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How To Use Coercion In A Sentence

  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • Do you really think coercion is needed to reach a solution to coordination problems? Another Herring, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Their disillusionment is often due in no small part to the deception and coercion employed by local commanders and combatants.
  • The state's only function is as an apparatus of coercion and compulsion.
  • It means simply freedom from coercion by others and it is achieved when a sphere of private autonomy is created.
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  • To add variety, new forms of coercion, like gheraos, were invented.
  • It is the unavoidable and serious consequence of non-submission which lies at the heart of coercion.
  • Yet it unequivocally states that the People "Shall not" (imperative) "coerce" the government, without defining what form such "coercion" takes. Please sign this open letter to et al re. petitions to topple The Thought Crimes Bill
  • From Megiddo in 1485 BC to Kosovo in ad 1999, this argument runs, the only thing all wars have had in common has been to increase governments' powers of convocation and coercion.
  • This is really your opportunity to be yourself, to do something without coercion from others.
  • It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue is that they make exceptions to that principle in the case of certain arbitrary claims of political authority; or that they try to rationalize coercion by saying that some kind of collectivity makes it not really coercive - didn't we agree to that tax increase?, etc. Rad Geek People's Daily
  • He chafed against the implication of coercion in the word imperator: “We could more truly have been titled a protectorate than an empire of the world.” The Great Experiment
  • You will not need to use coercion. Positive Parent Power
  • But this short and easy method with those who take their stand on coercion and illegality was scouted by the Radical M.P. He pointed out with the same lucidity and precision with which he would have stated a case to a leading counsel, the facts (first) that the right-of-way was not only claimed, but existed; (second) that the threatening notice was inoperative; (third) that an action lay against any person who attempted to deforce the passage of any individual; (fourth) that the road in question was the only way to kirk and market for a very considerable part of the strath, that therefore the right-of-way was inalienable; and Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • Yet, policing borders inevitably involves coercion, discrimination, and sharp distinctions between citizens and non-citizens.
  • It produces self-directed individuals who have learned how to acquire new skills without constant supervision or coercion.
  • The issue is that they make exceptions to that principle in the case of certain arbitrary claims of political authority; or that they try to rationalize coercion by saying that some kind of collectivity makes it not really coercive — didn’t we agree to that tax increase? Why should natural lawyers care about teaching freed-market economics?
  • If he had, he would have known with an awful clarity that devolution of power to a local level does nothing at all to reduce coercion or gross unfairness.
  • She has pleaded not guilty and lodged a defence of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The basic idea, which I’m going to horribly bastardize, is that social power is exerted not just through obvious physical or economic coercion, but also in the ways information is categorized and used. They Argued With Her? In Academia!?
  • Spreading the" meme "that religious parents are child abusers is coercion. Critics in the Post Wedge World
  • But as coercion becomes more extreme and resistance crumbles, prisoners lose the sense of continuity with their past. Trauma and Recovery
  • It's a primitive, benighted method of ordering life that is based mostly on coercion and the world would be much better off if all its forms were banned forever.
  • The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
  • It is clear that the meteoric growth in its membership was due to official coercion and patronage. Fascists and Conservatives
  • As a result, we could preserve and extend the advantages of a free market with a minimal amount of coercion.
  • Rabbinical courts throughout the rest of the world function without such powers of coercion.
  • In many cases consent was obtained by Government officials through fraud, coercion or misrepresentation, tactics which annulled the validity of such consent.
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • We will raise the standard of freedom from all religious coercion and intimidation of any kind. Christianity Today
  • In so far as an ethical politics eschews coercion, these can become criteria of political association. Politics, Planning and the State
  • It is a disconcerting, even radical book, and its central subject, as in much of Warner's work, is the inherent strangeness of the self, resistant to control, insusceptible to coercion, demanding one way or another to be discovered and demanding more after that. Authors and others
  • On Monday, it warned mainland China not to contemplate coercion.
  • If i'm trolling , then enlight me : "..intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought Schmid, 1988. More Dots! Cried the Terrorist
  • All these concerns, apprehensions, fears and coercions can be rationally addressed.
  • She intends to claim marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, coercion is more of a guy thing, so in that sense libertarianism is a female philosophy. A Kuranian Take on the Religious Gender Gap, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Her defence was the very unusual one of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results suggest that probation officers frequently refer probationers to treatment without coercion.
  • If necessary, coercion may be necessary to ensure that these issues are addressed.
  • Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
  • And when we use the term coercion, nothing is farther from our thoughts than the carrying of blood and fire among those whom we still consider our brethren of South Carolina. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • they didn't have to use coercion
  • The view most favoured is that it could, by the intervention of an official and by means of his coercion.
  • Coercion and ‘rationality’ went together: hence the euphemistic term ‘command economy.’
  • Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
  • Then they masked this brute coercion with the trappings of refined culture and regal bearing. Christianity Today
  • [O] nce defendant was physically taken into custody and handcuffed, the potential for coercion was as great as that which inheres in custodial interrogation by a police officer, and ... administration of the Miranda warnings was required to dispel that potential coercion in order for defendant's statement to be admissible in a criminal trial. Fourth Department
  • Government was in office, with Lord Randolph Churchill as its leader in the House of Commons; and one of the first acts of the new leader was to separate himself ostentatiously from the Irish policy of Lord Spencer and from the policy of coercion in general. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • In Max Weber's great essay, "Politics as a Vocation," there is vividly expressed a standpoint opposed to the old view of the State as essentially "natural," with the violence and coercion which it in fact practices being in principle eliminable. A Special Supplement: On Violence
  • The application of science, especially new technology, to the means of production, communication, and coercion, gave Europe a penetrative capacity far in excess of anything available to merchant venturers and conquistadors.
  • Since nearly all coercion is morally suspect, and much of it legally punishable, successful coercers will not want to testify.
  • It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The political leaders speak of United Nations resolutions, of unilateralism, of multilateralism, of weapons inspectors, of coercion and noncoercion.
  • The inherent nature of this drive to conform to societal expectations remains unapparent to consumers, allowing them the perception of free choice rather than coercion.
  • They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.
  • And there are innumerous examples for the coercion to provide the information which then is used against you by the government. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » A Civil Disobedience Idea
  • She pleaded not guilty, claiming marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The forms of organization, power, control, coercion, and all modes of social construction are the focus.
  • The choice to donate the organ must be free of coercion or manipulation, either social or financial.
  • How could I phrase the question so that I could distinguish between free choice and manipulative coercion?
  • Just because one tyrant is being edged closer to retirement doesn't mean that other members of the club are easing up on their coercion.
  • The ensuing civil procedural history became a matter of prolonged legal debate on due process, but the religious coercion and its conundrums remained.
  • A crushing conquest imposes the attacker's will; limited coercion gambles on the target's weakness of will.
  • Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
  • The defendant explained that he had been acting under coercion.
  • We believe that peoples and nations have the right to determine their own destiny, free from military coercion by great powers.
  • Their power was only requisitory, and 'these requisitions were addressed to the several Legislatures, to be by them carried into execution, without other coercion than the moral principle of duty. Autobiography
  • But when the institution - be it a university or a trade union - makes the point that everyone benefits from their service offer, they are howled down with charges of coercion and compulsion.
  • It informs the driver that he has been saved from the agents of government coercion commonly known as parking attendants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anarchists are opposed to the use of force, coercion, authority and hierarchy, so it follows that an anarchist society would be free from sexism and heterosexism and racism and other isms.
  • He could use bribery, blackmail, and other forms of coercion to keep his dishonored promises in circulation.
  • Coercion is defined as conspiring, hiring, counseling, or threatening someone and causing them against their will to inflict bodily harm on themself or another. rss feed
  • In so far as an ethical politics eschews coercion, these can become criteria of political association. Politics, Planning and the State
  • In the first, a female paradise whydah mates with a male indigobird (whether by choice or coercion), then lays an egg in a nest of her usual host, Melba Finch.
  • The chief virtue of a private property system is that it achieves this dispersal and is therefore structurally antagonistic to coercion.
  • Neither coercion nor involuntary suffering can be attributed to Christ's atoning death on the cross.
  • From the Mirza title, it appears the Qandahar Police Chief may not have been relying on physical coercion as much as accountant-based or bookkeeping tactics to mulct the local merchant. back Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • In feudal times, slaves, serfs, and peasants were forced to work through different mechanisms, but the coercion and social control they experienced was external to work.
  • The women who reported more severe coercion were more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder.
  • Of course, some of the most powerful political regimes are masterful at using both illusion and coercion.
  • Our Constitution has an inclusive approach to religious diversity that only disbars hatred, coercion, and violence. From liberation to transformation
  • The manual explicitly prohibits threats, coercion, physical abuse, and waterboarding, which creates the sensation of drowning.
