How To Use Coated In A Sentence
A perfect mob of street urchins, loafers, shop-men and bar-keepers who could spare a bit of time, lined up in front of the Palace Hotel and watched the plaid-coated, gray-capped visitors in short knickerbockers and golf stockings puff their pipes around the bar and call for "Porter and h'ale, 'alf and
The Transformation of Job A Tale of the High Sierras
I don't have time to absorb much, though: some white-coated women and Dr Stone chivvy me towards an uncomfortable-looking chair.
To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
The corneas were coated in 250 nm of nickel using a technique developed at Penn State called conformal-evaporated-film-by-rotation. all content
Ultima will clean the inside of the glass panels, because the outside is coated with a self-cleaning laminate, which doesn't allow dust or dirt to settle.

Actually, the color of white gold is light grey but it is coated with a layer of rhodium.
It could, for example, be used on rails in rural areas, which often get coated with a film of rust when not used at weekends.
The solid marker was impregnated on blotting paper and then coated with cellulose.
Company is also engaged in production of downstream products from polyurethane-coated yarn, while equity participation, or holding a number of real estate companies, food and beverage companies.
It has a steel-coated mainframe and ceramic swingarm plus a host of exotic features.
The Sun
Now as Tera lay out with her hair coated in conditioner, Mari unbraided her own hair, listened to her iPod, and enjoyed rays.
Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
He dropped down beside Patrick and started eating some of the dry sugar-coated goodies.
The latent demand for uncoated groundwood publication, printing, and supercalendered paper is not actual or historic sales.
Deep growls and explosions thundered through the air as clouds of black volcanic ash coated the surroundings.
Boll W, Griffin AM, Kirchhausen T (2006) A burst of auxilin recruitment determines the onset of clathrin-coated vesicle uncoating.
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a petticoated table
It's made of a specially coated material covered with zinc anodes to ward off corrosion.
He was judged against a flat-coated retriever, a giant schnauzer, an Old English sheepdog, a wire fox terrier, a saluki hound and Pekingese toy dog.
The field emission properties of hafnium coated carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) were investigated.
I did say there was some fun to be had, and I'd be a cold cynic if I didn't admit there was some sugar-coated amusement present in this series.
And the lamp tube is usually coated with a man made fluorescent powder frequently called a phosphor, but there is no phosphor in the powder coating.
The heavy-coated and mufflered man was walking quickly southward; he waved his umbrella to a passing cab, which, however, did not pull up.
The Town Traveller
Add the brandy and flambé. Add damson purée so that the breasts are lightly coated all over.
Multi-layer microfibres, resin and rubber coated cotton are available in a line of water-repellent jackets.
Inside they found a black-grayish basalt mummiform sarcophagus coated with a layer of earth and potsherds affixed to the lid with plaster.
Czech Egyptologists Open Shaft Tomb, Identify Royal Burial at Abusir
The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool.
All Gold Canon
Repeat the process on an adjacent area, drawing the full brush towards the previously coated area.
Electron micrographs revealed that the sheets and filaments were composed of densely packed colloidal rods of twinned witherite crystals interspersed and coated with silica.
Your Silent Nights and Joy to the Worlds manage to be special and festive without first being coated with a cubic kilometre of sickly sentimentality.
The small round porthole was coated in a thin layer of fog, and he saw nothing but the smooth ocean basking in the moon glow.
These words are to be inscribed on a hard green, gold-coated scarab, which is to be inserted through the mouth into the bosom of the deceased.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
Clopidogrel should be used in patients with true intolerance to aspirin (allergy or intractable side effects on low dose enteric coated aspirin with or without antiulcer drugs); dipyridamole alone does not prevent cardiac events.
Teflon is very durable but will burn off if you get the temperatures too high (take a look at your Teflon coated cookware), though that is not likely to happen on a regular use hunting rifle.
What is more rust resistant stainless steel or the newer teflon coatings?
Perhaps the baseplate is copper after all, coated with aluminium?
