How To Use Cogent In A Sentence

  • Absorbing throughout, her film is troubling, well-illustrated and cogently argued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our simple submission is the majority in the Court of Appeal got it right for cogent and sound reasons.
  • We believe he, either, is turning his Nelson's eye to the scientific reports, or, is plain oblivious of Peter Bergen's cogent and coherent articulation of the demerits of EITs as image destroyers for the US. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • In America, or the more empyrean realm of art, few citizens were more senior than Al, none more youthful, cogent, articulate or productive.
  • He always wrote like an angel, even though cogent political thinking did not figure among his talents.
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  • Cogent currently provides Ethernet services in 15 metro markets and is extending its footprint to include five additional markets by the end of the year.
  • There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.
  • Patient, cogent and an exquisite thinker, Oz is a rare blast of sanity and intelligence.
  • The next visit to the court continues to tell the story clearly, with the drama moving on unfussily but cogently.
  • Imagining a universe in which Seixon’s arguments are cogent is a cost-effective alternative to doing drugs … kinda like smoking Norwegian pot by proxy. see his responses pertaining to the downing street memo. btw, tripmaster, i almost went there in my post about wmds, but decided against it. somehow i just knew what his response was going to be. Think Progress » Limbaugh Distorts Numbers To Downplay Global Warming Science
  • I'm especially pleased that he's been such a strong and cogent voice on Social Security since we are sure to face a new tide of bamboozlement in the week ahead.
  • Inaudible victims do not win compassionate co-workers with the ease of those who can articulate their needs in cogent words.
  • Only a few days ago ralph posted such a cogent opinion of what a liberal believes that I was proud to have the word locust in my name. Think Progress
  • In doing so, he demonstrates quite coherently and cogently that genuine lyric poetry is far from dead, that it is inventive and individual as it ever was.
  • Our role is to work with the farming and fishing communities to make a cogent argument for these peripheral areas.
  • He said local officers have not been able to obtain cogent evidence to pin suspects to the four offences.
  • He produced cogent reasons for the change of policy.
  • Cogently, it is important to indicate that effective leadership requires a functional working credo that is more appropriate for the years ahead.
  • So if, for example, I were to "juxtapose" pictures of Ben Stein with candid shots of howler monkeys, I trust the rabbi will agree that this is a sufficiently cogent response to Expelled. IDiocy's defenders
  • Well that's a cogent argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • A stay will not be granted, unless there is cogent evidence that the appeal will be stifled.
  • Speaking in really cogent, beautifully wrought paragraphs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The less complete reaction from sophistic teaching attempted only such reconstruction of the moral point of view as should recover a law or principle of general and universally cogent character, whereon might be built anew a _moral_ order without attempting to extend the inquiry as to a universal principle into the regions of abstract truth or into physics. A Short History of Greek Philosophy
  • I might agree somewhat with whatever it is that you are trying to say if I could understand what it is you are trying to say, but unless you can fill out your thoughts into a cogent paragraph, I won't be able to 'grok' your thoughts. Making Sure The Workforce Gets The Message - NASA Watch
  • In a statement today, the company said that Sprint unpeered from Cogent's network at 4.30 p.m. on October 31, 2008 ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • I'd offer some cogent analysis at this point, but I'm torn between two diametrically opposed viewpoints.
  • There would have to be cogent evidence to justify the imposition of a requirement for plain packaging, which would have the effect of destroying such rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note 16: Martin Bruegel also cogently demonstrates the need to blend social histories and cultural analysis with a discussion of early republican economic development. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • We have reasonable prospects and a cogent case to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • Professor Woodward dismisses me as "misinformed as well as uninformed about the relevant past," and yet relies entirely on my text in crafting a 2,500-word cogent summary, including quotes and descriptive scenes, of the personal and political history of Wallace and the Wallace family dating to Reconstruction. 'Wallace Redeemed?': An Exchange
  • Students must learn to express a point of view cogently and with clarity.
  • Although my grandfather had uttered many maxims or phrases of speech which have stuck with me, and which I am frequently conscious of as being maxims of action, or apothegmatic summaries of reasons for my behavior, what it most cogently gave me was a silent code of behavior toward which, in my most elevated moments, I live up.
  • I am grateful to them for their clear, cogent and candid submissions.
  • [T] aken as a whole, cogent piece of work, Paris makes an underwhelming survey of the state of the art house - nothing here even whiffs at the rarified abjection found in Antonioni's segment in 1953's similarly conceived, Rome-set L'Amore in citta," writes Nick Pinkerton at indieWIRE. GreenCine Daily: Paris je t'aime.
