How To Use Coagulation In A Sentence
Anticoagulation is required afterwards because the atria continue to fibrillate and the risk of systemic embolism persists.
'' His symptoms were difficulty breathing, muscle pain, gastroenteritis and what we call intravascular coagulation, '' the doctor said. - Articles related to World Cup Live: Paraguay vs. Spain
A coagulation profile should be obtained to rule out disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis.
Colchicine Poisoning
Serial coagulation and fibrinolytic activity markers were assessed, including prothrombin fragments 1 +2
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In fact, coagulation of complex cells into cooperative communities was such a winning strategy that it evolved several times.
The major modalities in electrosurgery are electrodesiccation, fulguration, electrocoagulation, and electrosection.
The majority of fellows had no experience with interventional procedures such as stent placement, laser photocoagulation, and cryotherapy.
They have tried to deal with coagulation by coating a device with heparin or a heparin-like substance.
These lesions were better treated by attempting fulguration with the coagulation probe.
These may range from the practice of making minimal surgical incisions to using electrosurgery, lasers, and ultrasonic scalpels for coagulation of bleeding vessels.
These proteins include recombinant forms of human coagulation factors VIIa and IX, which are being developed for the treatment of patients with hemophilia, and recombinant alpha-fetoprotein, which is being developed for the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis. Featured News and Stories
In conclusion, early maladaptation, that is, upregulated thrombin generation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, occurred in one-third of the SCT patients associating with the development of GVHD, a finding suggesting an interplay between coagulation and immunology during SCT.
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Additionally, he is the Director of the Northern Blood Research Centre, supervising research in platelet function, hypercoagulability in cancer and other disease states, and global tests of coagulation.
Instrumentation Laboratory to Host 2nd Asia Pacific Hemostasis Forum -- BEDFORD, Mass., Sept. 23 /PRNewswire/ --
In such patients, cardioversion should be delayed until the patient has been anticoagulated at appropriate levels INR 2.0 to 3.0 for three to four weeks or shorter term anticoagulation if screening transesophageal echocardiography has excluded atrial and atrial appendage thrombi.
Sometimes I Hate Being Good
Purpura may be secondary to thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, coagulation factor deficiency or vascular defect.
Diabetic nephropathy is one of the common complications of diabetes. The review has summarized the vascular endotheliocyte trauma and blood coagulation fibrinolysis.
Objective To investigate the coagulation promoting mechanism of a new type of organism coagulation promoting tube with tissue thromboplastin extracted from rabbit brain.
But Professor Brenner said research into blood coagulation had made significant strides over the past two decades.
A specific application that may benefit from the optical clearing technique is blood vessel photocoagulation.
There is a greater effect on the nerve-centres, but less swelling of the wound itself, and, whereas the blood of the rattlesnakes victim coagulates, the blood of the victim of an elapine snakethat is, of one of the only poisonous American colubrinesbecomes watery and incapable of coagulation.
I. The Start
Objective To investigate the coagulation promoting mechanism of a new type of organism coagulation promoting tube with tissue thromboplastin extracted from rabbit brain.
Many drugs and foods are known to interfere with the anticoagulation effect of warfarin.
Guidelines for anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation based on absolute risk or clinical criteria have been widely promulgated.
So even when there is some prothrombin, it cannot be used for coagulation.
Modern Science in the Bible
Children with an abnormal coagulation profile are frequently referred to pediatric hematology clinics.
Pastuerization has also been used successfully to inactivate viruses in plasma products such as IVIG and coagulation factors, but not in FFP.
The degree of anticoagulation for patients taking warfarin was also recorded.
In control group procedures, electrocoagulation was used to transect small vessels, and knot tying was employed for the superior thyroid vessels, the thyroid vein, and some inferior arterial branches.
By rational use of the technical parameters of electroresection and electrocoagulation, and the cooperative techniques, we performed ESD for 29 lesions in 28 patients.