  • In many cases consent was obtained by Government officials through fraud, coercion or misrepresentation, tactics which annulled the validity of such consent.
  • The end result was the further coercion, co-option and decapitation of the movement.
  • He could use bribery, blackmail, and other forms of coercion to keep his dishonored promises in circulation.
  • The model developed in the paper also pinpoints the conditions required for union existence in the absence of coercion.
  • Forcible coercion is probably not required in most circumstances: hints, looking disappointed, pretending to be sensitive and caring for a few days while telling her it is the right thing to do, making it clear that you would not be interested in her if she had a child, pretending you would love her less with a child, etc. is probably all that is necessary. October 31st, 2009
  • Yet regulated vivisection has been confounded with antivivisection by the union of zany cranks and trade-unionized men of medicine, who have not refrained from the coercion of patients, from the deception of the public, from the inoculation of legislators with mendacity, capsuled in sophistry, and from the direct or indirect corruption or intimidation of not a few public journals. An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
  • The last traces of independence within the military establishment were removed and the State's powers of coercion greatly enhanced.
  • It means simply freedom from coercion by others and it is achieved when a sphere of private autonomy is created.
  • It informs the driver that he has been saved from the agents of government coercion commonly known as parking attendants. Times, Sunday Times
  • He refused to speculate as to the identity of the groups or individuals who had been behind the coercion.
  • During the run-up to the 2004 election, polls indicated that the vast majority of the population condemned all forms of coercion.
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • Yet if coercion is officially banned, how will Americans come to a consensus about what kind of coercion is and isn't appropriate? The Truth About Torture
  • A society with the "ties that bind us" made of voluntary associations and agreements is a far superior, happier, honest, emotionally mature, wealthier, and moral community than one where the ties are hierchical obligations and benefits -- however benignly or liberally decided. the progress of political/economic instutitions through time is one of experimenting, faultering, and finding those which organize activity and thinking with less coercion. Church and State, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This book is described as a gripping exploration of a society in the throes of a system geared toward eliminating those who do not contribute by conventional means, in which the 'dispensable' ones are convinced under gentle coercion of the importance of sacrificing for the 'necessary' ones. Archive 2010-04-01
  • They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.
  • He denied he had made the confession under coercion and threat, as alleged by his father.
  • It was also against them in southern France that the war known as the Albigensian crusade was proclaimed by Pope Innocent III in 1210, after all other previous efforts at conversion, including preach - ing missions by the Cistercians and the future Domini - cans, and coercion had failed. HERESY IN THE MIDDLE AGES
  • Either by force or by coercion, any sprouting counter-power will be neutralized.
  • But where Swedenborg uses a vaguely deterministic vocabulary to speak of creaturely activity (stating that bees and silkworms are "impelled" to behave in certain ways), Blake's Oothoon chooses to speak of such activity in terms of multiplicitous "joys" and "loves" (3: 6, 8, 11-12), terms carrying connotations of freedom rather than coercion or enslavement. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Her secret horrors, the massive psychic wound from the loss of her golden torc (and yet that not as devastating as one might have expected), the monstrous metapsychic faculties for coercion, psychokinesis, creativity, farsensing, now walled up and latent like ravening beasts in squeeze-traps, never to be freed again. The Golden Torc
  • It appears that they exerted undue coercion on his command to extract involuntary waivers from soldiers who did not want to redeploy overseas.
  • You were forced to endure the coercion and brutality of practices that were unethical, dishonest and in many cases illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we intend to use the word freedom in an honest way, we should have the simple integrity to give it real meaning: Freedom is living without government coercion. Adam J. Fowler: Not Just Another Word
  • We prefer you to work voluntarily rather than by coercion.
  • An objection to coercion rooted in pacifist-anarchism evolved into the objections to coercion that inform modern libertariansim. Another Herring, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Most interrogators will tell you that torture or physical coercion produces only bad information - that a prisoner under duress will say anything to end the pain.
  • My wife, being the expectant heiress and lay-rectoress, shall write to satisfy you that she is not suffering from my coercion. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • Undue inducement, coercion, selection bias towards the poor, and distortion of the doctor-patient relationship are cited by critics of financial incentives.
