How To Use Cloy In A Sentence

  • The fact that I first met it as part of a pavlova didn't help: the deep clouds of snow-white sugar-cake need a fruit with a sting in its tail (the Antipodeans are bang on with their inclusion of passion fruit) if the dessert isn't to cloy. Tender delights
  • She cloyed her appetite with rich food.
  • There's also a cloying crème brûlée made with semolina, and a refreshingly chalky caramel parfait on a bed of thinly sliced stewed pears.
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never maudlin, never cloying, the story is that of a judo champion struck down in a road accident and almost overnight becoming a paraplegic in a wheelchair.
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  • It opens up nicely in less than an hour and has the kind of jammy sweetness associated with Syrah - but not so much that it's cloying. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • The beat lilts rather than swings, and there's a sweetness about the melodies that can become cloying if you listen too much.
  • The cloying heaviness of snacking on cheese instead of ginger snaps left me feeling dull and vaguely nauseous.
  • The sentimentality, which at times reaches unbearable levels, is saccharine and cloying.
  • I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch. The Days Before Yesterday
  • This jumbled exercise by Bulareyaung Pagarlava amounts to a shapeless sampler of miscellaneous moods and shticks, from the cloyingly cute to the utterly arbitrary. A Cautionary Tale in Dance
  • Seynt Symeon: and with oute the cloyster of the temple, toward the northe, is a fulle faire chirche of Seynte Anne, oure ladyes modre: and there was oure lady conceyved. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Its strong points are undermined by cloying sentimentality and whimsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amorphous plotlessness, cloying sentimentality, other things. Freedom Films with English Subtitles
  • Ultimately, the moralism of Veber's fable becomes slightly cloying, as the film suggests that a simple change in perspective from time to time is enough to make that stultifying job at the plant more bearable.
  • The pair play natives of that country - sweet, carefree adolescents whose blithe athleticism and pert demeanor are just a little cloying.
  • There are several scenes which involve abrasive personal confrontation, which I felt were irrelevant, but presumably were introduced for fear of the film becoming cloying.
  • The scent of blood cloyed as revenants mindlessly cleaned up the matching body. Kiss of a Demon King
  • cloyless sauce of epicurean cook," but the guerdon of the battle is none the less Mark Antony. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • The service was attentive and friendly without being cloying, the branded toothpicks in their 'matchbook' holders a funky touch, and the bill a pretty reasonable £95 including service - which, surprisingly for London, wasn't included as standard! Archive 2008-05-01
  • Cloying speech or sentiment.
  • Kenworthy hated him for his spoken English, his meticulous vowels so cloyingly off-beam. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The salty taste of the cheese and round coolness of the sourdough was a perfect match for the cloyingly tangy-sweet sauce of Branston Pickle. My quest to discover Branston Pickle
  • After its risible opening - Princeton admissions officers rifling through applications under cloying voiceover - the movie only sinks lower.
  • It's a syrupy, drippy, cloyingly sweet story of a son's enduring love for his troubled father.
  • Other women cloy The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry Where most she satisfies; for vilest things Become themselves in her, that the holy priests Bless her when she is riggish. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 3
  • There's the moist, sticky sensation on the tongue, as the gooey melting thickness cloys one's mouth irresistibly.
  • McCloy points out that their differences even extend to the way they like to party, explaining that two members are non-drinkers and the others are ‘total drunks.’
  • Despite a predictable script, Jugnot is still able to play an immensely sympathetic character without being cloying.
  • And he immediately set off at a jog-trot down an unapproved road near Aughnacloy or Swanllinbar or Lifford.
