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How To Use Clouded In A Sentence

  • But the joy of that tends to become clouded by the extreme sadness of another Christmas without my sister.
  • The kitchen was beclouded with steam.
  • The kitchen was beclouded with steam.
  • His eyes clouded over, signaling that his next words were painful to him.
  • The windows have clouded up in the steam.
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  • The view is initially clouded and unfocused by an eddy of mixing cold water and I have to circle to find a clearer view of them.
  • But he has not allowed his judgment to become clouded by a remarkably successful first seven months in Scotland.
  • At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.
  • In dozens of cities, empty shells of destroyed buildings were clouded with smoke from fires that still smoldered. Burial for a King
  • But images of the period are shrouded in myth and clouded by partisan rhetoric.
  • This morning it was calm and clear save for a light misty veil of ice crystals through which the moon shone with scarce clouded brilliancy, surrounded with bright cruciform halo and white paraselene. Scott's Last Expedition Volume I
  • Since these papers are the ‘stained glass’ in the windows, their transparency must not be clouded by glue.
  • His head was still dizzy and his senses clouded, but one thing was for sure in his mind.
  • In retrospect, they could see how smoking had clouded their wairua "like a fog".
  • But more than this clouded his mind, he had been brought to say good-bye to Jessamine Buckner, who had scarcely seen him, and to give her a wolverene-skin, a hunting trophy. Lin McLean
  • My foggy mind clouded my thoughts, the heavy music returning, making me feel dizzy as my head pounded.
  • His eyes clouded over in anger, as his own words were thrown back at him.
  • After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.
  • Still, a shadow crosses Jack's resolutely clouded eyes as he detects a snag in the plan.
  • Suspicion clouded his face.
  • The night sky was a clouded one, blocking out all light from the moon.
  • He held his hand out to help her up, Hikari took it, her clouded leopard tail flicking lightly to and fro in an agitated manner.
  • He looked at the three of us and his face clouded over.
  • Its medium term outlook however is clouded by a possible crisis in America and its repercussions on China and the rest of the world.
  • Their gabble clouded my mind and it was difficult to concentrate on my work.
  • In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.
  • His eyes, once clear orbs of deep purple, were clouded and almost lilac in shade.
  • All she could see was a light purple mist that clouded anything beyond into indiscernible shapes.
  • The morning was quite bright, but it clouded over in the afternoon.
  • A poignant emotion clouded the joy of the disencumbered barricade. Les Miserables
  • Panicked images of starvation, destruction, and attacks by various ferocious wild animals clouded her vision.
  • It had clouded over and there was a fine drizzle, a thin mist veneer settling over the distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heatwave has broken, the temperature has dropped, the sun has clouded over and the pavements are wet.
  • Her happiness was clouded by having to leave her son behind.
  • He found no longer any difficulty in promising not to act with precipitance; his confidence was gone; his elevation of sentiment was depressed; a general mist clouded his prospects, and a suspensive discomfort inquieted his mind. Camilla
  • The visibility of the water would have been clouded at the time of the incident had there been any swimmers, paddlers or waders in this area.
  • It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of _the fair sex_; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Mind you, as I say, it's a while since I saw them… so my judgment may be clouded.
  • And for the same reason he has lost receptibility to intermediate vibrations in the color spectrum, which has clouded or stultified his visional faculties. The Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants: A Psychic Revelation
  • Then I shook my head violently, trying to clear it of the doubtfulness that clouded it.
  • There, the world of Alonis hung in space, a beclouded indigo jewel in the night. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Sometimes the pressure we were under clouded our judgment.
  • Added to his gum problems was the state of his eyes: one was clouded by a cataract and the other stitched shut from where he'd been clubbed in the head on the oilrig back in the 70s. Mad dogs and irishmen
  • As the researchers walked around barelegged, often climbing mountains into cooler, beclouded rain forests beloved of leeches, they were mercilessly stung by mosquitoes.
  • Everything became extremely hazy as tears clouded her vision.
  • Lucia looked at him, her eyes clouded and her face confused.
