How To Use Clumsiness In A Sentence
Recall Maurice, whose clumsiness is a boon in the Hughes house.
Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos: Questions
In spite of my ultimatum, my dad hovered around, worrying I might get hurt due to my so-called clumsiness!
Chicken Do Pyaza
Ask as well about more subtle signs like difficulty with memory, clumsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and drowsiness.
Paul Bigley can be forgiven his clumsiness: he's a freelancer winging it.
The completely unmoving, unconvincing romance between a wooden Hayden Christensen and an uncharacteristically bland Natalie Portman is only the most obvious clumsiness.

But Israel's political clumsiness is even more reason for Israel supporters to reaffirm and defend the country's moral standing.
David Suissa: The Loyalty Oath Is a Good Deal
Motor dysfunction of the hands often manifests itself as ‘clumsiness’ that mimics cerebral apraxia, rather than as objective weakness.
The book also chronicles his personal charms, social clumsiness and confusion in his own sexuality.
Seriously, if a man is a clumsy oaf before you met him, he'll always have that streak of clumsiness.
As the disorder progresses, a person with Huntington's develops involuntary jerky movements, muscle weakness and clumsiness.
Toni's social clumsiness leaves her without the fiancé she wants.
The nobles were coming sternward with a care that their clumsiness fully justified.
Lord of the Isles
Piaget interviewed children to discover their concepts and beliefs about clumsiness and accidents.
In the first place, I want to apologize for my clumsiness to the people who I offended.
Other causes of apparent clumsiness include visual impairment, orthopedic disorders, mild cerebral palsy, hereditary ataxia, and congenital chorea.
To conservatives who cite his verbal "clumsiness", I say have you ever heard of Rep. Michele Bachmann?
Lynch takes steps to run for Kennedy seat
Finally there's the problem of arrogance, of the almost doltish clumsiness with which the powerful and confident can pursue their goals.
It was always in the way, he was averring, while Hartman was talking back to him and with fitting secret-service pride explaining to him the clumsiness of the police.
Chapter 22: The Chicago Commune
Instead the insurgent used the power and the clumsiness of the government against itself rather as a judo throw by which a smaller wrestler can topple a stronger and heavier opponent.
The plant forms are strange and various, with a contrasting range of grace and clumsiness and even misproportion.
His clumsiness around Celia contrasts well with the smooth confidence he displays at the casino.
His hands and feet seemed to have reverted to their hobbledehoy clumsiness of some years back, in his pimply boyhood, but for all that, the look she gave him in departing made him feel tall, confident and gainly.
The Leper of Saint Giles
It was in her clumsiness that when she moved to turn around after the hymn she knocked her music folder expertly over the edge of the pew stall and onto the marble floor out of her reach.
She stood fidgeting from foot to foot as the silver-haired little woman grumbled about the clumsiness of the girl.
With that peculiar leaden-footed clumsiness he was to display later in life, Wagner Jr told Humperdinck: "Your polyphonic texture is a true marvel", which could be a description of a variety of pebbledash.
Bliss; BBC Prom 61: Hänsel and Gretel
He is a marvel in his performance, exploring beautifully the quiet intelligence and social clumsiness of the man he portrays.
Although thought to be particularly associated with Asperger's syndrome, clumsiness or incoordination (developmental coordination disorder) can occur in any of the autistic spectrum disorders
Galileo's case confronts us with the heaviness and clumsiness of scientific changes due to the social habits of the scientific community.
That question undid the poor, shy scholar and he fled to the seashore to berate himself for his clumsiness.
And to think that she had come so near holding this inimitable creature in her hand, and by overhaste, or clumsiness of statement should lose it!
The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
Do you think my clumsiness will be the death of me?
Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
Imputed the rocket failure to a faulty gasket; kindly imputed my clumsiness to inexperience.
The architect, however, takes the tool out of the artisan's hand and although he remonstrates with him for his clumsiness, begins to enact forgiveness.
As such, he was utterly made for the job, as his combination of physical clumsiness, verbal ineptitude and unwaveringly glaikit expression must have made even the most gauche and pallid code-cruncher feel like a cocksure sophisticate.
Be My Enemy
Despite all my clumsiness, which is legendary, I have never broken a bone.
Dislikes: Being left out, zits, runs in tights, platform flip flops, clumsiness, hand me downs, flared jeans, Jell-O.
The will of the spirit must become something which it is not, as yet, from the very start, — truly free; and it is free only when that feebleness, which is primarily merely a sort of clumsiness, is overcome, — when the spirit is not only in general willing to do God’s will, but also shows in each particular case the same unwavering willingness.
Christian Ethics. Volume II.���Pure Ethics.
And, based on this schematic analysis, it is an effort to see how the mistake of "clumsiness" can emerge from normal skilled performance.
Archive 2009-05-01
She did not like his lusty ways and youthful clumsiness.
Journalists write with undisguised glee about day-to-day clumsiness within the company.
Other causes of apparent clumsiness include visual impairment, orthopedic disorders, mild cerebral palsy, hereditary ataxia, and congenital chorea.
She was a colossus in all her limbs - a marvel of strength and a prodigy of clumsiness.
I realise this, in itself, is not evidence of my unluckiness: more sheer clumsiness.
The left hemiparesis resulted in a clumsiness and loss of feeling and sensation particularly affecting his right hand, although fortunately he is left handed.
I knew that I was dead from fright and would be beaten afterward for clumsiness.
The litter bearers stumbled at these insults, almost spilling Valeria onto the pavement, and I don't think their clumsiness was a mistake.
Hadrian's Wall.html
But now I feel there was something rather endearing about my uncultured clumsiness.
An excuse of social clumsiness was the only thing I could come up with.
But despite kangaroos’ ungracefulness and clumsiness, and despite emus flightlessness and feistiness, both have been elevated to the position of Australia's national animal and bird, respectively.
These gaffes can be attributed to his characteristic clumsiness.
His clumsiness embarrassed him.
His political clumsiness and know-it-all manner raise questions about his ability to inspire the country and work with Congress.
We learn right away that Bella’s main trait is clumsiness, which is used more as a plot device rather than a personality quirk.
Book Review: Twilight | Heretical Ideas Magazine
Yet, in its clumsiness and incorrectness, it more accurately conveys Pamela's sense that she has done nothing wrong, though she is made to feel as if she has.
They let me stumble about on the trails for a time before my clumsiness flushed a covey of doves from their rest.
Unabashed in its assertion of heart amidst perpetually complex and highly-integrated displays of structured defectiveness that are ingeniously and rhythmically played out through relatable everyday situations, this multi-dimensional testament to the complexity, ridiculousness and awkward clumsiness of multi-tiered family relations strikes a sentimental chord on just the right frequency. The Top 10 TV Comedies of 2011
Johnson plays the innate clumsiness and discomfort that we'd expect to accompany a recent bodily acquisition like this with apparent ease and deft comedic mannerism.
The latter pretended to be at work, and occasionally the second lieutenant "jawed" at him for his clumsiness in lacing the sailcloth.
On The Blockade
Knowing that people were laughing at my tallness, my clumsiness in formal settings, I learned to laugh at myself.
All he sees are the spelling mistakes, the inkblots, the accidental repetitions, the unwilled clumsiness.
Times, Sunday Times
It's as if these two sides of his character, the passion and the buffoonish clumsiness are interlocked, as if he's a pan that's continually on the verge of boiling over.