How To Use Coastal In A Sentence
In coastal regions sea level rise will lead to more coastal inundation.
From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
South to south-west winds will reach 30-40 mph this morning with gusts of 50-70 mph in some coastal areas.
Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports

First he was writing, then he was hiking, then he went to Argentina to clear his head and drive along the coast (a two mile narrow strip overlooking the intercoastal waterway, hardly scenic).
Sanford visiting family in Sullivan's Island
The coastal regions, those richest in marine life, were found to have the highest concentrations.
Exact positions of the 120 pegs will depend on the state of the beach due to the recent coastal erosion.
Buying in a smaller city or coastal town gives them a more balanced lifestyle without the cold turkey of going without any urban facilities.
Times, Sunday Times
The hair of coastal wolves also appears to be coarser and better at shedding water, perhaps to cope with the heavy rainfall on the west coast.
A wide area of coastal plains extends across the western seaboard, a region of phosphate mining and the cultivation of citrus, olives, tobacco, and grains.
It's a coastal cruiser, an island hopper, or a gunkholer.
Near Australia, catsharks have been observed inhabiting ledges and caves, seagrass or kelp beds, coastal reefs, and both sandy and rocky bottoms.
Most records since 1947 have been for coastal districts, which perhaps just reflects the distribution of observers at the migration seasons.
The intertidal mudflats and coastal lagoons are important staging sites for migratory shorebirds, including red knot Calidris canutus, white-rumped sandpiper C. fuscicollis and Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica.
Península Valdés, Argentina
Only the transom and a small section of the keel of the vessel - owned by the Coastal Forces Heritage Trust - were left.
Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
The vegetation consists of coastal sage scrub, chaparral and groves of Englemann oak and live oak.
The mountainous Mid-Coastal Sedimentary ecoregion lies outside of the coastal fog zone and is typically underlain by massive beds of sandstone and siltstone in contrast to the volcanics of Ecoregion 1d.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
The results showed that the sea-land breeze and its annual variation in the coastal area of the northern Yellow Sea is obvious and it is seasonal maldistribution.
Authorities released a dispersing liquid into the coastal waters to dilute the slick.
It occurs mostly on sheltered, well-watered cliff faces and damp coastal flats where there is local protection from wind and spray.
The northerly breeze may bring one or two light showers to northern and eastern coastal counties.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the Oporto silene (S. portensis), a curious growth, a lover of the sea-side dunes, which, though of Portuguese origin, as its name would seem to indicate, ventures inland, even as far as my part of the country, where it represents perhaps a survivor of the coastal flora of what was once a
More Hunting Wasps
These studies also show that birds using easterly coastal flyways in the fall return by more westerly central routes in spring.
It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
With more than 3,600 Filipinos riding out the typhoon in sturdy school buildings, town halls, churches and relatives 'homes, roads in and out of coastal Isabela province were deserted and blocked by collapsed trees and power lines.
Super Typhoon Strikes The Philippines
They winter in open, coastal environments, favoring bays and inlets with sandy shores and shellfish beds.
The West Country is the part of Britain most visited by walkers and nature lovers, but until now they have had to make do with a patchy network of footpaths and coastal walks.
Coastal wetlands are also characteristic of this ecoregion, and near the first foothills of the western range there are some arid, rocky scrublands with abrupt relief, where columnar, candelabra and opuntia cacti typically grow.
Sechura desert
Coastal towns like Barranquilla were more supportive of innovative and imaginative literature.
The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.
It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
Manatees live in shallow waters - slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, canals and coastal areas, especially where seagrass beds flourish.
Adjacent coastal states have sovereign rights over the seabed mineral resources of the shelf.
Between 1936 and 1969 maritime air operations in Britain were under the control of Coastal Command units.
But he insists on painting a picture with the same old hackneyed images and rancid cliches about salt-of-the-earth heartlanders and morally vacant or cowardly coastal cosmopolitans.
Beautiful sandy beaches alternate with rocky headlands, and magnificent coastal villages shine like beacons on the shore…
The Orissa will get a fund of Rs 140 crore from the World Bank under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project.
Orissa to get Rs 140 crore under Integrated Coastal Zone Management project
Coastal heath vegetation is particularly colourful this wildflower season.
We observed an influx of long-tailed ducks into coastal lagoons in July, followed by dispersal to other areas in late August.
