How To Use Coherence In A Sentence
Interconnectedness among its components, together with its comprehensiveness, determine a system's degree of coherence.
Materialization of both wish and phantasy is monstrous to Victor, because his egoic coherence depends on denying the death-drive that he sublimes as life — especially the life of science, invention, and creativity.
Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
We focus on linguistic signals of discourse coherence, such as connectives (because, although) and referential expressions (anaphors, cataphors).
When I first heard these pieces, they reminded me of the Bach 48 preludes and fugues in form and coherence, if not in content and style
The book does not attempt to find coherence beyond each narrator's individual account, which is precisely what makes it so affecting.
The Times Literary Supplement

The chapter on the quantum brain, for example, overinterprets the concept of decoherence, misapplies the word "acausal" and misses out entanglement altogether. all content
His intellectual incoherence should not blind us to the populist possibilities he has stumbled upon.
Decoherence seems to yield a (maybe partial) solution to the problem, in that it naturally identifies a class of ˜preferred™ states (not necessarily an orthonormal basis!), and even allows to reidentify them over time, so that one can identify
...anything but love...
Beth's incoherence told Amy that something was terribly wrong.
In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife.
Mulla Sadra
Although...the incoherence could be a side effect of my continued insomnia--I've been either lying awake until 4, or waking up at 2 for a few hours, almost every other night, even though I ran out of my exciting cough medicine last week.
The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness: enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group produces an effect of collective coherence that extends into the larger population.
Peace for Uganda? Yes, Says Science on the Maharishi Effect
Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics, and and macrocosm.
The coherence theory builds in a metaphysical bias towards monism: the idea that everything we know should somehow form one massive ‘complete theory of everything’.
These interlocutors, one assumes, were selected at random, for logical coherence in the set as a whole is wanting.
The main (and best) criticism of sham-liberal politics is incoherence, which is what leads to it's collapse.
That Broon meme
Sometimes ‘nonlinear thinking’ is just newspeak for mental incoherence.
When formatted into a full-length text, though, this new arrangement struggles to maintain coherence or sustained analytical depth.
The Times Literary Supplement
These two sentences stand out in the "document" not so much for their content per se as for their legibility and syntactical coherence.
Case History #1 from The Karmic Adjustment Bureau files:
This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
Its coherence is helped by the fact that this is also an album with a message.
There is room on the list for some wonderful, stoned, noodly incoherence from Helvetia ( "this one-way street doesn't allow bicycles/Oh no") and some moving, outsider, off-kilter folk from Kath Bloom ( "I knew that I would ride with you/If I could").
Readers recommend songs about bicycles: The Results
The first step must be to restore coherence and confidence to the central direction of economic policy.
The sheer scale and scope of the exhibition, combined with the reality that most visitors possessed only a passing knowledge of African political history would have seemed to destine this project for incoherence.
-- 'For my own part,' he at once replied, 'I look upon Aeschylus as the first of poets, for his verses roll superbly; 'tis nothing but incoherence, bombast and turgidness.'
The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
It is Newman's ability to capture the riots' confusion, noise and incoherence that make the passage so stark yet believable.
If you start screwing around with the event you can lose coherence pretty easily - for example by forcing everyone to go together at a random time to hear a sponsor pitch.
The occupation is often full of interest; and he who attempts it for the first time is astonished by the apparently illimitable distance and incoherence between the starting-point and the goal.
They proposed group forms and megastructures to gain conceptual control and to achieve formal coherence in a city of accelerated modernization.
The end sequences are especially sloppy flipping from one fight sequence to another with no real coherence.
He rejected certain Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Incarnation, which in his judgment failed to meet the test of rational coherence.
indeed, in its orotund grandiosity, its declamatory incoherence, its choliambic grandeur, and its unedited seediness, it threatens to leave me fixed here in speechlessness, gaping.
Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
What the band lacks in originality (not to mention coherence and subtlety), it more than makes up for with committed chops and indefatigable energy.
