How To Use Cogitation In A Sentence
The garish colors, the bawling kids, the irritating and distracting music and the inedible snacks make it no place for conversation or cogitation.
Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
after much cogitation he rejected the offer
More important, though, were his continued and inspired cogitations on the confederation's beleaguered finances.
Qualis est animi tinea, quae tabes pectoris zelare in altero vel aliorum felicitatem suam facere miseriam, et velut quosdam pectori suo admovere carnifices, cogitationibus et sensibus suis adhibere tortores, qui se intestinis cruciatibus lacerent.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Literature-inspired cogitations, often wonderful, bejewel the narrative's temporal twists and turns.

After long cogitations, I resolved to steal up to the house, if possible, unperceived; have my horse turned over to the groom, and my portmanteau stowed out of sight, and then to walk boldly up to the door, with a visiting-card in one hand, and my credentials in the other, to be delivered to the servant for the lady to whom the letter was addressed.
The Lieutenant and Commander
Peter Winn lay back comfortably in a library chair, with closed eyes, deep in the cogitation of a scheme of campaign destined in the near future to make a certain coterie of hostile financiers sit up.
Winged Blackmail
Itâs clear that she, like so many others, feels that blacks are lacking something in cogitation.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook
As Dick Forrest had taught them, the minutes spent with him were not minutes of cogitation.
Non est cura melior quam injungere iis necessaria, et opportuna; operum administratio illis magnum sanitatis incrementum, et quae repleant animos eorum et incutiant iis diversas cogitationes.
Anatomy of Melancholy
All of his mental power was concentrated in the depths of cogitation, with little to spare for the superficies of observation.
The American political class, in which I include commentators and chatterers as well as office holders and their minions, is composed of intelligent folks who have devoted a lot of cogitation time to the issues of the day.
Nobody can come to the knowledge of an event by his own reflection, by excogitation.
Archive 2006-10-01
And it was admittedly not an excogitation of the Brahmanical mind itself.
Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
In pocula et aleam se praecipitavit, et iis fere tempus traduxit, ut aegram crapula mentem levaret, et conditionis praesentis cogitationes quibus agitabatur sobrius vitaret.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Hollo! in the lighter there -- I say, you _lighter boy_!" were words I heard, as I was pacing the deck of the vessel in deep cogitation Tom and his father were both in the cabin; there could be no doubt but that they were addressed to me.
Jacob Faithful
After much cogitation he rejected the offer.
The public mind - though in a sense a fiction to describe the individual cogitation of three hundred million individuals - is a powerful reality.
When we are alone, we are not always busy; the labour of excogitation is too violent to last long; the ardour of inquiry will sometimes give way to idleness or satiety.
A History of English Prose Fiction
The subtiltie of which, no humane excogitation is able to imitate.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
He wandered about the ample pile, or along the garden-terrace, with 'his cogitative faculties immersed in cogibundity of cogitation.'
Nightmare Abbey
After much excogitation, she had decided to leave the roses in her hair, but it had taken her ten minutes to summon up courage to go downstairs.
The Californians
Illi plus videntur cogitationes suas, quam apud nos, illic indicâsse.
Thomas Poole and his Friends
And when he chose to speak a harsh thought, it was ten-fold harsher than ordinarily, because it seemed to proceed out of such profundity of cogitation, because it was as prodigiously deliberate in its incubation as it was in its enunciation.
Burke not only is a positive promising political activist, moreover is "only for the substantive free realistic security" the political theoretician which but cogitation.
Fortem reddunt animum et constantem; et pium colloquium non permittit animum absurda cogitatione torqueri.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Right or wrong, Rumour was very busy; and Lord Decimus, while he was, or was supposed to be, in stately excogitation of the difficulty, lent her some countenance by taking, on several public occasions, one of those elephantine trots of his through a jungle of overgrown sentences, waving
Little Dorrit
The garish colors, the bawling kids, the irritating and distracting music and the inedible snacks make it no place for conversation or cogitation.
Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
I'll do some cogitation and some preparation and some meditation also, and see if I can't come up with my own top five guilty pleasure songs.
Yes," agreed the young man, though with a lilt of dubiety, and a frown of excogitation, as if he weren't sure that he had quite caught her drift.
My Friend Prospero
Sudat pauper foras in opere, dives in cogitatione; hic os aperit oscitatione, ille ructatione; gravius ille fastidio, quam hic inedia cruciatur.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Fifteen years," he said, and returned to his tremendous cogitation.
Et quidem, si maxime nulla unquam prava cogitatio in corde hominis corrupti exoriretur, si nullum verbum otiosum proferretur, si nullum malum opus aut facinus designaretur: tamen natura nihilominus corrupta est per originate peccatum, quod nobis ratione corrupti seminis agnatum est, quod ipsum etiam scaturigo est omnium aliorum actualium peccatorum, ut sunt pravae cogitationes, prava colloquia, prave et scelerate facta.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Reply Obj. 1: According to Richard of St. Victor "cogitation" would seem to regard the consideration of the many things from which a person intends to gather one simple truth.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Ac fi aperte dicat; Ego hunc in divinitatis Ibae jam fpecie videre defidero, fed adhuea vifione illius per aifumptdB carnis parietem excludor* Quouique itaque in bac corruptibiii carnc vivimus, cogitationes no - ftras in alterutrum non videmus.
Theologia dogmatico-moralis secundum ordinem catechismi Concilii Tridentini
With a diagram of these printed on the brain he had full command of the phrases which his excogitation had attached to them, and which embodied the ideas in perfect form.
My Mark Twain (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
Agitantur miseriis, continuis inquietudinibus, neque unquam a solitudine liberi sunt, anxie affiguntur amarissimis intra cogitationibus, semper tristes, suspitiosi, meticulosi: cogitationes sunt, velle agrum colere, stagna amant et paludes,
Anatomy of Melancholy
The “leaders,” or main articles, tend to “urge” politicians to solve complex problems, as if the key to, say, reconstituting the global banking system were but a simple act of cogitation away.
The Newsweekly’s Last Stand
What or how do animals think, if they think, and if they do not, then what shapes do their cogitations take?
Nicholas, in his own effeminately camp style, made the waitress describe the contents of several of the desserts, and only chose something after much cogitation.
But after a few minutes 'cogitation, I remembered that my bunks on either side of the cabin could be turned up against the bulkhead, and at each end of the bunks was a flat piece of steel fifteen or eighteen inches long which held the berth-bench when it was let down.
Swept Out to Sea Clint Webb Among the Whalers
Oh, there is material in plenty for the cogitation of any philosopher on a windjammer in mutiny in this Year of our Lord 1913.
Chrononotonthologos, "immersed in cogibundity of cogitation.
Humorous Ghost Stories
Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere by digby
Qualis est animi tinea, quae tabes pectoris zelare in altero vel aliorum felicitatem suam facere miseriam, et velut quosdam pectori suo admovere carnifices, cogitationibus et sensibus suis adhibere tortores, qui se intestinis cruciatibus lacerent.
Anatomy of Melancholy
'My advice, however, is, that you attempt, from time to time, an original sermon; and in the labour of composition, do not burthen your mind with too much at once; do not exact from yourself at one effort of excogitation, propriety of thought and elegance of expression.
Life of Johnson