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How To Use Cobweb In A Sentence

  • That will have blown away the cobwebs and he is strongly fancied to regain winning brackets. The Sun
  • Shrugging, the teen walked over to the window above the sink: some light had managed to filtrate between the cobwebs and the dust.
  • They stood side by side for a moment, staring into the torn undersides of the chair, at the cobwebs and the little balls of spider eggs.
  • They crouched in the cobwebby corner behind a pile of boxes.
  • A pize on it! send it off to those who have their legs swathed with a hay-wisp, their heads thatched with a felt bonnet, their jerkin as thin as a cobweb, and their pouch without ever a cross to keep the fiend Melancholy from dancing in it. Kenilworth
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  • It blows the cobwebs away. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will have blown away the cobwebs and he goes well at Cheltenham. The Sun
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • How about cleaning the windows and brushing down the cobwebs, too? Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.
  • Fortunately, Graham is understanding and, when he comes home and finds a cobweb here and an unswept patch there he waits until I'm not looking and puts it to rights for me.
  • This means, in the two preview episodes, brushing away canons of ethics like cobwebs.
  • Second, they notice dust bunnies and cobwebs, so watch those room corners and use a broom and a hand vacuum. Christianity Today
  • Get some fresh air to blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • The walls were coated with cobwebs and blanketed with old tapestries.
  • Upon the bushes that grow on the mountaintop is found a curious fibrous substance formed by the action of the air upon the vapour rising from the molten minerals beneath; it is like cobwebs of spun glass. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • It consisted of a neat little cup composed of dry grass smeared all over exteriorly with cobwebs, and fixed in a fork of one of the outer branches of a large babool-tree about 10 feet from the ground. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • In the interest of spitting a sluicy cobwebbed thread to tie together the conversations in and around this corner of the infoweb and its earbound counterpart, I wanted to offer up one more chance to allow our space to double as the hotbed of information on the social and biological activities of the Tree Squirrel, and bring some attention to our relationship with tree squirrels. A Letter to A.A. (Almost Anybody) | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Dusty cobwebs collect in the corners of the room.
  • There were cobwebs and old wooden crates and barrels scattered carelessly about; evidently, this place had once been used for storage.
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • Her wispy gray hair was loose, hanging down her back like cobwebs, and her hands were folded in her lap.
  • It might be cold but wrap up and let the fresh air blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • Chekhovian memories also abound, adding cobwebs to the old manse in Ballybeg in and outside of which most of the action seethes.
  • The narrative that emerged from the cobwebs was a remarkably coherent one, a detailed panorama of Victorian and Edwardian family life, full of humour and bathos as well as drama, passion and tragedy. Hancox: All under one roof
  • A GREAT game to clear the cobwebs. The Sun
  • Cobwebs coated the shelves, which were piled with scrolls, leaves, and stone slabs.
  • They emerged in the dusty, cobwebbed cellar full of old crates and barrels.
  • When Kwapnoski asked a supervisor what was holding her back, she recalls getting a curt reply: "Blow the cobwebs off your makeup and doll up.
  • Despite the dust and cobwebs the grandeur was unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • His flesh as unsubstantial as cobwebs, veins and arteries, tendons and muscles all clear beneath the ethereal shine of translucent skin. Earl of Durkness
  • Team Pox", a six-member group hunting for laboratories manufacturing the deadly virus, found nothing more sinister than equipment covered in cobwebs, and nothing to suggest a smallpox programme, according to military officials involved in the project, who leaked the information to the Associated Press. Balkinization
  • Black spindle-legs curled up to meet red-gimleted black faces, donkeys headless and legless, or sieves of shrapnel; camels with necks writhed back on to their humps, rotting already in pools of blood and bile-yellow water, heads without faces, and faces without anything below, cobwebbed arms and legs, and black skins grilled to crackling on smouldering palm-leaf -- don't look at it. From Capetown to Ladysmith An Unfinished Record of the South African War
  • Blacks, whites, shadows, glooms, and cobwebs are also used with formidable effect in the Satis House scenes in Great Expectations.
  • As she walked down the hallway she noticed that everything was a bit dustier than she remembered, and cobwebs lined the hallway ceiling.