Lockers, all coated with a layer of fresh paint to cover another year of abuse, lined up against these walls.
he skimcoated the drywall
Truffle: The surprise center in every cake is a thinly coated truffle made from two textures of caramel: a sticky-salted caramel and a caramel bavarois mousse as in Bavairan—the recipe adds eggs in addition to the usual cream.
A guilt-free, low-calorie, low-fat cake
As unique as this aspect of the film is, there's no arguing with the fact that this is sugar-coated sappy romance.
They never sugar-coated their experiences, but the point that came out from all three was that what made it hardest was the lack of recognition of their families.
The exterior glass walls of this sculpture hall are coated with tiny white ceramic dots (called frits) that screen city views and suffuse a supernal glow heightened by filtered daylight that streams down from deeply inset skylights ” an effect equal to the lighting of Piano at his best ” made possible when Tschumi rotated the story above this middle level of the museum.
Grading the New Acropolis
If you give her a Nexium, then you're responsible if she has a heart attack," said the attendant, breaking out uncoated aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin, which dissolves under your tongue and dilates the blood vessels so there's more blood flow going to the heart, relieving angina.
A Flight Attendant From Hell
The zinc phosphate-coated bodyshell then gets a coat of primer which provides more corrosion protection, along with a good base for the colour coat itself.
The fish - squid, prawns and scampi - was coated in a delicate batter, light years away from any calamari I've tasted.
Let's hope it's one of those plastic-coated, wipe-clean scoresheets.
The room would also need to be renovated as the flag would be placed in a box coated with 24-carat gold.
Most such specimens are partially coated with a druse of calcite, epidote, and small, clear needle quartz crystals.
A half-score of white-coated foot flared like fatwood in a winter fire, and the line slowed, but only momentarily, before the Shining Foot surged forward once more, the second line of troops marching over the charred corpses of those who had led the charge.
The Chaos Balance
The plate was first coated with collodion, a toxic and inflammable mixture that could be bought from druggists since in its simple state it was used to dress wounds.
We coated our tissue heart valves and oxygenators used in heart surgery with coatings we obtained from the outside.
The village witch doctor coated Mr. Holm's burns with a blue-black paste of boiled snake, tree bark and herbs.
Looking Back On the Spy Life
A cop killer bullet used tobe defined as any armor piercing bullet and especially any of the Nyclad (teflon coated hardened core) bullets available only to law enforcement.
Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
Place roll on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray and flatten roll to 1-inch thick.
The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.
The fangs are inclosed in a soft, pulpy sheath, the inner surface of which is commonly coated with a thin glairy secretion.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing
Instead I covered my face in a soft bronzing powder and coated my eyelashes with mascara.
The walls were coated with cobwebs and blanketed with old tapestries.
A lump of soft, ochrey red-brown ironstone, coated with a thin layer of greyish white substance.
The Land of Midian
Manufacturers across the country are introducing lines featuring pastel hues ranging from white to peach, some of which are coated with a frosty finish.
Whenever there is occasion to lift the roots it is a good plan to dress them, by repeated dips in a mixture of clay and soot, until they are well coated; they should be allowed to dry for a short time between each dip; this will not only be found useful in keeping off wireworm and similar pests, but will otherwise benefit the plants as a manure.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
A diluted apple juice addiction that soothed them as soon as they gripped the handles As they got older, they moved on to the juice box -- six ounces of fruit-flavored heroin housed in a plastic coated box complete with precious straw.
Wendy Sachs: Snack Food Nation: How Kids Are Conditioned to Snack
Products include chocolate coated raisins, peanuts and Brazil nuts as well as mint imperials, popcorn, mini-eggs and sugar-coated almonds.
I thought he was a really interesting choice for the film because the film is so romantic and is so about love and passion it could so easily be interpreted in a kind of over-the-top Hollywood sugar-coated way, and Neil is so not like that.
Finally, I reached an old apartment building coated with aging brick.
The bright frame and spherical mirror are coated onto the lenses of a reverse-Galilean viewfinder.
Place roll on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray and flatten roll to 1-inch thick.
One by one, red-coated soldiers goose-stepped in.
Again, the meat was tender and its base was covered in a strip of crispy crackling, the top coated in a sage and onion stuffing.