  • By contrast, I found his evidence on value to be somewhat more cogent and convincing than that of his opponent's.
  • His cogent case for being nice to our fellow Europeans causes me to ask one question.
  • His writing is lively, his arguments are cogent, and the scholarship is wide ranging.
  • If Metallica's Lars Ulrich paused from bashing Napster to cogently denounce the Iraq war - as Wino has capably done - we would revise our opinion of the man.
  • Milton was kept from politics in his youth, not by any notion of their incompatibility with poetry; but by the more cogent arguments at their command “under whose inquisitious and tyrannical duncery no free and splendid wit can flourish.” Life of John Milton
  • One question that will likely be addressed by those with cogent gender-analytical skills is whether marriage has become the new senatorship. Ferentz LaFargue: Is Marriage the New Senatorship?
  • A cogent argument is one whose structure is such that the premises provide good reasons for accepting the conclusion.
  • Posturing is in fact all it is, in this case posturing for want of a cogent argument.
  • His so-called digressions have always some cogent reason in them; they are his means of including in the panorama a scene essential to its completeness. Authors of Greece
  • Invention thus split into invention of “artificial” argu - ments (intrinsic or analytic arguments such as causes and effects, subjects, adjuncts, disparates, contraries, etc.) and invention of “inartificial” arguments (extrinsic arguments, such as testimony, less cogent than the artificial). RAMISM
  • In case you have to one ` s name peaky cogent in respect of macrocosm that you package believe of prep added to are much final to leave behind burden, consequently hypnosis may continue a keeping to about you. Xml's
  • This is a typical response, when there's no cogent argument available to the deuteragonist.
  • There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.
  • It has been studied comprehensively by McGhee, who argued cogently that bolide impact and presumed climate change were important controls on the pattern of extinction.
  • It sometimes reads like the most self-indulgent and maundering commonplace book, pregnant with ideas and jottings, their author unwilling or unable to develop them cogently.
  • Familiar - if more cogent - arguments go on. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For even -- an additional reason, besides that in 1Co 5: 6, and a more cogent one for purging out every leaven of evil; namely, that Christ has been already sacrificed, whereas the old leaven is yet unremoved, which ought to have been long ago purged out. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There are a number of cogent arguments against fur that do not require descending into this kind of bigoted sophism.
  • His real achievement, though, is effortlessly synthesizing a dizzying array of dissonant phenomena (Cold War espionage, ecstatic religiosity), incongruous pairings (Darwinism, Tantric sex), and otherwise schizy ephemera (psychedelic drugs, spaceflight) into a cogent, satisfyingly complete narrative. Cover to Cover
  • a cogent argument
  • The orchestra is severely stretched to maintain any sort of cogent line, and the fantasy of the work is all but lost.
  • But, as you know, whenever the problem is delineated as cogently as Melanie has in this post (and many previous ones over the years), the hounds of hell are unleashed from the demiworld of deluded dreams to bark, bite, bluster and bullshit. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There is certainly no cogent case to be made for uniformity through the United Kingdom.
  • Lead a cadre to want in clean-fingered self-discipline respect especially as Party member cadre cogent accomplish " 4 careful " .
  • We have reasonable prospects and a cogent case to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now that’s what I call a cogent argument reply thomas Verizon: iDon’t Not Want The iPhone
  • Given the scope of Internet use by the general public, this is no longer a relevant or cogent argument.
  • So it's awfully refreshing to see someone cut through the clutter and deliver a cogent and thoughtful message about how to help Americans eat more healthfully. What front-of-package food labels should say
  • This is not just a random grab at topicality but a surprisingly cogent decision.
  • Hence, in lieu of offering anything that can be described as coherent or cogent, you immediately launch into the use of ad hominem, presumptive and denigrative terms, i.e. “homophobic,” “bizarre,” “hate,” etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
  • This is something I've been thinking about for awhile now and hopefully it comes out somewhat coherent and cogent.
  • They also did take him to task for excluding data from 1774-1776 but in his response, Bellesiles does seem to give a cogent response as to why he excluded the data.
  • Ab hac morbi sponte saepe emanant, nulla alia cogente causa. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • We have reasonable prospects and a cogent case to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • The orchestra is severely stretched to maintain any sort of cogent line, and the fantasy of the work is all but lost.