This process of random interactions destroying quantum effects is known as decoherence, because it’s destroying the coherence between the different parts of the photon wavefunction.
How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
The production's claim to introduce ‘logical coherence’ is a lot of rot.
Deductive inconsistency so defined determines one kind of incoherence in belief, which I refer to as deductive incoherence.
Bayesian Epistemology
Kevin Starr said, “You would need a coherent political culture for such a session to occur” — and the lack of such coherence is exactly the problem — “otherwise it would turn into a food fight from Animal House.”
How America Can Rise Again
Coherence and a smooth flow of supporting quotations were achieved by omitting filler words.
Another issue I have with decoherence: Consider the classic case of the photon split by a beamsplitter.
Quantum Hyperion
A popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics called "decoherence" is one interpretation where a conscious mind is not an essential component to physics but is a passive spectator.
Another Look
It certainly benefits from the addition of qualities previously rare in his work: robust pacing, greater narrative coherence and a series of bravura performances.
Rather, we belong in some particular semiclassical history, separated out from other histories by the process of decoherence.
Arrow of Time FAQ
Because they being the workmanship of the understanding, pursuing only its own ends, and the conveniency of expressing in short those ideas it would make known to another, it does with great liberty unite often into one abstract idea things that, in their nature, have no coherence; and so under one term bundle together a great variety of compounded and decompounded ideas.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
There is no logic to much of what people think and say, no coherence to the views they hold so passionately.
I suggest, following Lakatos, that the crucial difference lies in the relative coherence of the two theories.
My research in nonlinear optics continued with special emphasis on interactions of picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses with condensed matter and of collision-induced optical coherences.
Nicolaas Bloembergen - Autobiography
But the committee doesn't seem to have much political coherence.
By devising a new system of theoretical concepts the theoretician makes an explanation available and thus enhances the coherence of the system.
The most common semiclassical explanations of decoherence leave a lot to be desired, though, as they are inaccurate, and often somewhat circular.
How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
The obvious bias in this particular outline is it lifts up and encourages creativity and innovation, and it also encourages a sense of internal coherence.
Christianity Today
I always figured Triathlon was a clever spambot, as the posts lack coherence and seem to be more cobbled together with words than written.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
In these videos, the pieces all come together into a remarkable coherence: all the nonsense somehow, delightfully, makes sense.
Coherence is also increased by epistemological self-understanding: our understanding of why we accept the things we do.
Looking inward, officers see the army not only as a highly-valued institution but also as a corporate or nearly free-standing entity whose internal coherence and unity they must protect from outsiders.
Anyone wanting a sense of either the broad methodological coherence of this rapprochement or its sometimes bewildering thematic complexity will find resource here.
Your essay lacks internal coherence.
Most conversations that established coherence amid the onsetting din of mass-slurring hung reverently on these figures.
Alibi Weblog
And what if the highest goal achievable, as a result, is simply the internal coherence of a speculative argument?
The Times Literary Supplement
"We are working towards systemic coherence rather than negating the value of the new certificate."
And the film, while it suffers from a lack of coherence and focus, has enough brutally perceptive and hilarious moments to gloss over the rough edges.
Times, Sunday Times
This production returns coherence, logic, and sanity to a masterpiece.
This paper analyzes the relationship between gender difference and conversation strategy in general, and indirectness, interruption and coherence and cohesion in particular.
Media studies is a subject with little intellectual coherence and meagre relevance to the world of work.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather, the coherence of set theory is presupposed by much of the foundational activity in contemporary mathematics.
On the contrary, anti-decoherence stipulations of Orch OR include 1) transiently encasing bundles of dendritic microtubules in actin gel ” an isolated, shielded and water-ordered non-liquid environment for quantum processes, 2) quantum states extending among dendritic gel environments via quantum tunneling and/or entanglement through window-like gap junctions of dendritic webs, 3) microtubule quantum error correction topology (Hameroff et al, 2002) and 4) biomolecular quantum states pumped by, rather than disrupted by, heat energy.
