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How To Use Closeness In A Sentence

  • Fifth, the theocratic monopoly of the mullahs contributes to the closeness of Islamic societies.
  • We all know someone who's very closeness can almost asphyxiate us right?
  • Their closeness as they decamp to a nearby café on the day of the show is readily apparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had never had the physical or emotional closeness that she needed.
  • External X-ray megavoltage beam irradiation is quite often indicated in view of the closeness of the surgical margin of resection. Things Don't Break
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  • This denigrated order is highly creative and productive, and women's closeness to each other persists within it.
  • With the second baby, delivery went very smoothly, so I nursed from the beginning, and it took much longer for my husband to be able to have that same closeness, since the little guys spend almost all their time sleeping and eating at the beginning. » The Case Against Breast-Feeding
  • Isabelle, in a slightly drunk and uninhibited state, flaunts her desire at being desired while Gerald trembles at her physical closeness.
  • The pond was relatively little used, though here the closeness of cover might have made the birds afraid of being pounced on by cats. Times, Sunday Times
  • OK, so let's grant them a special closeness, a real soul-matey whoop-de-doop sorority. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The bivariate probit model captures the unobserved correlation between a mother's decision to use kin-provided child care and her decision to have geographic closeness to her aging parents.
  • The players talked about love in the aftermath of the Super Bowl and the Giants hade made no secret of their closeness. Tight End Tops the List For Next Season's Giants
  • This would involve her decision to have geographic closeness to her aging parents.
  • As I have said before, Christopher has elected not to play any part of these proceedings, notwithstanding his closeness to Sarah, who herself gave evidence.
  • Correlations between perceptions of physical resemblance and social closeness and familiarity were positive and statistically significant.
  • Quentin also recalls the ‘dirty’ Natalie, and his lost moment of intimate plenitude, which he in some way wants to recover through closeness with the unkempt Italian girl.
  • Bush's shaky mandate was partly due to the closeness of the election vote and the legal wrangling afterwards.
  • The closeness of the lobes of both the quad cams and dual cams can result in dirt and grime buildup that can be difficult to clean.
  • A common response to such an acausal happening is a sharpening of attention, a sense of the closeness of something unseen.
  • Closeness is fun, to a point, but too much workplace intimacy can put you off your heart-shaped choccies. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to further confirm his increasing closeness to the Tories is the fact he casts doubt on the quantitative easing policy too, which many have actually been saying to have a positive impact on the economy. ‘New Recession’ on the cards?… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • The headquarters' closeness to the local research community facilitates joint projects and the transfer of knowledge.
  • The closeness of these relationships was distinctive to one phase of the life cycle. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • They are known for their respect for individuality and the closeness of care.
  • His captain, the enormously experienced 35-year-old Giovanni van Bronckhorst, did not need to italicise the contrast with past tournaments when he spoke of the closeness of the squad. World Cup 2010: Dutch learn to put function above flair
  • Other parents may find the blissful closeness of the nursing year painfully disrupted by the ensuing battle of wills. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • But closeness is not just about physical proximity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in the past that closeness caused friction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of its closeness to the International Date Line this is the most easterly city in the world and is the first on which the sun rises.
  • You lost three people who provided not only closeness and familiarity but most likely emotional support.
  • In a terrible moment, the joyous closeness of Thanksgiving changed to the empty loss of death. Christianity Today
  • I have referred to these simply to note the closeness and familiarity which existed between the two men at the time. Mr Samant then proceeded to contact Lawrence Jones.
  • And I think it's also probably comforting to his many fans who've been ricked by the scandal, who really believe in his closeness to Elin, his wife, and his two young children. Tiger Woods Announces 'Indefinite Break' From Golf
  • Puffs of dust leaped from the earth close about the fleeing squirrel, showing the closeness of the misses. CHAPTER XXV
  • At first, coming from Houston, I assumed the closeness was a security measure designed to prevent me from shoplifting and I was basically insulted. Mexican Manners
  • Her memories create a closeness to those she loved and as she reminisces, the heaviness in her heart is lightened.