  • The ingenuity with which this great organ raises the cloyless topic every silly season under another name, is beyond all praise. Without Prejudice
  • Between the hall and chancel, fronting the great castle gate, was a large chamber, with several rooms, and a cloyster under it, pulled down A.D. 1700; for which, when standing, in the reign of King Henry VIII., there was one suit of hangings of the story of Hercules; which are supposed to be those still remaining at the seat of Lord Howard, of Walden. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 575, November 10, 1832
  • But I can tell you - walking into my backyard on a day like today: sunny, perfectly warm without being cloyingly sticky and not a cloud in the sky, inspiration is everywhere. Archive 2009-08-01
  • In Graham Stuart Thomas’ Three Gardens of Pleasant Flowers: With Notes on Their Design, Maintenance, and Plants (1983), p. 9, meanwhile, we find the rather cloying remark, “Plants as a rule increase … and the giving away of manavilins is a blessed form of friendship in which we all take pleasure.” Manavalums
  • Yet as we proceed in Afghanistan, even the most well considered of PowerPoint policy recommendations read like parodies of the social-scientist-in-uniform pitches that cloyed in the Vietnam jungles. Magic and Mayhem
  • My beef hash with poached egg was cloying, stuck together far more than it should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other women cloy The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry Where most she satisfied; for vilest things Become themselves in her, that the holy priests Bless her when she is riggish. Shakespeare
  • That she manages all of this without ever becoming cloying is a big achievement. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Many of these vineyards survived, partly out of neglect, and partly because of the popularity of White Zinfandel, a cloyingly sweet "blush" wine created at Sutter Home Vineyard in 1975. The Power and Punch of Zinfandel
  • A cloying Riverside surface hardly explained the endless procession of misplaced passes, unimaginative runs and poor first touches.
  • At times, the tenor of the discussions became cloyingly self-congratulatory.
  • Using it after produced a soggier cookie that was almost cloying. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In that same year he, with some 'other gentlemen,' engaged in an adventure for hidden treasure: they 'played the hazel rod round about the cloyster,' and digged, in the place indicated, six feet deep, till they came to a coffin; but they did not open it, for which they were afterward regretful, thinking that _it_ probably contained the treasure. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 4, October, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • We found this just a little cloying in its sweetness, not sufficiently clean, although pleasant enough. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • But when the songs are less than first class they can sound cloying and too fussy.
  • The beat lilts rather than swings, and there's a sweetness about the melodies that can become cloying if you listen too much.
  • Impossible to change because of their clawlike rigidity, the gauze had begun to exude the cloying reek of infection. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • But the spectacle can cloy and a sadness lingers after the pageant has moved on as householders emerge with shovels and brooms to sweep away all trace of their work.
  • Chenault has his semi-literate protagonist delivering words like "cloying" and lines like "in the squared circle of hell. 'Shadowboxer: Based on the Life of Joe Louis' at Maryland Opera Studio
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the "perpetual feast of nectared sweets" that the "Telemachus" affords, is felt at times to be almost cloying, it is not, as our readers have now seen, for want of occasional contrasts of a bitterness sufficiently mordant and drastic. Classic French Course in English
  • The chemistry between Russell and Stowe sparky, but mostly good-humoured is off-set against the cloying danger presented by Liotta's character.
  • At the banquet the king took his station, incog. in a little closet made out of the cloyster of St. St.phen's, on the right side of the hall. Coronation Anecdotes
  • That's right, Randy McCloy, Jr. is here because this is the closest facility to where he was in West Virginia that has what's called a hyperbaric chamber. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2006
  • What this book reminded me of again and again, and to its detriment, was Geoff Ryman's 253, which started out as hypertext and eventually was published. 253 can be both or alternately tedious and addictive, but I generally feel that the writing is better than in 10:01, perhaps because it is less intent on creating various voices, a technique I find cloying unless the writer is a particular sort of ventriloquistic genius. LitBlog Co-Op
  • But Manhattan is not a friendly place and she soon discovers that her cloying, saccharine compositions are about as welcome as toothache.
  • However elements that might sound cloying or annoying in other hands - decorative kalimba, guest vocals, over-tasteful mixing - are held in check by the leader, whose own soloing has an admirable edge.
  • An example of weight and character without cloying sweetness. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Although, except for a cloying scent that was fast bringing on a megrim, the little parlor of Gabriel's Lady
  • The Religious getting up at that Hour, going through the Cloyster to their Church, to chaunt Mattins, they found this young Gentlewoman sprawling in the midst of the Cloyster, almost dead with the Fall: They took her up, and put her into a warm Bed, let her blood, and apply'd all other The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • Or tread the cloyster gloom with weeds oergrown & damp Letter 16
  • This tale cloys today's palate: we miss the astringent irony which Thomas Hardy would have brought to circumstances like these.
  • The sticks are too new and they give out a pungent, gluey, cloying smell. SEA MUSIC
  • Gautier calls it Panatela, and it has very nice butterscotch and caramel flavors, and while sweet, it is not cloying.
