How To Use Climax In A Sentence

  • This is particularly true of the film's climax, which somehow manages to demolish several cop cars, and find Ellen clutching a parasail and jumping through flaming hoops in water skis, yet still be completely unfunny.
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • The whole front of the theatre, a curtain of matting, is rolled up at intervals and, when the feat in progress is at its most thrilling climax, is let fall. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • It contains, among other things of merit, a lullaby, called "Sleep, Little Tulip," with a remarkably artistic and effective pedal-point on two notes (the submediant and the dominant) sustained through the entire song with a fine fidelity to the words and the lullaby spirit; a "Nocturne" in which Nevin has revealed an unsuspected voluptuousness in Mr. Aldrich 'little lyric, and has written a song of irresistible climaxes. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
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  • After all, failure to do so could leave them as hapless bystanders in a game of musical chairs which may be nearing its climax.
  • I drew attention, as have other commentators, to troubling improbabilities in the tremendous watery climax to Eliot's novel.
  • Although sagebrush now dominates this zone, it may not represent climax growth, but rather a disclimax produced by overgrazing. Intermountain Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
  • Until the climax of the sexual erethism, woman is for man the acme of supreme desire; but with detumescence the emotions tend to swing to the opposite pole, and excitement and longing are forgotten in the mood of repugnance and exhaustion. Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
  • She tried to dismiss the odd feeling of anticlimax she was experiencing.
  • It is so relentlessly "sick", its unleashed cruelty so sadistic (the climax is a graphic clitorectomy) that the audience at the premiere booed and hissed. Karin Badt: Cannes Buzz: Which Film Will Win?
  • But then, after a so-so fight with yet another dinosaur, the movie is over, and it hasn't even had a climax yet.
  • The drama builds steadly toward a climax.
  • A story about to reach its climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a man, sex instinctively is a testosterone drive toward the ultimate release of climax.
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • After the second climax, the music slows with a recapitulation of the opening theme and then fades to nothing.
  • The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.
  • But the swarm of insectile buzzing quickly cohered and built to a climax until it, too, was gone forever - without fadeout or explanation.
  • Any event stages or sponsored by them is gonna be an exercise in anticlimax, no matter what. Think Progress » ACLU will sue high school that canceled prom to stop lesbians from attending.
  • This was an extraordinary _thakin_, who, at the very climax of the tiger hour, climbed out of the _machan_ and liberated the bait! The Road to Mandalay A Tale of Burma
  • It would be some climax to a career that has brought only admiration and acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • It hardly mattered that the couple of tunes that followed were bound to seem a slight anticlimax. Times, Sunday Times
  • An illusionist has had to abandon plans to climax his UK tour at Epsom Playhouse because staff are apparently fed up with the repeated failure of magic acts.
  • Test team, but an exciting climax to the story ought not to overshadow some of the less satisfactory elements of the chapters that have preceded it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why do women sometimes take two minutes to climax and sometimes an hour? Times, Sunday Times
  • Once in a while a tennis match will reach its climax with both players convinced they are going to win until the last stroke of the last rally.
  • Most of all, he shows a flair for matching the climaxes in the action with musical climaxes, using dissonance, the singer's virtuosity, or instrumental sonorities to create the sense of heightened emotion.
  • The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert.
  • For all the score's mad energy, the dramatic shapes are never in doubt, the climaxes are effective and the syllabic patter even starts to sound like real conversation, comic yet frantic.
  • A woman might well conceal her condition for four or five months and procure an abortion, at the actual climax of which the abortionist might be prudently absent.
  • The climax to the end of a brilliant season brings a brilliant final. Times, Sunday Times
  • Â Only her white underclothing is visible in the dark room as she undresses and they get it on, and somehow Walker’s new powers give Heather a glimpse of his past couplings as she climaxes. Review: Powers #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • * Because the axis on which our planet spins is tilted relative to the axis of rotation around the sun, we experience longer days and shorter nights during the half of the year when the hemisphere on which we happen to live is tilted sunwards, the period that climaxes in summer. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • It's debatable whether the studio recording actually contains the f-word, given the incoherent roar Jim Morrison emits at the song's climax, but there's no ambiguity to the Oedipus context in this live version. Eric Williams: F***ing up the Charts: on F-Words and Music
  • Now, as his service reached its climax, it was all beginning to unravel. WALL GAMES
  • Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms all climax in Christ.
