How To Use Cognition In A Sentence

  • He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition.
  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
  • Furthermore, developmental psychologists found evidence that self-recognition correlates with empathy.
  • A glance of recognition passed between them.
  • Bromley's sporting talent is to be rewarded in the Excellence Awards in recognition of their achievements.
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  • Fingerprint recognition, which falls under a technology called biometrics, has been used for years in the corporate environment.
  • By then though, it was too late and the story had been twisted so far out of recognition that the forced references to things like Namek, Oozaru, and Roshi's pervertedness just seemed out of place and stupid. Anime Nano!
  • It is a recognition for the native title right to possess which can only be exercised in accordance with currently acknowledged laws and customs.
  • Just as trumpeters wore distinctive uniforms, so too they rode distinctive horses, usually greys, to aid recognition.
  • It was in recognition of such distinguished services in the industry that Mr. Patel was awarded the ‘Order of the British Empire’.
  • One of the region's top teachers was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his services to education.
  • But any more fundamental change, which would constitute the ultimate formal recognition of their new identity, is to be denied.
  • Tomorrow, if I were lusting for cash and recognition and all the things people get into broadcasting for, I might decide talk radio was my easiest point of access.
  • Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda. Creationism and Propaganda
  • This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1.
  • We specialise in voice recognition services.
  • Uses voice recognition to train you on accents and pronunciation. The Sun
  • I am having this recurring nightmare that I will be stuck in traffic for so long that I will die and my body decompose beyond recognition before anyone notices.
  • There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
  • Rudyard Kipling's Recessional, in exultant recognition of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, embodied the spirit of that nostalgic period. Responsible Nationhood
  • Each word in the word recognition tree is flagged to indicate whether or not it is a member of a compound.
  • But few others cry out for recognition.
  • There is a recognition that we can occupy no space other than our own. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • He received international recognition for his work and wrote for many scientific publications as well as the National Geographic.
  • I like to see what I call the nod of recognition that comes when I share something with the audience and they relate to it. Undefined
  • In either case, the story of queenly beauty would not be complete without the recognition that royal women have traditionally had far more chances than the average woman of actually being beautiful.
  • Her masterful brush strokes and use of colour fired up many critics and curators and received immediate recognition.
  • The data used in this paper relate to the "public" recognition of jurisdictional boundaries.
  • Collectively, the papers make a significant contribution to our understanding of science and cognition.
  • Though self-effacing "It isn't my personality to be particularly proud of what I do" the composer seems to recognize his legacy as arguably the only living film composer with both classical credentials and name recognition among everyday moviegoers. The Last Movie Maestro
  • This medal is a fitting recognition of an astonishing research career spanning more than 40 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a swarm of new dot-com brands try to buy their way to brand recognition, clutter makes it difficult to break out, and it's easy to fritter away advertising dollars.
  • This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.
  • Clearly the whole game has a dimension of linear extension which enables a continual process of growth in recognition.
  • It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
  • Women have worked to gain recognition, access, and visibility in the leadership ranks of higher education.
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • During the Great Schism from 1378 to 1417 one reason for Scotland's recognition of the Avignon popes was that the English were supporting the rival popes at Rome.
  • Recognition is a prerequisite to understanding.
  • Slept and read, bought groceries, hot tub, finally scraping together enough energy to cook some Indian food in belated recognition of my wife's birthday. Crash and burn
  • She gave me a faint smile of recognition.
  • According to company officials, Owen has gained widespread recognition as a Western painter of fine art, and his work in gouache captures present-day working cowboys.
  • Bravery also requires recognizing when standing up to these threats is reasonable and appropriate, and it requires acting on one's recognition.
  • In recognition of this iconoclast, pioneer, perfectionist and undisputed king of the tailored suit, we present five things you didn't know about Armani -- the man and the empire.
  • The eye movement triggers face recognition software and avoids having to key in a number. The Sun
  • It isn't an easy read, mostly because the skinny format abbreviates names to three letters, often beyond recognition.