  • Love is available in generous helpings, allowing you to rediscover the old closeness with a partner. The Sun
  • The closeness between the two speakers gave their following conversation a clandestine air.
  • The closeness of voting in marginal seats in both state and federal elections demonstrates that our individual votes do matter.
  • A special closeness is supposed to exist between twins.
  • What makes this almost parodic is the self-conscious whimsy that conjoins animate and inanimate in a gesture of closeness conventionally reserved for animate beings alone, an archness that often cloys in Hunt but that points to a more serious scrambling of subjects and objects in bibliophilic writing generally, where books repeatedly turn into quasi-subjects and persons into quasi-objects. Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
  • He knew that despite Ivo's scrubbing he was still as foul as a pig in a wallow, and yet the knight slept in the same bed with him, and offered him closeness and comfort.
  • She has hit the nail on the head regarding the loss of closeness in owning a car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Must people identity coldness with hostility and deprivation; warmth with friendliness, nourishment, closeness and intimacy.
  • For Dorothy, the two are interfused in her scrutiny of nature and in her closeness to her brother, the Romantic poet William Wordsworth. New Ways Of Portraying Lives
  • And now I wonder what deep-down resentment the late Stephen Ambrose was nursing that motivated him to lie about his closeness to his biographee -
  • The term is used within Christianity to designate a holy person, one deemed to have lived a life of such great virtue and sanctity as to achieve special closeness to God.
  • He was carefully maneuvering around to keep his weight off of me, but I was too busy enjoying the closeness to notice.
  • By meeting a baby's need for food, clothing and shelter, as well as closeness, love, safeness, etc. we condition them to trust… to expect their needs to be met.
  • And as they get older, they do everything conceivable to relieve that anxiety of that closeness.
  • Our closeness is the saviour of my head and of my heart, in - hibiting the causes of myocardial infarction. Chemistry (Valentine's Day Massacre)
  • Their familiarity with current events there demonstrates the closeness with which they watch all that passes in the old land.
  • Its closeness to the canalized river must have provided plentiful water for irrigation of its trees and plants.
  • And one of the successes in Fallujah is that we managed to maintain a great deal of basically almost perfect coordination and closeness with the Iraqi government. Wolfowitz: The Exit Interviews
  • I'm analyzing the impact of my son's independent bowel evacuation as it relates to my closeness to him - or my control.
  • The 21st century media is developing rapidly, and people brings unprecedented huge amounts of information, so, the value of information will more reflected in practical, timeliness and closeness.
  • Since smiling is an extremely powerful reinforcer, this visual interaction is important in bringing about the closeness of parent and child.
  • the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action
  • Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin consulted on the project and said people who see the show should feel a greater sense of closeness to the presidents. Disney adds President Obama to attraction
  • The fisherman awakens at dawn, impressed with his closeness to nature.
  • Bristow and Trevitt never waver in the closeness of their mutual dialogue and move easily between forceful classical dynamics and quiet self-containment.
  • This neighbourly closeness extends beyond social pleasantries to a philosophy of making sure everyone on the island is taken care of.
  • their closeness grew as the night wore on
  • My chief concern was the closeness with which he appeared able to monitor my movements.
  • It might be that this peer group is the best possibility available to the extremist-activist to achieve closeness with anyone.
  • In obeying God's commandments, we seek to bring a similar harmony and closeness between ourselves and God.
  • Funny though, it seems in that stripped down relationship, the closeness is genuine in an altered way. Your Right Hand Thief
  • She has hit the nail on the head regarding the loss of closeness in owning a car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once you realise the closeness of the overlap between the two organisations, the facade appears paper thin.
  • Because of its chemical closeness to calcium, strontium can comfortably replace the lighter element in enamel, dentin, and bone.
  • American families were more than twice as likely as those living anywhere else to have so-called disharmonious relationships, or those defined by strong negative feelings, such as disagreement and tension, without any strong positive feelings, including feelings of closeness and amicability.
