How To Use Cleverness In A Sentence

  • But, in the end, it is a production in which raw passion is always subservient to intellectual cleverness.
  • Oh, aye; ye can be gey clever, twistin 'the words in my mouth, feyther; but richt is richt, an' wrang's wrang, for all yer cleverness. The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays
  • It is as this dissonant crescendo of drama builds that the novel's cleverness reveals itself.
  • So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Not only is the film a technically impressive feat, the plot so far suggests a certain cleverness on a higher level than a simple, stock genre flick.
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  • The distinction of the Teniers was the extreme fidelity and cleverness with which they copied (but did not explain) the life they knew -- the homeliest, humblest aspect of life. The Old Masters and Their Pictures For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art
  • When the lad grew big enough to handle the small-sized plasher the old man took him as partner, and he boasts about the little fellow's cleverness. The Romance of the Coast
  • Nor do the workers themselves complain of this, for, full of admiration for what they call the cleverness of their leaders, they have by their votes rendered possible the gradual rise of these in public life. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
  • As if to defy the Depression, newspapers put a premium on cleverness, challenging readers with ballades and triolets, rhyming versions of operas, travelogues in verse.
  • The failure of love punctuates much of the intellectual cleverness of Farrell's works.
  • Unable to distinguish in quality, and knowing that certain stones have brought such and such prices, they refuse to sell any for a smaller price, but retain them until the next _festa_, when they carry them in succession to all the _mercanti di pietre_ in Rome, to see which will offer the highest price, -- a kind of vendue which evinces greater trade-cleverness than the Italians get credit for, and which has the effect of bringing the dealers at once to their best terms. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • Instead, cleverness is a honed skill that takes time, dedication and above all, a commitment to cultivate an appreciation for not only doing the least amount of work possible, but also the ability to pick the least amount of work possible that will also afford the most leverage in actually solving the problem. The Fried Henderson and the value of being clever | FactoryCity
  • She had a great belief in her daughter and admired her cleverness, and she was always ready to be ruled by her; it was like being "bossed" by the man she had lost. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • It infuses his writing, tempering his cleverness with a good measure of sarcastic honesty.
  • La Cieca and her panel of experts were overwhelmed at the level of sheer lexicological cleverness exhibited by so many of the cher public in our Parterre box
  • Brain size and cleverness do not go together.
  • What's more, Daniela Varon has brought off this miracle without ladling the rancid sauce of cleverness over Shakespeare's text. Love, Fresh and New
  • As a teenager in love, I want to impress Maureen Dowd with my cleverness.
  • The cleverness of the report lies in showing how the same trends might result in different outcomes.
  • In basketball, he offsets his small size by his cleverness and speed.
  • Some of his shipowning friends were struck with what they called his cleverness, and asked him to convey to them his secret for finding a person so unlike the ordinary shipmaster. The Shellback's Progress In the Nineteenth Century
  • For every dominant alpha individual, well endowed with strength, cleverness, and hence females, there are more who lose out, and therefore end up as resentful and unsuccessful betas, deltas, and zetas.
  • Besides, what you call cleverness is not at all necessary in a girl; she is perfectly lady-like; even you won't deny that. Framley Parsonage
  • 'I dare say, my dear,' resumed the father, 'you will not do what we call thieving; but as I know there are many naughty boys in all schools, I am afraid they will teach you to commit dishonourable actions, and to tell you there is no harm in them, and that they are signs of cleverness and spirit, and qualifications very necessary for every boy to possess.' Life and Perambulations of a Mouse
  • Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.
  • One can still appreciate the incredible cleverness that went into the illusion, especially the use of radio-controlled devices and early animatronics.
  • Dug by hand, the miles upon miles of tunnels were a remarkable achievement of both cleverness and will.
  • For that moment, her coquettish cleverness and quick, cute remarks melted away.
  • May not this breed an irresponsibility of cleverness, a wantonness, an irreverence -- what is vulgarly termed a "larkiness" -- on the part of the youthful genius who has, as it were, all his fortune in his pocket? Picture and Text 1893
  • Wagner's ingeniousness with plot is matched by his cleverness with the recherché literary conceits - little touches that you can't help admiring, like statues in a boxwood maze, even as you hurry past.