  • What we do press is this -- that when an authority comes forward to assure us that all the processes of life, including man's highest as well as his lowest attributes, can be explained on chemico-physical lines, we are entitled to ask for a more cogent proof of it than the demonstration, however complete, of the germination of an egg, caused by artificial stimulus and not by the ordinary method of syngamy, even though that germination may lead to the production of a perfect adult form. Science and Morals and Other Essays
  • Christ's reply to this imputation is copious and cogent, that every mouth may be stopped with sense and reason, before it be stopped with fire and brimstone. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • For while Blair made, and makes, a cogent, cerebral case for his New Labourism, Gordon Brown had the previous day approached the same task - anchoring current policy in old time ideals - via a different route.
  • It has the best possible reasons for rejecting the idea of luminiferous particles; but, in support of the conclusion that the celestial spaces are occupied by matter, it is able to offer proofs almost as cogent as those which can be adduced of the existence of an atmosphere round the earth. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • She is not in thrall to any overarching theory, so the questions she asks remain cogent, real and often unanswerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is offering a cogent evidence for enhancing sports teaching reform in higher education institutions.
  • Comcast just doesn't want to "subsidize" Level 3's business the same way that Level 3 did not want to "subsidize" Cogent's 5 years ago -- and the very same way that the everyday broadband subscriber does not want to "subsidize" Level 3's business. Julius H. Hollis: Level 3: Let's Call a Spade a Spade... and Let's Play Fair
  • There are cogent reasons why the constitution drafters decided to generalize rather than to particularize.
  • She is not in thrall to any overarching theory, so the questions she asks remain cogent, real and often unanswerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I appreciate that there are cogent reasons to side with the respondent on this issue.
  • … 1. For the purposes of this essay, I will mostly be using the term anarchism as shorthand for individualist anarchism; since the defense of anarchism I will offer rests on individualist principles, it will not provide a cogent basis for communist, primitivist, or other non-individualist forms of anarchism. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – February – 13
  • And yet within the bounds of each paragraph, the writing is extremely cogent, even sometimes quite strictly disciplined
  • His assessment may be the most cogent and logical around today.
  • Again, energy and poise were in equal balance, and an intense concentration and cogent through-line to their expression prompted Dvorak's melodies to blossom, while allowing the score's musical logic to register afresh. Music review: Talich Quartet articulates mellow radiance in Beethoven, Janacek
  • Mr. Mahindra said support is growing within the Indian government to increase the investment limit and he said there is no "cogent" argument against it. Mahindra: Loosen Limits on Defense Investment in India
  • For all kinds of cogent reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reasons given by the Court of Appeal for that factual conclusion were cogent and compelling.
  • The case for war has not been presented using any cogent and compelling arguments.
  • Michael Novak, AEI scholar (and my boss there 30 years ago) and George Bush fan, takes on Obama's upcoming trip to Notre Dame quite cogently -- and then somehow meanders off into Bush's "victory" in Iraq, which Obama -- now apparently "briefed" - embraces!
  • My role as an educator is to seek out this information, present it in a way that stimulates thinking, in a way that informs opinion and transforms mere opinions into cogent arguments. Technology: The Death of Teaching, a Rebirth of Education
  • Their language is free from bad rhetoric; the reasoning is cogent, but there is an absence of emotion and imagination; they contain few quotable things, and no passages of commanding eloquence, such as strew the orations of Webster and Burke. Brief History of English and American Literature
  • On the threshold of war there is always cogent justification for entering it.
  • We'd be glad to hear it and any cogent arguments you might have for becoming the tie's curator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The content was clear, neither overwhelming nor confusing, and the arguments were cogent.
  • Readers who care enough to email me with a cogent and considered response will, of course, always be taken seriously.
  • The shots of this film are arbitrarily put together with no rhyme or reason, creating haphazard action that is barely cogent.
  • It is a cogent argument, and one that may finally be having an impact upon those at the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I'm missing the kind of cogent argument that might give some teeth to your claim of having put sharp questions to your sparring partner. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • One that I've already briefly alluded to, is that cinema can operate as a cogent and powerful cultural mechanism for meaning making.
  • Holbrooke's flattery, though, did not deter Podesta, who kept insisting on some kind of cogent answer about objectives and metrics. Afghanistan for Dummies
  • Those are important questions that deserve cogent answers.
  • This may not be "cogent" enough for Conventional Theology 101. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Some of what it has produced does sound frightfully cogent for a non-human product.