  • She was particularly cloyed by the dozens of questions the press posed about Garrigues, whom she regarded as little more than a good buddy. Bobby and Jackie
  • And toure the coue, that cloyde your duds, [39] upon the chates to trine. [ Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896]
  • It did not result in the best pie - it was cloying and overly sweet.
  • Really, liberals are all "cloying" when it comes to Obama? Michael J.W. Stickings: Chris Hedges and the Left-Wing Attack on Liberals, Liberalism, and Barack Obama
  • Yet predictable and familiar though they may be, in "Falling Skies" they do not cloy. Hollow Points and Cream Puffs
  • What makes this almost parodic is the self-conscious whimsy that conjoins animate and inanimate in a gesture of closeness conventionally reserved for animate beings alone, an archness that often cloys in Hunt but that points to a more serious scrambling of subjects and objects in bibliophilic writing generally, where books repeatedly turn into quasi-subjects and persons into quasi-objects. Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
  • This is a wonderful wine - honeyed and rich without being remotely cloying.
  • It's cloying to my ears, all this sweetness, all this oh-what-a-wonderful-couple-we-are.
  • He swallowed, the sweetness of the pancakes cloying and thick on his tongue.
  • That's not to say it's devoid of feeling, it's just there are no cloying resolutions or scenes written as tear-jerkers.
  • This is a train wreck of a movie, but it takes itself so seriously and it is so cloyingly Shaqcentric that it is nearly impossible to look away. Shaq’s Steel on DVD - The Retroist
  • From behind the clan house came the cloying reek of the associated charnel house. Fire The Sky
  • Its strong points are undermined by cloying sentimentality and whimsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arrgh… Time to uncork a bottle of wine and drink a toast to the cloying self-love that swirls through my lovely little city.
  • The rot spreads, mould covering the sheen of life, dragging it down with cloying, asphyxiating stealth.
  • The deserts are similarly cloying and sticky, although a couple of them (the passion-fruit-meringue pie and a towering, three-decker coconut flan) are compulsively edible.
  • That the nostalgic bent can lapse into cloying sentimentality is obvious.
  • The world has got to stop this craven, cloying, tacit support for a religious group, based on the obscenities of the past, regularly regurgitated as justification for 21st century human butchery.
  • The public perception of these wines as a whole is that they are cloyingly sweet, a perception has that damaged the grape's image no matter where it is produced.
  • I prefer the traditional tomato sauce over the mushroom gravy, which was rich and cloying.
  • Yet I lusted to thieve, and did it, compelled by no hunger, nor poverty, but through a cloyedness of well-doing, and a pamperedness of iniquity. The Confessions
  • Nor was this all-pervading caress a something that cloyed with too great sweetness; nor was it sickly sentimental; nor was it maudlin with love's madness. Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
  • Its strong points are undermined by cloying sentimentality and whimsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burton, already cloyed with civilization, conceived the idea of journeying, via Zeila in Somaliland, to the forbidden and therefore almost unknown city of Harar, and thence to Zanzibar. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • I find it kind of cloying, but then I was really, really disappinted in the ending of No More Heroes, too. I'd Rather Let The Flowers Keep Doing What They Do Best
  • And it was crisp and sweet without being cloying, although I like slightly tart apples as well.
  • That it covered up rather than exposed, that it was like a phony grin - cloying. Archive 2006-12-01
  • The pizza was unspeakable, the strawberry cheesecake cloying. Times, Sunday Times
  • After his appetite had been somewhat cloyed, Prince, shuddering as he did so, passed him a mug of weak beef tea. An Odyssey of the North
  • Besides, the cassia wine was sweet to the point of cloyingness. The Speaker Of Mandarin
  • He noticed the "thickest, greasiest, most cloying smoke I've ever seen. What It Takes To Survive
  • Equally irksome, however, is the trend for outpourings of cloying sentimentality that deface the personal columns at this time of year.
  • This, however, tasted the way squid should - it was delicately marinated, rather than cloyingly covered in soy sauce, and had the texture of beautifully done scallops rather than over-cooked inner tubes.
  • She cloyed her appetite with rich food.
  • Its strong points are undermined by cloying sentimentality and whimsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the down side, every fifth stall has a spaced-out looking granddad of the love generation selling cutely cloying portrayals of gnomes, wood spirits or elves.