  • Their power was only requisitory, and these requisitions were addressed to the several Legislatures, to be by them carried into execution, without other coercion than the moral principle of duty. Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies
  • You know, opponents of coercive interrogation have repeatedly claimed that coercion is counter-productive because the interrogee will simply tell the interrogator what they want to hear, irrespective of the truthvalue. The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Official: Kinder, Gentler Military Commissions:
  • At times the Dutch used extreme means when enforcing the pax hollandica, as in the case of Lamey Island, which was subjected to ethnic cleansing: Nearly all postpubescent males were killed, and the surviving population was removed to the Sinkan area. 88 We must not forget that Dutch rule was based as much on coercion as on persuasion. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Her defence was the very unusual one of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The model developed in the paper also pinpoints the conditions required for union existence in the absence of coercion.
  • From gentle persuasion to threats and abuse, coercion was apart of the courtship process.
  • The opportunities for police bargaining, threats, blackmail, and coercion to become an informer are unlimited.
  • *** And, when one reads Berlin's qualified praise of Herzen, it's easy to see how he became central to Stoppard's three plays: "Herzen does at least face genuine political problems, such as the incompatibility of unlimited personal liberty with either social equality, or the minimum of social organization and authority; the need to sail precariously between the Scylla of individualist 'atomization' and the Charybdis of collectivist oppression; the sad disparity and conflict between many, equally noble human ideals; the nonexistence of 'objective,' eternal, universal moral and political standards, to justify either coercion or resistance to it; the mirage of distant ends, and the impossibility of doing wholly without them. Stinky Inky, Part VI: Carlin Romano's April Fools' Joke on His Philadelphia Inquirer Readers
  • The FSLN National Directorate, like a Communist Party politburo, was the sole entity governing both the instruments of coercion and the judicial system.
  • The freedom from coercion to have or to adopt a religion or belief and the liberty of parents and guardians to ensure religious and moral education cannot be restricted.
  • I've learned his gabble is usually honey talk but occasionally it can be coercion.
  • An equally credible explanation is that the parties agreed to proceed because they felt they had a case if coercion was defined as "deferential fear '. Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
  • The chief virtue of a private property system is that it achieves this dispersal and is therefore structurally antagonistic to coercion.
  • An arranged marriage becomes a forced marriage when parents use coercion to obtain the acquiescence of their daughters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of using coercion unbecoming of a republic, the best way to help other nations onto the path of freedom is to lead by example.
  • If psychiatry is to move forward it is necessary, but not sufficient, to resist state coercion and to listen to patients.
  • Economic domination may be preferable to naked force or bureaucratic coercion, but it is domination just the same. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Falsely interpreting the proposition as necessarily implying, not merely moral obligation, but also compulsion and coercion, they rejected it as unevangelical and semipopish. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Economic domination may be preferable to naked force or bureaucratic coercion, but it is domination just the same. Politics, Planning and the State
  • There's an inherent element of coercion when civilians are faced with police in uniforms,'' said Jonathan M. Albano, a Boston lawyer who specialises in media law. Tiger Woods pips LeBron James and Madonna to worst tipster top spot
  • This is coercion, an usurpation of personal autonomy, and deeply destructive of human freedom.
  • The court applies what it calls a coercion standard, a coercion test, which is to say that nobody is alleging that the daughter of Michael Nubo (ph) Nudo (ph) who is described in the court briefings as an atheist. CNN Transcript Jun 26, 2002
  • There is also a belief that worker performance is based on either rewards offered by management or the threat of coercion.
  • Surprisingly, without the least coercion, many switched allegiance and would lead a security force patrol to the jungle base camp of their erstwhile comrades with enthusiasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coercion is the surd in almost all social theory, except the Public Opinion
  • Duress alarm shall be provided for users who might be the target of coercion.
  • Coercion and domination subvert the integrity of love by creating power relationships that are its antithesis.
  • The 'middle-of-the-road' statist cannot logically say that there are 'many forms' of unjustified coercion.
  • He chafed against the implication of coercion in the word imperator: “We could more truly have been titled a protectorate than an empire of the world.” The Great Experiment
  • Early on in American Unitarian history (probably with Theodore Parker) the idea emerged that the church oppressed its own members (or, more accurately, its ministers) when it expected some degree of doctrinal conformity within the church, even though no political coercion was involved. Philocrites: September 2003 Archives
  • At the same time, the reluctance of some women with legitimate causes to plead a suit of force and fear at all, hints that they feared the courts might have condoned the use of coercion.
  • How does one contain power that flows not from coercion but seduction?
  • They assess the efficiency of various forms of coercion as well as inducements.
  • In 1965 Ferdinand Marcos became President and retained power thereafter through the increasing use of political corruption and coercion.