Try a flossing ribbon or tape coated with natural waxes like jojoba, beeswax or carnuba to help floss glide between teeth without harming gums.
To amplify actin binding, we chose polylysine-coated polystyrene particles (PLY-PS), which directly nucleate actin filaments from their surfaces.
As with a lot of the beadwork, the surface of a plywood board is first coated in beeswax that is softened in the sun.
Huichol Art
a glossy-coated foxhound
IIRC the serious solar sail attempts (one Progress mod, one Japanese unit, the Planetary Society's Cosmos I) have all used aluminum/gold coated Kapton for the reflector, not just aluminum.
Reader's Consensus: Develop a new launch vehicle - NASA Watch
You'll find plenty of satisfying dishes here, such as marinated ahi tuna coated in black and white sesame seeds with a mango-cucumber coulis.
A silver mirror, coated with a gold-coloured protective layer.
Deep growls and explosions thundered through the air as clouds of black volcanic ash coated the surroundings.
Other symptoms are pain from lack of food at the proper hour, or from food taken at the improper time; both of which practices may be followed by flatulency, occasioning a swollen, drum-like condition of the stomach and abdomen; the body of the tongue will be coated white, while the edges will present a redder appearance than in health.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
MMX tablets are coated with gastro-resistant polymers that protect the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) against degradation in the upper gastrointestinal tract and delay the release of the API until the tablet reaches the colon.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Candied peel and angelica are coated in a thick sugar syrup, then dried.
Ripe pods dehisce along a single margin, and the mature, black, hard-coated seeds
Chapter 5
Add the hot, drained pasta to the sausage and pancetta over medium heat, tossing until well-coated.
Cobwebs coated the shelves, which were piled with scrolls, leaves, and stone slabs.
The blue pill may be sugar-coated, making it easier to swallow.
Arrowcraft have canoe and Kayak figures made from nails and coated in 24 carat gold, ideal trophies at about £10.
A rustproof coated metal which is less expensive than aluminum or stainless steel.
From the recycled powder-coated C-119 Aileron (the hinged control surfaces of a wing) from a recycled airplane, this elegant credenza is just as striking as it is sustainable.
Elegant and Sophisticated: “The Lounger” from Hayon Studio
Generations of Scots have been weaned on the snack, which is actually a stack of wafers sandwiched together with toffee and coated in chocolate.
This is a thin film that's been coated onto a flexible plastic material backed by a strong glue.
The foothills themselves were coated in long, green grass with reeds growing at the riverbanks.
Each is in turn coated with several layers of graphite, and a silicon carbide outer shell.
Cabinet carcase materials are simple sheet goods, such as 3/4 "melamine-coated particleboard (MCP) or high-quality prefinished plywood.
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He was very dirty, his entire body seemingly coated with dust and grit.
The tape was soldered to the glass after the edge of the glass was coated with a film of copper to make it more receptive to the solder.
Powder coated fir trees line the loops conjuring images of snow monsters and giant gnomes.
According to the journal, the hard shell of the coconut is an ideal raw material for craftsmen, since it can be carved, lacquer-coated and inlaid with silver or other metals.
Deer run here, but nature was subdued - the soft coo of a pigeon, the tracks of a rabbit, the thinnest of the branches bent low and coated thick.
Others, such as asphalt / fiberglass composites, lightweight concrete, and coated-metal tile, are products of the technological revolution.
The second highest lung burden of uncoated fibers (12,908,314 fibers/g dry weight) occurred in an individual with pleural mesothelioma.
Again, as Mr. Darwin says, "In the embryos of all air-breathing vertebrates, certain glands, called the corpora Wolffiana, correspond with and act like the kidneys of mature fishes;" and during the sixth month the whole body is covered very thickly with wool-like hair -- even the forehead and ears being closely coated; but it is, as Mr. Darwin observes, "a significant fact that the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are quite naked, like the inferior surfaces of all four extremities in most of the lower animals," including monkeys.
The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution
The faces of both slabs are then coated with multiple layers of thin-film gold or dielectric reflectors.
