
How To Use Coexist In A Sentence

  • An album that finally demonstrates that ferocity and intelligence coexist beautifully.
  • For example, plant monomeric forms, composed only of catalytic subunits, are relatively common in plant species and coexist with higher molecular weight forms (presumably tetrameric, according to its molecular size).
  • The two could no longer coexist and it was therefore a class struggle between the Southern slaveholding aristocracy and the Northern capitalist democracy.
  • I like movies that deal with people, especially people from different cultures coexisting and trying to get along.
  • And her moral ideals must coexist with knowledge of the capacity for evil, both within others and within herself. Trauma and Recovery
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  • We should not assume that peaceful coexistence is possible only if all, or nearly all major nations adopt the same social behaviour. A High Standard
  • Aneurysms of the infrarenal abdominal aorta and iliac arteries coexist to such a degree that they may be considered a single clinical entity.
  • Drama, campiness, and comedy coexist equally on-stage, resulting in a brew which is hilarious and at the same time heart-rending.
  • But this terror of contravening an unascertained and unascertainable will, cannot coexist with reflection: it disappears with civilization, and can no more be reproduced than the fear of ghosts after childhood. Uncollected Prose
  • In this exceptionally picturesque region, beauty and grinding toil continue to coexist, very much as described in John Steinbeck's novels, notably The Grapes of Wrath.
  • “Complementary” is a term prevalent in England, and carries the implication that unconventional therapies can coexist side by side with mainstream medicine. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • An obvious question is whether the mat bias is absent in azygotic meiosis after homologous chromosomes have coexisted in diploid cells for many mitotic divisions.
  • Answer relatively and the right of the underwriter with safe belongings and insurant and obligation coexist.
  • Nation states could only coexist peaceably if a strong collective security arrangement were respected by all.
  • An anarchic streak coexists with respect for decency and civility.
  • The remaining 9 cases showed the coexistence of antral-type metaplasia, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia in the same specimen.
  • Feng shui is the art of aligning complementary opposites to coexist, balancing the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
  • Seeds at different developmental stages coexist at the same time on the plant, and even in a single inflorescence.
  • We've got to work out how you exist in a multicultural world, where diversity is respected, but where people are able to live in harmony and coexist.
  • This poverty coexists with obscene wealth at the other end of the social scale.
  • Dilapidated public schools-their windows covered by protective grilles coexist with crack houses.
  • Competitive ferocity and a capacity to be philosophical must coexist in the nature of the jump jockey. Times, Sunday Times
  • This increasing conservatism under Stalin and his successors strengthened and reinforced the nonaggressive, "peaceful coexistence" policy. EconLog Book Club: For a New Liberty, Chapter 14, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • a remarkable coexistence of two profoundly different artistic traditions
  • And her moral ideals must coexist with knowledge of the capacity for evil, both within others and within herself. Trauma and Recovery
  • Keeping a good balance is the only way that humans and nature can coexist.
  • The professors laugh at the irony but ignore the message-that academic skills and fighting skills may not often coexist.
  • what is needed today is peaceful coexistence
  • Mag. _ in May 1861, writes: "I have deduced from this result the relation between statical or dynamical electricity, and have shown that the elasticity of the magnetic medium in air is the same as that of the luminiferous medium, _if these two coexistent, coextensive, and equally elastic media are not rather one medium_. Aether and Gravitation
  • Of all the peculiar effects of musical tragedy, the most remarkable is the coexistence of opposite impressions.
  • Adams is deeply interested in the broader musical dimensions of culture, how pop music and classical music coexist and sometimes cross-fertilize, how composers need audience feedback, how musical generations succeed one another and how some artists will fight quixotic battles to their dying day, holding true to avant-garde orthodoxy no matter how isolating it is. A conversation with John Adams, composer and so much else
  • A search for the "sublime" in nature coexisted with ambitious historical subjects, slick moralistic storytelling and an emphasis on technological virtuosity. The MFA's New Art of the Americas Wing . . .
  • I walked against the current, following a wooded berm, thick with fir, that the river had created over time, cutting off a patch of bog land where early-budding blueberry and blackberry, and gray-black winterberry and tan winter maleberry, coexisted with spruce and larch and rhodora. The Black Angel
  • Interestingly, several isotropic fluorescence times were found to coexist, indicating structural heterogeneity of the DNA.
  • Arensberg was not the only visitor to be perplexed by a country where, he noted, ‘a puritanical morality’ coexisted with ‘the hilarity of the race meeting.’
  • This ancient placental family coexisted with the marsupials from the early days of the continent's isolation.