  • Some few who had no music in their souls, or no money in their pockets, dawdled about; and the old spectacle of the visitor – wife and the depressed unseasoned prisoner still lingered in corners, as broken cobwebs and such unsightly discomforts draggle in corners of other places. Little Dorrit
  • The Giants, meanwhile, are cobwebbing on the couch, fishing for the remote, making school lunches for the kids, doing the yard work — or at least talking to the personal chef about finding the remote, making the school lunches and doing the yard work. A Couple of Giants Green With Envy
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • For the whole of her first day in her grandmother's old house, Emma swept cobwebs from the ceilings and dusted furniture and washed walls and floors.
  • We have purposely omitted cobwebbed bottles, the patron in his white cap bustling among his sauces, anecdotes about charming little restaurants with gleaming napery, and so forth.
  • Mr Keston, a neat, undemonstrative figure in his blue shirt, dark blue jacket, tie and spectacles, will not be taking a radical brush to the Theatre Royal, where any cobwebs have been removed over the past decade.
  • There are some fuzzy heads the next morning, but what better way to blow away the cobwebs than an off-road jeep ride? The Sun
  • My face was stung to severe pain by the high-driving spindrift, and I had a feeling that the wind was blowing the cobwebs out of my sleep-starved brain. CHAPTER XII
  • This race is all about blowing away the cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The breath of a court speedily oversets a thousand objections, and scatters the cobwebs of his brain. The Spirit of the Age Contemporary Portraits
  • He paints figures in alien grays, faces piled one on top of another, and delicate cobwebs of oil paint suggesting we don't know what.
  • Get some fresh air to blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • Besides, every cobweb in the room is not necessarily worth a five-paragraph description, even after you provide adequate flexibility towards artistic license.
  • A weird mannequin of a woman covered in cobwebs standing by a wardrobe, next to a photograph of a lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will have blown away the cobwebs and he is strongly fancied to regain winning brackets. The Sun
  • He looked as though most of the cobwebs had been blown away when staying on strongly without his rider getting too serious. The Sun
  • He swept her resistance aside as if it were a cobweb.
  • The house was dusty and cobwebs lined the walls.
  • The poet's hamadryad and naiad, what are they, indeed, but cobwebby fictions, which must be brushed away if ideal truth is to be revealed? The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years
  • Venue crouched over the skeletal remains of a corsair, his long cobweblike hair matted to his yellowed skull. The Thieves of Darkness
  • And we all know it will have helped New Zealand clear out the cobwebs in the dusty areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes that's right, its time to dust the cobwebs off the old wooden racket, tighten the strings on the shiny racket that has only seen a tennis ball in two weeks total out of this last four years.
  • The second thing he noticed, raising his disappointed gaze from the abdominal plane, was that there had been an exodus of gray from her hair and that the skin around her eyes, which had been cobwebbing with crinkles, was now as smooth as custard. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Renee's normally cobweb-like cloud of wavy brown hair now fell in a straight, gleaming sheen all the way to her upper back, at last looking more nut-brown than it did mousy.
  • It all adds up to a brilliant little car that will blow away the cobwebs like a cold shower first thing in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Price discounting and the VAT cut may actually have helped to spur some shoppers to brush the cobwebs from their purses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.
  • Hair tucked beneath a blue bandana, and donned in old jeans and a garden nursery T-shirt, Beth worked the night through cleaning the house of dust and cobwebs.
  • Yes, I know that archives exist, but archives are invariably dusty, filled with cobwebs and virtually uninhabited.
  • So we sit like global sport's great harrumphing, cobwebbed mother-in-law, glowering with assumed entitlement, craving only a sense of triumphant, spoiling vindication. Now England have won the Ashes, it's time to focus on being liked | Barney Ronay
  • Some thought was given to the possibility of creating artificial cobwebs, but it was decided that it would be impractical and unauthentic in a museum which prides itself on its authenticity.
  • The cobweb was the magic clue by which mankind was to be rescued from all its errors, and guided safely back to the right. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance
  • The place was very dusty and cobwebs hung like a massive veil over the shelves of aged books.