  • Justice Minister Alan Shatter pledged to pass a new law making it an imprisonable crime to withhold knowledge of suspected child abuse as he published the investigation into the Cloyne diocese in southwest Ireland. Ireland unveils new report on Catholic child abuse
  • Far from cloyingly sentimental, Sylvian's songs reflect a deep and abiding sense of the sacred eternally renewed in the common.
  • Somehow, she manages to sound earnest without being cloying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abundant and distinctive flavors of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine .
  • The villain in the story is J. McCloy, the High Commissioner of Germany - who in addition to setting nearly all of the NMT convicted free by the early 1950s, was also one of the US officials who had turned down J.wish requests to bomb Auschwitz on the ground that doing so was "impracticable" and would divert necessary resources from "decisive operations elsewhere. Opinio Juris
  • I know I shall immediately receive a letter of credit from you, and then, with what alacrity shall I begin the last journey, I trust I shall ever take; once again in the peaceful shelter of our dear cloyster; never, never more, shall my heart, or feet become wanderers. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • This is a wonderful wine - honeyed and rich without being remotely cloying.
  • He portrays Ken as both likable and convincing without making the characterization cloying.
  • Ironically, for all the delicious aromas that fill the kitchen as this bread becomes reality, the finished loaf is not cloyingly sweet. It's Baaack!
  • Chairman of the Friends of the Museum and borough councillor John McCloy does not see a problem.
  • And of course, they're going to pick the sort of songs that the Cure just kept on the right side of embarrassing, the kind that you might have viewed as gospel in your hormonall - challenging teen years that their cloying, lustless approach will completely ruin for you. Pitchfork: Latest News
  • McCloy's short, but fascinating piece documents the events of one fateful night when a gig is busted by the police.
  • The chocolate and orange mousse with a brash tangerine sorbet had the virtue of not being cloyingly oversweetened; a soft meringue and chocolate roulade had the virtue of looking like the sort of thing you might actually want to buy from the freezer cabinet at Iceland but wouldn't dream of purchasing for fear of being spotted by the neighbours. Restaurant review: Create
  • The video's child-friendly dabbling with big ideas can seem cloyingly cute. The city as artifice, created as you watch
  • The agonizingly mundane and generic first half of the film seems a decade older than it really is especially when compared to David Cronenberg's THE DEAD ZONE, made the same year , right down to the font of the title credits, the cloying score by Charles Bernstein, and the overall Lifetime TV for Women atmosphere. Cujo hates his name
  • You can get bizarre flavours like emulsion paint, or a nasty, cloying butterscotch.
  • Both are clever, but Bowen so persistently that one is almost cloyed. To the North, by Elizabeth Bowen « Unknowing
  • Its cloying scent brought on sickness and a special heavy sadness. THE GOLDEN LION
  • He does not attempt to jazz things up with cloying camerawork and jarring technique in an effort to be stylish.
  • In the words of this table _oi_ and _oy_ are pronounced alike. coy coil join loin toil soil foist boil coin cloy point broil joist hoist joint enjoy voice royal noise spoil moist avoid choice annoy doily employ oyster anoint poison boiler The Beacon Second Reader
  • Many have seen the work as escapist or cloyingly sentimental.
  • It's still warm and the pungent, cloying, smell of incinerated tree still fills the air, 36 hours on.
  • It smells like sunscreen, and the cloying heaviness of cigar smoke.
  • So McCloy greased your palm a bit to walk home with Hatton and catch him unawares.
  • The juice from grapes harvested at optimum ripeness for wine has a rather cloying sweetness which can overshadow the refreshing acidity.
  • Words fail as I attempt to describe this disgusting spew of random horn hits and cloying, overloud singing, but I'll leave it like this.
  • An example of weight and character without cloying sweetness. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • It was while staying at Bombay as Mr. Lumsden's guest that Burton, already cloyed with civilization, conceived the idea of journeying, via Zeila in Somaliland, to the forbidden and therefore almost unknown city of Harar, and thence to Zanzibar. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • That's not to say it's devoid of feeling, it's just there are no cloying resolutions or scenes written as tear-jerkers.
  • Beyond that, however, she was cloyingly solicitous, insisting she would send a footman with some of Ballyclose's damson jam. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • It breeds a corrupting self-awareness that cloys mind and heart alike.