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • The experiment results show that the kind of method is superior to other methods, especially on gray or binary character images recognition with low resolution.
  • Dolphin added: "The only pledge that we would preserve is higher funding for international development, not only because it is a relatively small amount of spending (although it is) but in recognition of the urgency of providing more funds to low-income countries badly hit by a financial crisis not of their making. Don't spare the NHS from cuts, says leftwing thinktank
  • Recognition: to fight the airline carrier or on - line telephone service confirmed.
  • That said, it is interesting to note that a recent autopsy examination of Einstein's preserved brain did uncover extra tissue in the parietal cortex, which mediates spatial cognition.
  • Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
  • At a time when cities such as George Town and Malacca are winning international recognition for their preservation of heritage sections of their cities, the Sarawak government's retrogressive efforts to wipe out remaining vestiges of Kuching's architectural heritage are incomprehensible. Undefined
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • Indeed, kin aggregations of larvae have the potential to fuse, more so during the period when corals appear to lack an efficient allorecognition system. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She was acclaimed in the New Year's Honours List in recognition of her continued services to the tourism industry in York and Yorkshire.
  • Dealing only with conscious feelings or cognitions may be an inadequate approach to changing feelings or behaviors in the long term.
  • In recognition of his dutiful service, Ortega had been rewarded the post of Colombian governor.
  • The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
  • But her unclassifiable subject matter meant that she received less public recognition than she unquestionably deserved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later reactions against the Canon were a recognition of the intemperance of behaviorism.
  • Millions of carers argue that they bear the brunt of the job ... without recognition, or proper payment.
  • One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses, its reemergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the happy ending (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression. January 2010
  • Lastly, there has to be some recognition that the ‘laws of nature’ are unvarying and not subject to the whims and fancies of the gods or of other supernatural entities.
  • The translation to a more portable programming language is also important for compatibility with the other modules of the recognition system.
  • The town has changed beyond recognition since I was last here.
  • In recognition of his outstanding service, Berndt Schultz was made honorary chairman.
  • She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.
  • The spread of print, the rise of mass literacy, and print's visual nature caused a profound change in the cognition of individuals from an auditory, holistic, collective functioning towards a visual, private outlook (and inlook) of the exterior and interior worlds. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • She is being made an honorary canon in recognition of her hospital work and will take over as rural dean of South Craven in February.
  • The remainder is paid from the general fund, in long-standing recognition of the value to the general public of having a safe, efficient air transportation system (which, BTW, is the envy of the rest of the world, including Canada). Matthew Yglesias » Nav Canada
  • Its symbolism speaks to them of service, communion, mutual forgiveness, oneness, and recognition of the fact that their bodies are temples of the Spirit.
  • Like many people who have attained global recognition, the word cookie is of Old World ancestry but born and raised in New York. The English Is Coming!
  • In the recognition and support of the government, apiculture had a great development in China in recent years.
  • Three children who have helped look after their wheelchair-bound mum have been honoured with a prestigious school prize in recognition of their hard work.
  • Key objectives for our faculty are to obtain such recognition and ensure the highest professional standards of competence and ethical integrity.
  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • The signal peptide, emerging from the ribosome, binds to the signal - recognition particle ( SRP ).
  • Motorists and hauliers should expect at least a recognition of their plight. The Sun
  • Long before its formal recognition in 1943, the concept of autism appeared in folklore.
  • The aim of this technology demonstration system is to build a single unit that combines sensor components with advanced signal processing and target recognition tools.
  • As for visual cognition, in addition [to these two causal factors,] it requires an external object as the focal condition (dmigs-rkyen) for its arising, while the visual sensors [the sensorial cells] of the eyes are what are called the dominating condition (bdag-rkyen). What Is the Self, Does the Self Have a Beginning, Will It Have an End?
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • He achieved recognition with the bravura Stag at Sharkey's (1907; Cleveland, Mus. of Art), a vivid representation of an illegal prizefight.
  • So the first need is to create awareness and recognition of a building's historical and architectural worth.