  • The countess is treated as an aunt by both William and the kaiserin, and she may be said to have swayed her imperial nephew by her cleverness and intellectual brilliancy, rather than by her looks, for she is a woman already well-advanced in years. The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
  • His discography is an unbroken sequence of adolescent crudities almost entirely unredeemed by cleverness or wit. The Seattle Times
  • He thinks he can get anything he wants with charm and honeyed words and cleverness.
  • Technically, it is quite masterful, but is at times distracting in its cleverness.
  • Bryan and Tyler like the book, perhaps because for them the point of diminishing returns to this sort of cleverness is much farther away on the horizon. I am Not as Turned On, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A crucial facet of human cleverness is sensitivity to social tone. Ideas for modern living: digital scepticism
  • Silence is not stupidity . Cleverness is not wisdom . Self - respect is not arrogance . Subservience is not loyalty.
  • Another part is the cleverness of the songsmith himself.
  • This epigrammatic style is fun, but if repeated one becomes aware that it points as much towards the author's cleverness as the subject in hand.
  • The compelling visuality of the work of art resists appropriation by either the cleverness of historical explanations or the eloquence of descriptive language.
  • Her methods of double-dealing had become more and more refined over time, and through cleverness and acts, and she was never caught by either side.
  • Dug by hand, the miles upon miles of tunnels were a remarkable achievement of both cleverness and will.
  • His ‘torture memo’ is inarguably a horrific piece of legal reasoning, which uses lawyerly cleverness to evade the plain sense of words and endorse the policies his superiors wanted endorsed.
  • As an illustration of Schubert's cleverness in treating the pianoforte, which is already sufficiently evident in the dramatic accompaniments of his larger songs, before mentioned, attention is called to the The Masters and their Music A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations
  • Toddy was so nicknamed because of his diabolical cleverness in concocting toddies. Chapter 29
  • Brain size and cleverness do not go together.
  • Its cleverness is in the way the handle is angled to suit the curves of a lavatory bowl, while the top of the holder is slightly dished to catch drips.
  • The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning.
  • The cleverness here is that each new strand winds helically with the parent from which it was, as a complement, copied. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • They want to dominate Europe by bureaucratic cleverness where they could not do so by muzzle-loading cannon, muskets and cavalry sabers.
  • Benlowes -- a Cleveland with more poetry and less cleverness, or a very much weaker Crashaw -- uses a monorhymed triplet made up of a heroic, an octosyllable, and an Alexandrine which is as wilfully odd as the rest of him. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • Not one word about the butterfly, or her cleverness - only grown-up talk.
  • Even so, Judt preferred what he called the more mondain tone of Oxford to Cambridge "cleverness", and said later that he had been tempted to return to Oxford, but never to his own alma mater. Tony Judt obituary
  • But here, the impact dissipates in the "wink-wink" cleverness of the mailbox / porno juxtaposition, and in the excess of little pictures, undercutting the "presentness" of the other images. Undefined
  • Wagner's ingeniousness with plot is matched by his cleverness with the recherché literary conceits - little touches that you can't help admiring, like statues in a boxwood maze, even as you hurry past.
  • The failure of love punctuates much of the intellectual cleverness of Farrell's works.
  • Tom Stoppard is often characterized as a dramatist who mixes intimidating cleverness with extravagant showmanship, but in Evening Standard - Home
  • She was indeed improbably pretty, small, plump and very fair, with soft golden hair that was silky and yet fluffy, perfectly regular little features, and a kind of infantine sweetness, combined with an almost incredible cleverness that was curious and fascinating. Bird of Paradise
  • The depths of his cleverness continue to astound me. Camo Girl
  • Toddy was so nicknamed because of his diabolical cleverness in concocting toddies. Chapter 29
  • Of course, the downside of this is that if you're extremely sensitive, as I am, it means you need to protect yourself from people who take a malicious pleasure in sharpening their blades on your misfortunes and brandishing their cleverness at your expense. Norah Vincent - An interview with author
  • Daksha is a vocative, meaning 'possessed of cleverness.' The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • The time has now surely come when, if our civilization is to make any fight at all against the new "red ruin and breaking up of laws," we must cease to belaud our slack-minded, latter-day "literature of rebellion" for its cleverness in making scraps of paper out of the plain laws of right and wrong. The New Morning Poems
  • People impute great cleverness to cats
  • However, her cleverness and talent for witty banter makes it so she never comes across as being oppressed.
