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How To Use Coffin In A Sentence

  • Have you then seen the same old coffin dodger like ten years later and been utterly gobsmacked to see them still alive and kicking?
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • For many Africans, the ‘coffin-headed’ black mamba is synonymous with death.
  • Huge crowds are expected to file past the coffin, which will be guarded by a contingent of Gentlemen at Arms and Yeoman of the Guard.
  • The nail in your coffin is the arbitration system run by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Dan Solin: John Elway's Tackle Masks a Bigger Scandal
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  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • Donate some coffins to the temple, equal to the number of deaths.
  • The body was washed and prepared for burial by the women of the family (or by the monastic infirmarer, in the case of a monk or nun), and either shrouded or placed in a coffin.
  • At the city morgue, workers nailed together coffins and put some of the dead in an ambulance to transport them to cemeteries.
  • He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • 'Coffin's Island,' which is usually of the highest grade.] [Footnote D: The palmetto is a straight, tall tree, with a tuft of branches and palm leaves at its top. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, April, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • A kind of shiver ran through the country last week as the coffin was dug up. A Daughter Denied?
  • The boy was buried in the same coffin as his mother.
  • Anthony's oak coffin had a large brass crucifix on the lid.
  • While others were scoffing at the notion of ebonics, I was lapping up inner city slang: that beautiful, musical, profane prose. Slashdot: Book Reviews
  • The coffin shattered into a million pieces while the hind legs and the wings of the hippogriff vaporized.
  • My first Bradbury was ‘The Coffin’ in ‘The Hamlyn Book of Horror’ or suchlike. GR3: The Jar by Ray Bradbury « In The Gloaming Podcasts
  • A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.
  • As she watched him stalking around the little house, red with rage, body taut as a watch spring with appressed aggression and his mouth constantly spewing Obscenities, she pictured him in his coffin. Two women
  • Two more candles on silver-gilt candlesticks stand at each end of the coffin.
  • The cairns you see along the way were once used for supporting the coffin while the bearers took a well-earned rest.
  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • Slowly, with enthusiasm that would put coffin bearers to shame, he moved past the poster cases, making nothing of the garish imagery and loud print.
  • Tromp would maunder over and over of how Johannes Maartens and the cunies robbed the kings on Tabong Mountain, each embalmed in his golden coffin with an embalmed maid on either side; and of how these ancient proud ones crumbled to dust within the hour while the cunies cursed and sweated at junking the coffins. Chapter 15
  • I took a look after death of coffin Guo, Adidas Predator XI, cover drive we re-cover well nail last, some action also has no, does this really have ghost not to become in the world?
  • He was critical of Anne Diamond, the broadcaster, who he described as a "devalued witness", for her version of the full background to The Sun running a picture of her child's coffin. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The decomposed body of King Midas, lying in state in his coffin, might be viewed as the just reward for his over-indulgence.
  • But they gave the trolls some food for thought by heading out to a restaurant and posting images of themselves scoffing burgers and macaroni cheese. The Sun
  • The new track planned for Great Leighs is another nail in the coffin for turf horseracing in this country.
  • Dracula decides to leave and go on vacation to New York City, but his coffin is accidentally sent to Harlem. Five Odd Actors To Play Dracula | myFiveBest
  • The big steel gates opened again and a three wheeled motorcycle drove in pulling a low trailer upon which were perched two plain wood coffins.
  • But, through a tawdry heap of bushes, he watched the procession and the bare wooden coffin lifted by altar boys.
  • As the death toll grew, there were poignant scenes at Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire as five coffins draped with the union flag arrived at RAF Lyneham and were met by sombre crowds on the town's streets.
  • Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.
  • You leap up and pull one of the startled men into the coffin until you're ready for him.
  • But a picket of soldiers followed the poor coffin to the grave, officers made speeches over it, and her old comrades mustered from all parts of France to say good-bye.
  • Dozens of patients, mostly dressed in black, marched through the streets following a draped coffin while musicians played a dirge on a flageolet and melodion.
  • Flash back colleagues carry Wayne Edwards' coffin at his funeral in January.
