How To Use Cohere In A Sentence

  • Passengers' eyes divert to Lauren and they begin to mutter incoherently about her.
  • This regress is signalled not only by increases in mental confusion but by typography less and less coherent, the type straying over the page, and with some pages simply blank.
  • His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.
  • The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it .... Two Years in the French West Indies
  • We believe he, either, is turning his Nelson's eye to the scientific reports, or, is plain oblivious of Peter Bergen's cogent and coherent articulation of the demerits of EITs as image destroyers for the US. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
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  • It is perfectly coherent from a pure domestic viewpoint. Georges Ugeux: It's the Dollar, Stupid
  • The agents transform isolated software applications into modular building blocks for creating a coherent networked system.
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • The Executive undertakes to produce a coherent programme of government which the parliament is duty bound to scrutinise, debate and give assent to.
  • Interconnectedness among its components, together with its comprehensiveness, determine a system's degree of coherence.
  • The high frequency of I as theme helps to maintain a sense of continuity and a coherent point of view.
  • The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.
  • Creating authentic images depends on coherent focusing, color correction and proper whiteness.
  • Well, I just stop I guess" the narcotized looking Boyle warbled almost incoherently. Melody Breyer-Grell: My Issue With Susan Boyle
  • Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple visible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • For one thing, it will force the government to produce a compelling, coherent, consistent, and persuasive account of their programs, their debacles, and their triumphs.
  • Materialization of both wish and phantasy is monstrous to Victor, because his egoic coherence depends on denying the death-drive that he sublimes as life — especially the life of science, invention, and creativity. Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
  • We focus on linguistic signals of discourse coherence, such as connectives (because, although) and referential expressions (anaphors, cataphors).
  • Sullenly, Andrea settled down into her seat and grumbled something incoherent.
  • It was especially relevant to the setting under discussion or in my view, any setting with any kind of coherency - that you DO NOT attempt to use a gamist system to model a setting best served by simulationist or narrativist systems. January 30th, 2007
  • Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
  • Did you plan a trilogy or did the first three albums just end up feeling like a coherent body of work? The Sun
  • But an opposition leader does not need to be coherent or consistent; all he has to do is disrupt the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • two coherent sheets
  • The ‘Tipton three’ may be telling a pack of lies, but this affair is so murky and so many backs are being covered that it is very difficult to form any kind of coherent judgement.
  • Thus, if galena and zinc blende in acid solutions be connected in the usual manner by a voltaic pair, sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved from the surface of the former, and a current generated which is sufficient to reduce gold, silver or copper from their solutions in coherent electro-plate films. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • What it needs is a much more powerful, consistent, and coherent political expression.
  • Not just another way of stating that divine sovereignty and human doing cohere or belong together but more specifically this verse expresses a soteriological truth.
  • Perhaps their relationship cohered in an earlier version of the screenplay, but in the film it's hard to guess how.
  • When I first heard these pieces, they reminded me of the Bach 48 preludes and fugues in form and coherence, if not in content and style
  • They show the star sometimes rambling and at other times virtually incoherent. The Sun
  • They show the star sometimes rambling and at other times virtually incoherent. The Sun
  • The book does not attempt to find coherence beyond each narrator's individual account, which is precisely what makes it so affecting. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I wish the people here in VA could give a coherent answer to why they voted for kooky nellie as our AG .. Think Progress » Pawlenty Admits That ‘There’s Probably Some Political Overtones To’ Health Care Lawsuit
  • The Government lacks a coherent economic policy.
  • The chapter on the quantum brain, for example, overinterprets the concept of decoherence, misapplies the word "acausal" and misses out entanglement altogether. all content
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • His intellectual incoherence should not blind us to the populist possibilities he has stumbled upon.
  • The larger the metropolis grows, the less coherent its image becomes.
  • Decoherence seems to yield a (maybe partial) solution to the problem, in that it naturally identifies a class of ˜preferred™ states (not necessarily an orthonormal basis!), and even allows to reidentify them over time, so that one can identify ...anything but love...