  • As the Reidys' lives clearly show, sharing parenting helps to maintain mutual respect and closeness in a marriage.
  • How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?
  • A hand shake is exciting by it's closeness and novelty, but hongi or a hug is a whole different level.
  • Arms and bodies lock together, intimate and aggressive, the closeness fired with belligerence.
  • This level of closeness is bringing new meaning to the world of design. Dorothy Spears: TechnoCRAFT at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
  • However, one problem encountered during the test drives was the closeness of the indicator stalk with that controlling the cruise control system.
  • She has hit the nail on the head regarding the loss of closeness in owning a car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of its chemical closeness to calcium, strontium can comfortably replace the lighter element in enamel, dentin, and bone.
  • Even those hostile found the play's closeness to music hall to be its strength.
  • The Arabs' closeness to history and their refusal to shake off the shackles of the past are part of their problem. A Rock and a Hard Place
  • She had to step quickly if she was to get anywhere; for the closeness of her skirt, in spite of its little length, permitted no natural stride; but she was pleased to be impeded, these brevities forming part of her show of fashion. Alice Adams
  • A combinatory method loses some of the prestigious closeness to scientific rigour which a feminist psychology with a conventional method retains.
  • This neighbourly closeness extends beyond social pleasantries to a philosophy of making sure everyone on the island is taken care of.
  • He was notorious for his unsociability, slovenly dress and closeness with money.
  • The only physical closeness is the odd peck on the cheek. The Sun
  • Given their closeness in time, it comes as no surprise to find these two buildings have certain features in common.
  • But in the past that closeness caused friction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Families that are disengaged lack closeness and/or loyalty, and are characterized by high independence.
  • Despite their innocent closeness, the three friends are fated to separate after a violent incident.
  • People forget that Glasgow is by the sea, but I love restaurants that make something of that closeness, bringing mussels and whelks and Firth of Clyde-reared cod onto the menu.
  • Physical closeness in the temple workshops may have stimulated friendly rivalry to produce ever-finer works and thus stimulated technical and artistic development.
  • She had never had the physical or emotional closeness that she needed.
  • His thoughts were otherwise occupied than with the tour of inspection; yet he took particular notice at the time, as he afterwards had occasion to remember, of the airlessness and closeness of the house; that they left the track of their footsteps in the dust on the upper floors; and that there was a resistance to the opening of one room door, which occasioned Little Dorrit
  • Such closeness to truth could be deadeningly self-indulgent. Times, Sunday Times
  • In chapter 6 we examine relations between mothers and young adolescents and uncover a mixture of daily closeness and conflict. Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
  • How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?
  • How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?
  • The closeness of these relationships was distinctive to one phase of the life cycle. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • Hereupon, the word being to disenthral the soul from it, must have the same effect upon it that the sword has upon the body, which is, by penetration and dividing the continuity of the parts; for every wound is properly division, an opening or loosening the compactness and closeness of the thing upon which the impression is made. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • Apart from the fresh air and exercise, there's a real sense of intimacy with your surroundings when you travel by bike, a feeling of closeness and access that other forms of transport simply cannot provide.
  • I’ve always felt as if they quiet things down, and add a certain closeness to the world that bright sunny days do not. Dear President Obama #258: Jobs amid the passing storm
  • End the day with a hug -- show closeness and again; intimacy .
  • The organizer of the festival has some unwelcome news for the superstar, who is known for the closeness with which he watches the purse strings.
  • It is very apparent of their closeness, which is wonderful. White House releases portrait of first family
  • This will be governed by such issues as proximity to schools for the children, and closeness to key transport points.
  • The inconstant Moon is well named because the closeness of the Moon to Earth changes with the Sun's tidal force - its differential gravitation.
  • Church seating and proximity to sacred space, in the form of closeness to the altar, were carefully regulated according to social status.
  • Furthermore, they argue, times like our own, when the popular and electoral votes roughly coincide in their closeness, very rarely occur.