  • At a slightly uneven stagger the coffin set off down the aisle.
  • The coffin was carried on a cannon of the Royal Horse Artillery and flanked by artillerymen in ceremonial black and red uniforms.
  • After the double coffin they made more life-sized models of themselves, this time fast-forwarded to the end of their lives.
  • Each successive revelation of incompetence is another nail in the chairman's coffin.
  • At the end of the service the coffin is being carried out when it is accidentally bumped against a wall.
  • Due to Coffin's influence, the Coffin School, a private academy on Nantucket reopened in 1903.
  • This conclusion is the final nail in the coffin of the notion of sentential meaning.
  • In between, one could pluck out a few good ideas: the lovers singing over a freshly dug grave; the ever-present reminder of Morold's coffin; the flash-forward of decades in Act III. Berlin Boos an Inert and Ugly 'Tristan'
  • The final section of the walk through the Bealach Creag an Eoin even follows a track once used by burial parties coming from the Bays to the machair of the Atlantic coast - a coffin route.
  • The former president was lying in state behind glass in a half-open coffin in the Caracas military academy.
  • Harry talks about the excise men being bamboozled by coffins being carried up the hill and across the moors containing, of course, smuggled booty rather than bodies.
  • Little Alice was heartbroken when her pet canary (1) died, and to soften the blow, her father gave her a cigar box for a coffin and assisted in burying the canary in the back yard.
  • He believed that independence was the first duty of a literary man, and that true dignity consists in diligent labor rather than in indolent railing at fate and the scoffings of "uncomprehended" genius. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
  • Scoffing at the suggestion that an undertaker is a "professional man," Chambers said any good plumber could learn how to embalm in sixty days. The Undertaker's Racket
  • The neighborhood carpenter would improvise a coffin with wood that sometimes came off of somebody's wall or chicken coup.
  • Also there is no legal obstruction to you taking the coffin to the crematorium in a station wagon.
  • Don't share you coffin nail reek with others who don't smoke and don't ride in your vehicle. From bad to worse (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • They found a coffin and when they opened it up, a vampire jumped out and drank their blood.
  • Also, the rails carried black cords with black tassels hanging down, giving a sombre effect to the wooden coffin clamped to the trolley platform.
  • Observers fear that this strike will be another nail in the coffin of the industry.
  • So far as I can see then, the catafalque is simply constructed of a bier (a raised rectangular wooden box or metal stand of dimensions that would hold an adult sized coffin) which is then covered by the black pall, or the same, further with a type of symbolic coffin further placed upon it, similarly covered. Reader Question: Constructing the Catafalque
  • He's pulled to his feet and stands vacantly and unhelpfully behind the coffin as it seesaws up the steps, carried by the royal family, in a confusion of priests and cameramen.
  • He wuz cotched arfter a while, an 'I hed some money, so I got some pine plank an' made a coffin dat evenin ', an' wrapt Marse Chan's body up in de fleg, an 'put Short Stories for English Courses
  • More traditional-minded people in China sometimes like to rest their dead in coffins, but the bodies are subsequently cremated without the coffins.
  • The General somehow obtained a coffin and lent every assistance toward the last rites.
  • Prayers will be said at the graveside before the coffin is removed and taken to a Hospital for tests by a Home Office pathologist.
  • For me this was the final nail in the coffin of a terminally dull product.
  • A little while later, still holding Maura in his arms, Michael threw his handful of dirt on to the coffin.
  • He was to live, it appeared, abominably worried, he was to live consciously rueful, he was to live perhaps even what a scoffing world would call abjectly exposed; but at least he was to live saved. The Finer Grain
  • Also, the rails carried black cords with black tassels hanging down, giving a sombre effect to the wooden coffin clamped to the trolley platform.
  • And here I am scoffing grapefruit, kiwi fruit, and granadilla in one sitting, plus muesli and yoghurt for breakfast - and I can't get enough of it. The Orange Problem
  • Dozens of patients, mostly dressed in black, marched through the streets following a draped coffin while musicians played a dirge on a flageolet and melodion.