  • Beth's incoherence told Amy that something was terribly wrong.
  • The findings obtained with this Finnish material can cohere with prior comparable research in other markets, as is referenced in the text wherever applicable.
  • As I practice my craft, I find the books I write now are more coherent from the outset but often need much work with revisions to find the true story. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Story in the Story
  • The single most coherent theme that emerges is the desire to keep patients out of acute hospitals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each one of these decoherent events amounts to a little kick on the moon, which is a sort of quantum zeno process of reducing the quantum state of the moon. Quantum Hyperion
  • Here they are displayed adjacently as Tintoretto must have intended: the rigid symmetry of the former painting makes clear that it was meant for a frontal view, while "Washing" demands to be seen from the side, where the perspective at once makes exquisite, coherent sense. The View From Venice
  • One of its key arguments is internally incoherent.
  • The day will come, soon enough, when I'm gibbering, and incoherent, but right now I'm in control and I don't want anyone else to know.
  • With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
  • No inversion can, therefore, really take place in anatropous ovules, but the blade of the leaf is bent back on the funicle, with which its margins also cohere. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • There are three questions that must be asked if we are to develop a coherent legal structure that allows a market in lawsuits.
  • This is called the many worlds theory, the theory that the universe constantly splits apart with multiple realities and that we have de-cohered. Deepak Chopra: Michio Kaku Interview By Deepak Chopra
  • They'd go all "Nixon In The Rose Garden" on us and give us a bunch of incoherent mumbletypeg about quality and service and how none of this was really their fault so please don't sue. CarBuyersNoteBook
  • In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife. Mulla Sadra
  • The instrument for this purpose is called a coherer, in which small particles cohere through the action of the electric waves, and are caused to fall apart mechanically, during the electrical impulses. Practical Mechanics for Boys
  • I hope this series introduced a new perspective - one that inspires you to take the necessary steps toward developing a coherent, long-term CSR strategy. Gregory Unruh: Part IV: Capturing - and Sustaining - Value
  • But the swarm of insectile buzzing quickly cohered and built to a climax until it, too, was gone forever - without fadeout or explanation.
  • Although...the incoherence could be a side effect of my continued insomnia--I've been either lying awake until 4, or waking up at 2 for a few hours, almost every other night, even though I ran out of my exciting cough medicine last week. Ainmosni.
  • The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness: enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group produces an effect of collective coherence that extends into the larger population. Peace for Uganda? Yes, Says Science on the Maharishi Effect
  • Thus in articulating an interpretation, or set of interpretations of the term adequate to frame theoretical issues, we cannot simply describe how it is currently employed ” we must assign it a more definite and coherent meaning than extant in common usage (Block 1995, 2002). Consciousness and Intentionality
  • Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics, and and macrocosm.
  • Western culture is based on an idea of an integrated, coherent, solid-state self and on the related idea that we are all equally morally responsible.
  • He has flown himself away to the clinic to emerge back into the public eye as a bright-eyed, coherent young man.
  • Even if one forgives his poetic license with the facts, the book fails on the grounds that its arguments are incoherent.
  • However, sequences in his last three books juxtapose different strophic and stanzaic patterns, prose and verse, relatively coherent narrative elements, dream elements, and fragments of meditation.
  • As reviewer Ron Charles rightly points out, "the jacket flap tries to dress up the book in the clothing of a coherent story, but the title offers complete truth in advertising: This is indeed a monstrous collection of notes. A Monster's Notes
  • As I noted in a previous post on this subject, the disclaimer that the school board has mandated be read by the science teachers is incredibly incoherent and confused.
  • The coherence theory builds in a metaphysical bias towards monism: the idea that everything we know should somehow form one massive ‘complete theory of everything’.
  • “The caller, in other words, you, is described as incoherent and hysterical.” Red Wolf
  • Thus the newspaper man, wearily certain that regardless of what he asks or how he asks it, he will hear for answers only the clumsy asininities behind which the personalities, leaders and sacred white cows pompously attitudinize, gets so that he mumbles a bit incoherently. A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago
  • Moving out of the central, more restrained and mournful section into the reprise could perhaps need a little more direction, but the overall work is coherent, engaging and pays the listener well.
