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How To Use Coin In A Sentence

  • In many places, glittering among the clothes, were gold and silver coins, a few silver ornaments such as buckles, and watches -- things not missed by the pirates in the transport of their flight. The Frozen Pirate
  • Let the term geoid apply to the natural irregular surface of the earth and the term spheroid to the ideal regular sur - face of the geodesist which coincides nearly with sealevel and is necessarily a level surface. Transactions - American Philosophical Society
  • The geoid is defined as a gravitational equipotential surface that coincides with mean sea level.
  • Kanjo said Thursday some of the coins depict Alexander on one side and the Greek god Zeus on the other. Toronto Sun
  • The demonstration is set for Sunday to coincide with World AIDS Day.
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  • And approaching that very machine, his last pound coin clutched in his fist, was Felix Henderson McMurdo.
  • Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • In present-day usage, despite Fowler's strictures, concern for classical and linguistic purity is minimal and the coining of etymological hybrids is casual and massive.
  • John gives Mary the coin, she hides it in the red box for safe-keeping and departs.
  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Their false testimonies could not be allowed, because at least two of them were needed to coincide in order for the testimony to be legal.
  • Mycoinsecticides are fungal sprays that work on insect pests from the inside out.
  • Times when the range is not used are increasingly infrequent and rarely coincide with ideal surfing conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term Great Depression was a perfect fit in the 1930s; nobody has coined a phrase to properly describe our current plight. RSS
  • THE timing of these arrests is interesting and may not be coincidental. The Sun
  • Liqueurs commonly made this way include triple sec, cassis, Cointreau, Grand Mariner and so forth.
  • It's no coincidence that we're in a similar political landscape at the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mar–Oct; £8.50 per person per night plus £3 YHA membership fee per person per night or £14.35 per year; 07747 174293If it weren't for the fact that Latin is a long-dead language, you could be forgiven for thinking that the phrase multum in parvo much in little was coined specifically with The Buzzards in mind. The 10 best secluded campsites
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • We may look like lobsters, or tuna fish, but that is purely coincidental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ky nodded, and pulled out a beaten coin - a copper coin, not wood, I think.
  • History, to coin a phrase, is coming home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • Coins jingled freely in his pocket as he strolled toward the man and his cart.
  • The term proteome “proteins that are encoded and expressed by a genome” was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, then a graduate student at Macquarrie University in Sydney, Australia. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The first English gold coin was struck in 1255.
  • His nostrils flared at the name; unflared when I slipped a gold cinque coin into his tip pocket. 2009 July « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the Aether and Gravitation
  • It will be timed to coincide with the main music festival season. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the phrase was first coined, the three estates of the body politic were the lords, the clergy and the commons.
  • Text and music do not necessarily coincide in their classification: a ferial text may have a seasonal melody; equally a seasonal, proper or common text may use a ferial melody (eg a short respond or versicle and response).
  • (Coincidentally, it apparently freeze-dries into space ice cream very well.) Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • Spesso le mie visite a Newark coincidono con uno dei voli Air India, e sono sempre molto affascinata dai piccoli teatrini della gente che arriva e parte. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I can't tell you how many times I've caught hell in several restaurants, laundromats, and arcades for inadvertently handing them a Canadian coin intermixed with the American stuff. Pizza Patr�n's Peculiar Pecuniary Peso-Paying Predicament
  • Cabinets of coins, medals, and bronze statuettes became a characteristic feature of German princely collections.
  • Suspended from a giant parachute, the bronze-colored capsule carrying the taikonaut, coined from the Chinese word for space, touched down at around 6.23 am after a 21-hour journey that took him around the world 14 times.
  • He fished up a coin in his pocket.
  • The numismatics gallery has coins collected from as many as 60 countries.
  • His departure from Time Warner coincided with sluggish operating results at the cable channel.
  • It's certainly not the notes and coins that bother me as we would be able to retain the monarchs head, as have Spain, Netherlands and Belgium, because it's no different in those terms from when we converted to decimal currency.
