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How To Use Cohabit In A Sentence

  • I have been cohabiting with my partner for over five years.
  • Gesenius considers this equivalent with "cohabit;" and from this single passage draws the sense which he assigns to [Hebrew: 'iyzebel] This seems rather far-fetched. Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
  • The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
  • Bibliomaniacs were censured, that is, for eschewing commonplace means of engaging the material traces of the literary past and commonplace means of cohabiting with the nation's literary tradition. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • I have no desire to cohabit with a hound, however high-bred.
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  • Family campaigners said they were disappointed that the public thought cohabiting and marriage were the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • This discipline looks at the positives of marriage and committed cohabitation, at what binds people together. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of bias cohabiting with immense media power was on the table.
  • August 25th, 2009 10: 04 am ET you and your dingbat daughter pleasse go back under the rock where you both cohabitate. Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor
  • Meanwhile, 66% of women and 69% of men married 10 years had never cohabited. Report: Cohabiting has little effect on marriage success
  • The Mississippi civil rights law, passed in 1865, contained the standard language: “All freedmen, free Negroes and mulattoes, who do now and have heretofore lived and cohabited together as husband and wife shall be taken and held in law as legally married.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • A person cohabiting with another may succeed to some sort of tenancy on the partner's death.
  • In a free country we ought to be able to cohabitate and fornicate (mm, or mf) but I'm not sure if it is detrimental to the family .... maybe it would make an interesting read, lol. McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
  • Darker body color is typically seen in the losers of fights at their conclusion and will also characterize that animal if it remains to cohabit with the winner as a social subordinate.
  • My then-cohabitant adopted her, and when he moved out, she stayed behind. April 22nd, 2009
  • The country is currently governed by a cohabitation arrangement in which the president and prime minister belong to rival parties.
  • Make a will to ensure your partner inherits, as cohabitees do not benefit automatically under the intestacy rules. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its main particularity is that in no other building of Great Britain cohabits therefore many architectonic styles of various ages.
  • All very well for the poor child to make a false step ... or two false steps; but this thing of getting into a 'cohabit' with a monk, and he her uncle, that is a 'hulimination' for the family. Caesar or Nothing
  • He has been married once - for ten months - and has had two live-in relationships, but he cohabited with her longer than with the three women put together.
  • My staff are all highly trained in the Swedish technique and are strictly forbidden to cohabit with the customers. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • Her poems could be cajoling and vituperative, making love and war simultaneously, her sensual lyrics cohabiting with performance pieces.
  • The world environment includes the cohabitation of animals, plants, and humans.
  • Marriage may not be always be fashionable, yet empirical evidence shows that couples who marry are more likely to enjoy durable relationships than cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the repeated attempts to the serene and joint cohabitation of peoples, peace is possible and right.
  • But they said that the growing number of cohabiting couples were excluded from the picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ministers claim that an adequate alternative is available for men and women who are cohabiting.
  • But he gave the boar a quick checkup and ruled the porker perfectly fine for consumption - or cohabitation.
  • This case highlights how few rights cohabiting couples have. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dodgy books, cringe-making photos of hairstyles you would rather forget about, a mix of furniture and the odd beautiful piece picked up over years of travel, can all cohabit.
  • The artist's work engages with the productive cohabitation of birds and humans in the countryside.
  • A pension lump sum is payable to the estate, and therefore can be paid to a cohabitee named in the deceased's will.
  • Happily cohabiting with her partner of 28 years, she has a talented daughter, and no skeletons have emerged from the closet of her beautiful Toronto home.
  • The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape.
  • Straight couples who cohabit only rarely get palimony judgments or court-ordered child support.
  • And it seems cohabitation is probably providing her with physical safety and probably also with some income safety as well. Op-Ed: The Recession Isn't Hurting Marriage
  • The events they examined included living with parents, cohabiting with a partner, being the primary caregiver for a child, attending school, and having a job.
  • Toler: Merging two lives should be a long, hard and arduous decision, and when people cohabitate, they procreate. Divorce Court Makes Judgment Call with New Format
  • Married and cohabiting couples were also found to be happier than those who were divorced or widowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of us recalls sleeping in a double bed until we were cohabiting or married. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two basic types of termites may be cohabiting with you: drywood and subterranean.
  • The court is also to consider "any history of abuse by one parent or any other person seeking custody against any related children, the other parent, or the spouse, cohabitant or person with whom that party is involved in a dating relationship". Fred Silberberg: Sheen Custody: Maybe Neither Parent Should Have the Kids?
  • Having one lodger is one thing; discovering that they are cohabiting with their partner under your roof may be quite another. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event, Miss Y was offended by the suggestion that she was cohabiting with Mr X, and the newspaper had to pay up.
  • The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist.
  • Best Growth: On Bones' Season 7 premiere, new couple and expectant parents Booth and Brennan tire of splitting time between their respective homes, but they quibble over where they will ultimately cohabitate. Top Moments: Revenge's Double Trouble and Conan's Reformed Bear... Or Not
  • First, a man is ‘conclusively presumed’ to be the father of a child if he is both married to and cohabiting with the mother, as long as he is not sterile or impotent.
  • Marriage may not be always be fashionable, yet empirical evidence shows that couples who marry are more likely to enjoy durable relationships than cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Making the decision to cohabitate vs. marry is obviously complex and certainly not always about what's smart financially. Kathleen Gurney: Marriage or Cohabitation: A Matter of Dollars and Cents or Just Sense?
  • He was dismissed after the evangelical vicar discovered that he had long been cohabiting with his long-standing partner.
  • The most auspicious moment to work with unwed fathers, says Horn, is around the time of the birth of their children, when almost half are cohabiting with the mothers.
  • The issue of peaceful cohabitation of the various peoples that have inhabited the region for centuries has been intensified.
  • Beyond economics, more cohabitation is because of couples who have children but don't get married, Kennedy said. In economic downturn, an uptick in couples living together before marriage
  • Her poems could be cajoling and vituperative, making love and war simultaneously, her sensual lyrics cohabiting with performance pieces.
  • The number of unmarried adults cohabiting with the opposite sex has soared from 439,000 in 1960 to 4,736,000 in 2000.
  • By understanding their needs, you can peacefully cohabit with black bears to their benefit and yours.
  • It is at this point that the idea of a joint enterprise, be it marital or based on cohabitation, becomes crucial.
  • But he reminds us of the astringent truth that the preposterous has no trouble cohabiting with the malevolent.
  • There is no equivalent presumption in the case of unmarried men, even where they are cohabiting with the mother.
  • And in Europe, I think it's fair to say cohabitation is a competing institution to marriage. Op-Ed: The Recession Isn't Hurting Marriage
  • In some cases, minority couples are cohabiting rather than marrying because they are worried about the economic prospects of one of the partners, usually the guy. Christianity Today
  • Please state whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.
  • This appeared to indicate that sea and coarse fish were cohabiting quite happily together.
  • But this is a timely warning for cohabiting couples who may be considering such a trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knows that offering a tax allowance to married couples but not cohabiting partners risks being divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low-lying nylon-strung verdure cohabited the same space as vocal powwows, a move straight out of the Neutral Milk Hotel gratuity bible.
  • In the United States, when you interview or survey people in cohab relationships, it's still the case that a majority of them, almost nearly all of them, in fact, seek cohabitation as a stepping stone to marriage. Op-Ed: The Recession Isn't Hurting Marriage
  • More parents are cohabiting rather than marrying, and cohabiting parents are more likely to split up. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they said that the growing number of cohabiting couples were excluded from the picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Single people, cohabiting couples, people with grown up families were all seen as potentially offering the skills and knowledge required. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • We should encourage young adults to make informed decisions about marriage, and it is abundantly clear to me, both from common sense and from observing others in my 35 years of life, that the only way to acquire that information is to cohabitate before marriage. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
  • The conservative culture also means that cohabitation is rare and couples marry younger than elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Resolution, a group of leading family lawyers, criticised the move and predicted continued distress and hardship for cohabiting couples if their relationship ends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having one lodger is one thing; discovering that they are cohabiting with their partner under your roof may be quite another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it time to give cohabiting couples stronger legal rights? Times, Sunday Times
  • So let's review the bidding of what it takes to recreate the Cold War, the most productive partner-rival relationship of all time or at least since Roman-Sassanian cohabitation in Late Antiquity! Michael Vlahos: America and China: Partners or Rivals?
  • It is a wake-up call for all cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plans to give two million cohabiting partners similar rights to married couples have been shelved by ministers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This characteristic makes it possible to sort of domesticate them, as a great number of bees will gladly cohabitate in a relatively small beehouse. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • In a similar case involving a cohabiting couple in 2007 it was accepted that deceit was involved but the outcome of the case not made public. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please state whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.
  • I would naturally say cohabitee rather than cohabitant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of births to single mothers and unmarried cohabiting couples is set to exceed 50% across the country in the next five years. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Italy people hardly ever cohabit.
  • The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
  • Of those married 10 or more years, 60% of women and 62% of men had ever cohabited; 61% of women and 63% of men had cohabited only with the one they married. Report: Cohabiting has little effect on marriage success
  • About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
  • In Acts o f Faith it was Africa and in Crossers it's the Arizona and Mexican desert where as one of your characters describes, borderland beauty cohabited with violence .... [and the] world of cattle and horses and operatic landscapes, the parallel world of drug lords and coyotes and murder. A Conversation with Philip Caputo about Crossers
  • But illicit cohabitations and love affairs out of wedlock increased significantly.
  • He knows that offering a tax allowance to married couples but not cohabiting partners risks being divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physically we may inhabit the present, but in our minds the past and the future are comfortably cohabiting with it.
  • Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
  • These disparities create disincentives to work in the formal labor market and for poor men and women to marry, cohabitate, and co-parent, said Rubenstein. Wonk Room » GOP Congressmen Mislead Again: ‘Millions’ Of ‘Criminal Illegal Aliens’ Will Receive Health Care
  • It found that three-quarters of cohabiting couples want to tie the knot. The Sun
  • In a similar case involving a cohabiting couple in 2007 it was accepted that deceit was involved but the outcome of the case not made public. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculation that the Labour peer might "cohabit" uncomfortably with a Tory foreign secretary appears misplaced and Cameron has privately assured Ashton of his support. The Guardian World News
  • First, a man is ‘conclusively presumed’ to be the father of a child if he is both married to and cohabiting with the mother, as long as he is not sterile or impotent.
  • Eventually they cohabited and married but things were never that simple for the prickly couple who were both too independent to settle easily into married life.
  • He has been cohabiting with this woman for ten years, and has two children.
  • Lately the idea of being married or cohabiting with someone has been rather appealing, strictly from an convenience/economics point of view.
  • Judah has now performed the levirate (despite himself) and never cohabits with Tamar again. Tamar: Bible.
  • But cohabitation is providing her some safety there. Op-Ed: The Recession Isn't Hurting Marriage
  • Raley isn't convinced that cohabitation is being viewed as a marriage alternative, citing a 2001 study of her own. More view cohabitation as acceptable choice
  • Or may she gets into fisty cuffs with the kids in the playground over cars like a little Miss I cohabit with.... Back to work...
  • At night, bats, bushbabies and a genet cat consider themselves cohabitants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The average length of a cohabiting union is two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does she welcome the intruder and discuss how best they can cohabit the territory, sharing prey?
  • DEAR BLUE MOON: You don't say if you have discussed marriage, but if your boyfriend wants to live together and fold his young son into the household, then it would be best for the child if you two cohabited as a married, permanent couple. Ask Amy
  • Melissaria: I admire a man's ability to block things out: I always did after I'd argued with my cohabitor say, in the morning and he'd go to work and forget about it and I'd be working but worrying if everything would be alright. The perils of housework
  • In Sweden, for instance, 70 percent of cohabiters wed after their first child is born.
  • Under this proposal a parent could cohabitate with several partners over a period of years and each of these partners could be granted shared custody and visitation rights.
  • She was born when her mother was cohabiting with a man who was not her father.
  • Amanda began cohabiting with Barnaby when she moved into his house six years ago.
  • Resolution, a group of leading family lawyers, criticised the move and predicted continued distress and hardship for cohabiting couples if their relationship ends. Times, Sunday Times
  • And can I say (sorry NB) my cohabitant can be really challenging when it comes to being green. 615 - green meme
  • The two-legged pair have no immediate plans to cohabitate, he said, but she does like the dog a lot. Would You Pick Your Pet Over Your Significant Other?
  • She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding.
  • Nkunda, also urged the region's disparate ethnic groups to "cohabit" peacefully. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We would not admit it amongst each other, but each man was pleased to have her in our midst, even though our close quarters already meant that we had spent the last few hours in a dreamless half sleep crushed up against legs and feet on either side, which was preferable, we had all agreed, to accidentally snuggling up to a cohabitant as a man would to a wife. Passeridae
  • English then cohabited not only with William the Conqueror, but also with tens of thousands of French-speakers who followed him into England. The English Is Coming!
  • Due to flaws in the structural design of our Constitution, however, a popularly elected president is forced to cohabit with a legislature in which the opposition is the majority party.
  • How are patterns of cohabitation influenced by dissimilarity of species?
  • Eventually they cohabited and married but things were never that simple for the prickly couple who were both too independent to settle easily into married life.
  • The data show that those who live together after making plans to marry or getting engaged have about the same chances of divorcing as couples who never cohabited before marriage. Report: Cohabiting has little effect on marriage success
  • In some cases, minority couples are cohabiting rather than marrying because they are worried about the economic prospects of one of the partners, usually the guy. Christianity Today
  • The parents in four families were cohabiting, and stepfathers headed seven families.
  • Through these characters, the film explores the three generations of the Dzuguda: from polygamy to monogamy and then to the dilemmas of cohabitation.
  • For Stanley, the "nature of commitment at the time of cohabitation is what's important. Report: Cohabiting has little effect on marriage success
  • In Italy people hardly ever cohabit.
  • Most pastors graciously welcome these couples as good people, even though their official church teaching may condemn this cohabitation as fornication, a damnable sin.
  • Various new definitions of bigamy have been suggested, including cohabitation for more than six months and a partnership that produces children.
  • What The Social Network gets right, is that these two spaces are often cohabitated by the same people, especially at prestigious institutions like Harvard; at [substitute reputable school name here], the idiot who fell out of his dorm room window while clutching a bong is the same kid who discovered a plausible explanation to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity ... or whatever. Zach Weisberg: Seeking Truth in The Social Network
  • It found that three-quarters of cohabiting couples want to tie the knot. The Sun
  • But this is a timely warning for cohabiting couples who may be considering such a trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next you should consider the size of your house: do you have ample space for the new dog to cohabit with the owners and any existing pets?
  • The monarchy of de Gaulle was followed by a diarchy with Pompidou, Giscard d' Estaing, and early Mitterrand, where the president and prime minister were from the same party; since 1986, cohabitation has altered this diarchy.
  • This film seems intended to suggest that he preferred to cohabit with animals rather than American citizens during the Vietnam War.
  • The case of Ariza v. Canada (2007) denied entry to Canada to a Muslim who might have claimed to have a wife in the Philippines and a common law cohabitant wife in Canada concurrently. Law is Cool Podcast: Polygamy and the Law : Law is Cool
  • While she and Constantius were a love match, their only choice was to live together in concubinage, an accepted form of cohabitation for people of different social status. Santa Elena, discoverer of the Holy Cross
  • National surveys show many young people believe cohabitation is a good way to test a relationship," says co-researcher Galena Rhoades, also of the University of Denver. Couples study debunks 'trial marriage' notion of cohabiting
  • That in exceptional cases, in which continued cohabitation would nullify the essential purpose of marriage, the dissolubility may nevertheless not be permitted, can hardly be proved as postulated by the natural law from the primary purpose of marriage. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • But she has not always experienced joy in relationships with men; she knows the lifestyle of cohabitation after living with a man and experiencing the downfalls of a live-in relationship.
  • Cohabitation was still frowned upon, illegitimate births a stigma and the nuclear family the accepted way of doing things.
  • Unmarried parents, cohabiting couples with children, and transsexual couples with children have all been acknowledged as having a right to respect for their family life under this Article.
  • As social attitudes have become more tolerant, the legal approach towards cohabitants has also softened.
  • As I have pointed out, in justification of her continued cohabitation with the father, the mother, in this court, tried to minimize the domestic assaults.
  • Married parents could be outnumbered by single parents and cohabiting couples within a generation if current trends continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Former husband sought to terminate his alimony payments which were made pursuant to a separation agreement because his wife began cohabitating with another women, which he claimed ran afoul of the "concubinage" restriction in the agreement. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If the cloud provider's security is weak and if basic Internet hygiene is sloppy at businesses whose files cohabitate with yours, then you may get infected too. Seeking Safety in Clouds
  • But a family secret was being kept from her: Sylvia, cohabiting with an Italian socialist and anarchist, had given birth to a son the previous December.
  • We all know it's not an overwhelmingly popular choice for married people to abstain from sex before marriage and not to cohabitate, although it has been the norm in Western Civilization for most of history.
  • When the previously-mentioned study took into account non-marriage factors such as age the average cohabitor is 32, the average married person 44, boyfriends were no longer more likely to be abusers than husbands. Alas, a blog » 2004 » August
  • They ask why we should not recognise all stable long-term relationships, including cohabitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
  • The prospect of another paralyzing cohabitation between a president and National Assembly of opposed political camps might bring about a change of heart.
  • If the couple are mere cohabitants, the MWPA 1964 is inapplicable and on the face of it the common law rules will apply.
  • The criteria for inclusion in the study were that each woman be over the age of 18, expecting her first child, and cohabiting with a male partner.
  • The researchers examined two large data sets from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: (i) 6,949 US adolescents (wave II, 1996) followed into adulthood (wave III, 2001-2002) and (ii) 1,293 dating, cohabiting, and married romantic couples from wave III, including measured anthropometry and self-report behavior data. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Saying “I do” Promotes Obesity
  • Family campaigners said they were disappointed that the public thought cohabiting and marriage were the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like to think of poetry as something which is able to cohabit with other discourses, if it can establish the right to stand beside them.
  • More parents are cohabiting rather than marrying, and cohabiting parents are more likely to split up. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this is a cycle that seems self-perpetuating: As an increasing number of less-educated Americans cohabit instead of marrying, more children are born into these fragile unions and at risk to be raised in poverty, with fewer educational resources of their own. Christine Whelan: The New Marriage Gap: Does Education Predict Conjugal Success?
  • In Europe, where there are high levels of childbearing outside of marriage, when childbearing is not happening in marriage, it's happening in cohabitation. Out-of-wedlock births on the rise worldwide
  • There have been great changes in the patterns of marriage, divorce and cohabitation.
  • How will the general cohabit with a parliament largely hostile to him?
  • Usually the sexual union has already occurred, and oftentimes cohabitation, with its disappointments and indignities, is in full swing. The Wedding Merchants
  • In the revised edition (1992) of his book Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, the sociologist Andrew Cherlin ruefully comments: If there were a truth-in-labeling law for books, the title of this edition should be something long and unwieldy like Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, More Dan Quayle Was Right
  • Cohabitation is a continuing process of drift, lacking a sense of belonging.
  • If America becomes a place where our children are taken from us by law and forced to attend schools where they are taught that cohabitation is as good as marriage, that motherhood doesn't require a husband or father, and that homosexuality is as valid a choice as heterosexuality for their future lives, then why in the world should married people continue to accept the authority of such a government? Not with a bang, but a flood of white noise.
  • One of the downsides of having bachelorhood thrust upon one after a prolonged stretch of cohabitation is that one's living standards deteriorate remarkably quickly.
  • There now began an experiment in power-sharing, or cohabitation.
  • Nam cohabitatio, et commixtio omnium virorum ad singulas mulieres apparet ibi communis, vnde mater natum paruulum suum, adicit pro sui placito cuicunque viro, qui circa generationis tempus secumn dormierit, nec valet vllus virorum esse certus de proprio generato, quem modum exlegem arbitror et turpem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Higher still are the retention rates of those with single parents, heterogamous cohabiting parents, and those who are formerly married. Philip N. Cohen: Gay and Lesbian Parents Making the Grade
  • Is it time to give cohabiting couples stronger legal rights? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm a big fan of marriage over cohabitation, actually. Christianity Today
  • Tribal life centered on a social system that put a premium on cooperation and cohabitation over conflict and competition.
  • Please state whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.
  • Language is one of those hands, perhaps the most important of all, as language is the medium through which we all experience and engage with the world we cohabit. The English Is Coming!
  • Single people, cohabiting couples, people with grown up families were all seen as potentially offering the skills and knowledge required. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • He was compelled to endure an uncomfortable cohabitation with his political foes.
  • He soon discovered his wife was cohabiting with Tang and finally tracked them down.
  • Cohabitation in a rented apartment is becoming preferable to school dorms.
  • My husband and I "cohabited" for 7 years before we got married. Marriage (What if No One's Watching?)
  • The conservative culture also means that cohabitation is rare and couples marry younger than elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would predict that men cohabiting with women will have higher rates of promiscuity than men who marry their female partners.
  • The average length of a cohabiting union is two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
  • If your cohabitant needs to have a long chat, she should take it outside. How To Share A Work Space
  • It is a wake-up call for all cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, we are interested in the effect of diverse forms of coupling, including the distinction between marriage and cohabitation.
  • No amount of yogic incantation can harmonize these split personae; the solution is to break the banks into functional units, so that merger experts, market makers and proprietary traders no longer cohabit. Robert Teitelman: Goldman Sachs, Business Standards and the Critics
  • They are both lost and trapped -- two unpleasant and vaguely contradictory states that they have the misfortunate of cohabitating. Adam Hanft: The Hitchens Outpouring and Journalistic Self-Hatred
  • The uneasy cohabitation of the political and the religious has posed fundamental questions about power, authority, and human suffering.
  • Percentage of young adults (ages 20-24) who say cohabitation is OK, even for couples not considering marriage: Couples study debunks 'trial marriage' notion of cohabiting
  • In many protandrous spiders, adult males cohabit with juvenile females nearing sexual maturity, and this may provide an index of expected mate availability for females.
  • Lohan, 50, was booked Monday night in West Hollywood, Calif., for inflicting corporal injury on a cohabitant, false imprisonment and preventing a report of victimization. Michael Lohan Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges
  • Where they pool their resources and share expenses, it may be easier to conclude that they are cohabiting as husband and wife.
  • But with large numbers of unions still ending in divorce and many couples choosing to cohabit and raise children out of wedlock, has marriage had its day?
  • They "cohabited" with local Caribs, and their offspring became known as Garifunas - people who eat cassava. Top Stories

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