  • These interlocutors, one assumes, were selected at random, for logical coherence in the set as a whole is wanting.
  • The main (and best) criticism of sham-liberal politics is incoherence, which is what leads to it's collapse. That Broon meme
  • The interview editing renders what would have been boring and incoherent conversations with old people and stoners into a thoughtful, funny psych exam for the national consciousness.
  • It's debatable whether the studio recording actually contains the f-word, given the incoherent roar Jim Morrison emits at the song's climax, but there's no ambiguity to the Oedipus context in this live version. Eric Williams: F***ing up the Charts: on F-Words and Music
  • Particles of wet flour cohered to form a paste.
  • Tom groaned incoherently, having still not recovered from the powerful blow that he'd received.
  • Sometimes ‘nonlinear thinking’ is just newspeak for mental incoherence.
  • Each level was said to constellate a coherent span of human development, and the thirteen stages within that level could be seen as stages of evolvement somewhat similar to the stages of seasonal growth in the course of Nature's year. Breaking News: Science validates key Mayan Calendar premise
  • When formatted into a full-length text, though, this new arrangement struggles to maintain coherence or sustained analytical depth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The idea of each institution forming a coherent academic community seems to have little purchase in reality.
  • Some are unable to string together words in a coherent fashion, others curse the never-ending punishment.
  • These two sentences stand out in the "document" not so much for their content per se as for their legibility and syntactical coherence. Case History #1 from The Karmic Adjustment Bureau files:
  • Experimental photolytic treatment of the lens in vitro was performed using a mode-locked Ti: Sapphire laser (Mira 900, Coherent) and a regenerative amplifier (RegA, Coherent). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The link between this and higher taxes in Britain, is that their interest rates would have to fall to cohere with eurozone rates and the UK Treasury suggests the impact would be inflationary.
  • There is acute onset of delusions, hallucinations, incomprehensible or incoherent speech, or any combination of these.
  • The montage of icons does cohere into a sort of meta-icon perhaps, of dogs that are (for me) short-haired, middling-sized, with dark-brown fur; but this is … a sort of cubist collage of perspectives that spills out beyond its casual frame, each dog a Cerberus with three heads superimposed one over the other, snub-nosed and long-snouted, ears pricked and flattened, slavering and not slavering. Archive 2009-07-01
  • With this work, he achieves a rare artistic testimony as well as a new step in the very coherent body of his work.
  • He was so upset that he was incapable of coherent thought.
  • This rant then devolves into a general pasting of popular music and is not especially coherent, but then, what do you want out of a one-eared, stuffed deer.
  • This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
  • Such a machine synchronizes thousands upon thousands of cast dice in order to orchestrate the manifestation, if not the disappearance, of their “broken sentences,” each word extracted from a grammatical series of coherent points and then implanted into a statistical series of isolated events. Poetic Machines 06 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • They all store reference images in either a thin or volume hologram and retrieve them in a coherently illuminated feedback loop.
  • Its coherence is helped by the fact that this is also an album with a message.
  • It presents a clear and coherent argument that applies historical analysis to a significant contemporary issue.
  • If California wants to correct its incoherency, and quickly, it first needs to conduct an analysis of all physical and personnel costs associated with schooling in order to meet state-prescribed standards. Rep. Mike Honda: California's Student Lawsuit Exposes Education Disparities in America's Classrooms
  • One drinker said: 'They were almost incoherent. The Sun
  • At a first stage, a group coheres thanks to family bonds, religious consensus, and the leadership of an individual of outstanding capabilities.
  • All these would make a coherent composition where colour and form would carry the underlying theme in flowering splendour from May until August. The Education of a Gardener
  • There is room on the list for some wonderful, stoned, noodly incoherence from Helvetia ( "this one-way street doesn't allow bicycles/Oh no") and some moving, outsider, off-kilter folk from Kath Bloom ( "I knew that I would ride with you/If I could"). Readers recommend songs about bicycles: The Results
  • Their industrial policies are coherent and substantial.