I believe the intrinsic coagulation system initiated by the contact system would be more important as a host defense system working extravascular tissue space against microbial pathogens than as the haemostatic mechanism.
Confirmation Bias and ID
To mention examples, blood serum solidified at a suitable temperature is a highly suitable medium, and various media are made with extract of meat as a basis, with the addition of gelatine or agar as solidifying agents and of non-coagulable proteids (commercial "peptone") to make up for proteids lost by coagulation in the preparation.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The moderate technological conditions fluoride removal in aluminum industry by coagulation and precipitation are studied.
The Anticoagulation Services clinic, commonly called the coumadin clinic, opened in 2002.
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Supplying a blood coagulation factor through transfusion is the main treatment for the disease.
Patients were stratified by their eligibility for standard anticoagulation and then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups.
On one side, protein gelation is involved in many biological processes such as blood coagulation or wound healing.
Ferrous salt, Ferrous salt + Folic acid, Folic acid (2), Hydroxocobalamin (2), Iron dextran (B) (5) 10.2 DRUGS AFFECTING COAGULATION
Chapter 16
Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
In an editorial accompanying publication of the study in the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Mega cited all three drugs, plus at least one more in development, as representing a "new era" in anticoagulation.
Study Gives Lift to Drug That Cuts Stroke Risk
The treatment is usually applicable to choroidal neovascular lesions that do not extend under the centre of the retina since photocoagulation will usually destroy any viable photoreceptors overlying the abnormal vessels.
IF LAST YEAR'S CHRISTMAS ROAST wasn't a perfectly succulent specimen, chances are your cooking technique did not denature the meat's collagenous tissue while also avoiding excessive coagulation of the muscle proteins.
Science Of The Season
The fist chapter is a brief review about the progress of coagulation factor IX/X binding proteins and blood coagulation system.
Apply the pulse power electrolysis to eliminate aluminum anodic passive films in the process of electrocoagulation .
These aromatics likewise evacuate serum from the blood, promote its circulation, and attenuate the coagulations of chyle, lympha, and succus nervosus.
A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
She was treated for septic shock followed by disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiorgan system failure.
Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin, also known as anticoagulation therapy, are prescribed to help keep the blood from clotting excessively, as this can cause ischemic strokes or heart attacks.
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The liquor from the rennet is then added, and, being well stirred in, the tub is closely covered and kept in a warm temperature till the coagulation is complete, which is generally in little more than half an hour.
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This remarkable process is known as coagulation, or the clotting of blood; and the liquid which separates from the clot is called serum.
A Practical Physiology
This study was to evaluate the blood coagulation changes of commercially pure Ti surface after an electrochemical anodization treatment.
The hydrogen ion causes coagulation of surface tissue, which eventually appears as a grayish white area surrounded by erythema. 16 Fluoride ions freely penetrate the skin and continue into deeper tissues, causing cellular death and liquifaction necrosis of soft tissue. 22,15 Neutralization of fluoride ions occurs when fluoride complexes with calcium and other divalent cations in the tissues, forming an insoluble salt.
Hydrofluoric Acid
Hydrometeor-hydrometeor coagulation also involves coagulation of the individual aerosol components within each hydrometeor size bin.
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We are creating the world's most trusted encyclopedia and knowledge base. log in, you'll be able to edit this page instantly! coagulation, '' 'thromboplastin' '' is a "constituent composed of protein and phospholipid that is widely distributed in many tissues.
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Thoracoscopic excision or destruction by electrocoagulation of the T2 and T3 sympathetic ganglia is difficult.
It is also obtained by the use of rennet, and the process of curding milk is simply the coagulation of its caseine.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
The moderate technological conditions fluoride removal in aluminum industry by coagulation and precipitation are studied.
By rational use of the technical parameters of electroresection and electrocoagulation, and the cooperative techniques, we performed ESD for 29 lesions in 28 patients.
