bluish green, blue and purple. 2. Elements
  • Also on offer to keep out the cold will be mulled wine and mince pies.
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • During the trial period the test car was not garaged, but exposed to moderately cold Michigan weather and one light snowfall.
  • Hiking boots are obviously a much better idea for moving around in, but the trade off can be feet so cold and painful that your whole day can be spoilt.
  • (Piss and blood fetishes similarly leave me cold, though were you to ask me to urinate in your mouth or carve the word "cocksucker" in your chest with a razor blade, I would probably be happy to oblige.) Archive 2008-03-01
  • When the beans are cold he stirred in more fresh dill and enough strained Greek yoghurt to bind them into a soft dip.
  • They are great, splendid establishments, with wide, overhung, awninged terraces, and potted plants and electric lights and gold and tinsel, and mixed drinks and ices and sorbets, and all the epicurean cold things which one may find in the best establishment in Paris. The Automobilist Abroad
  • En route to the recital she was cranky, giving me the cold slitty eye-beam treatment in the rear view mirror.
  • Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
  • From these three statements they get the military idea of women, children, and God, and the heart of the knitting woman recoils in horror from the cold brutality of it all. In Times Like These
  • It is rather cool, not to say cold.
  • The troops suffered atrocious conditions in bitterly cold winters, with temperatures down to minus 30C. Times, Sunday Times
  • January, February, and March bring a great cold, and inhumane conditions of food and weather for the girls - long marches to church in the blistering cold wind, swollen and flayed fingers and feet, and chilblains on the hands.
  • The playful flirtation vanished from the dark woman's face in a flash and she straightened suddenly, firing a steel - cold glance my way.
  • During the Cold War, the US needed Japan to act as a bulwark in Asia against the spread of communism.
  • With the ideological polarity of the cold war, the UN procedures for collective security were still-born (as either of the superpowers and their allies would veto any action proposed by the other).
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
  • Usually this would have knocked a normal man out cold, but Paul was obviously not normal.
  • It took me a week to throw off my cold.
  • He is not magnetic but on the contrary cold and austere.
  • In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man, smooth-faced and easy-mannered, clean and simple and wholesome, with a known record of being a splendid athlete and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • However I'm not cured of the wretched cold and cough that have been my companions for over a week now.
  • One moment she was mopping the floors with her balai espagnole ... and the next she was lying helpless on the cold wet tiles. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • It is cold now, but it'll be still colder tonight.
  • Providing homeless people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold only skates round the problem, it doesn't solve it.
  • The spasm of hope and fear passed instantly, as cold logic replaced emotion.
  • Would it be cold and draughty with no telly? The Sun
  • The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.
  • It wants you to feel the cold tug of melancholy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doing sentry duty at 2am in the wet and cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had been a cold smile and a cold extension o f the hand, but as he took it he had felt blessed. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
  • “I am Nyx,” Nyx replied, keeping his voice carefully cold and emotionless, just as the previous leader had taught him. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kuro’s Review Forum
  • Visitors who come to a cold, unfriendly church are not likely to return. Christianity Today
  • That is a shame, because the cold snap brought a magical winter scene of frosty nights under starry skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything about this cold, vaulted hall seemed dark, with its acres of bare, black basalt. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Add to that decades of se vere drought that drove nomads south onto their neighbors 'land, as well as meddling by Libya, America and Chad — which militarized Darfur tribes as Cold War proxies — and by the mid-'80s, the region had ex ploded in civil war, which spi raled into an international con flict with escalating atrocities. Explaining Darfur
  • In cold climates, you could substitute a trio of birches for the tree aloes and underplant them with blue fescue.
  • Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.
  • The southern hemisphere winter is turning unusually cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • He picked up a washcloth from the counter and ran cold water over it.
  • The next number, ‘Coffee's Cold,’ relies on a bouncy ragtime groove with just a bit of swing.
  • He sat up and grimaced a little because his back ached, his entire body was stiff and his feet were cold.
  • ‘We're not expecting to find life - it's too cold - but we are expecting to find prebiotic chemistry like that in the very earliest days of Earth,’ he said.
  • I'm cold and wet and I haven't even got enough money for my bus fare home. Oh woe is me!
  • It could be a hypocoristic or baby-talk form of hysterical, or it might be from the imitative word hiss; or perhaps it is a variant of another dialect term, jesse, meaning a ` severe scolding, 'which is probably from a Biblical allusion. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • You might not think to tell your doctor about the echinacea you take to help fight off your colds, or the feverfew you use to prevent your migraines.
  • Several other reporters and cameramen stood shivering in unseasonably cold temperatures, ready to capture the multi-vehicle arrival Superdelegate deluge
  • Cryoablation, also called cryotherapy or cryosurgery, is a procedure in which extreme cold is applied to the tumor using a cryoprobe, a hollow needle-like device filled with argon gas. Good news for cancer patients, cryoablation can treat kidney cancer.
  • But a younger generation of Cuban-Americans is less fixated by Castro and his espousal of communism during the cold war. Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba
  • Dawn came, the sea calmed but the cold was as bitter as ever.
  • She scolded him in great anger.
  • The clam pie was hot and the beer, as promised, cold - manna and nectar after a day's hiking. AMAGANSETT
  • We were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.
  • Fish are amphibian bearcat animals that are about ectothermic (previously cold-blooded), covered with scales, and able with two sets of commutual fins and several unpaired fins. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The effect of the cold rainwater soaking his collar from the inspector's awkwardly held umbrella had diminished. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Antarctic, as freezing cold air rushes down from the top of the icecap towards the surrounding seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel grim and horrid, but it's a cold and I will recover.
  • UC Berkeley physicist Richard Packard and grad student Emile Hoskinson managed to hear the quantum vibrations, known as quantum whistles, of a supercold condensed fluid as it's pushed through an array of tiny holes 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.
  • Recently, cold weather caused condensation to form on the inside of the windows and the glass roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • Veg and fish should be neither hot nor cold but warm. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was panting: her breath forming strings of transient puffs in the cold air.
  • Dealing with my Father MSgt Leslie Cooper USAF Retired who died a paralyzing horrible death from cancer exposure to working on Titan II ICBMS and having daily contact with Veterans and Veterans with Service Connected disabilities, they are considered noncombat and face more dangers of dying an early age than those in combat and they are the Cold War Veterans. 911 VETERANS AND SURVIVING SPOUSES NEED HELP!
  • Being so close to the Pacific means that the weather can be dicey: perishing cold, low cloud and sudden thaws on the lower slopes.
  • Select foods that can be served cold or at room temperature and that can be served family style on large platters for quick serving.

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