  • This kind of stuff is catnip to the mainstream press, which otherwise doesn't know much or care much about Bitcoin.
  • But Fable Coin Golf is a miniature triumph, brilliantly mixing the dynamics of pinball and shove ha'penny with cunningly compelling results. The 25 best smartphone games of 2011 (so far) – part one
  • And how coincidental is it that he just happens to be working with Angus Scrimm, star of my all time favorite horror film ‘Phantasm.’ The Tail Section » 2007 » May
  • Both rely on something lost being found, a sheep in the first parable and a silver coin in the second.
  • This was especially valuable at a time when curious currencies circulated freely throughout the Mediterranean, including coins of values that were not self-evident. The English Is Coming!
  • It's purely coincidental that most of the people I know are from the same background.
  • The similarity between their names is due to coincidence and European mispronunciation -- "Mahican" comes from the word Muheconneok, "from Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Ten tips for expectant mothers
  • Of so-called "eco-terrorism" in his case, a term believed coined by Ron Arnold, executive director of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), a radical right wing group established on July 4, 1976 "to continue (the) Revolution of liberty, free enterprise and individual initiative .... without hindrance by government. Daniel McGowan - Another "War on Terrorism" Victim
  • When economic crisis and agricultural crisis coincide labor really gets squeezed.
  • If you are a Canadian, “timmys” is as familiar as the toonie our two dollar coin or that idiot Don Cherry from Hockey Night in Canada. If You’re Disabled You Cannot Be A Customer
  • Participants were randomly assigned by an ‘adaptive biased coin’ technique, rather than simple equiprobable randomisation, to ensure balance of group numbers.
  • He would certainly be made use of by the officers for the purpose of identifying the companions whom he had betrayed; and I had the best reasons in the world to believe that he would rather assist in the taking of me than in the capture of all the rest of the coining gang put together -- the doctor himself not excepted. A Rogue's Life
  • He wound up coining a phrase that is pithier in Russian, sums up so much of the national character and is a favorite saying here to this day. Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin's stolid prime minister, dies
  • Not a coincidence is my guess, but no one should confuse causation and correlation. Perspective
  • Techies are used to spending an ungodly amount of time mining virtual coins in online games.
  • Hunkin's page coincided with our acquisition of this book by the delightfully-named Shifty Burke, Memoirs of a safe-breaker, published by Arthur Baker Ltd in 1966.
  • So when he won the predebate coin toss at the CNN studio, Gore chose that seat. Beware Veeps Bearing Gifts
  • _ Speech of Autolycus: — “Let me have no lying; it becomes none but tradesmen, and they often give us soldiers the lie; but we pay them for it with stamped coin, not stabbing steel; — therefore they do not _give_ us the lie.” Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • This coin, too, was designed to deal with the question of foreign currency circulating in the state - indeed, it represents one of the earliest attempts to solve that vexatious problem.
  • The term Silicon Valley was coined in the 1970s and refers to the 50-mile stretch between San Francisco and San Jose, where companies such as National Semiconductor -- Top News
  • But Ornish never mentioned its less pleasant side: the plan shifted costs to patients, spiking deductibles and requiring people to pay 20 percent "coinsurance" when they got sick. Media Blog on National Review Online
  • It is no coincidence that he moves fluently between traditional, isolated studio practice and his 13-year commitment to the housing project.
  • But he says it is purely coincidental that he ended up as a farmer of coffee.
  • The identity of this woman is known by a remarkable coincidence.
  • But the success of the past two seasons mean that the standard emblazoned with four bezants or gold coins, to symbolise both wealth and wheels of a car is apt.
  • Anyway, as has already been stated and will now be seen, the evidence of his coins conclusively shows that the God to whom Constantine from first to last attributed his victories, was -- the Sun-God. The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
  • A coin has two sides,a head and a tail.
  • The treasure dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.
  • No-one wants to see a team of cloggers but again it was no coincidence that away from home City conceded just four free-kicks.