Objective:To improve the skills of diagnosing severe hemophilia A(HA)and the carriers of the disease by detection of coagulation factor VIII(FVIII)gene inversion.
Coagulation, caramelization and gelatinization -- when the starch is thick and they absorb all the moisture that's around them, they -- they kind of swell, and then they burst.
Peter Reinhart on bread
Omeros' agents are designed to selectively inhibit plasmin, the enzyme responsible for fibrinolysis and dissolving blood clots, while avoiding significant inhibition of Factor XIa and kallikrein, important regulators of the coagulation cascade.
Omeros Licenses Novel Antifibrinolytic Agents - Yahoo! Finance
A complication soon arose in that at the amount necessary for keeping the grains suspended between the two waters, almost all these substances agglutinated the grains into bunches of grapes, showing thus in the nicest way possible the phenomenon of coagulation which is not easy to obtain on ordinary suspensions or colloidal solutions (of ultramicroscopic grains).
Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
I believe the intrinsic coagulation system initiated by the contact system would be more important as a host defense system working extravascular tissue space against microbial pathogens than as the haemostatic mechanism.
Confirmation Bias and ID
Result 71 cases undergo lifetime anticoagulation therapy, gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage 2 case.
It looks like a true game-changer in terms of the utilization of anticoagulation therapy," said Ralph Brindis , a cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente's Northern California operations and the past president of the American College of Cardiology.
Study Gives Lift to Drug That Cuts Stroke Risk
This literature mainly comprises the variation in genes for blood coagulation factors, inhibitors, fibrinolytic factors and platelet membrane receptors.
An abnormal coagulation profile and raised portal pressure then tend to enhance longitudinal and circumferential expansion, resulting in submucosal dissection.
After surgery she deteriorated noticeably with oliguria, disseminated intravascular coagulation, respiratory distress, bleeding duodenal ulcer, sepsis, and Clostridium difficile diarrhoea.
In addition, most aerosols collide and combine with other particles long before reaching the size of a cloud condensation nucleus-a process called "coagulation.
Ars Technica
The 'milder' cases -- if there is such a thing -- are characterized by activation of the coagulation mechanism with consumptive coagulopathy.
Chicago Reader
The bounceoff rate is determined with a coagulation scheme that conserves volume and volume concentration exactly among multiple hydrometeor distributions and multiple sizes per distribution.
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A blood coagulation process on a quartz crystal electrode with a mini drop blood was studied.
Omeros' agents are designed to selectively inhibit plasmin, the enzyme responsible for fibrinolysis and dissolving blood clots, while avoiding significant inhibition of Factor XIa and kallikrein, important regulators of the coagulation cascade.
Omeros Licenses Novel Antifibrinolytic Agents - Yahoo! Finance
The operator slowly closed the snare as the wire advanced through the tissue allowing for simultaneous cutting and coagulation.
If pretreatment with coagulation is accomplished, the overall plant using a rapid sand filter should deliver the same quality product water as an identical plant using a low sand filter.
The flurry of interest reflects increasing understanding of what doctors call the coagulation cascade, the system that causes clots to form to stop bleeding in the face of injury but can lead to heart attacks, strokes and clots in the legs or lungs when triggered by disease processes.
Race Is on for the Next Blood Thinner
A therapeutic approach to a patient who fails thrombolytic therapy, anticoagulation and placement of a filter includes surgical or catheter embolectomy.
In the haemostatic process, the extrinsic pathway would be the major pathway in the coagulation system.
Confirmation Bias and ID
There is no evidence that anticoagulation with either heparin or warfarin improves these outcomes.
The moderate technological conditions fluoride removal in aluminum industry by coagulation and precipitation are studied.
Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis.
Colchicine Poisoning
The leg wounds were closed as soon as possible before the reversal of anticoagulation, without drainage, and were wrapped with a compressive bandage.
Lack of oxygenation stemming from coagulation might explain some of the symptomatology seen in autism.
