How To Use Coelenterate In A Sentence
Before long, similar green proteins were detected in many bioluminescent coelenterates including various medusae, apparently all luminescent hydroid polyps, and a few others.
The essence of all these propositions," he writes, "lies in the fact that the segmented animals are traced back not to a triploblastic unsegmented ancestor, but to a two-layered Coelenterate-like animal with
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Before her drifted the end result of billions of years of coelenterate evolution, a collective organism of unimagined complexity.
Others appear to have been solitary coelenterate medusoids attached to the sea floor.
Cnidaria and Ctenophora are now classified as separate phyla, and the term "coelenterate" sent off to the rubbish heap of obsolete biological terms.
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The nerve network of the coelenterate does the same thing, acting as a supermembrane of a supercell.
The Human Brain
Any stimulus anywhere on the coelenterate body alerts the entire organism indiscriminately and results in a response of the whole, which proceeds to contract, sway, or undulate.
The Human Brain
However, actinians, like all coelenterates, capture and digest animal prey with their nematocysts.
I know of coral only that is the hard calcareous skeleton of the marine coelenterate polyps; and that this red coral iss called of a sclerobasic group; and other facts of the kind; but I do not know if it iss supposed to resist impact and heat.
African Camp Fires
Why, for instance, should the blastopore so often appear as a long slit, closing by concrescence, unless this had been the original method of its formation in remote Coelenterate ancestors?
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Common larval types are used to deduce a radially symmetrical, medusa-like organism as the common ancestor for all animal groups above coelenterates, i.e., for all triploblastic animals.
Throughout the wreck dive we have been shadowed by thousands of coelenterates, drifting by like a slow hail of souls.
So saying, the otter slipped several quivering slabs of coelenterate between two pieces of breadfruit and commenced chewing noisily.
The Time of the Transference
Along with the coelenterate corals, the algae are the major primary producers and builders of Panamanian Eastern Pacific reef systems. - latest science and technology news stories
The coelenterate system would correspond to a telephone net - work in which all subscribers are on a single party line, so that any call from one to another rouses every one of the subscribers, who are then free to listen and probably do.
The Human Brain
Seabather's eruption occurs when a person is exposed to the larvae of certain coelenterates.
in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase
Over 200 species of micro-organisms, fish, crustaceans, polychaetes, echinoderms, coelenterates, and molluscs have been identified in the vent areas.
Surfers more often encounter free-floating coelenterates such as the true jellyfish, Portuguese man-of-war, and box jellyfish.
PROTOZOA, the blastosphere by some rare forms, and the gastrula in the essential structure of the COELENTERATES, -- the subkingdom to which the fresh-water hydra and the corals belong.
The Elements of Geology
All forms of animal life, from the coelenterates to the mammals, follow the same path in their embryological development as far as the gastrula stage, but here their paths widely diverge, those of each subkingdom going their own separate ways.
The Elements of Geology
Allow for shrinkage Leather corals, unlike some coelenterates, do not spend the entire time fully expanded.
In the coelenterate Obelia, the egg develops into a colonial hydroid consisting of a series of branching Hydra-like organisms called polyps.
Some Late Precambrian Ediacaran fossils bear strong resemblances to colonial coelenterates called sea pens.