  • It's happening everywhere, coincidently, at a time when our ruling lords and masters have borrowed themselves broke. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their decline accelerated during the Oligocene and coincided with the rise of another group of large herbivorous and cursorial mammals, the artiodactyls.
  • She _smelt_, so to say, that there was something underneath the offer which was not to her advantage; but then the thought of thirty crowns a month, of all those coins chinking in her apron, falling to her, as it were, from the skies, without her doing anything for it, filled her with covetousness. The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
  • He tossed the beggar a coin.
  • For if a person strikes many coins from one mold, they are all exactly alike.
  • The boys move through the house, opening cupboards and shedding socks, leaving a Hansel and Gretel trail of chocolate coin foil, crumbs, used tissues and satsuma peel. Diary of a separation
  • I returned the coin to Noah, assuring him that I had no further need of it, and he went away well pleased, assured of the protection of the white man's duppy -- the token of the good spirits which he venerates as much as he fears the bugaboos. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • The influential evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith coined the culinary term “primordial pizza” to capture the spottiness of this idea. SuperCooperators
  • Her career is a thread of happy coincidences and social networking, before that became something people did alone and online. Times, Sunday Times
  • These sculptures, and others, are juxtaposed with coins, medals, gems, seals, enamels, ivory carving, a cassone, a parade shield, moulded leather and even a waffling iron.
  • ‘uprest’ (“Revolt of Islam”, 3 21 5), which has been described as a nonce-word deliberately coined by Shelley ‘on no better warrant than the exigency of the rhyme.’ The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • He was going to have fun if it killed him, to coin a phrase.
  • Coinciding with the Action Movie Festival, AXN also organised road shows earlier this week at popular hang-outs all over the city in yet another attempt to connect to its audiences.
  • Although Time's editors were not in every instance necessarily responsible for the logodaedaly ascribed to them: the magazine served as the medium through which these coinages became known to millions. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1
  • The final programmes will engagingly escort us to the present day, via a coin defaced by Suffragettes, a plate from the Russian revolution, and a credit card, to the final object. A History of the World in 100 Objects is Radio 4 at its best
  • When the word ‘scientist’ was first spoken in 1833, it was meant as a joke: its coinage first drew laughs and later was attacked as ‘an American barbarous trisyllable.’
  • Put a piece of wire of an electronic lighter into the coin slot, switch it on, and you got yourself a free game. April « 2010 « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
  • This coin is actually rarer than its gold counterpart. Coin Dealer Julian Leidman Victim of Vehicle Burglary. Reward Grows to $156,000 : Coin Collecting News
  • The term "pigout" was coined to describe how boys eat. Three Real Little Piggies
  • These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
  • This kind of coinage and derivation is a typical process in the creative evolution of language, and is exactly the sort of thing that snoots like to deprecate.
  • The philosophical importance thus attached to the individual coincided with abandonment of traditional values.
  • The top selling non-fiction book Blink is coining mucho bling for Malcolm Gladwell, yet in 1997 Gladwell wrote a New Yorker article called "The Sports Taboo: Why blacks are like boys and whites are like girls," which made exactly the same argument as Larry Summers made about what is innately different in the capabilities of males and females -- that men have a larger standard deviation on many traits, so there are more men at the top and bottom of the bell curves. Archive 2005-02-27
  • Onions coincidentally contain a lot of potassium metaphosphate (KPO3), which, when combined with all the water soaked up from the Gatorade, is used to produce even more KH2PO4! Undefined
  • As a member of the nobility, he had certain rights and responsibilities: he could raise troops and command them in the field, he held his own courts of justice, he could coined his own money.
  • This stunning coin, which portrays several symbols of fortune and wealth, also reflects the auspiciousness of the number eight in traditional beliefs. The Perth Mint – New Product Releases : Coin Collecting News
  • This was a coin with a guaranteed weight of 8 grammes of 22 - karat gold.
  • The Changling is coincidentally what I called my youngest son during potty training. TRAILER FOR LATEST EASTWOOD JOINT
  • Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophize, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils, ... nor, I think, will the human race. All the President's Lies
  • The Dalasi is divided into 100 bututs, and there are coins for five, 10, 25 and 50 bututs, although apart form the 50 these are rarely seen.