Coagulation of casein is the fundamental process in cheese making. It is generally done with reset.
Known as the “laparoscopic myoma coagulation,” or “myolysis,” the procedure uses the customary tiny abdominal incision, into which your doctor will place special laser equipment that works to destroy the blood supply of your tumor.
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If the surgeon needs coagulation, the laser operator increases the distance from the tissue or defocuses the beam, enlarging the spot size and using low wattage.
The endobronchial accessories consisted of polypectomy snare, coagulation probe, forceps, and a cutting blade.
Objective: To find and define the effective fraction of Lycopus lucidus on coagulation.
Coagulation System with VisiTrax® is based on the unique integration of suction, perfusion, and RF energy to ensure the creation of visible, non-conductive, continuous, bi-atrial lesions on the epicardium of a beating heart.
The Convergent Procedure for the Treatment of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Highlighted at EACTS... -- MORRISVILLE, N.C., Sept. 13 /PRNewswire/ --
Its visible fluorescence on leaking from damaged vessels makes it particularly useful in the diagnosis of retinal vascular disorders and monitoring of treatment of conditions amenable to laser photocoagulation.
Contact with tissue factor triggers the coagulation cascade, resulting in the conversion of prothrombin to active thrombin.
In the other cases, anticoagulation therapy was unadvisable because of thrombopenia
In such patients, cardioversion should be delayed until the patient has been anticoagulated at appropriate levels INR 2.0 to 3.0 for three to four weeks or shorter term anticoagulation if screening transesophageal echocardiography has excluded atrial and atrial appendage thrombi.
Sometimes I Hate Being Good
Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. - latest science and technology news stories
Previous studies have shown that altered coagulation may play a critical role in the susceptibility to cardiovascular complications.
Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
The patient was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, verapamil and digoxin, and oxygen, and anticoagulation was adjusted.
A recently published study used thrombelastometry, plasmatic coagulation parameters and platelet count to assess the coagulation system in septic patients before and during a short-term antithrombin therapy.
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In severe cases of the disease, the following signs and symptoms may be present: blood clots in the veins, which may cause thrombophlebitis disseminated intravascular coagulation a disorder causing severe bleeding in many body organs jaundice, or yellowing of the eyes and skin low blood sugar level pleural effusion pulmonary emboli, or blood clots in the arteries of the lungs severe ascites
The company also said some of the strokes might have been related to "inadequate anticoagulation," or use of medications to thin the blood following the procedure.
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A large solid recurrent HB 11 years after the primary total removal in a 66-year-old non-VHL patient. von Hippel-Lindau disease • HBs of the retina • Figure 8 • A typical mature HB with a draining arteriole and venule in a 40-year-old non-VHL patient: ophthalmoscopic view (a), and FA (b) before treatment; ophthalmoscopic view (c) and FA (d) at two months after cryocoagulation, showing narrowing of the feeders.
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I wanted human blood in case there was a difference in coagulation or color.
Gordy Grundy: Blood Not So Simple: Bloody Fine Art
If the patient is taking warfarin, reverse anticoagulation with fresh frozen plasma.
Prothrombin: Carbohydrate - protein compound in plasma essential to coagulation.
The doctors used words like uterine atony and artery ligation, disseminated intravascular coagulation, but all I heard was that I couldn't have any more children.
Vanishing Acts
Anticoagulation with warfarin after discharge should continue for at least three months, possibly six months.
Look at several examples including, chemistry, hematology, coagulation and microbiology.
Referral to a hematologist or neurologist can ensure cost-effective evaluation of the multiple coagulation-factor abnormalities and conditions that can cause embolic stroke.
They are now testing enhanced coagulation.
A coagulating experiment on laundry wastewater in China is carried out, showing that coagulation treatment method can meet the request of recycling of laundry wastewater.
It's actually not anticoagulation which is what something like aspirin would do.
CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2004
(such as ferric chloride) can be used, despite their higher cost, when broader pH ranges for coagulation are required.
8. Water treatment
An albuminoid substance contained in the flesh of animals, and also produced by the coagulation of blood.
A Practical Physiology
The next line of therapy involves the use of semi-invasive non-surgical modalities including electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, photocoagulation, and diathermy.
Argon plasma coagulation is a mode of noncontact electrocoagulation that has been increasingly used as an alternative to contact electrocautery and noncontact laser therapy.
The infection may then rapidly progress to full-blown bacteremic septic shock, accompanied by hypotension, anuria, disseminated intravascular coagulation and hypoglycemia.
Blood Research Centre, supervising research in platelet function, hypercoagulability in cancer and other disease states, and global tests of coagulation.
RedOrbit News - Technology
As more is learned about the role of coagulation and inflammation in sepsis, other therapies may emerge.
To achieve this, coagulation processes involve the addition of a chemical salt to electrically charge small water borne particles (known as 'colloidal matter') so that they attract and bind to each other to make larger particles, termed as 'floc', which can then float or settle. - Latest News
Size-resolved coagulation kernels for hydrometeor-hydrometeor coagulation include thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis, electric charge, gravitational collection, turbulent inertial motion, turbulent shear, Brownian motion, and convective Brownian diffusion enhancement.
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Coagulation was carried out with soft palpation of the probe against the bronchial wall, without pushing.
The petroleum soot is not formed by solid-phase charring of fuel but is produced by recombination and coagulation of aromatic molecules in the gas phase.
It activates another part of the coagulation process directly and bypasses the deficiencies.
VIBATIV does not interfere with coagulation, but does interfere with certain tests used to monitor coagulation such as prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, activated partial thromboplastin time, activated clotting time, and coagulation based factor Xa tests. Featured News and Stories
To mention examples, blood serum solidified at a suitable temperature is a highly suitable medium, and various media are made with extract of meat as a basis, with the addition of gelatine or agar as solidifying agents and of non-coagulable proteids (commercial "peptone") to make up for proteids lost by coagulation in the preparation.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
2002, Medicare approved coverage for home testing for patients on anticoagulation therapy with prosthetic heart valves, and in 2008, it expanded the availability of home testing to those who need long-term anticoagulation therapy, such as people with the heart condition atrial fibrillation.
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One of the key reactions in the mammalian blood coagulation and hemostatic process is the cleavage of the zymogen prothrombin to thrombin which in turn activates fibrinogen to fibrin, eventually resulting in clot formation.
Coagulation factors circulate as zymogens and platelet procoagulant surfaces are internalized.
If a coagulation defect is suspected, consultation with a hematologist may be the most cost-effective option in the absence of reasonable screening tests for specific abnormalities.
There is no record of it being applied to bleeding wounds - the English woundworts are effective in initiating coagulation by reason of their hairs.
For anturysm in the chest or abdomen (which cannot be dealt with by operation) the treatment may be tried of injecting a pure solution of gelatine into the loose tissues of the armpit, so that the gelatine may find its way into the blood stream and increase the chance of curative coagulation in the distant aneurysmal sac.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
The options for treatment of massive PE, in addition to the standard treatment of anticoagulation with heparin, include the following: thrombolytic therapy, open surgical embolectomy, and catheter thrombectomy.
Laser photocoagulation uses laser light to heat the intraocular tissue around a retinal hole or tear.
When correctly applied to a major arterial or venous "bleeder," it leads to an extremely rapid separation of liquid from the blood, which, in turn, concentrates clotting and coagulation, slowing a hemorrhage with remarkable speed and effectiveness.
Field First Aid: Stop Serious Bleeding Using QuikClot
All of them thought that they were computing the stability of a lyophobic colloid with respect to coagulation.
A computed tomographic scan demonstrated a pulmonary embolism, and anticoagulation therapy was initiated.