  • Besides, a better word for the chaperon, throwing her elbows and swinging her dog coffin of a purse, may have been 'ducatoon. Skinny Legs and All
  • Ay, man; an 'she taen mair o' my heart wi 'her in her bit coffinie than she left ahent her. My Man Sandy
  • When us went on de fourth Sunday night riders had done made a shape lak a coffin in de sand out in front, and painted a sign on de ginhouse what read: 'No Niggers' lowed to be taught in dis ginhouse. ' Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 2
  • Cardinals wearing white miters processed onto the square, the wind rippling their red vestments and the pages of the book of the Gospel, which was placed on the coffin.
  • “Mony thanks to ye,” he said, scoffingly, “for collecting sae muckle winter eilding for us; but if ye step a foot nearer it wi’ that lunt, it’s be the dearest step ye ever made in your days.” The Black Dwarf
  • I am not a claustrophobe, but a coffin would be roomier. Podkayne Of Mars
  • And Miss Lucy Ashton, that grudged when an honest woman came near her — a taid may sit on her coffin that day, and she can never scunner when he croaks. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • In the ritual of internment, the slab is rolled back from the sepulchre and the coffin is lowered down to the chamber below.
  • Indeed, ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o 'the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • ‘We have now branched out into other areas, recruiting for everything from coffin-makers to beauticians and hairdressers,’ she said.
  • Heavy slabs had been laid atop the ground over their coffins to discourage body snatchers.
  • Also in the coffin is a small bag of commemorative medals issued over the course of his pontificate and a sealed document with a description of the pope's life, in Latin. - Papal funeral merges spectacle, symbolism
  • A long cist grave is essentially a stone box or coffin constructed within the grave, usually from stone slabs. Birdoswald Roman Fort: post-Roman activity on the site
  • Didn’t you call an undertaker to provide a coffin, Luther? Twilight’s Child
  • The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
  • In that same year he, with some 'other gentlemen,' engaged in an adventure for hidden treasure: they 'played the hazel rod round about the cloyster,' and digged, in the place indicated, six feet deep, till they came to a coffin; but they did not open it, for which they were afterward regretful, thinking that _it_ probably contained the treasure. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 4, October, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The movie ends with a harrowing scene of the father digging up his son's coffin, only to discover a piece of wood inside the box.
  • In Karelia, one bear learned how to [open a coffin]. Russian Bears Eating Corpses
  • The coffin lid had been nailed down.
  • The coffin was properly incased for transportation, put on the train, and finally delivered at the Lutheran cemetery in Chicago.
  • The poor beggar's badly burned body was supposed to be in the coffin awaiting collection.
  • Eliot Deacon: I requirement to undergo your height. For your coffin.
  • Truth will out, even if buried in a golden coffin
  • But though the days of clippies and extended tea breaks may be long gone, retired Scarborough driver Charlie Bullock is determined to turn up in his coffin aboard his old double-decker.
  • My father's working bench was covered with a cloth and his coffin was laid there.
  • I never more lively beheld the starved characters of Dante [III. j] in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice [III. k] to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • The remains of the six were placed in one coffin that had been brightly painted in medieval style and bearing Latin inscriptions.
  • Others rest in flag-draped coffins or come home strapped to hospital gurneys.
  • Callums frae first to last; I hae dung Greeshy till he couldna stand -- him that had to be twice fitted for his coffin; an 'Wull that was hangit at Dumfries for sheep-stealin'; an 'Meg that was servant till yersel -- aye, an' a bonny piece she was as ye ken yersel '; an' this auld donnert carle that, when he carries up the The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • “And what will ye do, if I carena to thraw the keys, or draw the bolts, or open the grate to sic a clamjamfrie?” said the old dame, scoffingly. The Black Dwarf
  • At any rate, I now find myself in the position of being much like my friend, correcting people and scoffing at them behind their back.
  • But what intrigued me most of all was a postscript was appended to the Hardy letter: ‘Remember me to Coffin and the admiral.’
  • They also take their turn kneeling to pray amid the flowers in front of the coffin, peering at the waxily reposed figures with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment.