  • I tossed a coin with Bill Wall for this, and won.
  • Choosing victims heavily laden with carrier bags, he would throw a few coins on the floor and then tell them that they had dropped their money.
  • On the circulation coin the springbok has been replaced with an image of planet earth with the focus on Africa, as well as the words "Johannesburg World Summit 2002" and the WSSD logo. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The aiming and treatment beams may not coincide in space and this problem may be accentuated after the beams pass through a lens.
  • Worried that his ex-colleagues would resent his work with Roman coins, he was fond of stressing that he was not a numismatist. The New Yorker Stories
  • The suits are cups, coins, swords and batons, and each suit contains seven different cards: ace, 3, 4, 5, jack, horse, king.
  • Coinciding with the moon landing of Apollo 11, the gates of Faerie flood open and Trods and balefires reawaken.
  • The massive petty crime is implements under the ethyl alcohol function, this by no means coincidence.
  • Collectors of everything from uncirculated coins to Parker shotguns agree that there are three criteria in determining the worth of a collector's item - rarity, authenticity and quality.
  • It would be better to decide it on the toss of a coin.
  • It consists of tequila, cointreau, sour mix, fresh lime and crushed ice, and comes in the obligatory salted glass.
  • The transaction may take a few days to complete, but you'll receive a notification when the Bitcoins have been safely transferred to your wallet.
  • The hoard had been buried in a lead chest, fragments of which survive, and the presence of small bone pins suggests that some of the coins or bullion had been parcelled up into separate bags or parcels, secured by these pins.
  • Marked terms show a polarity, like one pole of the magnet or one side of the coin.
  • She wore a blouse and skirt decorated in intricate beadwork and a kilt made of old silver coins.
  • Had he done so he might not have sent his rallying call unsolicited to MPs to coincide with Carers Week. Hugh Muir's Diary
  • These normally coincide at a time when our natural biological clock allows sleep to occur. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our choices are presented in no particular order, but each covers a topic that made us think about coin collecting and/or the hobby and business of numismatics in a different way. The Best and the Worst of 2008 : Coin Collecting News
  • The angel-noble of Henry VII, valued at ten shillings, appears to have been the coin given; it was in common use and not made especially for this purpose. Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
  • Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.
  • He took some coins from/out of his pocket.
  • Once countersigned, they guaranteed payment on sight at Philadelphia, either in hard coin or in bills of exchange on London. Robert Morris
  • After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.
  • Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.
  • The hemispheres of the brain are now generally held to be the seat of those teleorganic processes which are coincident with noetic ideas and the active faculties of the mind.
  • His notion of synchronicity is that there is an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time rather than sequentially.
  • I think I am interested in circulated coins that trade as close to spot as poss, but that clearly have been (and are) real money, as opposed to eagles etc. Silver Bells, Silver Bells,... mmmm silver
  • Zeno could henceforth exercise undivided imperial authority, and Odovacar kindly offered to administer Italy in Zeno's name, complete with Zeno's image on the coins. Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
  • He fished up a coin in his pocket.
  • However, a bimetallic monetary system of coinage was also established by the Constitutional mandate to Congress to ‘coin Money, regulate the Value thereof’.
  • There is an occasional cough, the shuffle of a footstep, the jingle of some coins, and the rattle of newspapers.
  • The owner, Gerald Thornton, was as much of a relic as the rare and ancient coins in which he specialized. CHAMELEON
  • Aman Mojadidi Mr. Mojadidi's use of the word jihad in his work is no coincidence. This 'Jihadi' Is Armed With a Subversive Sense of Humor
  • Ferguson once coined the term "carousel" to describe Barca's dizzying passing game. The Seattle Times
  • They have a small thin adulterated gold coin, rudely stamped with Arabic characters, called mas or massiah. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • While they were tossing the coin Andrew was taken to the goal where he took four penalty shots at David James scoring twice.