  • Though he approves of the road's closeness to the city center, he expresses concern at the proposed capacity of 50,000.
  • But when a request was made, on the grounds of the closeness of the figures, for a division to take place for voting in the lobbies - a more reliable system - it fell.
  • Closeness to their passenger presumably fosters romance too, a traditional if sometimes overlooked virtue of the two-seater roadster.
  • I’ve have found it very pleasant, and I admire his closeness to detail.
  • Given the relative closeness of the first PREB vote (there were many on-the-record dissenters), as well as the influx of conversative appointees since then, it is very doubtful PREB will be granted (or cert. later granted). The Volokh Conspiracy » Ninth Circuit Upholds “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance,
  • If it can be seen that the means adopted are really calculated to attain the end, the degree of their necessity, the extent to which they conduce to the end, the closeness of the relationship between the means adopted and the end to be attained, are matters for congressional determination alone. The Volokh Conspiracy » Federal Government Has the Power to Civilly Commit Sexually Violent Predators After Federal Incarceration
  • Reassurance also came in the form of touch and physical closeness during the biopsy.
  • The baby who watches impassively as his mother leaves the room and barely acknowledges her return might well turn out to be the man who has difficulty creating intimacy with a lover, who has trouble forming a long-term attachment, and who avoids the kinds of closeness so important to long-lasting love. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • A special closeness is supposed to exist between twins.
  • When they're asking for more emotional closeness, heed their urning. Divorce Busting
  • How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?
  • Physical closeness in the temple workshops may have stimulated friendly rivalry to produce ever-finer works and thus stimulated technical and artistic development.
  • And I think that a new president can establish himself clearly and firmly, and this closeness of the election and the contention around it is not going to handicap him if he handles himself right.
  • The Arabs' closeness to history and their refusal to shake off the shackles of the past are part of their problem. A Rock and a Hard Place
  • The only physical closeness is the odd peck on the cheek. The Sun
  • For example, there are not only such obvious things as the brand and collar, and the distinctive garbing of the slave, or the lack of garbing, but, far more significantly, the extreme closeness of the society, with its scrutiny of strangers, and the general nature of an uncompromising and inflexible enforcement of, her condition. Magicians of Gor
  • The closeness of being in a packed car allows the trio the chance to swap stories and the lads to fabricate tales of bravado.
  • This enduring involvement creates a closeness/intimacy with the text.
  • Because of its chemical closeness to calcium, strontium can comfortably replace the lighter element in enamel, dentin, and bone.
  • The only physical closeness is the odd peck on the cheek. The Sun
  • The closeness of Swinford to Knock Airport should continue to be a huge advantage to the town in the future.
  • Not only was he craving closeness to the beach, he was charmed by the studio's location set in the historic area of trendy Fort Lauderdale.
  • The wish for security may be represented by position, mere immobility; the wish for new experience by the greatest possible freedom of movement and constant change of position; the wish for response, by the number and closeness of points of contact; the wish for recognition, by the level desired or reached in the vertical plane of superordination and subordination. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • It was this very intimacy - this closeness to the performers - which made it a spellbinding evening.
  • Scarily, we are talking about emotional closeness. On a cop show.
  • Food customs were not shaped by proximity to freshwater and ocean catches, or closeness to the border of another country.
  • The closeness is a bond and a reminder to Murray about where he must improve. The friendship and rivalry of Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic
  • First, it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner.
  • The New York Times recently profiled some men in the New York suburb of Pelham Manor, out of work and finding a new closeness with their children and school communities.
  • A combinatory method loses some of the prestigious closeness to scientific rigour which a feminist psychology with a conventional method retains.
  • This closeness is not the same as the worshipful, reverent, faithfulness with which I used to pray to the Christian God in the past.
  • Next came the "bushi" of shogun, daimyo and layers of feudal lords whose rank was indicated by their closeness to the Tokugawa. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Grandparents and grandchildren Relationships between grandparents and grandchildren have an interesting and distinctive blend of closeness and distance.
  • The weather is hot because of the country's closeness to the equator.