  • To enter, write telling us why you think that special person deserves recognition. The Sun
  • The admission - in footnotes to this month's Budget - is the most official recognition yet that the credit crunch is deterring people from moving home. Treasury predicts housing market slowdown
  • Last month the battalion was awarded the freedom of the city in recognition of its service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blue-eyed men may have unconsciously learned to value a physical trait that can facilitate recognition of own kin," the scientists said in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
  • The team includes experts in pattern recognition, geodynamics, seismology, chaos theory, statistical physics and public safety.
  • Books and articles are now commissions and performances, and an increased emphasis is placed upon awards, recognitions and honours.
  • His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer.
  • Or is it more likely a case of increased recognition of the harsh reality that acute financial problems are festering beneath the surface of the U.S. and global Credit systems?
  • Perhaps all this success and recognition has softened what was once a rather truculent disposition.
  • For the athlete, if he's lucky, it's a medal, world recognition, splashy endorsement deals, the adoration of millions of compatriots, whatever.
  • For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
  • In addition, there is growing recognition of abiotic organic synthesis in various geological materials.
  • And using its recognition result, carries on the main spindle dynamic analysis, will instruct the later main spindle components using the dynamic analysis result the main spindle design.
  • Nursing gained recognition in the 19 th century with the activities of Florence Nightingale.
  • When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
  • Poluski's quip; but that fleeting glimpse had thrilled her with subtle recognition of something grasped yet elusive, of a knowledge that trembled on the lip of discovery, like a half remembered word murmuring in the brain but unable to make itself heard. A Son of the Immortals
  • Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.
  • So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to. US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
  • If our recognition of a Greek idiom in Ecclesiastes is valid, it points to a date posterior to the conquest of Alexander the Great.
  • We haven't actually engaged in as big a fiscal relaxation as many other countries in recognition of that fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • He expressed his appreciation of everyone involved in nominating him for the peace award in recognition of his endeavours to bring about the Agreement.
  • It's just that, a setting with instant recognition that allows them to have all kinds of crazy but recognisable enemies that can be destroyed in 'colorful' ways. Welcome To Hell
  • Owners will gain access to the building by fingerprint and iris recognition, and no guests will enter without photo ID. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to you; you richly deserve the recognition.
  • There is a growing recognition of the debilitating effects of teen drug use, teen pregnancy and violence.
  • They never sugar-coated their experiences, but the point that came out from all three was that what made it hardest was the lack of recognition of their families.
  • Ferris's essay, since the "failure" he notes here seems to be the opposite of the aesthetic's "failure" to conceal its violence that he was discussing earlier: here the law cannot come to representation, whereas earlier, the violence of the aesthetic had to come to representation (or more precisely, to recognition; but even the recognition of a non-representation demands a certain manifestation of this non-representability). Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • His examples from the past reveal that greed, hubris and selfishness often impeded recognition of a problem until it was too late.
  • An ad on this channel buys you notoriety, recognition and helps you reach 10,000 customers a day!
  • These programs usually allow the "recognizer" to document the behavior and communicate to the recipient the special thing they did to deserve recognition. Incentive Intelligence
  • But for a uniform service which is steeped in its history, culture and tradition, it is not just about the technical skills that you bring, it is this recognition of peer solidarity.
  • They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
  • In WS, the three PAI loci are highly refractory to cleavage by either HpaII or MspI, diagnostic of dense CG and CCG methylation of the recognition site.
  • DNA analysis and morphological evidence support recognition of the red wolf as a distinct species. (See Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation - Chapter 9).
  • There is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.
  • This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.
  • There was no recognition in his eyes .
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • Prosar, which is shorthand for Professional Scan and Recognition, has a 10,000 page per day output.
  • A small number of reptiles, including green iguanas and common lizards, have been shown to exhibit kin recognition.
  • The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.
  • Most people have forgotten that Apple introduced its first handheld device back in 1993: the woefully bad Newton, which was about the size of a hard-bound Stephen King novel big! and had truly pathetic handwriting-recognition software - supposedly its biggest selling point. How they sell you what you don't understand
  • Proper recognition and management of delayed and long-term adverse effects may be lifesaving for some patients.