Size-resolved coagulation kernels for aerosol-hydrometeor coagulation include thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis, electric charge, gravitational collection, turbulent inertial motion, turbulent shear, Brownian motion, and convective Brownian diffusion enhancement.
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The peripheral total white blood cell count , differential count, and coagulation profile were all normal.
The longer you treat the greater the likelihood of a serious bleeding complication, the shorter the period of anticoagulation, the greater the risk of thrombotic events.
Archive 2009-01-01
In the case of the anxiety-disorder patients, however, the researchers observed through close analysis of the blood an activation of coagulation accompanied by an inhibition of fibrinolysis.
Archive 2008-03-01
Hemoptysis, erythrocytosis, brain abscesses, coagulation abnormalities, and cerebrovascular incidents are commonly associated with ES and not with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.
It is an immunologic attack in which the antigen is a heparin-platelet factor 4 complex which when linked with an IgG antibody activates and aggregates platelets which form microparticles and induces a thrombin storm of coagulation which must be treated by stopping the heparin and giving antithrombin agents.
Should we consider HIT (heparin induced thrombocytopenia) in cases of DVT and PE?
Does ultra sound help decisions regarding length of anticoagulation for DVT
Archive 2009-05-01
These lesions were better treated by attempting fulguration with the coagulation probe.
An increasing number of physicians report finding coagulation abnormalities in these patients.
This dosage of the vitamin resulted in no appreciable change in blood coagulation characteristics.
Patients with a mechanical valve require anticoagulation medication to prevent clots from forming on the valve.
Cardiac terms and definitions
Hemoptysis, erythrocytosis, brain abscesses, coagulation abnormalities, and cerebrovascular incidents are commonly associated with ES and not with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.
The actual setting temperature depends strongly on the proportion of sugar, which delays both protein coagulation and starch swelling; in a high-ratio cake, the starch may not gelate until close to 212°F/100°C.
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Once the epidural has taken effect, her abdomen is prepped with an antibacterial solution and a trochar is placed into the amniotic space to allow the introduction of instruments, such as a small camera (fetoscope) and a coagulation device into the amniotic cavity.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
It is, indeed, a true milk peptone -- that is, milk already partly digested, the coagulation of the coagulable portion being loose and flaky, and not of that firm indigestible nature which is the result of the action of the gastric juice upon cow's sweet milk.
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A study in laboratory rats showed that ginsenosides increased coagulation time of thrombin and activated partial thromboplastin (aPTT).
Yes, there's a genius-sounding treatment called thermocoagulation, which uses microwaves to zap unsightly veins on the legs and face.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to its role in activation of fibrin clot formation, thrombin plays an important regulatory role in coagulation.
The normal hemostatic mechanisms are vascular response, platelet plug formation and activation of coagulation factors with the formation of fibrin to stabilize the platelet plug.
The newer drug works on one protein in the coagulation cascade called thrombin - "which is right at the blood clot, the one right at the end of this process," Sharma says. Top Stories
The trial was a prospective, randomized, crossover study of 12 patients in an outpatient anticoagulation clinic.
In both cases, shortly after the birth of a child the patient had developed a nightmarish complication called disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Chicago Reader
These clotting factors are two of the many elements necessary for normal blood coagulation.
Due to the abnormal metabolism of the hematoblasts in the blood,blood coagulation generally takes longer for an irregular patient such as a hemophiliac or a patient with problem of liver function.
After coagulation the cheese is fermented with a souring agent containing lactobacilli, Streptococcus thermophilus and propionic acid bacteria.
Archive 2005-07-01
It aids digestion, controls iron uptake and synthesizes vital proteins such as coagulation factors.
There is a greater effect on the nerve-centres, but less swelling of the wound itself, and, whereas the blood of the rattlesnake's victim coagulates, the blood of the victim of an elapine snake -- that is, of one of the only poisonous American colubrines -- becomes watery and incapable of coagulation.
