How To Use Cloaca In A Sentence
Cloacal exstrophy variants: Can blighted conjoined twinning play a role?
Publications of the Urology Division
Salamanders were measured from the tip of the snout to the anterior end of the cloaca.
The part of the cloaca from the upper wall of which it forms belongs to the proctodaeum, the ectodermic invagination of the rectum (Chapter 2.27); hence its epithelial covering can develop the same horny growths as the corneous layer of the epidermis.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
From this point the hindgut, _hg_, extends cephalad until it lies laterad to the middle region of the duodenum, then bends through 180° and extends, in an almost straight line, to the cloaca, _cl_, lying in the region of the posterior appendage, _pa_.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
Could you please distinguish between the pygostyle and the cloaca?
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The hens become broody for a long period after laying a clunch of 10-12 eggs. (farmers control the broodiness of native hens by soaking them in cold water, removing the laid eggs from their nests, or even placing some slat or powdered pepper on their cloaca and also by providing better feeds).
Chapter 15
We were shocked to note that a man who is normally firmly embedded within the cloacal vent of whichever Labour MP is speaking should appear to have spontaneously grown a pair .
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Instead, males deposit spermatophores on the substrate and females pick up these spermatophores with their cloaca later.
Turtles under the ice breathe through their skin and through an allpurpose opening called the cloaca.
The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
Little is known of their reproductive biology, but the lack of both spermatheca in females, and cloacal glands in males, suggests external fertilization.
These include repairs for bladder exstrophy, cloacal exstrophy, spina bifida, hypospadias and epispadias.
Reconstructive urologic surgery in children
The cloaca is a single opening through which urine and faeces are excreted but certain species, including ducks, geese, swans and flamingos also possess a penis.
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After males deposit spermatophores onto the cloaca of females, up to 150 eggs are laid on mud near water.
Birds were mist-netted or caught in seed-baited traps and sexed by examination of the cloacal protuberance.
A current theory is that the eggs are ovulated through the cloacal pore and are expelled under pressure by muscular contractions.
The urachus is a remnant of allantoic origin, connecting the embryonal cloaca to the allantois during early intrauterine life.
These include repairs for bladder exstrophy, cloacal exstrophy, spina bifida, hypospadias and epispadias.
Reconstructive urologic surgery in children
But no: I am still here, in this little office, where the fluorescent light surrounds me like cloacal fluid.
We are well known for our major reconstructive surgical program, in which bladder and cloacal exstrophy (a birth defect in boys and girls), and hypospadias (a urethral defect in boys) are repaired.
Bursa is the unique structure of the birds, is located at the top of the post-cloacal, the wall is full of lymphoid tissue.
It would he difficult for a mutationist to explain how a mutation should affect the development of the cloacal bladder to such an enormous degree, just when it was required for embryonic respiration, and cause the sides of the body to unite ventrally at the time of hatching, cutting off the allantois and the amnion.
Hormones and Heredity
AE is apparently dose related (eg, childhood play behaviors in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia CAH) and associated with development of male gender identity (patients with 46,XY cloacal exstrophy who were gonadectomized neonatally).
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We are well known for our major reconstructive surgical program, in which bladder and cloacal exstrophy (a birth defect in boys and girls), and hypospadias (a urethral defect in boys) are repaired.
The morphology is revealing: snakes and lizards have the same regions, cervical (yellow), thoracic (blue), sacral (or cloacal in the snake, which lacks pelvic structures in most species) in green, and caudal or tail segments (red).
How to make a snake - The Panda's Thumb
Can a complete primary repair approach be applied to cloacal exstrophy?
Publications of the Urology Division
Doctors say the baby is suffering from a rare disorder called cloacal exstrophy.
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This continues to grow caudalward until it opens into the ventral part of the cloaca; beyond the pronephros it is termed the Wolffian duct.
XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
Bird penile tissue, where it exists, also develops on the ventral cloacal wall.
But most birds and Sphenodon lack intromittent organs and transfer sperm by cloacal apposition.
After testing, we later found out the birth defect has a name, cloacal exstrophy, or ambiguous genitalia.
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This structure is actually a highly vascularized extension of the cloaca which allows internal fertilization.
To determine the presence of yeast in cloacae, swabs were streaked onto Sabouraud's dextrose agar and incubated for 14 days.
Myers was born a male with cloacal exstrophy, a rare defect that includes an exposed gastrointestinal tract and bladder.
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The bursa of Fabricius is an organ located just beside the cloaca.
The cloacal and genial glands were chosen because they release pheromones used in mate attraction or courtship.
As indicated by the morphological description above, the postcranial skeleton of Haasiophis (and Pachyrhachis) generally corresponds to an ophidian morphology with no apparent regionalization of the precaudal (precloacal) axial skeleton.
Objective To investigate the drug sensitivity situation of cloacae to instruct application of the antibiotics reasonably.
Luther is quoted as saying he was "in cloaca", or in the sewer, when he was inspired to argue that salvation is granted because of faith, not deeds.
Archive 2004-10-01
In zoological anatomy, a cloaca is the posterior opening that serves as the only such opening for the intestinal and urinary tracts of certain animal species.
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Colours indicate the different vertebral regions: yellow, cervical; dark blue, thoracic; light blue, lumbar; green, sacral (in lizard) or cloacal (in snake); red, caudal.
How to make a snake - The Panda's Thumb
(known as a cloaca, as in both birds and reptiles). - latest science and technology news stories
We, sir, dedicate genius to the cloacaline floods.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
The Etruscans appear to have taken very great pains with the drainage of their cities; on many sites the cloaca are the only remains of their former industry and greatness which remain.
Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850
Unlike we humans, the chicken has a single sexual and excretory orifice, the cloaca.
The bladder and rectum originate from a single hollow tube, the endodermal cloaca.
Can a complete primary repair approach be applied to cloacal exstrophy?
Publications of the Urology Division
The male organs consist of a single continuous testis and a vas deferens terminating in an ejaculatory duct into the cloaca.
I once mentioned a little saweiety sheet, published in New York, under the title of Town Topics, because it afforded me a kind of languid pleasure to kick the feculent sewer-rat back into the foul cloaca from which it had crawled to beslime the ICONOCLAST.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
Most birds don't have insertable parts, achieving fertilization by the so-called cloacal kiss.
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HoxA10/D9/D10 are expressed in the ceca, but HoxA11/D11 are not expressed in the mid-ceca, but in the lower ceca, small intestine and cloaca.
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In the female a deep groove forms around the phallus and separates it from the rest of the cloacal tubercle, which is now termed the genital tubercle.
XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
The anterior end of the fore-gut is separated from the stomodeum by the buccopharyngeal membrane (Fig. 977); the hind-gut ends in the cloaca, which is closed by the cloacal membrane.
XI. Splanchnology. 2. The Digestive Apparatus
The allantois, _al_, extends cephalad for some distance from the floor of the cloaca.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator