
View Synonyms
  1. an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
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How To Use cognoscente In A Sentence

  • Cum acerbae famis tempore grauis atque inexplicabilis indicta coemptio profligatura inopia Campaniam prouinciam uideretur, certamen aduersum praefectum praetorii communis commodi ratione suscepi, rege cognoscente contendi et ne coemptio exigeretur, euici. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • But apparently the cognoscente doesnt include people from the St. Petersburg and Tampa region, because this team has just had an enormous amount of difficulty drawing fans to their game. Remaining Baseball Teams Feel October's Pressure
  • And in dealing with Native American tribes, the US needs to be cognoscente that this is the same as making a treaty with Russia over bombs. Mike Ragogna: Better Late Than Never: A Conversation With Buffy Sainte-Marie
  • But considered a must-read among the cognoscente, The Hotline propelled Craig to a higher profile in Washington that enabled him to take his first real steps toward the success he enjoys today. Craig Crawford: Revenge of the Mask
  • Hoc cognoscentes, ponebant custodiam ori suo, ut non delinquerent in lingua sua; ideoque concaluit cor earum intra eas, et 'in meditacione earum exarsit ignis (Ps. XXXVIII, 4) ille Dominus Deus noster, consumens omnem rubiginem uiciorum. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • PESCA: Yeah, baseball cognoscente knows that the Tampa Bay Rays are a really interesting and really good team. Remaining Baseball Teams Feel October's Pressure
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