A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy.
Incoherence, ugliness, and a steep learning curve were indicators that a machine was powerful.
It may well be successful but it has contributed to a party that lacks coherence.
Times, Sunday Times
As I understand it, decoherence occurs when the wave functions of two possible states of a system become sufficiently different (that is, sufficiently nearly orthogonal, right?) that no interference effects between the two states are observable.
Quantum Hyperion
What induces the appearance of incoherence about unity is the short time scale.
Silly ghost stories are otherworldly dalliances, whereas Frankenstein projects dilemmas of coherence and comprehension that are a permanent challenge for narration.
The whole makes a modern illustrative art of incomparable richness, even though it lacks coherence.
In deconstructive and psychoanalytic readings in particular, this allegedly pure and self-referential language returns to haunt the text's unity, coherence, and independence.
I crave to render you in oil: capture your essence, your inmost coherence and your déshabillé.
This loss of coherence, appropriately called decoherence, is among other reasons why we perceive everyday objects as separate and not as blurred together.
Sometimes they talk about themselves the way she thinks about them - you feel that these people lack coherence.
Times, Sunday Times
In this way, the coherence theorist sheds light on the feeling that sceptical hypotheses, if not conclusively eliminable, are nevertheless idle.
But there is usually some semblance of coherence to the proceedings, and a proper hook to draw us on.
But rational coherence is only as good as its premisses; and the Presocratics' premisses are based on guesswork more often than observation.
But there has been a concern among researchers that the interface between these two policy areas has been characterised by poor policy coherence and weak delivery.
Like the greatest cardinal number, Russell's class similarly fails to satisfy the requirement of coherence.
In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence — an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy, an excessive nervous agitation.
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The scene in the cemetery, for instance, with its brilliancy, its sordidity, its incoherence, its sudden lightning flashes of significance, does undoubtedly come so close to the quick of the mind that, on a first reading at any rate, it is difficult not to acclaim a masterpiece.
The Common Reader
The theoretic coherence of their visionary practice is a testament to its reality.
Behind all this lies twenty years of reactionary politicking from the right, stoking distrust in government -- which can be a healthy thing, of course, but not when it is carried to the point of a blanket rejection of social coherence.
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The organized background knowledge also leads us to predict aspects in our interpretation of discourse coherence.
This is partly because it is willing to access premodern Bible studies, which often took seriously the coherence and impact of the biblical narrative.
The passion of their position, however, is rarely matched by the coherence of their argument.
As for the tea parties; the ideological incoherence is an outgrowth of the Republican Party’s ideological incoherence; the Republican Party’s inability to deliver on its mutually contradictory stated policy goals has discredited it, but not, apparently, the policy goals.
Matthew Yglesias » How Popular is the Tea Party Movement?
And what if the highest goal achievable, as a result, is simply the internal coherence of a speculative argument?
The Times Literary Supplement
Personally, I am hoping for the first - I rather like the idea of decoherence as a limiting process.
Humankind’s Basic Picture of the Universe
What kind of stability and coherence do we have?
Your email, as any fool can see, verges on illiteracy and incoherence.
Viewed from the rhetorical perspective, a discourse is an organic combination of unity, coherence, and foregrounding.
It sought coherence through the specification of clear objectives.
After an exchange such as that described above, for example, it is definitely NOT as though my interlocutor will adjust his or her thinking to take into account the indefensibility and incoherence that has been demonstrated about the "God defines the good" position.
Traditionalists' Muddled Thinking About God and the Good: A Bit of Philosophy
The focus throughout Part 3 is on tonality as a framework for generating coherence.
With its inner coherence broken the National Curriculum staggers on, fatally wounded.
To argue otherwise is to descend into logical incoherence.
Text modifications that increase coherence range from low-level information, such as identifying anaphoric referents, synonymous terms, or connective ties, to supplying background information left unstated in the text.
I think the total lack of coherence from the administartion shows that Bush is right.
Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
An event with many causal connections plays an important role in maintaining the coherence of the story.
The system achieves this by measuring the target velocity of the cylinder carrier from optical phase shift, using an optical heterodyne interferometer to exploit the temporal, rather than spatial, coherence of the laser.
The campaign was widely criticised for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.
A common religion ensures the coherence of the tribe.
A schema is a structure in semantic memory that specifies the general arrangement of a body of information, so it helps to understand the global coherence of discourse.
[Page 199] people who educated her had no coherence or consistence of character, and, with all her strength, she wanted something able to bind her together; she must weave up her 'thrums' herself, and she might make them into cloth-of-gold!
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
Trading lacked coherence and conviction.
Times, Sunday Times
The only incoherence is being spewed from your keyboard, as AIG & Lehman were HUGE MORTGAGE COMPANIES ...
Your Right Hand Thief
And try as they might, the charm of the leads can't hide the lack of coherence or overbearing sentimentality.
The Sun
Yet it remains clear that for the objectives sketched in the article, even much more extensive and sophisticated models of signifiers than those elaborated in structural phonology (intonation, graphology and graphetics, prosody, etc.) would still fail to provide any meaningful semantic coherence and unity.
The campaign was widely criticised for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.
It has no coherence, no sense of itself.
Times, Sunday Times
To their credit the Greens have listened and learned, acquiring a new coherence and hard-headedness.
The operational coherence and conclusiveness of the abuse correction mechanism, of course, needs to be spelled out in institutional detail.
But still: I like a coherent narrative thread, and so far as coherence is possible in personal narratives, why not pursue it?
The Story’s The Thing | Her Bad Mother
Dr. Muna abul Fadl, the wife of Shaykh Taha Jabir al Alwani and a former full professor of political science in Cairo and probably the most brilliant person I have ever met, taught that the multi-layered "architectonics" of Islamic normative law, the maqasid al shari'ah, are flexible, because the maqasid are a product of human reason based on the coherence of the Qur'an and the matn or substance of the ahadith.
In order to have interesting performances of choral and orchestral music the conductor must see to it that the performers play or sing all rhythmic figures correctly, that long tones are sustained for their correct duration, and that in general the musical performance be permeated by that steady throb of regular pulsation which is the foundation of all rhythmic coherence.
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Kudelka's experiments in remounting the Petipa classics have benefited from the coherence implicit in the Petipa originals.
Method and apparatus for a coherence transformer with limited memory for connecting computer system coherence domains
This new perception of celestial motion immediately explained numerous daily observations and solved problems of astronomical coherence.
For purposes of simplicity and coherence, we tell this story as a chronological account constructed in terms of our toolkit ideas.
His spectacular fashion shows and dazzling incoherence of past years - demanding $7.77 trillion in reparations for colonialism - were a perennial highlight.
A humdrum session at the U.N.
And try as they might, the charm of the leads can't hide the lack of coherence or overbearing sentimentality.
The Sun
They give a sense of unity and coherence to our cognitive effort, but can never themselves be exhibited in sense experience.
In the morning had a rigor; acute fever, hot sweat, appeared to be free of fever; did not sleep long; after the sleep a chill, ptyalism; in the evening, great incoherence; after a little, vomited a small quantity of dark bilious matters.
Of The Epidemics
For anyone with an underdeveloped sense of self-esteem, this is a lifeline, providing a short cut to coherence and purpose.
In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife.
Mulla Sadra
Coherence is about the experience, about using what you've been learning and reapplying it.
What we need instead is what I describe as messy coherence, a sense of direction with with requisite diversity.
Cognitive Edge
Little thought was given to visual coherence.
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The only other interruption was an early evening telephone call from my sister, who responded to my mumbling incoherence by asking whether I was drunk.
That our society has an interest in coherence and strength and commitment and mutually reinforcing loyalties, then if gay couples want to call their union marriage and a state agrees, and several have now, or a religious body will sanction it - and I don't think the state should be able to stop the religious bodies from saying it - I don't think the rest of us should get in the way of that.
