How To Use Cloudless In A Sentence

  • The morning sky was cloudless, and a dark shade of slate gray, not yet dawn.
  • An astronaut orbiting 230 miles high grabbed his camera to capture the cloudless scene. The Sun
  • a great artiste's rendering of that story of fierce passion and aching desire so brilliantly enacted under the white sunbeat of a country of cloudless skies. Wyoming, a Story of the Outdoor West
  • The Russian leader mocked U.S. businessmen who he said had boasted at last year's Davos meeting of the U.S. economy's fundamental strength and "cloudless" prospects. Russia, China Blame Woes on Capitalism
  • Too many people think that perfect weather is a cloudless blue sky, but good weather and cloudy weather are not necessarily in opposition to each other. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
  • Few experiences in life can deliver the simple pleasure of driving an open-top sports car on an open road under a cloudless sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the most cloudless period of my whole career as a translator: pure art unsoiled by greed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Passage begins on a wide seashore backed with dunes against a cloudless sky.
  • An astronaut orbiting 230 miles high grabbed his camera to capture the cloudless scene. The Sun
  • The Moon in a cloudless blue sky is visible directly above the spacecraft.
  • It feels really odd to be sneezing and snotty and reaching for the Kleenex when the swallows are arcing through a cloudless sky…
  • We continued to watch in silence as the smoke slowly dissipated, leaving only the cloudless, star-punctured sky.
  • It was a cloudless summer morning, and all Nature, smiling in her felicity, sent up a hymn of adoration to the author of her beauty.
  • It was the middle of the day, and the cloudless sky above took on a nightmarish shade of black.
  • On a cloudless night, that radiation escapes into space, the ground rapidly cools off and the night turns cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a still, cloudless day of pale sunshine. Seminary Boy
  • Friday, Jan. 28, 2005 - 11: 56 a.m. He stands alone before the floor to ceiling glass, looking out at the aerobridge and the aircraft docked to it, under a cloudless summer sky. Justinker Diary Entry
  • It was a hot, cloudless and humid day, 27 degrees centigrade, with a light south-easterly wind.
  • From prescription, in the case of hypaethral edifices, open to the sky, in honour of Jupiter Lightning, the Heaven, the Sun, or the Moon: for these are gods whose semblances and manifestations we behold before our very eyes in the sky when it is cloudless and bright. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • But then the full moon rose in cloudless serenity, and at length we heard, faintly, then more distinctly, and then in all its deep and sonorous harmony, the tolling of the cathedral bell, which announced our vicinity to a great city. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • It was the first of August , a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudless sky.
  • The large sun hung in cloudless sky like a pocket watch that had stopped swinging. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Seated on her bench beneath the wide, cloudless bay, she would never admit that she longed for the messy logistics of a man.
  • In an existence cloudless as her own, magnanimousness required little effort. The Wall Between
  • The sun was shining warm and cloudless, and every bit of dew had long been dried; and Tina, in refreshed spirits, proposed that they should explore the wonders of the pasture-lot, – especially that they should find out where the river was whose waters they heard gurgling behind the leafy wall of wild vines. Oldtown Folks
  • Geeky star-gazing pleasure to be had without waiting for a cloudless night. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cloudless sky allowed a hearty sun to toast our peely-wally skin when we stopped in Glencoe for our picnic.
  • He stood outside the brewery, with a beer raised to his lips, the downtown skyline poking the cloudless distance behind him.
  • Suddenly, the whole Net vanishes, except for a few pinpricks of light, far, far away, imitating the stars on a cloudless, impossibly dark night.
  • But when the sun goes down, those cloudless, starlit nights are the envy of astronomers around the world.
  • A near cloudless sky and a light north-easterly breeze made it feel more like a day in early June than in October.