Through the Brazilian Wilderness
Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis.
Colchicine Poisoning
The family was counseled about management options that included selective laser photocoagulation therapy for selective bipolar umbilical cord cauterization given the high likelihood of death in the recipient fetus.
Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
This has been responsible for nonspecific post-operative bleeding in patients with normal coagulation parameters.
This laminar coagulation by constant additions gradually fills the aneurysmal cavity and the pulsation in the sac then ceases; contraction of the sac and its contents gradually takes place and the aneurysm is cured.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
In recent years literature is emerging on the role of different factors of blood coagulation in arterial thrombosis.
Effective treatments include electrolysis or electrocoagulation, along with intense pulsed-light treatment or laser therapy.
Times, Sunday Times
This may be appropriate for patients who are not suitable for anticoagulation.
Referrals for abnormal coagulation profiles are common challenges for pediatric hematology / oncology sections.
Referrals for abnormal coagulation profiles are common challenges for pediatric hematology / oncology sections.
Further, Trasylol® was non-selective and inhibited many proteins in addition to plasmin, including Factor XIa and kallikrein, important regulators of the coagulation cascade.
Omeros Licenses Novel Antifibrinolytic Agents - Yahoo! Finance
Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. “Nevertheless, further investigation with regard to the role of pharmacotherapy for reduction of the incidence of progression of retinopathy appears to be warranted," they added.
The Times of India
Success against clots that cause heart attacks and strokes requires finding a balance between keeping the blood thin enough to avoid coagulation and keeping it thick enough to prevent bleeding episodes.
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Methods : The clinic materials of 21 patients with obstetric disseminated intravascular coagulation were analyzed retrospectively.
Could the different rims that grow at different pressures act like blood platelets and affect the "coagulation" of the magma?
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Pain relief during panretinal photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy: a national survey
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The alcohols (eg, ethanol, methanol, propanol, and ethylene glycol) play a small role individually as fixatives but penetrate quickly and denature proteins by coagulation.
The septicemic plague was most rare and caused the victims body to turn purple due to DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation).
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It is the most effective method that diagnosing DIC early, supplying blood coagulation factor in time, applying heparin selectively and small-doses as soon as possible and removing uterus pat timing.
The authors assessed patients who were attending anticoagulation clinics in five Canadian teaching hospitals.
As there is an exponential increase in bleeding risk with a linear increase in anticoagulant effect, there will be a substantial increase in bleeding risk with overanticoagulation.
Look at several examples including, chemistry, hematology, coagulation and microbiology.
Coagulation studies would be indicated if the patient is receiving anticoagulant therapy, has a family or personal history that suggests a bleeding disorder or has evidence of liver disease.
The tumor, weighing 3600 g, was mostly cystic, and filled with sanguineous fluid and coagulation.
VIBATIV does not interfere with coagulation, but does interfere with certain tests used to monitor coagulation such as prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, activated partial thromboplastin time, activated clotting time, and coagulation based factor Xa tests. Featured News and Stories
The patient was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, verapamil and digoxin, and oxygen, and anticoagulation was adjusted.
Making ripened cheese is a three-step process: coagulation and precipitation of the curd, concentration of the curd, and ripening.
Look at several examples including, chemistry, hematology, coagulation and microbiology.
Altered skin perfusion, reduced urine output alterations in coagulation parameters, increases D-dimers, low protein C, low antithrombin, increased prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time unexplained alterations in mental status
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The identification of new genetic variants that may either directly or indirectly affect coagulation or the anticoagulant pathway, may greatly advance the understanding and clinical management of thrombophilia.
It is important to assess the effect of secondary prevention measures on coagulation in such patients.
Suture ligatures and electrocoagulation are the two most common techniques for hemostasis.
Although the pathogenesis of the syndrome is not precisely understood, the activation of coagulation is an important mechanism of injury.
Anticoagulation therapy was withheld unless the ultrasound test was positive.