  • The Doctrine of pre-emption becomes inoperable without unimpeachable intelligence accepted by all as the coin of the realm.
  • It is, therefore, something of a misnomer to speak of the transfer of funds as there is no actual transfer of coins and banknotes from the payer to the payee.
  • Coins are made using various alloys of metals like nickel, copper and zinc.
  • This year's commemoration of Sukarno's death coincides with the centennial celebration of his birth anniversary, which took place on June 6.
  • The exhibit ends with architectural elements, coins and a kneeling stable figure.
  • He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.
  • Most valued are the doubloons, aluminum coins about the size of a silver dollar with the krewe's emblem.
  • Dating from the late ninth century AD, the hoard includes silver coins, fragments of two swords, weights, a belt buckle, strap ends as well as the boat nails.
  • The Banksy Effect, the term coined by journalist Max Foster several years ago, speaks to an awakening of interest in the (often illegal) interventions that artists use to call attention to the way we complacently live under larger-than-life infrastructures built (often) by one-eyed men. Dylan Kendall: Street Art: A Window to a City's Soul
  • However, the coincidence of the onset of the new policies with the economic upturn caused by the improvement in the world economy convinced most that the new consensus was, indeed, the source of economic betterment.
  • The formation of low and high vessel density wood coincided with the seasonal rainfall distribution.
  • Many pieces of priceless ivories, sculptures and gold coins were also sold to unscrupulous foreign dealers.
  • There'd be some coin tosses made, and probably even some arguments.
  • Well, what Spenser did with practically every Western myth, epic, and writer before him makes Faulkner look like a pre-schooler using slight of hand to hide a coin), his passion, his facility with language (that is, if you ignore the occasional "puissance"), his psychological insight. Telecommuter Talk
  • Whoever coined the term tricky-dicky must have sensed that the combination would hit hard. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
  • Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.
  • Two lonely souls brought together by happy coincidence? The Sun
  • [25] A moidore was a gold coin from Portugal or Brazil in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • You may already know that Golden Tee is a staple in sports bars, but what you probably didn't know is that Golden Tee is perhaps the most popular coin-operated video game ever.
  • She turned to Ian enquiringly, as the boy scrabbled frantically on the floor looking for coins.
  • As they watched, one of the players shambled over to the jukebox and fed a handful of coins into it.
  • The third main contribution of coins to the study of portraits is to their chronology.
  • The term horsepower was coined by James Watt (1736-1819), the Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer renowned for his improvements of the steam engine. Horsepower hour
  • Trade Viticulture was also important to the economy of many cities, as is shown by the number of states whose coinage bears wine-related designs.
  • It was recently pointed out to me that copper coins minted in recent years are magnetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Refineries in South Africa say they are overwhelmed by orders from Germany for Krugerrand gold coins. Euro crisis: only root-and-branch financial reform can tame the wolf pack
  • The tricky part is the valuation of the bitcoins, which, in 2013 alone, has been as low as $15 and as high as $200.
  • And coins are harder to counterfeit than gold bars.
  • The state-specific random swing factor determines which states have their electoral college votes allocated according to biased coin flips after the national random swing factor is applied. Wolfram Blog : Analyzing U.S. 2008 Elections with Mathematica
  • Acquiring gold and silver was vital for coinage and, in the late Empire, for official payments in plate and ingots.
  • Oudin overcame Julie Coin 7-6 (7-3), 6-4 in just over two hours Sunday to give the Americans an unassailable 3-0 lead. Oudin wins to give USA spot in Fed Cup semifinals
  • In yet another print, he grovels avariciously for a pittance at the feet of Prime Minister Pitt as the latter grinds John Bull through a mincing machine to produce gold coins.
  • This South African coin garnered 51 bids on Rhode Island's eBay auction. Free shipping! Rhode Island's eBay play
  • It is no accident that the surge in idolatrous reality television you so abhor coincided with this call to propaganda.