  • Thus climaxed a family boardroom drama that has rocked Hyundai, the largest chaebol, and Korean business.
  • Right at the end the reader becomes aware of elaborate setups put in place hundreds of pages back, in anticipation of the spectacular climax - the unveiling of Penrose's best shot at promoting further research into his twistor theory.
  • Her favorites were the soulful climaxes of country-western ballads and the tutti passages of Mozart orchestral works.
  • It's less important to climax than to enjoy making love and feeling great afterwards. The Sun
  • In truth, the music didn't really take off - the church was stifling, people were shuffling on their feet and the music ebbed and flowed, promising climaxes that it didn't deliver, and tip-toeing around solemnity.
  • Indeed, visionary writers like William Blake, while tending to apocalyptic or millennial climaxes, continually undermine our sense of the reality of the world and of ourselves in ways that are both archaic and postapocalyptic.
  • Nobody will feel this sense of slight anticlimax more keenly than the Prime Minister. Times, Sunday Times
  • The suggestion of orchestral relationships is contained in the massiveness of the harmonic texture, and in the cumulative effect of the climaxes and crescendi. Edward MacDowell
  • The present series reaches its climax with a two-part story that ends next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previous authors have suggested some oak communities represent edaphic climaxes on poor, droughty soils.
  • Walt Disney has done devilishly well in animating evil incarnate at the climax of the film. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • In contrast, climax forests are dominated by stone pine Pinus cembra. Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
  • The sense of forward momentum doesn't quite get as far as it needs to, and an overenthusiastic attack of subsidiary climaxes weaken the major symphonic climax Simpson has written in.
  • He climaxed his interrogation by asking what was wrong with a team full of foreigners being owned by a foreigner.
  • A story about to reach its climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The climax of European imperialism in the nineteenth century coincided with the European population explosion.
  • Igniting with unstoppable force, the whole shuddering plot accumulates volume on a logarithmic scale before its explosive, bunker busting climax.
  • First-rate writers don't need to create plotty ‘suspense’ in order to achieve their moral climaxes.
  • Even in this, he misses the contribution of the diminuendo passages to the power of the climaxes.
  • The only real complaint with Dark Water is with the disappointing epilogue that follows the intense climax.
  • Slow, sustained and played with vibrato, this music has a raw power which builds gradually to a G major climax.
  • ‘It was clear to our operators at the works that fans dare not leave their seats as the final came to nail-biting climax,’ the spokesman added.
  • Punch at this time was a bitter critic of the methods of recruiting, and his anti-militaristic zeal reached a climax in a protest against the advertisements used at Birmingham and elsewhere, in which he calls the recruiting sergeant "the clown in the bloody pantomime of glory. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • It then simmers down into a spacy section featuring the gongs before the other instruments rejoin with a guiro for the climax.
  • What a climax to the season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stefan's fingers and body grow tenser and tenser as the music reaches its climax, and Lisa's mood changes from dreamy to annoyed to worried as Stefan gets entangled in a difficult passage.
  • At the climax of ‘La Londe’, he breaks out into a spirited reel, completely changing the direction of this Baka children's song.
  • The cliffs stand high over a river horribly diminished as the dry season flows towards its dramatic climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will these climax elixirs make women happier?
  • At this point, in a climax of courtliness, one or another of them may mumble, "What? Dorothy's Parker House Rolls: A Jazz Age Recipe
  • The evening climaxed with a medley of favourites which satiated fans of his back catalogue.
  • Observers say this is the beginning of a new era which could climax in a movement for vilayet-e-faqih , a compulsory part of the Shi'ite faith that is intertwined with the concept of imamat or leadership all Muslims under one leader. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Except for a symbolic burst of sunshine at the film's climax, the entire film was grey and cold and wet - and yet this somehow endears it to the viewer.
  • the anticlimax of a brilliant career
  • ‘This is my own cardiogram, the rhythm of my pulse: its explosions, shocks, climaxes, peaks, and valleys,’ he said in an interview for a Russian souvenir program.
  • The basic plot is that of your average murder-mystery which supplies us with an eclectic line-up of loopy suspects and reaches its climax when the murderer is finally unmasked.