  • That's the awful irony of the dynamic: that the stubborn, idiosyncratic, self-possessed auteurs getting stiffed in their coffins wouldn't want these nitwits to finish their careers for them.
  • Dante+ in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice+ to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Letter to a Friend
  • Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.
  • Rev. Coffin replied, Mr. President, it is up to us to proclaim that 'Justice shall roll down like waters and righteousness like an everflowing stream. President Barack Obama
  • Each plastic bag and drainage tile dropped in the coffin makes the world just that much more beautiful.
  • The sight of the coffin sent a shudder through him.
  • Wherein Christians, who deck their coffins with bays, have found a more elegant emblem; for that it, seeming dead, will restore itself from the root, and its dry and exsuccous leaves resume their verdure again; which, if we mistake not, we have also observed in furze. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • The bearer party lifts the coffin from the catafalque in Westminster Hall and carries it to the gun carriage outside the North Door.
  • You may still find dead people being buried without coffins, simply because relatives cannot afford to buy one.
  • The coffin will be placed on a catafalque of rough pine boards, nailed together and covered with black cloth, which was first used for Abraham Lincoln's funeral.
  • She remembered the huge house filled with flowers, the servants all dressed in black, and the heady perfume of the early spring narcissi, which lay strewn in piles upon the coffin. Storyteller
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap, that it was nane o’ the Auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the Laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the Major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the Laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the Laird himsell, if no better. Wandering Willie’s Tale
  • In fact, each day she fails to concede is another nail in her political coffin. Rangel criticizes Clinton over non-concession speech
  • Out of the corner of my eye I noted Patterson scoffing in disbelief.
  • Mehmet steals a truck and sets out on the road with Berzan's rude coffin in the back.
  • Tick the top of the vegetation with the fast-sinking Lucky Craft ¾-ounce LV-500 rattler in aurora black and the Bagley B Flat II Coffin Lip in silver with a black back, which dives to 10 feet. Field & Stream's Guide to the Best Crankbaits for Spring Bass
  • We bury our noblemen there, except that they have to lie at present without coffins.
  • But they gave the trolls some food for thought by heading out to a restaurant and posting images of themselves scoffing burgers and macaroni cheese. The Sun
  • If the locals aren't scoffing ripe fruit and fresh pasta from the table they are lying flat out on it, getting a massage.
  • Not all lead coffins destined for vaults were provided with outer wooden cases.
  • Finally, in a climactic Big Change, the lepidos morphed into a coffinlike testudinal phase. Sagittarius Whorl
  • In one funeral scene, not only does the coffin break open to reveal the corpse, but also a black crow begins ominously cawing.
  • The body is buried without a coffin in a grave deep enough to conceal odor and prevent abuse by animals.
  • We were shown the great marble slab covering Arthur's coffin and the chalice well which provided water for the brothers.
  • Before the lying in state began, the coffin was carried through the streets on a horse-drawn carriage as thousand of onlookers lined the pavements.
  • Her coffin was lovingly wrapped in muskrat, beaver and fox furs and lowered into the ground by her family.
  • Madeleine will not go gently into this sinister night, nor will Usher let her, insisting that her coffin remain unnailed, which, in effect, precipitates a supernatural spill between worlds.
  • Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin.
  • Some sleep in coffins and are repelled by crosses. Villain Stereotypes « Write Anything
  • Not a flower, not a flower sweet, On my black coffin let there be strown.
  • A trumpet sounded through the sun-bathed cloisters of Manchester Cathedral after the coffin of Stephen Oake was borne in by six pall-bearers yesterday.
  • Fearless of scoffing, and of the ostent, let us take our stand, our ground, and never desert it, to confront the growing excess and arrogance of realism. Democratic Vistas: Paras. 90–119. Collect
  • The increased use of aeroplanes in warfare led to such terms as Beauey, biscuit bomber, and flying coffin.
  • They stand up, slowly, then pace their dispassionate bodies toward those two coffins, coffin-like boxes.
