How To Use Climb down In A Sentence

  • Their prehensile tails enable them to grasp branches, especially as they climb downward, and to balance on tree branches.
  • Mr Honecker is up a pole and all the ladders offered him to climb down would be an admission of failure.
  • Mr Honecker is up a pole and all the ladders offered him to climb down would be an admission of failure.
  • Removing the rusty metal presented us with a somewhat unstable-looking climb down of about 4m complete with plenty of scaffolding shoring.
  • Removing the rusty metal presented us with a somewhat unstable-looking climb down of about 4m complete with plenty of scaffolding shoring.
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  • Becca and I began to climb down, our veins pumping with the adrenaline rush of not only conquering the rigging, but in a storm, to help someone, and the captain at that.
  • Without speaking , we shuffle along the aisle and climb down the metal stairway.
  • This led to a climb down into a small streamway, which appeared to run under the floor of the chamber.
  • In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.
  • The government has been forced to climb down over the issue of increased taxes.
  • This may be a climb down, given the fact that they have had no success in court today.
  • The president was forced to climb down and issue an apology.
  • Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down it.
  • The three vagrants then rendezvoused in Barterman's room and used Perterson's hair to climb down to the ground.
  • If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
  • If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
  • When Charles saw it he started to climb down from the table. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.
  • As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
  • There were a couple of minor incidents such as when I accidentally took a step into a snowdrift and found myself waist-deep in snow, and later when I was trying to climb down a bank I slipped and fell quite heavily onto my back.
  • So the wolf tried to climb down through the chimney.
  • Yet the worst that can reasonably be said about his performance is that he made an indefensible remark from which he ineptly tried to climb down at first prompting.
  • We both climb down various escape ladders, and finally jump into an abandoned alley, where we take off our ski masks, and zip down our parkas, revealing tuxedoes.
  • Now all Madame Butterfly had to do was climb down a piece of wood twice her height and fly free.
  • Our Government is out on a limb; time to climb down and stop pandering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government has been forced to climb down over the issue of increased taxes.
  • He climbed down the beanstalk and chopped the whole thing down, killing the giant, who was trying to climb down.
  • I continued to climb down, making myself somewhat airsick in the process.
  • Why do not you climb down and apologize?
  • The government has been forced to climb down over the issue of increased taxes.
  • He was carrying neither a towel nor a change of clothing, so he did not climb down with her.
  • He could not climb down the scaffolding, for it did not reach to the ground — it was built on joists stuck into putlog holes in the wall. The Pillars of the Earth
  • We took the traditional clockwise route thereby having to climb down all the tricky climbs and getting wet towards the end rather than the beginning.
  • The lookouts in the towers began to climb down but were struck down by a firestorm raining down upon them.
  • The president was forced to climb down and issue an apology.
  • But no one's chasing Jupe now, and he says there's no way he can climb down. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • They began to climb down the mountain when it was dark.
  • If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
  • The lower floors of the building were cantilevered out—surely there was a way to climb down if I was careful. Raziel
  • If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
  • ‘I saw women and children having to dig deep holes in the ground, often over eight metres, and climb down into them to find water,’ he said.
  • If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
  • The gossip, very private as yet, is that the Old Man's beginning to climb down. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • That left the last option: to try to climb down the steep gorge somewhere below the bridge, cross the frozen river and claw their way up the even sheerer face on the Vemork side. Shadow Knights
  • He would not climb down the winze from Cross Roads Adit but climbed up the same winze when coming from Taylor's Shaft.
  • In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.
  • They began to climb down the mountain when it was dark.
  • The climb down the ladder was quite ‘interesting’ due to the cascade of water pouring over your head and down your back!
  • The first is a rope climb down into a pool which culminates in a nasty little overhang; this is followed immediately by a superbly rigged rope-climb down an arête; and the third is a three metre climb.
  • He moved round to the other side and opened the door, offering his hand to Misha to help her climb down.
  • He was forced to climb down from his untenable position.
  • Can you climb down?
  • I can't see so well, it's getting dark and the reeds are tall here, willowy reeds that slap your face when you climb down with your rake and cull and dreg the day. Dock
  • It was hard to climb down and halfway he lost his footing and fell the rest of the way.
  • He said he would climb down and help them.
  • The smokers, faced with the climb down from, and more importantly back up to, the third floor for a ciggy are now looking a bit peaky.
  • As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.
  • The climb down the mountain took longer than the climb up.
  • After a short crawl and a climb down a narrow chimney, South Chamber is reached.
  • The government has been forced to climb down over the issue of increased taxes.
  • It didn't take him much longer to reach a point where he could climb down the cliff face.
  • In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.
  • He was carrying neither a towel nor a change of clothing, so he did not climb down with her.
  • Our Government is out on a limb; time to climb down and stop pandering. Times, Sunday Times
  • They began to climb down the mountain when it was dark.
  • With the threads, I will make a ladder to climb down.
  • Yesterday we said that we're now in the unenviable position of having to climb down from the consequences of our own boneheaded policies.
  • Our Government is out on a limb; time to climb down and stop pandering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Den he t'ink he go som 'mor', an 'he start to climb down de tree. Connie Morgan in the Fur Country
  • Without a word we climb down into the water and swim underneath the raft, between the orange plastic drums.

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