  • As Captain Bunting sagaciously remarked, "most things come to a climax suddenly. The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
  • A different but comparable type of discontinuity is to be found in the story that climaxes his Neveryon sequence, "A Tale of Plagues and Carnivals", where events in his invented elsewhen are intercut with events in New York at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The scene takes the form of a terzetto, which is worked up with constantly increasing power to a climax of passionate energy, and at last dies away as Marguerite expires. The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers
  • You are both able to climax together, just not in the way you first expected. The Sun
  • Why do women sometimes take two minutes to climax and sometimes an hour? Times, Sunday Times
  • The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.
  • The climax is reached on his discovery among the accounts, all giving proof of his wife's reckless extravagance, a billet-doux, pleading for a clandestine meeting in his own garden. The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
  • As the classical Greek tragedy bible dictates, the spurned queen is duty-bound to seek vengeance, and both innocent and guilty are indiscriminately caught up in the inevitable bloodbath and terrifying climax.
  • He turned and crossed in the one movement and O'Flynn, at the near post, volleyed an exquisite goal to climax a compelling performance.
  • So the whole thing becomes an anti-climax that set my teeth gnashing once again.
  • Stop a bit, Carr; I had not come to it," interrupted Lord Hartledon, who in point of fact had been holding back what he called the climax, in his usual vacillating manner. Elster's Folly
  • Nerves are beginning to fray as the match reaches a tense climax.
  • During one production, his montage-style assault upon the audience's senses climaxed with fireworks planted under their chairs exploding.
  • Sinaisky is sensitive in the music's quieter sections and freewheeling at the climaxes.
  • The research climaxed in October 2006 when North Korea first tested a half-megaton nuclear device. North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Is Dead
  • The medley relays brought events in the pool to a thrilling climax.
  • Siobhan shook her head in grim amusement as Orbison came to his vaguely masturbatory climax and the answerphone clicked off. The Priest
  • If she chose to stay on the line as O'Reilly "climaxed," and if she was indeed taping it, then she was consciously enabling—even staging—the very trauma for which she is now seeking multi-million-dollar recompense. Archive 2004-10-01
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • The protracted climax, to a faint wash of sound, is a tableau in which the motionless dancers slowly levitate.
  • It was a sad anticlimax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening climaxed with a medley of favourites which satiated fans of his back catalogue.
  • It was just a shame the officials did not allow it to end with the climax it deserved. The Sun
  • A fitting climax to a barnstorming tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the mother-of-one has been asked to open a garden party which will climax the reunion event on Saturday, July 10.
  • FARGO, N.D. -- A weeklong fight against flooding neared its climax in Fargo on Sunday, with miles of sandbags and clay dikes expected to hold back the bloated Red River at its crest with room to spare. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Over the course of the three-hour meeting, which climaxed with a lavish lunch of lamb and goat meat, reporters called in news about the press conference on their satellite phones. The Longest War
  • Glover also provides the eerie guitar noodling and intense emotional climaxes.
  • The enthusiasm of the audience was heightened by the climax of the play.
  • Soon the music wells into a sensuous patterning that covers the whole tessitura, climaxing in the uppermost reaches where glistening ostinati by the ensemble are captured, looped and repeated as an extra textural layer.
  • The day's spectacular events were climaxing with a torchlit procession and a floodlit battle in the shadow of Clifford's Tower.
  • The storm-tossed climax has some of the best elements of all stories of male bonding in the face of adversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Royalty was on hand at York Racecourse as the highlight of the May Meeting reached its climax on Knavesmire.
  • But when he hits the frightening climax, the camera swerves at dizzying angles, the sound desynchs, and the makeup and sets become highly expressionistic.
  • For openers, the Farley Hill presentation climaxing the week-long festival was spread over two days.
  • These kinds of glorious anticlimaxes that some fans take such issue with are part of what makes the show great.
  • His election to the presidency climaxed his political career.
  • Both men played their part in a dramatic climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bringing the play to a rousing climax, he stumbled over to Trina and kissed her bulbous balloon lips.
  • It is then transposed upwards by stages, eventually reaching F-D again at the climax in bar 35.
  • I won't spoil the climax except to say he manages somehow. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the climax to 24 hours of growing anxiety.
  • He habitually revealed that reverence for God which in Jewish devotion is the natural climax of true piety.
  • The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.
  • This is about a group of friends and their romantic hang-ups, their lives, loves and deceptions, triumphs and tragedies that climax to surprising finale.
  • A parade through the streets marks the climax of the festival.
  • But for a lot more others, the build-up to the red day begins this weekend with a movie before climaxing it next Tuesday with dinner.