  • Everything pointed to the fact that we were going to find catching fish tough - and the weather certainly didn't give us any assistance, with changeable winds all day and mostly an unclouded sky!
  • Fear had clouded his vision.
  • The debate over CVS became clouded this week by what Morrison described as miscommunication between him and House Speaker Mike O'Neal, a Hutchinson Republican. Fore, right!
  • Many people suffer memory loss, or a clouded memory.
  • He frowned, and the handsome face clouded momentarily, petulant as a child's.
  • Our windows were clouded up with steam.
  • Let us have a grown-up discussion, unclouded by the infantile resentment of the USA harboured by Chris Davies and other assorted Europhiles.
  • The broth was smiling happily, still clear and unclouded.
  • The clouded leopard is also in a different genus. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no bar on her honesty, she is extremely frank, although her candour tends to be clouded by a vagueness of expression.
  • Morning came and it was going to be an open and unclouded day for once.
  • Even in her newly repaired car her breath clouded, frosting the windows further more.
  • The news is uncertain, the details clouded and vague, and the truth behind the fact is elusive.
  • That view is spectacular as well, albeit clouded by the haze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Daylight broke, a stiff breeze struck up and the sky clouded over.
  • Fog clouded the road ahead.
  • And we can add that once again Oe inverts his material in a new novel in which the symbiosis between a father and his spiritually clouded son is focused on anew - a book that paradoxically ends with the word Nobel Prize in Literature 1994 - Presentation Speech
  • In these unique circumstances, his vision clouded for the first time. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the evening, after our return from the river, the weather clouded, but afterwards cleared up with a change of wind from the South-East, which, from its heat, and from the listless sensations it caused, resembled the hot land-wind of Port Jackson: this seems to afford additional ground for the hypothesis that the interior of this immense island is occupied by vast sandy deserts. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • She was a wonderment, when he saw her like this, with unclouded eyes. SACRAMENT
  • We work as a team and we got our minds clouded about the whole simple issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her eyes were fixed on his face and, as an awful doubt rose in her mind, they clouded as if a delicate rime of frost had covered them. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Ang is clouded in bluish light amidst tails of mist before a Khmer style temple structure. Two Character Banners from M. Night Shyamalan’s THE LAST AIRBENDER –
  • This heartwarming news was unclouded by any mention that alcohol itself is no slouch when it comes to cellular damage.
  • She held on straight for the Red Sea under a serene sky, under a sky scorching and unclouded, enveloped in a fulgor of sunshine that killed all thought, oppressed the heart, withered all impulses of strength and energy. Lord Jim
  • They kept to themselves at one end of the clouded room, conversing low in their own hard-edged language. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • his face was clouded with unhappiness
  • Sunshine restored, even in the flooded quarters, the true Parisian gaiety that had for a time been overclouded with a terrible sense of powerlessness and insecurity. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • A look of uncertainty clouded his face, but it went away in a matter of seconds.
  • One solitary tear slipped down his cheek, his golden eyes clouded with sorrow.
  • She disregarded it and rose on her own, her eyes clouded over in deep thought.
  • In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.
  • His face clouded over in distress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately a flu bug attacked most of the crew during this week which clouded our impressions of Shetland.
  • His face clouded over in distress. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there is a pattern to his career, it could be one of high profile success, sometimes clouded by emotion.
  • It's just that you push the feeling part of you aside so you can think on unclouded terms.
  • He has made good money but lost most of it, while the joy of great wins has been clouded too often by personal anguish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sky clouded over within minutes, and it was clear that we were in for a bit of rain.
  • The brilliant, but cold green eyes clouded over dangerously as she quickly read the material.
  • The Founders meant truths obvious not to everyone everywhere but to minds unclouded by superstition and other ignorance - minds like theirs.
  • Yet there was something of majesty, depressed indeed and overclouded, but still grand and imposing, in the manner and words of Father Buonaventure, which it was difficult to reconcile with those preconceived opinions which imputed subtlety and fraud to his sect and order. Redgauntlet
  • Both sets of trials have been clouded in uncertainty due to a recent constitutional amendment which prohibits retrospective prosecution.