  • It all adds up to a brilliant little car that will blow away the cobwebs like a cold shower first thing in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the house they had now she did the wash in a dim cobwebby space under the cellar stairs, on a newer machine than the tub-shaped one that had seized his hand in the Willow basement; this machine had a lid that closed, and a spin-dry phase in its cycle instead of a wringer. The Best American Erotica 2006
  • It's hard to let go of that ancient bike, rusting quietly away in the corner of the shed, cobwebbed to the first lawnmower you ever owned.
  • I struggled through on belly and elbows, cobwebs dragging at my hair.
  • The cobwebs on the ceiling fluttered in the heat from the stove. THE GOLDEN LION
  • An intense workout will help anyone blow away the cobwebs, helping them feel 7 calmer and happier. The Sun
  • A nest that was placed in the fork of a bough was composed entirely of slender twigs, the petioles of some pennated-leaved tree, bound together all round the outside with abundance of cobwebs, so that notwithstanding the incoherent nature of the materials the nest was extremely firm. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • A ride along the coastal path on the Firth of Forth will blow away any winter cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your deodorant stick has cobwebs on it.
  • The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.
  • Walking my dogs gets things pumping - you clear the cobwebs and the anxieties recede. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could have remained that way, disused and neglected, gathering dust and cobwebs.
  • It might be cold but wrap up and let the fresh air blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • Get some fresh air to blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • How about cleaning the windows and brushing down the cobwebs, too? Times, Sunday Times
  • Renee's normally cobweb-like cloud of wavy brown hair now fell in a straight, gleaming sheen all the way to her upper back, at last looking more nut-brown than it did mousy.
  • He vaguely remembered first learning to master the tessellated squares alone in his basement, a cobwebbed series of spider nests along the ceiling, the static sheen of a computer screen backlighting their wiry, clockwise movement. Empty Windows, Empty Rooms
  • But there was no dust, no dirt, no cobwebs.
  • Beneath the allegedly young idealism of Occupy Wall Street are very cobwebbed assumptions about societal permanence. Notable & Quotable
  • There have been heated Internet discussions among experts that the webs were constructed by social cobweb spiders, which work together, or perhaps a mass dispersal where the arachnids spin webs to spread out from one other. Giant Web Creates Big Buzz | Impact Lab
  • When at any of the houses the bustle of opening the cobwebbed windows, and assembling the family was over, in two or three instances, the servants had to remove dishes of sugar, mandioc, and other provisions, which had been left in the best rooms to dry. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823
  • Maybe about how it takes the spinner's motivations and turns the fiber into either trash or treasure: greed spinning silk into rusty wire slubbed with rotten straw, laziness spinning wool into a beautiful but useless cobweb thread that disintigrates when touched, vengefulness turning flax into coarse rope no matter how delicately spun, love turning nettles into the smoothest silken cord, selflessness making the spinner's own hair into the finest silver-wrapped silk. Spinning with glass.
  • The walls were coated with cobwebs and blanketed with old tapestries.
  • It was a dim, old-fashioned chamber, festooned with cobwebs, and besprinkled with antique dust.
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • As the New Year opens up before us, locals are shaking off the cobwebs of the festive season.
  • These were covered in thick dust and cobwebs and were badly corroded.
  • The nests of this species that I have seen have been very slight flimsy structures, nearly hemispherical cups, composed of fine twigs and the leaf-stalks of pennated leaves a little bound together with cobwebs and thinly lined with fine hair-like grass. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • An intense workout will help anyone blow away the cobwebs, helping them feel 7 calmer and happier. The Sun
  • The tall green grass is waving in the fields as the wind goes over, and there is a fragrance of whiteweed and ripe strawberries and clover blowing through the sunshiny barns, with their lean sides and their festoons of brown, dusty cobwebs; dull, comfortable creatures they appear to imaginative eyes, waiting hungrily for their yearly meal. The White Rose Road
  • We shake down the cobwebs, and empty the ashes from the stove, and sweep the floors clear of mud clopped in by the boys. The Trouble With May Amelia
  • But beyond the baize door there were shadows, there was dust, windows draped in cobwebs, before which hung curtains tattered and faded, drooping from their poles like the old banners that, slowly rotting in great cathedrals, sway in the quiet air where no wind is – stirred, perhaps, by the breath of Fame's invisible trumpet to the air of old splendours and glories. The House of Arden
  • There are some fuzzy heads the next morning, but what better way to blow away the cobwebs than an off-road jeep ride? The Sun
  • On more than one occasion, Katy nearly overbalanced while brushing cobwebs from her face.