See our Ratings of more than 30 sets—nonstick, uncoated, and mixed—to find out which culinary stars serve up impressive cookware and which sets should be sent back to the kitchen.
Flipping out? Relax and enjoy National Pancake Day
The sherardizing process again uses zinc, this time in the form of zinc dust mixed with an inert filler which, together with the parts to be coated, is placed in a sealed container.
My nails were conditioned with a range of conditioners and varnishes before being coated with the actual magic gel.
Hot melt edge - gluing and glue - coated string applications enable to diminish production cost.
The luster is normally very bright, but some crystals are coated with iron and clay minerals and have lost their luster.
Left whole and coated with sugar rather than roasted, the seeds make a dessert-type treat called coriander comfit.
A thick blanket of snow coated the earth and the tall pines I was surrounded by were heavily laden with white powder.
How about gouging deep canyons, which are graded, arranged, oriented, networked and coated with the binding agent in such a way as to enable strong, steady wind currents flowing through this bifurcated aeolian-shed?
Archive 2009-02-01
The six slices were nicely undercooked and came coated with ginger and coriander, a traditional combination that complemented the fish nicely.
Similarly, ferrous ladles and skimmers must be coated to prevent iron attack.
A bearskin-coated policeman stepped prominently to the fore, watch in hand.
Came the last act and the conviction among the frozen and dispirited cast that in front of us were overcoated tailor's dummies.
Then the secondary bevel was carefully cut with a fine silicone coated felt wheel.
Some manufacturers also have coated their implants with a calcium phosphate-based material called calcium hydroxyapatite.
The objective lenses, which are the most important lenses on any binoculars, are multicoated; all of the other glass-to-air surfaces have single-layer magnesium fluoride coatings.
Leupold Wind River 8x42
Each tendon consists of one or more steel prestressing strands coated with a proprietary intumescent material.
Dip the pieces so they are completely coated.
Since I've left you all in candy-coated withdrawal, I wanted to return with a thrilling post on * dun dun dun* …
Some of the stone vases were partially coated with gold leaf.
Application of a potential step to the coated electrode system results in a current transient that can be divided into two regions.
The electrode is tungsten coated and water cooled because of the high temperatures involved.
Associates was looking for ways to expand its business of making a Teflon-coated electrical wire.
Darters are capable of making blowpipes and shooting excrement-coated darts at their victims.
A thin film of dust coated the drying tears, and she regarded it with disgust.
The researchers used a custom-built microscope with an iron-coated tip to manipulate cobalt atoms on a plate of manganese.
These are preferable to energy bars that taste like candy, which are usually little more than sugar-coated vitamins, minerals and protein.
It allows you to hose off the horse coated in mud, top off water buckets that are crusting with ice, and clean tack and other items without your hands turning blue.
Those glossy red apples from California may look wonderful on our supermarket shelves but they do so because they're coated with a wax made from pig fat and I simply don't fancy them.
Not only that, but the fracture zones were partially coated with a carbonate mineral that fluoresced a pastel bluish-white and phosphoresced a pale greenish-white.
The present invention proposes exonuclease III digesting double stranded nucleic acid molecule coated in microporous plate and containing special marker to detect transcription factor protein.
Dip the pieces so they are completely coated.
Everything was coated with a thick layer of dust and grime.
In the envelope and the bag was a clumpy, powdery gray dust -- dust that used to be the south tower of the World Trade Center, and that coated me and thousands of others with a force that pushed it deep into pockets, briefcases, ears and lungs on Sept. 11, 2001.
September 11 Toxic Dust: Deciphering My Pocketful Of Terror
For cyanotypes, paper is coated with an iron salts solution (rather than silver compounds) to produce a light-sensitive substrate.
Capitulum bracts are spiny and coated with a dense white arachnoidal indumentum.
The puppies are both crossbred males, one is black and white and smooth-coated and the other is nearly all black with some tan colouring.
All figured specimens were coated with ammonium chloride prior to macrophotography and with gold for scanning electron microscopy.
Dirt had coated her face
Ha, none of that, you woolly-coated rogue, you," he cried, as he jumped aside to escape a kick that the bunch of equine mischief anticly snapped at him.