An utterly gorgeous album, it paints an evocative portrait of a Scottish coastal village.
Times, Sunday Times
Zachriel: Rapid climate change will result in agricultural failure, flooding of highly populated coastal areas, dislocation, disease, migration, mass extinctions, political instability and human suffering.
About: Blinded by Science
The eastern plains, or llanos, account for 60 percent of the country's territory and are sparsely populated, as are the coastal lowlands.
coastal shipping
A hot, wet coastal plain rises through thick forest and areas planted with sisal to a warm plateau.
From here you can look north to some of the finest coastal scenery in Britain with islands, white sands and azure blue seas - a view rivalling much more exotic destinations.
In 1853, Bayard Taylor, the most celebrated travel writer in antebellum America (and the subject of chapter 8), was able to visit several of China’s largest coastal cities because, after the Opium War, the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) made such excursions possible by opening up additional ports to foreign intercourse.
The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
Dirk West was arrested in possession of galjoen, steenbras, blacktail and kabeljou at the coastal resort town of Swakopmund last week.
ANC Daily News Briefing
English settlers for control of coastal lands suffered terribly, sometimes from war, but more often from the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox.
America Past and Present
The Mississippi gopher frog (Rana capita sevosa) was once found in suitable habitat within the Lower Coastal Plain from Florida to eastern Louisiana.
De Hoop reserve along the coast which includes a Ramsar-designated coastal vlei (seasonal lake) has 260 bird species.
Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
The palmyra palm being the most useful of the species is widely grown in tropical coastal zones.
Previously for coastal France I've only been to the Med and it is nice to see waves again; they make a beach complete.
At current rates of sprawl, 25 percent of the nation's coastal watersheds will be urbanized by 2025.
Appaently, banditry is a common problem in some coastal areas of Michoacan and Guerrero.
Top places along coast to live?
The nominated area contains most of the key interrelated and interdependent elements in their natural relationships which provide a robust foundation for reconstructing the mosaic of paleoenvironments and palaeogeography of a southern coastal realm of the ancient Tethyan Ocean during Eocene time, enabling interpretation of how animals then lived and how they were related to each other.
Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt
The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased.
When it opened it was the first of Yorkshire Water's new coastal schemes to be commissioned.
Except on portions of the coastal plain, the Alaskan tundra generally has few lakes.
It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
The coastal contours curve into the distance on all sides of the site, with Snowdonia's dramatic mountains providing the landward backdrop.
The 10 best campsites for views
The joint venture calls for the companies to explore three sections in the Kara Sea, an icebound coastal backwater north of central Russia.
Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.
A quick Google search provided over a dozen domestic websites scattered across Iran from Rasht, a coastal city in the north, to the southern city of Ahwaz.
A Craze for Pooches in Iran Dogs the Morality Police
The coastal route had been mined.
Tourism has been limited, with the obvious activity of swimming restricted by strong coastal currents in the area.
Behind the lagoons and swamps of the coastal belt is an area of thick forest.
Geography Basic Facts
There were over 2 inches of rain in coastal areas .
Follow the signposted coastal path until you see to your right a headland with a building.
Times, Sunday Times
St Lucia depends on its clean coastal waters because fishing and tourism provide much of its income.
Xeric and halophyte shrublands, grasslands, riverine shrublands, coastal lagoons.
Southeastern Iberian shrubs and woodlands
The stall follows the completion of a two-year road planning study which recommends a coastal road alignment but warns of several hindrances.
In 1972 he married an astronomer and began a bicoastal arrangement, spending part of the year in Irvine, where he has a post, and the remainder in Maryland.
The first Indian missile boat attack occurred on 4-5 December, from the south; it sank a destroyer and a coastal minesweeper.
More than 1,000 companies are already in the e-bike business in China, with many of them clustered in the eastern coastal provinces such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which both border Shanghai.
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He is in the fishing boat that over-fishes the coastal seaway.
Giles Slade: Grizzly Bear Extinction
I learnt to revere the skill and knowledge of the coastal bargemen, like Jack Spitty the master of the Edith May in the 60s.
And the ban will stay in place as long as the coastal strip is starved of much needed rain.
In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the marine environment.
It is situated in an elevated position on this popular coastal road and enjoys superb views of Dublin Bay and Howth.