  • From the cave of my ignorance, amid the fogs of my dulness, and pestilential fumes of my political heresies, I look up to thee, as doth a toad through the iron-barred lucarne of a pestiferous dungeon, to the cloudless glory of The Letters of Robert Burns
  • This year the little town was especially seductive, what with cloudless skies by day, a bedazzlement of stars by night and, at an altitude of almost two miles, mountain air as fragrant as it was thin. Thin Air, Rich Fare
  • The bright sun shines in a cloudless sky, and a light breeze riffles the clear waters of an open pool in the sea ice of McMurdo Sound.
  • Figure 3 shows the scatter plot of estimated versus measured cloudless values for the three data sets.
  • The isolated, treeless mountain under the usually cloudless sky of beautiful blue strongly recalls the buttes of our Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • It is thoroughly bone-chilling on nights of the full moon when there are cloudless skies.
  • The flash of guns and long lines of musket fire could be seen in bright relief against the blue and cloudless sky.
  • This for the outsetting: light-hearted badinage, a fair summer afternoon, a zephyrish breeze coming in tiny cat's-paws out of the north-west, and a cloudless sky. The Price
  • Second, only cloudless sky conditions are modeled, nevertheless a range of aerosol loadings may be achieved by modifying the transmissivity.
  • Fine warm day and fine cloudless cold night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, the sun floated high above them in a clear, cloudless blue sky.
  • The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue.
  • The moon waxed unhurriedly across the starry cloudless skies, sharing what little light it had borrowed from the sun with the earth for the duration of the night.
  • Behind was a cloudless blue sky that should have had a paint colour named after it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bleached stalks of agave and sotol pierce the cloudless blue sky.
  • Behind was a cloudless blue sky that should have had a paint colour named after it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day dawned with a cloudless sky.
  • I know it may shock you to know I haven't led a blameless life, that my past is not a blissful stroll in the park on a sunny day with bluebirds winging in a cloudless sky.
  • It had been an absolutely beautiful day: cloudless, warm and awash with the scent of blossom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cloudless sky was the color of cobalt, so blue he felt he could breathe it in and out and become a part of it.
  • The sun blazes down from a cloudless sky as we bank alarmingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ah, the smell of the ocean, on a cloudless July morning, walking hand in hand.
  • Markle certainly has its devotees, and a good few hardy souls were around last weekend, despite a biting north-west wind and cloudless sky combining to ensure that the temperature plummeted.
  • The pitch was pristine, the sky cloudless, the air breathless and his attack was a mixture of the inexperienced and the nondescript. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sky was cloudless, deep violet with a flush of rose at the edge.
  • The sun blazes down from a cloudless sky as we bank alarmingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her eyes glistened as she looked out over the blue Pacific waters as the horizon touched a cloudless azure blue sky.
  • We should also note the fact that the dewfall is a concomitant of cloudless skies. Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
  • Tuesday tropical weather hit us and drove us into pajamas -- a cloudless sky, blazing sun, high humidity, while we ploughed our way across long, slow-rolling, unrippled swells that looked so much like a vast, gently heaving sea of petroleum that, had John D. Standardoil been with us he would have suffered a probably fatal attack of heart disease if prevented from stopping right there and planning a pipe line. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • under a cloudless sky
  • The air was that perfect refreshing nip of cold, just enough to tint the cheeks pink, and the topaz sky was cloudless and cheery, even in the late morning.
  • We've had some superb windless and cloudless nights recently, which means we've woken up to gardens saturated by heavy dew the next morning.
  • On certain cloudless days it seemed that if we looked hard enough we could see to Japan; on certain cloudless nights there were so many stars that we felt as if we were in the center of the heavens. Las Adventuras De Mi Sombra
  • _EP_ II i 5-6 'tandem aliquid pulsa curarum nube serenum [' cloudless '] uidi'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Unmeasured has nongranular california home loans of a chekhov printmaking that cloudlessness dreyfus are preoccupied for standby web megillah and strasbourg, but web chanting are not. Rational Review
  • The sky is cloudless; the waves tumble beneath me; the warm southern wind carries scents of thyme and rock rose. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hot and cloudless Cairo sky,. Christianity Today
  • It was a hot, cloudless and humid day, 27 degrees centigrade, with a light south-easterly wind.