  • My beef hash with poached egg was cloying, stuck together far more than it should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • True, there were moments of pain -- the moments of daily parting -- but these were brief, and perhaps only prevented the cloyment of too much joy -- if such a thing be possible. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Many have seen the work as escapist or cloyingly sentimental - ‘novelettish and pretty-pretty, ‘as one eminent Straussian described it.
  • Generally, the worst thing you can say about a movie like this is that it's cloying sentimental glop.
  • By the late nineties, many critics had begun to find Iranian films cloying and repetitious, and The Silence doesn't exactly help that particular cause.
  • Jezrael inhaled freshness, trying to rid her nostrils of that cloying, heavy scent.
  • Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.
  • The chicken and fruits, combined with honey and lemon, were sweet without being cloying, and struck the exact balance between tangy and savoury.
  • I played it several times and it was OK but after a while the game sarted to cloy on me. New Ogres on the Horizon? « Third Point of Singularity
  • Just writing this made me recall the cloying twee-ness of the Spin Magazine Online -
  • The cashew nut pesto was lost in a cloying sea of sweet chilli syrup.
  • Among the other elements are an openness to experimentation, uncloying sweetness of tone, and articulation of unparalleled versatility. Times, Sunday Times
  • She holds out a blender pitcher, and I smell the sweet, cloying scent of bananas and rum. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • There are more jokes about big pants and Christmas sweaters, while Bridget's ghastly friends return for cloying heart-to-hearts.
  • As a pie filling it is rich and dark without the cloying and heavy qualities of mincemeat.
  • I do not recommend the parfait of foie gras and chicken liver, which had a cloying sweetness at the edges, or the fried Blue Point oysters, void of ocean freshness.
  • Somehow, she manages to sound earnest without being cloying. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not the place to wimp out and order sweet and sour monkfish, consisting of a bunch of dry fish cubes with canned pineapple and cloying vinegary sauce.
  • She did not seem to mind the cloying saccharine smell as she briskly walked past rows of incapacitated men, they heads so filled with the narcotic fumes that it was a miracle that they were still alive.
  • This tale cloys today's palate: we miss the astringent irony which Thomas Hardy would have brought to circumstances like these.
  • Everyone has been kindness itself, without being cloyingly polite to the foreigner.
  • When Mr. Duncan opened a small gelato shop in Washington, D.C., in 2004, he found his engineering and software background rather useless when it came to fixing a vanilla gelato that came out cloyingly sweet, a chocolate gelato that was inexplicably hard and dulce de leche that was too runny. The Self-Taught Mad Genius of Gelato
  • Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite
  • The wine is very rich, but the acidity saves it from being cloying.
  • Nor was this all-pervading caress a something that cloyed with too great sweetness; nor was it sickly sentimental; nor was it maudlin with love's madness. Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
  • The cloying heat of the cottage was replaced by the raw coldness of the night.
  • And in indie rock, the Postal Service got much press for ditching a traditional band format in favor of the pulse and whir of gadgets, though the songs were still cloying and mopish, and made me want to dig out my old Howard Jones LPs. Disquiet » Best CDs of 2003
  • But most readers can probably recognize the cloying phraseology as self-serving.
  • The cloying smell hit me when we entered the thick brush, canopied by towering pines.
  • What had felt so spirited and fresh back then feels disappointingly syrupy and cloying now.
  • In fact, both the characters and the "humor" with which their stories are larded seem only more cloying for the obvious effort being made to use them to inflate an inherently cliched narrative -- a mother treks her way across the continent to be reunited with her child -- into something less sentimental and more "vivid. Book Reviewing
  • He made also a beautiful window in the great hall "overlooking the cloyster. The New Guide to Peterborough Cathedral
  • In a few moments, the muggy cloyingness of the air was gone. Beyond World's End
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • But lacking form and rhythm, and convincing only in passages, they amount to a cloying coquettishness. The Shape of Things
  • And faste by, is the temple of Seynt Symeon: and with oute the cloyster of the temple, toward the northe, is a fulle faire chirche of Seynte Anne, oure ladyes modre: and there was oure lady conceyved. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Hitchcock is not cloy or vague about what happens to Marion. Scary vs. Horrifying
  • Doctors say the survivor , 27 - year - old Randal McCloy , is suffering from dehydration and is sedated.