  • There was the old cellaret with nothing in it, lined with lead, like a sort of coffin in compartments; there was the old dark closet, also with nothing in it, of which he had been many a time the sole contents, in days of punishment, when he had regarded it as the veritable entrance to that bourne to which the tract had found him galloping. Little Dorrit
  • The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
  • He beckoned to them, and while he went from one to another, saying: "The sibyl was my mother -- Zorrillo has murdered my mother," the coffin was borne into the house. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • Ai yooster fink hurz sed ‘borned wif a cawld’ and phelt sori four littlol mii asa bebeh, coffink adn sneesen … This is why you should - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The boxiness of museums also suggests coffins, crypts, and mausoleums; museums are places of mourning as well as ecstatic communion.
  • Still, that same defense provided a touchdown and came up with the nail-in-the-coffin fumble at the end. NFL Replay: 'Almost' is no solace after Cardinals' letdown
  • And it would lead to the kind of detestation that would include building debris, coffins, sewage, a giant stagnation pound, maybe a million people homeless. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2005
  • The coffin was open, and someone had placed a pint bottle of rye and several blues harps next to the late Junior, who lay there looking stately in a powder-blue suit and derby.
  • Thanks Carol for the info, we are not big movie goers but occassionally one we want to see is only on at the local art house as was 9/11 until last week ... audience was older (50-60-70) than I would hope to have seen and the comments were about divided afterwards in scoffing at it as an orchestrated sound bite political commercial or saying I told you so, now it all makes sense .... Page 2
  • And how about the murder of all the troops that are coming back in coffins draped with flags? Think Progress » Snow on Bush Stem Cell Veto: ‘The Simple Answer Is He Thinks Murder Is Wrong’
  • After being kidnapped Julie was held prisoner in a coffin-like box before being beaten unconscious and strangled.
  • The King followed the coffin; the pall-bearers were the admirals and field marshals of the Empire.
  • Slowly, carefully, the thirty-two sledge-pullers worked together to unlash the heavy coffin and lower it down precisely angled boards to its temporary resting place on the wooden superstructure just above the rectangle of black water. The Terror
  • The party followed six pall-bearers into church who carried Mr Jackson's coffin, which was adorned with a large spray of white trumpet lilies.
  • I hurried to the graveyard at the edge of town, where I found Tortola's uncle shoveling damp earth over her coffin.
  • The coffin is manhandled back on the truck and heads off through the streets towards the cathedral graveyard, where, three hours later, the crowd has grown dense and patient.
  • Coffin bearers carry the remains of an Australian soldier who died during the Battle of Lys on April 14, 1918.
  • The small spot is a festive clutter of petite piñatas, garlands of chili pepper lights and paper cutouts, big windows decorated with a spinning police light, cacti and a coffin.
  • It is another nail in the coffin of deterrence even if the first generation of cruise will be slow for such a role.
  • Too many doctors do what we call laying crepe, laying crepe around the coffin to protect themselves so the family won't be disappointed when they lose. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Curing What Ails You in the New Millennium - January 4, 2000
  • There the coffin will be definitively closed with red bands, sealed with both papal and Vatican seals.
  • Suddenly Suzie and Matt's mother appeared beside the coffin cloaked in black sadness.
  • The rodent squeezed into this bird feeder but after scoffing the lot was too fat to get out. The Sun
  • Alyosha gazed for half a minute at the coffin, at the covered, motionless dead man that lay in the coffin, with the ikon on his breast and the peaked cap with the octangular cross on his head. The Brothers Karamazov
  • Abdul gives the order to bivouac - in another set of coffinlike holes in the riverbank - and signals that he'll go ahead and kill some soldiers to get some food.
  • In the cavernous interior of the ships main docking bay, three coffin like tanks came to life. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The former soldier's coffin was draped in a Union Jack and carried to St Bartholomew's Church, in Park Lane, on a carriage drawn by two horses.
  • Mr Wright blew his chance (with a spoonerism) and the line went to the other coffin bearer.