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • Take, say, half a pound of sparghetti, wash it in cold water, and throw it instantly into boiling salted water; boil it till it is tender, about twenty minutes, drain it, put it into a hot vegetable-dish, and mix in two or three tablespoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese; toss it about lightly with a couple of forks, till the cheese melts and forms what may be called cobwebs on tossing it about. Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery A Manual of Cheap and Wholesome Diet
  • The woman's face seemed to recede in an illuminated cobweb of coarse hair that, most likely, has been free of interference from hairstylists for years.
  • They emerged in the dusty, cobwebbed cellar full of old crates and barrels.
  • The cobweb pretend to catch dewdrops and catch flies.
  • There are several toxic species, so positive identification of any cobweb-caps to be eaten is essential.
  • Cobwebs hang from the dark, undecorated ceiling and some small animal seems to have made its nest in a corner.
  • Even the advertisements are filled with fake cobwebbing and tubes of green slime, and to add insult to anxiety my next doctor's appointment is on Halloween. Staceyann Chin: Surviving Halloween, Bedrest, and The Baby Registry
  • With the blessing of the European Union, a network of high-speed lines is cobwebbing the Continent, challenging the pre-eminence of the airlines. Barreling Down The Tracks
  • This time she was dressed in white: a virgin princess lying caught among the cobwebs of the stars.
  • That will have blown away the cobwebs and he is strongly fancied to regain winning brackets. The Sun
  • It's about blowing away the cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • IT'S time to blow away the cobwebs and get into shape for summer. The Sun
  • White cobwebs hung from one corner of the shop, the occupant long since dead, molt shells from various insects scattered across the floor.
  • Sometimes a single slender thread, impearled with dewdrops, bridged the distance from one tendril to another, again a bit of cobweb was spread over a dead leaf, to catch a hint of iridescence from the sun or moon; and now and then a shimmering length of ghostly fabric was set in place at dusk, to hold the starry lights that came to shine upon the broken tapestry with the peace of benediction. Master of the Vineyard
  • Ukraine may have a cobwebby attitude to gay partnership, but our own adoption laws are also far too stringent. Three cheers for Elton, say I
  • A GREAT game to clear the cobwebs. The Sun
  • When Kwapnoski asked a supervisor what was holding her back, she recalls getting a curt reply: "Blow the cobwebs off your makeup and doll up.
  • Her costumes steal the show, flimsy cobwebs dew-dropped with crystals in shimmering colours.
  • All of this solemnity had the effect of devitalizing Potter's work, prematurely shrouding it with all the cobwebs of respectability and reverence.
  • Does the creator of these twisted tales inhabit dank, cobwebby rooms with dusty velvet curtains and candles everywhere?
  • It's about blowing away the cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • a lady's looking-glass to her een; and all t 'while she's peeping and peeping out o' t 'window to see if t' mare stands quiet; and then looking at a bit of a splash on her riding-skirt; and then glancing glegly round at wer counting-house cobwebs and dust, and thinking what mucky folk we are, and what a grand ride she'll have just i 'now ower Nunnely Common. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Our guide leads us through cobwebby jungle, with the unfamiliar howls of animals echoing through the mangrove and roots from centuries old ceiba trees doing their best to prevent us penetrating further into the pitch black woods. Navigating Through Colombia
  • With a small whisk-broom the cocoon is brushed until ends, which are as fine as a cobweb, come loose. Six Months in Mexico
  • Her mandibles clicked and clacked loudly as she waved her huge spiked forearms in the air, shredding the cobwebs hanging in her way. Master of Mirrors
  • Second, they notice dust bunnies and cobwebs, so watch those room corners and use a broom and a hand vacuum. Christianity Today
  • IT'S time to blow away the cobwebs and get into shape for summer. The Sun
  • Age and creaky joints aside, if cobwebs and their makers are as prevalent in the grape rows as I found in the lavendar rows, I'm afraid that would deter me more than aches and pains. Liaison - French Word-A-Day
  • Now lovingly relocated, cobwebby bookshelves and all, to a former auto showroom made of anciently huge Northwest timbers, on funky Capital Hill in Seattle. Bookstore Appreciation Time!