  • They conclude that the balance for coexistence is disrupted and needs to be fixed. Kurokami ep 02 « Undercover
  • But of course cough is a common symptom of pulmonary oedema or coexistent bronchitis, so you should also consider these causes.
  • That is the logic of peaceful coexistence, that is the historical logic of Stalinism. 8.
  • North and South Korea signed an accord calling for peaceful coexistence.
  • a harmonious coexistence between wildlife and livestock
  • Allergic contact dermatitis and coexistent athlete's foot were excluded, and pompholyx was diagnosed.
  • Modern farming methods coexist with more traditional practices.
  • The synthesis of the imagination in apprehension would only present to us each of these perceptions as present in the subject when the other is not present, and contrariwise; but would not show that the objects are coexistent, that is to say, that, if the one exists, the other also exists in the same time, and that this is necessarily so, in order that the perceptions may be capable of following each other reciprocally. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • For example, when large polyelectrolytes coexist with concentrated clay dispersions, the complete separation of the two phases allows the thermodynamics to be understood.
  • For Duhem, this instrumentalist doctrine played a key role in maintaining his religious and scientific views in peaceful coexistence.
  • Also, his quasi-anarchist political views coexisted uneasily with his conservative traditionalist leanings. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Books that Influenced Me the Most
  • I think he coexists with the monster as Steve Irwin coexisted with crocadiles, they could function together, but he couldn’t train them to do what he wanted. The Tail Section » Episode 4.9 “The Shape of Things to Come” Afterthoughts
  • Coexisting MI phases in these rocks include garnet, plagioclase, quartz, tourmaline and fluorite.
  • There have been long periods of peace and relatively harmonious coexistence as well as sharp polemical exchanges and bitter conflict.
  • The professors laugh at the irony but ignore the message-that academic skills and fighting skills may not often coexist.
  • Turtles, crayfish, snails, fish, salamanders, American chameleons, newts, insects, bacteria, and algae all can be successfully raised in the River Tank, but questions remain as to which ones can coexist, and for how long, before being eaten by another inhabitant.
  • Recognition that the spleen had ruptured was delayed because of the patient's stable clinical condition and lack of coexisting symptoms of infectious mononucleosis.
  • They suggested that allergy and food idiosyncrasy may coexist.
  • It uses the mutual trust and mutual recognition of civil society as a way of helping identities and interests to coexist.
  • For the coexistence of absolute spontaneity with absolute necessity is involved in the very idea of God, one of whose intellectual definitions is, the 'synthesis, generative ad extra, et annihilative, etsi inclusive, quoad se,' of all conceivable 'antitheses;' even as the best moral definition -- (and, O! how much more godlike to us in this state of antithetic intellect is the moral beyond the intellectual!) -- is, God is love. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Over time, coexistence was inevitable, involving compromise and limited mutual tolerance.
  • The two women had managed to coexist for a month now, and despite their differences, were inseparable friends.
  • We do, after all, have to coexist with our colleagues, even if we find some of them disagreeable if not downright objectionable - while regarding others with perhaps undeserved reverence.
  • She had strep throat, too, which often coexists with infectious mono for some reason.
  • Coexisting conditions may compromise anesthesia and increase surgical risk.
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.
  • Early Victorian taste favoured opulence and eclecticism, so exhibition showpieces coexisted with simpler, compact items like Windsor chairs.
  • We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
  • But this calm and even pastorly tone reveals one way the Religious Right might continue to coexist with the Tea Party movement. Neil J. Young: Money, God And Greed: The Tea Party And Capitalism
  • However, coexistence of triplicated alpha-gene with beta-thalassaemia trait increases the severity of this conditions.
  • In some studies, up to 30 percent of patients with interdigital erythrasma have been found to have a coexisting dermatophyte or Candida albicans infection, usually noted in the third and fourth interspaces.
  • The liscom gas had actually worked like a narcotic, lulling the people into a peaceful frame of mind and allowing the two races to coexist in harmony and to gain Federation membership for their world, unlike their belligerent parent worlds. A Time to Hate
  • The city is at the cutting-edge of conservation, showing how humans and wild animals can coexist peacefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the cast manages to coexist capably with the conceit, confidently propelling us through the drama of lords, priests and queens, in ascendance and decline, in Henry's intrigue-ridden court. Theater review: Folger Theatre's 'Henry VIII'
  • Imputing an end to an action is of a fictional nature in the sense that it is not free from the subjective valuation that conditions the researcher's thematization of a certain subject matter out of “an infinite multiplicity of successively and coexistently emerging and disappearing events” [Weber 1904/1949, Asthmatic
  • Since asymptomatic gall stones and dyspepsia are so common in the general populations, they often coexist.