  • Stepping out into the cool night, he looked up into the clear, cloudless sky. Man of Honour
  • I know it may shock you to know I haven't led a blameless life, that my past is not a blissful stroll in the park on a sunny day with bluebirds winging in a cloudless sky.
  • The sun was already high in a cloudless blue sky and a heat haze shrouded the surrounding mountains.
  • As Arthur and I venture into the depths of the region, a stunning backdrop and cloudless sky sets the scene for meeting the painter.
  • Markle certainly has its devotees, and a good few hardy souls were around last weekend, despite a biting north-west wind and cloudless sky combining to ensure that the temperature plummeted.
  • Microsoft Corp. sells a cloud service called "Azure," which the dictionary defines as a cloudless sky. The Internet Industry Is on a Cloud -- Whatever That May Mean
  • She gets fired, her husband resigns in solidarity, and the couple moves to the cloudless suburban affluence of Stepford, Connecticut.
  • But the Sun does not shine all the time: even in perfectly cloudless weather, the Sun still sets at night.
  • Anticyclones cause cloudless blue skies and high temperatures in summer.
  • It was a hot, cloudless and humid day, 27 degrees centigrade, with a light south-easterly wind.
  • He sighed and let his lids flutter open, icy blue depths meeting an unfocused cloudless sky blue.
  • It was the first of August , a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudless sky.
  • I found plenty of entertainment in listening to the larks singing far and near, and enjoying the sweet, warm sunshine; and watching her, my pet, and my delight, with her golden ringlets flying loose behind and her bright cheek, as soft and pure in its bloom as a wild rose, and her eyes radiant with cloudless pleasure.
  • You'll still get the cloudless blue skies and stunning views but with nowhere near as many fellow visitors. The Sun
  • A near cloudless sky and a light north-easterly breeze made it feel more like a day in early June than in October.
  • And frost is a threat as the ground rapidly loses heat under cloudless skies at night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alphaeus had now fully risen, and was lighting the cloudless day with ease.
  • At the only Home Depot in this coastal town, 75 people broiled under a cloudless sky in temperatures that approached 90 as they waited for tarps, gas cans and other supplies to begin repairs.
  • It was a beautiful evening, cloudless and cool.
  • On this calm, cloudless day, it looked stunning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Department building reared tall and forbidding against a bright, cloudless sky. COMPULSION
  • For some long time after the last trace of the shuttle's flight had vanished into a cloudless sky, no one moved. A Plague of Angels
  • On a cloudless day during the hot season, the walk can turn out to be quite uncomfortable, for there are no shady trees to provide respite from the heat and the dust.
  • The sky is cloudless; the waves tumble beneath me; the warm southern wind carries scents of thyme and rock rose. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day of our final began like every other day in Greece, cloudless, breezy and hot.
  • The sky is quite blue and cloudless.
  • Behind was a cloudless blue sky that should have had a paint colour named after it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radiation frost occurs typically on still, dry, cloudless nights.
  • Allhallows-tide, six weeks ere the great frost set in, the heavens had worn one heavy mask of ashen gray when clouded, or else one amethystine tinge with a hazy rim, when cloudless. Lorna Doone
  • ‘Nice view you got here,’ said Donn, gazing out at cloudless azure sky and the unobscured view of Silicon Valley.
  • They were looking out onto a seemingly unending expanse of perfectly blue ocean beneath a cloudless azure sky.
  • The gene produces this pigmentation when the fall days are sunny bright, but not hot, and the nights are cloudless and cool.
  • It goes lilting into cloudless heaven like someone who is chosen for gallantry.
  • When the Earth is viewed from space on a cloudless day, all that can be seen are the edges of land, sea and icecaps.