  • We have already seen that output cognition is closely related to level of educational attainment and socioeconomic Position.
  • When the revaluation of 19th-century art took place with the final recognition of the impressionists, this contrast was too blatant to be ignored.
  • The Government 's recognition of marriage is becoming increasing difficult to detect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The almost universal desire to possess some kind of armorial insignia, implies a corresponding recognition of the necessity to obtain them from some Institution or Personage, supposed to be competent and authorised both to determine what they should be, and to impart a right to accept and to assume and bear them. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • But part of the recognition of the Fall is to realize that though no person is wholly good or wholly evil, one is still obliged to fight on the side of justice, even if one's side is tainted by sin and impure motives.
  • Perception: Visual Scene Analysis, Object Recognition, Auditory Scene Analysis, Depth Perception, Stereo Vision, Stereograms.
  • Allan Snyder and John Mitchell of the Centre for the Mind in Canberra , Australia, argue that savant brain processes occur in each of us but are overwhelmed by more sophisticated conceptual cognition.
  • There is a need to go on being touched, to receive affection and recognition in this way all through life.
  • It is suggested that recognition of this distinction is fundamental to the efficient and economical design and execution of stability tests.
  • ESP refers to telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and in recent years, remote viewing and clairaudience.
  • I have land, money, power, recognition from the world, a consciousness that I do my meed of good in serving others, a mate whom I love, children that are of my own fond flesh. Chapter 36
  • Instead the couple, both academics, want the legal recognition afforded by a civil partnership. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such forms of physical phenomena can only be validly cognized nonconceptually by mental cognition, and not by sensory cognition. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
  • They include voice-recognition technology and computer-aided landscape analysis. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is fantastic to get this recognition for something I am proud of. Times, Sunday Times
  • The young talent at the club deserves wider recognition.
  • There is one major difference between a traditional touch-tone application call flow and one that is designed for speech recognition systems which make them far more user-friendly: Personality is built in.
  • To improve the reliability of small target recognition, a method called multi sensor information fusion identification based on D S theory of evidence combination is proposed.
  • In particular, the recognition engine preferably applies a word segmentation model to the ink information it is receiving on-the-fly. Macsimum News
  • They strive for a final evaluation of life in terms of that eternity which is always present to them; they strive for a recognition of man's true place in nature, defined by the fact that he was endowed with the gift of reason; and they strive for a determination of the balance, so far attained, within themselves and their own lives, between man's beasthood and man's godhead. Nationhood Within the Empire
  • Ricky's grin of recognition revealed a healthy complement of gleaming white dentition, all the more albescent in contrast to his swarthy visage.
  • The tanner was a disgruntled man; he believed himself entitled to be a Nineteener, but he couldn't get recognition. The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories
  • A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
  • Roman law gave a priority to the ius civile, the laws of the city of Rome itself, but there was also the ius gentium, recognitions of the indigenous laws of the gens, the tribes, the other peoples and cultures in the empire.
  • A supervised pattern classification technique called nearest neighbor algorithm is finally performed in the lower-dimensional eigenspace for recognition.
  • Thereafter, if I passed him in the corridor or on the staircase, those eyes registered no recognition.
  • I can't tell you how much I'd love to read a Welsh account of Boudica's sack of Rome; in its absence, this will do nicely, and the first line of the text gave me a thrill of recognition: "Amathaon uab Don a oed arglwyd ar y seith cantref Dyuet ...
  • Popularly called PSI studies, noetic sciences studies the phenomenon of telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, precognition, ESP and OBE out of body experiences. Archive 2010-03-01
  • We passed one another on the beach, sometimes quite closely, with no sign of recognition, like sleepwalkers ghosting through a dreamscape in which each was alone.
  • Suddenly, Cy stopped ranting and faced Peter once more, with a faint glimmer of recognition in his sightless eyes that were now filled with tears running down his leathery cheek.