  • This field experiment was conducted in a deep, stratified lake that typically displays coexistence of multiple Daphnia species.
  • Initially, the Jewish settlers coexisted peacefully and harmoniously with the indigenous, partly nomadic Arab population.
  • In the lyric that follows, the speaker imagines himself as a being contented to be a guest and a stranger, committed to coexistence with other guests and strangers.
  • Both principles must, of course, coexist, and there is no blueprint for dealing with the conflicts when they arise.
  • Wealthy areas coexisted with black ghettos and Hispanic barrios.
  • In this sleazoid farce where characters cackle like horrific hens in a sexual slaughterhouse, individuals coexist in insular states of self-absorbed eccentricity.
  • A republican government does not comfortably coexist with a submerged caste within the population.
  • Or, at the very least, it must find some middle ground where illuminating investigative pieces and Mel Gibson telephone call mash-ups can coexist. Extra! Extra!
  • When these two factors coexist in their varying combinations, pathological increase of pressure results -- in short, glaucoma. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Love, sexual attraction, and limerence can all exist without each other or any or all of them can coexist together.
  • Dilapidated public schools-their windows covered by protective grilles coexist with crack houses.
  • Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence.
  • Moods may swing but they don't coalesce -- or rather coexist. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • It is at any rate possible that in her a certain ethical rightness and decency coexisted with aesthetic stiffness and suspicion.
  • But the ecosystem is too interdependent for GM and non-GM crops to coexist without cross-fertilising.
  • We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
  • These trees evolved to coexist with regular fires, but today's larger fires pose a mortal threat to them.
  • Translated into international relations, this millennia-old discourse represents a tradition that is suffused with a monist political ideology that conceives of world order in fundamentally hierarchical terms, idealizes interstate order as tending toward universal hegemony or actual empire, and lacks a meaningful concept of coequal, legitimate sovereignties pursuant to which states may coexist over the long term in nonhierarchical relationships. Christian Caryl On China: The New York Review Of Books
  • That did not sit well with Jackson, who has had to use the patience and deft touch of a bomb squadder to get his gifted stars to coexist so handsomely. - Shaq, Kobe on the same page and unstoppable
  • On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.
  • So this is a movie in which Miley Stinkvirus and the idea of sex coexist, which is about as unpleasant as movies get these days. Gawker: defamer
  • Yet a leftish middle-class hegemony is far from the whole story; the area has always had a strong working-class presence that has uneasily coexisted alongside its louder and newsier monied neighbours. The London comprehensive that's schooled Labour's elite
  • While the continued down global economy and shifts in focus for a handful of the original funders for the movement may give some pause, The Coexist Foundation has been working hard to be one of many in a hopeful countercurrent of support at this critical hour. Rev. Donald Heckman: Are We There Yet? The Progress of the Interfaith Movement
  • Since asymptomatic gall stones and dyspepsia are so common in the general population, they often coexist.
  • Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
  • It thrives on the tension between irreconcilable, exclusive, coexisting opposites and the unlikely polarities they represent.
  • This concept does not entail the simultaneous existence of a silica gel and a sol, but rather a coexistence of short-chain silica polymers and monosilicic acid that condense to form quartz fibers.
  • In the face of Iran's nuclear challenge, Israel has three options: economic sanction, military attack and nuclear coexistence with Iran.
  • Zionism always stood for peaceful coexistence with other people native to the land.
  • Socialist and capitalist countries coexist in the world.
  • The principle of peaceful coexistence is gaining increasingly wide international recognition and this is logical, since there is no other way out in the present situation. Canada and NATO
  • Coexisting MI phases in these rocks include garnet, plagioclase, quartz, tourmaline and fluorite.
  • The first three species coexist in wet shore habitats, with the very heavily pigmented '' H. viatica '' on the surface and '' F. sexoculata '', which as an adult is also very heavily pigmented, lower down. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • I suspect that apart from violent incidents and perhaps occasional vendettas between individuals or clans, modern humans and Neanderthals coexisted and to some extent mixed, traded, and interbred.
  • This current uneasy coexistence is only an interlude, he seems to say. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Because this would change the slope of the isocline, it could be an important mechanism promoting coexistence when habitat selection is constrained.
  • Each approach has its advantages, and these and other options may coexist in the network of tomorrow.
  • Ask,'How are we going to peacefully coexist in our society? Christianity Today
  • A high proportion will also require treatment for coexistent cardiovascular disease and coincidental unrelated chronic disease.
  • Thus, a purely aesthetic veneration for the old and defeated culture coexists with an intimation of its still unquiet daemonic power.