  • His cleverness and skill compel our admiration.
  • Their cleverness includes the ability to amuse themselves while hiding by engaging in vocal displays, known anthropomorphically as ‘discourses’, which they use to form and maintain social bonds and to compete for social prestige.
  • So much ingenuity and cleverness for such stupid and uncomprehending results.
  • This is a good thing for me, since my particular configuration of openness, cleverness and vestigial youth tends to make even my most loved ones a little wary of what I'm going to ask of them next.
  • What is also interesting with the dogs is that farm dogs like collies came out well ahead in the cleverness stakes than other working dogs like retrievers and terriers, with the toy breeds trailing behind.
  • Your brothers may have their own business to mind, Mr. Kenyon is at New York, we will suppose; here am I-- what else, _what else_ makes me count my cleverness to you, as I know I have done more than once, by word and letter, but the real wish to be set at work? The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
  • -- Whether the word "adresse" means cleverness, dexterity, adroitness, or simple technical skill, the thing itself is something which the French have always admired more than the Normans ever did. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • I thought the movie would be ok, but nothing could prepare me for the cleverness, the obscene wittiness, and the overall awesomeness.
  • A good antagonist is exactly that, an equal opponent for the hero in strength, cleverness, and characterization. Dissecting the Devil «
  • Just to clarify, I think that Rose and Donna and Martha, and Mickey, and Jack are special *because* of all of those things they do with their 'ordinary' human bravery and cleverness, which is why the s1 and s4 finales bother me, because they leave us with the inadvertent implication that to be really special, you have to be like a Time Lord. Rooting the Doctor 2
  • The sexton at Skien, who helped in the lessons, described the poet afterwards as "a quiet boy with a pair of wonderful eyes, but with no sort of cleverness except an unusual gift for drawing. Henrik Ibsen
  • The compelling visuality of the work of art resists appropriation by either the cleverness of historical explanations or the eloquence of descriptive language.
  • While the effects have not exactly held up the test of time, admittedly, one can still appreciate the incredible cleverness that went into the illusion, especially the use of radio-controlled devices and early animatronics.
  • This sort of manipulation takes a lot of cleverness.
  • Merlin smiled inwardly at the cleverness and competence of his young student.
  • The extraordinary cleverness and accuracy of his observation of those petty details that make life a thing of shreds and patches were all that distinguished his method from that of the melodramatist who makes a scene out of a buzz-saw or a waterfall, a locomotive or a ferryboat. The Theory of the Theatre
  • Its characteristics of intellectualism, timelessness, cleverness, spin, non-contact, heroism, and contemplation are as if specifically designed to fit the national psyche.
  • US would have a good sense and the cleverness and the ability to enter the black market and engage is what we used to call preclusive purchase...if NK thinks it can sell a nuclear weapon for $1bn, we ought to be in there offering $5bn" - Schelling quoted the outbidding of natural resources in WWII, I would add the successful control of balck market in ex-USSR states, and that it is cheaper to buy out North Korea today than tomorrow Schelling on North Korea
  • Both are very skilful indeed at reaching out to other people who resent cleverness and learning.
  • Reinventing and inverting images of Irishness, Jordan associates him with intelligence, cleverness, and wit.
  • A certain dreariness overtakes the consistent, relentless cleverness. Keeping a Civil Tongue
  • However, ultimately we have to recognize that earnings from business are also a Divine blessing, and not just the fruits of luck or of our own cleverness.
  • Although somewhat bleak, it is a graceful affair, lovingly crafted, deeply felt, and spiked with mordant cleverness.
  • Your compilers seem to have confused cleverness with wisdom.
  • She had the cleverness of elusion that her sex displays in all the species, from We Can't Have Everything
  • He has a fond belief in his own cleverness.
  • The fault of the one is exaggeration; of the other, miscreation: redeemed in the first by extraordinary cleverness; in the other, by wonderful belief. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • She likes to boast about the cleverness of her child.