  • After Mr. Goines alighted to the stage and played a solo on soprano, Mr. Gordon climaxed the tune with a glissando and high note, phrased more like a saxophone than a tr ombone. Singing and Swinging
  • In other words, what interests them are not explosive climaxes, where phrases erupt and spew forth Vesuvius-like, but something more quiescent, thoughtful and indeed, implosive.
  • The climax shows all the friends in military uniforms doing drill.
  • The slow-motion train crash in the eurozone is nearing its climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a fitting climax to a breathtaking display. The Sun
  • Climax grasses include tall bunch grasses such as sea coast bluestem (Andropogon scoparuium var. littoralis), eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), gulf muhly (Mulenbergia capiallris var. filipes), and several species of panicum. Western Gulf coastal grasslands
  • The team's 31 victory in the final provided a fitting climax to a great season.
  • This interest in marine invertebrates was to be a life long obsession, climaxing in his massive four-volume contribution to the comparative anatomy and systematics of fossil and living Cirripedia or ‘barnacles’.
  • The main disappointment is the ending which is an anticlimax after the dangerous excesses of the rescue mission.
  • Through a chromatic mist of string ostinatos, a plainsong chorale gradually emerges in the brass climaxing in resplendent fanfares, before fading away into a haze of sound as the procession recedes.
  • Terror, real and imagined, at home and abroad, sit together and spread like an unmerciful cancer through Perowne as the novel reaches its climax.
  • The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.
  • The fantasy trilogy comes to a climax. The Sun
  • I can't agree at all that the finale was any kind of anticlimax though! Looking Back on Season Two of SUPERNATURAL | the TV addict
  • The row over fox-hunting is now set to reach a climax as the government has pledged to use the Parliament Act to steamroller a hunting ban into law if the House of Lords rejects the Bill.
  • The story is the stuff great romantic comedies are made of with lies and trickery on both sides, pushing and pulling to our delight, until all is revealed in a side-splitting yet eye-watering climax.
  • Teaching students to discover this climax point of the phrase and focus their practice on executing a beautifully gradual crescendo / decrescendo becomes an addition to their strategies and goals.
  • France's master of suspense, Claude Chabrol, relishes every malevolent, icily controlled shot of this perfectly constructed thriller, right up to its terrifying, violent climax. La Cérémonie: No 16
  • His passionate performance moved swiftly and easefully onto important climaxes and drew some appealing colours in the rarified textures, such as the finale's triple trills, and the fugue was virtuoso.
  • At the climax, the man himself makes a cameo. Times, Sunday Times
  • It starts in a traditional indie style, building to a climax before breaking into an incredible disco stomp.
  • The violins thirds quiveringly descend from the climax to a low F and the final quatrain returns to narration, over the fiddle's sustained bitonal notes.
  • It was a cracking climax to an intense week of future fashion.
  • The present series reaches its climax with a two-part story that ends next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The climax of the movie, and oh boy is it ever a climax, was when the mayor held a press conference in the middle of the city square, surrounded by a crowd of inbred halfwits ingesting funnel cakes and holding balloons.
  • When Joel and I, together, month after month guide these chemistries to completion, and when - O climax outcrying the seven thunders! Explorations
  • Sometimes I think it's made me seem an anticlimax to him since - I never have lived up to any of the dreams I gave him - he settled for second best by coming back to life.
  • What if I involuntarily close my eyes while climaxing?
  • Most upland areas are covered by subclimax pine forest, which has an understory of grasses and sedges called savannas. Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
  • While ejaculation offered proof that a man had reached climax, a female orgasm was confirmed by physiological measurements such as heart rate and anal pressure.
  • The ultimate climax of the play was the evolution of each individual character.
  • As the family wait for Peseola to reveal the reason he has called them together, they explore their past, their hopes and griefs, their conflicts and failures until, at the climax, a painful family secret is revealed.
  • Rarely does a tour reach its climax without some mishap causing a rethink of personnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be some climax to a career that has brought only admiration and acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be extreme rejoicement or it will be the climax of a tragedy. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2007
  • He instructed Shenandoah officials to restore the Blue Ridge's climax community as it existed before humans impacted the environment.