  • The first step must be to restore coherence and confidence to the central direction of economic policy.
  • From the propagation theory of partially coherent light, spectral anomalies and spectral switches of Gaussian Schell-model beams focused by an astigmatic aperture lens are studied.
  • And he will depend on a trusted national security adviser to cajole and hammer this collection of heavyweights into a coherent team.
  • The sheer scale and scope of the exhibition, combined with the reality that most visitors possessed only a passing knowledge of African political history would have seemed to destine this project for incoherence.
  • -- 'For my own part,' he at once replied, 'I look upon Aeschylus as the first of poets, for his verses roll superbly; 'tis nothing but incoherence, bombast and turgidness.' The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
  • We have seen how necessary it is that one mind, disembarrassed of all extraneous influences, shall create one coherent plan which shall ever after be strictly followed.
  • In such a vacuum of political criticism, one might expect national newspaper columnists to step in and make coherent remarks upon government policy.
  • Other pupils have been completely incoherent. The Sun
  • It is Newman's ability to capture the riots' confusion, noise and incoherence that make the passage so stark yet believable.
  • GARS forms a more coherent whole since its editorial edifice was the work of Weber himself; and yet, its relationship to his other sociologies of, for instance, law, city, music, domination, and economy, remains controvertible. Asthmatic
  • For the coherer to be ready to detect a new pulse of energy, conduction had to be stopped by jarring the granules.
  • We see the dichotomies, the wealth of paradox and the inherent contradictions but fail to see what it is that unifies them all into a coherent whole in their minds.
  • I assume she can memorize talking points for most question scanarios and they will have undoubtedly worked on her "coherency" issues (I can't believe I have to write that ...) but certainly there will be curveballs that cannot be prepared for ... Obama Leads By Over Five Points In Pre-Debate Tracking Polls
  • The various sections of the report fail to cohere into a satisfactory whole.
  • In doing so, he demonstrates quite coherently and cogently that genuine lyric poetry is far from dead, that it is inventive and individual as it ever was.
  • If you start screwing around with the event you can lose coherence pretty easily - for example by forcing everyone to go together at a random time to hear a sponsor pitch.
  • Since physics depends on coherent argument, this manner of presentation is clearly ill-suited to the books' purpose.
  • ‘He was asked to give his details and was incoherent and uncooperative with the police,’ she said.
  • The narrative that emerged from the cobwebs was a remarkably coherent one, a detailed panorama of Victorian and Edwardian family life, full of humour and bathos as well as drama, passion and tragedy. Hancox: All under one roof
  • Cellini’s Capitolo in Praise of the Prison is clearly made up of pieces written, as escribed above, in the dungeon of S. Angelo, and of passages which he afterwards composed to bring these pieces into a coherent whole. Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • It is often assumed that “moral subjectivism” must denote a kind of lumpish relativism according to which whatever sentiments an individual happens to have determine the moral truth for that person; it is often assumed that moral subjectivism would therefore render incoherent the ideas of moral improvement, moral criticism, and moral disagreement. Moral Anti-Realism
  • The occupation is often full of interest; and he who attempts it for the first time is astonished by the apparently illimitable distance and incoherence between the starting-point and the goal.
  • Such views, however, stemmed more from Mitchel's hatred of capitalism and landlordism than from any coherent socialist ideology.
  • It does not have the centralisation of religious authority which can both unify people around a coherent set of values and prevent the emergence of extremes.
  • They proposed group forms and megastructures to gain conceptual control and to achieve formal coherence in a city of accelerated modernization.
  • The end sequences are especially sloppy flipping from one fight sequence to another with no real coherence.
  • He rejected certain Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Incarnation, which in his judgment failed to meet the test of rational coherence.
  • He was an extremely articulate and coherent person - he knew what he wanted, he knew why he was doing it, and he didn't see why people should have a problem with it.