  • But it is the visual cleverness, narrative assurance and, of course, the octosyllabic verse that astounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this description both inflates shogunal authority and obscures the cleverness of the Hideyoshi-Tokugawa settlement. 井の中の蛙 » A disappointment » Print
  • Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.
  • He did not go with me, for my aunt wanted him to hold skeins of wool for her to wind, but he made up to me for the disappointment that evening by sitting by me while I pinned out my few but far from rare captures, taking great pleasure in holding the pins for me, and praising what he called my cleverness in cutting out pieces of card. Nat the Naturalist A Boy's Adventures in the Eastern Seas
  • Perhaps the film's biggest problem is that it strands itself between the cleverness of the source material and the idiocy of a summer actioner - a mess that's sure to satisfy no one.
  • Unless you are naturally superbright, cleverness is closely related to swotting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rose is too unloved; the Mitwissers are too unloving - and so, for all its cleverness and texture, the novel itself is hard to love.
  • Both play with expression, chutzpah, cleverness and subtlety and do so unchangingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would ramble on by the hour about the things around us; about the trees, the birds, and squirrels; of the way the muskrats lived by the sawmill dam, and their cleverness in avoiding his traps; about the deer that "yarded" back of Taft's Knob last winter, and their leanness in the spring. The Under Dog
  • Benlowes -- a Cleveland with more poetry and less cleverness, or a very much weaker Crashaw -- uses a monorhymed triplet made up of a heroic, an octosyllable, and an Alexandrine which is as wilfully odd as the rest of him. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • the cleverness of its design
  • A New Spirit of Shanzai Once a term used to suggest something cheap or inferior, "shanzhai" now suggests to many a certain Chinese cleverness and ingenuity. Amateur Knock-Off Video of China's New Year Gala Stumbles
  • Wisdom vies with cleverness, banal truth runs alongside barefaced delusion; a pottage of self-contradictory homilies for the credulous and childish. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is so emboldened by his cleverness that he steps into the store to observe the street and society outside.
  • The sensationalism of "novelty" and the intellectualism of pomo "cleverness" are both results of that hybridisation, and both, I agree, aesthetics to be wary of in so far as they push us away from relevance. Archive 2007-03-01
  • For every dominant alpha individual, well endowed with strength, cleverness, and hence females, there are more who lose out, and therefore end up as resentful and unsuccessful betas, deltas, and zetas.
  • Her cleverness and talent helped her look more beautiful than ever.
  • He relied on his cleverness and sneaky ways to stay ahead of every one.
  • Your cleverness and skill has compelled our admiration.
  • In basketball, he offsets his small size by his cleverness and speed.
  • Von Kluge now demonstrated the passive-aggressive cleverness that had earned him the malicious although probably justified sobriquet of “Der kluge Hans,” clever Hans. Deathride
  • London, will not have forgotten in the witching memory of all the charms of scenery and setting, how the scene where the witch of the wood, who was planning out the baking of the little hero and heroine in her oven, having "fatted" them up well, to make sweet her eating of them, was by the coolness and cleverness of the heroine locked in her own oven and baked there, literally brought down the house. Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
  • In basketball, he offsets his small size by his cleverness and speed.
  • He spoke loudly, often exploding into laughter at his own cleverness and compelling attention with a strange stutter.
  • Even in law school, perhaps the place more than any other where sheer cleverness is prized and love of argument for its own sake is fundamental to the culture, he was not much interested in academic jousting. Getting to Know Him
  • It has a certain cleverness to it, and it's visually magnificent in places (though some of the action is so frenetic that it's easy to lose track.) Answers in a drop of blood
  • Shylock's cleverness and intellectual assurance were obscured by funniosities such as a sing-song Potash-and-Perlmutter speech breaking into gabble, finger-counting, and beard-stroking, lying flat in the street and howling. Europe—Whither Bound? Being Letters of Travel from the Capitals of Europe in the Year 1921
  • The proof of this, paradoxically, is that nobody can find any proof (or their assets) - such is the alchemic cleverness of our Mr. Big. Eric Dezenhall: Waiting for Lucky Luciano
  • Comedian and geek Samuel Johnson Danny O'Brien has put together a happening of such perfect, involuted cleverness that it takes the breath away.
  • They want to dominate Europe by bureaucratic cleverness where they could not do so by muzzle-loading cannon, muskets and cavalry sabers.

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