  • Perhaps our closeness to the intricacies of identity, including race and gender, blind us to what we have in common with humanity.
  • It felt twee and tried to be overly sentimental which didn't work because I didn't feel any closeness towards any of the characters.
  • It is characteristic of such knowledge that it should be deficient in "exactness," in precision of statement, and closeness of logical concatenation. Ethics
  • These images bear witness to the pair's physical and emotional closeness on set, but the film was not to go smoothly.
  • Will is also an excellent example of how closeness to a source can affect a journalist.
  • He spoke of a new era that was dawning upon the world; an era that would link soul to soul, and the present life to what we call futurity, with a closeness that should finally convert both worlds into one great, mutually conscious brotherhood. The Blithedale Romance
  • Some will find the starry-eyed closeness to nature and the whiff of new-age spirituality off-putting.
  • Yet this same closeness to the realities of politics somehow makes many more antipolitical than ever. America's Dog Days
  • The exemplary closeness of "The Awkward Age" even affects me, on re-perusal, I confess, as treasure quite instinctively and foreseeingly laid up against my present opportunity for these remarks. The Awkward Age
  • But his rather unevangelical admonitions are going down badly even with Catholic help groups who regret his closeness to xenophobic rightists in Italy and other European countries.
  • Planning officers say in their report the mast would intrude on the landscape, because of its raised position above the Kendal bypass, and its closeness to Grade ll-listed High Helsfell Farm.
  • But that closeness is likely to convince foreign audiences only of her loyalty to him and not of the wisdom of his policies. April 2005
  • Rapid divergence of phenotype but not of genotype is theoretically possible, but given the genetic closeness of the sampled individuals (and this assumes that the extant Giant tortoises identified as D. arnoldi and D. hololissa really are remnants of the same populations as those given these names but based on old material), should they be recognised as species separate from D. dussumieri? Archive 2006-02-01
  • ‘It is good that you have allowed them to retain the closeness of their twinship and yet at the same time encouraged them to develop their individual and different skills,’ the Professor told Sasha. Master of Pleasure
  • The pond was relatively little used, though here the closeness of cover might have made the birds afraid of being pounced on by cats. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, there are not only such obvious things as the brand and collar, and the distinctive (pg. 33) garbing of the slave, or the lack of garbing, but, far more significantly, the extreme closeness of the society, with its scrutiny of strangers, and the general nature of an uncompromising and inflexible enforcement of, her condition. Magicians of Gor
  • Mahler used the term “ambitendency” in describing the push-pull of the urgent and competing needs for closeness and autonomy that characterize the rapprochement period. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • The sound of crunching leaves signals the closeness of the man and soon enough, the driver's door opens.
  • The crowd, the gayety, the excitement, the closeness and tenderness of contact in the dancing, the summer-warm of the evening, the streaming moonlight, and the night-scents of flowers — ­all fanned her ardency, and she looked forward eagerly to the at least one more dance she might dare with Graham. CHAPTER XXIX
  • Moreover, following Cicero, Petrarch remarked on the closeness of “virtue” to the Latin word for man, vir, and thought that one probably derived from the other (Fam., Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The etymological closeness of the Sanskrit and English words is striking.
  • The closeness this engendered could sometimes be almost unbearable. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • I bought Philips Norelco Model: 8270XL speed XL shaver which is rotary type, but I had to return it because the irritations in my skin and it did not give me the closeness as Remington shaver. RSS Feed - Daily Deals
  • Although I have to say that post-coital head-stands don't really engender the closeness that one usually likes to experience after a ride on the carnal carousel.
  • It lifts hairs away from the skin before cleanly cutting them, maximising closeness and reducing skin irritation. Times, Sunday Times
  • That “pillow fort” closeness is something we all aspire to. A Writable Feast | Her Bad Mother
  • Other parents may find the blissful closeness of the nursing year painfully disrupted by the ensuing battle of wills. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • The meeting shows the millennium-old spiritual closeness between the popes of Rome and your noble people.

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