  • It was now extremely dark as the towering, derelict offices clouded away the sky.
  • All she could see was a light purple mist that clouded anything beyond into indiscernible shapes.
  • His features clouded over, however, when asked if he would vote for his former pupil today.
  • Both images are clouded with a lack of clear understanding about their subject.
  • His face clouded over in distress. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decision to put a parent in a nursing home can be clouded by guilt.
  • Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
  • Next morning brings the first unclouded view of the Hound's Tooth, the aptly named rock outcrop framed by the lodge's windows.
  • He stared at me for a moment before an arrogant expression clouded his eyes.
  • The sky has clouded over almost entirely, the day has darkened.
  • The anger and drunkenness that had clouded his face cleared and he looked at me mortified.
  • Now instead of the anger and exasperation, an emotion more like dread clouded his mind.
  • And their long-term investment plans are clouded by lack of detail on spending commitments for the final two years of the next Parliament.
  • Page 166 when the notion of sacerdotalism is scattered from before his clouded vision, when transmitted ethnic fetichism is eradicated from his religion, and the virility of his nature, bared of empty forms of righteousness, is breathed upon by the spirit of God himself. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • The mirror clouded beside her cheek.
  • He was taught to see again how Rhetoric haunts, and Rhetoric bedevils, the vindication of the clouded, especially in the case of a disesteemed Lord Ormont and His Aminta — Volume 1
  • When severe, this withdrawal is characterized by tremor, restlessness, perceptual disturbances, disorientation, and clouded sensorium. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • LH closer Eddie Guardado looked like he was the answer, saving eight of his first 10 chances, but a season-ending injury again clouded the picture. National League outlooks for 2007
  • An arrow hissed threw the air and found it's mark, the old doe fell to the ground in a crumpled heap as her eyes clouded over.
  • His voice was raw and I noticed his usually clear eyes were red rimmed and clouded.
  • I can't believe I'm rating this so highly, but my judgement is clouded by all the nights out where this got everyone dancing.
  • Her cheeks were untinged by give-away flush of colour, her eyes were unclouded, sharp as green glass. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Her face clouded over in thought for a moment, and then brightened.
  • De Luca has stated that she is influenced by her adopted home of Los Angeles and you can see this in the vivid sunset colors and in the murky and clouded denseness that fills up the plane from horizon to ocean to shore. Tracey Harnish: Mara De Luca: Leap of Faith
  • The way of worship which Christ has instituted is rational and intellectual, and refined from those external rites and ceremonies with which the Old-Testament worship was both clouded and clogged. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • So she glared at him with utter distaste, her beautiful blue eyes clouded with anger.
  • The face relaxed and slid from view, the brick wall clouded and the screen blacked.
  • At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.
  • A haze clouded her mind; she was sinking into deep water.
  • After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.
  • The countenance of Edgar was instantly overclouded. Camilla
  • The sky above was now clouded and a light drizzle began to fall to the ground.
  • Oh, clouded wilderness of death, into whose embrace we must all fall - you are the very essence of mystery and languishment. Josh Rosenblatt: Notes From These Pajamas: The Diary of a Freelance Writer
  • The spring sky had been clouded over the last few days, and this afternoon was no exception.
  • Her setting out in life, like the rising of a fair morning, was unclouded and promising.
  • So some critics have suggested that the story ‘of pure and primitive emotion, unclouded by any religious or moral quality’ was really inspired by a brief but joyous engagement in 1906.
  • A few minutes later we stood on the beach under a heavily clouded sky, looking out over a millpond sea.
  • Her eyes were fixed on his face and, as an awful doubt rose in her mind, they clouded as if a delicate rime of frost had covered them. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Other animals photographed included elephants, sun bears, porcupines, clouded leopards, wild dogs, and panthers.
  • The outlook for sterling is clouded by confusion about whether the Chancellor has set a new floor for the pound.
  • The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.
  • And his brain was clouded by despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Emotion clouded his face as he hastily made his exit.