Furthermore,(sentence dictionary) Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.
But balancing the proclaimed newly muscular liberalism with a new muscularity of reaction is not a recipe for coalitional harmony, but a recipe for incoherence.
Prisons: Reaction resurgent | Editorial
A work that had been subjected to any kind of redaction would surely show more signs of narrative coherence.
(Beginning of paragraph following one on Unity in the paragraph) _The second of the essentials of the paragraph_, coherence, demands that ....
Practical Grammar and Composition
Meisel's second functional characteristic is coherence, which is rather more straight forward.
Step 1 of the preemie research uses a technology called optical coherence tomography, or OCT, that beams light to create a map of the back of the eye, showing the retina's layers in exquisite detail.
Testing tool may help prevent blindness in preemies
Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence.
For example, in psychiatric terms, a zombi might be called a catatonic schizophrenic; both conditions are characterized by incoherence and catalepsy with alternate moments of stupor and activity.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Such a text, though external to the picture, provided it with narrative coherence and aesthetic unity.
The Times Literary Supplement
Especially, we attach importance to the producing process of panorama and cinematograph calibration, matching method of homonymy points and coherence of perspective relationship.
Trading lacked coherence and conviction.
Times, Sunday Times
The ineloquent coherence of the book gladdened and surprised me.
Times, Sunday Times
Many arguments have been given for regarding the probability laws as coherence conditions on degrees of belief and for taking some principle of conditionalization to be a rule of probabilistic inference.
Bayesian Epistemology
The obvious bias in this particular outline is it lifts up and encourages creativity and innovation, and it also encourages a sense of internal coherence.
Christianity Today
Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy.
It aimed to bring national coherence to the governing bodies.
Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
Factionalism implies a degree of coherence or constraint in a group's position on issues: we expect certain policy positions to go together.
The most likely outcome of these proposals is that they will introduce even more incoherence and confusion into the UK secondary education system than there is already.
Arguably the real source of all this hardball is increasing levels of partisan identification and ideological coherence.
Matthew Yglesias » Constitutional Harball
But individuality and distinctiveness presuppose coherence and unity: without them, nothing can stand on its own as an object either of admiration or contempt.
In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence -- an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy -- an excessive nervous agitation.
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The concept of coherence is implicit in the definition of irreducible complexity in the idea of parts that are “well matched” to a “system.”
The Edge of Evolution
Then the universe is seen as infinite in all directions, but without any backbone of mathematical structure to give it coherence.
Infinite in All Directions
He wrote pungently against Gnosticism and other heresies, and in the course of his polemic unfolded a story of salvation of breathtaking coherence and scope.
There's a certain incoherence running through the release, though, which can't seem to decide whether they're trying to accuse Kerry of being a liar (because no foreign leaders have publicly endorsed him) or a dupe (because foreign leaders really do support him).
March 2004
One approach to microminiaturization is to incorporate dissipation and decoherence into device design in order to create small electronic devices that have properties similar to their larger counterparts.
The picture of flowers from three seasons, arranged in a terracotta vase, is admirably composed, with a trailing coherence of tendrils and twisting stalks.
Landow argues that links in hypertext convey coherence, suggesting some sense of expressing a pre-existing connection or relation.
I thought we lacked a little coherence the first night.
He rejected the rigidities of structuralist analyses and instead suggested there is no pattern or underlying coherence in history.
Media studies is a subject with little intellectual coherence and meagre relevance to the world of work.
Times, Sunday Times
Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy.
In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherencean inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy, an excessive nervous agitation.
The Fall of the House of Usher
The fact is Margaret never pretends to coherence despite her desire for posthumous fame.
Whatever it lacks in coherence – a meal can take you in various directions – it makes up for in panache: a recent meal there took in herring roes on toast, Chinese-style spare ribs, sautéed lemon sole, and poussin, followed by a white chocolate parfait.