The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
A well-exposed coastal section from Eyemouth to Bummouth preserves a broadly homoclinal sequence in which a highly heterogeneous array of contemporaneous structures formed during regional triclinic transpression.
There was to be a coastal ‘crust’ that was to consist of a thin screen of infantry deployed along the beaches.
They aim to snarl traffic in the area by blocking the main coastal motorway.
Times, Sunday Times
Burkett said there are thousands of avocets and skimmers on the Bolivar Flats now, as well as white pelicans, terns and other coastal species.
Southeast with coastal high - speed railroad docking, will radiate the area.
The name is derived from Praltos Camp, which forms the hinterland of the coastal section.
A scarped windward slope is the aspect most characteristic of coastal dunes.
Easily Accessible: Dartmoor, with its woods, tors and ancient sites, and the long coastal path provide numerous walks.
If a Gwich'in youth takes action against the destruction of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by the oilers -- will we put her in prison?
Subhankar Banerjee: Who Is Tim DeChristopher? From Coal Belt, Through Mountain Trails, on Route to a Prison Cell
Coastal migrants can often be found along tidal creeks, salt marsh edges, and mudflats, rarely on sandy ocean beaches.
The inn is actually a front for illegal operations involving the luring of ships onto the coastal rocks where the crews are murdered and the ships' cargoes can be plundered.
Up to 2000 m of alluvial fan and fan delta deposits of early Cretaceous age are preserved in the Coastal Cordillera.
In California, the chaparral and coastal sage shrubs form excellent cover for rodents, rabbits, and birds.
And finally, the theory and method of computing the SST of Chinese coastal water are investigated using spheric harmonic model. With the comparisons of the different methods, some us...
Flax has been found to be a good candidate for growing in rotation with cotton in the Southeast, particularly along coastal areas.
They plunge into the coastal waters from small boats.
These small businesses play a vital role in the economies of innumerable coastal communities.
Thus the Coastal Ranges take on the appearance of an uplifted horst, bounded, particularly to the east, by normal faults.
Charter boats docked along the Intracoastal Waterway at Haulover Beach Park offer deep-sea fishing.
Dwight Brown: A Sunny South Florida Vacation Without the Thongs and Six-Packs
Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the Hawaiian monk seal has had some of its coastal habitat protected.
Avulsion in a coastal area, of course, simply destroys property and moves the boundary, as there is no opposite bank to gain.
There is a stunning 10-mile coastal walk from St Andrews to Crail.
In coastal areas, for example, puffins, rock doves, fulmars and guillemots are the most favoured items of diet.
Initial daydreams of a little finca close to a Spanish beach were destroyed by the cost of even the grimmest coastal properties.
First, what we want: permanent protection of the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, the most biologically diverse area in the entire circumpolar North that also supports two indigenous communities, Gwich'in and Inupiat.
Subhankar Banerjee: Earth Activism: What We Don't Want
The coastal area around Southeastern Fujian is located in the Changle-Nan'ao tectonic zone, where mafic dikes ( swarms ) were developed since late Mesozoic.
There is no benefit from hanging an entire shrimp off a hook when fishing for coastal panfish.
The black goby is a coastal fish inhabiting sandy environments and frequently entering brackish lagoons and estuaries.
On August 5 a boat collided with the oil tanker causing more than 85 tons of oil to spill into the river and coastal wetlands.
Newquay has better investment potential than any other coastal resort in the country.
Times, Sunday Times
The Pacific silverweed prefers sunny coastal dunes to marsh edges, sandy bluffs, wetland meadows and mudflats.
This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.
The regular component consisted mainly of cadres of officers, warrant officers, clerks and storemen, and some coastal artillery units.
In many areas, especially in the eastern Cape, coastal and midland Natal, and the highveld of the Transvaal and the Free State, loss of land necessitated changes in the way that African families survived.
And the dynamic changes of coastline maps were generated with these extracting coastlines and those digitized from relief map and chart. The results were stored in Qingdao Coastal Zone Geo-database.
Large deposits of ash, burnt clay and associated briquetage have been found in numerous places along this coastal strip.
Coastal defences had held well under the extreme conditions of recent days, the Environment Agency said.
One thing we coastal dwellers have that upcountry folk don't, is our beaches.
The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks.
It is situated in an elevated position on this popular coastal road and enjoys superb views of Dublin Bay and Howth.