  • She leaned pensively on the little open casement, and in deep thought fixed her eyes on the heaven, whose blue unclouded concave was studded thick with stars, the worlds, perhaps, of spirits, unsphered of mortal mould. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Wings of a somewhat chalky white, the anterior with three rufous dots on the costa before the middle, of which the third is the largest, and near the apex a large brown spot, fulvous towards the costa, clouded with bluish white, connected with the inner margin by four indistinct yellow dots; forehead red; head, thorax, and abdomen, white; palpi red at the apex; feet white first and second pairs spotted with red. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • Her life was not unclouded, however, for in 1788 her husband, Perez Morton, had seduced her sister, Frances, who then killed herself.
  • Mammal species of conservation significance in this ecoregion include the threatened and endangered Hoolock gibbon (Hylobates hoolock), tiger (Panthera tigris), clouded leopard (Pardofelis nebulosa), leopard (Panthera pardus), sun bear (Ursus malayanus), thamin (Cervus eldii), and gaur (Bos gaurus). Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests
  • Tiny glasses of crystal-clear arak that clouded into milky iridescence when you added ice. Day of Honey
  • Unfortunately a flu bug attacked most of the crew during this week which clouded our impressions of Shetland.
  • There was no guarantee he wouldn't get close enough to do it again anyway, and Stone would far rather his man operated with a clear mind, unclouded with worries of recrimination upon his return.
  • The sky clouded over
  • The Indo-Malayan lowlands are home to Asian elephants, clouded leopards, wild water buffalo, gaur, hornbills, cobras and geckos.
  • The rays of light coming in through the occasional window were clouded with dust and mire, bathing the stairwell in an eerie glow.
  • The perfectly blue, puffy-clouded sky and bitsy little silos make for a prelapsarian vista only slightly altered by humans.
  • The hot water had clouded up the mirror, and I reached out a hand to wipe the vapor away.
  • When this became apparent to Tom, my heart sank at the look of confusion and panic that clouded his face.
  • Still, though the horizon was overclouded, no storm for some time ensued. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • We work as a team and we got our minds clouded about the whole simple issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • I descend through the green globs of the algal bloom, then into bottom visibility clouded by fine silt lifted by the tide.
  • But the future is clouded by past deeds and associations that raise questions about their ethics and trustworthiness.
  • Jack helped her into a sitting position, but he could see the extreme pain that clouded her face.
  • Seest thou how, under a brow studiously overclouded, Philip cannot conceal the satisfaction which he feels at the prospect of release from the alliance which sat so heavy on him? The Talisman
  • The team has made an offer to re-sign Antonio Cromartie, but the process had been clouded by the club's weeklong, highly publicized pursuit of Nnamdi Asomugha. Jets Quietly Win the Burress Bowl
  • He looked at himself in the mirror, still brooding, eyes clouded over with anger and hatred.
  • Michael's face had clouded with that gloom which his father would certainly call sulky, and for himself he resented the tone of Michael's reply. Michael
  • Questions arise from the popular accounts based on McClintock's recollections gleaned from interviews, understandably compressed and beclouded after 50 years.
  • The fumes from the Shuttle SRBs must have clouded your thinking on such topics. Ares Troubles Mount - NASA Watch
  • She wished she could turn back the clock, relive the day before the floater's advent just one last day unclouded by this random smear, the world still crystalline in both eyes.
  • But two were enough for a moist and clouded morning in which spring was becoming an established fact before our eyes and ears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Around noon the sky clouded over as the wind freshened and soon we had white caps.
  • Anxiety clouded the Princess's sky blue eyes as she willed her hands to stop shaking.
  • The voice continued to buzz at her in her clouded brain.
  • The team's victory was clouded by the tragic events in their hometown.
  • Around noon the sky clouded over as the wind freshened and soon we had white caps.
  • The future of the premises, just along the road from the council offices, has long been clouded in uncertainty.
  • Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, very oblique along the exterior border; a blackish band near the base, abbreviated hindward; a large blackish spot on the reniform mark, and a diffuse blackish spot near the tip of the costa; exterior and submarginal lines brown, double, denticulated, with the space along their borders somewhat clouded. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The rows have clouded an otherwise optimistic mood after seven days of tough talking by ministers from 180 nations.