  • They must recognize that it is possible to work with Tehran where their interests cohere, even as they seek to counter it at other points. Erin Fitzgerald: Iran's Shadow Diplomacy
  • This desire becomes only stronger once he assumes the role of the detective, whose very function has been to immobilize the mysteries of the world by constructing a coherent text.
  • Why, then, do I finally feel that the novel fails to cohere, that the novelist's alchemy does not transform all these wonderful ingredients into a golden artifact?
  • indeed, in its orotund grandiosity, its declamatory incoherence, its choliambic grandeur, and its unedited seediness, it threatens to leave me fixed here in speechlessness, gaping. Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
  • What the band lacks in originality (not to mention coherence and subtlety), it more than makes up for with committed chops and indefatigable energy.
  • This process of random interactions destroying quantum effects is known as decoherence, because it’s destroying the coherence between the different parts of the photon wavefunction. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
  • In this important new book, he suggests that what is lacking is a coherent theory of markets as social institutions.
  • The result of this animalisation was the disempowering of homeless people through their representation as incoherent babbling drunks, the wild, drug crazed miscreants and the ‘feral’ runaways.
  • The production's claim to introduce ‘logical coherence’ is a lot of rot.
  • Edouard Branly's invention of the 'coherer', an instrument designed to receive Hertzian waves, was communicated to the British Association at Edinburgh in 1893. The War in the Air; Vol. 1 The Part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
  • Indeed, the schema serves to structure the knowledge of the instances, bringing them together into a coherent network.
  • Deductive inconsistency so defined determines one kind of incoherence in belief, which I refer to as deductive incoherence. Bayesian Epistemology
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • Kevin Starr said, “You would need a coherent political culture for such a session to occur” — and the lack of such coherence is exactly the problem — “otherwise it would turn into a food fight from Animal House.” How America Can Rise Again
  • If the idea is coherent, then we should in principle distinguish two kinds of instrumental value, one final and the other nonfinal. [ Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value
  • Overall, the spring 2001 collections were lacking fresh ideas and, in some cases, coherency, but there were enough visionary pieces to keep the shows lively.
  • She began to mutter incoherently.
  • More radical elements cohered into what is now AS. Peter Henne: Al-Shabaab's Desperation?
  • But he does not engage in a moral defence of the ideology of liberalism; rather his strategy is the much deeper one of showing that totalitarianism is typically based upon historicist and holist presuppositions, and of demonstrating that these presuppositions are fundamentally incoherent. Karl Popper
  • Coherence and a smooth flow of supporting quotations were achieved by omitting filler words.
  • Another issue I have with decoherence: Consider the classic case of the photon split by a beamsplitter. Quantum Hyperion
  • The generation of deep import, of a notion and an affective response, does involve a concretion of all that surface import into a coherent unity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • He was an extremely articulate and coherent person - he knew what he wanted, he knew why he was doing it, and he didn't see why people should have a problem with it.
  • Yet his record should have demanded a more coherent and sensible end to his tenure. Times, Sunday Times
  • A popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics called "decoherence" is one interpretation where a conscious mind is not an essential component to physics but is a passive spectator. Another Look
  • She was glassy-eyed and virtually incoherent at times. The Sun
  • It certainly benefits from the addition of qualities previously rare in his work: robust pacing, greater narrative coherence and a series of bravura performances.
  • There is no coherent body of EC or EU law governing the position of third-country nationals.
  • This seems to imply that there couldn't be a coherent, univalent group intention that stands separate from the individuals who constitute the group. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Rather, we belong in some particular semiclassical history, separated out from other histories by the process of decoherence. Arrow of Time FAQ
  • The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness depending on space, chance, and the viewers' physical and mental participations.
  • This view does not cohere with their other beliefs.
  • Because they being the workmanship of the understanding, pursuing only its own ends, and the conveniency of expressing in short those ideas it would make known to another, it does with great liberty unite often into one abstract idea things that, in their nature, have no coherence; and so under one term bundle together a great variety of compounded and decompounded ideas. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Yet his record should have demanded a more coherent and sensible end to his tenure. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no logic to much of what people think and say, no coherence to the views they hold so passionately.