  • Untilted lives up to its title, finding Booth and Brown unbowed in their belief that clinical repetition and street-smart hip-hop beats can coexist in the universe.
  • The court was confident that elements of direct democracy can coexist within the representative republic.
  • Just as oil and water do not mix, neither do art and life: They are separate and sovereign dominions that coexist without mixing, each with its own idiosyncrasies, values, and morality.
  • Nobody has convincingly explained how the birds, bees, flowers and hares of the uplands can coexist with a new influx of humans.
  • Why should not the validity of different traditions of discourse simply be allowed to coexist?
  • Diagnosis begins with a patient history distinguishing weakness from fatigue or asthenia, separate conditions with different etiologies that can coexist with, or be confused for, weakness.
  • In the environment with market rapid development, jewelry business opportunity and risk coexist.
  • Earlier cross-sectional studies found that childhood overweight and maternal distress were coexisting, and explained by stressful family interactions such as mealtime difficulties in families with overweight children or adolescents PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I had a thesaurus program that used coexistent verb and -er noun forms followed by alteration of the noun, to produce ``birds gotta fly'' candidates, like reporters gotta announce announce-announcer=reporter Transgender bathroom rights in New England.
  • Amazon plants, evergreen pines, basil and other strange flora coexisted in perfect harmony.
  • Before anything else, the country must establish a system that enables the different ethnic and religious groups to at least coexist.
  • Alaska's glaciers coexist with flowering tundras that bloom in the arctic summer.
  • The reality is blessing and suffering often coexist with one another. Christianity Today
  • For humanists, the highest value is intelligent coexistence between humans and nature.
  • Advocates believe energy exploration and environmental conservation can coexist.
  • Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
  • Underlying microscopic mucosal inflammation coexists with JRP and this may be a risk factor or possible etiology for the development of JRP. Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • Only a few of the patients from this surgical or autopsy series displayed coexistent subdural hematomas or meningiomas, and only 2 had coincident leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
  • Instead of moving towards one another we would coexist alongside one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody has convincingly explained how the birds, bees, flowers and hares of the uplands can coexist with a new influx of humans.
  • We are fated to live together and we must do the work of making that coexistence as painless as possible.
  • Chronic renal failure with oliguria or anuria complicates fluid management during critical illnesses, particularly when cardiac disease coexists.
  • Questions are now being asked about whether the two can successfully coexist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The risks coexist with great heroism. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the Soviets, peaceful coexistence is just a facade whose pleasant proportions they hope will be so appealing as to distract us from examining the basic structure. Canada and NATO
  • For example, we observe the presence of coexisting lipid phases (one phase less ordered than the other phase) and unstable domain growth that results in patterns such as fractals.
  • In China acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine coexist equally with allopathy.
  • Because of their ability to provide arbitrage among the complex monies of China, they coexisted with modern banks until the reorganization of the currency in 1933 to a silver dollar rather than the Chinese tael.
  • German foreigners, the few Jews, and Chilean peasants coexist in a space hemmed in by borders which my prose opens and closes to mark the diversity of voices that populate this region.
  • All these make the widow flimsiness and independence coexist. So the widow has weak right of succession, passive amenability position in family and the possible property management.
  • Mix all these elements in what many call a classless society, where hippie communalism coexists with no-nonsense capitalism, and you've got a breeding ground for start-ups. Chronicle
  • A broad rhetorical commitment to this ideal coexisted with stringent restrictions on speech deemed radical or obscene.
  • It does not seek to elbow out mother tongues, but to coexist and continue to evolve alongside other languages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The different groups coexisted because Paul knew how to do it.
  • The article describes how Islam coexists with more traditional American religions.
  • coexistent with the excitement is plenty of well-earned scepticism
  • Apparently, Frolls live in large meadows near to wooded areas, and they coexist with vampire albino deer.
  • Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence.
  • That same year, the psychological profession adopted the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, a scale that measured masculinity and femininity as separate and coexistent within an individual. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Nixon contends that we are heading into a period of peaceful coexistence in the world.
  • Of all the peculiar effects of musical tragedy, the most remarkable is the coexistence of opposite impressions.
  • Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence.
  • The harder part was working out how three alpha females could coexist in a band. Times, Sunday Times
  • Different religions coexisting in Kerala has been an inspiring experience to him.
  • The coexistence of two currencies, that is, the Hong Kong dollar and the renminbi, is a clear demonstration of the differences between the economies of Hong Kong and the mainland.
  • It does not follow that because southerners of different backgrounds exchanged traditions they always coexisted peacefully.
  • Instead of moving towards one another we would coexist alongside one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Nomads were the only other large group of people around, but they were so different from us that we could never hope to coexist.