  • Times when the range is not used are increasingly infrequent and rarely coincide with ideal surfing conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The event is due to coincide with the Euro 2004 soccer tournament and will take place on the astro-turf at the centre on May 23.
  • Truth compels me to state that the division was made honestly, and that little Stenne’s crime did not seem so terrible to him when he heard the coins jingling under his blouse, and thought of the games of galoche which he had in prospect. The Child Spy
  • Although the condition in which the folks found the business at the end of the day often sent them into a swivet, the places did turn a nice profit. It wasn't long before Papa bought the other two local coin-ops.
  • A lifelong civil servant who wraps his sang froid and political toughness in French courtliness, Mr. Trichet generally gets high marks for the way he has managed the E.C.B. He may be the most influential public official on the Continent, the person who most embodies the dream of a single coin for the European realm. NYT > Home Page
  • The answer to the question of whether or not miracles occur is bifold in nature, analogous to a coin with two faces on it.
  • So it is extremely likely that Alice the Goon did influence the now standard meaning of the word goon, but E.C. Segar did not coin the word itself, as it was around for more than a decade before Alice the Goon came into the picture. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #156 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Again to reduce 94½ Company's Rupees weight of pure silver to the standard of the Cabool Rupee 25 Company's Rupees are added no other alloy is used and the mass weighing 119½ Company's Rupees is coined into Cabool Rupees 147½. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • I'd like to recommend The Word Spy, a fascinating website that collects recently coined words and phrases from the media.
  • Will you be hunting for small objects like coins, jewelry and gold nuggets, or searching for a large cache or object?
  • Il a une tres grande cage et tout en haut j'ai pendu une caisse de coin pour furet que je remplis de foin. je la mets en hauteur pour qu'il ne fasse pas ses besoins dedans et il n'y a pas grand espace entre le toit de la cage et la boite et lui est quand meme un morceau bien que lapin nain. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I m shur herm majestickness haz beddur cointroll of de bubbls dan I do uv de body sails, LCB. lolcatburglar says: Yewd be sad 2, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • If you think of it with coin flips it might be easier. 13/27 « Gerry Canavan
  • Coincidentally, I had once found myself in a similar situation.
  • But -- with a "twoness of being" that DuBois probably didn't imagine when he coined the term -- it was a deeply conflicted moment. Terrance Heath: Marriage Matters to Us
  • The Maundy recipients told the Evening Press that they were determined not to sell the coins.
  • Are its movements identical with those of the body, or only preconcerted and coincident with them, or is one simply an aspect of the other? Theaetetus
  • But there was a chronic shortage of small coins. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, I'd guess that the coin and the sign are riddle elements rather than psychological indices. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Court for being four days without dining with him; so I dined there to-day, and he has at last fallen in with my project (as he calls it) of coining halfpence and farthings, with devices, like medals, in honour of the Queen, every year changing the device. The Journal to Stella
  • Before the game, the referee tosses a coin. The team captain who wins the toss has the right to throw-off. And the other term captain has the right to choose ends.
  • The term molecular chemometrics is coined in Chapter 2 for the field that applies statistical modeling methods to molecular structure. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The two genres don't play off each other or give each other a fresh spin; they awkwardly coincide and never truly cross-fertilize. Michael Giltz: Cannes 2010 Day Four and Five: Mike Leigh's New Gem and Inside Job Rocks The Fest
  • I was, to coin a phrase, gobsmacked!
  • He's worried it was just a coincidence the first time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coins cascaded from/out of the fruit machine.
  • Get this for a weird coincidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence the term wiki--coined a decade ago by programmer Howard Cunningham--which means "hurry quick" in Hawaiian. Entrepreneurs, Start Your Wikis
  • As a psychological phenomenon, physiognomic perception has profound effects upon words' evolvement including coinage, word formation, and change of word meaning.
  • There is a rotten to the core subculture of coin dealers close to these guys who truly believe that it is their right to doctor, recolor, or do whatever they please to coins for a living. Commentary: Thoughts on the PCGS Lawsuit Against Coin Doctors : Coin Collecting News

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