  • One is called on constantly to articulate and represent one's practice as a coherent body of work.
  • I suggest, following Lakatos, that the crucial difference lies in the relative coherence of the two theories.
  • she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident
  • My research in nonlinear optics continued with special emphasis on interactions of picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses with condensed matter and of collision-induced optical coherences. Nicolaas Bloembergen - Autobiography
  • But the committee doesn't seem to have much political coherence.
  • Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.
  • The whole composition of pavilions and paving lacks design coherency.
  • The killer, Yigal Amir, a student of Jewish law, was an activist of the organized religious right. He was neither delusional nor incoherent.
  • By devising a new system of theoretical concepts the theoretician makes an explanation available and thus enhances the coherence of the system.
  • It is, in its own small way, a tour de force: his oddball verbals and musical eclecticism do combine in a coherent manner.
  • The most common semiclassical explanations of decoherence leave a lot to be desired, though, as they are inaccurate, and often somewhat circular. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog
  • For all its prankish blurring of the lines between author/character and reality/invention, the book finally does present a compelling and complete account of the life of "Michael Martone," an account that really coheres around the other character introduced in that first Contributor's Note, MM's mother, and the city of Fort Wayne. Experimental Fiction
  • The obvious bias in this particular outline is it lifts up and encourages creativity and innovation, and it also encourages a sense of internal coherence. Christianity Today
  • I always figured Triathlon was a clever spambot, as the posts lack coherence and seem to be more cobbled together with words than written. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • In its dealings with Latin America, the US was never as coherent, unitary and rational an actor as was often portrayed from the South, but the pluralism of the US has become much more pronounced in recent years.
  • This CD is a hodgepodge of elements that never cohere to become anything.
  • In these videos, the pieces all come together into a remarkable coherence: all the nonsense somehow, delightfully, makes sense.
  • The radiation is completely decoherent, thermal and indistiguishable from any other black body source observed at a great distance. The Black Hole War
  • The ECB has sent somewhat mixed signals at times about the desired level of the euro, and a variety of actors have criticized Duisenberg and others for not presenting a more coherent front.
  • Coherence is also increased by epistemological self-understanding: our understanding of why we accept the things we do.
  • I would like to turn the long answer into something coherent and digestible, but I can't make any promises on either of those counts.
  • Looking inward, officers see the army not only as a highly-valued institution but also as a corporate or nearly free-standing entity whose internal coherence and unity they must protect from outsiders.
  • It makes sense to follow such teachings only if they cohere with the truths of modern science.
  • Anyone wanting a sense of either the broad methodological coherence of this rapprochement or its sometimes bewildering thematic complexity will find resource here.
  • And how did they come to interrelate with one another so as to make possible a coherent, intelligible universe?
  • The first question tacitly assumes that a paradoxical reality is a reasonable (in your favorite sense, i.e., coherent) counterproposition, or not a metaphysical proposition, or that reality does not exist. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Your essay lacks internal coherence.
  • Most conversations that established coherence amid the onsetting din of mass-slurring hung reverently on these figures. Alibi Weblog
  • And what if the highest goal achievable, as a result, is simply the internal coherence of a speculative argument? The Times Literary Supplement
  • So that universe has de-cohered from our universe. Deepak Chopra: Michio Kaku Interview By Deepak Chopra
  • "We are working towards systemic coherence rather than negating the value of the new certificate."
  • I thank those members who have opposed it with incoherent arguments.
  • The film is so over-populated with characters (many of whom don't need to be there) that it frequently feels disjointed and incoherent, thereby undermining the overall enjoyment.
  • It is to establish clear blue water between their principles and ours; and it is to develop and proselytize a coherent and creditable liberal alternative to the economic vandalism now to be canvassed at us by Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and their ilk. David Coates: Sanity in a Time of Madness
  • Tony grumbled incoherently and ran his fingers through his hair.

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