  • As we grew closer the sky clouded over, the mist closed in, and it began to drizzle.
  • In any case the human species, in course of deterioration through overstrain, would find amongst these singers of the shaduf and these labourers with the antiquated plough, brains unclouded by alcohol, and a whole reserve of tranquil beauty, of well-balanced physique, of vigour untainted by bestiality. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • In an instant all five were asleep, minds clouded with thoughts and contemplations on what to do next.
  • The scarcity of these fossils is most likely due to the high rate of deposition of terrigenous sediment that would have clouded the waters where these fossils attempted to survive. Glacier National Park Geology & Paleontology: Part 3 - Appekunny and Grinnell
  • Our elections should be a contest of policies, unclouded by bigotry or racism.
  • There is no bar on her honesty, she is extremely frank, although her candour tends to be clouded by a vagueness of expression.
  • The azure sky above was only slightly clouded by the thick cumulus clouds that strayed away from each other, to occasionally cover up the sun's streams of rays.
  • Troy couldn't see a thing, the dust clouded his vision, and his head had hit into the rock as he had landed.
  • The joy of material progress, evident year after year, was unclouded by the realization that man remained a wolf to man: moral progress seemed as natural as material progress.
  • She smiled at the sorrow that clouded her face.
  • He confided once that it had been a visit of singular and unclouded happiness which left an ineffaceable impression.
  • (commonly called the tippling exciseman,) had unexpectedly departed this life by mistaking the steep staircase of the Mermaid for a single step, one night when his brain was more than usually beclouded. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 579, December 8, 1832
  • In his big, single bedroom stood a scarred desk and a four-poster bed clouded in mosquito netting. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • A part of his mind clouded over by shock and horror had taken control of his body and thoughts, driving him onward through a haze of pain and betrayal.
  • The understanding of Islam in the courtroom is also clouded by the crisis of authority in the religion itself. Prophetic Justice
  • Yet the landscape is as clouded by uncertainty as it is fraught with economic danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The smoke clouded above the houses
  • Lone, his face moody, his eyes clouded with thought, rode beside him, while Jack trotted loose-jointedly at Swan's heels. Sawtooth Ranch
  • The controversy over lethal-versus non lethal methods of predator control is clouded by uncertain science and by politics.
  • But as long as our understanding of the origin and character of handedness remains clouded, its implications for the nature and ontological status of space will also remain somewhat obscure.
  • No wonder their heads are clouded by the thick fug of doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, with the failed mediation and markets slowed by an oversupply of steel that has led to falling prices, the company's future again is clouded.
  • Tiredness might have played its part, but the sense of dejection and depression emanating from the studio clouded the whole broadcast.
  • The principal reason for attacking this theory was that it beclouded the whole issue of man's relationship to the land.
  • Their judgment was overclouded by some venereous fumes and vapors.
  • Few clearer statements of the naturalistic paradox of joy in momentary and sensuous pleasure being clouded by a pall that shrouds even the happiest summits34 can be found in London's fiction than his summary of Fang's outlook at the moment of realization: Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • Mary's ascent to the throne was clouded with the actions of the Duke of Northumberland and Lady Jane Grey.
  • the sky clouded over
  • Tiredness might have played its part, but the sense of dejection and depression emanating from the studio clouded the whole broadcast.
  • The name clouded his face again, he gazed ruefully into the satisfactory glow he was producing. The Leper of Saint Giles
  • A curious fact was the circumstance that whenever Nilushka sighted a stray gleam from a piece of glass, or the glitter of a morsel of copper in sunlight, he would halt dead where he was, turn grey with the ashiness of death, lose his smile, and remain dilating to an unnatural extent his clouded and troubled eyes. Through Russia
  • It had clouded over and there was a fine drizzle, a thin mist veneer settling over the distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
  • Rene Descartes notes that there are people "whose cerebella are so troubled and clouded by the violent vapours of black bile, that they ... imagine that they have an earthenware head or are nothing but pumpkins or are made of glass. Warranted Christian Belief

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