  • At night the tracers became the only visible part of a fire fight: the space between combatants a mess of pink cobwebs.
  • Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.
  • He looked as though most of the cobwebs had been blown away when staying on strongly without his rider getting too serious. The Sun
  • There are some fuzzy heads the next morning, but what better way to blow away the cobwebs than an off-road jeep ride? The Sun
  • We're having the cobwebs blown away. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the gloom I saw cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
  • For thousands more questions and answers take a trip through the cobwebbed corridors of the Knowledge archive"This week Danish tennis world No1 Caroline Wozniacki – a Liverpool fan as I – warmed up in her Liverpool shirt before beating Nadia Petrova in Doha," writes Mikkel Andreas Beck. At which grounds can you watch football for free? | The Knowledge
  • Structured leathers and neoprene coats contrast with stretch mohair and fine cobweb knits to present a soft-military look.
  • And we all know it will have helped New Zealand clear out the cobwebs in the dusty areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • First up will be those Haverfordwest melodic darkcore songsters Closure, blowing away the cobwebs of the Queens Hall Acoustic Room.
  • Hope, fine as cobwebs, draped our bare arms and floated across our shoulders, each strand shivering with twilit blue. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • Cobwebs cover the door connecting No 10 to No 11.
  • It's nice to blow the cobwebs away. The Sun
  • A good 10 km to blast away the cobwebs is an excellent idea and this is a fast course where personal bests are quite possible.
  • He spotted silky cobwebs and hanging skeletons placed around the old wooden walls.
  • a _Cobweb_, which yet, with the _Microscope_, I could plainly perceive [7] to be _perforated_, both by looking on the _ends_ of it, and by looking on it _against the light_ which was much the _easier way_ to determine whether it were solid or perforated; for, taking a small pipe of glass, and closing one end of it, then filling it _half full_ of water, and holding it Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • It was a pageant of colour, in the midst of which the woman on trial, in her careful toilette, consisting of a black stammel gown, a cypress chaperon or black crêpe hood in the French fashion, relieved by touches of white in the cuffs and ruff of cobweb lawn, struck a funereal note. She Stands Accused
  • It cut through the gloom of the battered wooden floor, the torn couch and the cobwebbed windows.
  • “George” Inn. The ragged walls of our rooms were clammy with dirt, the smoky rafters foul with cobwebs, and the floor, bestrewed with kit, in terrible confusion, was black with hosts of cockroaches, ants, and flies. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • It will blow away any cobwebs and will refresh your thinking. The Sun
  • The cobwebs that hung from the corners of the ceilings, and festooned the lustred chandeliers, were thick as string with it. The Way Home
  • All are held together by cobweb, which is the favourite cement of bird masons. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • In general, however, the restorers have done nothing but good, and this is the best chance yet to hear Dylan's acoustic guitar glistening like dewdrops in a cobweb on Girl From the North Country.
  • There may have been some initial exculpatory talk about cobwebbed values – collateral damage from a career-long walling-up within the dungeon of football – but this evaporated with the first airing of the phrase "Would you smash it? Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • Still, my feet fidgeted; there was a sort of "cobwebby" feeling on my face, and a tickling sensation in the small of my back, as I stood ready for my first ball, which convinced me I was by no means at home in my new position. Parkhurst Boys And Other Stories of School Life
  • This time she was dressed in white: a virgin princess lying caught among the cobwebs of the stars.
  • Despite the dust and cobwebs the grandeur was unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the gathering darkness, the smoke rising across the way formed a gauzy, cobweblike curtain that ascended from the land to the sky. String Theory, Book 3: Evolution
  • Fake cobwebs and real pumpkins were everywhere.
  • It all adds up to a brilliant little car that will blow away the cobwebs like a cold shower first thing in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will blow away any cobwebs and will refresh your thinking. The Sun
  • Dimly he felt a flashback being playing like an old '40s news picture in the dark, cobwebbed corners of his mind.
