How To Use Coherently In A Sentence
She began to mutter incoherently.
So in lieu of a proper beginning here are a few things which I might have arranged more coherently into a beginning if I had the skill.
I tend to get extremely nervous when speaking in public, so it will be a rare opportunity to see me sweat, shake, dribble incoherently and squeak a lot.
It is lucidly and coherently structured around a single axiom, a single percipient insight into the nature not only of tyranny, but implicitly of the State apparatus itself…
she could not talk coherently after the accident

As for the Laodicean moderates such as Mr. B and his counterparts on the right, they will, in their broadly middle way, continue to grumble incoherently about this and that.
They rushed down the hillside screaming with terror; and, when safe among the cottages, began to babble incoherently that there was a ghost up yonder in the "owld hunted fogou," they had seen its face -- and it was white -- so white!
Drolls From Shadowland
As a kid, my only memories of Pesach (Passover), was drinking three glasses of wine on somewhat an empty stomach, mumbling incoherently phrases out of the hagada (the book read during the ritual of Passover).
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The whole essay eschews formal analysis and comment, and just kind of grapples with the subject matter; strands of argument not really left dangling as much as intricately (read: confusingly, but coherently) tied in a personal twist.
Menachem Kaiser: How DFW Got Me a C+
The difficulty comes from the fact that the imperfect here does not coherently offer a continuously unfolding present that would culminate in the receiving of the letter.
So fiendishly busy; so incoherently cramped; though sporting accommodatingly ample open space.
The art direction is fantastic, as well - it's a coherently-imagined world, beautifully realised.
His wife sputtered incoherently for a moment before shouting, ‘But he cannot afford to marry her!’
The ballet - set to a mix of composers including Schubert and placed in an ingeniously contrived cloudscape - makes its point concisely, coherently, and prettily.
The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurses.
At last, he asked: ‘How can we help you?’, on which cue I burst into tears and blubbered incoherently.
Often he would be apathetic and dozy, particularly for the first hour after he had left Beckton, but then he would start to perk up, speaking intelligently and coherently and showing curiosity about the world around him.
Henry’s Demons
Yeah, for now, I'm angry enough that I can barely sputter, never mind speak or write coherently.
She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor.
Groans from a baggy eyed courtroom were cut short when the judge collapsed laughing and muttering incoherently.
Highly recommended, other than the slight shock of discovering that that pompous idiot is still allowed to bumble away incoherently in this the 21st century.
Matthias, caught up in the moment, flailed his arms wildly and babbled incoherently.
Front-of-house spaces have been replanned to make them lighter, larger and connect more coherently with Sloane Square.
She was at a loss for words, sputtering incoherently at him.
he talked incoherently when he drank too much
And then he blabbered on incoherently using pretty much every English word he knew.
The cute beggars get more coin.
The more important thing I think gets lost here is that we sometimes care about dimensions of our experience beyond the pure quantity of satisfaction we get from it, to the extent that varied experiences are commensurable enough to talk coherently about “satisfaction” in some consistent way across the cases.
In Search of Higher Pleasures
If the important role to play is some kind of brainless beauty queen who can't speak coherently and makes a fool out of herself every time she gets in front of the cameras, then yeah, she could definitely fill that role.
Huckabee warns Palin: Don't leave GOP
The young man's brows furrowed, babbling something incoherently from under his father's firm hand.
Therefore, instead of a final dispensation, the story of a monster at the limit of the tellable concludes irresolutely, even incoherently.
If the Tories have the courage to take this principled stance and the wit to argue their case coherently, they might well find a resonance in the country, where there is a new, angry mood of realism.
Homeless people are usually unfit for any type of labor that doesn't require drunkenly swaying from side to side and ranting incoherently.
The book jumps frequently across the 20th century, not always coherently; useful details are dropped in odd locations.
Well, I just stop I guess" the narcotized looking Boyle warbled almost incoherently.
Melody Breyer-Grell: My Issue With Susan Boyle
Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena.
Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
Thus the newspaper man, wearily certain that regardless of what he asks or how he asks it, he will hear for answers only the clumsy asininities behind which the personalities, leaders and sacred white cows pompously attitudinize, gets so that he mumbles a bit incoherently.
A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago
Tom groaned incoherently, having still not recovered from the powerful blow that he'd received.
They all store reference images in either a thin or volume hologram and retrieve them in a coherently illuminated feedback loop.
In doing so, he demonstrates quite coherently and cogently that genuine lyric poetry is far from dead, that it is inventive and individual as it ever was.
Tony grumbled incoherently and ran his fingers through his hair.
Trump said in a statement that he was surprised to hear Cosby blabber, somewhat incoherently, 'you run or shut up.'
Trump will 'probably' run as independent for White House
Slowly gathering up all her baggage, Mercedes muttered incoherently a number of rather shocking French curses.
A few species of hummingbirds and European Starling are known to produce UV hues with coherently scattering melanin arrays in feather barbules.
Before I get to the part where I start gibbering and spluttering, I should begin by doing what I can manage coherently.
His mother gaped as he blabbered incoherently, dripping his own blood and vomiting bloody red raspberries onto the linoleum.
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And that night, coming out of the cannery, he was interviewed by his fellow workmen, who were very angry and incoherently slangy.
Being awake and conscious tends to be associated with having your faculties about you, where the word faculties effectively means your ability to think coherently, to reason things out.
The Pythia would rave and babble incoherently.
Once my brain has absorbed the week, and can regurgitate it coherently, I'll record my doings here as usual.
Incoherently coupled dark-dark , bright-bright and bright-dark screening soliton pairs in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals are possible due photorefractive effect.
They're smart enough to think about and articulate arguments coherently.
Here's the American Heritage Dictionary on "maundering": 1. To talk incoherently or aimlessly.
"It was a strategic mistake to send Sarah Palin out on the stump as warrior girl. Mr. McCain is war-y enough."
This is why large bodies of cells, working coherently towards the same cooperative ends, have evolved.
Nanostructures that coherently scatter have been referred to as thin-film reflectors, multilayer reflectors, quarterwave stacks, Bragg scatterers, and diffraction gratings.
What was this hymn which now the tenors sang, and what was the answer that came from all the voices so close to me, the words in Latin unstrung and only incoherently enveloping me: "Lord, I am come into the Valley of Death; Lord, I am come to the end of my Sorrow; Lord, in thy deliverance I give life to those who would be idle in Hell were it not for thy divine plan.
Vittorio, The Vampire
If we approached him, he would yell loud and incoherently in a state of extreme panic.
The only provisos are that you must be able to write competently and coherently (I don't have time to do much editing) and that you must be prepared to post under your real name.
Mrs. Hastings sputtered incoherently in response before suddenly jumping to her feet in a desperate attempt to compose herself.
She pressed her palms against her stinging eyes, sobbing his name incoherently.
A couple of months ago when Deborah Howell was "deluged" with "uncivilized" comments about her failure to correct a blatant misrepresentation, the Washington Post ombudsman and others had a shrieking fit of the vapors and spent days on the fainting couch mumbling incoherently about the rude insults they had to endure.
The Prime Minister raved incoherently: ‘I see myself as the big fat spider in the corner of the room.’
Passengers' eyes divert to Lauren and they begin to mutter incoherently about her.