  • It's a bareknuckle fight that builds to a brutal climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it becomes our duty to screen not only the advance of our own troops and to secure to our Infantry the advantages of being able to advance undisturbed, but the climax of all these duties will be reached _in the far more important duty_, in the now indispensable task, of securing the _widest possible sphere of intelligence_. Cavalry in Future Wars
  • They could stop playing baseball after the game because, seriously, what would be the point of staging thousands of pathetic anticlimaxes annually?
  • The hero dies at the climax of the opera.
  • These antinomies climaxed in a scene which, if true, almost defies imagination. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The swarm of insectile buzzing quickly cohered and built to a climax until it, too, was gone forever - without fadeout or explanation.
  • Theres is tile lowest diversity index in the climax Desert - glasslands - Crested Larkcommunity.
  • When we believe our own storyline, as if it were a novel that will reach its climax and denouement in tidy fashion, we delude ourselves.
  • The annual stampede to buy presents for all the family will reach its climax this weekend with 20 million people searching the shops for the best bargain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Olympics climaxed in a spectacular closing ceremony.
  • Frankly, the missionary position is the position least likely to bring a woman to climax.
  • The orchestra follows with a suggestion of the Dies Irae in the tympani as the music reaches a climax that is followed by the quiet, concluding statement of the solo violin.
  • It was a relief and rather an anticlimax when the yawning official stamped my passport without a single glance at my stuff. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • The stasis climaxed in a paroxysm of killing during which the now-dominant democrats cornered and slaughtered their less numerous opponents.
  • We could have been enjoying an epic climax to the Flat jockeys' championship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barry's speech followed Dirk Bogarde's appearance, and was an inevitable anticlimax.
  • A mysterious first movement, prelude: adagio - moderato, runs much of its course over a rocking two-note pattern, building to a powerful climax.
  • Can our hero foil the discordant plans before they crescendo into an unharmonious climax of untold evil? Comic Review: Donald Duck and Friends #354 | Fandomania
  • It was a fitting climax to a breathtaking display. The Sun
  • Some women would say they would like to climax every time, but feel they cannot expect or ask their male partner to satisfy their needs every time.
  • The culmination of that was an uplifting climax heightened by the emotional residue of what had gone before.
  • While most burlesque shows lean heavily on cabaret music, the climax of a proper cabaret is not necessarily a topless chanteuse twirling her pasties.
  • The same but younger is rarely a good look, and there is an inevitable anticlimax in knowing where all this is going to end up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The climax of the journey is the viewing platform on the top level.
  • And the series is lifted by the climax: epic final battle, self-sacrifice, and a decent resolution. January Books 11) The Wandering Fire 12) The Darkest Road, by Guy Gavriel Kay
  • Although these physical attributes are shared by other Oriental and also by the Latin races, they reach a climax in the Jewish type, which in its culmination is unsympathetic to the Anglo-Saxon, the Oriental, or the Latin people. The Social Disability of the Jew
  • Use this information as the basis for achieving a strong sexual climax and ejaculate.
  • The day-long event climaxed at 7pm when organisers called on demonstrators to clasp hands and sing ‘Hatikvah,’ the national anthem.
  • His promotion was a fitting climax to a worthy career.
  • It was an incredibly exciting climax again and the England fans were fantastic. The Sun
  • The climax of the air show was a daring flying display.
  • The climax is a clitorectomy, executed with a pair of scissors, right in the audience's face. Most Hated Director at Cannes: Lars Von Trier as Antichrist or Shaman?
  • However, she climaxed several times that first night, and continues to be multi-orgasmic whenever we have sex.
  • Coming home after a trip somewhere is always a bit of an anticlimax.
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • The climax of the musical is a whirling dance routine pitting a rugged Dr. Mahathir against the bookish Mr. Anwar, who is now Malaysia's top opposition leader. Malaysia's Strong-Arm Leader, in Song
  • It was a lovely affair, climaxing a series of dinners, receptions and gab-fests among old friends.
  • Seeing him whiny and peevish in the first debate was a huge anti-climax.
  • A fitting climax to a barnstorming tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used the word ‘journey’ again and again especially as the speech reached its climax.
  • It was a disappointment to most of us, I think — a kind of anticlimax before we'd really gotten started. The Hotel New Hampshire
  • The series comes to a climax in three largo reliefs from 1966 that feature baroque, curved sections forming irregular billowing masses.
  • The slow-motion train crash in the eurozone is nearing its climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sadness and overwhelming glee of returning home climaxed in a series of events that were truly undescribable.

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