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My own anecdotal evidence suggests that right across the secondary school system our children are being short-changed of the patrimony of their story, which is to say the lineaments of the whole story, for there can be no true history that refuses to span the arc, no coherence without chronology.
The Guardian World News
Sometimes I think they choose coherence over a more realistic wooliness.
Not Ugly Betty « Tales from the Reading Room
Even when teaching is of high coherence and consistency, students may experience stress.
At the beginning the protagonist is on his death bed, trying desperately to find some coherence to his fragmented life.
My poetry rejects all excessive remoteness from reality and takes pleasure in bringing things and men closer in an effort to achieve universal coherence and harmony.
Both cohesion and thematic progression play important roles in discourse coherence.
Jefferson's acts as president possess a coherence beyond the accidents of expediency.
Insights from a number of different theories will be drawn upon to give meaning and coherence in the substantive sections.
One could then also say that kaji expresses the mutuality and coherence or co-responding that obtains between the two major concepts characterizing esoteric Buddhism for Kûkai: hosshin seppô and sokushinjôbutsu, as two ways of conceiving from different angles the same interrelationality of the cosmos in its mantric and mandalic expressions.
Looking back she'd seen the silver rails but only through the incoherence of her own streaming hair.
This decoherence, however, signals the irreducible inaccessibility of the efficacious processes that give rise to the body or the text through certain nonclassical configurations of material or phenomenal effects.
Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
The physical principles of cryobiology are universal, which provides some coherence to the field, but the biosphere contains many surprises and twists, which adds endless fascination.
It has no coherence, no sense of itself.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a wieldy document but considering the sheer quantity of material covered, maintains an admirable level of coherence in an objective, clear and concise manner.
For example, in psychiatric terms, a zombi might be called a catatonic schizophrenic; both conditions are characterized by incoherence and catalepsy with alternate moments of stupor and activity.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
They have struggled to create coherence within the group.
Furthermore, he says, the chief networkers in primate species have been female because they are more likely to remain in the group in which they are born and give it coherence over time.
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And now, before I take up my tale, I want to anticipate the doubting Thomases of psychology, who are prone to scoff, and who would otherwise surely say that the coherence of my dreams is due to overstudy and the subconscious projection of my knowledge of evolution into my dreams.
But distinctly national policies persist and policy coherence remains elusive.
All magazines and newspapers are a kind of conjuring trick - they put a gloss of coherence upon chaos.
We didn't care about narrative coherence.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
They give a sense of unity and coherence to our cognitive effort, but can never themselves be exhibited in sense experience.
Even more generally, one could ask whether the results of decoherence could thus be used to explain the emergence of the entire classicality of the everyday world, i.e., to explain both kinematical features such as macroscopic localisation and dynamical features such as approximately Newtonian or Brownian trajectories, whenever they happen to be phenomenologically adequate descriptions.
...anything but love...
It seems that the contingency of each individual chapter never contributes to an overall coherence.
And how can anyone be sure, when the Tory programme lacks all coherence.
Times, Sunday Times
Location: cz yes, yes. to be sure i will form the question once more. its not about flicker. degrain (degrain1) and probably v. coherence cause that when there is a small movement of bigger area, sometimes this area doesnot move as whole, but by parts. tried fft3dfilter, which was able to remove this 'artefact' but. but blurs alot. tried to have same frame with 1pixel up/dn/left/right shift and do temporalfiltering on them. or corrector on them.
Doom9's Forum
It may well be successful but it has contributed to a party that lacks coherence.
Times, Sunday Times
To design something usually implies careful thought, preparation, organization, and coherence.
Here is one solution to improve the coherence of the paragraph.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
The state of the past promised to cohere the nation; such coherence seems impossible today.
The accessibility and coherence of this book are among its main strengths.
Decoherence seems to yield a (maybe partial) solution to the problem, in that it naturally identifies a class of ˜preferred™ states (not necessarily an orthonormal basis!), and even allows to reidentify them over time, so that one can identify
...anything but love...