  • Dean's eyes narrowed as he raised his gaze from the felted cobwebbing to the ghost. Blood Lines
  • Any competent accountant in Hong Kong can fill you in: cobwebby corporate structures designed to confuse regulators and defy tax collectors; scattered ownership of key "company" assets such as stores or a corporate logo; multiple sets of books; even dodgy employees at local bank branches willing to proffer dummied-up cash-balance verifications to auditors. Falling Out of Love with China
  • For then we shall see things as they are, the evil circumstances and the crooked intentions, the adherent unhandsomeness and the direct crimes; for all things are laid up safely, and tho we draw a curtain of cobweb over them, and a few fig-leaves before our shame, yet God shall draw away the curtain, and forgetfulness shall be no more, because, with a taper in the hand of God, all the corners of our nastiness shall be discovered. The World's Great Sermons, Volume 02 Hooker to South
  • It might be cold but wrap up and let the fresh air blow away the cobwebs. The Sun
  • How about cleaning the windows and brushing down the cobwebs, too? Times, Sunday Times
  • And we all know it will have helped New Zealand clear out the cobwebs in the dusty areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of America's top company builders - spotless reputations on the line - are trying to apply the entrepreneurial Midas touch to the problems that beset this cobwebbed corner of the economy.
  • A ride along the coastal path on the Firth of Forth will blow away any winter cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems to flaunt a certain tatty extravagance, like worn plush furnishings in a cobwebby drawing room.
  • The current gang of squatters are not happy we have moved in - the woodworm, some hairy spiders, 20 years of cobwebs and a family of field mice.
  • I finished my shower and had put on a gold cobwebby shirt that flared at the sleeves and tight bellbottoms of the same color with heeled sandals and was blow-drying my hair.
  • Dust the cobwebs from the mantle and hang the pictures we've brought up. Butternut Squash Risotto with Sage and Gorgonzolo
  • This race is all about blowing away the cobwebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It hung glittering like early morning cobwebs on her rolling pin.
  • Floaters often look like cobwebs, worms, rings, dots, or specks, which are actually condensations in the vitreous humor of the eye.
  • His house was full of portraits and suits of armour, thick with dust and on the billiard table was a picture of himself and the Queen Mother, covered in cobwebs.
  • There weren't quite cobwebs in the corners and bats swooping down in our faces, but almost. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • It swung open to reveal a battered, cobwebby wooden staircase that wound down into a shadowy cave beneath the surface.
  • He seems to be playing the ball in sheer delight at the things he can do with it, playing with a racket whose strings are one moment cobweb, the next piano-wire.
  • The punky theme runs through the rails with gothic cobweb knitwear for Halloween time that can also be worn over skinny jeans and flat winkle-picker brogues. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • All this came back to me recently during a voracious reading session for my new gig -- my publisher has asked me to scour the cobwebby archives for volumes of forgotten lore for a new e-book series. Varla Ventura: Paranormal Parlor Games
  • There is a cobweb hanging from a long strand of grass by the dusty dirt road that leads us to our destination.
  • Her wispy gray hair was loose, hanging down her back like cobwebs, and her hands were folded in her lap.
  • It will blow away any cobwebs and will refresh your thinking. The Sun
  • An intense workout will help anyone blow away the cobwebs, helping them feel 7 calmer and happier. The Sun
  • That will have blown away the cobwebs and he goes well at Cheltenham. The Sun
  • The night had strewn a carpet of dew-beaded cobwebs across the lawn and mist was rising from the river.
  • For the first time in my life a superstitious dread came over me; and as I turned a dark angle of the stairway and an invisible cobweb swung its slazy woof in my face and clung there, I shuddered as one who had encountered a phantom. Sketches New And Old
  • Peering through the cobwebs at the stable clock, Umberto realized he should have been up an hour ago.
  • Umbrellas may be 'hedged about' by cobweb statutes; I will not swear it is not so; there may exist laws that make such things property; but sure I am that the hissing contempt, the loud-mouthed indignation of all civilised society, 'would sibilate and roar at the bloodless poltroon who should engage law on his side to obtain for him the restitution of a-- lent Umbrella! Umbrellas and Their History
  • And we all know it will have helped New Zealand clear out the cobwebs in the dusty areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • gossamer cobwebs
  • Some have picturesque names, like broad-lipped purple side-saddle flower, cobweb houseleek, lion's tail phlomis, livid hellebore, melancholy toadflax, parrot-beaked heliconia, and warty St. John's wort.
  • Price discounting and the VAT cut may actually have helped to spur some shoppers to brush the cobwebs from their purses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 

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