  • The recognition of the manurial functions of salt dates back to the very earliest times. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • HPFacebookVoteV2. init (343146, 'Genderless Marriage: Redefining the Debate', 'The contending premises in the debate over gay marriage have thus far been \ "Same sex couples deserve the same rights and recognition as heterosexual couples\" versus \ "Marriage is only between a man and a woman\". Kevin Armento: Genderless Marriage: Redefining the Debate
  • Its name and recognition long antedated this botanist.
  • People's sense of their cultural roots - a recognition of a place having a strong patina of age and strong local identity - is often instinctive.
  • It still seems to me that refusing to divorce a couple is a tacit recognition that the couple is legally married in the state of Texas. Think Progress » Texas’ Cruel Push To Prevent Same-Sex Couples From Divorcing
  • In recognition for her endeavours on behalf of women, she was granted a civil list pension of £75 a year in 1913.
  • Pattern Recognition Many different types of networks are under consideration for various research and application projects.
  • While I did not begrudge the President his due recognition, this was a trifle fulsome.
  • He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
  • Mr. Evans Did the Minister discuss with the unions concerned the maintenance of free collective bargaining and union recognition in the agencies?
  • They practically balked at the idea that I might have some abnormal obstruction to recognition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The translation to a more portable programming language is also important for compatibility with the other modules of the recognition system.
  • After Ship Inspection Bureau national and state fishing vessel inspection by the type of recognition.
  • That is because many recent recognition agreements were at companies that had previously derecognised the union, but where membership remained at relatively high levels.
  • A typical algorithm of English character machine -linked recognition, based on statistical distinction of enormous drill data.
  • The reason that political progeny are so plentiful is simple: a famous last name confers instant recognition among voters — and very often Mom's or Dad's network of donors, too. Down Year for Dynasties
  • The importance of early recognition of Crohn's disease before it has such an adverse impact on linear growth is highlighted.
  • In this paper, error tolerant techniques are studied for large vocabulary speaker independent Chinese continuous speech recognition and understanding systems.
  • Yet his decade of pastoral ministry at Durham also left a communal and homiletic legacy that has not received the recognition it deserves.
  • Thus the recognition occurs one step earlier than under cash accounting.
  • In recognition of his humanitarian services Sahara India Group has recently given him an honorarium.
  • They had to achieve managerial recognition that accountability to colleagues in the team was important alongside accountability to individual agencies.
  • This paper puts forward non-contact surveillance and measure that uses video image processing, pattern recognition, optimum threshold value and theory of geometric similarity.
  • During the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants perform an old / new word recognition task including words presented at the word encoding phase intermixed with new words. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • It felt like a massive release of emotion as a result of the recognition that something had changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As usual with governments, this recognition is late and accompanied by a blizzard of bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • PCCW Teleservices enjoys a large number of customer bouquets and renewed contracts year by year, as well as a glittering array of awards and industry recognition from worldwide organizations.
  • Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center.
  • The Pake Prize was endowed in 1983 in recognition of the achievements of George Pake, a research physicist and director of industrial research.
  • The resulting slowness of cognition is a cardinal element of the pattern of impairment.
  • The casual wink from you, the cheery salute from your buddy, the you-rascal-you smiles of recognition from your workmates.
  • Of course, the recognition of cognitive dissonance still does not solve the problem.
  • He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.
  • The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.
  • The theme was written in 1963, but developed almost beyond recognition over weeks of painstaking work with tapes and tone generators.
  • Cézanne stared so intensely at nature he began to take it apart in his mind, to anatomise it, theorise it, on long hot afternoons in his studio in Aix-en-Provence and then reassemble the elements of reality in paintings that are pixellated constellations of insights, recognitions, memories and flashes of desire or rage. Google Logo Honors Paul Cezanne's Birthday (PICTURES)
  • At last, her father's work has received popular recognition.
  • Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.
  • The equipment and methods of production have improved out of all recognition .
  • It is known to all that radar target recognition ( RTR ) is very valuable for military application.
  • Under what circumstances would managers have the incentive to manipulate the timing of revenue recognition? How would they do it? What risks are involved?

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