  • Others - notably anything frosted with the unpleasantly grainy chocolate buttercream frosting - can cloy.
  • The story comes close to cloying, but never crosses the boundary.
  • Two recesses for aumbries are still to be seen in the cloister at Worcester: it is recorded that one book, the Speculum Spiritualium, was to be delivered "to ye cloyster awmery. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • Goody Cloyse, that excellent old Christian, stood in the early sunshine at her own lattice, catechising a little girl who had brought her a pint of morning's milk.
  • We found this just a little cloying in its sweetness, not sufficiently clean, although pleasant enough. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Bad as was to me this detection by San Carlo, this-frost in July, this blow from a bride, there was still a worse, namely the cloy or satiety of the saints. Representative Men
  • The song sounds like a mix of "We Didn't Start the Fire" and those fakey Juno Comcast commercials (which at last answered the burning question of how to make Kimya Dawson more maddeningly cloying: create a fake Kimya Dawson!). Fourfour:
  • Sweet but not cloying, it's a choice dessert for health-conscious diners.
  • But later, when they're over-rehearsed into being preternaturally wise and all-seeing, they start to cloy.
  • The piece is oversweet to the point of cloying. Times, Sunday Times
  • This kind of singing cuts through the noise but can become cloying.
  • The cloying scent of antiseptic was a thin veneer to the underlying smell of infection and decay. A Good Place for Graves « A Fly in Amber
  • VI. there is the following item: -- "The space between the wall of the church and the wall of the cloyster shall conteyne 38 feyte, which is left for to sett in certayne trees and flowers, behovable and convenient for the custom of the said church. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 369, May 9, 1829
  • What had felt so spirited and fresh back then feels disappointingly syrupy and cloying now.
  • In the kitchen I find adding lemon, in the form of syrup, zest or juice, has a dazzling effect, removing at once their tendency to cloy. Nigel Slater's peach recipes
  • The air hangs heavy, thick and impenetrable, as cloying and claustrophobic as incense.
  • Well, Randy McCloy has been here since yesterday afternoon, and we know he received the first what have is called a hyperbaric chamber treatment yesterday. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2006
  • We found this just a little cloying in its sweetness, not sufficiently clean, although pleasant enough. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • The heavy cloying unhappiness of the dream still clung around her like an aura. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • This sort of thing can be cloyingly precious, self-indulgently gay, and, in its Freudian undertones and chintzy neo-Victorianism, very 1950s.
  • It showed some cosy family with a couple of small kids, all cloying sweetness and perfection, such as exists purely in adland.
  • This story of parting manages to be poignant and pretty yet not cloying and the rhythm will move you as much as the words.
  • Something in this resembles the versatile split-second shift from cloy to edge, from acrid to sentiment and back again, in Emin's work; the neon Be Faithful to your dreams (1998) next to Good Smile Great Come (2000) next to MY CUNT IS WET WITH FEAR (1998) next to Love is What You Want (2011). Tracey Emin: 'What you see is what I am'
  • The novel's plot is interesting, but the dialogue is just too cloying.
  • Such blatant attempts by panic-stricken politicos to ‘endear’ themselves to voters only ever end up looking like the cynical, cloying stunts they really are.
  • How could I not like someone who called the cloyingly brooding Angel “Angel cakes”? Lorne moves on to his next life
  • By the time we have walked along the cloying pebble beach for a few hundred yards, our strength has been sapped too much to attempt the obligatory nonchalant ogle at the nudist beach further along.
  • One factor that may make it more palatable and not so cloying is that Karim is experiencing these feelings and situations for the first time, yet reacts in a way that not even an average fifteen-year-old in a coming-of-age story would, because he's not solely an innocent -- he's nearly a machine, and the novel is the story of his deepening resistance to that automatonlike sensibility. Anis Shivani: The Best Post-9/11 Novel: Huffington Post Interviews Teddy Wayne, Author of "Kapitoil"
  • Their romantic relationship is nicely developed, but not to the point where it becomes cloying.
  • She embodied the role with a lovely, uncloying lightness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prior to last year's lamb roast, I'd never been a great admirer of baklava - so often dry, sticky, cloyingly sweet - but the Knight family's rendition is another thing entirely.

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