There they were loaded on a bireme, a twin-banked coastal ship that would take them to the port of Cenchrea.
The Eternal Mercenary
The coastal train took in some splendid vistas, not least the beautiful mountains at the coast at Kaikoura.
A combination of land submergence, coastal erosion, and solifluction had caused the deterioration of certain houses and their associated midden deposits.
The EEZ gives coastal states "sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to" (above) "the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil ...".
Energy profile of South China Sea
‘We're spoiled here in L.A.,’ admits Schmidt, referring to the outdoor living possibilities presented by the area's coastal climate.
Its success will encourage others in our coastal and rural communities to do the same.
They lead into pine forests as well as impressive stands of coastal sage scrub and chaparral communities notable for Mojave yuccas, prickly pear, and agaves.
Coastal rains, which are set to continue, have flooded some local access roads and causeways, particularly in the rural areas.
The northerly breeze may bring one or two light showers to northern and eastern coastal counties.
Times, Sunday Times
The first is a consequence of the fact that for the foreseeable future there will be little mass consumer market for non-essentials outside the main coastal cities and a few other prosperous parts of the country.
Coral reefs provide protection to coastal areas and protect delicate coastal wetlands and mangrove swamps from storms.
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of fruit sellers have named their best dates of the year after in a sweet tribute to the American leader for his outreach to the Muslim world. - Articles related to Dubai stocks at 11-month high
There is a marked distinction between inland and coastal cookery, due not only to contrasting climatic conditions, but also to differences in history.
In some coastal areas basket making was a major female occupation.
And your own coastal bolthole or country idyll doesn't have to cost a fortune.
The Sun
A Thai coastal patrol boat caught broadside on by the waves had been tumbled over and over and finished hundreds of yards inshore.
Coastal rock and scrub habitats are easily distinguished by the species present and by the geographical location.
When built, the arsenal ships will have the smallest crews of any Navy ship except small coastal patrol craft.
It was then a coastal city, on a gulf now filled in by silt, in a region known as Ionia.
Euclid’s Window
Coastal areas across the mid-Atlantic remained under hurricane warnings as evacuations of over 300, 000 people in New York City continued.
The term is, however, also correctly applied to heavy rifled ordnance of the howitzer class used for coastal defence by some nations, though few ever saw use in 1939-45.
While Athenian forces made raids and even established small coastal bases in Spartan territory, these forays were unable to inflict sufficient damage to aid the Athenian fight.
These birds breed primarily on coastal beaches from southern Washington to southern Baja California, Mexico.
A few coastal companies began with sailing ships, while others did so with steamers.
People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane.
You have a lot of coastal dwellers particularly in the north, where cyclones and even typhoons, hurricanes are a problem, and we warmer waters are going to generate more intense cyclones.
Denizens of coastal waters in the Pacific, sea otters were pursued for centuries for their thick, soft pelts.
Dinner is informal, service is friendly and the coastal path beckons, for bracing walks along limestone cliffs and red sandstone bays.
Times, Sunday Times
It is found in shallow marine coastal waters, rivers, estuaries and lakes, preferably with sand or mud bottoms.
Up to c. 1700, Britain's ports had been largely natural coastal or riverside sites, sometimes with quays and wharfs for lading, and beaching vessels at low tide.
Exact positions of the 120 pegs will depend on the state of the beach due to the recent coastal erosion.
We were strolling along the coastal path and sat down on the grass for a rest and to enjoy the panoramic view across the bay.
Global warming will cause the seas to rise, engulfing islands and flooding coastal areas.
The walk will cover some of the most scenic coastal routes around Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope.
Long delays caused traders to switch to road haulage and to coastal shipping, taking advantage of the country's extensive coastline and ports.
In coastal areas social mobility led some lower castes and classes to assert themselves against headmen.
The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
During high river discharges, overbank flows flooded extensive areas of the delta plain, creating swamps, coastal lakes and ephemeral channels.
Monaco's ruler, HSH Prince Albert I, was eager to exploit the rapidly growing automotive trade and to steal tourism from the Principality's neighbouring coastal resorts of Nice and St Tropez. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The Civil War had demonstrated the inadequacy of the old coastal forts.
The very long jetty was used as a wharf for the area in the days of coastal shipping.
Landscape projects include a major footpath and bridleway improvement program, establishing a network of cycle routes, tree planting and hedge laying, heathland management and survey and maintenance work on the coastal National Trail.