  • In the modernization period of China' laws, the statute law and the common law coexisted, and made joint efforts to stabilize and regulate the social order.
  • Gentleness and compassion cannot coexist with aggression and hatred toward others.
  • These two distinct types of lens source have always coexisted; it is the balance between they that has changed.
  • Creole and French coexist in a diglossic relationship.
  • The conviction that no way can be found for Israel and the Palestinians to coexist is strongest in Morocco (90 percent), followed by Jordan (85 percent), the Palestinian Authority (80 percent), Kuwait (72 percent), Lebanon (65 percent), Indonesia (58 percent) and Pakistan (57 percent). Daimnation!: America the hated, Israel the despised
  • The job is to differentiate them in such a way as to expose their complementarities, to make clear how static and dynamic elements of systems can coexist, and to show how a division of labour can be constructed amongst them.
  • Compossible: Possible in coexistence with something else Save the language! « Write Anything
  • Peaceful coexistence had been tried and had failed, allowing violence typified by the Carver to flourish unchecked. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • This lasting antipathy coexisted in his mind with a rare mastery of philosophical debate and classical literature.
  • The piece reflected the identity of the contemporary Indian who coexists with persons of different faiths.
  • It is at any rate possible that in her a certain ethical rightness and decency coexisted with aesthetic stiffness and suspicion.
  • When you look at the diverse group of people; the antique cars group, the street rodders, the muscle car people, the pro-streets, the low-riders, the rat rodders, and the custom car people, you quickly see that all forms of automotive self - expression coexist at all age levels. Just Cruisin 2
  • Cyclists and pedestrians safely coexist on the pavements of many European cities. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the federal political structure has worked remarkably well in the context of India, where coexistence of several ethnic / linguistic states acts as buffer to any chauvinism from the Hindi heartland, it is unlikely to work in Sri Lanka where there are only two main ethnic groups. TamilNet Newswire
  • You will discover that a world in which your religious beliefs coexist peacefully with those of others is a better idea. The Sun
  • In China acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine coexist equally with allopathy.
  • India is a classic example of dualistic society, where an informal traditional segment coexists with a formal modern segment.
  • By adopting a muted form of cultural relativism, the scientific establishment seeks to coexist with other points of view.
  • Maybe he was trying to find that "crepuscular" place where left and right brain coexist in a harmonious union. Spark plugs and transmissions
  • The coexistence of state and federal securities regulators has often been criticized by the industry as inefficient and burdensome.
  • Never the less, the limitation and superiority of digitalization coexist.
  • My impression from reading memoirs of folks like Groucho Marx and Moe Howard is that live entertainment and movies coexisted for some time into the sound era. And the Book You Rode In On
  • However, such marriage was opposed by Fahai, a Buddhist monk in Jinshan Temple, who maintained that coexistence of human and evil spirit was unallowable.
  • Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence.
  • The environment needs to be unquestionably safe for Mum and myself to coexist in harmony, and tensions were beginning to fray.
  • Here and now, a tremendous variety of people, each with his or her own set of extraordinary stories, coexists in a relatively unthreatening environment.
  • It was a wonderful time of peace and diversity, where punks, poseurs, happy shiny couples and twitchy loners and could coexist long enough to gobble pancakes.
  • Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
  • The company says the wind farm would coexist with existing agricultural practices supporting farm diversification.
  • In those days, more than 30 comrades of our had been assassinated, that is to say, out of those who landed; and then came the killing of December, during that tragic night in the zone of Holguin, when they killed, I think, 20; and so 26 citizens had been killed and "it pleased the periodical to congratulate the president and express its hope for harmonious coexistence. TELEVISION INTERVIEW
  • If the Law, as discovered through revelation, declared that human flourishing is found in blind devotion to God while the philosophical imperative is skeptical and zetetic and finds human happiness in philosophical questioning, how can they coexist? Archive 2008-05-11
  • It sounds like it's a very international student body that has coexisted quite harmoniously.
  • Interestingly, high-temperature melting experiments have shown similar peritectic assemblages coexisting with granitic melt.
  • Scientists have long known that the human body coexists with trillions of individual germs, what they call the microbiome.
  • What makes it difficult for the communities to coexist peacefully?
  • The city is at the cutting-edge of conservation, showing how humans and wild animals can coexist peacefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • The character Levi thus personifies the complexity of African diasporan religions in which many facets coexist with one another.
  • How can two such stories coexist, you might well ask? ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • And her moral ideals must coexist with knowledge of the capacity for evil, both within others and within herself. Trauma and Recovery
  • Governments cannot coexist with forces that are hell bent on their destruction.

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