  • At high noon on a cloudless day at the equator, the power of the Sun is about 1 kilowatt per square meter at the Earth's surface (Komp).
  • Which leads us to another of those questions that demand to be pondered when supine on the grass on a cloudless night. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNDER a cloudless blue sky, three fishermen come ashore with their catch and get it straight into a pot, right on the beach. The Sun
  • The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
  • The sun was already high in a cloudless blue sky, a heat haze shrouded the surrounding mountains.
  • The sky was a bright, cloudless azure, and the sun was pinned high and motionless and brilliant upon its zenith.
  • The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.
  • UNDER a cloudless blue sky, three fishermen come ashore with their catch and get it straight into a pot, right on the beach. The Sun
  • Anticyclones cause cloudless blue skies and high temperatures in summer.
  • Anticyclones cause cloudless blue skies and high temperatures in summer.
  • The arc of the cloudless sky gives the impression that the whole world is enclosed in a dome and a bird is singing in a nearby tree.
  • For the most part, life here is lived much as it has been since time immemorial: decadently, stylishly and glitzily, all under bliss-inducing, cloudless skies.
  • Here and there, both on the river and in the fields, other lights were glimmering, whether close at hand or far away, the eye could not distinguish; they shrank together, then suddenly lengthened out into great blurs of light; grasshoppers innumerable kept up an unceasing churr, persistent as the frogs of the Pontine marshes; and across the cloudless, but dark lowering sky floated from time to time the cries of unseen birds. Dream tales and prose poems
  • A billionaire is above such worries at a cruising altitude in which the world is cloudless, blue and calm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of others were tucking into picnics by the river as a full moon rose in a cloudless sky.
  • Behind was a cloudless blue sky that should have had a paint colour named after it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stars are bodies of light that appear at night in cloudless skies. Learning From the Stars
  • Then, in the evening, the group of them led by the pastor and a fellow named Manny, who was by day a pizza chef, gathered in a field under a cloudless, moony sky. Three Stages of Amazement
  • Often, when all was dry, the heavens cloudless, and I was parched by thirst, a slight cloud would bedim the sky, shed the few drops that revived me, and vanish. Chapter 7
  • Next morning, the sky was a cloudless blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smokey, it is another gorgeous sun-filled cloudless sky day in Roanoke. Amusette - French Word-A-Day
  • Even on a cloudless, sunny day, the late afternoon sunlight is much warmer in tone than it is at noon.
  • It is clear as a cloudless day that hospital wards and their ancillary facilities need to be designed from a microbiological angle to make “life hard” for any kind of microflora to survive in problematic numbers. Back to Cardiff
  • The hall's stainless steel panels curve against the cloudless blue horizon.
  • I know it may shock you to know I haven't led a blameless life, that my past is not a blissful stroll in the park on a sunny day with bluebirds winging in a cloudless sky.
  • It was the first of August , a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudless sky.
  • It was the first of August, a perfect day, with a burning sun and cloudless sky.
  • The sky is quite blue and cloudless.
  • The sun blazes down from a cloudless sky as we bank alarmingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • the moon's disk hung in a cloudless sky
  • The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.
  • To the west, the sky was a cloudless ultramarine blue.
  • The torrents of Maine are hasty young heroes, galloping so hard when they gallop, and charging with such rash enthusiasm when they charge, hurrying with such Achillean ardor toward their eternity of ocean, that they would never know the influence, in their heart of hearts, of blue cloudlessness, or the glory of noonday, or the pageantries of sunset, -- they would only tear and rive and shatter carelessly. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • Through the gently swaying boughs of trees a cloudless, azure sky was visible, heralding the beginning of a hot, clear day.
  • MILES of deserted white beaches, swaying green palm trees, warm turquoise seas and blue cloudless sky. The Sun
  • Cycles may rise up, and set in cloudless calm or sudden storm. City and Village
  • Only once in a year might you see this sunlit cascade, only around dawn, and only on a cloudless morning. Times, Sunday Times

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