Dorset and East Devon Coast, United Kingdom
Surf action on coastal areas has produced other quantities.
Most of the liquid chemical terminals in the coastal area of Zhejiang Province are designed as per the traditional "disc-type" pattern layout.
Is the coastal plain good for growing crops?
According to Tinka Resources Ltd., press release dated January 24, 2007, mapping and prospecting has outlined a 1,000 by 800 metre area hosted by granodiorite and quartz monzonite of the Coastal Batholith which intruded Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments and volcanic.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Black, red and white mangroves and buttonwoods cover much of the low coastal areas of the South Florida shoreline.
Surveillance of coastal shipping routes to maintain safe fairways is conducted by the Hydrographic and Nautical Authorities.
And during the negotiations, about 3,700 acres of coastal sage scrub were destroyed.
But a much smaller rise could be devastating for many coastal areas and islands.
Yet, such episodes have the potential to cause the most serious ecological risk (primarily for sea birds and mammals) and result in long-term environmental disturbances (mainly in coastal zones) and economic impact on coastal activities (especially on fisheries and mariculture).
Oil spill
The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
And, by the way; Chiapas is not a place with beautiful beaches but has a huge, uninviting and undeveloped coastal region of dismal black sand and turbid Pacific coastal waters interspersed with poverty stricken and impossibly hot and humid villages existing in utmost poverty.
Plan Puebla-Panama. Yay or Nay?
An estimated 2,000,000 people either fled or were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane.
The location this time is Eskibahce, a coastal town in south-west Anatolia.
A coastal path climbs spectacularly over a rocky promontory and brings you to L' Estagnol, where you will find a sheltered sandy cove.
We serve as a watchdog of coastal activities and a team worker with state agencies.
The people asked that the government garrison the coastal towns.
If you were to drive due east of the warm, coastal snowbird capital of Fort Myers, Florida, you'd soon find yourself in the midst of a sprawling grid of unadorned streets and quarter-acre lots collectively known as Lehigh Acres.
Raymond Schillinger: Lehigh Acres, Florida: A Parable of the American Dream Gone Bust
There were over 2 inches of rain in coastal areas .
From there northeastward, the coastal landscape is a part of the northern extension of the Appalachian Mountain system.
Coastal Refraction alters the bearings, particularly when bearings are at an oblique angle to the coastline. 6.
For a millennium before the arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the early sixteenth century, great cities flourished close to what is now the lively Peruvian coastal city of Chiclayo, as they did elsewhere in Peru.
In Louisiana, coastal land loss is literally downsizing the state's coast.
The death toll from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami is expected to run into the tens of thousands as local and international rescue teams continue searching through the ruins of north-eastern coastal cities for survivors.
Japanese tsunami aftermath: life and death along a devastated coast
interpretative" classic aerial view over the highway we had approached on, as it tightly hugged the coastal rocks. Recent Updates
Flooding was a problem in some coastal areas where the storm's high wind drove waves onto shore and over seawalls.
Today, KwaZulu-Cape Coastal Forest Mosaic is a highly fragmented ecotype.
KwaZulu-Cape coastal forest mosaic
The majority of these records are from the USA, where Late Cretaceous strata of the Western Interior, the Gulf Coast, and the Eastern Coastal Plain provide a nearly continuous sequence of mosasaur faunal evolution.
This wide coastal belt is a generally flat plain, only partially wooded, containing little building stone.
Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections.
This is Menie Links, a 4,000-year-old unspoiled coastal dune system on the north-east coast of Scotland which Molly Forbes has christened paradise.
According to a coastal geomorphologist, deeper in-shore waters means more powerful waves, which move more quickly and retain more energy.
Once a bustling coastal township it is now a sleepy hollow with a beautiful beach, a school, and a church.
In the other province with country coastal southeast, also degree is put differently in similar case.
The flagship of Trinity House Lighthouse Service, her function is to cruise the coastal waters of England, Wales and the Channel Islands, servicing and repairing lighthouses, lightships, buoys and other navigational markers.
Eu, which is close to the coastal town of Tréport has been suffering from a drop in holiday visitors and they think they know the reason: the internet.
FP Passport
The pretty coastal villages are complemented by a mountainous interior in the north and green rolling hills and woodland in the south.
Times, Sunday Times