  • You will not need to use coercion. Positive Parent Power
  • Coercion does not win friends, and vast power, especially when liberally used, generates counterpower, resentment and resistance. Why the World Still Needs Mr. Big
  • Coercion, however, would result in disqualification.
  • The use of coercion in the transition period.
  • She denies the charge and has lodged a defence of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely it is tautological to say that coercive organizations rely upon coercion as the predominant method of control?
  • There must be present some factor which could in law be regarded as coercion of will so as to vitiate consent.
  • It is increasingly recognized that, in some species, other aspects of intersexual selection, such as sexual coercion, can be equally important in shaping the mating system.
  • Communism was not the system actually in place in “communist” countries, but was the ideology that in the future, when capitalism was completely overthrown, government would wither away and the people would work harmoniously together without any coercion or property ownership. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • Without a social agreement as to what activities are unacceptable, the definition of what constitues coercion is very narrow indeed (perhaps only assault and the threat thereof), and the property right extends no further than what one can carry on one's person, and in some cases, maybe not even that far. Questioning Libertarian Coercion Arguments, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If psychiatry is to move forward it is necessary, but not sufficient, to resist state coercion and to listen to patients.
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • On one level, a seamless robe of force and coercion linked the British response to external and internal challenges.
  • She pleaded not guilty, claiming marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, there is an element of coercion in discipline.
  • The pro-American stance taken by the likes of Burke (who later redeemed himself with the Reflections, but was always a Whig) was in fact the most effective way for a British politician to support the rebels: not on the grounds that they deserve independence, but on the grounds that conciliation is the most effective way to prevent it, as military coercion cannot possibly work. True History of the American Revolution « Isegoria
  • We will raise the standard of freedom from all religious coercion and intimidation of any kind. Christianity Today
  • She denies the charge and has lodged a defence of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Introduction I. Enforcing Law Law may be enforced by compulsion and coercion, or by conciliation and compromise.
  • We know, too, how the questions were framed, amid unverifiable assurances from anonymous US intelligence officials that he was not harmed, and that the only coercion was of the psychological kind.
  • The picture of what the women are alleged to have suffered has changed from initial descriptions of domestic servitude to a form of mental coercion and control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobles and bourgeois depended on extra-economic coercion to appropriate this mass of resources controlled by common subjects.
  • Spreading the "meme" that religious parents are child abusers is coercion. Critics in the Post Wedge World
  • She intends to claim marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • How could I phrase the question so that I could distinguish between free choice and manipulative coercion?
  • That is equivalent to getting rid of the secret ballot, in that it invites coercion from the pro-union workers. Matthew Yglesias » Card Check Delay?
  • You also mistake my position on what constitutes coercion, and I agree that captive audiences of children being "evangelized" to is coercive. Sound Politics: Onward Christian Soldiers
  • He claimed the police had used coercion, threats and promises to illegally obtain the statement.
  • He's saying (if I read him correctly) that coercive/not-coercive is a false dichotomy and that even Libertopia will involve coercion. Another Herring, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The model developed in the paper also pinpoints the conditions required for union existence in the absence of coercion.
  • Calling inappropriate laws "coercion" is neither necessary nor sufficient to make that case. Questioning Libertarian Coercion Arguments, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Recent history, however, suggests the existence of many relevant uses of military force besides conquest or even coercion.
  • The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
  • The man you term your deliverer, I have seen; it appears, upon the whole, that he has acted from coercion, and that what share of guilt may attach to him, has been much extenuated by your deliverance. — Magdalen; or, the Penitent of Godstow
  • And so they became a marginal but prophetic group willing to testify with their lives to the atrocity of war and coercion.
  • She has pleaded not guilty and lodged a defence of marital coercion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have put an amendment to call this bill by a title that truly reflects its aim to decriminalise such activities as soliciting, living off the earnings of prostitution, pimping, and coercion.
  • It was vital that the elections should be free of coercion or intimidation.
  • To promote and protect their interest, they used coercion, bribery and nepotism as state policy and created a culture of opportunism, deceit, duplicity, loot and plunder.
  • The good saint having used all methods of coercion, having overstretched her muscles, and tried the nerves of her thin face till they bulged out, recognised the fact that no suffering in the world was so great, and her anguish attaining the apogee of sphincterial terrors, she exclaimed, 'Oh! my God, to Thee I offer it!' Droll Stories — Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
  • We can no longer assume that social groups - classes, races, nations, sisterhoods, will be homogeneous and consensual: we look instead for evidence of power, resistance, coercion and consent.

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