How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's And Other Stories
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The Volokh Conspiracy » What are the odds of that?
It is then coated with a thin layer of white lead on which the outline of the picture is drawn.
Instead of a Baron there stood Jim, white-waistcoated, demure, every hair in place, and, if she mistook not, even a deedy spark in his eye.
The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
While Chartwells promises super-nutritious meals of cereal, fruit, milk and eggs, if their current lunch offerings are any indication of what's to come, kids will likely be eating sugar-coated, carbon-dated cereals and fruit cups, high fat-hormone riddled chocolate milk, and processed egg McMuffins.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair, darker than that on his head.
Animals that are coated with tessellates-such as the lizard and the other quadrupeds, and the serpents-are omnivorous: at all events they are carnivorous and graminivorous; and serpents, by the way, are of all animals the greatest gluttons.
The History of Animals
Cascades Boxboard Group Inc. is a world-class leader in the manufacture of premium coated boxboard and folding cartons.
The trip ends in an aging room stacked with 13,000 wheels coated with pepper, vegetable oil, and cocoa, Vella Cheese Company makes three types of cheese - asiago, cheddar, and Monterey jack; the nutty-tasting dry jack is peerless.
The predominant emissions from uncoated wood and wood-based materials were aldehydes, mainly acetaldehyde, propanal, butanal, pentanal, hexanal, and acetone.
Ribbon cable: Flat plastic coated cable in which the lines lie parallel to each other.
The material is four-colour, high volume, full bleed, with strong solids and screened images printed over 95% of the paper, is produced on fine gloss or blade coated papers, and in some cases has several folds.
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Only the front or eastern side of the structure was coated with the precious turquoise; the other sides of the column were of plain, fairly well fitted, mortarless stone blocks.
The Air Ship Boys : Or, the Quest of the Aztec Treasure
They are coated with distinctive bumps and small protrusions against an overall veiled surface.
Finally, he was satisfied with his work and pulled his hand gently out, coated in green glop and various internal juices.
Of creatures possessed of hearing, some have ears, whilst others have none, but merely have the passages for ears visible, as, for example, feathered animals or animals coated with horny tessellates.
The History of Animals
The document, which was first reported on, said the wires were coated with an insulator known as Kapton that tended to break down over time, causing short circuits and, potentially, fires.
NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: July 2005 Archives
Apparently it contains brandy and ouzo, chased by a good suck on a sugar and coffee-coated lemon.
Here, everyone is out for himself, the weak are at the mercy of the powerful, and the vast overwhelming majority is mired in a slave morality in which they accept the sugarcoated homilies of the powers to be.
At precisely eight o'clock the scarlet-coated guards on the coaches blew cheerful blasts on their horns, the coachmen clucked to their teams, and the procession moved off, bound for the four corners of the kingdom.
- Exterior glass bulb ellipsoid or fungiform transparent or inside-coated with or without reflecting layer
5. Light Sources for Illuminating Purposes
To reduce heat gain, the roof is insulated with a layer of polyurethane foam coated with a light-reflecting granular finish.
The rest of the hull is glassed with one layer and the bottom and garboards are further coated in epoxy and graphite.
Remembering these things the idle young "flatty" turned and looked at the green-coated and sunken-shouldered figure, touched into some rough pity by the wordless pathos of an existence which seemed without aim or reason.
Never-Fail Blake
A large aperture eyepiece will increase the filed of view and a large diameter, well coated objective lens will enhance brightness issue.
Cody carved them out of urethane and polystyrene foam, coated them with primer or plaster and painted them blue, pink and white.
Remove from heat and toss with cooked fusilli and meat mixture until thoroughly coated.
They also painted the torpedo in anti-graffiti paint to hopefully deter any future negative social behaviour and coated the nose cone in a clear metal lacquer.
Once you have used all of the coating, transfer the remaining uncoated kale leaves to gallon-size resealable plastic food storage bags and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
Staff Favorites: Next-gen kale chips
In an elegant ice-cream shop a white-coated young man is pounding green pistachios in a massive mortar.