  • Ron English, Deputy General Counsel for Seattle Public Schools told me that Chris Jackins was selected because of his well established credentials as an informed critic of the school system and his ability, in the Distict's opinion, that he was well qualified to present "cogent" Statements Against. Sound Politics: Suppression of Dissent in Christine Gregoire's AmeriKKKa
  • Spenc Canada – nice cogent arguments. fuddle duddle says: Ottawa lowers its emissions reduction targets - Need to know -
  • At times, Rheingold tries a bit too hard to buttress his cogent observations with academic theories that draw parallels between smart mobs and swarms such as ant colonies.
  • Those looking to discredit religion and theism generally had only to focus on what is most obvious, consistent and rationally cogent in his work.
  • In a significant speech last week, Shirley Williams damned parts of the hastily recooked bill as "confusing, obscure and ambiguous", and argued cogently that muddled policy at the top is compounding the difficulties of managers charged with overseeing retrenchment on the ground. The malady lingers on | Editorial
  • There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.
  • He further submits that where such evidence is disregarded the judge must give clear and cogent reasons for doing so.
  • The most cogent theory that supports the occasional finding of subcutaneous islands of ependyma in the postcoccygeal region in infants is that these lesions originate from extramedullary ependymal rests.
  • We have reasonable prospects and a cogent case to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically, his argument was cogent, well put and very persuasive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing could have been clearer, but Floyd, whom Bruce Catton generously describes as a bumbling incompetent, ignored the letter because, among its wealth of cogent information, it contained one trifling error - the writer stated that Brown had an agent "in an armoury in Maryland". THE NUMBERS
  • Milton was kept from politics in his youth, not by any notion of their incompatibility with poetry; but by the more cogent arguments at their command "under whose inquisitious and tyrannical duncery no free and splendid wit can flourish. Life of John Milton
  • Despite worldwide incidence and a disparate impact on African-American communities, this peer-reviewed article cogently observed that "newborn screening for G6PD deficiency is not performed routinely in the United States. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • Ideally an author generates a clear and cogent elevator pitch that will result in fantastically rapid sales. Gotham Chopra: Coming Clean: It's Spirituality for Dogs
  • The truth is, coherent, cogent public speaking, especially trying to tailor one's speech to sound bites, is a difficult skill that must be practiced. What Sarah Palin Is Saying - Anil Dash
  • Powers marshals his material cogently and genially, from Arts and Crafts to high-tech.
  • They mutually compassionated his unhappy situation in domestic life, and Cecilia innocently expressed her concern at the dislike Lady Margaret seemed to have taken to her; a dislike which Mr Harrel naturally enough imputed to her youth and beauty, yet without suspecting any cause more cogent than a general jealousy of attractions of which she had herself so long outlived the possession. Cecilia
  • Each position was made more powerful and more cogent by the strength of its opposing view.
  • I draft posted the entry with the intention of sprucing it up and making it cogent, but reading through it, I think the desultory, fragmented nature of the post reflects my rather uninterested attitude when watching this actual video.
  • There were cogent artistic reasons why his work looked as it did. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You speak with a clear voice and in cogent paragraphs, and make a great case for our progressive causes. Matthew Yglesias » Yglesias on Maddow
  • But we have put forward a cogent case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colonial polemicist Robert Farley pens a provocative defense of the Zarek-Gaeta coup, predicated on rather cogent arguments that human/Cylon cooperation is doomed. Chaos Or Community | ATTACKERMAN
  • This very interesting paper cogently melds ethnography, history, and social analysis.
  • He produced cogent reasons for the change of policy.
  • But I still can't quite equate Norman Geras, cricket and country music lover, whose cogent and frequent condemnations of the kind of kneejerk anti-US leftism that calls Zarqawi and his head-choppers 'the resistance' are always made more in sorrow than in anger, with the "Stormin Norm" I read of in today's Sunday Times, 'toast of the neocons' and 'darling of the Washington right wing'. February 06, 2005
  • So what if it contains all of his trademarks: the pious smarm, the embarrassing contradictions, the distortions, the omissions, the sloppy insinuations posing as cogent accusals?
  • The judge rejected that argument in a cogent and wholly convincing judgment.
  • Stephen Clark, those are not what I would call cogent legal arguments. The Volokh Conspiracy » The right formerly known as the right to marry
  • My friend and meme-making kingpin Jonah Peretti, who is featured at length in Wasik's book, responded with some cogent points on Facebook. And Then There's Us - Anil Dash

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