  • In Blake, the coffin is his "Printing House in Hell Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • The small secret room fluoresced with a gentle hum, as Coffin switched on the light. The Art Thief
  • Do you get the following after scoffing certain foods? The Sun
  • They ought to have some law to pierce the heart and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the coffin and some kind of a canvas airhole. Ulysses
  • In extremely uncostly frames on the wall were the coffin-plates of the departed members of the family. Two Little Savages Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned
  • Coffins were transported in improvised sleighs - usually barn doors taken from their hinges and pulled with ropes.
  • We theorize at this point that this is a "reburial" and are still assessing the contents to determine if the coffins are original, secondary, or a possible cache. KV 63: A Look at the New Tomb
  • Four pall-bearers carried his coffin, which was decorated with wreaths of red and yellow roses, into the church.
  • In their most visible work, astronauts will let loose a retrievable satellite carrying a coffin-sized inflatable antenna.
  • The airport's colorful and undeniably creepy diptych murals depicting things such as a gas-mask wearing Gestapo officer impaling a dove with his saber, and three dead women in coffins, don't help quell the rumors that DIA is some kind of grand mystic lodge for the reptilian overlords who secretly run everything. Boing Boing
  • On Mondays her hair is crumpled and unbrushed, she is slumped in her seat (unlike her usual ramrod posture), and she looks paler than a corpse in a coffin.
  • During the mass, they covered the coffin with a pall, some kind of cloth. we took it off on the way out the door to the church, and then draped the American flag over his coffin.
  • The coffin will remain open because of a Russian tradition going back to the time when people were suspicious that some of their tsars had not died peacefully.
  • Whether the conditions within the wood and plaster coffin contributed to accelerated color change, or whether this individual naturally had more phaeomelanin pigmentation in his hair is hard to say without further analysis. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Archaeological Hair
  • Then he squatted and, with the thought of Femi — bright-eyed and smiling, brewing sweet tea with her glasses high on her nose, rocking Nyah to sleep in the porch swing before the Christmas party, the jasmine in the window box in bloom — pushed to the forefront of his mind, he pulled up the coffin and turned it over. The Laugh
  • There were immense black plumes at each corner and a black velvet pall covered the coffin… but these were charged as extras!
  • She told the court that like Murdoch, she'd once lived in Broome, where she'd worked as a barmaid at the private club of the Coffin Cheaters bikie gang.
  • Jean points out quite rightly that it should be lychgate - the place where coffin bearers paused to get their breath, rather than breathe their last.
  • The beast was sozzled after scoffing fermented fruit. The Sun
  • No flower is happy in a vase, because vase is nothing but an ornate coffin for the flower. Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • Did she just think her trousers had shrunk, or she had been scoffing too many army rations? Times, Sunday Times
  • Pope John Paul II's simple coffin of blond cypress wood, with its only decoration a cross and the letter M for Mary, symbolised his unostentatious lifestyle.
  • The nail was driven into his political coffin on Friday as a string of high - level officials abandoned him.
  • The cemetery is so densely occupied that in many of the mausoleums, coffins are piled up to 10m high.
  • Some Tories have already warned that council tax could be the final nail in John Major's coffin.
  • The cynicism, or boredom or maybe numbing hope that it was all going to be over soon - that we'd see the tyrant of Iraq in a coffin.
  • Helena's beer adds an aggressive malty note to her blinis which, as we're more likely to be scoffing them with wine than vodka in this country, is not an ideal match with pre-dinner drinks. How to cook perfect blinis
  • They 'ave 'alted Danny Deever by 'is coffin on the ground; Archive 2009-03-01
  • In his great novel Ulysses, James Joyce, punning on the old line ‘An Englishman's home is his castle’ reflects that ‘The Irishman's house is his coffin’.
  • Next thing we know, he has been scoffing spaghetti carbonara at an Italian eatery.
  • Old soldiers from an array of regiments rubbed shoulders with young cadets as Bobby's coffin was carried through a guard of honour.
  • Once the coffins are built, the discussion turns to the many moldings, appliques, linings, and finishes which may be used to make each coffin unique. Boing Boing
  • I missed the deadline again last week; I suppose that is another nail in my coffin.
  • A sidebone consists in a transformation of the lateral cartilages found on the wings of the coffin bone into bony matter by the deposition of lime salts. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse

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