In mathematical modeling and experiments testing the efficacy of several conditions: drug or dye with no particles; particles coated with fluorescein dye, positive or negative charge; and particles coated with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, positive or negative charge, the UMass Amherst researchers show that gold nanoparticles move and localize differently in the 3-D cylindroid tumor tissue, depending on whether the nanoparticles are positively or negatively charged.
Newswise: Latest News
The principal sugar-coated it and made it sound like she was trying to take the financial burden off of our parents.
The light wire will really outfish bulky coated leaders on heavily fished waters and will allow your bait to have more action.
I love to ice fish with tip ups. any tips on it?
Love it or loathe it, there's no escaping the candy-coated kitschness of St. Valentine's Day.
Thirty miles away, the lofty peaks appeared sugar coated under their mantle of winter snow.
It consisted of three stuffed potato patties that had been coated in a slightly crunchy and tasty breading, and fried to a dark brown colour.
The researchers placed the crystal-coated phages on a silicon surface and subjected them to a heat treatment that killed off the virus while fusing the crystals into a semi-conducting nanowire.
New doors are manufactured in powder-coated finishes, with rounded curves in all different colors.
A daguerreotype is printed on a sheet of copper that is coated with a thin layer of silver.
We tried the chocolate-coated custard-filled donut, and the adzuki bean-filled donut rolled in sugar … both very, very good.
Tokyo, Japan: Meiji Shrine, Harajuku, Yoyogi Park, and Kaiten Sushi
Thus if the power of the magnetic needle of turning towards the north, or the shock given by touching both sides of an electrized coated jar, was related for the first time to a philosopher, and to an ignorant person; the former would be less ready to believe them, than the latter; as he would find nothing similar in nature to compare them to, he would again and again repeat the experiment, before he would give it his entire credence; till by these repetitions it would cease to be a single fact, and would therefore gain the evidence of analogy.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Sugar-coated pill in not bitter at all.
The nickel-coated array was then strengthened and formed into a mould by depositing nickel onto its back using a form of electroplating called electroforming. all content
biliousness" when the whites of the eyes are slightly tinged with yellow and the tongue coated and yellowish, and perhaps dizziness, disturbances of sight and a feeling of depression are present.
The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
The facts are similar in the case of animals whether coated with scales or with tessellates.
The History of Animals
Most aluminum used in visible parts of appliances is lacquered or otherwise coated, anodized or painted.
Light can focus atoms into simple patterns for etching carbon-coated gold layers.
This datolite conforms to the outline of the vesicles, and the rim or rinds of the masses are semismooth and usually coated with a dark green to black chloritic mineral.
She is now working with her third puppy Maple, a curly coated Retriever crossed with a Labrador.
The most popular form among school children is deep-fried cassava coated with sugar.
Plastic coated worktops are easy to keep clean.
The magnetic component of the direction-giving nanoparticles is usually an iron-based compound called ferric oxide which is coated in a biocompatible surface, sometimes using, for example, fatty acids, to provide stability during the particles journey through one's body.
A sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide was fluorescing, even though it was shut off from the tube.
Futures Imperfect
Blue-coated, flying before from tree to tree; "but April's bird with me is the robin, brisk, vociferous, musical, dotting every field, and larking it in every grove; he is as easily atop at this season as the bobolink is a month or two later.
Birds and Poets : with Other Papers
Fresh snow coated the pavement in a thin, slippery skim of white.
I'd never seen a hint of this sugar-coated threatening aspect.
The furniture was thickly coated with dust.
The negatives are then exposed successively on film coated with sensitized pigmented gelatin - Cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
I believe the clay coated board is so that you can incise or abraid through the clay to expose a white surface for fine detail, like scratchboard or sgraffito.
U of T Biomedical Communication
Hot melt edge - gluing and glue - coated string applications enable to diminish production cost.
The restored facade will be coated with a high-performance contemporary elastomeric paint.
September 2007
Reduce your consumption of seafood from waters that may be contaminated with organic tin compounds and your contact with household products that contain organotin compounds (for example, silicon-coated baking parchment paper).
Christopher Gavigan: The Chemical Cocktail: Making Americans Overweight?